Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in Local Population of Pakistan
Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in Local Population of Pakistan
Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in Local Population of Pakistan
Please cite this article in press Fatima Karamat et al., Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in
Local Population of Pakistan, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(05).
Socio demographic variables Frequency (%) Brushing daily (n = 191) (%) P value*
Boy 176(61.3) 101(57.4) 0.001
Girl 111(38.7) 90(81.1)
10-14 105(36.6) 71(67.6) 0.771
15-18 182(63.4) 120(65.9)
Less than normal value 183(63.8) 116(63.4) 0.132
Greater than normal value 104(36.2) 75(72.1)
Using tooth brush
Yes 251(87.5) 187(74.5) <0.001
No 36(12.5) 4(11.1)
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