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Dry Sediment Basin Design P6: Sunway Iskandar SDN - BHD

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1 Most of the surface type is CLAY (Type C Soil)

2 Overland sheet flow the basin will flow the basin directly
Overland length, L = 20 m
Overland slope, S 2 %
3 Length of earth drain 363 m
Assume velocity of flow in drain 1 m/s
4 Site runoff potential is
Moderate to high runoff for settling zone volume
Moderate to high runoff for total volume
5 Construction period is expected to be more than 1 year
Therefore the design storm event is at 3 month ARI

2) Sizing of sediment basin

The predominant soil type is categorized in Category I Table 12.16

Basin Type : Dry Sediment Basin

Condition before development: Park Lawn

Catchments area : 6.850 Hectares
15.180 Acres

3) Determination of Basin Dimension

Required Surface Area: 250 m²/ha Table 12.18

Required Total volume: 300 m³/ha Table 12.18

For this site:

Total surface area required, 250 m2/ha x 6.85 hectares 1712.5 m²
Total basin volume required, 300 m3/ha x 6.85 hectares 2055 m³

a) Settling Zone

Required Settling Zone Volume, V1 = 0.5 x Total Volume 30.30 m³

Min settling zone depth , Y1 0.7 m
Try settling zone depth , Y1 0.7 m
Try settling zone width, W1 10 m

Required setling zone average length, L1 = V1/(W1 x y1) 15 m

Average surface area = 15 x 10 150 < REQUIRED SURFACE, Resize

L1/ Y1 = 15 / 0.7 21.43 < 200; OK

L1/ W1 = 15 / 10 1.50

(b) Sediment Storage Zone

Required sediment storage zone, V2 = 0.50 x total volume 1027.5 m3

For side slope, Z = 2(H) : 1(V), the dimension at the top of the sediment storage zone are

W2 = W1 – 2 x (d1/2) x Z 8.60 m
L2 = L1 – 2 x (d1/2) x Z 13.60 m

Sunway Iskandar Sdn.Bhd

Incepsion Consultant Sdn.Bhd
The required depth for the depth of the sediment storage zone, which must be at least 0.3m , can be
calculated from the following relationship

V2 = Z2Y23 – ZY22 (W2 + L2) + Y2 (W2L2)

Which gives

Y2= 0.6 m >= 0.3m; OK!

V2= 1000 m3 Failed, Check Volume

c) Overall Basin Dimension

At top water level :

WTWL = W1 + 2 x Z x Y1 /2
= 11.4 m Try WTWL = 15 m
LTWL = L1 + 2 x Z x Y1 x2
= 16.4 m Try LTWL = 20 m

At base level :
WB = W1 – 2 x Z (Y1 / 2 + y2)
= 6.2 m Try WB = 3 m
LB = L1 - 2 x Z x (Y1 /2 + Y2 )
= 11.2 m Try LB = 5 m

Depth : Settling zone, y1 = 0.70 m

Sediment Storage area, y2 = 0.60 m

Side Slope Z = 2(H) : 1(H)

4) Sizing of Outlet Pipe

The emergency spillway must be designed for 10 years ARI. The spill level must be set a minimum
300mm above the basin top water level.

i) assume riser pipe flow is orifice flow through the top of the pipe only.
ii) riser pipe head is 300mm,i.e. the height between the top of the pipe and the spillway crest

Qrequired = Q10 - Qriser

a) Detemination of Q10

i= λT^k Equation 2.2

(d + θ)^η

From Table 2.B1(Stor JPS Johor Bahru)

i= λT^k = 73.6792(10^0.2770) 205.28 mm/hr

(d + θ)^η [(20/60)+0.2927]^0.8260

Sunway Iskandar Sdn.Bhd

Incepsion Consultant Sdn.Bhd
Coefficient of Runoff, C = 0.6 (Bare Soil) Table 2.5
Catchment Area, A = 6.850 ha

Q10 = C I A / 360 Equation 2.3

Q10 = 0.6 x 205.28 x 0.20228 = 2.344 m³/s


Try orifice with

diameter of orifice = 0.45 m
Ho = 0.3 m

b) Detemination of Qriser

Qriser = Co x Ao x ( 2. g .Ho )0.50 equation 2.6

Q= Orifice Flow Rate (m³/s)

Co= Discharge Coefficient(0.60)
Ao= X-sectional Area of orifice(m²)
Ho= Effective Head of orifice measured from the centroid of the opening (m)
g= Gravitational Acceleration (9.81m/s²)

Qriser = Co x Ao x ( 2. g .Ho )0.50

= 0.6 x [∏(0.45²)/4] x ( 2 x 9.81 x 0.3)0.50
= 0.23 m³/s

Qrequired = Q10 – Qriser

2.112 m³/s

Qspillway = Csp . B . Hp1.5 Equation 2.10

Csp = 1.48 Table 2.7
B = 0.30 m
Hp1.5 = 0.30 m

Qspillway = 0.07 m3/s Fail

Therefore, total basin depth including spillway

= 0.7 + 0.6 + 0.3 + 0.30
= 1.90 m

Sunway Iskandar Sdn.Bhd

Incepsion Consultant Sdn.Bhd

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