DMM104 - SAP HANA Data Warehousing: Overview, Components, and Future Strategy
DMM104 - SAP HANA Data Warehousing: Overview, Components, and Future Strategy
DMM104 - SAP HANA Data Warehousing: Overview, Components, and Future Strategy
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Analytics Cloud for
Consolidates data across the (BI, Predictive, Planning) Analytics
Standardized data model feeding
Hadoop SAP external
Supports decision making „data HANA Data Warehouse systems
Vora “Single Point of Truth”
Main Tasks Forecast
Define common semantics virtual access
*1 ”2016 Strategic Roadmap for Modernizing Your Data Warehouse Initiatives” Mark Beyer and Lakshmi Randall, Gartner, October 2016
*2 Worldwide Business Analytics Software Forecast, 2016–2019 by Dan Vesset et al, IDC, July 2016. Doc # 257402
• Data Lineage: monitor flow of data across • Full embed a featured application server,
SAP Agile Data models (until avail. via Information Steward) SAP HANA
Preparation / extended appli- web server, and development
Information Steward • Empowers to discover, assess, define, cation Server environment
monitor and improve data quality
SAP HANA • Technically implement and model SAP Application • Organize SAP HANA Artifacts to Delivery
Modeler / SAP HANA Artifacts Lifecycle Units for transports across systems
SAP Web IDE Management (Versioning, Revisions)
• Administrate SAP HANA models
Market presence in data warehousing Strong and simplified Convergence into one technology stack
with a clear roadmap offering with tight integration addressing BW and SQL-based DW needs
Flowgraph: DI & DQ
IT User
Integration & Quality Services
Databases IT Govern
Delimited Files Output data for
downstream uses
Files 5
IT Governance team -
analyze and optimize
Sources Prepare Targets
user processes
Data Mart
(.hdbflowgraph) EIM Services Layer
SDI SDQ ESS Calculation Views (.hdbcalcview)
XS Advanced
virtual Tables
DWF (.hdbvirtualtable) persisted Table (.hdbcds)
SAP HANA DW FlowGraph (.hdbflowgraph) Layer
Replicate ETL Streaming ETL ELT ETL / SOA Load Virtual Access
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. on premise Public 15
SAP HANA DW – Customer Example
SAP HANA, SAP PowerDesigner, and a number of other SAP
as well as non-SAP tools that are integrated in the solution.
“Data vault” modeling as best fit, as it provides the full data
traceability and historization a financial institution needs
Business Value
Consolidated, performant analytics out of one hand has
greatly improved the user experience.
Financial management is tighter and timelier with access
to key reports in seconds.
Landscape consolidation has greatly simplified the IT
landscape and improves IT’s support for the business.
Technical Impact
Highly simplified data model
Reports over a billion rows available in seconds rather
than minutes
Data load times reduced by over 60%
Largely avoided building of InfoCubes by using data
store object (DSO) layers and Composite Providers
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