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Employee Motivation, which alludes to spur the representatives at work put. The
examination is to see if the representatives are happy with the motivational
techniques for ICICI BANK LTD and what are the methodologies embraced by the
association to hold workers. The examination philosophy utilized as a part of this
investigation is both illustrative and exploratory.

Exploratory research was directed by colleting optional information, for example,

past records, sites, books, magazines, diaries, articles. The expressive research was
led through direct meetings poll with respondents. Research configuration was
embraced to get to the workers of ICICI BANK LTD. The respondents are
representatives of ICICI BANK LTD in Kothapet Branch Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana. The example estimate was 50.

The information was investigated by cross classification, pie diagrams, and bar
outlines, Chi-square test. At last the vast majority of the representatives are
happy with the Employee Motivation framework. What's more, the systems and
practices embraced by the association are great. Table of Contents CONTENTS
PAGE NUMBERS List of Tables List of Figures 1.


&PRESENTATION 4.1 Presentation and Analysis 4.2 Interpretations 5. SUMMARY
& CONCLUSIONS 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY 7. APPENDICES Appendix – Questionnaire i ii
1 7 21 33 50 53 54 LIST OF TABLES S.NO T. No. TABLE Page No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3.1 3.2 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8
4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12 4.1.13 4.1.14 4.1.15 4.1.16 Board of directors Key
Executives The type of incentives motivate the employee more Chi-square test-I
The factors which De-motivates the employee at work place Satisfaction of
employees with the incentives provided by org.

Effect of employee job on employee skills and abilites Incentives and other
benefits influence performance Interest of management on motivation of
employee Management decisions in Employee department Enthusiasium of
employees at work Encouragement of employees for doing work in better way
Promotion of employees at work in the last six months Recognization of
employees work Rank the factors which motivates employee most Employees
nomination for training and development program Management feedback to
employees to solving work related problems Satisfaction of employees with their
job 31 31 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 i LIST OF FIGERS
S.NO Fig.No FIGERS Page No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4.1.a 4.1.b 4.1.c
4.1.d 4.1.e 4.1.f 4.1.g 4.1.h 4.1.i 4.1.j 4.1.k 4.1.l 4.1.m 4.1.n

4.1.o The type of incentives motivate the employee more The factors which De-
motivates the employee at work place Satisfaction of employees with the
incentives provided by org.

Effect of employee job on employee skills and abilites Incentives and other
benefits influence performance Interest of management on motivation of
employee Management decisions in Employee department Enthusiasium of
employees at work Encouragement of employees for doing work in better way
Promotion of employees at work in the last six months Recognization of
employees work Rank the factors which motivates employee most Employees
nomination for training and development program Management feedback to
employees to solving work related problems Satisfaction of employees with their
job 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ii CHAPTER: 1 INTRODUCTION
INTRODUCTION People are an asset to an association. Like another asset they
speak to a venture whose improvement and usage require appropriate

There is a central trust the general population are association's most imperative
resources. Execution comes about because of the cooperation of physical,
monetary and human asset. The initial two are lifeless; they are converted into
"efficiency" just when human component is presented.

In managing representatives, anyway an immaterial factor of will, viciousness or

flexibility of decision is presented, and laborers can increment or diminishing
their profitability as they pick. This human quality offers ascend to requirement
for inspiration. Inspiration is a standout amongst the most vital components
influencing human conduct.

Inspiration not just influences different elements like recognition and Learning
yet in addition influence the aggregate execution of a person in authoritative
setting. This is the motivation behind why directors append incredible
significance to inspiration in an association. At one time, workers were viewed as
simply one more contribution to the creation of merchandise and enterprises.

What maybe changed along these lines of reasoning about representatives was
achieved, alluded to as the Hawthorne considers, directed by Elton Mayo from
1924 to 1932(Dickson, 1973). This examination discovered workers are not
propelled exclusively by cash and representative conduct is connected to their
mentalities (Dickson, 1973) The Hawthorne thinks about started the human
relations way to deal with administration, where by the requirements and
inspirations of representatives turn into the essential focal point of supervisors
(Bedeian, 1993). RESEARCH PROBLEM The exploration issue in this examination is
related with the inspiration of workers of ICICI BANK LTD.

There are an assortment of elements that impact a man's level of inspiration. A

portion of these elements incorporate 1. The pay and advantages 2. The saw
decency of advancement framework inside an organization 3. Quality of the
working conditions 4. Leadership and social connections 5. Employee
acknowledgment 6. Job security 7. Career improvement openings and so
forth.inspired representatives are an extraordinary advantage for any association.

It is on account of the inspiration and Job Satisfaction is unmistakably connected.

Thus this investigation is concentrating on the worker inspiration in the
association. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The examination is proposed to assess
inspiration of workers in the association. A not too bad motivational program is
basic to achieve goal of the affiliation.

If beneficial motivational undertakings of agents are made in this particular

relationship and additionally some other affiliation. The affiliations can achieve
the viability similarly to develop an average various leveled culture. Motivation
has arrangement of effects. These impacts might be found with regards to a
person's physical and emotional well-being, profitability, non-attendance and

Representative enjoyment must be overseen in excess of one way. This aides in

holding and sustaining the genuine adherents. This investigation causes the
specialist to understand the significance of successful representative inspiration.
This examination think about looks at composes and levels of representative
motivational projects and furthermore talks about administration thoughts that
can be used to improve worker inspiration.

It gives experiences to help future research in regards to key direction for

associations that are both giving and utilizing reward/acknowledgment programs
. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To break down and look at the viability of
Motivation Programs in ICICI BANK LTD 2. To investigation the impact of financial
and non-money related advantages gave by the association on the
representative's execution. 3.

To investigation the impact of occupation advancements on representatives. 4.

To investigation the representative's assessment on the Motivation in ICICI BANK
LTD LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The venture is improved the situation the time
of 45 days the data accumulated may not be penny percent exact and along
these lines have the accompanying constraints. 1.

This examination covers those representatives who are working at ICICI BANK
LTD. 2. The comprehend and learning may change from individual to individual.
The answered gives by the respondents are underestimated, however they are
not uniform. 3. Since names are specified in the majority of polls, a large portion
of the workers addressed great to the organization.

This may have prompted wring finding in the examination. 4. The translation
being founded on rate strategy isn't distinct. 5. The report is subjects to changes
with quick evolving situation. METHODOLOGY: SCOPE: 1. The examination is
gone for discovering the representatives suppositions of ICICI BANK LTD. 2. The
research as taken up 50 tests for consider. 3.

The data got from the essential and auxiliary information was restricted to ICICI
BANK LTD. 4. The investigation is confined to a specific zone (Hyderabad,
Kothapet).Sample Design A sample design is a finite plan for obtaining a sample
from a given population. Simple Random sampling is used for this study. Sample
Size Number of the inspecting units chose from the populace is known as the
span of the example. Test of 50 respondents were gotten from the populace.

Sources of Information: The data were collected through Primary and secondary
sources. Primary Source: The essential sources are discourse with representatives,
information's gathered through poll. Secondary Source: The auxiliary information
basically comprises of information and data gathered from records, organization
sites and furthermore exchange with the administration of the association.
Auxiliary information was additionally gathered from diaries, magazines and

Questionnaire: An especially described survey that is used enough can collect

information on both general execution of the test structure and furthermore
information on specific portions of the system. A pounded overview was
absolutely organized and astoundingly numbered. The request were arranged in
real demand, according to the importance.Tools and Techniques: Chi-square test
is utilized to test the speculation and draw surmisings CHAPTER: 2 LITERATURE
REVIEW INTRODUCTION Rensis Likerthas called motivation as the center of
administration. Motivation is a compelling instrument in the hands of the
administration in rousing the work drive .It is the significant assignment of each
administrator to spur his subordinate or to make the will to work among the

It ought to likewise be recalled that the specialist might be tremendously

equipped for doing some work, nothing can be accomplished on the off chance
that he isn't willing to work .production of a will to work is motivation in basic
however obvious feeling of term. Motivation is a vital capacity which
exceptionally supervisor performs for impelling the general population to work
for achievement of targets of the association .Issuance of thoroughly thought out
guidelines and requests does not imply that they will be taken after .An
administrator needs to make fitting utilization of motivation to enthuse the
employees to tail them.

Powerful motivation succeeds in having a request acknowledged as well as in

picking up an assurance to see that it is executed proficiently and adequately.
With a specific end goal to rouse specialists to work for the hierarchical
objectives, the supervisors must decide the thought processes or needs of the
laborers and give a situation in which proper motivating forces are accessible for
their fulfillment .If the administration is effective in doing as such; it will likewise
be fruitful in expanding the eagerness of the laborers to work.
This will build proficiency and viability of the association .There will be better
usage of assets and laborers capacities and limits. The concept of motivation: The
word motivation has been gotten from intention which implies any thought, need
or feeling that promots a man without hesitation. Whatever might be the conduct
of man, there is some jolt behind it .Stimulus is reliant upon the rationale of the
individual concerned.

Intention can be known by concentrate his needs and wants. There is no all
inclusive hypothesis that can clarify the variables affecting thought processes
which control keeps an eye on conduct at a specific purpose of time. When all is
said in done, the diverse intentions work at various circumstances among various
individuals and impact their practices.

The procedure of motivation considers the thought processes of people which

cause diverse kind of conduct. Meaning of motivation: Motivation has been
differently characterized by researchers. Generally at least one of these words are
incorporated into the definition: wants, needs, points, objectives, drives, films and
motivating forces.

Motivation is gotten from the Latin word 'Continue forward' which means "to
move". Human manners of thinking are camouflaged destinations inside
individuals. A manner of thinking is an inner express that energies institutes, or
moves and arranges or channels direct towards goals. Definition: 1. Motivation is
the unusual forces starting and keeping a man at work in the affiliation. 2.

Motivation is the distinctive drives inside or biological forces incorporating

individual that animate or draw in them especially. 3. Motivation is the craft of
understanding intentions fulfilling them to coordinate and manage conduct
towards the achievement of association objectives. 4. Motivation is the way
toward working authoritative conditions which will incite employees of any
feeling or want activity one's will and provoking or driving at it to activity.
Motivation comprises of the three cooperation and reliant components of
necessities, drives and objectives.

Needs: These are the insufficient, and make at whatever point there is a
physiological or mental awkwardness. Drive or motives: These are set to ease
needs. These are activity situated and give a stimulating push toward objective
achievement. They are the very heart of the motivation procedure.. Goal:
Objectives are anything which will lighten a need and lessen a drive..
Nature of motivation: Following are a portion of the attributes of motivation get
from the definitions given by different creators. 1. Based on motives: Motivation
is base on people intention which are inward to person. These thought processes
are through inclination that the individual needs something. 2. Goal directed
behavior: Motivation Leads to objective coordinated conduct.

An objective coordinated conduct is one which fulfilled the foundations for which
conduct happens. Motivation has significant effect on human conduct.. 3. Related
to satisfaction: Motivation is identified with fulfillment. Fulfillment is alludes to
the happiness encounters of a person which we determines out of necessities
satisfaction. 4.

Complex process: Motivation is identified with fulfillment. Fulfillment is alludes to

the happiness encounters of a person which we determines out of necessities
satisfaction.. Significance of Motivation: Motivation includes getting the
individuals from the gathering to pull weight adequately, to give their dedication
to the gathering, to complete legitimately the reason for the association. The
accompanying outcomes might be normal if the employees are appropriately
spurred. 1.

The workforce will be better fulfilled if the administration furnishes them with
chances to satisfy their physiological and mental needs. The specialists will
coordinate willfully with the administration and will contribute their most extreme
towards the objectives of the venture. 2. Workers will have a tendency to be as
proficient as conceivable by enhancing their abilities and information so they can
add to the advance of the association.

This will likewise bring about expanded profitability. 3. The rates of work's
turnover and non-attendance among the laborers will be low. 4. There will be
great human relations in the association as rubbing among the laborers
themselves and between the specialists and the administration will diminish. 5.
The number of grumblings and grievances will descend. Mishap will likewise be
low. 6. There will be increment in the amount and nature of items.

Wastage and scrap will be less. Better nature of items will likewise expand the
general population picture of the business. Types of needs: There are numerous
necessities which an individual may have and there are different manners by
which might be ordered? Necessities might be normal, natural marvel in an
individual or these may create over the timeframe through learning.
Accordingly, need might be gathered into 3 classifications:Primary need
Secondary need General needs 1) Primary needs: These are otherwise called
physiological, organic, essential, or indistinct needs. These requirements are
normal in individuals through their power contrasts. 2) Secondary needs: As
difference to essential needs, these are not regular but rather are learned by the
person through experience and cooperation.

Crisis of these requirements depends in learning. 3) General needs: Through a

different grouping for general needs isn't generally given, such a classification
appears to be vital on the grounds that there are various requirements which lie
in the hazy area between the essential and auxiliary needs.

Actually, there are sure needs, for example, requirement for fitness, interest,
control, love, and so on. Hypotheses of Motivation: Understanding what
propelled employees and how they were roused was the focal point of numerous
scientists following the distribution of the Hawthorne consider comes about
(Terpstra, 1979).

Six noteworthy methodologies that have prompted our comprehension of

motivation are McClelland's Achievement Need Theory, Behavior Modification
hypothesis; Abraham H Mallows require pecking order or Deficient hypothesis of
motivation. J.S. Adam's Equity Theory, Vroom's Expectation Theory, Two factor
Theory. McClelland's Achievement Need Theory: As per McClelland there are
three kinds of requirements Requirement for Achievement (n Ach): This need is
the most grounded and enduring persuading factor. Especially if there should
arise an occurrence of people who fulfill alternate needs.

They are always pre involved with a longing for development and need for
circumstance in which fruitful results are specifically related with their endeavors.
They set more troublesome however achievable objectives for themselves since
progress with effortlessly achievable objectives scarcely gives a feeling of
accomplishment. Requirement for Power (n Pow): It is the craving to control the
conduct of the other individuals and to control the environment.

Power motivations positive applications brings about household initiative style,

while it negative application tends despotic style. Requirement for alliance (n Aff):
It is the identified with social needs and makes companionship. This outcomes in
development of casual gatherings or group of friends. Social Modification Theory:
As indicated by this hypothesis individuals conduct is the result of great and
horrible past conditions.

This hypothesis depends on learning hypothesis. Skinner directed his looks into
among rats and school youngsters. He found that jolt for attractive conduct could
be fortified by remunerating it at the soonest. In the mechanical circumstance,
this significance of this hypothesis might be found in the establishment of
budgetary and non money related motivating forces.

More quick is the reward and incitement or it spurs it. Withdrawal of reward
incase of low standard work may likewise create the coveted outcome.
Notwithstanding, looks into demonstrate that it is for the most part more
successful to compensate wanted conduct than to rebuff undesired conduct. The
water yet you can't compel it to drink; it will drink just if it's parched - so with
individuals. They will would what they like to do or something else.

Abraham Maslow's progression of human needs : This hypothesis is the most

generally examined hypothesis of motivation. The hypothesis can be condensed
as therefore: ? Human creatures have needs and wants which impact their
conduct; just unsatisfied needs can impact conduct, fulfilled requirements can't. ?
Since needs are many, they are orchestrated arranged by significance, from the
fundamental to the complex.

? The individual advances to the following level of necessities simply after the
lower Level need is at any rate insignificantly fulfilled. ? The assist the advance up
the chain of command, the greater distinction, humanness and mental wellbeing
a man will appear. The necessities, recorded from essential (least, soonest) to
most mind boggling (most noteworthy, Latest) are as per the following: ? Self
completion ? Self regard ? Social ? Safety and security ? Physiological J.S Adams
Equity Theory : Employee looks at her/his activity inputs result proportion with
that of reference.

In the event that the employee perceiv es imbalance, she/he will act to redress
the disparity: bring down profitability, diminished quality, expanded non-
appearance, deliberate abdication. Vroom's Expectation Theory: Vroom's
hypothesis depends on the conviction that employee exertion will prompt
execution and execution will prompt prizes (Vroom, 1964).

Reward might be either positive or negative. The more positive the reward the
more probable the employee will be exceptionally energetic. On the other hand,
the more negative the reward the more improbable the employee will be roused.
Two Factor Theory: Douglas McGregor presented the hypothesis with the
assistance of two perspectives; X presumptions are Traditionalist in style
Assumptions are present day in style. X Theory • Individuals inalienably hate
work. • People must be pressured or controlled to do work to accomplish the

• People like to be coordinated Y Theory • People see fill in as being as normal as

play and rest • People will practice self bearing and control towards
accomplishing targets they are • Committed to People figure out how to
acknowledge and look for duty. Kinds of motivation: There are 2 kinds of
motivation. They are 1. Positive motivation. 2. Negative motivation.

Positive motivation is a procedure of endeavoring to impact others to do your

will through the likelihood of pick up or compensate. Motivator motivation is the
force component. Negative motivation or dread motivation is based power or
dread. Dread makes individual act positively in light of the fact that they fear the
outcomes on the off chance that they don't Fear motivation is the push

The goal of motivation is to make condition in which individuals are readily to

work with energy, activity, intrigue and eagerness, with a high individual and
gathering. Moral fulfillment with an awareness of other's expectations,
dependability and train and with pride and trust in a most durable way so the
objective of an association are accomplished successfully. EMPLOYEE
MOTIVATION IN THE WORK PLACE: The activity of a chief in the working
environment is to complete things through employees.

To do this the chief ought to have the capacity to rationale employees. To

comprehend motivation one must comprehend human instinct itself. Human
instinct can be extremely straightforward, yet exceptionally complex as well. A
comprehension and energy about this is an essential of viable employee
motivation in the working environment and hence compelling administration and

Motivation is the way to execution change: Execution is thought to be a useful

change: Occupation execution =f (capacity) (motivation) Capacity thusly relies
upon instruction, experience and preparing and its change is a moderate and
long process. Then again it can be enhanced rapidly. As a rule, there are
comprehensively 7 methodologies for motivation.
• Positive support • Effective teach and discipline • Treating individuals
reasonably • Satisfying employee needs • Setting business related objectives •
Restructuring work • Based compensates on work execution Essential standards
to recall by director for propelling employees: 1. Motivating employees begins
with persuading yourself 2. Always work to adjust objectives of the association to
objectives of employees 3.

Key to help the motivation of your employees comprehends what propels every
one of them. 4. Recognize that supporting employees motivation is a procedure,
not an undertaking. 5. Support employee's strategies by utilizing motivation by
association frameworks. Specialist motivation should likewise be seen from 2
points of view: 1. Inner drive 2. Outer (outside) inspirations.

A man's internal drives push and impel him/her towards a business, a specific
employment, vocation, line of study, or other movement. The external (outer)
sparks are the identical representation the business or outside world offers
because of the internal drives. Keeping in mind the end goal to pull in the "cream
of the yield" of accessible specialists, same as in his/her dealings with clients, the
business not just tries to fulfill these fundamental needs singular laborers have.
Most specialists need to: 1.

Earn wages that will empower them to pay for fundamental necessities and extra
extravagances, for example, the buy of a home, or travel 2. Save for and
appreciate maturity security benefits 3. Have restorative and other protection
scope 4. Acquire companions at work 5. Win acknowledgment 6. Be recognize
and remunerated for exceptional endeavors and commitments 7. Be ready to
progress throughout everyday life and vocation savvy 8.

Have open doors for self-advancement 9. Improve their abilities, information, and
know-how 10. Realize their ideal(s) The business reacts to those requirements by
offering and giving: 1. Employment 2. Adequate pay 3. Assistance to laborers for
their exceptional needs, (for example, kid mind game plans, transportation,
adaptable work routine). 4. Job security 5.

Clear organization arrangements 6. Clear and sorted out work techniques 7. A

safe workplace 8. Medical scope and different advantages 9. An climate of
collaboration and participation 10. Social exercises 11. Reward and
acknowledgment programs 12. Open lines of correspondence programs 13.
Systematic criticism 14. Motivation projects 15. Opportunities for advancement
16. Company/business data 17. Information on client criticism 18.
Sharing of organization objectives and destinations 19. Information available
circumstance and industry 20. Future desires It is imperative that the business
find other uncommon needs candidates have before employing them and know
already whether she/he can fulfill those requirements or not. An employee may
have: • Family duties and be not able work shifts, after some time, or ends of the

• Heavy budgetary obligations which he/she can meet just by working at 2

employments, prompting weariness, "debilitated leave", an inadequate work
execution • A urgent money related requirement for extra additional time and
end of the week compensation • Premature desires for quick advancements.
Notwithstanding requirements and drives, laborers have desires from their
manager they anticipate: • A proficient, experienced, master boss • Clear and
reasonable strategies, methodology, and work rehearses • Business respectability
• Clear expected set of responsibilities • Two-way correspondence • Effective
administration and supervision • Positive train • Good organization notoriety •
Good client relations • Company survival • Opportunity for self-awareness •
Company development • A share in the organization's prosperity.

A large portion of these requirements, desires and yearnings are unexpressed-it

is up to the business to build up a decent arrangement of organization
correspondences, employee relations, Motivation that will prompt a situation of
receptiveness, participation, cooperation, and motivation that will profit every
one of the gatherings included. Motivational strategies: 1. Building certainty:
Confronting a test, meeting it and acing it help construct certainty. 2.

Group building: Group join together and cooperate when they recognize a typical
reason whether the point is the tallest pinnacle made out of daily paper, or a
session of rounder's on the recreation center. Rivalry in groups or gatherings
makes groups and lights collaboration 3. Instructing and Training: Recreations
and exercises give an ideal vehicle to clarifying the Motivation procedure
('prepare the mentor' for instance) to chiefs, group pioneers and coaches. 4.
Individual motivation style and learning: Everybody is unique.

Participating in new recreations and exercises outside of the work circumstance

represents individuals' diverse qualities and working style inclinations. Common
regard creates when individuals see abilities and qualities in others that they
didn't know existed. 5. Ceaseless improvement: Presenting individuals, staff or
employees to new encounters opens their psyches to new roads of self-
improvement, and underlines the open door for constant discovering that is
accessible to every one of us. 6.

Enhancing compassion and interchanges for motivation To impart we should

understanding the other individual. Compassion and instinctive abilities are
correct side cerebrum of the mind, which we utilize when we impart and
comprehend others. Group exercises and amusements advance interchanges and
better shared comprehension basic for good authoritative execution.

CHAPTER: 3 THE COMPANY ICICI Bank (BSE: ICICI) (in the past Industrial Credit
and Investment Corporation of India) will be India's biggest private part bank by
showcase capitalization and second biggest generally regarding resources. Bank
has add up to resources of Rs. 3,793.01 billion (US$ 75 billion) at March 31, 2009
and benefit after duty Rs. 37.58 billion for the year finished March 31, 2009.[1].

The Bank likewise has a system of 1,449 branches and around 4,721 ATMs in India
and nearness in 18 nations, and somewhere in the range of 24 million clients
(toward the finish of July 2007). ICICI Bank offers an extensive variety of saving
money items and budgetary administrations to corporate and retail clients
through an assortment of conveyance channels and concentrated auxiliaries and
partners in the zones of speculation keeping money, Balance and non-Balance
protection, investment and resource administration.

(These information are dynamic.) ICICI Bank is likewise the biggest backer of Visas
in India.[2]. ICICI Bank has got its value shares recorded on the stock trades at
Kolkata and Vadodara, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange of India
Limited, and its ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The Bank is
extending in abroad markets and has the biggest worldwide accounting report
among Indian banks.

ICICI Bank presently has entirely possessed backups, branches and delegates
workplaces in 18 nations, incorporating a seaward unit in Mumbai. This
incorporates entirely claimed backups in Canada, Russia and the UK (the auxiliary
through which the HiSAVE reserve funds brand[3] is worked), seaward saving
money units in Bahrain and Singapore, a warning branch in Dubai, branches in
Belgium, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka, and agent workplaces in Bangladesh, China,
Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and USA.
Abroad, the Bank is focusing on the NRI (Non-Resident Indian) populace
ICICI detailed a 1.15% ascent in net benefit to Rs. 1,014.21 crore on a 1.29%
expansion in absolute wage to Rs. 9,712.31 crore in Q2 September 2008 over Q2
September 2007. The bank's present and investment account (CASA) proportion
expanded to 30% of every 2008 from 25% out of 2007. ICICI Balance Insurance
Company is a joint wander between ICICI Bank, a chief budgetary powerhouse,
and prudential plc, a main worldwide monetary administrations bunch
headquartered in the United Kingdom.

ICICI Prudential was among the principal private division Insurance organizations
to start tasks in December 2000 in the wake of accepting endorsement from
Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). ICICI Prudential's capital
stands at Rs.18.15 billion with ICICI Bank and Prudential plc holding 74% and 26%
stake individually. For the period April-December 2006, the organization earned
new business weighted premium of over of Rs.2, 302 crore and composed more
than 1.1 million arrangements.

The organization has resources held to the tune of over Rs.13000 crore. ICICI
Prudential is additionally the main private Balance safety net provider in India to
get a National Insurer Financial quality rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch appraisals.

The AAA (Ind) rating is the most astounding rating, and is an unmistakable
confirmation of ICICI Prudential's capacity to meet its commitments to clients at
the season of development or cases. For as long as six years, ICICI Prudential has
held its situation as the No.1 private Balance back up plan in the nation, with an
extensive variety of adaptable items that address the issues of the Indian client at
each progression throughout everyday life. DISTRIBUTION ICICI Prudential has
one of the biggest dissemination systems among private Balance back up plans
in India.

As of December 31, 2006 it had initiated activities in more than 360 urban areas
and towns in India, extending from Bhuj in the west to Guwahati in the east, and
Jammu in the north to Trivandrum in the south, and had more than 175,000
counselors. The organization has 18 bancassurance accomplices, having tie-ups
with ICICI Bank, Bank of India, Federal Bank, South Indian Bank, Lord Krishna
Bank, all local provincial banks supported by Bank of India, and in addition some
co-agent banks. It has likewise tied-up with NGO's, MFIs and corporates for the
conveyance of rustic arrangements.

PROMOTERS ICICI Bank ICICI Bank is India's second biggest bank and biggest
private segment manage an account with resources of Rs.2823.72 billion as on
September 30, 2006. ICICI Bank gives an expansive range of money related
administrations to people and organizations. This incorporates home loans, auto
and individual advances, credit and check cards, corporate and horticultural fund.

The bank benefits a developing client base through a multi-channel get to

organize which incorporates more than 635 branches and augmentation
counters, 2325 ATMs, call focuses and web keeping money. PRUDENTIAL Plc Built
up in London 1848, Prudential Plc, through its organizations in the UK and
Europe, the US and Asia, gives retail money related administrations items and
administrations to in excess of 21 million clients, policyholder and unitholders
around the world.

Prudential has conveyed to showcase a coordinated scope of budgetary

administrations items that presently incorporates Balance confirmation, benefits,
shared assets, keeping money, speculation administration and general protection.
IN Asia, Prudential is the main European Balance insurance agency with a
tremendous system of 23 Balance and shared reserve activities in 12 nations
China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

VISION Built up in London 1848, Prudential Plc, through its organizations in the
UK and Europe, the US and Asia, gives retail money related administrations items
and administrations to in excess of 21 million clients, policyholder and
unitholders around the world. Prudential has conveyed to showcase a
coordinated scope of budgetary administrations items that presently
incorporates Balance confirmation, benefits, shared assets, keeping money,
speculation administration and general protection.

IN Asia, Prudential is the main European Balance insurance agency with a

tremendous system of 23 Balance and shared reserve activities in 12 nations
China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. This can be achieved by:- •
Understanding the necessities of clients and offering them unrivaled items and

• Leveraging innovation to benefit clients rapidly, proficiently and helpfully. •

Developing and executing better hazard administration and speculation
techniques than offer maintainable and stable comes back to our policyholders. •
Providing an empowering domain to encourage development and learning for
our employees.
VALUES Each individual from ICICI Prudential group is focused on 5 center
qualities: - Integrity, Customer First, Boundaryless, Ownership, and Passion. These
qualities sparkle forward in everything they do, and have turned into the
cornerstones of their prosperity. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The ICICI Prudential
Balance Insurance Company constrained board includes rumored individuals
from the back business both from India and Abroad.

Mr. K.V.Kamath, Chairman Mr. Barry Stowe Mrs. Kalpana Morparia Ms. Shikha
Sharma, Managing Director Mr. N.S.Kannan, Executive Director Mr. Bhargav
Dasgupta, Executive Director PRODUCTS OF ICICI PRUDENTIAL ICICI Prudential
Balance Insurance offers a scope of inventive, client driven items that address the
issues of clients at each Balance organize. Its items can be improved with upto 4
riders, to make a redid answer for every policyholder.

SAVINGS & WEALTH CREATION PRODUCTS Cash Bak Save ‘n’ Protect Balance
Time Super & Balance Time Plus Balance Link Super Premier Balance Gold
Following are some of CHILD PLANS Instruction Insurance under Smart child
RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 1. Forever Life 2. Lifetime Super Pension 3. LifeLink
Super Pension 4. Immediate Annuity Wellbeing SOLUTIONS 1. Health Assure and
Health Assure Plus 2. Cancer Care 3.

Diabetes Care Gathering INSURANCE SOLUTIONS 1Group Gratuity Plan 2. Group

Superannuation Plan 3. Group Immediate Annuities 4. Group Term Plan
Adaptable RIDER OPTIONS 1. Accident and Disability Benefit 2. Critical Illness
Benefit 3. Income Benefit 4. Waiver of Premium CHAIRMAN'S FOREWORD ICICI
Prudential Balance Insurance offers an extent of creative, customer driven things
that address the issues of customers at each Balance sort out.

Its things can be enhanced with upto 4 riders, to influence a revamp to respond
in due order regarding each policyholder the qualities of motivation get from the
definitions given by different creators CHAPTER: 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND
INTERPRETATIONS Which type of incentives motivates you more? Monetary
incentives Non-financial incentives Both (Table 4.1.1) Particulars No.

of Respondents Percentage Monetary incentives 15 30 Non-financial incentives

9 18 Both 26 52 Total 50 100 / (Chart 4.1.a) 4.2.1 INTERPRETATION: The table
shows that 52% of the respondents are expressing that both financial and non-
financial incentives will equally motivate them, 18% are expressing non-financial
incentives motivates and 30% respondents says we only motivated through
monetary incentives only.

Computation of Chi-square on the types of incentives motivates employees: Null

hypothesis (Ho): there is no significance difference between two departments i.e.
Human Resource and Finance department. OBSERVED VALUES: Departments
Monetarey Incentives Non-Financial Incentives Both Total HR 6 3 10 19 Finance
9 6 16 31 Total 15 9 26 50 EXPECTED VALUES: Row total* column total Grand
total S.NO ORIGINAL VALUE EXPECTED VALUE (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei 1 6 5.7
0.3 0.09 0.02 2 3 3.42 -0.42 0.18 0.06 3 10 9.88 0.12 0.01 0 4 9 9.3 -0.3 0.09 0.01
5 6 5.58 0.42 0.18 0.98 6 16 16.12 -0.12 0.01 0.23 TOTAL 1.43 (Table 4.1.2) ?2
calculated = 1.43 Tabulated value of ?2 for 2 degree of freedom at 5% level of
significance is 5.488 (?2 tabulated = 5.488).

Conclusion: Since, ?2 calculated value is less than ?2 tabulated value (?2 cal< ?2
tab), therefore null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted at 5% level of significance and we
may conclude that two departments i.e. (Human Resource and Finance) do not
differ significantly. What factor De-motives you at work place? Job profile
Company policy Work environment (Table 4.1.3) Particulars No.

of Respondents Percentage Job profile 14 28 Company policy 16 32 Work

environment 20 40 Total 50 100 / (Chart 4.1.b)
4.2.2 INTERPRETATION: The table shows that 40% of the respondents are de-
motives with work environment and 32% with company policy and 28% of the
respondents are de-motives with job profile. From this it can be concluded that
work environment and company policy are de-motives at work place.

How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organizations?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied (Table 4.1.4)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 18 36 Satisfied 29 58
Neutral 3 6 Dissatisfied 0 0 Highly dissatisfied 0 0 Total 50 100 / (Chart 4.1.c)

INTERPRETATION: The table shows that 36% of the respondents are highly
satisfied and 58% of the respondents are satisfied with incentives provided by the
organization so we can conclude most of the employees are satisfied with the
incentives provided by the organization. Does your Job improve your skills and
abilities? Yes No Never (Table 4.1.5) Particulars No.

of Respondents Percentage Yes 32 64 No 10 20 Never 8 16 Total 50 100 /

(Chart 4.1.d) INTERPRETATION: 64% of the respondents are concurred that their
activity enhances their aptitudes and capacities and 20% of the respondents
concurred that their abilities and capacities are not moves forward. It can be
reason that their activity enhances their aptitudes and capacities.

Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your
performance? Influence Does not influence No opinion (Table 4.1.6) Particulars
No. of Respondents Percentage Influence 32 64 Does not influence 12 24 No
opinion 6 12 Total 50 100 / (Chart 4.1.e) 4.2.5 INTERPRETATION: The table
demonstrates that 64% of the respondents those motivating forces and different
advantages will impact their performance,24% respondents says they are not
impact their execution and 12% respondents did not state any supposition.6.

Management is really interested in motivating the employees? a) Agree b)

Disagree c) Neutral Particulars No. of respondents Percentage Agree 25 50
Disagree 18 36 Neutral 7 14 total 50 100 (Table 4.1.7) / (Chart 4.1.f) 4.2.6
INTERPRETATION: From the above table half of the employees are concurred that
the administration is extremely keen on propelling the employees and 36% of the
employees are differ and 14% are neutral.So it can be inferred that administration
is extremely inspired by spur the employees in association. 7.

Does the administration include you in the basic leadership which are associated
with your area of expertise? a) YES b) No c) Occasionally Particulars No. of
Respondents Percentage Yes 47 94 No 0 0 Occasionally 3 6 TOTAL 50 100
(Table 4.1.8) / (Chart 4.1.g) 4.2.7 INTERPRETATION: The table shows 94% of the
respondents agree that they the management involves them in decision making
which are connected their department. 8.

Do you enthusiastic about your work? a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage Always 15 30 Sometimes 30 60
Never 5 10 TOTAL 50 100 (Table4.1.9) / (Chart4.1.h) 4.2.8 INTERPRETATION:
From the above table, we can conclude that 60% of the respondents agreed that
they feel enthusiastic some times in their work. 9.

Are you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things?
Strongly agree b) agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree Particulars No.
of Respondents Percentage Strongly agree 20 40 agree 10 20 Neutral 12 24
Disagree 8 16 Strongly disagree 0 0 TOTAL 50 100 (Table4.1.10) / (Chart4.1.i)

INTERPRETATION: From the above table we can reason that 40% of the
employees concurred that they are urging to concoct new and better methods
for getting things done. 10. Have you been advanced at work over the most
recent a half year? a ) Yes b) No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage Yes
18 36 No 32 64 Total 50 100 (Table4.1.11) / (Chart4.1.j) 4.2.10
INTERPRETATION: The table shows that 64% of the employees are not promoted
from the last six months and 36% of the employees are promoted.

From this we can conclude that most of the employees are not promoted. 11. Are
you adequately recognized for your good work? Agree Disagree neutral
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage Agree 28 56 Disagree 10 20 Neutral
12 24 Total 50 100 (Table4.1.12) / (Chart4.1.k) 4.2.11 INTERPRETATION: The
figure demonstrates that 56% of the employees concurred that they are
perceived for good work and 20% are differ and 24% respondents are neutral.So
it can presume that the majority of the employees perceived by their great work.

Rank the following factors which motivates you the most? (Rank 1, 2, 3, 4…
respectively) No. Factors Rank 1 Salary increase 2 Promotion 3 Leave 4
Motivational talks 5 `reorganization Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Salary increase 21 42 Promotion 15 30 Leave 3 6 Motivational talks 5 10
recognization 6 12 Total 50 100 (Table4.1.13) / (Chart4.1.l) 4.2.12
INTERPRETATION: The table shows that 42% of the respondents are responding
that the increase in salary will motivate them the most. 13.

Have you been nominated for training & development programmes for the last 6
months? a) Yes b) No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 30 60 No
20 40 Total 50 100 (Table4.1.14) / (Chart4.1.m) 4.2.13 INTERPRETATION: The
table shows that 60% of the respondents are expressing that they are nominated
for training and development programme in the organization for the last 6
months. 14.

Does the management provide continuous feed back in solving work related
problems? a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
Particulars Number of Respondents Percentage Strongly agree 14 28 Agree 16
32 Neutral 9 18 Disagree 5 10 Strongly Disagree 6 12 TOTAL 50 100
(Table4.1.15) / (Chart4.1.n) 4.2.15 INTERPRETATION: The table shows that 28% of
respondents strongly agreed and 32% agree that they are getting feedback from
management and 20% are neutral and 10% are disagree that they are not getting
feedback from the management. 15.
Overall are you satisfied with your job? a) Yes b) No Particulars Number of
Respondents Percentage Yes 28 56 No 22 44 TOTAL 50 100 (Table4.1.16) /
(Chart4.1.o) 4.2.16 INTERPRETATION: The figure shows that 56% of the
respondents are satisfied with their job and only 44% of the respondents agreed
that they are not satisfied with their job.It can be concluded that most of the
respondents are satisfied with their job.


investigation are takes after • The ICICI BANK LTD has a very much characterized
association structure. • There is an amicable relationship is exist in the association
between employees what's more, administration. • The employees are extremely
roused by the administration. • The employees are happy with the present
motivating force design of the organization The majority of the specialists
concurred that the organization is anxious in perceiving and recognizing their
work. • The think about uncovers that there is a decent relationship exists among

• Majority of the employees concurred that there professional stability to their

present occupation. • The organization is giving great wellbeing measures to
guaranteeing the employees security. • From the investigation plainly a large
portion of employees consents to the way that execution • Appraisal exercises
and support from the colleagues in accommodating to get roused. • The
contemplate uncovers that expansion in the pay will persuades the employees

• The motivators and different advantages will impact the execution of the
employees CONCLUSION The examination presumes that, the motivational
program system in ICICI BANK LTD is discovered viable yet not exceedingly
powerful. The examination on employee motivation featured such huge numbers
of elements which will propel the employees.

The investigation was led among 50 employees and gathered data through
organized survey. The Study served to discoveries, which were connected with
employee motivational, programs which are given in the association. The
execution evaluation exercises truly assume a noteworthy part in persuading the
employees of the association.

It is a main consideration that makes an employee feels great in his work and
results in his fulfillment as well. The association can in any case focus on
particular territories which are advanced from this examination so as to make the
motivational projects more powerful. Just if the employees are legitimately
inspired they function admirably and just in the event that they function
admirably the association will profit out it.

Steps ought to be taken to enhance the motivational projects methodology later

on. The recommendations of this report may help toward this path.
SUGGESTIONS The recommendations for the discoveries from the investigation
are takes after Most of the employees concur that the execution evaluation
exercises are useful to get roused, so the organization should attempt to enhance
execution examination framework, so they can enhance their execution.

•Non money related plans ought to likewise be executed; it can enhance the
efficiency level of the employees. .Organization should offer significance to
correspondence amongst employees and pick up co-appointment through it. •
Skills of the employees ought to be valued. • Better bearer advancement
openings ought to be given to the employees for their change • If the brought
together arrangement of administration is changed to a decentralized one, at
that point there would be dynamic and submitted investment of staff for the
accomplishment of the association BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS REFFERED Wayne F.
Cascio 2006, Managing Human Resources, TMH. Aswathappa, 2006, Human
Resource Management, 4th edition, TMH K.Aswathappa, 2006, Organizational
Behaviour- Text, Cases and games, Himalaya Publishing House Curtis w. cook and
Phillip L.Hunsaker, 2006, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Macgraw-
Hill Irwin Jyothi P. and DN Venkatesh-2006, Human Resource Management,
Oxford University press.

HRM Review July 2010. by Dr.G C NAG Adjunct Professor, IBS – Mumbai WEB
QUESTIONNAIRE Employee Name: Age: Sex: Designation: Department/Branch:
Marital status: Salary: 1. Which Type Of Incentives Motivate You More? a)
Monetary Incentives b) Non- Financial Incentives c) Both 2.

What factor de-motivates you at work place? a) Job profile b) Company policy c)
Work environment 3.How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the
organisation.? a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied c) neutral 4. Does your job improve
your skills and abilities? a) Yes b) No c) Never 5.

Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your
performance? a) Influence b) Does not influence c) No opinion 6. Management is
really interested in motivating the employees? a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral 7.
Does the management involve you in the decision making which are connected
to your department? a) Yes b) No c) Occasionally 8.

Do you enthusiastic about your work? a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never 9. Are

you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things? a)
Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 10. Have you
been promoted at work in the last six months? a) Yes b) No 11. Are you
adequately recognized for your good work? a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral 12.

Rank the following factors which motivates you the most? (Rank 1, 2, 3, 4…
respectively) No. Factors Rank 1 Salary increase 2 Promotion 3 Leave 4
Motivational talks 5 `reorganization 13. Have you been nominated for training
& development programmes for the last 6 months? a) Yes b) No 14.

Does the management provide continuous feed back in solving work related
problems? a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
15. Overall are you satisfied with your job? a) Yes b) No Thank You……… Signature

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