Global Sales Story

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A new model for sales success

How successful
sales organizations
compete in today’s
complex global
An AchieveGlobal Report

ompetitive advan- fewer suppliers and demand-
tage in today’s ing more value from each.
global marketplace Cost, speed and top quality
is difficult to come by. If you are presumed.
haven’t looked lately, it’s These marketplace changes
time to look now: It’s a have called into question the
whole new selling world out basic model and fundamental
there, transformed by a fast- assumption about what it
paced business environment takes to excel at complex
that shows no signs of letting selling. Organizations that
up. lack an accurate vision of
Gone are the days of cus- this change and the new
tomer loyalty to a product, requirements for success run
brand or salesperson … the the risk of continuing to
“easy” sale. As product dif- operate — and eventually
ferentiation becomes more fading away — with out-
elusive, so does the ability to dated methodologies.
maintain margins. The
supplier’s ability to add A sales organization
legitimate and strategically
survival guide
linked value is becoming the
Success today requires a
battleground for winning and
systematic approach to sell-
keeping business. Likewise,
ing — an approach that
customers are working with
Continued on page 10

©2000 ACHIEVEGLOBAL • VOL. III NO.3 impact! 9

A new model for sales success
Continued from page 9

involves every aspect of your ensure their actions work to It all begins in a way that makes wise use
organization, including cus- the benefit of their own orga- of technology; shares knowl-
with a vision
tomer service, sales nization and its shareholders. edge across functions; aligns
What do high performing
processes, technology, hiring, • Focus on mutually organizational processes with
sales organizations do to
retention, training and customer processes; and
profitable, long-term build “loyal partners” while
coaching. It also requires relationships. When the regularly forecasts, plans and
ensuring profitability? In
that both organizations and tracks sales results.
stakes are high, the sought- many cases they do the same
individuals capitalize on after relationship is that of things all sales organizations
change. Flexibility — in
“partner.” A loyal business do — but with one important Four factors
skills, attitude and know-how partner relies on your prod- difference: they do it consis- in the balance
— is key.
uct, service or organization tently, systematically and A quick look at the best
Many of the world’s top- to move his own organiza- with a keen understanding of practices of some of the
performing sales
tion forward. A partnership the balance required among world’s leading sales organi-
organizations have adopted a relationship answers the four critical elements zations reveals a healthy
new approach to selling —
customer’s unstated question: AchieveGlobal has identified balance of vision, commit-
operating “outside the box.” “If I do business with you, as key to success: ment, strength and power.
While traditional competen-
how will my business grow?” Holistic vision encom-
cies such as face-to-face Holistic vision. An
Likewise, the salesperson passes everything the
selling and account organization-wide focus
asks, “How can I develop organization does to create
strategizing are still impor- outward—on the customer. It
long-term relationships with partnerships with customers,
tant, their time is spent requires not only clarity of
my customers and improve profit for shareholders and a
differently. These organiza- focus but also a collective
profitability at the same good working climate for
tions have a new vision of understanding of the vision
time?” employees. It’s typically
the customer/supplier connec- throughout the organization.
• Retain and develop encapsulated in the form of a
tion and bring to the table a A holistic vision creates a
the talent to do the job. mission statement. But what
new set of strategic skills that synergy of strategy, planning
Consultative, solution-ori- transforms it from words on
define their success. and individual goals that
ented, professional sales paper into a living credo for
AchieveGlobal’s nationally adds power to an
people are the backbone of all employees?
recognized research and organization’s actions.
any high performance sales AchieveGlobal interviewed
work with leading sales Personal commitment.
organization. The October salespeople and sales manag-
organizations and sales- Every person in the organiza-
1999 issue of Selling Power ers at 40 organizations
people worldwide reveal a tion plays a role in the
magazine looked at worldwide that have a repu-
handful of common charac- selling process, and the
America’s 500 largest sales tation for best-in-class
teristics that define a sales “real” salespeople serve as
forces and found that 25 selling. They all have a
organization poised for suc- an interface between the
percent of the companies vision that:
cess: customer’s organization and
listed an increase in the size • is shared and communi-
• Balance the interests their own.
of their sales force, while 65 cated throughout the
of customers, sharehold- Sales strength. An undy-
percent remained unchanged. organization.
ers and the organization. Only 11 percent recorded a ing commitment to hiring the
The salesperson/customer • defines the organization in
cutback. Across the board, right salespeople, keeping
relationship is as important them motivated, and devel- the marketplace and
sales jobs within those 500
as ever, but it has changed. against competitors.
companies increased by a oping their skills and
Successful sales organiza- healthy 15 percent. knowledge to continuously • allows everyone to align
tions go to great lengths to improve their performance. their goals and move the
find appropriate solutions to company in the same
Operational power.
customer needs, yet they also direction.
The sales process is managed

10 impact! ©2000 ACHIEVEGLOBAL • VOL. III NO. 3



High performance
sales organizations
structure their opera-
tions around a clear
understanding of the
sales process and
what it means to the
customer relation-
ship. This includes
mapping the steps in
each phase, then
training and coach-
ing salespeople
using the customer
relationship process
as a foundation.

• inspires and provides a your ability to form strong tant. Personal commitment problems. It means your
clear sense of “who we customer relationships. from every person in your internal resources are attuned
are.” organization is key to build- to the reality of the
Everyone’s a ing a powerful partnership customer’s world. It means
Successful vision state- throughout the sale. Custom- your CEO will go on a sales
ments have both clarity of ers aren’t buying from your call if it makes sense. It
In talking with high per-
focus and collective under- salesperson; they’re buying means information feeds
forming sales organizations,
standing. From the top down, from your entire organiza- back into your organization
we clearly saw that the value
high performing organiza- tion. to build close partnerships
provided through understand-
tions communicate the What does that mean? It with new customers while
ing and customer service will
vision. A clear vision state- means everyone in your maintaining relationships
soon be the only differentiat-
ment goes beyond corporate organization “sells,” with with existing customers. And
ing factor between you and
platitudes to show people salespeople taking the lead it means that when a large
your competitors.
where the business is going. as the interface with your deal comes through, all em-
That’s why personal com-
It needs to differentiate you customers. It means your ployees are involved in
mitment — the second
from the competition in some products and services can be celebrating the success.
element of a successful sales
realistic way — preferably in tailored to solve customer
organization — is so impor-
Continued on page 12

©2000 ACHIEVEGLOBAL • VOL. III NO.3 impact! 11

A new model for sales success
Continued from page 11

The war for talent • looking not just at what

The third element driving you offer, but at what the
high performance sales orga-
Are your salespeople customer needs
nizations forward is sales operating at their peak? • keeping track of progress
strength. Selection, hiring, and having the flexibility
How do you ensure your sales force is giving
compensation, retention and to react and make mid-
coaching are focused on it their all? AchieveGlobal found the best course corrections
building and keeping a pro- salespeople in high performance sales or-
fessional, committed, ganizations fulfill three key roles: Simply put, operational
motivated sales force. power allows you to use
Sales strength includes how technology wisely, share
• The business consultant who brings knowledge
well you can identify the knowledge across functions,
competencies needed to per- to customers and helps them answer the question,
align your processes with the
form well in a job, your “If I do business with you, how will my business customer’s, and forecast,
recruiting and hiring prac- grow?” plan and track results regu-
tices, compensation and larly. Operational power
recognition systems, and puts the tactical muscle in
• The strategic orchestrator who can blend
training and coaching neces- your sales force and helps
sary to shape and maintain
resources within customer organizations and
you forge a strong bond with
high sales performance. their own to add greater value. customers.
The most important aspect High performance sales
of this element is to have a • The long-term ally who is interested in organizations structure their
clearly defined process and what is happening today and in the long term. operations around a clear
ensure all the pieces — selec- understanding of the sales
These salespeople will not offer a solution
tion, training, compensation process and what it means to
and coaching — support the when they know another solution, perhaps the customer relationship.
organization’s goals. e v e n o n e f r o m a c o m p e t i t o r, i s b e s t f o r t h e This includes mapping the
c u s t o m e r. steps in each phase, then
Getting in synch communicating, training and
The fourth element — coaching salespeople using
operational power — means the customer relationship
aligning your sales process process as a foundation.
with the customer’s buying Success both now and in
process and using technology the future requires sales orga-
to support sales, delivery, nizations to embrace change
implementation and follow- rather than ignore it; to take
up service. It includes: control of it rather than al-
low it to control them.
• taking advantage of
Anything less just won’t do.
technology to improve
For a full copy of this
information flow and
report, including snapshots of
streamline processes
best practices in action, visit
• minimizing “fiefdoms” of
information and creating
an organization-to-
organization relationship

12 impact! ©2000 ACHIEVEGLOBAL • VOL. III NO. 3

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