WorldPay - Global Payments Report Nov-2015
WorldPay - Global Payments Report Nov-2015
WorldPay - Global Payments Report Nov-2015
November 2015
We compiled this report mainly using our own data and insights. In addition, we also used other external sources, namely: Euromonitor,
Datamonitor and
The forward-looking statements and figures contained in this report relate to the eCommerce industry as a whole and not Worldpay’s
business. They are indicative predictions based on the data we have used and our own experience and should be treated as such.
Our knowledge is based on years of experience in global eCommerce and this report is complemented by a number of surveys and
interviews with experts in the payments industry.
We have also used more than 100 other secondary data sources, including:
Payment method definitions
Alternative payments
by type method definitions
Alternative Payments methods are all those payments that are not cards running
on global scheme networks such as Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/
Percentage of total eCommerce market Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce
Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/
Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce
Payment method definitions
Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/ Total turnover value in US$/
Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce Percentage of total eCommerce
Top trends
Is the global eCommerce market growing?
US $1.6 6 t n
on 2014
US $2.4 tn with
er it
of this being
m m h exclusively
Co t o
a l e te d from mobile
Glo xpec devices
How will the landscape of Alternative Payments evolve over time?
payment m
payment methods would account for 59% all eCommerce
eCommerce turnover by
global were expected in 2013. Another important factor is that
eCommerce UnionPay has moved more slowly than anticipated in the
by AliPay.
ok m
ca r d p a y
up to
of eCommerce turnover
of eCommerce turnover
$167 $175
$59 $55
$41 $45
$20 $19 $19 $39
$6 $3 $10 $6
Bank Cash on Charge Card Credit Card Debit Card Direct eInvoices eWallet Other PostPay Prepaid PrePay
Transfer Delivery Debit Card
APM Card
APM Card
Asia Pacific
APM Card
Latin America
Based on percentage of eCommerce turnover
Global payment methods breakdown 2014 2019
Payment trends 2014 - 2019, North America
2014 2019
Bank Transfer 7% 8%
Cash on Delivery 4% 3%
Pre-Paid Card 4% 4%
PrePay 2% 2%
Charge Card 2% 1%
Direct Debit 1% 1%
Other 1% 1%
Payment trends 2014 - 2019, Latin America
2014 2019
Cash on Delivery 7% 8%
Pre-Paid Card 7% 6%
eWallet 5% 4%
PrePay 3% 6%
Charge Card 3% 3%
Other 1% 1%
Payment trends 2014 - 2019, EMEA
2014 2019
Charge Card 7% 5%
Cash on Delivery 6% 7%
PrePay 3% 5%
Direct Debit 1% 1%
eInvoices 1% 1%
Other 1% 2%
PostPay 1% 1%
Pre-Paid Card 1% 1%
Payment trends 2014 - 2019, Asia Pacific
2014 2019
Debit Card 8% 8%
PrePay 3% 7%
Charge Card 1% 1%
Other 1% 1%
PostPay 1% 1%
Pre-Paid Card 1% 1%
Key insights
The dragon awakens
China has been a dominating force in the global economy and the rise of the middle
class and the changing consumption habits have driven YOY eCommerce growth.
However, the near-monopoly that has been historically enjoyed by domestic payment
methods is coming to an end, and domestic operators now recognise that their
market share is limited and under attack by start-ups and large international players.
The result is that domestic operators are now starting to expand into neighbouring
countries and beyond. UnionPay, for example, has been making significant efforts
to improve international acceptance by – among other things – providing exclusive
privileges in the US and forming partnerships in Germany to ensure ATM coverage.
The marketing and product strength of these companies means they can make an
impact on new markets in a very short timeframe.
The real winners we’re likely to see in the coming years
PrePay: the markets where Pre-Paid vouchers have been prevalent are flourishing,
though in economies which are historically more credit-driven, consumers are now
choosing to take more control over their finances. This is driving a preference for
Pre-Paid payment options in historically credit-centric markets. Overall, in these
markets the golden age of credit is over – a fact which is precipitating growth in
Debit and Pre-Paid payment methods. No longer do consumers want to burden
themselves with debt – they are hyperaware of the damaging effect of credit, and
their buying behaviour has changed accordingly.
*It is worth noting that other eWallets such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay are also highly likely to increase
market share in future, but as they have recently emerged, there is currently no data available to fully support this.
The Shangri-La of payments - eWallets
Our previous discussion about eWallets, in 2013, really included only, MasterPass, Alipay and PayPal.
At that time, there were very few market entrants, and the main players enjoyed a substantial market share. Our (reasonable)
expectation was that Visa and MasterCard would quickly steal significant share from the incumbents as the only viable alternatives.
But who would have thought the world could change so much, or so quickly?
Not long ago, eWallets were invariably part of a retail giant, such as Alipay (Alibaba) and PayPal (eBay). But no longer. Recently, we
have seen bank and network wallets emerge, with Visa Checkout, MasterPass and ChasePay as the forerunners. And there are
other players, too, who have entered the market - players who are not, traditionally, in the payments field. Driven by a need to create
customer ‘stickiness’ by integrating their technology into their consumers’ everyday lives, multinationals such as Apple with Apple
Pay, Samsung with Samsung Pay and Google with Android Pay are revolutionising the payments scene. Never before has consumer
choice been so broad. Interestingly, this is not a result of a simple revenue-generation strategy by these giants; instead, it is all
about value add – a strategy of enriching their customers’ lives by delivering the consumer shopping experience of the future.
Who will win the eWallet wars?
Faced with more choice than ever, consumers are very clear on their needs.
The winners of the eWallet war will need to provide a second to none customer experience,
underpinned by the following pillars:
• Omni-channel – the ability to use the eWallet across all environments, such as in-store,
online and in-app;
Cash on Delivery - still delivering
Cash on Delivery
In our report of 2013, we predicted that Cash based mCommerce, the need to deliver goods do well to remember that Cash on Delivery still
on Delivery would fall from 5% to just 2% of all and services must inevitably result in Cash on makes up 7% of all payments. It’s also worth
payments. This prediction, however, did not Delivery becoming a premier payment channel. remembering, though, that there’s a challenge
factor in the impact of the BRIC economies on with trying to operate with cash – most notably
the overall payments landscape. Although these In some markets – specifically China, Russia
that it’s highly market-specific and extremely
economies were maturing, we, along with other and Taiwan – we predicted a significant decline
fragmented, and retailers usually have their own
commentators, failed to appreciate just how in Cash on Delivery. But the unexpected and
Cash on Delivery agent. This makes it a payment
quickly they would come of age. substantial growth in these economies, coupled
form that’s particularly challenging to adopt in
with the cultural link to paying with cash, upset
the context of cross-border transactions, as it is
The eCommerce market in India is expected to this prediction. In Taiwan, particularly, consumers
both costly and subject to fraud. When thinking
quadruple over the next four years. The country is have a marked preference to paying with cash,
about establishing a delivery and fulfilment
also set to become the largest SME market in the and we can’t see that changing in the foreseeable
infrastructure in markets where Cash on Delivery
world, overtaking the United States by 2017. With future.
is popular, it’s important to select an appropriate
such expansion, consumer preferences cannot
As cash is such a globally fragmented payment partner, as it’s likely that you will want them to
change at the same rate.
type, there are no clear ‘winners’ in terms of collect cash payment on your behalf.
In an economy historically using cash, which also countries. However, merchants who may be
experiences a sudden boom in non-smartphone tempted to believe that cash is ‘dead’ would
Mobile evolution
Which mobile markets will be the ones to watch?
2014 2019
We hope you’ve found our Global Payments Report useful.
Our payment experts are here to help you navigate through the
world of online payments.
This is a shorter version of our Global Payments Report.
To download the full report please CLICK HERE.
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Worldpay (UK) Limited (Company No. 07316500 / FCA No. 530923), Worldpay Limited (Company No. 03424752 / FCA No. 504504), Worldpay AP Limited (Company No. 5593466 / FCA No. 502597). Registered Office: The Walbrook Building, 25
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