Italian 'Sect' That Imposed Macrobiotic Diet Broken Up - Police - World News - The Guardian

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Italian 'sect' that imposed macrobiotic diet broken up – police | Wo...

Italian 'sect' that imposed

macrobiotic diet broken up 5 police
Followers, whose weight fell as low as 35kg, said to have been
manipulated into following eating regime

Police say the group was based in the central Marche and Emilia-Romagna regions of Italy. Photograph:
Jam World Images/Alamy

Angela Giuffrida in Rome

Wed 14 Mar 2018 17.45 GMT

A well-known guru of macrobiotic food who met Pope Francis is among

the five people under investigation in Italy after police dismantled a
bizarre “sect” that allegedly denied its followers contact with the outside

Mario Pianesi, the 73-year-old founder of a group in the central Marche

and Emilia-Romagna regions of Italy, and his wife, Loredana Volpi, are

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Italian 'sect' that imposed macrobiotic diet broken up – police | Wo...

suspected of being the ringleaders of a network that manipulated victims

into following a strictly controlled diet known as “Ma-Pi”.

Authorities said Pianesi convinced followers of the diet, modelled on the

teachings of the Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa, that it would
provide miracle cures for their illnesses and that traditional medicine did
not work. It aims to avoid foods containing toxins and is based on whole
grains, vegetables and beans.

Carlo Pinto, an Ancona police chief, told the Guardian that the victims
were so devoted to the diet and their “teacher” that the sect managed to
coerce them into giving donations and working for free in the
association’s macrobiotic centres and restaurants. The diet was so
destructive that the weight of one follower plunged to 35kg (77lb).

“I’ve never come across a case like it in my life,” Pinto said. “These were
people suffering from physical or mental illnesses. They were convinced
that the diet did them good and in return they offered to help the
macrobiotic food chain, working for free and effectively sacrificing their
own life.”

Pianesi, Volpi and three others are being investigated for alleged
maltreatment, tax evasion and criminal organisation with the aim of
reducing people to slavery.

The inquiry began in 2013 after a young woman told police Pianesi
promised her that the diet would cure her illness. Pinto said there were
eight victims, whose illnesses instead worsened, but he expected more to
come forward.

“Pianesi would say that doctors were assassins, traditional medicine

didn’t work and that only he could help,” said Pinto.

Pianesi, who along with his wife attended a mass with Pope Francis in
2016 followed by a private meeting with the pontiff, was “well respected”
in Italy and “dominated” the macrobiotic industry, Pinto added.

Originally from Albania, Pianesi started his empire in Marche in 1980 and
went on to cultivate a business that claimed to help cure illnesses
including diabetes.

He once claimed that 26 scientific journals had endorsed the Ma-Pi diet as
a tool for the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses. He also

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Italian 'sect' that imposed macrobiotic diet broken up – police | Wo...

boasted of having collaborated with UN agencies including the Rome-

based Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). His popularity is such
that he is an honorary citizen of 12 towns in Italy and across the world.

Italy 7

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