Plastic Injection Molding PDF
Plastic Injection Molding PDF
Plastic Injection Molding PDF
This flow-mark pattern is characterized by alternating areas of glossy and cloudy plastic.
This type of flow mark is caused by unstable flow at the flow front.
- Lower the setting for injection speed.
- Raise the temperature of the plastic and the die.
If this problem becomes worse, it may develop into silver streaking and care must 2
therefore be taken.
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Molding Defects: Flow Marks
The term "flow mark" is used to describe the phenomenon where a striped pattern
is formed around the gates when plastic has flowed through the die.
In this, plastic which has been cooled by sprues and runners is further cooled in
the cavity and filling occurs at high viscosity. Consequently, plastic in contact with
the mold surface is pressurized in a semi-solidified condition and stripes
perpendicular to the flow direction are formed on the surface of the molded
Switch to a coloring agent with good thermal stability.
In terms of molding conditions, it is desirable for the plastic and die temperature
to be high, and for the speed of flow to be low (i.e., hot-slow molding).
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Example of a streaking pattern in a molded product
Poor distribution of coloring agent. (The quality of coloring-agent distribution can be
evaluated by using a compressing molding machine to manufacture thin sheeting.)
Cleaning effect of plastic deposited within the molding machine (or cylinder).
Improve the quality of distribution during compounding.
Fully clean the inside of the cylinders. (We recommend our own UMG Clean ™ for
this purpose.)
Check the screw head, back-flow prevention rings, and other similar items for
Change the molding machine. 5
The term "short shot" or "short mold" is used to refer to a phenomenon where
plastic being injection molded does not reach certain portions of the inside of the
die before solidifying.
Some of the typical factors affecting this type of problem are as follows:
- Fluidity and viscosity characteristics of the plastic
- Die design (i.e., gate design, bushing construction for ribs and bosses,
the presence of venting, etc.)
- Direct carving design - Molding conditions
- Molding machine performance
Cause Generation of gas Material thickness and gas volume Plastic viscosity 6
Uneven thickness (if both thin and thick walled sections are present within the
same cavity)
Standardize the wall thickness in each cavity. Note that this can result in sink
marks on the top of ribs and bosses, and therefore, special care must be taken in
this regard.
Rib and boss design (if constantly occurring in specific ribs and bosses)
Use shaped-section bushings and ensure smooth extraction of gas from the
extremities of dead-end sections.
The terms "flash", "fins", and "spew" are used to refer to excess molding material that penetrates into mold
gaps (i.e., between parting faces, slide push-out faces, and inserts, etc.) in a molten state.
Normal Flash
Material Causes
- Plastic has low viscosity.
- If the problem is related to the plastic's viscosity, either lower the temperature of the
plastic or switch to a grade with higher flowability.
Cause 2
When the die and plastic temperatures are extremely low, the difference in
temperatures between the outer walls and the fluid layer results in the development
of a thin hard coating which then peels
Standardize the resin temperatures.
- Raise the temperature of the resin
- Raise the temperature of the die
Gaseous components in the plastic appear at the molding surface and collapse.
Click on any of the following photographs for the corresponding causes and countermeasures.
The term "stringiness" is used to refer to a phenomenon where string-line sections of plastic which are
formed upon opening of the die adhere to the inside of the die and are transferred to the product during the
next shot, resulting in string-line unevenness on the surface of the molded component.
Thin plastic string formed at the tip of a sprue Plastic string after transfer to the molded
This problem is principally caused by high nozzle temperatures.
Lower the nozzle temperature; alternatively, make combined use of pull-back and cylinder
Strings can be forced to break by increasing the speed of die opening, however, care
must be taken as this can result in reduced die service lives for certain die designs (i.e., slides, etc.).
Use a string-prevent ring (commercially available). 15
The term "weld line" is used to describe the narrow V-shaped line that occurs at the point where two different
flow fronts meet.
This phenomenon is guaranteed to occur whenever using inserts, lattices, or multi-point gates, and there is
no theoretical means for its elimination; accordingly, its effect must be minimized or the resulting marks must
be moved from a decorative face to a side face. To the untrained eye, a weld line may seem to be a crack. In
terms of product specifications, the presence of weld lines in areas of stress concentrations may lead to
strength problems, and therefore, countermeasures should be implemented in advance.
- Fluidity (or viscosity) Die
- Die temperature
- Gates (number and location)
- Gas vents (method and location)
- Cooling ducts (and die temperature distribution)
Molding machine
- Performance (precision and response)
- Injection and plasticization
Shaping conditions used to minimize weld lines
- Plastic temperature a High
- Die temperature a High
- Injection speed a Low
*Although weld lines will become less obvious when the speed is increased
(i.e., the depth is minimized), there is a tendency for their length to increase.
- Holding pressure a High
* Marks are made less noticeable using the compression effect of the weld's V-notch.
Solvent in the paint attacks sections of the substrate material where levels of residual strain are high, thus
causing chemical stress.
- Selection of a less aggressive solvent
- Modification of the paint and solvent mixture ratios
- Annealing (at between 60deg.C and 70deg.C for 20 to 60 minutes)
- Raising of the cylinder temperature and die temperature.
- Lowering of the injection and dwell pressures, and raising of the injection speed
* Generally speaking, the addition of retarder is not a good means of treating chemical cracks. 19
This problem often occurs at areas close to gates with molding defects such as gate flash, flow marks, or
jetting; furthermore, these factors are difficult to eliminate even by annealing.
- Selection of a less aggressive thinner
- Slight increase of the paint's viscosity
- Raising of the cylinder temperature and die temperature.
- Lowering of the injection pressure and raising of the injection speed 20
- Modification of the gate type (i.e., switching to the use of tab gates)
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Painting Defects : Poor Adhesion
One of a number of phenomena where paint peels from the surface of the component, poor adhesion is
generally identified during paint-film property testing.
Although this phenomenon readily occurs when contaminants such as grease or mold release agent are
present on the surface of the molded component, it is also affected by matching of the substrate and paint
(i.e., solubility and wetting, etc.) and by the condition of the paint itself (i.e., thinner, viscosity, film thickness).
- Degreasing of the molded component's surfaces (using n-hexane, IPA, etc.)
- Switching to paint with lower cohesive power (cohesive power < adhesive power a no peeling)
- Thickening of the paint film 21
- Increasing of the injection speed ( increase orientation and raise thinner attack )
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Painting Defects : Pinholes
Often seen in urethane painting, this phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of small holes on the painted surface,
and it is also known as "cratering."
Cause 1
Inclusion of air
Pinholes can be caused when air bubbles trapped in the paint film expand during drying and break
through the surface. Furthermore, this phenomenon is not dependent on the substrate, and it occurs
often in high-temperature, high-humidity environments; with thick application of paint; when there is
insufficient setting time; and when the speed of thinner evaporation during drying is high.
- Modification of the painting environment
- Lengthening of the setting time
- Reduction of the paint's viscosity
- Slowing of the thinner evaporation speed
Cause 2
Residual strain
When the plastic substrate contains residual stress, the material is attacked by the paint's solvent and fine cracking
occurs. The solvent penetrates into these cracks, and when this then evaporates during the drying process, the resulting
vapor bursts through the surface of the painted film.
- Selection of a less aggressive solvent
- Modification of the paint and solvent mixture ratios
- Annealing of the unpainted component (at between 60deg.C and 70deg.C for 20 to 60 minutes) 22
- Raising of the cylinder temperature and die temperature
- Lowering of the injection pressure and raising of the injection speed Created by Iwan Muhdi
Painting Defects : Crawling
With indentations of 1 mm or more in diameter occurring on the painted surface, this phenomenon results in
the substrate becoming visible.
This problem occurs when a contaminant with lower surface tension (i.e., lower wetting) than the paint
adheres to the surface of the molded component.
- Mold release agent (i.e., silicon oil)
- Machinery grease
- Dust or other contaminants attracted by static electricity
- Regulation of the painting environment to eliminate the causative agents
- Degreasing of the molded component's surfaces (using n-hexane, IPA, etc.) 23
Whether or not sink marks are treated as a problem depends on the required quality of appearance.
For example, this would not be acceptable for external molding components which must be highly attractive in nature. It is
often the case that the decision on whether or not to treat this phenomenon as a defect depends on product quality issues.
Sink mark behavior depends on the volumetric shrinkage of the plastic (i.e., the isothermal PVT characteristic) and the
chronological history of all locations within the injection molding process is important. In specific terms, this phenomenon occurs
during the transition from the molten condition upon injection to the solid condition upon dwelling and cooling.
Molten plastic that has been injected into the die begins to cool and solidify from the die surface. As the plastic continues to cool
and harden from the outside (i.e., during dwell and cooling), certain injection settings such as the dwell pressure and time make it
impossible to compensate for changes in volume of the plastic (i.e., volumetric shrinkage) resulting from the PVT characteristic.
In these cases, the plastic at the surface of the die can be drawn towards the inside of the molding when volumetric shrinkage
occurs in the molten plastic still present at the interior, and this results in the cosmetic defect referred to as sink marks.
Alternatively, when the outer layer of the molded component has sufficient strength to resist the pull of volumetric shrinkage,
voids will be generated at the interior, and in certain cases, this will not be manifested as an appearance-related problem.
Furthermore, if latent causes exist in the shape of the product (i.e., bosses, ribs, thick sections, uneven thickness, etc.) or in the
construction of the die (i.e., cooling duct design, die material, cooling agent, etc.), it will be impossible to eliminate sink mark
problems unless advance countermeasures are implemented at the product design and die design stages.
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Localized sink marks (effect of rear surface shape and flow tips)
Differences in shrinkage and cooling time as dependent on the differences in both surface contraction and
component thickness which result from differences in die temperature distribution.
Residual stress resulting from molecular orientation. In fiber-reinforced materials, there are large
differences in the degree of shrinkage in the flow direction and the perpendicular direction, and for this
reason, special consideration must be given to gate design (i.e., quantity and location) at the die design
For example, if the degrees (or rates) of shrinkage at the various points in a molded component are
theoretically identical, this will simply lead to the generation of small, similar-looking cavities, and
regardless of the size of the material's shrinkage rate, there will be no occurrence of warping.
Nevertheless, a complex mix of the above-mentioned factors will exist during actual molding, and after
release of die clamping pressure and removal, the internal strain will try to fall to the minimum level (i.e., to
reduce energy to the minimum), thus resulting in the occurrence of molded-component warping.
Furthermore, consideration must also be given to insufficient cooling of the molded component and to28
deformation as a result of defective push-out mechanisms when dies are being designed.
Created by Iwan Muhdi
Warping and Twisting Checkpoints
Molded component shape
Insufficient structural stiffness The structural stiffness of ribs and the like is insufficient. Ribs can actually
contribute to warping, and therefore, a detailed examination of thickness and
height factors must be undertaken.
Cooling circuit Die temperature distribution is non-uniform, the cooling circuit is too long (i.e., large
temperature difference between in and out points), control is inadequate, or the cooling
method is not suitable.
Gate and runner Non-uniform distribution of pressure in the dwelling process due to an insufficient
number of gates or poor positioning
Push-out mechanism Poor push-out balance or excessive ejection load with respect to the pin surface area
Insufficient die clamping force Inability to setup suitable clamping conditions (i.e., pressure and time)
Die temperature regulator Flow volume of cooling agent is insufficient (i.e., Reynolds number is not large enough
for turbulent flow), insufficient performance in terms of die thermal capacity.
Molding conditions
Resin temperature Pressure transmissibility drops when the viscosity is high; consequently, uniformity in
the degree of shrinkage is not possible in the dwelling process.
Die temperature When excessively low, the viscosity increases and the pressure transmissibility drops;
consequently, uniformity in the degree of shrinkage is not possible in the dwelling
process. Crystallization (or solidification) takes place before directional or stress
relaxation can take place, and anisotropical residual stress remain.
Injection pressure Either too high or low (i.e., flow length in excess of the plastic's flow characteristic)
Dwelling pressure Either too high or low (Over-packing in the vicinity of the gates, or back-flow as a result
of poor gate sealing)
Dwelling time Either too long or short (Over-packing in the vicinity of the gates, or back-flow as a
result of poor gate sealing)
Injection Pressure is high Poor releasing
Holding pressure is high Unsuitable ejection
Holding time is long Uneven or insufficient cooling
Poor Resin Melting Gate is large
Resin temp is low Mold temp is high
Injection speed is low Uneven thickness
Cooling time is short Under cutting
Utilize correcting tool for wrap after releasing Unsuitable annealing