Money Affirmations

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1. Money likes me.

Money flows easily into

my life. As I give, I make room for more. I
am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
2. I attract money naturally. Everything I
touch is minting money. 3. I am laying up
gold as dust. The angel of wealth
accompany me everywhere I go and causes
money to come to me freely.
4. I have new opportunities and channel to
make money. I have more than enough
money to fulfill all my commitments and
vows. 5. Whatever activities I perform
makes money for me and I am always full
of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to
6. I have money to save, to spend and to
7. Money and I have a good relationship.
It does not fear or shy away from me. I
know how to manage, multiply and utilize
8. I am a money magnet; money is
constantly attracted to me. Men are giving
into my account daily.
9. Every day I am attracting and saving
more and more money. He daily loads me
with benefits.
10. I have all the money I require for the
good life and godliness. I enjoy my life
because I always have money for all I
11. I am debt free as money is constantly
flowing into my life and I know what to do
with it. 12. My wealth consciousness in
Christ is always increasing and keeping me
surrounded by money.
13. God trusts me with money.
14. I am a custodian of money just as I am
a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a
big time partner of the Gospel. My money
wins souls to the kingdom of God.
15. I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich,
I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am
rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands,
Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major
currencies of the world.
16. I have all the monies I require where I
want them. When I enter any country,
money is waiting for me there, therefore I
travel light.
17. I have more than enough therefore I
abound unto every good work and
charitable donations. My giving is pleasing
to the Father! 18. I am a Seed of Abraham,
I am a beneficiary of His blessings.
Therefore I am a haver and through me
many generations are blessed!
19. As Jesus is, so am I in this world.
Money can never be a challenge or
hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it,
I have authority and I exercise my
authority over it. I have money always....
20. I make Money look like sand, Money
will never finish in my hand, money in
every land are yielding to and for me, I
have Money everywhere...
21. We sponsor the gospel in all nations of
the world; our money is reaching out to
save the lost and heal the sick.
22. We influence the people around us for
Christ; we are a big time soul winner.
23. We refuse to be poor; for our sake he
became poor that we might be rich. We
are rich in all things
24. We receive the supernatural
promotion and wealth that comes from
God. We receive the dynamic ability and
power to cause favorable changes in our
25. The grace of the Lord is sufficient for
us – It is not by might or by power, but by
the spirit of the Lord.
26. “Grace” – The grace of God is upon our
life permanently. Every place the sole of
our feet shall tread upon, we will possess.
27. We are prosperous & wealthy; we are
28. We are big time kingdom financiers.
29. All things work together for our good.
We are energized, we are full of ideas,
innovations and creativity and we are
producing results that follow
30. We are the head and not the tail; We
are above only and not below
31. We eat in plenty and we are satisfied.
The angels of God are mobilized to
restructure things to favor us. Men and
women are working together to favor us.
32. The years that the canker worms have
eaten have been restored unto us.
33. We speak life to every dry or dead
situation in our life.. The Holy Spirit
perfects all that concerns us.
34. We reign in this life because We have
received the abundance of grace and the
free gift of righteousness
35. Because we have received the
abundance of grace, we are abounding
unto every good work and we have all
things in all sufficiency.
36. We have received the supply of all our
needs according to his riches in glory.
Money cometh to us; we call forth for
money in its abundance. 37. We are the
seed of Abraham and a joint heir with
Christ. The blessings of the lord are coming
upon us and they are overtaking us as well.
We live to fulfill our destiny in Christ Jesus.
38. We have received the increased
capacity to give in the millions and in the
billions of multiple currencies.
39. We are like a tree planted by streams
of water, we yield our fruit in due season,
our leaf does not wither, whatsoever we
do prospers.
40. Seedtime and harvest time shall never
cease in our life. The lines have fallen unto
us in pleasant places. We have a goodly
SUPERNATURAL In Jesus Matchless name
we declare it. Amennnn!

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