Health and Safety Policy

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Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires employers to take responsibility for ensuring
employees and other people at the work place safe. Actions taken at Epuni Primary School will
ensure the health and safety pupils will be afforded the same concern. Compliance with the
Ministry of Education Code of Practice for Physical Standards of Health and Safety will also be met
within this policy.

Epuni Primary School will create and maintain a safe physical and emotional working environment
for staff, students and visitors to the school.

The board of trustees is committed to ensuring the physical and emotional health and safety of all
workers, students, visitors and contractors by complying with relevant health and safety legislation,
regulations, New Zealand standards, and approved codes of practice.
Students are provided with basic health and safety rules, information and training and are
encouraged to engage in positive health and safety practices.
Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility.

We will achieve this through:

• making health and safety a key part of our role
• working with our workers to improve the health and safety system at our school
• doing everything reasonably possible to remove or reduce the risk of injury or illness
• making sure all incidents, injuries and near misses are recorded in the appropriate place
• investigating incidents, near misses and reducing the likelihood of them happening again
• having emergency plans and procedures in place
• training everyone about hazards and risks so everyone can work safely
• providing appropriate induction, training and supervision for all new and existing workers
• helping workers who were injured or ill return to work safely
• making sure contractors and sub-contractors working at the school operate in a safe manner
• ensuring Epuni School is a smoke free environment
• having sun-smart guidelines in place
• reimbursing any staff member who chooses to get a flu immunisation during flu season, for the
cost of that immunisation

All workers are encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in maintaining a safe and healthy
workplace through:
• being involved in improving health and safety systems at work
• following all instructions, rules, procedures and safe ways of working
• reporting any pain or discomfort as soon as possible
• reporting all injuries, incidents and near misses
• helping new workers, staff members, trainees and visitors to the workplace understand the
safety procedures and why they exist
• reporting any health and safety concerns or issues through the reporting system
• keeping the work place tidy to minimise the risk of any trips and falls
• wearing protective clothing and equipment as and when required to minimise your exposure to
workplace hazards.

Others in the workplace

All others in the workplace including students and visitors are encouraged to:
• follow all instructions, rules and procedures while in the school grounds
• report all injuries, incidents and near misses to their teacher or other staff members
• wear protective clothing and equipment as and when required to minimise your exposure to
hazards while learning

Related Procedures / Documents Document No.

1. Alcohol and Drugs and Smoking

2. Attendance register (RAAYS)

3. Safe School Procedures (Restorative Practice, Behaviour Management

and Anti-Bullying)

4. Cultural Awareness

5. Child Abuse (Child Abuse Allegations Against Employees, Non-Custodial


6. Emergency Action Procedures (Responsibilities, Earthquake, Fire,

Flood, Tsunami, Missing Person, Confrontation/Robbery/Lockdown,
Assisting Disabled Persons in Emergency, Volcanic Ash, Storms,
Chemical Spill, Emergency Management Plan Incident Report,

7. Civil Defence

8. Healthy & Safety Procedures (Health & Safety Officer, Injury/Illness –

Checklist for Doctor/Ambulance, Supervising Medication – Permission to
Administer, Communicable Diseases, Motor Vehicle Restraint Policy)

9. Nutrition

10. Sun Protection

11. Playground Safety Procedures (Adventure Playground Procedures)

12. Visitors to School

13. Internet Safety

*Need to clarify what these are and where these are located ^

Relevant Legislation:
● Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 ●

● MOE Code of Practice for Physical ●

Standards of Health and Safety

● ●

Signed __________________________ Position __________________________

Date: ____/____/____

Next review date: ____/____/____

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