The Trojan War The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis

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Characters (*)god and goddesses (#) Kings

#Peleus – King of Phythia, husband of Thetis

Thetis – a sea nymph, wife of peleus, mother of Achilles
*Eris – Goddess of all controversy and discord
*Hera – jealous wife of Zeus
*Athena – Goddess of wisdom and craft daughter of Zues
*Aphrodite - goddess of love and daughter of Zeus
Paris – A young prince, son of King Priam
Helen – Queen of Troy the wife of Menelaus
#Priam – Father of Paris and Hector, King of Troy, Husband of Hecuba
*Zeus - the son of Kronos and most powerful of the gods; brother of Poseidon,
Hades and the goddess, Hera, his wife; as lord of the sky, the thunderbolt
is his most potent weapon.
*Hermes – Son of Zues, the Messenger
Achilles – Son of Peleus and Thetis, leader of the Myrmidons and central character of the Iliad.
*Poseidon – Brother of Zeus and lord of the sea.
Hector – First born son of Priam
#Agamemnon - King of Mycenae husband of Clytemnestra
#Menelaus – King of Sparta, husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon
#Nestor – The wise king of Pylos, the adviser of the Achaean troops
Odysseus’s - Lord of Ithaca, famed of wisdom and trickery, he planned the Trojan Horse
Chryseida – Daughter of Chryses, The reason of Achilles and Agamemnon Quarrel
Patroclus – Closet friend to Achilles, died in the war wearing the armor of Achilles
*Apollo - The archer god, the son of Zeus

The Trojan War

The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis

All the the gods were invited except for Eris, to avenge this slight, Eris, choose her moment and tossed a
golden apple in front of the goddesses; Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite – it bore an inscription saying “To the Fairest” a
quarrel broke among the goddesses, so Zues ordered Hermes to give Paris a difficult job of judging which of the three
goddesses will receive the golden apple, each of the goddesses offered the young prince gifts, Hera, to rule of Asia
and Europe, Heroism and Victory, and Aphrodite, love, in the person of Helen.

The Trojans

The fortress of troy stood on Mt. Ida it had been built by Poseidon, the fortified city Troy was ruled by King
Priam had more than: fifty sons and countless daughters. His first born son was hector.

Paris and Helen

Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, married Clytemnestra sister of Helen which is the husband of Menelaus king
of Sparta and that was where he welcomed Paris and his entourage when they arrived but on the tenth day after
Paris’ arrival Menelaus was forced to leave for Crete. Paris seized the opportunity to make his advancement to Helen,
who was unable to resist the power of wielded by Aphrodite, she accepted the treasure and agreed to run away with
him and returned to Troy where their wedding was celebrated.

The Achaean Campaign against Troy

As soon as Menelaus heard of Helen’s plight he sailed from Crete and went straight to his brother
Agamemnon. The two kings, with Nestor a wise ruler (also a king) of Pylos convinced all the kings and heroes in
Greece to join in the campaign: it was a matter of Honor. The ravisher of Helen must be punished.

The Trojan War – The Iliad

Troy otherwise known as Ilium was a place of murderous battles protected by Apollo with his sliver bow. The
goddesses of Athena and Hera helped the Achaean forces.
Achilles and the Quarrel with Agamemnon

It was Achilles fate to die in troy, During the nine years the Trojan war lasted, Achilles captured and looted
quite a number of cities around Troy and enslaved many beautiful women whom he presented to Agamemnon,
Breseis, daughter of Breseus, whom Achilles wished to marry and returned to Phytia. Bresses too, was a prisoner
together with another girl called Chryseida daughter of Chryses, when news came to Chryses he took rich gifts as
ransom, and set off to the Greek camp to buy back his daughter but Agamemnon was reluctant and turned down
Chryses with harsh words and trigged the wrath of Apollo the god’s silver bow rained mercilessly to the Greek camp
killing the animals and then among the men, this was the start of the quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon, Achilles
said that it was Agamemnon duty to send Chryseida back to her Father, so as to put an end to the plague
Agamemnon returned Chryseida to her Father but then he snatched Breseis from Achilles, in the belief that one item
of booty ought to be replaced by another.

Achilles Revenge

Patroclus a close friend to Achilles begged him to do something to stop the Trojans but Achilles was adamant.
So Pratroclus took initiative and wore Achilles armor leading the Myrmidons into battle himself. The Trojans began in
fear to retreat to the walls of their city, believing that the king of the Myrmidons was on the battlefield once more.
Apollo told Hector that the in armor was not really Achilles and Hector killed Patroclus, Achilles heard the news of
the death of his friend, in a frenzy of sorrow and rage, rushed into unarmed. He let out a cry which so terrified the
Trojans that they ran away leaving the dead body of Patroclus unharmed. In his grief over the death of his friend,
Achilles forgot his personal differences with Agamemnon and thought of nothing but revenged. Agamemnon
apologized to Achilles for his own behavior and once more Achilles was on again to the battlefield. After many battles
and duels he came upon Hector at the Gates as the two warriors chased one another and prepared for battle, Zues
threw the fates of Achilles and Hector into the balance and so it came about the duel, Hector was killed but Achilles
lust for revenge was still not quenched: he tied the corpse behind his chariot and dragged it round the city walls
before returning to the camp for Patroclus’ funeral.

The death of Achilles

The courage and heroism of Achilles was unparalleled throughout the war. But in the end, his death was
fated to come Achilles, at the head of his troops had driven the Trojans back until the walls of the city. Then Paris
used the information which Apollo gave him and aimed his fatal arrow at the hero’s only weak point: His heel.

The fall of Troy

The Greeks are starting to doubt the favorable conclusion of the war, ten years has passed and despair was
eminent and then it occurred to Odysseus, that the city might best be captured by a trick. So he taught up a plan of
the leaders, and put it into effect. A huge wooden horse was built with a hollow stomach. They left it where the
Trojans would see it as they retreat and they were unable to believe it and they saw the wooden horse, took the
horse inside their gates. As soon as the Odysseus and the others crept out of the wooden horse and opened the city
gates at the same time, the fleet sailed back and launched everything they’ve got; by the time the Trojans realized
what was happening the it was too late. When Paris was killed Helen married Demorphubos. His brother, whom
Menelaus slew that night. Sword in hand he rushed into Helen’s room, she expecting only death from this meeting,
bared her breast to accept the blow from her betrayed husband. But Menelaus sword clattered to the floor, and
husband and wife were reunited with a kiss. Menelaus took Helen sway with him and one more this woman, on
whose behalf a war that shook the known world had fought, ended up the winner of the game.

The Heroes Return

Ilium has fallen to the cunning Odyssues, just as the gods had decided. The surviving heroes of the war was
set off on a journey home. Menelaus took Helen back to Sparta. A whole decade has passed Odysseus had not yet
returned to Ithaca, Agamemnon, commander in chief of Greek forces is came to a bloody end. Among them was the
wise old king Nestor, who went back to Pylos and reigned in peace for the rest of his life.

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