BJA Mon Syllabus PDF

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BJA Junior Grading Programme

Novice - 1st MON

Fundamental Skills

1. Ushiro Ukemi

2. Osoto-otoshi 3. Kesa-gatame

Performance Skills

1. Osoto-otoshi into Kesa-gatame 2. Kesa-gatame escape

by “trapping a leg”

Player’s Choice
Demonstrate two of their favourite techniques (waza)

Terminology Rei Hajime Matte

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
1 MON - 2 MON
st nd

Fundamental Skills

a b

1. Za-rei and Tachi-rei 2. Yoko Ukemi

3. De-ashi-barai 4. Mune-gatame

Performance Skills
1. De-ashi-barai into Mune-gatame
2. Mune-gatame escape by “bridge and roll”

a b c

Player’s Choice
Demonstrate two of their favourite techniques (waza)

Terminology Osaekomi Toketa

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
2 MON - 3 MON
nd rd

Fundamental Skills

a b c

1. Correct wearing Judogi 2. Mae Mawari Ukemi

3. Uki-goshi 4. Kuzure-kesa-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Uki-goshi into Kuzure-kesa-gatame
a b c d

2. Kuzure-kesa-gatame escape using “sit-and-push”

Player’s Choice
Demonstrate two of their favourite techniques (waza)

Terminology Dojo Judogi Zori

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
3 MON - 4 MON
rd th

Fundamental Skills
a b c

1. Standard grip 2. Mae Mawari Ukemi

3. Tai-otoshi 4. Yoko-shiho-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Tai-otoshi into Yoko-shiho-gatame
a b c d

2. Yoko-shiho-gatame escape “trap-bridge-roll”

a b c

3. Turnover into Yoko-shiho-gatame

Player’s Choice
Demonstrate two tachi-waza and one osaekomi-waza

To know translation and meaning of all Japanese words used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
4 MON - 5 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills
a b c d

1. Alternative grip (option) 2. Mae Mawari Ukemi

3. Ippon-seoi-nage 4. Kami-shiho-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Ippon-seoi-nage into Kami-shiho-gatame
a b c

2. Kami-shiho-gatame escape using action-reaction

a b c d

3. Turnover into Kesa-gatame: Uke on all fours

Player’s Choice
Demonstrate two of their favourite techniques (waza)

To know the common English translation and meaning of terminology used in this
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
5 MON - 6 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills
a b

1. Any alternative to standard grip 2. Mae Ukemi

3. Ouchi-gari 4. Tate-shiho-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Ouchi-gari into Tate-shiho-gatame
a b c

2. Tate-shiho-gatame escape using “clamping action”

a b c d

3. Turnover into Mune-gatame: Uke on all fours

4. Demonstrate a light Randori (as Nage-komi on the move)

Player’s Choice Demonstrate two favourite techniques

Knowledge of translation and meaning of terminology used in this section
Give two examples of actions against the rules
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
6 MON - 7 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Tsurikomi-goshi 2. O-goshi 3. Ko-uchi-gari

Performance Skills
1. O-uchi-gari into Ko-uchi-gari 2. Ko-uchi-gari into O-soto-gari
3. O-uchi-gari countered by Tsuri-komi-goshi

a b c

4. Kesa-gatame “bridge-and-roll” escape

a b c

5. Escape into Kesa-gatame from between Uke’s legs

Randori: free practice with cooperative partner

Player’s Choice: Demonstrate two tachiwaza and one osae-waza from

BJA Junior Grading syllabus
Terminology: Uke, Tori, Waza-ari-awasete-ippon and common English
translation and meaning of Japanese terminology used in this section
Demonstrate: procedure of coming onto and leaving the mat
Contest Rules: give two examples of actions against the rules
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
7 MON - 8 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Ko-soto-gari 2. Ko-soto-gake 3. Morote-seoi-nage

Performance Skills
1. Attacking and defending in free practice (Randori)

2. Ko-uchi-gari into 3. Tai-otoshi countered

Morote-seoi-nage by Ko-soto-gake

a b c

4. Escape into Yoko-shiho-gatame past Uke’s legs

a b c d

5. Turnover into Tate-shiho-gatame from beneath

Player’s Choice: Demonstrate three favourite techniques

Demonstrate: Shido, Hansokumake, Matte, Osae-komi, Toketa,
Adjusting Judogi.
Contest Rules: Two actions against rules

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
8 MON - 9 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Seoi-otoshi 2. O-soto-gari

Performance Skills
1. Attacking and defending in free practice (Randori)
2. Selected combinations with Ko-Uchi-gake and Seoi-otoshi

a b c

3. Ippon-seoi-nage into Ko-uchi-gake

a b c

4. Armroll – Uke at side of Tori

a b c

5. Armroll – Uke in front of Tori

Player’s Choice: demonstrate three favourite techniques

Terminology: Hikiwake, Hantei
Contest Rules: two examples of grips against the rules
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
9 MON - 10 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Harai-goshi 2. Uchi-mata 3. Ude-gatame

a b c

4. Waki-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori

a b c

2. Defence with hip block and 3. Selected Renraku-waza combinations

principles of Renraku-waza (example: Harai-goshi into O-soto-gari)

4. Any combination with Ko-uchi-gake

Player’s Choice: demonstrate four favourite techniques

Terminology: to know common English translation of Japanese

terminology used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
10 MON - 11 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Hiza-guruma 2. Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi

3. Juji-gatame 4. Hiza-gatame

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori
2. Knowledge of selected Renraku-waza combinations
a b c d

3. Juji-gatame “sit back entry”

a b c

4. Juji-gatame “roll over entry”

Player’s Choice: demonstrate four favourite techniques

Terminology: to know common English translation and meaning of
Japanese terminology used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
11 MON - 12 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Hane-goshi 2. Okuri-ashi-barai 3. Morote-eri-seoi-nage

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori
2. Knowledge of selected Renraku and Renzoku-waza combinations

a b c d

3. Juji-gatame “over the shoulder roll entry”

a b c d e

4. Juji-gatame “entry from beneath”

Player’s Choice: demonstrate four favourite techniques

Terminology: to know the common English translation and meaning
of Japanese terminology used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
12 MON - 13 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

a b

1. Koshi-guruma 2. Tani-otoshi 3. Yoko-guruma

4. Ude-garami

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori
2. Knowledge of selected Kaeshi-waza combinations

a b c

3. Ude-garami from Kuzure-kesa-gatame

a b

4. Kumi-Kata skills against right handed opponents

Player’s Choice: demonstrate four favourite techniques

Terminology: to know the common English translation and meaning
of Japanese terminology used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
13 MON - 14 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Tomoe-nage 2. Kata-uchi-ashi-dori 3. Soto-kibisu-gaeshi 4. Okuri-eri-jime

Basic position for Juji-jime 5. Nami-juji-jime 6. Gyaku-juji-jime

Performance Skills
1. Attacking and defending skills in free practice – Randori

a b c d

2. Nami and Gyaku-juji-jime - example

a b c

5. Player’s Choice :
3. Okuri-eri-jime vs Uke’s dropping attack demonstrate four favourite
techniques as series of
a b c d combinations - either ne-
waza, tachi-waza or
combination of both.

6. Terminology: to know
the common English
translation and meaning of
Japanese terminology used
4. Kumikata skills against left handed opponents
in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
14 MON - 15 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Kata-guruma 2. Morote-gari 3. Uki-waza

4. Soto-ashi-dori- 5. Uchi-kibisu-gaeshi 6. Performance version

ouchi-gari Yoko-kata-guruma-otoshi

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori

a b c d

2. Koshi-jime against dropping attack

a b c d e
3. Kata-te-jime

Player’s Choice: demonstrate two favourite combinations

Terminology: to know common English translation and meaning of

Japanese terminology used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
15 MON - 16 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Ura-nage 2. Uki-otoshi 3. Yoko-tomoe-nage

4. Kata-hiza-te- 5. Soto-makikomi 6. Kata-ha-jime


Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori

a b

c d
2. Knowledge of performance
versions of selected techniques

3.Kata-ha-jime against failed attack

Player’s Choice: demonstrate four of their favourite techniques as

Terminology: to know common translation of Japanese terminology
used in this section

British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
16 MON - 17 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

1. Ushiro-goshi 2. Sumi-gaeshi 3. Ryo-hiza-seoi-otoshi

4. Yoko-gake 5. Hadaka-jime

a b c

6. Kata-te-ashi-koshi-jime

Performance Skills
1. Free practice – Randori
2. Knowledge of performance versions of selected techniques (examples)
a b c d

3. Hadaka-jime against Uke in prone position

Player’s Choice: demonstrate three of their favourite combinations

Terminology: to know common English translation and meaning of

Japanese terminology used in this section
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE
BJA Junior Grading Programme
17 MON - 18 MON
th th

Fundamental Skills

a b

1. Sode-tsurikomi-goshi 2. Te-guruma 3. Ko-uchi-gake-mata-maki-komi

4. San-gaku-jime
Performance Skills
1. Attacking and defending skills in the free practice – Randori

2. Demonstrate two performance variations of Sumi-gaeshi

(option: Hikikomi-gaeshi))

a b c

3. Complex entry into San-gaku-gatame, San-gaku-jime and

San-gaku-osae-gatame (not all variations illustrated)

Player’s choice: demonstrate four of their favourite techniques as

combinations, or attain BJA Junior Referee Award, or Senior Club Kata Award
Terminology: to know common English translation and meaning of
Japanese terminology used in this section
British Judo Association, Suite B, Technology Centre, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3GE

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