AWS Setup Guide v7
AWS Setup Guide v7
AWS Setup Guide v7
2.1.1 Login to AWS Console ____________________________________________________________________ 6
2.1.2 Create a stack using Cloud Formation Template. _______________________________________________ 6
3. ELASTIC SEARCH AND KIBANA STACK SETUP FOR USAGE LOGS ________________________________________ 11
4.1 UPDATE EXTERNAL PROPERTIES FILE WINDOWS: (IF CENTOS CLICK HERE) _____________________________________ 11
4.2 UPDATE EXTERNAL PROPERTIES FILE CENTOS: ________________________________________________________ 18
4.3 CREATE AND CONFIGURE CONNECTION _____________________________________________________________ 23
4.4 DASHBOARDS ______________________________________________________________________________ 33
4.5 ANALYTICAL CONTROL VIOLATIONS AND ACTIONS ______________________________________________________ 33
4.5.1 Analytical controls:______________________________________________________________________ 33
4.5.2 Violations:_____________________________________________________________________________ 35
4.5.3 Enable Cloud trail log validation DC Action ___________________________________________________ 39
4.5.4 Performing DC Action for Multiple Violation _________________________________________________ 42
4.5.5 DC action Table ________________________________________________________________________ 45
4.6 CLOUD TRAIL LOGS: __________________________________________________________________________ 46
4.7 VPC FLOW LOGS: ___________________________________________________________________________ 52
4.7 PRIVILEGE ACCESS MANAGEMENT REQUEST _________________________________________________________ 54
4.9 PRIVILEGE ACCESS MANAGEMENT-VIEW HISTORY______________________________________________________ 57
4.10 CONFIGURE PRIVILEGED ACCESS ROLES _____________________________________________________________ 59
4.11 CONFIGURATION FOR PREVENTATIVE CONTROL _______________________________________________________ 61
4.11.1 List of Preventative Rules _________________________________________________________________ 61
4.11.2 Modify Attributes of Preventative Rules _____________________________________________________ 61
4.11.3 Creation of Rules _______________________________________________________________________ 62
4.11.4 Making Rules Inactive ___________________________________________________________________ 64
4.12 CONFIGURE SMTP AND ADMIN EMAIL _____________________________________________________________ 64
The guide is intended for system administrators who can perform deployment and system
configuration tasks and have a working knowledge of application servers, databases, task
management processes and business process workflows.
This guide can also be downloaded from the application. Navigate to the application by entering
either of the URL mentioned below on your browser
a. https://<public-ip-address>/ECM or
b. https://<public domain name>/ECM
Use the following credentials to login to the application and an initial random password which
needs to be changed on first login
a. userid – awsadmin
b. password – s<instance privateIPAddress without period>s
For ex. if the ec2 instance private IP address is your password would be s1010016s
(go to AWS Console and select the EC2 instance to see its private IP Address)
2.1 AWS Policies, Roles and Instance using AWSConsole- CloudFormation Template
URL - https://<AccountID>
3. From “Choose a template” section, select the radio button “Specify an Amazon S3
template URL” and enter the Url of s3 where the json is presen
(public subnet for Windows:
4. Enter the details for the foll parameters and click on Next
6. On the review page, Check the “I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS
CloudFormation to create IAM resources” and click on Create.
8. Once the stack is created the status is changed to CREATE_COMPETE and you can
navigate to the “Outputs” tab to see the Roles and Saviynt Access url(which is used to
navigate to the application as mentioned in the section 1 About the document.)
4. Saviynt Setup
4.1 Update External Properties File Windows: (if CentOS click here)
1. Select EC2 as shown below:
3. Select the instance created from the CF template and click on Connect.
6. Click on Choose File and browse to the file containing the Key pair and click on Decrypt
8. Click on the RDP obtained in Step4 and enter the password obtained in Step7 and click
on OK.
aws.kibana.vpc.url=< Kibana URL that has been setup for Flow logs http://flkibanat-elastics->
5. Click on login by providing the username as root and pwd as the .ppk key.
aws.kibana.vpc.url=< Kibana URL that has been setup for Flow logs http://flkibanat-elastics->
Change directory
cd /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.68/bin
Stop tomcat
Start tomcat
Use the following credentials to login to the application and an initial random password which
needs to be changed on first login
c. userid – awsadmin
d. password – s<instance privateIPAddress without period>s
Once the random credentials are entered user is taken to the password reset screen as shown
Username: awsadmin
3. Importing Users (Please follow steps 3 and 4 only if you wish to import users from
HR system, else skip to step 5)
Please refer to section 5.2.2 to import users in Saviynt.
Select a column from Users Drop down and select a column from Accounts drop down.
Ex if username is selected from Users dropdown and name is selected from Accounts
dropdown. The correlation rule to map users and accounts would be username=name.
Click on Save.
6. Enter the details of Connection AWS (the ones marked with * are mandatory)
• AWS_ACCOUNT_ID *: Enter the 12-digit Account ID of your AWS Account where Saviynt is
being installed
• AWS_STACK_ROLE_NAME *: The role name created as part of the stack (ex: Saviynttest-
SaviyntAWSRole-1OK4596SFTZ4R) Please refer to 2.2.1 Step 9. In the Resources Section you will find
• CREATEUSERS: Enables the creation of users as part of aws user accounts import. Enter Yes
or No here to enable/disable users creation as part of AWS User Account Import. If the users
need to be imported from HR systems, the setting value should be No. If the user accounts
are being federated to your AWS account, please reach out to Saviynt support at
[email protected] for further assistance.
• EC2_TAGS_PROD: This setting could be used to determine the production instances from
the tags associated with. Saviynt enforces preventive Rules based on these tag values.
Example Values could be Prod, Production
• VPCID_PEERING: Enter this value, for Saviynt to define and detect VPC peering violations.
Depicts the VPC ID which serves as the hub for VPC Peering, which would then be used as an
input by Saviynt to define the list of VPCs not peered with this VPC.
Example value vpc-12w12w12
• VPCID_APPROVED: Enter this value, for Saviynt to define and detect VPC Launch violations.
Depicts the VPC ID which serves as the acceptable VPC in which the instances should be
launched, which would then be used as an input by Saviynt to define the list of EC2 instances
which were not launched in this VPC. For ex. vpc-12w12w12.
4.4 Dashboards
All the analytical controls under this category will be listed indicating how many violations are
It will take you to the screen showing all EC2 instances having this violation:
4.5.2 Violations:
Actions can be taken against violations on Analytical controls as shown below.
For ex for EC2 instances which have Open RDP Analytical control which lists all EC2 instances having
this violation we can perform a STOP action on one or all of these instances.
3. Click on the particular control and go to Run History -> Open Total Conflict link of the latest
Run Time
7. Once you click on save particular action will be performed against the EC2 and you can see
the Particular instance will be stopped in the AwS Console.
This Particular DC Action will enable the Cloud trail log Validation from Saviynt portal if its disabled
in the AWS environment.
2. Under Analytics History tab click on Cloud Trail Category and type the name of the control in
the search tab.
4. Search for the violation of the Cloud Trail against which you want to take an action and click
on the action tab of that particular Cloud Trail and select “Enable Cloudtrail Validation” Action.
6. Perform the DC action in the Saviynt portal by clicking on the Actions -> Enable Cloud Trail
Validation and give the reason for the action under Comment section and save.
2. Under the Run History tab click on the Total Conflict of the most recent run time
3. Now if you want to perform the action like remove anonymous access for all the listed S3
buckets then we can apply that action at once for all rows.
EC2 Security Groups – EC2 Instance EC2 Instance will be stopped in the AWS Stop EC2
Open SSH Console Instance
Unused Security Groups Security Group Deletes the particular Security Group in AWS Delete Security
Disabled EC2 termination EC2 Instance Termination Protection will be enabled for Enable
protection the particular EC2 Termination
Unused Elastic IPs Elastic IP The unused Elastic IP will be deleted in AWS Delete Elastic IP
Underutilized Load ELB The Under Utilized Load Balancers will be Delete ELB
balancers deleted
High Privileged IAM Users IAM User Dissociate User from Policy in AWS Dissociate User
from Policy
IAM Users with Non- IAM User Removes the Non Rotated access key from Delete Access
rotated Access Keys the User Key of User
EBS Volumes Non- EBS Volume Detach Volumes from the EC2 instance in Detach Volumes
Encrypted AWS
S3 Buckets with S3 Bucket Removes the Anonymous access from the Revoke S3Bucket
Anonymous access particular bucket Anonymous
VPC not peered with VPC The peering will be deleted in the AWS Remove VPC
Central VPC Peering
S3 Buckets for which S3 Bucket The Logging will be enabled for the S3 Enable S3
logging is disabled Bucket Logging
Encryption keys with IAM Enables the Rotation of the Encryption Key Enable Rotation
rotation disabled
Disabled Trail Cloud Trail Enables the Cloud Trail which were disabled Enable Trail
for regions
2. Once you click on the Cloud trail it will take you to the Kibana Dashboard link and for the first
time login an authentication page pops up as shown below where you need to provide the
Kibana credentials used during setup
4. Once you select a specific dashboard for example AwScloudTrail_IAM then that particular
dashboard will be loaded with all the related events as shown
6. If you want to search for events in particular time range, then we can use the Absolute
window. When you click on the Absolute button on the left a window pop up as shown where
you can give the range.
9. We can use AND or OR in search For example, we can search a specific IP address with
particular event name by using AND condition so that it will list those values as shown.
10. We can use an OR operator to list a condition which matches either of the values. For example
I have used OR for IP address and event name so it list the events which matches one of those
values as shown.
2. Select the User for whom you want to request firefighter role and click on 'Next'
4. Enter the DateTime and Business Justification. You can also enter additional comments in
the “Comments” field. Click “Next”.
6. Now click on Request History from Left Panel to view your request.
8. Click on Show Usage Browser which will redirect you to Kibana Dashboards after logging
into Kibana
2. Modify the attributes required like Description, Default Timeframe etc and click on Update.
(Please do not modify the Role Names of Fire Fighter Roles).
3. Default Timeframe-It is the maximum duration for which a Role should be active
which is in hours and is set to 0 hours by default. This can be modified to any value.
Ex: If the value is 8 it means that any user who is given access to this Role will be able to
use assume the Role for a maximum duration of 8 hours after which the access of that role
is revoked from the user.
6. Click on the Role and then click on Approve/Reject to Approve changes or Reject changes.
3. Locate the field Email and enter a valid Email address as shown in the screen shot and click
on Update at the bottom of the screen.
Parameter Description
Request made in ARS will expire after number of days selected
Expired Request After
from the dropdown
Notify Email templates Once the request expires, an email will be sent to the appropriate
When Request Expires user in a format as mentioned in selected email template
Show User Attribute User attributes selected here will be displayed in ARS page while
While Request requesting for an access
Entitlement Filter for Query to filter the entitlements based on the risk level to evaluate
SOD SOD while requesting for the entitlement in Request Access
Define Delegate Query Users are restricted as to whom they are allowed to delegate
using a query
Mandatory Fields in Users fields that are mandatory while Registering a User
Register User
Show Fields in User User fields that are visible while Registering a User
SystemUsername Pattern for SystemUsername generation
generation Rule
For each of the endpoints, provide the below additional details in tab ‘Entitlement type’
Parameter Description
Entitlement type The entitlement types that are being used in client system
None: This attribute will not be displayed on the request screen
Drop Down (Single): This attribute will be displayed as a drop
down and end users will be only allowed to select one value. The
list of values will be displayed based on the data imported for the
resources and end-point
List Box (Multiple): This attribute will be displayed as a list
value and end users will be allowed to select multiple values. The
Request option list of values will be displayed based on the data imported for the
resources and end-point
Shown But Not Request Single: This attribute will be shown
however end user will not be able to request the same.
Shown But Not Request Multi: This attribute will be shown
however end user will not be able to request multiple values.
Table: This attribute will be displayed as a table of values and
end users will be allowed to select multiple values.
This is used to setup a relationship between attributes and their
This is used to mark an attribute as mandatory during the request
For each endpoints, Go to the Dynamic Attributes tab, open the Action drop down, select ‘Add
Attributes’ and provide the below values
Parameter Description
Attribute name Name of attribute
Number: Requires user to enter a numeric value during run-time
Boolean: Boolean has True / False as specific values which you
can assign to the attribute
Attribute type
String: Requires user to enter a string value during run-time
Enum: Can hold multiple values
Multiple select: Can hold multiple values
Depending upon the type of attribute, if it is configured as
dropdown, you will have to add all possible values for selection
Default values Default value
Mapping of dynamic attributes to the actual column names in the
Accounts column
database table to save the user inputs
Required Required/Not required
1. To create a new workflow, click on the Create / Edit Workflow workflow tab.
2. The workflow editor opens up with the list of existing workflows (if any).
3. Click on the new button. A blank pane opens up
4. Enter the name and type (Parallel/Serial) of the workflow you would like to create
5. To begin a workflow, simply drag the start module from left pane to the middle pane
• To use this module, drag and drop the Access Approval module from left pane to
middle pane.
• Whom to Send Request parameter defines who the requests are sent to for approval
• A name must be given to this module, which shows up as the activity name during
request approvals.
• Email template can be selected from drop down for notification and reminder.
• Notification email is sent as soon as the Access Approval step is reached during
request approvals.
• Reminder email is sent after the specified time (in minutes or days).
• The three outgoing nodes at the bottom are for grant, reject and escalation
• Assign to Secondary Owner if the Requestee is Primary owner -
• Assign to Manager if the Owner is the Requestee – If the user requesting for access
is the owner of the role, then the approval process is assigned to the user’s manager
• Include Remove Access – The same task can be used for removing access as well
Grant Access module represents the approved access after which task is created. It is always
placed after all the approvals have been completed.
• To use this module, drag and drop the grant access module from left pane to middle
• A name must be given to this module for reference.
• Email template can be setup to send out email for each approved item.
• Connections from last approval accept nodes are joined to its incoming node
• The only outgoing node always goes to the end module.
Reject Access module: Reject Access module represents the rejected access for which tasks
are not created. It is always placed after all the approvals have been completed.
• To use this module, drag and drop the reject access module from left pane to middle
• A name must be given to this module for reference.
• Email template can be setup to send out email for each approved item.
• Connections from all the rejects nodes are joined to its incoming node
8. After making any changes to workflow, always load workflow by clicking on ‘Load Workflow’
under the Workflow menu on the left hand side of the screen.
• User Administration
• Account Administration
• Entitlement Administration
1. In this type of User import, direct connection is made to the client database to pull the user
details into Saviynt Security Manager database.
2. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection Type” which opens a new page to enter the connectiontype name and
attributes as comma seperated values. Click on “Save” to save the connection type details
entered which is viewable in Connection Type List.
3. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection” which opens a new page to enter the connection details. Click on the
“ConnectionType” dropdown and choose the ConnectionType created in step 1, which
displays the attributes given in the Connection type. Enter all the values to be entered and
Click on “Save” to save the connection details.
4. Place the schema files mapping the user details from client database user table to Saviynt
database user table in C:/saviynt/Import/Datafiles/xmlschemaforextranaldbimport
5. Go to Admin>JobControlPanel>Database>UserImportFulljob. Click on the “Add New Job”
which opens a pop up allowing you to create a new instance of the job.
6. Once you created a new instance of the job, Click on the UserImportFulljob to view the job
you created. Click on the “Action” button to start the job.
7. Once the job executes, the users will be imported into Saviynt Security Manager Identity
1. In this type of Accounts import, direct connection is made to the client database to pull the
account details into Saviynt database.
2. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection Type” which opens a new page to enter the connectiontype name and attributes
as comma seperated values. Click on “Save” to save the connection type details entered
which is viewable in Connection Type List.
3. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection” which opens a new page to enter the connection details. Click on the
“ConnectionType” dropdown and choose the ConnectionType created in step 1, which
displays the attributes given in the Connection type. Enter all the values to be entered and
Click on “Save” to save the connection details.
4. Place the schema files mapping the accounts details from client database user table to
Saviynt database accounts table in
C:/saviynt/Import/Datafiles/xmlschemaforextranaldbimport directory
2. Search for the entitlement you would like to update and click on the entitlement name
to open the details. Update the attributes and click on Update
1. In this type of Entitlement import, direct connection is made to the client database to pull
the Entitlement details into Saviynt database.
2. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection Type” which opens a new page to enter the connectiontype name and
attributes as comma seperated values. Click on “Save” to save the connection type details
entered which is viewable in Connection Type List.
3. Go to Admin>Identity Repository> Connections. Click on the “Action” dropdown to “Create
Connection” which opens a new page to enter the connection details. Click on the
“ConnectionType” dropdown and choose the ConnectionType created in step 1, which
displays the attributes given in the Connection type. Enter all the values to be entered and
Click on “Save” to save the connection details.
4. Place the schema files mapping the accounts details from client database entitlement table
to Saviynt database Entitlement_values and Entitlement_types table in
C:/saviynt/Import/Datafiles/xmlschemaforextranaldbimport directory
5. Go to Admin>JobControlPanel>Database>EntitlementValuejob. Click on the “Add New Job”
which opens a pop up allowing you to create a new instance of the job.
6. Once you created a new instance of the job, Click on the EntitlementValuejob to view the
job you created. Click on the “Action” button to start the job.
7. Once the job executes, the users will be imported into Saviynt Security Manager Identity
Use the Access Request System Login page URL that is provided by your site administrator. The
URL contains settings that were used when the Access Request System was installed and
configured. For example, the URL might be:
• http://hostname:port/ECM
• https://hostname:port/ECM
• The name of the host system http://hostname that runs the Access Request System.
hostname is the name or IP address of the system where your product is installed.
• The port number of the Access Request System. For example, 8080.
• The context for the Access Request System. This part is always the same: /ECM
Follow these steps to log in or log out the Access Request System
1. Enter the Access Request System URL in your web browser. For example, enter:
2. Enter your user name in the User ID field.
3. Enter your password.
5. Click Log Out when you are done with your tasks. When you log out the Access Request
System, you are redirected to the Login page. For security reasons, log out after you
complete your session.
6. After successful login, you will be shown Access Request System home page
Use the Access Request System to request one or more accesses for yourself from the unified
catalog of accesses. Access Request System supports batch requests by building up a list of
items to request before you go to the next step. For example, you move into a new role, and
you require access to multiple systems or applications.
3. Search the application that you want to request access for. After searching, check the
available actions:
a. Add to cart: This will request to add a new account for the selected application
4. Items are added to the cart once you make the selection
5. Click on 'View Cart' to check what has been added to the cart so far
9. Click entitlements, new window will pop up showing Entitlement, Tcode tab.
14. In the Task History section at the bottom, check the ‘Assignee’ to find out who is the
current approver of the request.
Use the Access Request System to request one or more accesses for others from the unified
catalog of accesses. Access Request System supports batch requests by building up a list of
items to request before you go to the next step. For example, you move into a new role, and
you require access to multiple systems or applications.
1. Click on 'Request Access for Others' from Access Request System homepage
3. Search the application that you want to request access for. After searching, check the
available actions:
a. Add to cart: This will request to add a new account for the selected application
b. Remove account: This will request to remove the account to access the application
c. Modify existing account: This will allow you to modify your existing access to the
5. Click on 'View Cart' to check what has been added to the cart so far
8. Entitlements Selection: Use the right and left arrow buttons to add new entitlements or
remove existing entitlements.
14. In the Task History section at the bottom, check the ‘Assignee’ to find out who is the current
approver of the request.
1. To view the status of your request, you can use the “Request History” option available in your
home screen
3. Task History at the bottom of the screen provides additional information regarding the approval
Note: Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not have
access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you, contact
your system administrator.
An approval activity is an action item that is displayed as part of a workflow process and requires
your action. You can use the Access Request System to view your activities, approve, and reject
approval requests
5. Approver can choose to approve or reject all by clicking on Accept or Reject All
4. You can Delete or Edit the request later using the Delete and Edit buttons.
Parameter Description
Create tasks on Revoke On revoking a user
account/role/entitlement revocation
tasks to deprovision the
account/role/entitlement will get
created in ARS>Pending tasks
e. Go to Attestation>Create New and enter the attestation name, type as “User manager”,
Security System, Start Date and Enddate and click on “Next”
f. Select the Certifier from the list (Select the manager of the users for whom the
account/entitlement certification is required)
g. Search for the manager and click on “create now” to create the attestation
n. In step2 of the user manager attestation, the manager can certify the account and
entitlements associated to the account for user reporting to him by selecting “YES/NO”
The user manager can discontinue an attestation in case the attestation was created
erroneously. Attestations in “New and in progress” state can be discontinued by clicking
“Discontinue” button
Go to Admin Job Control Panel Data Application Data import click on the Action
button of the AWS import job which was created in the previous step Click on start
• System Select the system from where we want to do an import, AWS in this case which
was created in earlier steps
• External Connection would be selected automatically when we select the System.
• Job type Select a full import
• Import type we need to import Account in the first place.
• Click on submit.
• Once the job is run, accounts import is completed.
2. Once the account import job is completed, we can view the accounts Go to Admin
Identity Repository Accounts
2. Once the Access import is completed, we can view the access Go to Admin Identity
Repository Entitlements
4. Click on the other Attributes tab of the entitlement to view various attributes of entitlement.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 if the scheduling needs to be changed for remaining jobs as well.
Exercise caution when changing the frequency of Dashboard, Analytics and Data Import Jobs. It
is advisable to reach out to Saviynt support ([email protected]) in need of frequency
change for these jobs.