Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in Local Population of Pakistan

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IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 4312-4316 Fatima Karamat et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


Dr. Fatima Karamat 1, Dr. Tayyaba Tahir2, Dr. Maryam Hanif 2, Zareen Gul3
Dental Surgeon
Dental Surgeon at Tehsil Head Quarter Hospital, Muridke, Pakistan
Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan
Introduction: Overweight and obesity have become public health problems in both developed and developing
countries. The rapid increase in bodyweight in both settings indicates that the trend is largely due to social,
environmental and behavioural changes, rather than hereditary changes. Objectives of the study: Our study aim to
analyze the Oral hygiene education in obese children in local population of Pakistan. Methodology of the study:
This study was conducted at THQ hospital Muridkey and Rawalpinidi Medical College during November to
December, 2017. A total of 100 (male 60 and female 40) obese children were selected for this study. Results:
Knowledge of the participants regarding the oral health is described. Females scored more favorably in knowledge
and behaviors concerning dental health particularly a significant difference (P <0.05) in brushing habit was
observed between the two genders. The Interdentally cleaning habit was observed only in 03% cases. Conclusion: It
is concluded that obese children have ore bad habits of eating and due to this reason they suffer more from oral
health problems as compared to those who eat properly and clean their teeth’s in a proper manner.
Key words: Dental, Oral, Obesity, Diet
Corresponding author:
Dr. Fatima Karamat, QR code
Dental Surgeon

Please cite this article in press Fatima Karamat et al., Analysis of Oral Hygiene Education in Obese Children in
Local Population of Pakistan, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(05). Page 4312

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 4312-4316 Fatima Karamat et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: part of an individual’s general health and overall

Overweight and obesity have become public health well-being. Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of
problems in both developed and developing the most important things for healthy teeth and gums.
countries. The rapid increase in bodyweight in both Good oral health not only enables a person to look
settings indicates that the trend is largely due to and feel good, it is equally important in maintaining
social, environmental and behavioural changes, rather oral functions.
than hereditary changes [1]. Globalization, increasing
urbanization, changes in traditional family structures Objectives of the study
and lifestyles, and a more mechanized workplace Our study aim to analyze the Oral hygiene education
directly or indirectly affect dietary and physical in obese children in local population of Pakistan.
activity patterns. Excess body weight, along with
hypertension, cigarette smoking and hyper METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY:
cholesterolaemia, is an important risk factor for This study was conducted at THQ hospital Muridkey
cardiovascular disease (CVD), and is also associated and Rawalpinidi Medical College during November
with a higher prevalence of hyperlipidaemia, diabetes to December, 2017. A total of 100 (male 60 and
mellitus, hypertension and several cancers [2]. female 40) obese children were selected for this
study. All children falling between age limit 10 to 18
Obesity is a major WHO concern now and WHO has years and permanent residents of the area were
updated recommendations for action to governments, included. This study was conducted by the ethical
international agencies and concerned partners in the approval committee of hospital. Parents of the
public and private sectors. Dental caries has a wide participants were explained the objectives of the
spectrum of risk factors ranging from child’s study and assured of the confidentiality. A written
gender, increasing age, lack of fluoride exposure, consent was taken from all of them. The designed
oral health behaviours, unhealthy dietary lifestyle questionnaire contained questions that were closed-
such as use of sugar-sweetened beverages [3], low ended and some were multiple-choice items with
socio-economic status (SES), and maternal oral alternative statements. The questions asked were
health. Dental caries is an important public health about demographic characteristics like age, sex, class,
issue since its lack of treatment leads to pain, family income and habits like cigarette smoking and
repeated prescription of antibiotics, tooth loss, chewing tobacco. Obesity history were also asked to
malnutrition, poor childhood development, low the children’s.
self-esteem, and missed school days. Hence, it
compromises a child’s overall quality of life. Also, Statistical Analysis
it has been acknowledged that decay in primary The data was entered through a trained computer
teeth is a strong risk factor of dental caries in the operator and imported into statistical package for
permanent teeth [4]. social sciences (SPSS) version 17 for statistical
analysis. Frequency distribution tables were produced
Dental health care is the maintenance of teeth in with percentages.
order to keep the teeth clean and prevent dental
disorders. Basic dental or oral care involves regular RESULTS:
brushing and flossing the teeth, eating a mouth- Knowledge of the participants regarding the oral
healthy diet and regular dental checkups as per health is described in table-1. Females scored more
schedule5. Hence the dental health care is essential favorably in knowledge and behaviors concerning
for general health, quality of life and prevention of dental health particularly a significant difference (P
oral diseases. The causes of dental diseases are <0.05) in brushing habit was observed between the
primarily rooted in poor socioeconomic and physical two genders. The Interdentally cleaning habit was
environment; unhealthy lifestyles and oral health observed only in 03% cases. Girls were observed to
related behaviour [1]. Some scientists demonstrated consume more sweets, snacks and soft drink as
that dental health is seen from a health perspective as compared to boys. Daily eating habits of children’s
a balance between destructive factors such as sugar- were also included in the table (table 1).
rich diet, tobacco use and poor oral hygiene versus
protective factors including good oral hygiene [2]. Significantly more girls reported brushing their teeth.
The habit of daily brushing was more prevalent in the
Background of the study young age group when compared to students of age
A good oral health is the state of mouth free of any 15–18 years but the difference was not significant
disease affecting the oral cavity and its surrounding statistically (table 2).
structures. Oral health has remained as an integral Page 4313

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 4312-4316 Fatima Karamat et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table 1: Oral health knowledge of the respondents

Knowledge Frequency (%)

Daily brushing frequency in obese children
Yes 45.76
No 19.56
Do not know 33.56
High content of sugar in the diet
Yes 60.76
No 7.0
Don’t Know 32.25
Daily eating habits effect on oral health
Yes 33.45
No 16.78
Do not know 2.21
Oral problems
Consult a physician 21.5
Consult a dentist 34.5
Consult a Hakim 5.5
Not care 34.56
Obesity issues
Yes 78.98
No 21.02

Table 2: Relationship between demographic variables and oral health knowledge

Socio demographic variables Frequency (%) Brushing daily (n = 191) (%) P value*
Boy 176(61.3) 101(57.4) 0.001
Girl 111(38.7) 90(81.1)
10-14 105(36.6) 71(67.6) 0.771
15-18 182(63.4) 120(65.9)
Less than normal value 183(63.8) 116(63.4) 0.132
Greater than normal value 104(36.2) 75(72.1)
Using tooth brush
Yes 251(87.5) 187(74.5) <0.001
No 36(12.5) 4(11.1)

DISCUSSION: accomplished mainly through self-induced habits like

This study aims to provide the oral health knowledge maintenance of dental hygiene, restriction of diet
in obese children’s because obesity is the common especially reduced sugar intake, use of fluoridated
issue in Pakistan. The main factors which contribute products and also with the help of available dental
towards obesity is our local environment and eating services, which includes, regular dental checkup,
habits [6]. utilization of primary and preventive care and dental
health education [8]. It is important to prevent dental
In literature, knowledge and awareness about oral problems before they start. The easiest way is to
health is reported to be very low and marked practice daily brushing and flossing that in turn will
differences in oral hygiene habits, depending on age reduce the dental diseases [9]. In our study the
and educational levels were observed. Studies prevalence of daily brushing is reported as 66.5%. A
conducted in Spain and Kuwait showed an figure which is similar to that reported in a Saudi
association between increased knowledge and better study conducted in 2003 and found that 65% of
oral health [7]. Good oral health practice can be students were doing brushing at least once. The same Page 4314

IAJPS 2018, 05 (05), 4312-4316 Fatima Karamat et al ISSN 2349-7750

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