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Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

Article · February 2015

DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001333.pub3


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2 authors:

Andrew Gates Richard P Bowater

University of East Anglia University of East Anglia


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Nucleotides: Structure Introductory article

and Properties • Nomenclature

Article Contents

• Nucleosides and Nucleotides

Richard P Bowater, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK • Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Nucleotides:
Andrew J Gates, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Structure, Occurrence and Properties
• Purines and Purine Nucleotides: Structure,
Occurrence and Properties
Based in part on the previous versions of this eLS article ‘Nucleotides:
Structure and Properties’ (2001, 2005). • Dinucleotides and Oligonucleotides

Online posting date: 16th February 2015

Nucleotides consist of a nitrogen-containing base, All nucleotides have three fundamental components
a five-carbon sugar and one or more phosphate (Figure 1).
groups. Cells contain many types of nucleotides,
which are in constant flux between free and 1. Base: Also referred to as heterocycles, these
polymeric states. Nucleotides play central roles nitrogen-containing ring compounds are deriva-
tives of purine or pyrimidine. The atoms within the
in many cellular processes, including metabolic
purine/pyrimidine rings have a common arrangement
regulation and the storage and utilisation of
and they are given the same number in different nucleotides.
genetic information. The levels of nucleotides in A variety of chemical groups can be bonded at different
cells are regulated efficiently due to the small positions to the ring constituents. Although one structure
pools of free nucleotides, with an exception being predominates for each base, tautomeric forms occur in minor
adenosine-5′ -triphosphate, which is at higher con- amounts (Figure 2).
centrations due to its role as the universal currency 2. Sugar: A five-carbon sugar, usually ribose, is linked to the
of energy. Within cells, ribonucleotides are syn- base. Each carbon atom is numbered and, to allow their
thesised from simple building blocks or they are distinction from atoms in the base, the number is followed by
obtained via the recycling of preformed bases. a prime mark: thus, ribose has five carbon atoms, numbered
Different types of cells have striking variations in 1′ to 5′ . The sugars are locked into a five-membered furanose
ring by the bond from C1′ of the sugar to the base.
their nucleotide composition as these are linked to
3. Phosphate ester: Phosphate groups are attached to the sugar
the rate of cell growth; in mammals, the amounts
by ester linkages, with the most common site of esterification
of nucleotides and nucleic acids as a proportion of in natural compounds being via the hydroxyl at the C5′
cell weight vary from approximately 1% in muscle position. Typically, one, two or three phosphates are joined,
to 15–40% in thymus gland and sperm cells. producing mono-, di- and triphosphates, respectively. (Note
that the prefixes bis and tris are used in reference to molecules
with two or three phosphates attached to different hydroxyls
on the sugar.)

Nucleosides have very similar structures to nucleotides, but

Nomenclature consist only of the base joined to a sugar through the N-glycosidic
bond, also referred to as the β-glycosidic linkage (Figure 1).
Nucleotides play central roles in many cellular processes, includ- Thus, a nucleotide can also be referred to as a nucleoside phos-
ing metabolic regulation and the storage and expression of genetic phate (IUPAC-IUB, 1970, 1983).
information. Thus, cells contain many types of nucleotides and a In addition to their monomeric state, nucleotides exist in poly-
complex and conflicting terminology for nucleotides and related meric forms, called nucleic acids, and there are two closely
compounds has been used, although standard definitions aid related types: ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid
understanding of this topic (IUPAC-IUB, 1970, 1983). Nomen- (DNA). These polymeric forms have a directional polarity within
clature in general use is listed in Table 1. their sequence, which occurs because the 3′ -OH of one nucleotide
is joined to the 5′ -phosphate of the next by a phosphodiester link-
eLS subject area: Biochemistry age. Thus, one end of the molecule has a 5′ -phosphate and the
How to cite: other end has a 3′ -OH. It is common practice that sequences are
Bowater, Richard P and Gates, Andrew J (February 2015) written starting with the nucleotide containing the 5′ -phosphate
Nucleotides: Structure and Properties. In: eLS. John Wiley & at the left. See also: Nucleic Acids: General Properties
Sons, Ltd: Chichester. Generally, the deoxy forms of nucleotides and nucleosides are
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001333.pub3 specified. Thymine bases were originally thought to occur only

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

Table 1 Nomenclature of commonly occurring bases, ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides

Base Ribonucleoside Ribonucleotide (5′ -monophosphate)
Purines (Pur) Purine nucleoside (R or Puo)
Adenine (Ade) Adenosine (A or Ado) Adenylate (5′ -AMP or Ado-5′ or pA)
Guanine (Gua) Guanosine (G or Guo) Guanylate (5′ -GMP or Guo-5′ -P or pG)
Hypoxanthine (Hyp) Inosine (I or Ino) Inosinate (5′ -IMP or Ino-5′ -P or pI)
Xanthine (Xan) Xanthosine (X or Xao) Xanthosinate (5′ -XMP or Xao-5′ -P or pX)
Pyrimidines (Pyr) Pyrimidine nucleoside (Y or Pyd)
Cytosine (Cyt) Cytidine (C or Cyd) Cytidylate (5′ -CMP or Cyd-5′ -P or pC)
Orotate (Oro) Orotidine (O or Ord) Orotidylate (5′ -OMP or Ord-5′ -P or pO)
Thymine (Thy) Thymidine (T or Thd) Thymidylate (5′ -TMP or Thd-5′ -P or pT)
Uracil (Ura) Uridine (U or Urd) Uridylate (5′ -UMP or Urd-5′ -P or pU)
Frequently used abbreviations are given in parentheses. Designation of the 2′ -deoxyribo form of these nucleosides and nucleotides is done by prefixing
with deoxy (or d for abbreviated forms). Multiple phosphorylated nucleotides occur and abbreviated notations use D for diphosphate and T for
triphosphate for substitutions on the same sugar hydroxyl. Bis and tris are used to refer to substitutions of the same group on different sugar hydroxyls,
for example, 3′ ,5′ -pAp is a bisphosphate.

N1 6
5C 7
8C H
Phosphate ester C2 3 4 C 9

O O O N-glycosidic
5′ H bond
− P
−O −O −O
O Sugar
4′ C H H C
3′ 2′



Figure 1 Chemical structure of adenosine-5′ -triphosphate (ATP), a nucleotide. All nucleotides consist of a base, a sugar and a phosphate ester. These
constituent parts are shown for ATP, where the base is adenine (shown in green), the sugar is β-D-ribose (shown in purple), and the phosphate is a triphosphate
attached to the 5′ -carbon of the sugar (shown in orange). The base-and-sugar moiety is referred to as a nucleoside (termed adenosine for the nucleoside
shown). The base is joined to the sugar through the N-glycosidic bond. The positions of atoms in the base and sugar are numbered. Purine bases contain
atoms numbered 1–9 as shown, and pyrimidine bases are numbered 1–6 (see Figure 2). Atoms within the sugar (identified by the prime mark) are numbered
similarly for all nucleotides containing β-D-ribose. Bond lengths are not drawn to scale.

in DNA and the terms thymidine, thymidine monophosphate and Nucleotides are usually referred to in an abbreviated form
thymidylate were accepted to mean the deoxy form. However, (Table 1). For example, molecules with, respectively, one, two
ribonucleotides with thymine as the base do occur in transfer and three phosphates attached to adenosine are AMP (adeno-
RNA and have been synthesised in vitro (Delk and Rabinowitz, sine monophosphate), ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and ATP
1975; Dingermann et al., 1980). In current practice, the terms (adenosine triphosphate); the respective deoxy variants are
thymidine and deoxythymidine are used interchangeably, and the dAMP, dADP and dATP. Nucleotides without specified bases
prefix ribo- should be used for ribonucleotides of thymine. To are written as NMP, NDP and NTP. Polynucleotides are referred
avoid ambiguity, ribothymidines should always be designated to by a number of different shortened nomenclatures, usually
as such. incorporating single capital letters to distinguish the different

2 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

Major forms Minor forms


Adenine C N H C N H C N
N1 6 5C
7 N C N C
2 4 8C H C H C H
C 3 C C C C C

Amino form Imino forms

N3 4
5C H H
2 6
Cytosine C 1 C N C N C
Amino form

Imino forms
N1 6 5 C 7 C C N
2 9
8 N C
Guanine H C 3 4 C C H C H
Keto form

enol forms
Thymine N3 4 5 C O N H O N H
1 C H H

Keto form enol forms

Figure 2 Structures and tautomeric equilibria of the DNA bases. Atoms within bases are numbered, with N1 of pyrimidines and N9 of purines being bonded
to C1′ of the sugar in nucleosides and nucleotides. Tautomeric forms shown to the left are the major ones and the imino and enol forms shown to the right
are present in very small amounts. Potential to participate in formation of hydrogen bonds is shown by the arrows: hydrogen bond donors are shown by
arrows directed away from the atom and acceptors are shown by arrows directed towards the atom.

bases of the nucleotides. The distinction between deoxyribonu- whereas heteropolymers with alternating sequences include
cleotides and ribonucleotides is frequently not specified other poly(deoxyadenylate-deoxythymidylate) or poly(dA-dT). Note
than saying that the sequence relates to RNA or DNA. In some that a related molecule with dA and dT distributed randomly over
abbreviations, it is desirable to indicate the phosphates within the polymeric chain is named similarly, but a comma replaces
′ ′
the polynucleotide, thus pApGpTpC or 5 pApGpTpC3 -OH. the hyphen to give poly(dA,dT).
Specific nomenclature is used for nucleic acids containing The bases of certain nucleotides can bind to others via hydro-
repetitive sequences. For example, a homopolymer made from gen bonds. These non-covalent interactions (called base pairing)
deoxyadenylate is called poly(deoxyadenylate) or poly(dA), allow different nucleic acid molecules to recognise each other.

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 3

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

Generally, G pairs with C and A with T (in DNA) or U (in Table 2 Amounts of nucleotides in bacterial and mammalian
RNA). Thus, two nucleic acid polymers containing complemen- cells
tary sequences can form very stable interactions, and such pairing
Amount in bacterial Amount in mammalian
forms the basis of the double-stranded nature of the genetic mate-
cells (mmol L–1 ) cells (mmol L–1 )
rial. Apart from a few specific exceptions, base pairing between
two different strands occurs in such a way that the strands have DNA precursors
opposite polarity. References to double-stranded nucleic acids dNMPs 43 nd
frequently give the sequence of only one strand because that of dATP 0.18 0.013
the complementary strand is fixed by the base-pairing rules. See dGTP 0.12 0.005
also: Watson–Crick Base Pairs and Nucleic Acids Stability; dCTP 0.07 0.022
Nucleic Acids: General Properties dTTP 0.08 0.023
Under certain conditions, unusual base pairs can be formed and RNA precursors
these allow molecules to be formed from the interaction of higher rNMPs 270 nd
numbers of strands (such as triplexes and quadruplexes). See ATP 3 2.8
also: Base Pairing in DNA: Unusual Patterns; Base Pairing GTP 0.92 0.48
in RNA: Unusual Patterns; DNA Structure CTP 0.52 0.21
TTP 0.89 0.48
Values shown for bacterial cells are for Escherichia coli and Salmonella
Nucleosides and Nucleotides typhimurium in exponential growth, and those for mammalian cells are
determined from diverse mammalian tissues. nd = not determined. Data
Within cells, ribonucleotides are synthesised de novo from are from Kornberg and Baker (1992, p. 54).
simple building blocks or they are obtained from the recycling
of preformed bases. Deoxyribonucleotides are synthesised
by the reduction of ribonucleotides by the reduced form of acids are estimated to comprise 5–10% of the total weight of
nicotinamide–adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). Purine rapidly dividing bacteria. In mammals, the amounts vary from
and pyrimidine bases are built de novo from amino acids, approximately 1% in muscle to 15–40% in thymus gland and
tetrahydrofolate derivatives, NH4 + and CO2 . The sugar phos- sperm cells. The total concentration of nucleotides is approx-
phate moiety of ribonucleotides is donated by 5-phosphoribosyl imately 300 mmol L–1 in bacteria in exponential growth but is
1-pyrophosphate. Nucleotides can also be synthesised via a usually a factor of 10 lower in mammalian tissue (Table 2).
salvage reaction using preformed bases, and this is simpler and Nucleotides are in constant flux between their free and poly-
requires much less energy than the reactions of the de novo meric states, and their levels within cells are subject to tight
synthetic pathway. See also: Nucleotide Synthesis De Novo; regulatory control. This is illustrated most vividly with the pre-
Nucleotide Synthesis via Salvage Pathway cursors for DNA, as an inadequate supply of any of the dNTPs
Nucleotides play key roles in nearly all biochemical processes, is lethal, but an overabundance is mutagenic. To aid regulation
including the following: of cellular metabolism, cells have small pools of free nucleotides
(with the exception of ATP).
1. Nucleic acid synthesis: Nucleotides are the activated precur- Each somatic cell in an organism has the same amount (and
sors of DNA and RNA. sequence) of DNA, but these vary dramatically between species.
2. Energy transfer: ATP is used as a universal currency of The genome of each organism or virus is organised into a unique
energy in biological systems and GTP is utilised in many number of DNA–protein complexes, called chromosomes. The
systems involved in movements or conformational changes smallest genomes are carried by viruses and may be fewer than
of macromolecules. 104 base pairs. Escherichia coli has one chromosome of about
3. Coenzymes: Adenine nucleotides are components of some 4.5 × 106 base pairs and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has 16 chro-
major coenzymes. mosomes for a total of approximately 2 × 107 base pairs. The
4. Metabolism: Nucleotide derivatives are activated intermedi- DNA content of humans is approximately 3 × 109 base pairs in
ates in many biosynthetic reactions, and they also serve as total, carried on 23 different pairs of chromosomes (46 chro-
mediators to regulate metabolism. mosomes in each somatic cell). See also: Genome Sequencing;
5. Signalling processes: Signal transduction processes often Genome Organization: Human
involve non-enzymatic second messengers, including cyclic In addition to the major nucleotides listed in Tables 1 and
nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP, cyclic di-GMP). These processes 2, many other types are present as minor components within
allow cells to communicate with their environment (both cells. Some of the minor nucleotides are required for specific
internal and external) and with other cells, modifying cellular cellular functions and are particularly prevalent within stable
activity and gene expression. RNAs (rRNA and tRNA). In some cases, the minor forms are
unwanted by-products of reactions occurring within the cell and
Variations in the nucleotide composition of different cells are these can be deleterious to cell survival. For example, endoge-
striking because their amounts are fundamentally linked to the nous and exogenous damage to DNA generates a variety of
rate of cell growth. Quantification is difficult in organisms in unusual nucleotides, and the cell has evolved a wide range of
which growth rates vary dramatically, but nucleotides and nucleic metabolic pathways to allow their removal. Molecules with more

4 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

complicated structures than those shown in Figures 1 and 2 nitrogens or to keto oxygens within the same molecule. An
are also utilised. For example, variants of purine nucleotides important consequence of this type of isomerisation is that the
exist with polyphosphates (e.g. ppGpp and pppGpp) and with hydrogen-bonding possibilities differ for each tautomer. Thus,
a monophosphate bound to the base in a cyclical manner (e.g. base amino groups bear hydrogen atoms with partial positive
cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP). Other nucleotides with diverse charge and are good hydrogen bond donors, whereas base keto
structures have been synthesised chemically; many have been oxygens and nitrogens are good acceptors of hydrogen bonds. In
tested as potential pharmaceuticals and they have also been par- general, the oxygens of the sugar ring and phosphate ester are
ticularly valuable in scientific analysis of nucleotide metabolism. less important as hydrogen bond acceptors, although these can
Fluorescent derivatives of nucleotides are of exceptional impor- make important contacts in interactions within nucleic acids and
tance. Such molecules are used during high-throughput auto- between nucleic acids and proteins.
mated sequencing of DNA, which has generated vast amounts
of genome sequence data. See also: Nucleotides: Uncommon, Conformational features
Modified and Synthetic; Dideoxy Sequencing of DNA
The molecular geometry and conformational properties of the
Physical properties various components of a nucleotide are intrinsically related.
Therefore, the conformation of specific atoms must be consid-
A variety of atoms within nucleotides and nucleosides are avail- ered in relation to the whole molecule. Overall, nucleotides have
able to interact with other molecules, particularly via hydrogen rather compact shapes owing to interactions between several of
bond formation (Figure 2). The capacity of chemical groups their non-bonded atoms.
(such as amino and keto groups) to act as hydrogen bond accep- Pyrimidine and purine bases have a similar range of conforma-
tors or donors is linked to the propensity of their constituent atoms tions whether they are part of a nucleotide or as individual units.
to dissociate and create a charge upon that group. Such dissocia- In general, the heterocycles of the bases are planar. Although sev-
tion relates to the acid–base behaviour of the chemical group and eral tautomeric forms exist in principle, the keto and amino forms
is usually quantified in terms of its pKa . The pKa values for the predominate (Figure 2). Typically, the enol and imino forms are
five major bases found in these compounds are listed in Table 3. no more than 0.1% of the total, although this amount can change
In reality, the bases are only weakly basic and A, C and G become dramatically if modified bases are considered or if base pairs are
protonated only below pH 4. The amide NH groups in G, T and formed.
U are deprotonated at pH above 9. Thus, all of the bases are Details of the conformation of a nucleotide are accurately
uncharged in the physiological pH range, and the same is true defined by a series of torsion angles specific for each bond. Each
for the sugar. The phosphate groups in nucleotides display two torsion angle accurately depicts the geometric relationship of
main pKa values: at pH values of 1–2, deprotonation occurs for four atoms in a sequence, for example, A–B–C–D. The angle
each phosphate; at approximately pH 7, deprotonation occurs for is defined as that between projected bonds A–B and C–D when
the terminal phosphate of the nucleotide. viewed along the central bond B–C. Definitions of the torsion
As is evident from this discussion, the manner in which angles for nucleotides are shown in Figure 3a and Table 4.
nucleotides interact with other molecules is determined Torsion angles are given positive and negative values by the
predominantly by their charge density. Charge density varies position of the first and last atoms (A and D) relative to the bond
throughout the different nucleotides and is intimately linked angle: if the smallest movement for the front atom to eclipse the
to physical characteristics of these molecules, such as their back atom is in a clockwise direction, it is given a positive value;
tautomeric structure (Figure 2). Tautomers occur frequently if it is anticlockwise, it is given a negative value.
in heterocyclic molecules owing to the possibility of hydrogen As with most molecules with rotational freedom about single
atoms attached to nitrogens being able to migrate to other, free bonds, certain conformations of nucleotides are usually preferred
as a result of steric constraints. Ranges of torsion angle are com-
monly defined by the Klyne–Prelog nomenclature developed for
Table 3 pKa values for the bases found in the major nucleosides spectroscopists, in which those of approximately 0∘ are referred
and nucleotides to as syn and those of approximately 180∘ are referred to as anti.
Base (site of Nucleoside 3′ -Nucleotide 5′ -Nucleotide (Note, however, that the terms syn and anti have special meanings
protonation) with regard to the glycosidic bonds of nucleosides (Figure 3c)).
Angles subtending between 30∘ and 150∘ and between 210∘ and
Adenine (N1) 3.52 3.7 3.88
330∘ are defined as clinal, with the remaining angles around 0∘
Cytosine (N3) 4.17 4.43 4.56
and 180∘ defined as periplanar. As many of the torsion angles
Guanine (N7) 3.3 3.5 3.6
of nucleotides are interdependent, the approximate shapes of
Guanine (N1) 9.42 9.84 10
nucleotides can be described by considering only four parame-
Thymine (N3) 9.93 – 10.47
ters: the sugar pucker, the conformation of the bond between the
Uracil (N3) 9.38 9.96 10.06
base and sugar (N-glycosidic bond), the orientation of C4′ –C5′
Data are from Blackburn and Gait (1996, p. 18), and relate to 20∘ C and and the shape of the phosphate ester bonds.
zero salt concentration. As pKa values greater than 9 correspond to loss The five-membered furanose ring systems in nucleosides
of a proton and pKa values less than 5 to capture of a proton, all bases are are twisted out of plane in order to minimise unfavourable
uncharged at physiological pH. non-bonded interactions between their substituents. This

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

α O ′
C O 4′ χ O3′ O3′
ν4 ν5 C5′ Base Base
γ C C N Base C5′ C5′
ν3 ν1 O O O
δ ν2
ε O3′
O 3′ R
P C2′-endo C3′-endo C2′-exo-C3′-endo
(a) (b) Purines
syn anti
R4 N R2 R2
C C C R3
PO42− CH2 C C
PO4 2− N N R4
syn anti

R2 R3 R4 R3

R4 R2
PO4 2−
CH2 N C PO42− CH2 N C

+sc H5′′ ap ap/–ac
H5′′ O4′
H4′ O4′ O4′ C5′ N
N H5′ N
H5′ O5 ′

O3 ′ O3 ′ H3 ′ P

Figure 3 Conformations of nucleotides. (a) Torsion angle notation (IUPAC definitions) for a polynucleotide. A conventional representation showing the
torsion angles relative to atom number of the nucleotide. See Table 4 for a complete description of the atoms defining each angle. (b) Representation of
puckering modes of furanose sugar. Three twist (T) forms are shown in which three ring atoms (C4′ , O4′ , C1′ ) are planar and the other two (C2′ , C3′ )
lie on opposite sides of this plane. ‘Base’ refers to any purine or pyrimidine base. (c) Anti and syn conformations of the glycosidic bonds for a purine or
pyrimidine base. The arrow indicates which base atoms lie above the furanose sugar ring. For purine nucleotides: R1 = H or OH; R2 = NH2 or O; R3 = H or
double bond to C6′ ; R4 = H or NH2 . For pyrimidine nucleotides: R1 = H or OH; R2 = H or double bond to C4; R3 = NH2 or O; R4 = H or CH3 . (d) Preferred
nucleotide conformations at C4′ –C5′ and C3′ –O3′ . The structures show synclinal (sc) and antiperiplanar (ap) rotamers of the C4′ –C5′ bond and the typical
antiperiplanar/anticlinal (ap/−ac) conformation of the C3′ –O3′ bond.

‘puckering’ is in an envelope (E) form when four atoms are ring, that is, towards the base and C5′ , its conformation is endo;
in a plane or in a twist (T, also termed ‘half-chair’) form when when it is below the sugar ring, it is termed exo. This method
two adjacent atoms are displaced on opposite sides of a plane provides only an approximate description of sugar puckering;
through the other three atoms (Figure 3b). Atoms most usually if a more exact description is required (e.g. for intermediate
involved in deviations from the plane of the other sugar ring values), the sugar ring conformation can also be defined using
atoms are C2′ and C3′ . If the carbon atom lies above the sugar the concept of pseudorotation around the torsion angle 𝜈 2 (i.e.

6 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

Table 4 Definition of torsion angles in nucleotides are the favoured rotamers of this bond (𝛾) (see Figure 3d).
Phosphate diesters are tetrahedral at phosphorus and typically
Torsion angle Atoms defining angle
show antiperiplanar (ap) conformations for the C5′ –O5′ bond.
𝛼 (n − 1)O3′ –P–O5′ –C5′ Similarly, the C3′ –O3′ bond lies in the antiperiplanar to anticlinal
β P–O5′ –C5′ –C4′ (ac) sector (Figure 3d).
𝛾 O5′ –C5′ –C4′ –C3′ These principal conformational features of nucleotides are
𝛿 C5′ –C4′ –C3′ –O3′ common to the monomeric or polymeric states. However, poly-
𝜀 C4′ –C3′ –O3′ –P mers involve additional parameters relating to their helical sym-
𝜉 C3′ –O3′ –P–O5′ (n + 1) metry and base pairing (see later). See also: Watson–Crick Base
𝜒 O4′ –C1′ –N1–C2 (pyrimidines) Pairs and Nucleic Acids Stability; DNA Structure: A-, B- and
𝜒 O4′ –C1′ –N9–C4 (purines) Z-DNA Helix Families
𝜈0 C4′ –O4′ –C1′ –C2′
𝜈1 O4′ –C1′ –C2′ –C3′
𝜈2 C1′ –C2′ –C3′ –C4′ Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine
𝜈3 C2′ –C3′ –C4′ –O4′
𝜈4 C3′ –C4′ –O4′ –C1′ Nucleotides: Structure, Occurrence
Atoms designated (n − 1) and (n + 1) belong to adjacent nucleotide units. and Properties
C1 –C2 –C3 –C4 ). A standard conformation (P = 0∘ ) is defined
′ ′ ′ ′
The major pyrimidines found in nucleotides (Table 1) are cyto-
when this angle is maximally positive (equivalent to symmetrical sine, thymine, uracil and orotate. Relative to the archetypal
C2′ -exo–C3′ -endo). P has values of 0–360∘ and is usually visu- pyrimidine ring structure, cytosine contains oxo (keto) and amino
alised as a circle with 0/360∘ at the top. Conformations in the groups at positions 2 and 4, respectively, orotate has oxo groups
upper, or northern, half of the circle (P = 0 ± 90∘ ) are denoted at positions 2 and 4 and a carboxyl group at position 6 and uracil
N and those in the southern half (P = 180 ± 90∘ ) are denoted S. contains oxo groups at positions 2 and 4. Thymine is equivalent
By this method, sugars with conformation can also be defined to a methyl group being added at position 5 of uracil.
using the concept of pseudorotation, as sugars with C2′ -endo The N-glycosidic linkage of all of the pyrimidine nucleotides
and C3′ -endo are located in the south (S) and north (N) cycles, is between N1 of the base and C1′ of the sugar and occupies a
respectively. narrow range of anti conformations. For pyrimidine nucleosides
Observed conformations rarely adhere to these strict definitions and nucleotides, synclinical(+sc) is the preferred conformation
as transitions between the possible conformations occur easily of the phosphate ester bond.
and are in rapid equilibrium. Also, atoms defining four-atom
planes are usually not perfectly coplanar and perfect envelope
forms are rare. Thus, most conformations are twist forms and
the conformation defined for the furanose ring is determined by Within cells, the majority of pyrimidine nucleotides exist in
which atom has the greatest displacement (Figure 3b): if the their polymeric form as they are present within DNA and RNA
endo displacement of C2′ is greater (major puckering) than the molecules. Cytosine is found in both DNA and RNA, but, in gen-
exo displacement of C3′ (minor puckering), the conformation is eral, uracil is only present within RNA and thymine is only found
called C2′ -endo. An abbreviated form of notation describes all in DNA. (Note, however, that thymine does occur occasionally
aspects of the sugar conformation using superscripts for endo in specific RNA molecules and uracil can form in DNA due to
atoms and subscripts for exo atoms; these notations precede or deamination of cytosine.) Orotate is synthesised as the precursor
follow the letter E or T for major or minor puckering, respectively. for the other pyrimidine nucleotides.
For example, the abbreviated forms for the conformations shown Because of the pairing of specific bases (Thy with Ade,
in Figure 3b are C2′ -endo (with minor C3′ -exo) = 2 T3 ; C3′ -endo Cyt with Gua), pyrimidine nucleotides constitute 50% of
(with minor C2′ -exo) = 3 T2 . Similarly, a C2′ -exo envelope is double-stranded DNA. The ratio of cytosines to thymines is
given as 2 E. constant within a single species, but this ratio varies between
The plane of the base is almost perpendicular to that of the species. This situation is particularly noticeable in species that
sugar and approximately bisects the angle subtended by atoms live in extreme environments, such as high temperatures, where
O4′ –C1′ –C2′ . This allows the bases to occupy either of two C⋅G base pairs are utilised at a high frequency to increase the
principal orientations relating to the angle 𝜒 of the glycosidic stability of the DNA molecule.
linkage: the syn conformer is defined as that with the larger O2
(pyrimidine) or N3 (purine) atom above the sugar ring, whereas Properties
the anti conformer has the smaller H6 (pyrimidine) or H8 (purine)
in that position (Figure 3c). The primary role of pyrimidine nucleotides in all cells is their
The exocyclic C4′ –C5′ bond can rotate to allow O5′ , and the involvement in DNA and RNA, the molecules that store and

5 -phosphate, to assume different positions relative to the sugar. process genetic information. However, pyrimidine nucleotides
Three conformations with all substituents in staggered positions are also utilised as activated intermediates in some biosynthetic

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 7

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

reactions. For example, UDP-glucose and CDP-diacylglycerol these nucleotides can vary significantly; notably, although cyclic
are precursors of glycogen and phosphoglycerides, respectively. nucleotides are relatively stable, cAMP has a short half-life within
cells because it is degraded rapidly by enzymes.

Purines and Purine Nucleotides: Properties

Structure, Occurrence In addition to their distinct roles in DNA and RNA, perhaps the
and Properties most important property of purine-based nucleotides is their util-
isation as an energy pool for many enzymatic processes. GTP
Structure powers the movements of macromolecules, including the translo-
cation of nascent peptide chains on ribosomes and the activation
Table 1 contains nomenclature for four of the purine nucleotides of signal-coupling proteins. ATP is the universal currency of
common to cellular metabolism. Relative to the archetypal purine energy in biological systems: this arises from its high potential for
ring structure, the bases contain the following additional groups: phosphate transfer because of instabilities arising from the elec-
adenine has an amino group at position 6, guanine has oxo and trostatic repulsion of phosphate moieties in the pyrophosphate.
amino groups at positions 6 and 2, respectively, hypoxanthine The hydrolysed products are more stable relative to ATP, although
has an oxo group at position 6 and xanthine has oxo groups at this is highly dependent on pH and Mg2+ concentration.
positions 2 and 6. Further to their major involvement in cellular energetics,
In contrast to the pyrimidines, purines display a wide range of several chemical variants of nucleotides containing adenine
conformations at their N-glycosidic bond, with most nucleotides adapt to a number of dramatically different biochemical roles:
being in the anti conformation. Notably, purines can also adopt cAMP is a ‘second messenger’ that controls and mediates the
a syn N-glycosidic bond, as is observed in some nucleic acid activities of peptide hormones; bacterial cells use guanosine
sequences that take up a specific DNA secondary structure known polyphosphates (such as ppGpp and pppGpp) to link growth
as Z-DNA. For purine nucleosides, +sc and ap are equally pre- rate to nutrient availability; puromycin is a potent inhibitor of
ferred conformations of the phosphate ester bond. However, in the protein biosynthesis; arabino or 8-aza derivatives of adenosine
nucleotides, the 5′ -phosphate reduces the conformational free- display antibiotic activities; distinct forms of NAD+ and FAD
dom and the dominant conformer is +sc. are also utilised in a variety of oxidation–reduction reactions;
Specific forms of purine nucleotides are synthesised for acetyl-CoA acts as a carrier of activated acetyl or other acyl
various aspects of cellular metabolism. For example, 3′ ,5′ -cyclic groups; S-adenosylmethionine carries an activated methyl group
AMP (cAMP) consists of a displacement on the most inter- that can be transferred to other molecules as required.
nal phosphorus atom of ATP by the 3′ -hydroxyl group of the
ribose ring. Adenine nucleotides exist in the form of a number
of coenzymes: nicotinamide–adenine dinucleotides (NAD+ , Dinucleotides
NADH, NADP+ , NADPH) contain a modified version of the
vitamin nicotinate attached to a ribose that is bound to AMP; and Oligonucleotides
flavin–adenine dinucleotide (FAD) contains AMP attached to the
coenzyme riboflavin 5′ -phosphate; coenzyme A (CoA) consists In their polymeric forms, individual nucleotides are usually
of AMP, with an extra phosphoryl group on the 3′ -hydroxyl, linked via 3′ ,5′ -phosphodiester bonds. However, RNA molecules
linked at the 5′ -end to another phosphate group that is esterified with 2′ ,5′ -phosphodiester bonds have been synthesised chemi-
to a combination of pantothenate and cysteine. See also: Flavin cally and oligoadenylates with a 2′ ,5′ linkage are generated in
Coenzymes; NAD+ and NADP+ as Prosthetic Groups for mammalian cells in response to some viral infections.
Enzymes; Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Ion Channels The covalent structure of nucleic acids is relatively stable, but
it is involved in a variety of chemical reactions within the cell.
Occurrence Both DNA and RNA are easily broken down by acid-catalysed
hydrolysis, with the glycosidic linkages of DNA being more
Nucleotides containing adenine and guanine are utilised in many labile than those of RNA, and purine nucleotides being more
aspects of cellular biochemistry, whereas those containing hypox- easily hydrolysed than pyrimidine nucleotides. The presence of
anthine and xanthine are formed during the biosynthesis of adeny- the 2′ -OH group in RNA makes these molecules susceptible
late and guanylate. As with the pyrimidine nucleotides, a large to hydrolysis in alkaline solutions, producing a mixture of 2′ -
proportion of the major purine nucleotides are found in polymers and 3′ -nucleotides. In addition, a number of enzymes, termed
of DNA and RNA. Unlike the case for pyrimidine nucleotides, the nucleases, have been identified that degrade nucleic acids (either
same nucleotides are utilised in both ribo and deoxyribo forms. RNA or DNA) by specific mechanisms. See also: Nucleotide
Another difference compared to pyrimidine nucleotides is that Degradation; Nucleases
significant amounts of purine ribonucleotides exist within cells DNA and RNA polymers have a unique primary structure that
owing to their utilisation in a wide variety of energy-requiring is specified by the sequence of bases in each chain. However,
processes (Table 2). Also ubiquitous to all life forms are mod- in polynucleotides, individual nucleotides are not independent
ified versions of purine nucleotides, such as cAMP, variants of each other. Rather, they interact by stacking of the bases and
of NAD+ and FAD and coenzyme A. The concentrations of they are organised into a helical form. Generally, these helices

8 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Nucleotides: Structure and Properties

have a right-handed sense, but specific sequences are able to Dogini DB, Pascoal VD, Avansini SH, et al. (2014) The new world
adopt left-handed helices. Nucleic acids have a continuum of of RNAs. Genetics and Molecular Biology 37: 285–293.
different structures, but a variety of specific DNA secondary Filipowicz W, Jaskiewicz L, Kolb FA and Pillai RS (2005)
structures have been characterised. The conformation thought to Post-transcriptional gene silencing by siRNAs and miRNAs. Cur-
be the most common in cells is the right-handed B-form; other rent Opinion in Structural Biology 15: 331–341.
common conformations are designated A (a right-handed helix) Hendrix DK, Brenner SE and Holbrook SR (2005) RNA struc-
and Z (a left-handed helix). Furthermore, sequence-dependent tural motifs: building blocks of a modular biomolecule. Quarterly
modulation of DNA structure occurs because the two bases in Reviews of Biophysics 38: 221–243.
Holbrook SR (2005) RNA structure: the long and the short of it.
a base pair can undergo a variety of potential rotations relative to
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 15: 302–308.
each other and to neighbouring base pairs. The variety of intricate
IUPAC-IUB (1970) IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical
nucleic acid conformations that exist are stabilised by and are
Nomenclature (CBN). Abbreviations and symbols for nucleic
only possible because of reversible interactions with water and its
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solutes. See also: DNA Structure; Non-B DNA Structure and 1970. Biochemistry Journal 120: 449–454.
Mutations Causing Human Genetic Disease; Watson–Crick IUPAC-IUB (1983) IUPAC-IUB Joint Commission on Biochemical
Base Pairs and Nucleic Acids Stability; DNA Structure: A-, Nomenclature (JCBN). Abbreviations and symbols for the descrip-
B- and Z-DNA Helix Families tion of conformations of polynucleotide chains. Recommendations
RNA has a much higher rate of metabolic turnover than DNA, 1982. European Journal of Biochemistry 131: 9–15.
meaning that RNA is more suited to coordinated expression and Leontis NB, Lescoute A and Westhof E (2006) The building blocks
regulation of genes. It has long been known that RNA is impor- and motifs of RNA architecture. Current Opinion in Structural
tant for information transfer and protein synthesis due to its roles Biology 16: 279–287.
as mRNA, tRNA and rRNA (Dogini et al., 2014; Morris and Morris KV and Mattick JS (2014) The rise of regulatory RNA. Nature
Mattick, 2014). More recently, though, smaller RNA molecules Reviews Genetics 15: 423–437.
have been shown to be involved in regulating the expression Wyatt JR, Puglisi JD and Tinoco I Jr (1989) RNA folding: pseudo-
of genes (Aravin and Tuschl, 2005; Filipowicz et al., 2005). knots, loops and bulges. Bioessays 11: 100–106.
Although RNAs are generally synthesised as single-stranded
molecules, significant intra-strand base-pairing occurs within
molecules and they have defined secondary and tertiary struc-
Further Reading
tures. Cellular RNA species vary in size from ∼20 nucleotides
Berg JM, Tymoczko JL and Stryer L (2012) Biochemistry, 7th edn.
upwards (Holbrook, 2005). However, all double-stranded regions
Basingstoke, UK: WH Freeman.
of RNA have a helical structure that is, typically, of a right-handed
Blackburn GM and Gait MJ (1996) Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and
sense and is closely related to the A conformation of DNA
Biology, 2nd edn. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
(Hendrix et al., 2005; Leontis et al., 2006; Wyatt et al., 1989). Blackburn GM, Gait MJ, Loakes D and Williams DM (2006) Nucleic
See also: Noncoding RNAs in Biology and Disease; Regulatory acids in chemistry and biology, 3rd edn. Cambridge, UK: Royal
RNA; RNA Structural Motifs; RNA Structure Society of Chemistry.
Diekmann S (1989) Definitions and nomenclature of nucleic acid
structure parameters. EMBO Journal 8: 1–4.
Herdewijn P (2008) Modified Nucleosides. Biochemistry, Biotech-
nology and Medicine. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag
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New York: Freeman.
Delk AS and Rabinowitz JC (1975) Biosynthesis of ribosylthymine
Neidle S (1999) Oxford Handbook of Nucleic Acid Structure. Oxford,
in the transfer RNA of Streptococcus faecalis: a folate-dependent
UK: Oxford University Press.
methylation not involving S-adenosylmethionine. Proceedings of
Neidle S (2002) Nucleic Acid Structure and Recognition. Oxford,
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
UK: Oxford University Press.
72: 528–530.
Nelson DL and Cox MM (2013) Lehninger’s Principles of Biochem-
Dingermann T, Pistel F and Kersten H (1980) Functional role of
istry, 6th edn. New York: WH Freeman.
ribosylthymine in transfer RNA. Preferential utilization of tRNAs
Saenger W (1984) Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure. New York:
containing ribosylthymine instead of uridine at position 54 in
protein synthesis of Dictyostelium discoideum. European Journal
of Biochemistry 104: 33–40.

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