Substation Automation

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Bulletin 1724E-300

Page 659



Substation automation is the use of state-of-the-art computers, communications, and networking equipment
to optimize substation operations and to facilitate remote monitoring and control of substations cost-
effectively. Substation automation uses intelligent electronic devices in the substation to provide enhanced
integrated and coordinated monitoring and control capabilities. Substation automation may include traditional
SCADA equipment, but more often encompasses traditional SCADA functionality while providing extended
monitoring and control capabilities through the use of non-traditional system elements.

In the traditional SCADA system (legacy system), a host computer system (master station) located at the
energy control center communicates with remote terminal units located in the substations. RTUs are
traditionally “dumb” (non-intelligent) devices with very limited or no capability to perform local unsupervised
control. Control decisions are processed in the master station and then carried out by the RTU through the
use of discrete electromechanical control relays in the RTU. Analog telemetry information (watts, VARs,
volts, amps, etc.) is generated by discrete transducers whose outputs are wired into the RTU. Device status
(breaker position, load tap changer position, etc.) is monitored by the RTU through sensing of discrete
contacts on these devices. Monitored data is multiplexed by the RTU and communicated back to the master
station computer in the form of asynchronous serial data.

Substation automation systems do include many of the same basic elements as the legacy SCADA system but
with significant enhancements. A central operations computer system generally provides the master station
function. Legacy RTUs may be incorporated into the automation scheme, particularly in retrofit situations,
but are generally replaced with intelligent programmable RTUs and other IEDs in an integrated LAN. Legacy
transducers are replaced by IEDs that provide not only the traditional analog signals, but a number of
additional data values that can be useful to operations, engineering, and management personnel. IEDs
communicate with RTUs and local processors via a substation LAN with an open communications protocol,
thereby eliminating discrete transducer analog signals. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) may be
included, discretely or integrated into the intelligent RTU, to provide closed loop control and control functions,
thereby eliminating the need for many electromechanical relays and interlocks.

The integration of IEDs in the substation has been a major challenge for electric utilities and
equipment suppliers. The primary obstacle has been the lack of standards for LAN
communications protocols, with manufacturers opting for proprietary protocols that require
costly interface modules for protocol conversion. Strides have been made in recent years to resolve
the protocol standardization problems, and some de facto standards have emerged. The trend will continue
toward more vendor-independent substation network environments as these standardization efforts move
forward and as the level of standards support improves among IED manufacturers.


All exchange of data among networked computers and devices may be thought of as part of a network
architecture, that is, a framework that provides the necessary physical and communications services to
facilitate data exchange. Any number of internally consistent architectures can be chosen to permit the
desired communications; however, many are proprietary. Proprietary networking solutions can prove to be
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highly effective and efficient from a functional standpoint, but they are not compatible with a multivendor
environment that many end users now demand.

In a proprietary network, the network vendor is in control of what features are supported within the network.
A vendor can decide not to support certain features, support them incompletely, or require the purchase of
expensive upgrades to implement those functions. But proprietary networks do have the advantage that the
user has access to a single point of contact and responsibility at the system vendor for all network functions,
and these networks are generally guaranteed to “plug and play” without the user having to be concerned about
architectures and protocols. A cautionary statement for proprietary systems is needed here. If or when the
vendor or his product becomes obsolete, ensure someone will handle support services for this network. An
escrow account for the source code of the system is a good starting point. This allows future modifications
to the system without having to re-engineer the entire system.

In a network based on open products and standards, the user is no longer dependent on a single vendor to
provide the functions and features needed or desired. The user also has the advantage of being able to solicit
competitive prices among equipment vendors rather than being locked into one source of supply. But in an
open environment, the user has to take responsibility for overall network functionality, and has to take care in
the selection of protocols and equipment to ensure “plug-and-play” compatibility.

Two widely accepted open system architectures are the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) 7-layer model, and the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) model. TCP/IP was originally developed for the ARPAnet, now called the Internet, but has been
widely used in local area networks. A more recent development is the Utility Communications Architecture
(UCA), which is a family of OSI-compliant protocols developed by EPRI for use in electric utilities. UCA is
discussed in greater detail in Section, Utility Communications Architecture.


The basic architecture of a utility automation system can be viewed as a multi-layered stack (Figure 14-1). At
the bottom of the stack are the electrical power substation field devices (transformers, breakers, switches,
etc.). The top of the stack is the user interface where data and control prerogatives are presented to the end
user, which in this case would be a human operator. The intermediate layers may be implemented with
discrete elements or subsystems. In some cases, several levels may be combined into one, or even eliminated

The overall architecture can be viewed as two layers, each made up of several sublayers. The first or lowest
layer, the data acquisition and control layer, is made up of substation-resident equipment. The second or
highest layer, the utility enterprise, can be viewed as the information infrastructure layer. This bulletin
focuses on the substation-resident data acquisition and control layer.


Substation automation may take many different forms and levels of sophistication, depending on the
philosophy of the implementing utility and the specific application. For instance, a single serial data interface
between a SCADA RTU and an electronic recloser would be an example of a relatively simple and limited
application. A fully automated substation with digital relays, electronic reclosers, and programmable logic
controllers, all sharing a common network with a substation host processor and man–machine interface,
would represent a relatively sophisticated application. Figure 14-2 shows the
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Figure 14-1: Substation Automation Architecture

major data acquisition and control elements found in substation automation and their typical relationship to
each other and to the corporate data infrastructure.

Regardless of the size and complexity of the network, the basic elements of substation automation are
generally those described in the following subsections.

14.4.1 Substation Host Processor

The substation host processor serves the following functions in the substation automation system:

1. It provides local data storage for data acquired from the field devices.

2. It provides a local human–machine interface, allowing a human operator to locally access system
data, view system status, and issue system control commands.

3. It can, if necessary, perform logical data processing and closed-loop control algorithms.

4. It serves as a gateway for communications between the substation and the control center
(SCADA host).

The substation host processor may be a single computer, such as a PC, or multiple computers in a networked
or distributed computing environment. The substation host processor should be based upon
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Figure 14-2: Substation Automation Data Acquisition and Control Elements

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industry standards and have to have strong networking ability. A Windows-type graphical user interface
should be provided.

For smaller substations, a single non-redundant processor should suffice. For larger and more critical
substations, a dual-redundant processor with automatic failover is recommended. The level of redundancy
called for will vary by application, depending on what functions the host processor is providing, the level of
electromechanical backup employed, and the operational risks and implications related to an extended failure
of the processor.

14.4.2 Intelligent Electronic Devices

Examples of IEDs are electronic multifunction meters, digital relays, programmable logic controllers (PLCs),
digital fault recorders, sequence of events recorders, voltage regulators, capacitor bank controllers, and
electronic reclosers. Intelligent SCADA RTUs and PLCs can also be considered IEDs but are typically
categorized separately.

Many IEDs perform two functions within the substation. First, the IED provides its primary design function
such as relaying, capacitor control, or voltage regulation. But by virtue of the fact that many of these IEDs
have built-in instrument transformers, or are otherwise connected to the potential transformer (PT) and/or
current transformers (CT) circuits of the substation, the IEDs also calculate and provide a large amount of
power system data.

Data available from IEDs includes but is not necessarily limited to the following information:

1. Power flows (kilowatts, kilovars, power factor, phase angle, kilowatt-hours, kilovar-hours)
2. Other electrical data values (amperes, volts, symmetrical components)
3. Fault current (per phase, ground, waveform capture)
4. Relaying targets
5. Sequence of events
6. Oscilliography

Data is retrieved from the IED by the substation host processor and/or a local RTU digitally via a serial data
port or other network interface. This eliminates the need for discrete analog tranducers, accomplishing a
significant reduction in space and wiring, which can also lead to cost reductions, particularly on new (as
opposed to retrofitted) substations.

A single IED can often deliver hundreds of data values even though the utility user is only interested in a small
subset of the total data set. The ability to filter the data reported by the IED has been limited as a result of
both hardware and protocol-related issues. The goal is to provide the capability to filter or “mask” certain
data registers at the IED level, as opposed to making this function protocol or host-dependent.

IEDs should be individually addressable, preventing the need for a dedicated communications channel for each
IED. IEDs should support open protocols such as DNP 3.0, ModBus, ASCII, UCA 2.0, IEC 870-5-101 or
103, or TCP/IP (see Section 14.4.6, Communication Protocols).

An important design consideration in development of IED interfaces is the data acquisition method. For
example, the IEDs may be polled by the host device for changes (report by exception), or the IEDs may be
sequentially scanned (full data dump). In the more common instance of a full scan, it is important to quantify
any limitations on the maximum allowable latency of the data (the time required for changes to appear in the
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host processor or data repository). These issues may play a role in the selection of IEDs and/or the
communication protocol and method.

14.4.3 Programmable Logic Controllers

PLCs may be considered IEDs, but are often considered as a separate class of device. Most IEDs are
designed to provide a primary function, such as reclosing, voltage regulation, relaying, or revenue metering,
while also offering ancillary system data that has some additional benefit to the utility. PLCs, on the other
hand, are more generic and can perform a wide variety of automation functions on a user-programmable

PLCs have traditionally been used in industrial applications such as assembly line automation. PLCs have also
been widely used in power generating station distributed control systems, but have only recently been applied
in electric utility substations. One of the reasons for the lack of penetration by PLCs into the substation data
acquisition and control industry was that PLCs have only recently begun to be manufactured to rigorous
substation environmental and electrical standards, such as ANSI Std. C37.90a surge withstand capability.
Another recent development is that, with the advent of faster microprocessors, PLCs can now perform
sophisticated control procedures fast enough to meet the requirements of substation protective relaying.

PLCs are now finding applications in substations that were traditionally the realm of legacy SCADA RTUs.
PLCs can provide the same monitoring and supervisory control functions as an RTU. But PLCs offer the
advantages of lower costs than RTUs in some configurations, and ladder logic programmability not available
in the legacy RTUs. In an attempt to combat the influx of PLC products into their traditional markets, RTU
manufacturers have begun to offer lower cost RTUs with intelligent programmable features. The increased
intelligence and programmability of the RTU compared with the PLC’s same features should make the
defining border between the two obsolete.

In addition to providing traditional SCADA functions, PLCs are being used by utilities for a wide variety of
automation functions:

1. Reclosing
2. Auto-sectionalizing
3. Power line carrier automatic check-back schemes
4. Transformer LTC control
5. Capacitor controller
6. Local HMI for alarm annunciator, metering indication, data logging, and events recording
7. Breaker control, especially for more complex operations such as tie breakers
8. Breaker tripping for more complex schemes requiring a significant number of inputs

The programmability of PLCs lends to the development of schemes that were previously considered very
difficult to actuate. If the input can be obtained, the ladder logic to make decisions regarding the input can be
written to produce an output. Future additions to the substation may also be made simpler since the
substation wiring is made easier and logic may be readily changed with the use of PLCs.

Some utilities, because of the complexity of their control schemes, have used PLCs as a control device
between relays and breakers to provide tripping and closing of the breakers. While this is not generally
recommended, the use of PLCs minimizes installation time because of reduced wiring and control checkout
since the logic for any scheme may be entered into the ladder logic.
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14.4.4 Data Concentrator

Data concentrators are often the sole communications integration point within the substation. The data
concentration function is primarily the integration of multiple incompatible IED protocols for presentation to
an external host under a single unified protocol.

The role of the data concentrator is changing with the advent of UCA (see Section, Utility
Communications Architecture). UCA will allow for direct communications to all IEDs, regardless of whether
the communication is internal or external to the substation. But data concentrators may still be desirable for
bandwidth efficiency in low-bandwidth wide area telecommunications links.

14.4.5 Substation Local Area Network

The substation LAN provides a means of physical data transfer between intelligent devices in the substation.
There are two main distinctions between various LAN types: access method and physical media. The access
method, physical media, and transmission rate of the network in megabits per second (Mbps) will also dictate
the maximum distance between communicating devices (nodes). Physical Media: The physical media used in LANs include coaxial cable, UTP (unshielded
twisted-pair) copper, and optical fiber.

Optical fiber, because of its immunity to electrical effects, has distinct advantages in an electrical substation
environment. Coaxial cables and UTP can experience loss or corruption of data messages as a result of
electrical transients. Even though protocols at various layers can mitigate some of these adverse effects, it is
recommended that fiber-optic media be used to connect all IEDs engaged in protection functions. Access Method: The access method can take various forms. The most common methods
are carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD), token ring, and token bus, and the
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), although a number of vendor-proprietary schemes are also in use.
In selecting an access method, the designer has to consider the expected loading of the network, whether or
not a deterministic access method (see below) is required, desired data rate, and the physical distances
between nodes or communicating devices.

Networks that use CSMA/CD are generally referred to as Ethernet networks, although this is not always true.
Ethernet is actually a proprietary access method developed by Digital Equipment Corporation, but was the
basis for the IEEE 802.3 networking standards. CSMA/CD is a broadcast access method where multiple
devices contend for access to the same communications medium in a bus architecture. It is a non-
deterministic method, meaning that the amount of time required for a message to be sent and received cannot
be accurately determined, and is best applied in lightly loaded networks. Its non-deterministic behavior is a
disadvantage for time-critical automation tasks like closed-loop control. CSMA/CD is supported under
UCA 2.0.

Token ring (IEEE Std. 802.5) is the most commonly used token passing access method. Unlike CSMA/CD,
this method is deterministic because token passing among communicating devices is used to govern access to
the communications medium. Token ring is supported under UCA 2.0.

Token bus (IEEE Std. 802.4) is a bus access method like CSMA/CD, but uses a token passing arrangement
for deterministic medium access. Token bus, like token ring, is supported under UCA 2.0, but is less
commonly used than token ring or CSMA/CD.
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The Fiber Distributed Data Interface is described in ANSI Std. X3T12 and is supported within UCA. The
physical medium used is optical fiber, as opposed to coaxial cable UTP. Dual 100 Mbps fiber rings are
included, allowing for rerouting of data around a fiber fault. FDDI is primarily used as a backbone network
to connect multiple lower speed LANs in a large building or campus environment, so would be less commonly
used in a substation environment. Also, with the advent of 100 Mbps CSMA/CD, asynchronous transfer
mode switching and synchronous optical network technology, FDDI usage should wane in the coming years.

ATM is dedicated-connection switching technology that organizes digital data into packets and transmits them
using digital signal technology. Due to ATM’s ease in implementation by hardware, faster processing speeds
are possible. ATM runs on a layer on top of SONET. SONET is the U.S. (ANSI) standard for synchronous
data transmission on optical media. This standard ensures the interconnection between networks and that
existing conventional transmission systems can take advantage of optical media through tributary connections.
Utilizing this technology can bring data speeds of 155.520 Mbps or 622.080 Mbps. Faster speeds are
expected in the near future. These two technologies are a major component of broadband ISDN (BISDN).
FDDI usage should wane in the coming years because of this technology. Serial Data Interfaces: Communications between intelligent devices in the substation may
take the form of synchronous or asynchronous serial connections rather than a LAN connection. Most RTU
vendors, for instance, offer serial ports on their RTUs for interfacing to IEDs with standard protocols. The
most common standard serial interfaces are RS-232, RS-422/423, and RS-485. Like LANs, these standards
define a physical and electrical interface and do not imply a particular protocol. RS-232: The industry’s most common serial interface standard, RS-232 is defined by
ANSI/TIA/EIA Std. 232-E. It defines the interface between data communications equipment (DCE) and data
terminating equipment (DTE) employing serial binary data exchange. RS-232 signals are generally limited to
50 feet or less without the use of special low-capacitance conductors. RS-422/423: This standard serial interface is defined by ANSI/TIA/EIA Std. 422 that extends
the transmission speeds and distances beyond RS-232. It provides for a balanced voltage interface with a
high noise immunity. RS-423 is the unbalanced version. RS-485: This standard serial interface is defined by ANSI/TIA/EIA Std. 485. It provides for a
balanced voltage interface similar to RS-422, but uses tri-state drivers for multidrop or “daisy-chained”
applications. Because of its multidrop capability, this is the most common serial interface in substation data

14.4.6 Communication Protocols General: For two devices to communicate successfully, not only they have to share a common
physical interface and access method (see Section 14.4.5, Substation LANs, and Section, Serial Data
Interfaces), but they have to also share a common protocol. A protocol is a formal set of conventions
governing the formatting and relative timing of message exchange between communicating systems. The
careful selection of communication protocols is essential for the successful deployment of substation
automation systems.

The prevalent approach among equipment manufacturers is to support several standard protocols. One RTU
vendor, for example, offers the end user a menu of 34 different protocols for the RTU-to-IED interface port,
and a single RTU can support up to 4 of these protocols simultaneously.
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Serious initiatives have been under way for several years among industry groups to address the issue of open
protocol development and standardization. These industry groups include the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power Engineering Society Substations Committee, EPRI, and the National
Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).

In 1994, the IEEE issued a trial use standard (IEEE Std. 1379) that recommended IEC 870-5 and DNP 3.0 as
alternative standards for master station-to-RTU and RTU-to-IED communications. DNP 3.0 has fostered the
widest support among vendors to date, making it somewhat of a de facto standard throughout the industry.
Other protocols that have obtained wide support include ModBus, MMS, ASCII, and Landis & Gyr 8979.

The ISO-OSI 7- layer model is not described due to the complexity of the subject. The user is only exposed
to the application layer. For a detailed description, see CRN’s Enterprise-Wide Data Integration in a
Distribution Cooperative (Project 95-12). Protocol Descriptions:

IEC 870-5, developed by IEC Technical Committee 57 Working Group 3, answered the need for a
protocol standard for telecontrol, teleprotection, and associated telecommunications for electric
utility systems.

DNP 3.0, developed by GE Harris Canada (at the time Westronic, Inc.), was established to
minimize the creation of new protocols used to communicate between SCADA devices. The
protocol is designed for data acquisition and application control in the electric utility field. This
protocol is maintained by the DNP Users Group.

ModBus (ASCII and RTU) were developed by Modicon. These protocols define a message
structure that controllers are able to recognize and use; the protocol forms a common format for
the layout and contents of data messaging.

Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) is an internationally standardized messaging system

for exchanging real-time data and supervisory control information between networked devices
and/or computer applications in a manner that is independent of the application function being
performed or the developer of the device or application. MMS is an international standard (ISO
9506) that is developed and maintained by Technical Committee Number 184 (TC 184), Industrial
Automation, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Landis & Gyr 8979 is another standard byte-oriented protocol commonly used in the utility

A promising development in the effort to provide a universal open protocol standard is EPRI’s UCA, which is
described in Section IEEE Std. 1379 was intended to be an intermediate standard to fill the gap until
the UCA standard was completed.

While there are “standard” protocols available, many of these are dynamic in that continuing development and
enhancements are taking place. Several versions of a particular protocol may exist in the marketplace. Two
devices that claim support of the same protocol may indeed support different versions or revisions of the
protocol, resulting in some lack of interoperability. To avoid such problems, it is incumbent on the design
engineer to research and understand the history of the selected protocol, whether multiple versions exist, and
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what continuing development, if any, is taking place. The designer should also be informed as to any
proprietary modifications to the standard protocol that may have been incorporated by potential equipment
suppliers as a means of optimizing its implementation with their devices.

The best way to avoid unforeseen protocol interoperability problems is to implement pre-engineered “plug-
and-play” interfaces. Equipment manufacturers should be required to demonstrate plug-and-play
interoperability between the specific devices in question, not just general compliance with a protocol, either
through factory testing or in actual field installations. If a new and untried interface is undertaken, the utility
should place the burden for protocol emulation and development on a single entity. This will typically be the
RTU manufacturer (in the case of RTU-to-IED interfaces) or the data concentrator manufacturer (in the case
of multiple protocol integration). Utility Communications Architecture: EPRI developed UCA based on the ISO/OSI
standards for data communications. The overall goal of UCA is to provide interconnectivity and
interoperability between utility data communication systems for real-time information exchange. UCA
employs the Manufacturing Messaging Specification (MMS) to define the language, semantics, and services
for real-time data acquisition and control throughout general utility operations. Both the ISO/OSI and the
TCP/IP networking models are currently supported under UCA.

UCA Version 1.0 was adopted in 1991, providing a suite of selected protocols, with MMS as the
recommended protocol for real-time data acquisition and control applications. But UCA 1.0 lacked detailed
specifications of how the protocols would actually be used in field devices. UCA Version 2.0 addresses this

The development of UCA Version 2.0 at the substation level was facilitated by EPRI Project RP-3599,
“Integrated Protection, Control and Data Acquisition,” in which numerous utilities and manufacturers
participated, with American Electric Power (AEP) as the lead participant. This work has generally been
completed for power system devices with the issuance of UCA 2.0 General Object Models for Substation and
Feeder Field Devices, Draft Version 0.7, December 1997 (GOMSFE). The effort of the document is to
merge the substation and feeder automation work with that of UCA version 2.0 in order to produce common
generic object models for implementation of UCA 2.0-compliant field devices in electric utilities.

Work on UCA Version 2.0 continued in 1998 with the EPRI/AEP Utility Substation Communications Initiative
Project. A continuation of EPRI Project RP-3599, this project’s goal is to evaluate and recommend a UCA-
compliant substation LAN and to demonstrate IED interoperability. This project includes implementation at 13
demonstration sites in the United States and Germany, with targeted completion in 1999.

Work on the UCA standards should continue over the next few years. A new IEEE subcommittee, SCC 36,
will oversee its further development.

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