Introduction To Software Quality Assurance & Testing

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Introduction to Software Quality

Assurance & Testing

Code Complete, 2nd Ed., Steve McConnell
Software Engineering, 5th Ed., Roger Pressman
Testing Computer Software, 2nd Ed., Cem Kaner, et. Al.
Software Quality Assurance
• The purpose of SQA is to find and report defects AND succeed in getting them

• What is a software defect?

– Definition #1: There is a mismatch between the program and its
requirements spec or functional spec
• This definition is fine if a requirements specification exists and is
complete and correct (not always true)
– Definition #2: The program does not do what its end user reasonably
expects it to do
• This definition always applies, even when there's no specification
Software Quality Assurance
• Categories of Defects
– Functional defects
• The program’s features don’t work as they should
– User Interface defects
• Usability problems
– Performance defects
• Too slow, Uses too much memory/disk space/bandwidth/etc.
– Error Handling defects
• Failure to anticipate and handle possible errors, or deal with them
in a reasonable way
– Security defects
• Attackers can compromise the system and access sensitive data or
other resources
Software Quality Assurance
• Categories of Defects
– Load defects
• Can't handle many concurrent users, can't handle large data sets
– Configuration defects
• Doesn't work on the required hardware/OS/browser
– Race conditions
• Behavior depends on the interleaving of concurrent activities
– Documentation defects
• User manuals or online help isn't clear, complete, well-organized
Software Quality Assurance
• The longer defects remain in the system, the more expensive they become
– The cost of a defect grows dramatically the longer it remains in the system
– What is the cost of a defect in the requirements specification if it’s found
• during requirements phase?
• during implementation?
• after product ships?

• SQA should be performed throughout the software development life cycle

– It's not something you do only at the end after everything's pretty much
Verification & Validation
• Validation
– Build the right product
– Those activities that attempt to determine that customer needs can
be met by a product
• Verification
– Build the product right
– Transformational activities that are performed at each step of the
product life cycle
– Evaluating at each stage of the life cycle to ensure the software
meets the requirements

• Focus
– Completeness, Consistency, Feasibility, Testability
Software Quality Assurance
• The two primary SQA activities:
– Technical Reviews
– Software Testing
Technical Reviews
• A “review” is a meeting where a work product is reviewed by a small group of people
who are qualified to give feedback, find problems, suggest improvements, etc.

• Anything can be reviewed: requirements spec, functional spec, design, code, test plan,
user documentation

• Reviews range in formality

– In the morning, spend some time reviewing your work of the previous day
– Informal requests for feedback from peers
– Pair programming
– Formal meetings, pre-scheduled, specific invitees, prior preparation

• Problems found during reviews are fixed, resulting in improved quality

• Reviews are the most effective QA technique, both in terms of cost and number of defects
Review Meetings
• Review the product – not the producer
• Set an agenda and keep it
• Limit debate and rebuttal
• Enunciate problem areas but don’t try to fix anything
• Take written notes
• Limit the number of participants
• Insist upon advance preparation
• Develop a checklist
• Allocate resources and time schedules
• Conduct meaningful training
Software Testing
• Testing is the process of detecting errors by running the actual software and
verifying that it works as it should
– Test cases, Expected results, Actual results

• Testing is by far the most popular QA activity (but not the most effective)

• Formal technical reviews are cheaper and more effective than testing, but are
often ignored

• Research has shown that all forms of testing combined usually find less than
60% of the errors present

• A typical project might expend 50% of its resources on testing

Software Testing
• Exhaustively testing software is not feasible

– The number of possible input combinations is effectively infinite

– The number of unique paths through the code is effectively infinite
– You might not live long enough to exhaustively test a non-trivial software system

• We must do partial testing because we only have enough resources (time and money) to
run relatively few test cases

• Partial testing can never prove the absence of defects

– If the system passes all your test cases, there could still be defects, you just need
more or better test cases to find them
Software Testing
• Effective testing lies in intelligently choosing the relatively few test cases that will
actually be executed

– Test all requirements and features defined in the requirements spec. and functional

– Focus on scenarios that users are likely to encounter in practice

– Test cases should not be redundant (i.e., each one should follow a different path
through the code)

– Analyze the program’s design and code to find potential weak areas

– Analyze all points at which data enters the system and look for ways to attack it

– Code coverage
Software Testing
• Approaches for test case design are generally divided into two broad
categories: Black Box Testing and White Box Testing

• Black Box Testing

– The tester has limited knowledge of the inner workings of the item being
– Test cases are based on the specification of the item's external behavior

• White Box Testing

– The tester has knowledge of the inner workings of the item being tested
– Test cases are based on the specification of the item's external behavior
AND knowledge of its internal implementation
Software Testing
• Testing is unlike other software development activities because the goal is to
break the software rather than to create it

• Effective testing requires the assumption that you will find defects

• Effective testing requires that you want to find defects

• If you think you won't find defects, or you don't want to, you will have set up a
self-fulfilling prophecy

• Testing by both developers and an independent testing group are essential

– They have different perspectives and motivations
– They do different kinds of tests (developer does white box, test team does
black box), which tend to discover different types of defects
Software Testing
• Defects are not evenly distributed (i.e., they tend to cluster)

• Research has shown that:

– 80% of a system's defects are found in 20% of its code
– 50% of a system's defects are found in 5% of its code

• There is a high correlation between bugs and complex code.

– Use tools to measure code complexity, and focus testing on those modules
with the most complex code

• One goal of testing is to identify the most problematic modules

– Redesign may be needed if there is an inherent design flaw
– Or, replace buggy module with a third-party library/product
Software Testing
• How many defects should you expect to find?

– It depends on your development process

– Most projects experience between 1 and 25 errors per 1000 LOC

– The Applications Division at Microsoft reports 10 to 20 errors per

1000 LOC, with 0.5 errors per 1000 LOC in released products
Software Testing
• Automation of test cases is essential to make frequent re-running of
test cases feasible

• A lot of the interesting testing work is found in inventing and creating

ways to automate test cases (i.e., create programs whose purpose is to
test other programs)

• Automation requires a lot of software design and implementation

(sometimes called “Test Engineering”)

• Some tests are difficult to automate and must be run manually

Unit Testing
• Exercise a specific module in a controlled environment
• Typically involves
– Scaffolding
– Stubs and drivers
• Stubs
– Modules below a unit to mimic behavior of dependent modules
• Drivers
– Modules above a unit that drive the unit in the same fashion its
calling modules do
• Involves both white box and black box testing
Integration Testing
• After unit testing – put them together to do testing
• Top down or bottom up
• Tester needs to understand the behavior of integrated modules
– Module hierarchy can help
System Testing
• Execution of the entire system
– Does it conform to the overall system requirements
– Depends on the document
• May be simulated
– Depends on accuracy of the simulator
• Tests
– Functionality
– Performance
– Reliability
– Usability
Regression Testing
• Check to see that an update does not re-introduce errors
• Check
– Functionality – typically black box tests
– Architecture – gray box tests (some knowledge of inner workings)

• Typically a large suite of tests

– All functionality
– All changes

• Needs to be automated
Regression Testing
Build results
Test data for version x

Build tests
for version x

Run tests
for version x Compare Verdict
Automating Regression Testing
• Challenging
• What parts of program output should be checked?
• Simple but annoying issues
– Use of dates in output
– Changes in whitespace
– Format changes
– Lead text changes
• Answer
– Don’t use complete output
– Just extract the relevant information
Regression Testing
• Keep it updated!
– Bug fixes – tests to ensure they stay fixed
– Functionality additions
– Platform changes
– Etc.

• If you branch the code, you must branch the regression tests
Formal Verification
• In addition to Technical Reviews and Software Testing, Formal Verification is another
approach to QA

• Create a formal “model” of the system

– Some kind of automaton (i.e., state machine) or other mathematical abstraction that
precisely captures the system’s behavior

• “Check” the model by formally proving that it implements the desired behavior
– Automated theorem proving systems are often applied
– Or, prove that the model does not behave correctly, thus revealing a defect

• Historically, formal verification has been expensive and limited to relatively small
programs, but techniques are improving all the time. Challenges include:
– Complex systems are hard to formalize
– State space explosion: real systems have so many possible states that proving
things about them is hard
– Ensuring that the “model” accurately captures the system’s behavior
– Making it accessible to people who aren’t formal verification experts

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