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Split and Merge

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Smart split and merge of the

model ModelWithHistory
Trainings 2017

Rock Flow Dynamics

Smart split and merge of the model 2

Split and merge oil&gas field puzzle:

• Split and merge overview (frames 3 - 9)
• Split using region brush to create sector boundaries, working with split&merge project (frames
9 - 26)
• Other options to create sector boundaries (frames 26 - 35)

SPE: 162090

When sector modelling is a good idea? 3


Base full scale model

• Local reservoir property modifications in history matching

• Local production optimization problems
• Large models
• Unreasonable simulation time

Working with the large model 4

Automatic split
and merge

Possibility to give engineers model parts :

Full field model:
• Possibility to work with model sectors as
• Integration with static model
independent parts on computer with small amount
• Fast model calculation on cluster
of memory
• Boundary conditions update
• HM at well level
• Long term forecast
• Production optimization, workover planning
• Local model tuning and editing

Boundary conditions 5

No flow conditions

Phase (component) flux at boundaries

from the full model

Boundary conditions 6

Flux conditions (flux

No flow conditions

• Easy to implement (can be • Accuracy

used to work with model • Easy to merge
part it the merge is not • Difficult to work in
needed) case of intensive
• Numerical stability flow
• Incorrect physics

How to choose sector boundaries 7

Intensive flow problems:

•Incorrect model behavior

with no-flow

•Inconsistency during the

model updates (rerun base
case to update boundary

 We recommend to split model in the areas with low

phase flow

Features of splitting a model for wells 8

We recommend to avoid the following situations:

If splitting places a well in a number of split-out pieces of the model, then splitting map
automatically adjusts itself in a way that the whole well should go to the piece of the map
where its wellhead projection on the top layer of the model lies. All cells through which the
well passes add to this split-out piece. Thus, if in a data file of the model WELSPECS
keyword specifies [i,j] coordinates of perforation interval the well will go to the same piece
that the [i,j,1] block occupies when splitting the model. At that a status bar in the lower part of
the screen will indicate a notice as follows (as an example):
”Well 'PROD21' is located in more than one region!
[8, 20, 2] Perforation interval is in region 1, and [8, 20, 3] - in 2.
Notice: The map for model cutting is adjusted automatically, as a number of wells found belonging to several

Cut for splitting

Workflow for split and merge 9

1. Define the regions (in GUI or from the file with coordinates)
2. Press «Split model»
3. Self-consistent models in Eclipse formats will be generated
4. Calculate 1 time the file of big model to save boundary conditions in
5. Each sector can be opened, run and updated independently
6. All changes will have effect in the full model

Open the model Black Oil Demo 10

1. tNavigator main window. Simulation. Open

2. Choose the file black_oil_demo.data
3. 3D map. Tick Show all Wells to see all wells at 0 time step

Observe the Cumulative Cross Flow 11
In order to accurately define the splitting boundaries, you can first request before simulation the 3D
properties of Cumulative Flow of Oil, Water, gas. This is an additional 3D property which has to be
defined in the data file in the SOLUTION section.
1. Open the data file: Files. Black_oil_demo.data
2. Go to SOLUTION section, add the following lines:
RPTMAPS is a tNavigator keyword which allows to calculate additional 3D properties;
FLOWW corresponds to the accumulated interblock flows of the water phase;
FLOWO corresponds to the accumulated interblock flows of the oil phase;
FLOWG corresponds to the accumulated interblock flows of the gas phase.

Observe the Cumulative Oil Cross Flow 12
1. Save the text file
2. Reload the model. The additional properties added using RPTMAPS are visible as calculated
3. Go to Grid Properties. Calculated properties. Total flux Oil. 2D (Roof)
4. Run calculation

Observe the Cumulative Cross Flow 13

1. In order to define the boundaries for the slicing, you can also display the stream lines.
2. Tick Stream lines and untick Color by Grid and Show Grid Lines.
3. Once you observed the stream lines, tick the Show grid Lines and Color by grid options again.

Region brush for region creation 14

1. 2D. Grid Properties. User Maps. Right mouse click on Map. Edit
2. Region brush
3. Set Radius and Affected layers
4. Number in Value field is a number of region you want to create. Create new regions in
areas with the lowest cumulative flow values, by changing the region value in the value
field. Choose Apply to All layers options.

Open region

Region brush for region creation 15

1. Different created regions can be displayed in 2D and 3D

Splitting via User Map 16
1. Clear Results and reload the model.
2. Split model. Map. There are 4 regions which were created via region brush. OK
3. Click on Enable&Reload in the dialog box which appears. To save and split the model it is
necessary to check this setting. Recording of initial properties is not done for default to speedup
model's opening on slow shared disks and to reduce the size of the folder with calculation
4. We get 4 parts of original model

Successfully Splitting 17

1. Observe in the log window Model has been split successfully! Close the model

PATTERNS directory 18

1. In the directory with model will be created the new directory black_oil_demo_PATTERNS
• black_oil_demo_PATTERNS consists of:
• black_oil_demo _PATTERN001_1, black_oil_demo_PATTERN002_2,
black_oil_demo_PATTERN003_3, black_oil_demo_PATTERN004_4 (these parts can be loaded
as independent models)
• black_oil_demo.patterns – common file (contains information about all parts of the model)

Open the common file black_oil_demo.patterns 19
1. tNavigator main window. File. Open. Select file black_oil_demo.patterns
2. We can see model parts as a 3D property in Grid Properties. Regions. FIPPATT
4. Run calculations.

Saturation regions in black_oil_demo.patterns 20
1. Grid Properties. Regions. Satnum
2. RP dependences on saturations are specified for each region (Properties)
3. There is one saturation region. Close the model in order to allow the complete writing of flux files.

Open model parts 21

In the main window of tNavigator you can open the model parts as independent models

Black_oil_demo _PATTERNOO2_2.data Black_oil_demo _PATTERNOO3_3.data


Black_oil_demo _PATTERNOO4_4.data

Modification of RP Gas-Oil black_oil_demo_002_2.data22
1. tNavigator main window. File. Open. Choose file black_oil_demo_002_2.data
2. Properties, RP Gas-Oil (relative permeability)
3. See the graphs: RP Gas, RP Oil, Capillary pressure
4. To move points of any curve press Shift and move the point
5. On the picture we can see the modification of RP Oil curve
6. Run the calculations and wait till the end

Reload of common .patterns file 23

1. Go back to the common file black_oil_demo.patterns

2. Reload model
3. We see that there is one new RP-region. Its boundary correspond to boundary of model
Reload model

Reload of common .patterns file 24

1. Properties, RP Gas-Oil
2. There are two saturation regions now
3. Region 2 has new RP Oil curve (added in part 2 of the model)

Add new well in black_oil_demo_004_4 25

1. Open black_oil_demo_004_4.data
2. Move time slider to the selected
time step
3. Press Alt+click on selected block
4. We see the window Well
5. Press OK - producer with default
properties is added
6. Run the calculations and wait until
the end

Add new well in common .patterns model file 26

1. Open or Reload the model black_oil_demo.patterns

2. Grid Properties
3. We see well WU24_1 which was added in the model black_oil_demo_004_4

Additional options 27

Also other options are available to choose the sector boundaries:

• Select boundaries via mouse (Profile option)

• Cylinder
• User arithmetic
• Load FIP boundaries in XY coordinates
• Other

The description of these options is on the next slides

Other maps for slicing: selecting zone 28

1. User Maps. Map

2. Create a profile
3. Use mouse clicks to select a zone for slicing
4. OK

Other maps for slicing 29

1. Right mouse click on Map

2. Edit. Profile
3. Tick Apply for Profile Blocks, Apply for Profile Inside
4. Assign Value – 1
5. Apply

Other maps for slicing: split Map 30

1. Split model
2. Select Map
3. See region 1 (value 0) and region 2 (value 1) for splitting
4. OK

Other maps for slicing 31

1. The model can be splitted via any User Map or User Cut (in Maps)
2. Right mouse click on Map. Edit
3. We can select for slicing any Block, Cylinder or Profile
4. Choose Cylinder (set center, radius, direction). Move Smoothing slider to the left position!

Other maps for slicing 32

1. The arithmetic command line can be used to select blocks

2. For example an expression j>20 & i>15 select blocks witch have X number greater than 15
and Y number superior to 20

Load FIP Boundary for slicing 33

1. Model can be splitted via any User Map or User Cut (in Maps)
2. Maps, User Maps
3. Right mouse click on Map, choose Load FIP Boundary
4. (Regions to split can be created via mouse clicks and have any form you like – see frames

File with FIP Boundary 34

1. The file Black_oil_FIPregions.txt is a file where boundaries are specified

2. FIP Boundary in this file are specified the following way:
• Region number
• Region name
• X1, Y1 (XY coordinates of boundary point - metres)
• X2 Y2, …
3. m95_FIPREGIONS.txt specifies 3 regions. The rest model blocks are considerated as region 0.

Blue  region 0, sky blue  region

1, green  region 2, red  region 3

Splitting via User Map 35

1. Press Split model

2. Writing Initial Maps Required message – Enable and Reload. Recording of initial maps
is not done for default now to speed-up models’ opening on slow shared disks and to
reduce the size of the folder with calculation results
3. Select Map in the pulldown menu
4. See the list of regions which will be obtained as independent models. ОК

Split model

Thank you for your attention!


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