4 Simple Exercises To Strengthen Attention and Reduce Distractibility
4 Simple Exercises To Strengthen Attention and Reduce Distractibility
4 Simple Exercises To Strengthen Attention and Reduce Distractibility
Rebekah Barnett
9-11 minutos
Mengxin Li
1 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
But it turns out we’re not at the mercy of our runaway minds. Amishi
Jha (TED Talk: How to tame your wandering mind), an associate
professor of psychology at the University of Miami and the director
of contemplative neuroscience for the UMindfulness Initiative,
studies the brain’s attention mechanisms, and she’s found there are
specific exercises we can do to strengthen our ability to pay
attention. Here, she explains how you can get your wandering mind
back under control.
2 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
3 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
4 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
doing as like watching clouds move in the sky and observing the
different shapes they make — but in this practice, you’re watching
your thoughts travel through your mind. And yes, there will be times
when you feel like you keep getting hooked on a particular thought
or sensation and can’t seem to drop it. Says Jha, “If you find you’re
so lost in thought that you can’t do the open monitoring practice, go
back to doing a focused attention exercise to steady yourself
5 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
Amishi Jha
6 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.
4 simple exercises to strengthen attention and reduce distractibility | about:reader?url=https://ideas.ted.com/4-simple-exercises-to-strengthen-...
7 de 7 23/06/2018 10:13 p. m.