Project Profile On LED Based Lighting System PDF
Project Profile On LED Based Lighting System PDF
Project Profile On LED Based Lighting System PDF
of India
Ministry of MSME
Project Profile On
LED Based Lighting systems (LED Lamps)
Product Code
(i) ASICC 77489
(ii) NIC 2004 31509
Prepared By
Implementation Schedule
The major activities in the implementation of the project has been listed and the
average time for implementation of the project is estimated at 12 months:
Name of activity Period in months (suggestive)
1.Preparation of Project Report 1
2.Registration and other formalities 1
3.Sanction of loan by financial institution 3
4. Plant and machinery
(a) Placement of order 1
(b) Procurement 2
(c) Installation /erection of machinery/test equipments 2
5.Procurement of raw material 2
6.Recruitment of technical person etc 2
7. Trial production 11th month
8.commercial production 12th month
1. Many of the above activities shall be initiated concurrently.
2. Procurement of raw materials commences from 8th month onwards.
3. When imported plant and machinery are required the implementation period of
projects may vary from 12 months to 15 months.
Technical aspect
Process of Manufacturing; This project profile is made for the assembling of LED
based Lighting system cum LED Lamp up to 10 W. The assembling of LED based
Lighting system cum LED Lamp consists of the following steps:
1. Procurement/import of LED chips of Mili Watt rating, Procurement of Circuit
and other mounting devices.
2. Embedding of LED Chips of miliwatt rating on the PCB board with the
rectifier circuit, filter circuit etc.
3. Fitting of PCB Board with the holder cap and plastic modules fitted with the
Smokey reflector to form a compact unit.
4. Testing of the assembled LED Lighting systems and packing
4. Motive power
5. Pollution control
6.Energy conservation
With the growing energy needs and shortage coupled with rising energy cost, a
greater thrust in energy efficiency in industrial sector has been given by Govt. of
India since 1980s. The energy Conservation Act 2001 has been enacted on 18th
August 2001which provides for efficient use of energy its conservation and
capacity building of Bureau of Energy Efficiency created under the act.
The following steps may be help for conservation of Electrical Energy:
i) Adoption of energy conserving technology, production aids and testing
ii) Efficient management of process/manufacturing machineries and systems,
QC and testing equipments for yielding maximum energy conservation.
iii) Optimum use of electrical energy for heating during soldering process can
be obtained by using efficient temperature controlled soldering and
desoldering stations.
iv) Periodical maintenance of motors compressors etc
v) Use of power factor correction capacitors, proper selection and layout of
lighting systems timely switching on/off of the lights, use of Compact
Fluorescent Lamps wherever possible.
Total = 359000
Other Fixed Assets in (RS.)
Electrification 35900
charges@10%of cost
of machinery and
Office equipment, 20,000
furniture and working
table etc
Tools, jigs and fixtures 20,000
Pre operative expenses 5,000
Misc. 5,000
Total 85900
Total = 34,000
10 Miscellaneous 10,000
Total= 416250
iii) Utilities Per Month
Value in (RS.)
Power 3,000
Water 500
Other Contingent Expenditure Per Month
Total= 14000
Total Reoccurring Expenditure Per Month (I+ii+iii+iv)= 467750
Financial analysis
Cost of production per annum
Total reoccurring expenditure 5613000
Depreciation on machinery and 35900
Depreciation on tools, jigs and 5000
fixtures @25%
Depreciation on office equipments, 4000
furniture @ 20%
Interest on total Capital investment 240259
@ 13%
Total= 5898159
Turn over per annum
Item Qty (Nos) Rate/unit Total value (Rs.)
Profit per annum (before Taxes)= Turn over per annum- Cost of Production
per annum = 851841
Net profit ratio= profit/annum*100/sales/annum = 13%
Rent 72000
Depreciation on machinery and
equipment @ 10% 35900
Depreciation on tools, jigs and 5000
fixtures @ 25%
Depreciation on office equipment, 4000
furniture @ 20%
Interest on total capital 240259
Insurance 1000
40% of salaries and wages 163200
40% of other contingents & utilities 33600
(excluding rent & insurance)
Total fixed cost 554959
Additional information
The Project Profile may be modified/tailored to suit the individual
entrepreneurship qualities/capacity, production programme and also
suit the location characteristics, wherever applicable.