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Budget 1314

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(Finance Wing)

Salient features of Budget 2013-14 are: -

a) The total spending in 2013-14 is budgeted at Rs.33,984.33 (M), which is

20%higher than the current year’s budget 2012-13.

b) Total Receipts are anticipated as Rs.37,389.25 (M) which are 244% higher
than the receipts of current financial year (2012-13).

c) The Development expenditure is estimated at Rs.20,905.66 (M) which is

62% of total budget 2013-14 whereas in current financial year only 35% of
budget was spent on development activities.

d) The Non-Development expenses in 2013-14 are estimated to be

Rs.13,078.67 (M) which is 38% of total Budget as against 65% in current
year 2012-13.

e) In line with the austerity drive of the Federal Government, measures are
being put in place for reducing the expenditure by:-

- right sizing of HR. As an interim measure funding for 2,317

posts have been withheld.
- abolishing of Project Management Office
- rationalization of vehicle use.
- economy in electricity and fuel consumption.
The Authority shall save Rs.1.9 billion during 2013-14 by above measures.

f) A sum of Rs.376.87 (M) has been reserved to meet expected increase in

“pay & allowances” and “pension” under following heads.
• Maintenance Grant = Rs. 26.87 (M)

• Revenue Account = Rs.350.00(M)

g) A lump sum provision amounting to Rs.885 (M) has been made for
expected rise in “utility charges” such as electricity, gas & telephone etc
in following heads.

• Maintenance Grant = Rs.285.00 (M)

• Revenue Account = Rs.600.00 (M)

Estimated Receipts (2013-14) are based on the commitments of relevant formations to
achieve anticipated targets within a time frame that shall be made available to Chairman
CDA & Member Finance).
h) Rs.7,000 (M) have been reserved from CDA sources for 04 new
development projects that are classified as ‘Priority Projects’.

i) Instead of limiting advances to a fixed amount, a revolving fund is

proposed to be created; recovery of advances is estimated to be 120.00
(M) in financial year 2013-14. An amount of Rs. 50.00 (M) is proposed as
seed money for creating the revolving fund.

High lights of CDA Budget 2013-14

Budget Budget
Description Estimate Estimate
2012-13 2013-14
I- Receipts
A Government Grant
i) PSDP 1,690.63 1,777.96
ii) Maintenance Grant 1,798.29 1,854.93
Total 'A' 3,488.92 3,632.89
B CDA's Sources
i) Self - Financing Account 21,423.90 27,174.25
ii) Revenue Account 4,648.41 6,582.10
Total 'B' 26,072.31 33,756.25
Total Receipts 29,561.23 37,389.24

II Expenditure
A Government Grant
i) PSDP 1,690.63 1,777.96
ii) Maintenance Grant 1,798.29 1,854.93
Total 'A' 3,488.92 3,632.89
B CDA's Sources
i) Self - Financing Account 14,334.44 19,127.70
ii) Revenue Account 10,514.57 11,223.74
Total 'B' 24,849.01 30,351.44
Total Expenditure 28,337.93 33,984.33
1. Development
16,025.07 20,905.66
[A (i)+B(i)]
2. Non Development
12,312.86 13,078.67
Surplus/ Deficit 1,223.30 3,404.81

Estimated Receipts 2013-14.

Rs. In million
Receipt Estimates
1 2 3
A GOVT. GRANTS 3,632.89
1 PSDP. 1,777.96
2 Maintenance Grant. 1,854.93
(a) Revenue A/c. 6,582.10
1 Property Tax. 1,200.00
2 Water Charges 902.53
3 Toll Tax. 165.00
4 Environmental / Horticulture Receipts. 15.00
5 Municipal (Services, Recoveries & Ads etc). 1,000.00
6 Sanitation 7.00
7 MPO (Oper: Div—Hire Charges of Machinery). 100.00
8 Miscellaneous Receipts. 117.57
9 Planning Wing 900.00
10 Interest on Deposits. 25.00
11 Transfer Fee of Plots and Other Allied Receipts (i.e. AGR, 1,650.00
Penalties & Interests etc).
12 Transfer Fee from High Rise Buildings to be collected by 500.00
Estate Manag-II.
(b) Self Financing A/c. 27,174.25
Disposal of Residential & Commercial Plots through Auction
/ Pre-qualification and others.
Grand Total :- 37,389.25
Development Expenditure 2013-14 (PSDP Schemes).
(Rs. in million)
S# Name of Project 2013-14
1 Addition of 3rd and 4th lane Kashmir Highway from Peshawar 334.373
Mor to Golra Mor, Islamabad.
2 Rehabilitation/ Replacement of 32 Nos Lifts at Pak Secretariat 10.070
Building, Ibd.
3 Up-Gradation / Renovation of Public Address, Simultaneous 10.808
Interpretation and Automatic Vote Costing (P.A/S.I .S/ A.V.C)
System Installed in the Senate Hall at Parliament House
Building, Islamabad.
4 Security arrangement at parliament House, Islamabad. 19.986
5 Providing/Installation of security equipment and Fire Alarm 30.893
system at Cabinet block building, Islamabad.
6 Strengthening of security arrangements at Parliament Lodges, 30.000
7 Const: of residential & non-residential accommodation for Police 1.899
at Aiwan-e- Sadr, Ibd.
8 Construction of 16 Nos. Cat-IV flats for AGPR in G-9/2, Ibd. 0.393
9 Construction additional 104 family Suits Islamabad. 780.000
10 Construction of Charah Dam. 416.908
11 Construction of Security Wall outside the existing boundary of 42.631
Islamabad Heliport Islamabad.
12 Construction of additional block for Senate and National 100.000
Assembly Secretariat in front of gate No.5 Parliament House,
Total :- 1,777.961

(Rs. In million)
S# New Works Total
Wing Works
2013-14 2013-14
A ENGINEERING WING 3,738.84 4,270.79 8,009.64
B ENVIRONMENT WING 143.82 200.20 344.02
C ADMINISTRATION WING 170.00 10.00 180.00
D PLANNING & DESIGN WING 244.05 - 244.05
E ESTATE WING 1,800.00 - 1,800.00
F F. A. / MEMBER 50.00 - 50.00
G LUMP SUM PROVISION FOR 1,500.00 1,500.00
H PRIORITY PROJECTS 7,000.00 - 7,000.00
Grand Total:- 14,646.71 4,480.99 19,127.70

Non-Development Expenditure 2013-14 (Maintenance Grant).

(Rs. in million)
S# Description Estimates
1 Salary of gazetted Employees 29.36
2 Allowances for gazetted Employees 35.81
3 Salaries of Non gazetted Employees 239.29
4 Allowances for non-gazetted Employees 329.50
5 Other Salaries and wages 66.34
6 Admin & General Expenses 463.57
7 Repair & Maintenance. 91.74
8 Increase in Pay & Pension. 26.87
9 Work done / Store Material. 287.45
10 Provision for enhancement in utility charges. 285.00
TOTAL:- 1,854.93
Non-Development Expenditure - CDA source (Revenue Account).

(Rs. in million)
S# Items Estimates
1 Pay of gazetted Employees 553.01

2 Pay of Non gazetted Employees. 851.86

3 Allowances of Employees 1,921.00

4 Other Salaries and Wages. 1,500.00

5 Admin & General Expenses. 3,447.85

6 Repair & Maintenance. 300.00

7 Purchases. 150.00

8 Advances. 50.00

9 Provision for unforeseen items contingent items etc. 500.00

10 Provision for expected increase in allowances. 350.00

11 Work done through contract/Store Material. 1,000.00

12 Provision for enhancement in Utility charges. 600.00

13 Interest on 'pay & pension'.

Total :- 11,223.74

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