Generator Protection (Steag) PDF

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STEAG Energy Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Site Office: C/o GSEG, Opp: L&T, Hazira-Surat,Gujarat

Corporate Office: A – 29, Sector – 16, Noida – 201 301, India

What is Generator ?

Generators or Alternators are used to convert mechanical power derived

from steam,
steam gas,
gas or hydraulic-turbine
hydraulic turbine to AC electric power .

Generators are the p

y source of electrical energy
gy we consume

Large AC power networks rely almost exclusively on generators.

Generator Parts details

Generator Parts details

Stator Core Cooler
End Shield
Wd Overhang
Wdg O h

Oil Catcher



Shaft Seal

Terminal Bushing
Generator Parts details

Generator Bearings

Generator DE & Generator bearing

NDE bbearings
i with
ith assembled for
installed dimensional
thermocouples checks

Bearings in clean
Need for Generator Protection Relay ?

Need for Generator Protection Relay

Protection Relays are the Brain of the Electrical System
‰ A relay is automatic device which senses an abnormal condition of
Generator circuit and closes its contacts.

‰ Protection Relay make the circuit breaker tripped for disconnecting

the faulty portion of the electrical circuit from rest of the healthy circuit.

Objective is to trip only the absolutely essential so that

‰ Damage is Minimum.
‰ Over speeding of the Turbine due to Sudden load Throw off is avoided.
‰ Impact of Tripping of large set on the grid is Minimum’
‰ Auxiliary if possible are kept energies and time to restart the unit is
Generator Monitoring system

Generator monitoring system

Bearing Vibration Shaft Vibration

Winding Vibration Core Vibration

M h i l

Generator Monitoring
Condition Electrical
System (GEMS)

•Hydrogen Purity •MW, MVAr, V, A, Pf

•Hydrogen Humidity •Excitation
E it ti V,
•Air Humidity •AVR Indication
•Water Conductivity •DIODE Monitoring
•Gas Condition •Stator Winding Temp. •Shaft Voltage
•Stator Core Temp. •RE, PD
•Water Temp. •Line Faults
•Hydrogen Pressure
•Water Flow
•Make Up Hydrogen Flow
Generator Protection Function Group

Generator Protection Function Group

G t Protection
P t ti MainM i Generator
G t Protection
P t ti Backup
B k
1.Generator Differential Protection 12. Back up impedance protection
2.Stator Earth Fault Protection 100 % 13.Dead Machine Protection
3.Stator E
l P
i 95 % 1 O
14.Over voltage Protection
4.Rotor Earth Fault Protection 15. Under Voltage Protection
5.Loss of Excitation Protection 16.Under Frequency Protection
6. Over excitation Protection 17.Over Frequency Protection
7. Reverse power Protection
8. Negative phase sequence protn
9. Pole Slip Protection
10. Generator Over load Protection
11. Generator Inter turn Fault Protn
Generator Protection – ANSI CODE


Sr. No. Protection ANSI Code
1 Generator Differential 87G
2 Back up impedance Stg-1 21G1
3 B k up iimpedance
Back d St
2 21G2
4 Loss excitation with under voltage (UV) 40G1
5 Loss of excitation without under voltage (UV) 40G2
6 Generator over voltage Stg-1 59G1
7 Generator over voltage Stg-2 59G2
8 Reverse Power with Turbine Trip 32G1
9 Reverse Power without Turbine Trip 32G2
10 Generator Low Forward power 37G
11 Generator Negative Phase Sequence Stg-1 46G1
12 Generator Negative Phase Sequence Stg-2 46G2
Generator Protection – ANSI CODE

Sr. No. Protection ANSI Code

13 Rotor Earth Fault relay 64R
14 Rotor over load 49R
15 Generator overload 49S
16 Generator Over Freq Stg-1
Stg 1 81G1
17 Generator Over Freq Stg-2 81G2
18 Generator under Freq Stg-1 81G3
19 G
t under
d Freq
F Stg-2
St 2 81G4
20 Generator Over flux 99G
21 Generator CB LBB 50LBB
22 Pole slip 98G
23 Stator Earth Fault 95% 64G2
24 Stator Earth Fault 100% 64G1
25 Inter turn Protection With 64G2 95G
26 Dead machine Protection 50GDM
Generator Protection Function

Allocation of Generator Protection Function

Generator Protection Function -87G

Generator Differential Protection (87G)

‰ Differential
Diff ti l protection
t ti is i a very reliable
li bl method
th d off protecting
t ti generators.

‰ In a differential protection scheme, currents on both sides of the

Generator are compared.

‰ Under normal conditions, or for Sera fault outside of the protected zone,
current I1 is equal to current I2 .

‰ Therefore the currents in the current transformers secondary are also

equal, i.e. i1 = i2 and no current flows through the current relay.

‰ If a fault develops inside of the protected zone, currents I1 and I2 are no

longer equal, therefore i1 and i2 are not equal and there is a current
flowing through the current relay.
Generator Protection Function-87G

Generator Differential Protection (87G)

Generator Protection Function -64G1

STATOR 100 % Earth Fault Protection (64G1)

‰ It is common practice to ground generator neutral through a resistor which

limits maximum ground fault current to 5-10 A.
‰ Ground fault pprotection function for detecting
g g
ground faults close to the star-
point of a generator.
‰ The scheme is based on the principle of displacing the potential of the
generator star-point by injecting a coded low-frequency signal.
‰ achieves detection of ground faults over 100 % of the winding. Compensation is
provided for the influence of a second high-resistance grounded star-point in
the zone of protection.
‰ The injection signal is generated by the injection unit REX 010 and fed into the
stator circuit by the injection transformer block REX 011.
‰ The principle is based on the well
known offset method,
method using injection of a low
frequency signal.
Generator Protection Function -64G1

STATOR 100 % Earth Fault Protection (64G1)

Parameters Settings
RFs Alarm value 5kΩ
Alarm Delay 2s
RFs Trip value 0.5kΩ
Trip delay 1s
Generator Protection Function -64G2

STATOR 95% Earth Fault Protection (64G2)

‰ The 95 % scheme uses the generator voltage and detects a ground fault on the
basis of the displacement of the star-point voltage it causes.

‰ Protection of 95 % Stator winding length against earth faults. The delay has to
safeguard against any malfunction under transient conditions and during
external earth faults.

‰ This protection in conjunction with the voltage function 'Voltage', which covers
95 % of the winding.

‰ Neutral voltage relay with harmonic restraint and time delay is used.

‰ Normally set to operate at 5% of maximum neutral voltage with delay of 0.30

Generator Protection Function -64G2

STATOR 95% Earth Fault Protection (64G2)

Generator Protection Function -64R

Rotor Earth Fault Protection (64R)

‰ The field
f circuit off the generator is normally isolated from
f the earth.

‰ With a single earth fault in the rotor circuit, it is possible to have continuous
operation without generator damages.

‰ There is however a risk of a second rotor earth fault .In such a case, there will
be large current and risk of severe damages .

‰ The requirement of fast fault clearance is moderate.

‰ Rotor earth fault relay with AC Injection Unit function

‰ Gives alarm for weakly developed faults and tripping for fully developed fault.

‰ Insensitive to harmonics in the filed voltage and permits capacitance between

fi ld circuit
field i it and
d ground
d off up to
t 5µF.
5 F
Generator Protection Function -64R

Rotor Earth Fault Protection (64R)

Generator Protection Function - 40G

Loss of Excitation Protection (40G)

‰ There are limits for the under-excitation of a synchronous machine .

‰ The machine may lose the synchronism and start to operate like an induction

‰ The under-excitation increase the generation of heat in the end region of the
synchronous machine. The local heating may damage the insulation of the stator
winding and even the iron core.

‰ To prevent damages to the generator it should be tripped at under-excitation.

Principle and operation

‰ The Loss off excitation protection in Relay measures the apparent impedance seen
out from the generator.

‰ The measurement loop of apparent impedance can be chosen as the positive

sequence loop
l or any one off the
h three
h phase-to-phase
h h l
Generator Protection Function - 40G

Loss of Excitation Protection (40G)

Generator Protection Function – 99G

Over Excitation Protection (99G)

‰ As long as generator Transformer unit is connected to the network, risk of over

excitation is relatively small. However, when disconnected, there is risk of over
excitation mainly during start-up and shutdown.

‰ Over excitation results in excessive heating of core lamination and severe heating
of unlaminated metallic parts.

‰ Risk of the over excitation in large when frequency is below rated value and over
voltage relay cannot be used here and therefore, a V/Hz relay is the right one .

‰ Over excitation protects generator magnetic core against of overheating .

‰ Specially critical during start up and shutdown.

Generator Protection Function – 99G

Over Excitation Protection (99G)

Generator Protection Function – 32G

Reverse Power Protection (32G)

‰ The task of a generator in a power plant is to convert mechanical energy available

as a torque on a rotating to electric energy.

‰ When generator works as motor small active current is combined with large
reactive current as currents are balance ,single pole relay is sufficient .

‰ For large turbo units ,reverse power is substantially less than 1 %.Hence ,low
forward power relay can be used.

‰ Used for the protection to prevent damage to the prime mover.

‰ If driving torque becomes less than total losses, generator starts drawing active
power from network .

‰ In Steam turbine, reduction of steam flow reduces cooling effect and blades are
over heated.
Generator Protection Function – 32G

Reverse Power Protection (32G)

Generator Protection Function – 46G

Negative Phase Sequence Protection (46G)

‰ Negative phase sequence currents produce a reverse sequence rotating field in the
machine .

‰ This induces double frequency eddy currents in the rotor leading to overheating,
primarily on surface of cylindrical rotors and damper winding of salient pole

‰ Causes of Negative phase sequence in Generator

ƒ Unbalanced load
ƒ Unbalanced system faults
ƒ Open circuit
ƒ One pole of CB or Isolator not closed.

‰ Unbalance loading gives rise to double frequency eddy currents induced in rotor
which may cause excessive overheating .
Generator Protection Function – 46G

Negative Phase Sequence Protection (46G)

Generator Protection Function – 98G

Pole Slip Protection (98G)

‰ L
Large generatort are more susceptible
tibl to
t loss
l off synchronism
h i due
d to t lower
l i
higher reactance and also if connected by relatively weak ties. if allowed to persist
result in instability and widespread system disturbance.

P l Slipping
Pole Sli i

‰ In this state, plant is still in excited state and large fluctuations in stator voltage
current and power output of the machine occur.

Protection Function operation and Measurement

‰ If Generator is faster than the power system, the rotor movement in the impedance
and voltage
oltage diagram is from right to left and generating is signaled
‰ If the generator is slower than the power system, the rotor movement is from left to
right and motoring is signaled.
‰ The movement in the impedance plain can be seen in figure, the transient behavior
is described by the transient e.m.f’s
e m f’s EA andd EB,and b X’d. XT and
d by d the
th transient
t i t system
impedance ZS.
Generator Protection Function – 98G

Pole Slip Protection (98G)

Generator Protection Function – 49S

Overload protection (49S)

‰ If the temperature of the generator reaches too high values the equipment might be

‰ As a consequence of this the risk of internal phase to phase or phase to earth

faults will increase.

‰ The thermal overload protection estimates the internal heat content of the
generator continuously.

‰ The Protection measure maximum phase current (true RMS Measurement).

‰ In this REG 670 Protection Relay Two warning levels are available .This enables
actions in the power system to be done before dangerous temperature are reached.
If the temperature continues to increase to the trip value ,the protection initiates
trip of the protected generator
Generator Protection Function – 49S

Overload protection (49S)

Generator Protection Function – 95G/64W

Generator Inter turn Fault (95G or 64W)

‰ Differential protection for stator does not provide protection against the
inter-turn faults on the same phase winding of the stator.
‰ The reason is that the current produced by the turn to turn fault flows in
the local circuit between the turns involved and thus it does not create
any difference between the current.

1. The protection criterion (for an

interturn fault)

2. which the REU 610 evaluates is the

neutral voltage of the phase-to-neutral
voltages. The necessary sensitivity is
achieved using a special input and
digital filter algorithms.
Generator Protection Function – 95G/64W

Generator Inter turn Fault (95G or 64W)

Generator Protection Function – 21G

Backup Impedance Protection (21G)

‰ Backupp impedance
p protection for internal short circuit in the g
p generator or the unit
transformer .

‰ Backup or main protection for fault at the bus bar where the plant is connected to
the p
power system
y .

‰ Backup impedance protection for line-faults at lines out from the power plant .

‰ The numerical mho line distance p protection is a three zone full scheme p
for back-up detection of short circuit and earth faults.

‰ The three zones have fully independent measuring and setting which gives high
y for all types
yp of lines.

‰ The modern technical solution offers fast operating time down to ¾ cycles.
Generator Protection Function – 21G

Backup Impedance Protection (21G)

Generator Protection Function – 50GDM

Dead Machine Protection (50GDM)

‰ If a dead machine is accidentally energized (energized while on turning
gear), it will start and behave as an induction motor.
‰ During the period when the machine is accelerating, very high currents
are induced in the rotor and the machine may be damaged very quickly.
relays do detect the event, their time delays may be too great to avoid
damage to the generator.
‰ Because of these p
problems,, dedicated dead machine p
protection is often
‰ Protection relay must have a very short time delay in order to adequately
protect the useful for system
p y fault backup
‰ Protection against dead-machine energization can also be provided with a
directional over current relay connected at the machine terminals and set
to operate for currents flowing into the machine.
Generator Protection Function – 50GDM

Dead Machine Protection (50GDM)

Generator Protection Function – 59G

Over voltage Protection (59G)

‰ Generator overvoltage may occur during a load rejection or excitation

control failure.
‰ upon load rejection the generator may speed up and the voltage can
reach high levels without necessarily exceeding the generator
s V/Hz
‰ The overvoltage relay (59) is used to protect the generator from this

‰ The over voltage protection is provided by two over voltage Function

have two Step – one is the instantaneous relays which is set to pick
up at 130 to 150% of the rated voltage. another Step is IDMT which is
set to pick up at 110% of rated voltage.

‰ Over voltage may occur due to the defective voltage regulator and
also due to manual control errors.
Generator Protection Function – 59G

Over voltage Protection (59G)

Generator Protection Function – 27G

Under voltage Protection (27G)

‰ If more than one generators supply the load and due to some reason one
generator is suddenly trip , then another generators try to supply the load.
Each of these generators will experience a sudden increase in current and
thus decreases the terminal voltage.
‰ Automatic voltage regulator connected to the system try to restore the
‰ And under voltage relay type-27
type 27 is also used for the under voltage
‰ This drop of under voltage not critical for the generator and transformer
block .
‰ Critical for the auxiliary equipment at plant (especially for turbo units).
‰ This Protection function should be block when generator is not loaded .
Generator Protection Function – 81G

Under frequency Protection (81G3)

‰ Under Frequency occurs as a result of lock of generation in the Network .

‰ Overloading of a generator, perhaps due to loss of system generation and

insufficient load shedding, can lead to prolonged operation of the generator at
reduced frequencies

‰ This can cause particular problems for gas or steam turbine generators, which
are susceptible to damage from operation outside of their normal frequency

‰ While load-shedding is the primary protection against generator overloading,

under frequency relays (device 81U) should be used to provide additional

‰ The under frequency (TUF) function is used to detect low power system
frequency ,the
th function
f ti can either
ith have
h ad
fi it titime d
l or a voltage
magnitude depend the time delay .
Generator Protection Function – 81G3

Under frequency Protection (81G3)

Generator Protection Function – 81G1

Over frequency Protection (81G1)

‰ Over frequency will occur at sudden load drops or shunt faults in the power
network .

‰ In some case close to generating part governor problem can also cause over
frequency .

‰ The protection function is provided with an undervoltage blocking ,the operation

ay be based o on ssingle
ge pphase,
ase, p
ase to p ase oor pos
t e seque
ce voltage
o tage
measurment .

‰ The Over frequency (TOF) function is used to detect high power system
frequency ,the
the function has a settable definite time delay.if
delay if the frequency
remains above the set value for a time period corresponding to the chosen time
delay .
Generator Protection Function – 81G1

Over frequency Protection (81G1)

Generator Class of Tripping


‰ This is adopted for those Electrical Faults of Generator and Generator

Transformer and unit Auxiliary Transformer for which tripping can not be
‰ This leads to simultaneous tripping of
ƒ Generator Transformer HV Side CB
ƒ Field Circuit Breaker
ƒ LV side Incomer Breaker of UAT’s
ƒ Auto Changeover from unit to Station for unit Auxiliaries and
tripping of turbine.
Generator Class of Tripping

‰ Thi
This is
i adopted
d t d for
f all
ll turbine
t bi faults
f lt (Mechanical)
(M h i l) and d for
f some Electrical
El t i l
faults of Generator ,Generator Transformer and unit auxiliary
Transformer for which it is safe to trip the turbine.

‰ Subsequently the Generator is tripped through low forward power


‰ Ensure that unit does not over speed due to trapped steam in the turbine
during the shutdown and also the loss of power to the grid from the
Generator is not sudden.
Generator Class of Tripping


‰ This is adopted for all faults beyond the Generator system which can be
cleared by tripping of Generator transformer HV Side CB alone.

‰ In this case the TG Set runs with HP-LP bypass system in operation and
Generator continues to feed the unit auxiliary load through unit auxiliary
Classification of Tripping

Typical Classification of Tripping

Generator Differential Relay Class ‘A’
Generator Transformer Differential Class ‘A’
Unit Overall Differential Relay Class ‘A’
Generator Stator E/F Relay (100%) Class ‘A’
Generator Stator E/F Relay (95%) Class ‘A’
Generator Transformer Over fluxing Class ‘B I stage alarm
Generator Under frequency Relay Class ‘C’ After some time I stage alarm
(say 3omins) II stage
Generator Rotor Earth Fault Relay Class ‘B’ II stage I stage alarm
Generator Pole slipping Relay Class ‘C’
Generator Field Failure Relay Class ‘B’
B Without Under voltage
Generator Low Forward Power For interlock in Class
Relay ‘B” tripping
Classification of Tripping

Typical Classification of Tripping

Generator Reverse Power Relay Class ‘A’
Generator Distance Backup Impedance Relay Class ‘C’
Generator Voltage Restrained Relay Class ‘A’
Generator Transformer H.V. side Backup O/C relay Class ‘C’

Generator Transformer H.V. side Backup E/F relay Class ‘B’

Unit Auxiliary Transformer Differential Relay Class ‘A’
Generator Negative Sequence Current Relay Class ‘C’ I-stage alarm
Generator Definite time O/C Relay For alarm
Unit Auxiliary Transformer H.V. side O/C Relays Class ‘A’
Generator Transformer Buchholz Relay Class ‘A’ Il-stage I-stage alarm
Generator Transformer Winding Temperature Class ‘C’ Il-stage I-stage alarm
Generator Transformer Oil Temperature Device Class ‘C’ Il-stage I-stage alarm
Generator Protection Matrix

Generator Protection Matrix

Measurement Circuit for Generator Protection
Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay - Requirement & Classification

The Protection Relays The Protection Relays are

should meet following classified by following
requirements: construction type:

‰ Reliability : ability to ‰ Electromagnetic

operate correctly. It has two ‰ Solid state
component ‰ Microprocessor
¾Dependability ‰ Numerical
¾Security ‰ Non-electric (thermal,
‰ Speed: minimum pressure etc.,)
pressure, etc )
operating time to clear the
‰ Cost: maximum
protection at lowest possible
Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay Classification

Electromagnetic Based relay


Electromagnetic relays include

attracted armature, moving coil,
and induction disc induction cup
type relays. Electromagnetic relays
contain an electromagnet (or a
permanent magnet) and a moving
part. When the actuating quantity
exceeds a certain predetermined
value, an operating torque is
developed which is applied on the
i part.
t This
Thi causes theth
moving part to travel and to finally
close a contact to energise the trip-
coil of the breaker.
Electromagnetic Type Relays

Type-CDG 12
Inverse Time Earth Fault

yp 17,37
Instantaneous Over current

Type-CTNM 12 Type-CDV,22,62 Type-CTMM/CTMFM

Negative Phase Sequence Voltage controlled Over
Motor Protection Relay
current relay current Relay
Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay Classification

Solid state
Based relay
co st uct o

Static relays contain electronic circuit,

circuit which are
transistors, ICs, diodes another electronic
components. There is a comparator circuit in the
relay, which compares two or more currents or
voltages and gives the output, which is applied to
either a slave relay or a thryristor circuit. The slave
relay is an electromagnetic relay in a semi- static
relay. A relay using a thryristor circuit is a wholly
static relay. Static relay possess an advantage of
having low burden on CT and PT, PT fast operation,
absence of mechanical inertia, contact time, long life
and less maintenance. Static relays have proved to
be superior to electromagnetic relays
Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay Classification

Based relay

Based relay
Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay – Numerical Relay Function

A numeric relay is a digital protective relay that uses a microprocessor with software based
protection algorithms to analyze power system voltages and currents for the purpose of
detection of faults in an electric power system.

Low voltage and low current signals (i.e., at the secondary of a voltage transformer and
current transformer ) are brought into a low pass filter that removes frequency content
above about 1/3 of the sampling frequency. AC signal is then sampled by the relay's analog
to digital converter at anywhere from about 4 to 64 (varies by relay) samples per power
system cycle. The sampled data is then passed through a low pass filter that numerically
removes the frequency content that is above the fundamental frequency of interest (i.e.,
nominal system frequency), and uses Fourier transform algorithms to extract the
f d
fundamentalt l frequency
f magnitude
it d and
d angle.
Next the microprocessor passes the data into a set of protection algorithms, which are a set
of logic equations in part designed by the protection engineer, and in part designed by the
relay manufacturer, that monitor for abnormal conditions that indicate a fault. If a fault
condition is detected, output contacts operate to trip the associated circuit breaker(s).
Generator Protection Relay

Architecture of numerical relays

‰ Microprocessor
‰ Memory module
‰ Input module
‰ O t t module
Output d l
‰ Communication module
‰ Application
pp Software
Advantage of Numerical Relay
¾ Reliability
¾ Multifunctionality
M ltif ti lit
¾ Self Diagnosis
¾ Event and Disturbance Records
¾ Co
u cat o Capab
t es
¾ Adaptive Protection Sampled Waveform
Generator Protection Relay

Numerical relays Fourier transform algorithms

Generator Protection Relay

Architecture of numerical relays

Generator Protection Relay- REG 670

Generator Protection Relay – ABB make REG 670

™ The REG 670 is used for protection ,control and

monitoring of the generator and generator
transformer blocks.
™ The IED has a comprehensive function library,
covering the requirement for most generator

™ The REG670 also enables valuable monitoring g

possibilities as many of the process values can be
transferred to an operator HMI.

REG 670 inbuilt with 33 Protection function.

™ A/D module with one microsecond accuracy
in time synchronization .
™ New GPS clock module .
™ Transformer input module with three metering
CTs, four protection CTs and five VTs .
Generator Protection Relay REG 670

Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay

Protection Relay – Function Monitoring

Generator Protection Relay

Relay Communication
Generator mechanical protection

Generator Mechanical Protection Alarm Limit setting

Sr. NO Parameter Operating Value Alarm Value Trip Value
1 Stator slot temparature (24 RTDs) 95 - 100 ºC >100
2 Stator core Temperature
Turbine End < 95 ºc > 100 ºC
Excitor End < 95 ºC > 100 ºC
3 Cold gas temp after H2 coolers
AB (3 RTDs) 25 - 45 ºC > 50 ºC > 50 ºC
CD (3RTDs) 25 - 45 ºC > 50 ºC > 50 ºC
4 Hot gas temp before H2 coolers
AB (2 RTDs) 45 - 70 ºC > 75 ºC
CD (2RTDs)
5 Cooling water Temp before H2 coolers
A < 38 ºC > 38 ºC
B < 38 ºC > 38 ºC
6 Cooling water Temp after H2 coolers < 50 ºC > 50 ºC
7 g p TE Side (2
Generator Brg.Temp ( RTDs)) < 90 ºC > 90 ºC
8 Generator Brg.Temp EE Side (2 RTDs) < 90 ºC > 90 ºC
9 Generator Brg. Vibration TE < 84 ºC > 84 ºC
10 Generator Brg. Vibration EE < 84 micron pk-pk > 84 micron pk-pk
Generator Protection Setting

Generator Protection setting – 230 MW Generator

Sr. No. Protection Setting REG 670 Pickup Setting Time Delay
1 Generator differential protection 0.2 IBASE 0
2 Gen Backup impedance Stage-1(21G1) 0.099 ohm/ph, 80 deg 1s
3 Gen Backup impedance Stage-2 (21G2) 0.141 ohm/ph, 80 deg 1s
Zone-1 : Z1 offset: 10, Z1
4 Loss of Excitation with under voltage (40G1) diameter: 86.37 %, 0s
UV:70% 1 S
Zone-2 : Z2 offset: 10, Z2
diameter: 86.37 %, 0s
UV:70%, 1 S
Zone-1 : Z1 offset: 10, Z1
5 Loss of Excitation without under voltage (40G)2 0s
diameter: 86.37 %,
Zone-2 : Z2 offset: 10, Z2
diameter: 86.37 %,
6 Over load protection Stage-1 (59G1) 110 IB% 3s
7 Over voltage protection Stage-2 (59G2) 115 %UB 3s
8 R
Reverse P
Power with
ith turbine
t bi trip
t i (32G1) 0 5% SB
0.5% SB, 180 d
deg 3s
Reverse Power with out turbine trip (32G2)
9 0.5% SB, 180 deg 3s

10 Low forward protection (37 G) 0.5% SB, 180 deg 3s

10% IB, 0, 120, 240 deg
11 Negative Phase Sequence Stage-1
Stage 1 (46G1) 2s

Negative Phase Sequence Stage-2 (46G2)

12 10% IB, 0, 120, 240 deg IEC – Extremely Inverse
Generator Protection Setting

Generator Protection setting – 230 MW Generator

Sr. No. Protection Setting REG 670 Pickup Setting Time Delay
13 Rotor earth fault protection (64 R) Alarm -10KΩ
10KΩ 0.50 s
Trip – 1 KΩ 0.50 s
14 Rotor Overload Protection (49 R) 110% Ibase 5s
15 Generator Overload Protection (49 S) 105% Ibase 5s
16 Over Frequency Protection (81 G1) Alarm: 51.50 Hz 10 s
Over Frequency Protection (81 G2)
17 Trip: 52.50 Hz 1s

18 Under Frequency Protection (81 G3) Alarm: 48.50 Hz 5s

19 Under Frequency Protection (81 G4) Trip: 47.40 Hz 2s
20 O
Over fluxing
fl i protection
t ti (99 G) 110 – 140 % V/H
V/Hz 0s
21 Generator CB LBB Protection (50 LBB) 10% Ibase 0.2 s
22 Pole Slip protection (98G) ZA = 13.55 %, 105-90 deg 0s
ZB = 16.57 %, 105-90 deg 0s
ZC = 15.34 %,, 105-90 deg
g 0s
23 Stator 1 00% earth fault protection (64 G1) Alarm -1KΩ 0.50 s
Trip - 1KΩ 0.50 s
24 Stator 95 % earth fault protection (64 G2) 0.05 Un 0.5 s
25 INTERTURN fault protection (95 G1) >5.0 Un 0.1 s
26 Dead machine Protection (50 GDM) I >= 105 %, UV <= 70% 0s
Sonntag, 12. August 2012 67

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