English Major Let

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Question 1 The correct answer is: Epigraph

Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best Question 5
answer. Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
words or terms used in each of the following
a. Jaime is taller than any other member of the sentences from the options given under each
class number.
b. Jaime is taller than any member of the class.
c. Jaime is taller than all of the members of the A good political campaign manager should know
class. the Achilles' heel of the opposing candidate.

The correct answer is: Jaime is taller than any other a. the vulnerable spot of one's opponent.
member of the class. b. the qualifications of the opponents.
c. the smooth procedure of campaigning.
Question 2
Of the following, who wrote "Grow And Be Like The The correct answer is: the vulnerable spot of one's
Molave”? opponent.

a. Manuel L. Quezon Question 6

b. I.V. Mallari The following were English writers EXCEPT.....
c. Raul Manglapus
d. Carlos P. Romulo a. William Wordsworth
b. Edgar Allan Poe
The correct answer is: Manuel L. Quezon c. John Milton
d. Robert Browning
Question 3
Hector's precious wife is Andromache while The correct answer is: Edgar Allan Poe
Odysseus faithful wife is....
Question 7
a. Circe Which of the following sentences under the
b. Penelope number is syntactically correct. Select the best
c. Athens answer.
d. Calypso
a. Looking through the window, I saw a child
The correct answer is: Penelope playing on the street.
b. Looking through the window, the child was seen
Question 4 playing on the street.
An inscription on a monument or a quotation c. Looking through the window, is a child playing on
prefixed to a book. the street.

a. Epigram The correct answer is: Looking through the

b. Epithet window, I saw a child playing on the street.
c. Epigraph
d. Epitaph Question 8
A story of a persons life written by another.
c. Epigram
a. Parable d. Epigraph
b. Treatise
c. Autobiograpny The correct answer is: Epigram
d. Biography
Question 13
The correct answer is: Biography Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
Question 9 words or terms used in each of the following
In the medieval German epic, "The Nibelungenlied" sentences from the options given under each
the main character is.... number.

a. Siegfried The evidence presented by the plaintiff is a fish

b. Gunther story.
c. Ganelon
d. Roland a. an insufficient evidence.
b. an exaggerated story.
The correct answer is: Siegfried c. a false evidence.

Question 10
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED The correct answer is: an exaggerated story.
words or terms used in each of the following
sentences from the options given under each Question 14
number. Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
words or terms used in each of the following
If given a chance, I'll join the business for keeps. sentences from the options given under each
a. temporarily
b. for maintenance Honorio is the black sheep of the Vijandre's famiIy.
c. permanently
a. the coward.
The correct answer is: permanently b. the indolent.
c. the undesirable.
Question 11
Which of the following sentences under the The correct answer is: the undesirable.
number is syntactically correct. Select the best
answer. Question 15
Which of the following sentences under the
a. In shape, the ball is round. number is syntactically correct. Select the best
b. The ball is round in shape. answer.
c. The ball is round.
a. I entered in the room early.
The correct answer is: The ball is round. b. I entered into the room early.
c. I entered the room early.
Question 12
A brief piece of verse with a witty or satirical intent The correct answer is: I entered the room early.
primarily intended to a moral lesson.
Question 16
a. Epitaph A short story about fictional characters intended to
b. Epithet teach a moral principle.
a. Legend The correct answer is: politicians who were
b. Farce previously defeated in elections.
c. Anecdote
d. Allegory Question 20

The correct answer is: Allegory Of the following, which is a long narrative poem
that tells about the adventures and exploits of a
Question 17 great hero?
The following are characters of Shakespeare
famous Romeo and Juliet EXCEPT... a. sonnet
b. ode
a. Friar Lawrence c. soliloquy
b. Portia d. epic
c. Mercutio
d. Paris The correct answer is: epic

The correct answer is: Portia Question 21

In the parable, The Prodigal Son, who is prodigal?
Question 18
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED a. stepson
words or terms used in each of the following b. elder son
sentences from the options given under each c. younger son
number. d. adopted son

To make it functional, an office should be given a The correct answer is: younger son
sinking fund.
Question 22
a. a fund used for extra-services The identity of the news writer or name of the
b. a fund set up to meet future obligations reporter
c. a fund used for emergency cases
a. Credit line
The correct answer is: a fund set up to meet future b. Headline
obligations c. Byline
d. Cutline
Question 19
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED The correct answer is: Byline
words or terms used in each of the following
sentences from the options given under each Question 23
number. Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best
It's not a sound practice for one in power to answer.
appoint political lameducks in the government.
a. Mario is the best of the twins.
a. politicians who have political vested interest in b. Of the twins, Mario is better.
government. c. Of the twins, Mario is the best.
b. politicians adept to political dynasty.
c. politicians who were previously defeated in The correct answer is: Of the twins, Mario is better.
Question 24 the status of the trade
A tagline in smaller font printed above the banner
of a newspaper is called The correct answer is:
technique of handling the business
a. Cutline
b. Deck Question 28
c. Kicker Which of the following refers to a prayer (to a
d. Lead deity) in which the deity is asked to do something
or to grant something?
The correct answer is: Kicker
a. entreaty
Question 25 b. sanction
In Shakespeares play, Macbeth's downfall was c. invocation
caused by... d. salutation

a. his timidity and fear The correct answer is: invocation

b. overwhelming ambition
c. power struggle in the ruling family Question 29
d. treachery of his brother for power Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best
The correct answer is: overwhelming ambition answer.

Question 26 a. If we study well, you will pass the test.

Which of the following sentences under the b. If you studies well, he will pass the test.
number is syntactically correct. Select the best c. If you study well, everybody will pass the test.
The correct answer is: If you studies well, he will
a. Cagayan river is longer than any river in the pass the test.
b. Cagayan river is longer than any other river in Question 30
the Philippines. Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
c. Cagayan river is longer than all rivers in the words or terms used in each of the following
Philippines. sentences from the options given under each
The correct answer is: Cagayan river is longer than
any other river in the Philippines. If he would not agree, show him the door.

Question 27 a. tell him to leave.

Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED b. tell him to come again.
words or terms used in each of the following c. tell him to have a second thought.
sentences from the options given under each
number. The correct answer is: tell him to leave.

He is old enough to know the tricks of the trade. Question 31

Which of the following sentences under the
a. the problems of the business. number is syntactically correct. Select the best
b. answer.
technique of handling the business
c. a. It was him who was late.
b. It was he who was late. Here is an excerpt from Rizal's El Filibusterismo.
c. It was himself who was late. What element of a story does it illustrate? "The
elder, who was dressed in complete black, was the
The correct answer is: It was he who was late. medical student, Basilio, famous for his successful
cures and extraordinary treatments, while the
other, taller, and more robust, although much
Question 32 younger, was Isagani, one of the poets, or at least
The following great plays were written by rimesters, who that year came from Ateneo...... ”
Aeschylus EXCEPT....
a. denouement
a. Oedipus at Colonnus b. plot
b. Iliad c. setting
c. Antigone d. characterization
d. Oedipus the King
The correct answer is: characterization
The correct answer is: Iliad
Question 37
Question 33 "O my Luve's like a red, red rose
Which of the following sentences under the that's newly spring in June
number is syntactically correct. Select the best O my Luve's like a melodie
answer. that's sweetly played in tune”

a. Please, return the book tomorrow. The figurative speech illustrated is...
b. Please, return the book back tomorrow.
c. Please, return back the book tomorrow. a. hyperbole
b. Personification
The correct answer is: Please, return the book c. simile
tomorrow. d. metaphor

Question 34 The correct answer is: simile

The following are major epics of European
countries EXCEPT.... Question 38
The story of a persons life written by himself.
a. Nibelungenlied
b. Song of Roland a. Biography
c. El Cid b. Autobiography
c. Essay
Question 35 d. Drama
Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best The correct answer is: Autobiography
Question 39
a. Jose is more older than. Beowulf is the folk epic of England while the Song
b. Jose is older than me. of Roland is an epic of ...
c. Jose is older than I.
a. Italy
The correct answer is: Jose is older than I. b. Spain
c. France
Question 36 d. Germany
Which of the following sentences under the
The correct answer is: France number is syntactically correct. Select the best
Question 40
Who is to referred to by the Greeks as "The Poet", a. It is I who am hungry.
the writer of the Iliad and Odyssey? b. It is me who is hungry.
a. Sappho c. It is myself who is hungry.
b. Plato
c. Homer The correct answer is: It is I who am hungry.
d. Virgil
Question 45
The correct answer is: Homer Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
words or terms used in each of the following
Question 41 sentences from the options given under each
A brief account of an interesting or entertaining number.
incident where usually a known figure is involved.
Aside from English, we should equally master our
a. Legend mother tongue.
b. Farce
c. Myth a. one's national language
d. Anecdote b. one's native dialect
c. one's second language.
The correct answer is: Anecdote
The correct answer is: one's native dialect
Question 42
In 'The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant, Question 46
the problem faced the couple after the ball was..... A descriptive word qualifying the name of a person
or thing.
a. Mrs. Loisel have to pawn the necklace
b. Mrs. Loisel have lost Mrs. Forestier's necklace a. Epitaph
c. Mrs. Loisel left her dancing shoes in the dancing b. Epigram
hall c. Epithet
d. Epigraph
The correct answer is: Mrs. Loisel have lost Mrs.
Forestier's necklace The correct answer is: Epithet

Question 43 Question 47
The expressions or phrase "earth's sweet flowing Of the following, who was the great Indian poet
breast” in Joyce Kilmer's poem entitled TREES and dramatist who was awarded the Nobel Prize
means for Literature in 1913?

a. summer time a. Bhartihari

b. bounty of the earth b. A. M. Rosenthal
c. branches c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. Kahlil Gibran
The correct answer is: bounty of the earth
The correct answer is: Rabindranath Tagore
Question 44
Question 48
Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best Question 52
answer. An unauthenticated story dealing with the origin of
animals and things which is historical in nature.
a. In color, the pen is red.
b. The pen is red in color. a. Myth
c. The pen is red. b. Fable
c. Legend
The correct answer is: The pen is red. d. Parody

Question 49 The correct answer is: Legend

Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
words or terms used in each of the following Question 53
sentences from the options given under each A speech of high praises for the dead.
a. Essay
The President can see the mountain but he can't b. Elegy
see the forest. c. Interlude
d. Eulogy
a. he understands the problem but he can't see the
details The correct answer is: Eulogy
b. he can see the problem but he has no fund for it.
c. Question 54
he can see some details but can't see the whole Which of the following sentences under the
problem. number is syntactically correct. Select the best
The correct answer is: he understands the problem
but he can't see the details a. You and me are good friends.
b. You and I are good friends.
Question 50 c. You and myself are good friends.
Of the following, who is known as "the Poet” who
pennedthe Greek epics, "Iliad” and "Odyssey”? The correct answer is: You and I are good friends.

a. Homer Question 55
b. Pindar In Leo Tolstoy's short story entitled "Where Love
c. Aeshylus Is, There God Is Also" the main character, Martin
d. Herodotus Avdeitch was a....

The correct answer is: Homer a. juggler

b. cobbler
Question 51 c. banker
A long formal narrative poem in verses. d. painter

a. Epic The correct answer is: cobbler

b. Novel
c. Prologue Question 56
d. Blank verse Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
words or terms used in each of the following
The correct answer is: Epic
sentences from the options given under each Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
number. words or terms used in each of the following
sentences from the options given under each
Maria Clara, a clinging vine, was eventually rejected number.
by her love.
I won't mind residing in a red-light district.
a. one who is very dependent upon others.
b. one who prefers to plant any vine. a. a place where gangsters reside.
c. one who clings to one's idea. b. a place affected by red-tide.
c. a place where there are prostitutes.
The correct answer is: one who is very dependent
upon others. The correct answer is: a place where there are
Question 57
Of the following, which is an epic poem describing Question 61
the author's imaginary journey through the other A humorous imitation of a serious literary work
world? intended to infuse amusement.

a. Paradise Lost a. Farce

b. The Divine Comedy b. Legend
c. The Erl-king c. Parody
d. The Vampire d. Fairy tale

The correct answer is: The Divine Comedy The correct answer is: Farce

Question 58 Question 62
Which of the following sentences under the What figure of speech is used in each of the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best following lines. Select the best answer. "The hungry
answer. flames ate all the shanties in the area."

a. She lives on Cabanatuan City. a. allusion

b. She lives in Cabanatuan City. b. metonymy
c. She lives at Cabanatuan City. c. personification
d. irony
The correct answer is: She lives in Cabanatuan City.
The correct answer is: personification
Question 59
Which is a form of Japanese poetry consisting of a Question 63
seventeen-syllable written in three lines of seven figure of speech is used in each of the following
or five syllable? lines. Select the best answer. "She walks like a
a. Noh
b. Haiku a. paradox
c. Manyo Shu b. metaphor
d. Kabuki c. simile
d. irony
The correct answer is: Haiku
The correct answer is: simile
Question 60
Question 64 Which of the following sentences under the
Who was the Russian writer who wrote The Boor number is syntactically correct. Select the best
and The Bet? answer.

a. Robert M. Yerkes a. It is they who is sick.

b. Kahlil Gibran b. It is they who were sick.
c. Leo Tolstoy c. It is they who are sick.
d. Anton Chekhov
The correct answer is: It is they who are sick.
The correct answer is: Anton Chekhov Question 69
Which of the following sentences under the
Question 65 number is syntactically correct. Select the best
The line "We shall be a flowing stream, a rippling answer.
brook....” is an example of a __________________.
a. Please, see me on 7:00 tomorrow morning.
a. personification b. Please, see me by 7:00 tomorrow morning.
b. simile c. Please, see me at 7:00 tomorrow morning.
c. metaphor
d. hyperbole The correct answer is: Please, see me at 7:00
tomorrow morning.
The correct answer is: metaphor
Question 70
Question 66 Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED words or terms used in each of the following
words or terms used in each of the following sentences from the options given under each
sentences from the options given under each number.
If you want to buy her car, you have to put up an
Don't fool me. I was not born yesterday. earnest money.

a. can't be outwitted a. an earnest notice.

b. not ignorant b. a deposit or down payment.
c. not stupid c. a written pledge to buy.

The correct answer is: can't be outwitted The correct answer is: a deposit or down payment.

Question 67 Question 71
A group of closely related verses is called a stanza. Psalm 18:2 - "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress,
A stanza with two rhyming lines is called: and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I
will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation,
a. Couplet and my high tower,” emphasizes
b. Rhythm
c. Triplet a. honor
d. Quatrain b. justice
c. hope
The correct answer is: Couplet d. faith

Question 68 The correct answer is: faith

Question 72 sentences from the options given under each
Land of Bondage, Land of the Free was written number.
The thief was caught red-handed with the iPad.
a. Carlos P. Romulo
b. I. V. Mallari a. caught about to steal the iPad.
c. Leon Ma. Guerrero b. caught and arrested.
d. Raul Manglapus c. caught in the act.

The correct answer is: Raul Manglapus The correct answer is: caught in the act.

Question 73 Question 77
Which of the following sentences under the Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best number is syntactically correct. Select the best
answer. answer.

a. Me is younger than you. a. Bonifacio was as great if not greater than Rizal.
b. I am younger than you. b. Bonifacio was as great as Rizal, if not greater
c. Myself is younger than you. than the latter.
c. Bonifacio was as great as Rizal, if not the
The correct answer is: I am younger than you. greatest.

Question 74 The correct answer is: Bonifacio was as great as

Which of the following sentences under the Rizal, if not greater than the latter.
number is syntactically correct. Select the best
answer. Question 78
A lyric poem of 14 iambic pentameter lines.
a. To pass the examination, we should review.
b. To pass the examination, it is necessary to a. Ballad
review. b. Ode
c. To pass the examination, review is needed. c. Sonnet
d. Song
The correct answer is: To pass the examination, we
should review. The correct answer is: Sonnet

Question 75 Question 79
Which of the following sentences under the Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
number is syntactically correct. Select the best words or terms used in each of the following
answer. sentences from the options given under each
a. Please, see me in Sunday.
b. Please, see I on Sunday. The President has ghost writer.
c. Please, see me on Sunday.
a. one who writes a speech for another.
The correct answer is: Please, see me on Sunday. b. a valet.
c. one who writes a biography.
Question 76
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED The correct answer is: one who writes a speech for
words or terms used in each of the following another.
Question 80 Question 84
A short story which aims to present a moral thru Which of the following sentences under the
fictional situations where animals are made to number is syntactically correct. Select the best
speak. answer.

a. Apologue a. Having practiced well, it was easy for us to win

b. Fable the game.
c. Allegory b. Having practiced well, the game was easily won.
d. Parable c. Having practiced well, we won the game.

The correct answer is: Fable The correct answer is: Having practiced well, we
won the game.
Question 81
Which of the following sentences under the Question 85
number is syntactically correct. Select the best An Idyll is an example of
a. Lyric poetry
a. Her birthday falls in February 12. b. Essay
b. Her birthday fell in February 12. c. Dramatic poetry
c. Her birthday falls on February 12. d. Narrative poetry

The correct answer is: Her birthday falls on The correct answer is: Narrative poetry
February 12.
Question 86
Question 82 What figure of speech is used in each of the
A story about the tradition, customs, beliefs, and following lines. Select the best answer. "I saved
habits of a particular group of people. the crown.”

a. Folktale a. metaphor
b. Myth b. allusion
c. Fable c. metonymy
d. Parody d. simile

The correct answer is: Folktale The correct answer is: metonymy

Question 83 Question 87
Which of the following sentences under the The following were the most prominent Greek
number is syntactically correct. Select the best playwrights EXCEPT...
a. Aeschylus
a. To memorize a poem, it must be read many b. Euripides
times. c. Sophocles
b. To memorize a poem, one must read it many d. Virgil
c. To memorize a poem, practice is needed. The correct answer is: Virgil

The correct answer is: To memorize a poem, one Question 88

must read it many times.
Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED Question 92
words or terms used in each of the following Which of the following sentences under the
sentences from the options given under each number is syntactically correct. Select the best
number. answer.

In the Philippines, French-leave is sometimes a. It is hard to study and to work at the same time.
availed of by the learned. b. It is hard to study and working at the same time.
c. It is hard to study, working at the same time.
a. an act leaving gracefully.
b. The correct answer is: It is hard to study and to
an act of leaving secretly. work at the same time.
c. an act of leaving with permission.
Question 93
The correct answer is: Of the following, which term refers to the
an act of leaving secretly. repetition of the same consonant sounds, usually
the initial consonant, in words that immediately
Question 89 follow each other?
Which of the following sentences under the
number is syntactically correct. Select the best a. rhyme
answer. b. anomalopocia
c. refrain
a. What you stated was true. d. alliteration
b. What you stated was a true fact.
c. You stated a true fact. The correct answer is: alliteration

The correct answer is: What you stated was true. Question 94
Of the following, which is Giovanni Boccaccio's
Question 90 masterpiece, consisting of one hundred stories.
An inscription on a tomb in memory of the dead.
a. Decameron
a. Epitaph b. To Licinius
b. Epigraph c. Beowulf
c. Epithet d. Aeneid
d. Epilogue
The correct answer is: Decameron
The correct answer is: Epitaph
Question 95
Question 91 Look for the best meaning of the HIGHLIGHTED
Of the following, who was the outstanding writer words or terms used in each of the following
Spanish literature and authored the masterpiece, sentences from the options given under each
Don Quixote de la Mancha? number.

a. Juan Ramon Jimenez Some newspapers indulge in using scare heads.

b. Luis de Leon
c. Miguel E. Arguilla a. headlines scaring business ventures
d. Miguel de Cervantes b. threatening headlines
c. headlines written in sensational language
The correct answer is: Miguel de Cervantes
The correct answer is: headlines written in Ben Jonson's "Song to Celia” is an expression of a
sensational language man's...

Question 96 a. ardent love for a woman named Celia

The engraved or printed name of a newspaper is b. intense sadness caused by the death of Celia
called: c. love for his beloved departed mother, Celia

a. Banner The correct answer is: ardent love for a woman

b. Masthead named Celia
c. Heading
d. Nameplate

The correct answer is: Nameplate

Question 97
One who writes a drama or a play is called:

a. Playwright
b. Writer
c. Author
d. Play write

The correct answer is: Playwright

Question 98
Of the following, who was ancient Greek poetess
and was called "The Tenth Muse"

a. Sappho
b. Anacreon
c. Aristophanes
d. Euripides

The correct answer is: Sappho

Question 99
The king of Troy who implored Achilles to give back
the former's son, for proper funeral rites befitting a
prince is _________________.

a. Hermes
b. Idaeus
c. Patroclus
d. Priam

The correct answer is: Priam

Question 100

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