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B. E. Sem Vi (Electrical) E-601: Electrical Machines - Iii

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B. E.


Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme

Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total
Pract Paper Marks
Electrical E-601 04 02 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 25 25 200
University 3 Hrs 100

1. Synchronous Machines:
Basic concepts, Elementary Machines, 3-phase generators, generated emf, Harmonics in
voltage waveforms, MMF of distributed windings, rotating magnetic field, Torque,
Operations, Magnetic leakage, Machine efficiency, Rating and loss dissipation, Basic
synchronous machine model, Circuit model, Armature reaction and it’s compensation,
Short circuit ratio, Effect of increase in excitation, Effect of change in torque and speed,
Determination of Synchronous reactance, regulation by Synchronous Impedance, MMF
and Potier and AIEE methods, Synchronizing to infinite busbar, Operating characteristics,
Power flow equations, Capability curves, Two reaction model of Salient pole machines,
Parallel operations, Load sharing between generators, Effect of unequal voltages &
percentage impedance, Governor characteristics, Hunting, Short circuit transients, single
phase generators, Slip test for measurement of Xd and Xq, Sudden short circuit of
Synchronous machine.
Methods of starting of synchronous motors, Different torques in Synchronous motor,
Stability, Synchronous condenser, Synchronous phase modifiers, V-curves and O-curves of
Synchronous motors.

2 Auto Synchronous Motor

Construction, principle of operation, equivalent excitation current for different rotor
connections, circle diagrams,
3 Special Machines
Special synchronous motors : Hysteresis & Reluctance motor. Miniature motors,
Automobile electric systems. Induction Regulator, Induction Generator, Inverted Induction
machine, Boosters & Balancers, AC & DC Servo motors.
Permanent Magnet Materials : Characteristics, B-H loop and demagnetization
characteristics, Residual flux density, Coercivity, Concepts of Maximum energy product
and its unit MGO ( Mega Gauss Orsted ), Recoil line, Minor loop, temperature effects.
Applications of PM materials.
Permanent Magnet Machines: General construction, working and applications of
following PM machines : PMBLDC motors, PM synchronous motors, Axial flux PM
machines and Doubly salient PM machines.
Switched Reluctance Motor: General construction, working and applications of SRM

Term work and minimum 10 Practicals shall be based on the above syllabus.
Visit: Industrial visits of relevant industries.
1. Electrical Machines by Nagrath & Kothari
2. Performance and Design of A C machines by M G Say
3. Electrical Machinery by P S Bhimbhra
4. Electrical Machines by Chakravorti & Mukharaji
5. PM and Reluctance Motor Drives By T. J. E. Miller Clarendon Press Oxford.
6. Electric Motor Drives by R. Krishnan PHI
7. Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics By P. C. Sen


Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme

Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total

Pract Paper Marks

Microprocessor E- 03 02 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 25 25 200
Interfacing and 602 University 3 Hrs 100

1. Interrupts: Interrupt & Interrupt service routines, IRET instruction, Interrupt sequence,
Layout of interrupt pointers, Hardware & Software Interrupts, Multiple interrupts, device
Polling, vectored interrupts, Interrupt controller 8259

2. Design of delay routines : Their uses in designing counters, Reading input signals In Real
time applications, Programmable Timer/Counter 8253.

3. Peripheral Controllers for 8085/8086 family: Memory interfacing and mapping, the
8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI), the 8251A Universal
Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART), The 8237/8257 DMA
Controllers, Interfacing of simple LEDs, 7 segment display LEDs, keys. Key debounce
techniques /Keyboard / display interfacing using 8279. Interfacing to LCD and external

4. Interfacing Data convertersD to A converter : R - 2 R ladder network type DAC, DAC

interfacing e.g. DAC 0800, Generation of waveforms using DAC. Realization of A to
D converter using D to A converter. DAC and ADC specifications.. A to D converter :
Different types of A to D conveter, sample and hold circuit, analog multiplexer,
Interfacing of ADC 0800, multiplexer AM3705, S/H LF 398, ADC 0808/ADC 0809,
ADC 0816, ADC 1210/ADC 1211 and similar.

5. Data Communication Standards: RS 232 Serial Interface Standard, The IEEE 488-1978
General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) Standards, Error detection & Correction.
Introduction to working of USB, I2C.

6. Applications: Microprocessor based systems for measurement of electrical

quantities like KVA, KVAr, KW, KWh, Power factor, Impedances, Introduction to MP
based protective relays and control of electrical drives, process control systems as
temperature, flow etc., Condition monitoring of Electrical Apparatus using

Term work and minimum 10 Practical shall be based on the above syllabus.
1. The 8088 & 8086 Microprocessors, Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and
Applications By Walter A. Tribel & Avatar Singh PHI Publication
2. Microprocessor & Interfacing- Programming & Hardware- Douglas hall, TMH Publication
3. Fundamental of microprocessors and microcomputers by - B.Ram. Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
4. Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Application with 8085
R. S. Gaonkar, Penram Publication
5. Digital Computer Electronics Malvino


Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme

Theo Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total
ry Pract Paper Marks
High E-603 03 02 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 25 25 200
Universit 3 Hrs 100

1. Corona: Phenomenon, disruptive and visual critical voltage, corona loss, factors and
conditions affecting corona loss , radio interference, methods to reduce corona.
2. Breakdown mechanism in gases: Introduction, ionization processes, townsend’s
mechanism, primary and secondary ionization co-efficient, breakdown in electronegative gases,
Streamer theory, comparison of townsend and slepian’s theory, Paschen’s law, breakdown under
uniform and non-uniform fields, post breakdown current-voltage characteristics, de-ionization,
breakdown under impulse voltage, SF6 and vacuum as di-electric, vacuum BID mechanisms.
3. Breakdown Mechanism in Liquids and Solids: Introduction, classification of liquids,
liquid breakdown test cell, transformer oil purification, testing of di-electric oil as per IS 355 and
IS 6792, breakdown in pure liquids , breakdown in commercial liquids, solid di-electrics, intrinsic
breakdown, electromechanical breakdown, thermal breakdown, electrochemical breakdown,
treeing and tracking phenomenon of partial discharge, solid di-electrics used in practice.
4. Generation of high voltage: Introduction, Generation of high direct voltage, rectifier
circuits, voltage doubler, cascaded circuits, deltatron circuits, van de graff generators, electrostatic
generators, generation of high alternating voltages, cascade transformer, resonant transformer,
generation of high frequency alternating voltages, generation of impulse voltages, standard
impulse voltage wave, BIL, impulse generator, Marx circuit, constructional features of impulse
generator, trigatron gap, faraday cage, generation of impulse currents.
5. Measurement of high voltage and current : Measurement of high direct voltages,
potential dividers, generating voltmeters, measurement of high alternating voltages, series
voltmeters, capacitance potential dividers and capacitance voltage transformers, electrostatic
voltmeter, measurement with sphere gaps ( IS 1876) , sphere gap construction and assembly,
factors influencing the sparkover voltage, measurement of impulse voltages, measurement of
high d.c. and a.c. currents., measurement of high frequency and impulse currents,
measurement of capacitance and loss tangent.
6. High voltage testing of equipments: Introduction, related Indian standards, high
voltage test on line insulators, bushings, transformers, cables, circuit breakers, lightning arrestors.
Synthetic testing, non-destructive high voltage test, partial discharge detection, partial discharge
measurement (IS 6209).
7. High voltage laboratory: Design, planning and layout of high voltage laboratory ,
necessity , test facilities , testing equipments , layout of short circuit laboratory, its circuit and
8. Safety precautions for H.V. laboratries.
Term work and minimum 10 Practicals shall be based on the above syllabus.
Visit: Industrial visit of relevant industries.

(1) High Voltage Engineering by M.S. Naidu & V.Kamaraju, TMH Limited
(2) High Voltage Engineering by D.V. Razevig, translated by M.P. Chourasia , Khanna
(3) High Voltage Engineering by Sabir Ray
(4) High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals by E. Kuffel and W.S. Zaengl- Pergamon Press


Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme

Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total

Pract Paper Marks

Power E-604 03 02 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 25 25 200
Electronics University 3 Hrs 100

1 Inverter:
Thyristor class, Single phase & Three Phase full bridge line commutated inverter circuit, Parallel
capacitor commutated inverter circuit and their analysis, PWM inverter, Mc Murray inverter, Bed
ford inverter, Current source inverter, Voltage source inverter, Voltage controlled inverters
2 Chopper:
Classification of chopper, Force commutated chopper, Thyristor based chopper, Thyristor voltage
chopper, Jone's chopper, Voltage commutated and Current commutated chopper, Load
commutated chopper
3 Introduction to Speed Control of A. C. & D. C. Motor:
Speed torque characteristics of different motors, Converter for feeding motors,
4 Speed Control of D. C. Motor:
Armature voltage control, Armature current control, VDR method, Saturable reactor method,
Speed control using chopper, Soft starter for D. C. motor
5 Speed Control of A. C. Motor:
Basic principle, Variable voltage and variable frequency control, Variable current variable
frequency control, Slip power recovery control, chopper control of rotor circuit of slip ring
induction motor, Introduction to vector control of induction motor
6 Braking :
Dynamic braking and regenerative braking for phase controlled drives and chopper drives,
Transient systems
7 Application:
Basic principle of ac and dc breaker using thyristors, battery charging dimmer controls, excitation
systems of alternators, UPS, SMPS, Static switches.

Term work and minimum 10 Practicals shall be based on the above syllabus.
Visit: Industrial visit of relevant industries.

1. Electric Drive Concepts and Applications by Vedam Subramaniam
2. Modern Power Electronics and A. C. Drives by B. K. Bose
3. Electric Motor Drives by R. Krishnan
4. Industrial & Power Electronics by H. C. Rai
5. Electric Drives by S. K. Pillai
6. Power Electronics by M.S.Jamil Asghar
7. Power Electronics and Introduction to drives by A.K.Gupta and L.P.Singh
7 Power Electronics Circuits & Application By M H Rashid
8. Power Electronics By Ned Mohan

Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme
Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total
Pract Paper Marks
Electrical Power E-605 04 02 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 25 25 200
University 3 Hrs 100
1. Review of representation of power system components:
Introduction, Single phase solution to three phase system, one line diagram, impedance
and reactance diagram, Per unit system, Complex power, Synchronous machine,
Representation of load
2. Symmetrical Fault Analysis:
Introduction, Short circuit analysis of synchronous machine, short circuit analysis of
synchronous machine, selection of circuit breakers, algorithm for short circuit studies.
3. Symmetrical components:
Introduction, Symmetrical Component transformation, Phase shift in star delta
transformers, Sequence impedances & sequence network of transmission lines,
synchronous machine, transformers. Sequence network of total power system.
4. Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis :
Introduction, symmetrical components analysis of unsymmetrical faults, single line
to ground fault, line to line fault, double line to ground fault, open conductor fault
5. Voltage control :
Methods of voltage control, shunt capacitor and reactor, synchronous condenser, tap
changing transformer, booster transformer, voltage controls at different levels of power
system such as consumer, distribution, transmission and generation ends.
6. Power system economics :
Introduction, classification of costs, cost analysis of power plant, interest and depreciation
methods of determination of depreciation, economics of power generation, significance of
load factor and diversity factor, load sharing between base load and peak load plants,
choice of size and number of generating units, type of tariffs, type of consumer and their
tariffs, power factor, disadvantage of low p.f. and it’s causes, methods of Power factor
improvement, advantage of power factor improvement, economics of PFI, optimum p.f.
7. Power System Transients :
Introduction, circuit closing transients, sudden symmetrical short circuit of alternator,
recovery of transients due to removal of short circuit, traveling waves, wave equation,
surge impedance, wave velocity, specifications of traveling waves, reflections and
reflection of wave, line terminations, equivalent circuit of traveling wave studies, forked
lines, reactive termination, Bewley lattice diagram, attenuation and distortion, arcing
grounds , lightning phenomenon, Wilson’s and Simpson’s theory, overvoltages due to
lightning, line design.

Term work and minimum 10 Practicals shall be based on the above syllabus.
Visit: Industrial visit of relevant industries.
(1) Modern power system analysis By Nagrath & kothari TMH limited 4/e-
(2) Electrical power system By C L Wadhwa, New Age International
(3) Power system analysis and design By B. R. Gupta-S. chand publishers
(4) Elements of Power System Analysis By Stevenson, Mc Graw Hill
(5) Power System Analysis By Hadi Saadat
(6) A text book of power system engineering –Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, Chakrabarthi.
(7) Power system analysis and design : Glover & Sharma Thomson Learning
(8) Power systems analysis By - Bergen & Vittal

Subject Code Teaching Examination Scheme
Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract TW Total
Pract Paper Marks
Business E-606 03 00 Sessional 1½ Hrs 50 00 00 150
Organization &
University 3 Hrs 100
1. Production :
Division of labour. Efficiency of labour Scale of production. Economics of scale. Special
importance of small-scale industries in developing countries like India.
2. Forms of Business organization:
Sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock company.
3. Management :
Basic elements of process of management (its functions) systems approach to
management. Evolution of management thought and principles.
4. Personnel management :
Functions of personnel department. Man power planning and administration:
recruitment, selection and placement, training and development. Industrial relations.
5. Marketing management :
Modem concept of marketing. Marketing mix. Product mix and product planning. Sales
forecast and techniques of forecasting sales. Business promotion techniques.
6. Financial management & Cost accounting :
Capital requirements for different purposes. Sources of finance.. Role of Govt. & non-
Govt. agencies such as GIDC , DIC , GSFC , GIIC , Banks . Capital budgeting process.
Evaluation of alternative investment opportunities. Break-even analysis. Basic
information about balance-sheet and profit and loss account. Types of cost, Depreciation &
methods of calculating depreciation
7. Entrepreneurship Development and Project Planning:
a) Entrepreneur as a dynamic agent of change. Special importance of entrepreneurship
development in a developing country.
b) Entrepreneurial characteristics : Development of entrepreneurial traits.
Entrepreneurial motivation skills required by an entrepreneur.
c) Need for efficient supports systems : Project formulation, infrastructure facilities,
finance etc. Road map for setup of an industry.
d) Preparation of project report : its stages - selection of product, project planning,
investment decision, price-cost relationship, appraisal etc.
8. Appraisals of a project:
Appraisal of project in terms of technical feasibility, commercial feasibility, financial
feasibility and overall managerial feasibility.
9. Labour Lagislations :
The Indian Factories act , Indian Electricity rules , Industrial Disputes act , Workmen’s
compensations act , The Employee’s State Insurance act .
10. Industrial Policy of Govt. Of India & State Govt.
11. An overview of Tax – structure at National & State level
12. Disaster & Mind Management.
[1] Industrial Engineering & Management by O. P. Khanna
[2] Industrial Organisation & Engineering by S.C. Sharma & T.R. Banga
[3] Entrepreneurial Development by S.S. Khanka
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