Abdul Rahman 2014
Abdul Rahman 2014
Abdul Rahman 2014
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy
Antenna array design for enhanced oil recovery under oil reservoir
constraints with experimental validation
Muhammed Moshin Abdulrahman, Mahmoud Meribout*
Electrical Engineering Department, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a detailed mathematical model of EM (electromagnetic) heating for EOR (enhanced oil
Received 21 July 2013 recovery) is presented. The model takes into consideration three different designs of the array of EM
Received in revised form sources under the constraint of the dimensions, dielectric constituents, and geophysics properties of oil
5 December 2013
reservoirs. This includes a simple waveguide antenna, an E-plane spectral horn antenna of different
Accepted 1 January 2014
dimensions and an array of waveguide antennas with and without deflected phases. Simulation studies
Available online 24 February 2014
have been performed at frequencies of 915 MHz, 2450 MHz and 5800 MHz for the three aforementioned
designs under different combinations of the placement, positioning, and orientation of antennas.
Enhanced oil recovery
Furthermore, an experimental verification of the suggested model is addressed by designing and building
Electromagnetic heating a new experimental setup which has the advantage to mimic more realistically real oil reservoirs as
Microwaves antennas compared to microwave ovens. These latest which were mainly used as the test platform by other re-
Electromagnetic propagation searchers feature substantial differences with oil field reservoirs. The corresponding results indicate a
good matching (i.e. 95% matching) with the suggested model, while outperforming other traditional
enhanced oil recovery techniques. This leads to state that EM-based EOR can be a good alternative to the
other existing techniques.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880 869
free or bound charges such as electrons or ions. Hence, when EM heating as compared to conventional EOR techniques [9]. For
waves are applied, these polar molecules are set into circulatory instance, it is not uncommon that the water in field reservoirs is
motion and they collide speedily with other molecules with the salty and has a non-negligible concentration of ions which has the
collision frequency equal to the frequency of applied EM waves advantage to increase the absorption power of the reservoir. In
which in result produces much heat. These properties were addition, some previous works [8] have suggested that the pres-
extensively explored in the area of biomedical engineering for ence of wet sand enhances the efficiency of EM heating by around
treating cancerous cells. This led to achieve some interesting results ten (10) times as compared to conventional heating such as steam
which allowed the emergence of several mature and commercially- heating. The same results have revealed that in such scenario, a fast
available medical instruments which are used in several parts of temperature increase to up 300e400 C could be achieved. These
the world. Similarly, some works related to bio oil production used features have led many scientists, mainly petroleum engineers, to
microwave heating as a mean of liquefaction to convert biomass develop models for EM heating for heavy oil recovery [8].
into energy and high value chemicals [4]. Hence, microwave heat- In Ref. [10], a two-dimensional (2D) model for EM heating of
ing has the advantage that it is fast and is based on volumetric heavy oil was suggested and solved using two FEM (Finite Element
heating. Experimental results indicate that using 600 W microwave Method)-based simulators (e.g. COMSOL Multiphysics and STARS
power for a duration of 30 min, a liquefaction yield of up to 93.17% simulators) at 915 MHz frequency. The results of both simulations
was obtained under optimum conditions (e.g. upon the catalyst were in concordance and reiterated the merit of using microwaves
concentration). A second order polynomial model was developed to for EOR. Another mathematical study was performed at 915 MHz
validate the experiments and assess the potential of the technique for microwave heating of heavy oil and the results were compared
at larger scales. A similar work was done in Ref. [5] to improve with steam heating. It proposed a comprehensive 2D mathematical
biodiesel yields from waste cooking oil using microwave based- model but lacked the experimental verification of the model and
heating. The experimental setup was very similar to the one used consideration of different electromagnetic source scenarios such as
for EOR and consisted of a microwave unit (750 W) power within design, type and orientation of microwave antennas [11]. In Ref.
which a sample of cooked oil is introduced. Experimental results [12], another interesting model which simultaneously takes into
indicate a 97.7% maximum yield using microwave heating as consideration the electromagnetic and dynamic heating phenom-
compared to 96.6% maximum yield with conventional heating with enon of microwave-based heating is proposed. Even though this
65 C heat temperature. Furthermore, the reaction was much faster model is dynamic in nature i.e. the dielectric properties of material
in case of microwave. In Ref. [6], application of microwave onto a are being updated with the rise in temperature, it does not incor-
heat circulator was successfully done using a new AMR (active porate the fluid viscosity reduction and consequently the fluid flow
magnetic regenerative heat) and the corresponding experimental which remains a main area of concern for microwave heating of
results validated the developed model. A theoretical study on the heavy oil. In addition, they did not consider the permeability,
use of microwaves for endothermic reactions was suggested in Ref. porosity and electric absorption coefficients of the reservoir oil as a
[7]. This efficiency can be even higher when the reactor is coated function of the frequency. In Ref. [13], authors suggested another
with a metallic material having a depth function of the frequency of mathematical model for microwave heating of heavy oil but did not
the microwave radiations. The model comprised a detailed Helm- incorporate the permeability as a function of the force field in the
holtz equation for microwave propagation within a semi infinite reservoir which is an important parameter for fluid flow calcula-
batch reactor. Simulation results indicate that the use of microwave tions. In addition, they did not investigate the effect of microwaves
can significantly save energy for up to 60%, dependently on the kind on the pressure distribution within the reservoir and the thermal
of reactor being used. Other works with EM waves have also been conductivity of heavy oil with temperature rise. The work done in
conducted for EOR [8]. This was motivated by the fact that EM Ref. [13] constitutes one of the rare contributions which simulta-
waves do not present any risk of chemical reactions with other neously considered modeling and experimental validation. Hence,
materials found inside the reservoir [8]. In addition, in practice, the authors have suggested a detailed two-dimensional model of
several scenarios may enhance the effectiveness of using EM microwave heating of heavy oil with an operating frequency of
Fig. 1. Design of oil wells for E. (a) Top view of the reservoir, (b) front view of the underground of the reservoir.
870 M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the suggested model considered for the microwave-based EOR.
915 MH using an FEM-based simulator (STARS). In Ref. [14], another beginning of the microwave heating process and employ slow
model of 2.45 GHz microwave heating was disclosed and few ex- heating after reaching a threshold temperature. One of the limita-
periments using a microwave oven were done in an attempt to tions of these studies is that the core samples are dipped inside a
validate the model. A good matching between theory and practice glass beaker which was then placed inside a microwave oven which
was revealed and the study suggested using fast heating at the does not correctly represent actual oil reservoirs. In Ref. [15],
Fig. 3. An explanatory view of microwave antennas: (a) 3-D single microwave antenna, (b) 3-D E-plane spectral horn antenna, (c) 2-D view of horn antenna, (d) an array of three in
phase, (e) microwave wave pattern.
M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880 871
properties are in their turn used to determine the new heat energy equation, the first, second, and third terms represent the heat loss
distribution. In the flow chart, the dielectric constant, ε, for the by convective heat transfer to the surrounding environment (where
heavy oil is composed of two parts: the real part (ε0 ), also called the h represents the coefficient of convective heat transfer in W/m2),
permittivity and the imaginary part (ε00 ), also called the dielectric radiative heat loss from the wall surface (where x represents the
loss factor. Hence, the variable ε0 deals with the storage capacity of emissivity of oil (taken as 0.95 in this case [10])), and the heat
electromagnetic energy inside the material while ε00 effects the accumulation in the reservoir. The other variables are s which
dissipation of electromagnetic energy per unit volume, Pv, in the define the electrical conductivity of the fluid, r the density of oil,
form of heat energy [16]: and Cp the heat capacity of oil. It is worth noting here that the
contribution of the third term is much more significant that the one
Pv ¼ uε0 ε00 Ev2 (1) of the first and second terms. The term on the left hand side of
Equation (2) can also be defined [18] as follows:
where f ¼ (u/2p) is the frequency of operation and Ev the strength
of electric field inside the material. aP0 eaðrrw Þ
V$qEM ¼ (3)
3.1.1. Heat generation and distribution model
In microwave-based EOR, the energy can be described in the where Po is the power applied at the well bore, a the electromag-
form of per unit volume of oil, V, as: netic absorption coefficient, r the radial distance, and rw the well
Accumulation of energy ¼ Net energy transfer þ energy input bore radius. Hence, the heat absorbed or gained by the material
from the source. depends upon the absorption coefficient, a which also depends on
Mathematically, for a microwave emission into a reservoir of the electrical properties of the medium [18]:
area A, actual temperature T, and ambient temperature Ta, the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffivffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s 2
ffi !ffi
above equation can be written as [17]: ε0 m 0 ut
a ¼ u 1þ 0 1 (4)
2 εu
hA xAs 4 vT
V$qEM ¼ ðT Ta Þ þ T Ta4 þ rCp (2)
V V vt Also, in Equation (2), the temperature distribution, vT/vt, is given
The left hand side term, V$qEM , defines the total energy pro- by the heat transfer equation [18]:
vided by the electromagnetic source. In the right side of the
vT Pv ðx; y; tÞ
rCp ¼ VðkðTÞ; VTÞ þ (5)
vt 2
Fig. 6. Temperature and pressure distributions for microwave array of antennas operating at 2.45 GHz frequency (dynamic electromagnetic and thermal properties): (a) tem-
perature distribution, (b) pressure distribution.
time that this model is considered for microwave-based EOR. Where i ¼ 1, ., M and j ¼ 1, ., N. Assuming no dispersion and
Though, some other researchers have used a part of the model for no adsorption i.e. kij ¼ wis ¼ 0 and only one component is present
microwave heating of food and microwave treatment for diseases in each phase i.e. wij is either 0 or 1. The mass balance equation can
such as cancer. be written as [6]:
0 1
v@ X X
Np Np
3.1.3. Dielectric loss factor updating models kkrj v2 Pj v2 Pj v2 Pj vg vg vg
rj Sj ¼ rj þ þ þ rj þ þ
The dielectric loss factor in a medium with conductivity sigma vt mj vx2 vy2 vz2 vx vy vz
(s) depends upon temperature and is given by Ref. [18]: j¼1 j¼1
ε00 ¼ sðTÞ=2pf ε0 (8)
where B is the porosity of the reservoir, rj and Sj are the density and
where sðTÞ ¼ ðsT¼T Þ½1 þ a1 ðT Ta Þ þ a2 ðT Ta Þ2 þ a3 ðT Ta Þ3 , saturation of phase j. In addition, mj is the viscosity of phase j, k the
values of a1, a2 and a3 are taken from Ref. [19] and are: permeability of the reservoir, Pj the pressure in phase j, while krj is
a1 ¼ 0.02604/C , a2 ¼ 0.01312/Co and a3 ¼ 0.00997/Co.
the relative permeability of phase j. This variable can also be given
by Ref. [20]:
3.1.4. Mass balance and fluid flow model
qj mj
A second major consideration for microwave heating of heavy
A k
oil is the mass balance which has been considered by only few krj ¼
vx þ vx þ vx þ rj F
vP vP vP
researchers [6]. The mass balance equation is used to determine the
flow of the fluid by considering the component ‘i’ for each phase ‘j’
incorporating the porosity and permeability of reservoir along with here qj represents the flow rate of phase j, A the area, and k the
the viscosity of different phases of fluids and is given by: permeability of the reservoir. On the other hand, the variables mj
Accumulation of ‘i’ in phase ‘j’ ¼ net mass transfer of ‘i’ in phase and rj define the viscosity and density of the phase j, while g is the
‘j’ þ mass input of ‘i’ into phase ‘j’. gravitational acceleration. In this case the body force field is due to
Fig. 7. Temperature and pressure distributions for microwave array of antennas operating at 2.45 GHz frequency (static properties): (a) temperature distribution, (b) pressure
874 M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880
Fig. 8. Comparative analysis of temperature and pressure distributions for different type of MW antennas.
the gravitational acceleration and can be found from density and two known temperatures. The remaining variable, T(x), is the
volume of fluid particles as given below: temperature at position, x [8].
Fig. 9. Comparison between oil recoveries from microwave heating with different antennas and steam EOR.
M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880 875
Fig. 10. Comparison between temperature and pressure distributions with different type of antennas at 915 MHz operating frequency.
For all above antenna, the power level, standing time, cycling, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the dimensions of the waveguide (as mentioned in
applied frequency, dimensions and antenna position and orienta- Fig. 3 above) and ‘c’ stands for the speed of light given as 3 108 m/s.
tion etc. are found as the main factors influencing the microwave For the case of 2.45 GHz, the exact cut-off frequency is found to be
heating procedure. The issues of non-uniformity in heating and 2.419 GHz while for 915 MHz it came out to be 914.63 MHz. The
inefficient heating are resolved by applying cyclic microwave propagation constant of microwaves is calculated by using the
heating instead of its continuous application. Although increased equation given below:
applied power level of microwaves reduces the heating time, it may qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
result in a salty shielding causing an even increase of the required 2p
Propagation constant ¼ b ¼ f 2 fc2 (16)
exposure heating time [15]. c
Fig. 11. Comparison of oil recovery with different microwave antennas operating at 915 MHz and steam EOR.
876 M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880
Fig. 13. Comparison between temperature and pressure distributions with different type of antennas at 5.8 GHz operating frequency.
M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880 877
Fig. 15. Temperature and pressure distributions for microwave array of antennas operating at 5.8 GHz frequency (static properties): (a) temperature distribution, (b) pressure
878 M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880
Fig. 17. Experimental setup: (a) real, (b) microwave generating setup.
M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880 879
Fig. 18. Experimental validation of the model: (a) temperature distribution (simulation for 60 s), (b) comparison of temperature rise with different MW excitation durations.
Besides being safe for the operator, it is clear that the suggested almost 1.5 mW per cm2 has been detected by the meter which is
experimental setup prevent the waves emitted by the microwave well below the standard limit of 5 mW per cm2.
source to be reflected back to the source, which is the case of real- Next, the microwave source was powered on for 30 s and the
life reservoirs. Fig. 17 shows a photograph of the experimental temperature of the oil sample raised from 24.3 to 29.6 C was
setup, along with its different constituents. observed. In the next set of experiments, the microwave source was
During the experiments, the temperature distribution was powered on for 1 min and the temperature raised of oil reached
measured by five thermocouples (Pt 100, WS 130 Series, Deange, 29.8 C. This small increase of temperature may be explained by the
Taiwan) fixed with temperature displays and placed at equally at large quantity of oil exposed to the microwaves. However, when the
defined distance of 20 cm from each other radially away from microwave source was powered on for 1.5 and 2 min duration, the
the source. These temperature sensors are connected to a host temperature rise was 5.6 and 5.8 C respectively.
computer via three meter long extension wires coated with Teflon The same experimental setup was built in COMSOL to perform
(a microwave resistant material). Note that the thermocouples have similar simulation procedures. Hence, the oil medium was heated
the temperature sensitivity ranging from 50 C to 300 C which is up for 30 s, 1 min, 1.5 min and 2 min. The corresponding results as
enough for the requirement of experiment. shown in Fig. 18 indicate a similar trend with the experimental
In the experiments, a microwave magnetron operating at results. This validates to some extent the theoretical model sug-
1080 W input power, 700 W output power and 2.45 GHz frequency gested in this paper. Furthermore, Fig. 18 also demonstrates the
has been used. A Microwave leakage detection meter operating at difference between microwave heating of a sample of oil placed
2.45 GHz frequency and with 9 V DC battery has been used to detect inside the oven and by using the suggested experimental setup. A
any leakage of microwaves. significant difference between the temperature distributions has
Microwave leakage detector used is capable of measuring the been noticed strengthening the claim that microwave oven is not
electromagnetic radiations present in the air from 0 to 9.99 mW/ suitable for such experiments especially related to enhanced oil
cm2, with an accuracy of 1 dB. Safety standard considered for this recovery. This is because of the metallic walls of microwave oven
experiment is 5 mW/cm2 as set by FDA (U.S Food and Drug Asso- which reflect the electromagnetic energy and the target material
ciation) and EPA (U.S Environmental Protection Agency). Initially, absorbs this energy from all the sides. This is the reason for rapid
and prior to switch on the microwave source, a microwave power of rise of temperature of oil placed inside the microwave oven.
880 M.M. Abdulrahman, M. Meribout / Energy 66 (2014) 868e880
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