Garlic-Chili-Onion Spray As All Purpose Natural Garden Pesticide

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2. 2. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Human consumption has been mainly based on
agriculture, fisheries and farms. In the country, the staple food known as rice has been the
product of agriculture since time immemorial. The word agriculture comes from the Latin
word "ager cultura'" which means cultivation of the fields. Agriculture is a special type of
production that generally involves cultivating plants and raising animals. Its scope has since
been expanded to include fishery and forestry. The discovery of agriculture in 6000 B.C. had
made a major impact on the development of civilization. Before the discovery of agriculture,
people subsisted by foraging for food.)
3. 3. They hunted, fished, and gathered for food wherever they could come across for these.
They moved from place to place where they could easily find food. As population increased,
hunting, gathering, and simple fishing became more difficult. To ensure food supply for the
family, the nomads had discovered that they could cultivate crops and domesticate animals.
They needed not to move from place to place but to set up a permanent community to
cultivate a permanent area. They no longer had to worry what to eat and where to find food.
This ended their nomadic life and signaled the beginning of civilization. (The Importance of
Agriculture to the Philippine Economy, 2011
4. 4. For decades, agriculture has been associated with production of essential food crops. At
present, agriculture above and beyond farming includes forestry, dairy, fruit cultivation,
poultry, bee keeping, mushroom, arbitrary, etc. Today, processing, marketing and distribution
of crops and livestock products etc. are all acknowledged as part of current agriculture. Thus,
agriculture could be referred to as the production, processing, promotion and distribution
agricultural products. Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of a given economy.
Agriculture is the backbone of economic system of a given country.
5. 5. In addition to providing food and raw material, agriculture also provides employment
opportunities to very large percentage of population since the main source livelihood of many
people is agriculture. Approximately 70 % of the people directly rely on agriculture as a mean
of living. Agricultural sector provides fodder for domestic animals .Cow provides people with
milk which is a form of protective food. Moreover, livestock also meets people’s food
requirements. The main source of raw materials to major industries such as cotton and jute
fabric, sugar, tobacco, edible as well as non-edible oils is agriculture. Moreover, many other
industries such as processing of fruits as well as vegetables and rice husking get their raw
material mainly from agriculture. (Agriculture Goods, 2013)
6. 6. However, ever since the start, agriculture has been facing its mortal enemy which are the
pests and plant diseases. For decades, crops continuously get affected because of these
plant diseases and pests which lead to lower yield of harvest and lower income. As a result,
if enough crops have been damaged, the farmers call that harvest as a FAILURE, affecting
not only the consumers but also the farmers and the country themselves. With regards to
this, mankind has given its most common solution against these pests which gave birth to
7. 7. However, some people are making homemade natural garden pesticides made from
common household materials such as soap, baking soda and some spices we use in
cooking. According to the comments in the websites where the process in making these
insecticides were posted, they actually find this kind of pesticide effective in killing and
keeping out common pests and insects in the garden.
8. 8. Pesticides can be grouped in a number of different ways based on their active ingredients
and how they work such as synthetic pesticides, organic pesticides, inorganic pesticides and
biorational pesticides. Synthetic pesticides, for example carbaryl (Sevin), fipronil (Termidor)
and imidacloprid (Merit, Bayer Advanced), are manufactured in a laboratory and
marketed/sold by a chemical company. Synthetic pesticides have been widely used since the
end of World War II. During the last 60 years new synthetic pesticides have become more
pest specific, exhibit lower toxicity and are less environmentally damaging. While synthetic
pesticides have contributed to an abundant and cheap
9. 9. Organic pesticides, for example rotenone, pyrethrum, nicotine, neem oil, and all of the
botanical pesticides are products of living organisms. Often they are chemicals that plants
and microbes use to protect themselves from parasites, predators and pathogens. Organic
pesticides are often lower in toxicity than older synthetic pesticides but this is not always the
case. Organic does not necessarily equal low toxicity and
10. 10. Inorganic pesticides, for example borates, silicates and sulfur, are minerals that are
mined from the earth and ground into a fine powder. Some work as poisons and some work
by physically interfering with the pest. Older "inorganics" included such highly toxic
compounds as arsenic, copper, lead and tin salts.
11. 11. Natural pesticides are pesticides that are made by other organisms usually for their own
defense, or are derived from a natural source such as a mineral or plant.. There are now
many natural pesticides available to homeowners and gardeners that cover most pest control
needs. Natural pesticides are generally much safer to use and pose less risk to the
environment than conventional synthetic (man-made) pesticides. While some natural
pesticides are highly toxic most are actually much saferand more eco-friendly than
conventional pesticides. Since they are also very effective natural pesticides should your first
choice for most home and garden pest control needs. (Living with Bugs, 2004)
12. 12. Pesticides are either restricted or unclassified. Restricted means it can cause harm to
humans or the environment. Unclassified refers to all other pesticides. Pesticides are made
up of active and inert ingredients. There are certain labeling requirements for the commercial
distribution of products that used agricultural pesticides. The active ones are those which do
the damage to the pest, federal law mandates that these ingredients be clearly labeled on
the packaging. Inert ingredients are not required to be labeled as they do not cause harm,
they are usually present as a solvent in the solution. (inert ingredients are not necessarily
non-toxic). All pesticides must be registered with the EPA before they can be sold or
13. 13. There are many tests and requirements concerning the potential effects of the pesticides
in order to be approved. Pesticides can be incredibly beneficial and have most certainly
increased food production. They were of great importance in saving the United States' potato
crops during the 1940's from insect and fungal pests, as well as controlling the boll weevil in
El Salvador in 1953 (Monosson, 1). Yet many times their detrimental effects outweigh the
positive ones. Pesticides can be extremely hazardous to the human body and other living
organisms, as they are designed to be a poison.
14. 14. Pesticides can be transported to humans or other organisms in a variety of ways. It is
near to impossible for the pesticide to only affect its targeted crop. Wind is one transportation
method. The wind picks up the pesticides and can blow them onto other farms or into rivers.
It can be absorbed into the soil and then taken up by other organisms or can contaminate the
surface and groundwater that run over/through it. Pesticides are then absorbed by the plants
which is detrimental to the growth of the plants. That which is not absorbed usually remains
on the surface and flows into streams as surface runoff. It is dissolved into the water and
then can be taken in by plants and animals. The streams would then be considered a
reservoir of pesticides with a relatively high abundance level.
15. 15. Pesticides frequently enter the world's surface and groundwater through either point
source (direct locations where excess pesticides spill, or non-point sources, where the
pesticides enter the streams through wind flow, precipitation, runoff, and leaching. These
pesticides can accumulate in a surface water source such as a lake, stream, or pond, they
can also leach down and become integrated into the groundwater reserves such as
16. 16. Pesticides enter the food chain through the direct application of the substance to the
plants themselves by humans. Once they are absorbed by the plants or animals which eat
the plants they become residue. There are maximum residue levels for crops and animals.
They can also be taken in when an organism takes in the water which contains the runoff
and dissolved pesticides. This can be further extended to the human who eats the fish.
17. 17. An easier way for humans to ingest pesticides is directly through contaminated drinking
water from those polluted streams. An estimated 2.2 million people are at risk due to
exposure from agricultural pesticides, with the majority of this population being locating in
developing nations. (Agricultural Pesticides and Human

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