Project Profile On LED Based Lighting System PDF

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of India
Ministry of MSME

Project Profile On
LED Based Lighting systems (LED Lamps)

Product Code
(i) ASICC 77489
(ii) NIC 2004 31509

Quality standards: As per IS 16102 (Part I &II) 2012

Production Capacity: 45000 Nos. per annum

Year of Preparation: 2014-2015

Prepared By


1. INTRODUCTION- LED is semiconductor Technology that emits light at the
junction of oppositely charged materials when voltage forces electron
movement. Led based lighting systems are devices consisting of many LEDs
chips embedded on the LED fixtures base and fitted with rectifier circuit that
provides regulated current output at the low voltage that makes them to be
operated on AC Circuit because LEDs requires DC to operate.
The whole PCB circuit board is fitted inside a plastic enclosure along with the
metallic cap and Smokey reflector.

2. MARKET POTENTIAL- Conventional lighting systems represent mainly

incandescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).LED lighting
system provides advantages over conventional lighting systems in terms of
better energy efficiency, better energy costs, longer lifetime, less temp.
Sensivity, higher light output. This leads them to be better Lighting substitute
and good market prospect. Therefore the market prospect for LED based
Lighting system is good and booming.

3. Basis and presumptions

(i) The basis for calculation of production capacity has been taken on
single shift basis on 75% efficiency.
(ii) The maximum capacity utilisation on single shift basis for 300 days
a year. During first year and second year of operations the capacity
utilisation is 60% and 80% respectively. The unit is expected to
achieve full capacity utilisation from the third year onward.
(iii) The salaries and wages, cost of raw materials, utilities, rent etc are
based on the prevailing rates in and around Patna. These cost
factors are likely to vary with time and location.
(iv) Interest on term loan and working capital loan must be preferably
current rate. Otherwise the rate of interest on an average may be
taken as 13%. This rate may vary depending upon the policy of the
financial institution/agencies from time to time.
(v) The cost of machinery and equipment refer to a particular
make/model and prices are approximate.
(vi) The breakeven point percentage indicated is of full capacity
(vii) The project preparation cost etc whenever required could be
considered under preoperative expenses.
(viii) The essential production machinery and test equipments required
for the projects have been indicated. The unit may utilize common
test facilitates available at ETDC and ERTLs and Regional Testing
Centre (RTC).

Implementation Schedule
The major activities in the implementation of the project has been listed and the
average time for implementation of the project is estimated at 12 months:
Name of activity Period in months (suggestive)
1.Preparation of Project Report 1
2.Registration and other formalities 1
3.Sanction of loan by financial institution 3
4. Plant and machinery
(a) Placement of order 1
(b) Procurement 2
(c) Installation /erection of machinery/test equipments 2
5.Procurement of raw material 2
6.Recruitment of technical person etc 2
7. Trial production 11th month
8.commercial production 12th month
1. Many of the above activities shall be initiated concurrently.
2. Procurement of raw materials commences from 8th month onwards.
3. When imported plant and machinery are required the implementation period of
projects may vary from 12 months to 15 months.
Technical aspect
Process of Manufacturing; This project profile is made for the assembling of LED
based Lighting system cum LED Lamp up to 10 W. The assembling of LED based
Lighting system cum LED Lamp consists of the following steps:
1. Procurement/import of LED chips of Mili Watt rating, Procurement of Circuit
and other mounting devices.
2. Embedding of LED Chips of miliwatt rating on the PCB board with the
rectifier circuit, filter circuit etc.
3. Fitting of PCB Board with the holder cap and plastic modules fitted with the
Smokey reflector to form a compact unit.
4. Testing of the assembled LED Lighting systems and packing

Quality controls & Standards

As Per IS 16102 (Part I & II) 2012

Production Capacity (Per annum)

Qty; 45000Nos.
Value: Rs.6750000

4. Motive power
5. Pollution control

The govt. Accords utmost importance to control environmental pollution. The

Small- Scale entrepreneur should have an environmental friendly attitude and
adopt pollution control measures by process modification and technology
India having acceded to the Montreal Protocol in sept.1992,the production and use
of Ozone depleting substances (ODS) like Chlorofluore Carbon (CFCs), carbon
tetrachloride, halons and methyl Chloroform etc. Need to be phased out
immediately with alternative chemicals/solvents. A notification for detailed rules
to regulate ODS phase out under the Environment Protection Act 1986 have been
put in place with effect from 19th July 2000.
The following steps are suggested which may help to control pollution in
electronics industry wherever applicable:
i) In electronic industry fumes and gases are released during hand
soldering/wave soldering/dip soldering, which are harmful to people as
well as environmental and the end products. Alternative technologies may
be used to phase-out the existing polluting technologies. Numerous new
fluxes have been developed containing 2-10% solids as apposed to the
traditional 15-35 % solids.
ii) Electronic industry uses CFCs,carbon tetrachloride and Methyl chloroform for
cleaning of printed Circiut boards after assembly to remove flux residues
left after soldering and various kinds of foams for packaging.
Many alternative solvents could replace CFC-113 and methyl chloroform in
electronics cleaning. Other chlorinated convents such as trichloroethylene,per
chloroethylene and methylene chloride have been used an effective cleaners in
electronic industry for many years. Other organic solvents such as Ketenes and
Alcolols are effective in removing both solder fluxes and many polar

6.Energy conservation

With the growing energy needs and shortage coupled with rising energy cost, a
greater thrust in energy efficiency in industrial sector has been given by Govt. of
India since 1980s. The energy Conservation Act 2001 has been enacted on 18th
August 2001which provides for efficient use of energy its conservation and
capacity building of Bureau of Energy Efficiency created under the act.
The following steps may be help for conservation of Electrical Energy:
i) Adoption of energy conserving technology, production aids and testing
ii) Efficient management of process/manufacturing machineries and systems,
QC and testing equipments for yielding maximum energy conservation.
iii) Optimum use of electrical energy for heating during soldering process can
be obtained by using efficient temperature controlled soldering and
desoldering stations.
iv) Periodical maintenance of motors compressors etc
v) Use of power factor correction capacitors, proper selection and layout of
lighting systems timely switching on/off of the lights, use of Compact
Fluorescent Lamps wherever possible.


(I) Land and building

Built up Area 3000 SqFt
Office, Store 1000 Sq Ft
Assembly and Testing 2000 Sq Ft
Rent payable Per Annum 6000

(ii) Machinery and equipment

Sn Description Ind/imp Qty Value (RS.)

1 Component forming Indian 02 1,00000

2 Soldering Machine Indian 10 5,000

3 Digital Multimeter Indian 02 8,000

4 Continuity Tester Indian 10 1000

5 Sealing Machine Indian 01 10,000

6 Packaging Machine Indian 01 15,000

7 LCR Meter Indian 02 20,000

8 Small Drilling M/C Set Indian 01 10,000
9 Lux Meter Indian 01 40,000
10 Oscilloscope Indian 01 60,000
11 Personnel Computer Indian 01 80,000
with UPS and Printer
7 Miscellaneous items 10,000

Total = 359000
Other Fixed Assets in (RS.)

Electrification 35900
charges@10%of cost
of machinery and
Office equipment, 20,000
furniture and working
table etc
Tools, jigs and fixtures 20,000
Pre operative expenses 5,000
Misc. 5,000
Total 85900

Total Fixed Capital = 444900

Working Capital Per Month

i) Staff & Labour

SN Description No of Salary/month Total Salary

Persons (RS.) per month
1 Supervisor Cum Manager 01 8,000 8,000

2 Skilled Worker 05 4,000 20,000

3 Accountant 01 6,000 6,000

Total = 34,000

ii) Raw Material Requirement Per Month

SN Description Qty Rate Value (Rs.)

1 LED Chips 45000 4 180000

2 Rectifier Circuit with 3750 20 75000


3 Heat Sink Devices 3750 5 18750

4 Metallic Cap Holder 3750 10 37500

5 Plastic Body 3750 10 37500

7 Reflector Plastic Glass 3750 10 37500

8 Connecting wire Lumsum 5,000

9 Soldering Flux Lumsum 5,000

10 Miscellaneous 10,000

11 Packaging Material 10,000

Total= 416250
iii) Utilities Per Month
Value in (RS.)
Power 3,000
Water 500
Other Contingent Expenditure Per Month

SN Item Amount (RS.)

1 Rent 6000
2 Postage and stationary 500
3 Telephone/fax 2000
4 Repair & Maintenance 1000
5 Transport and Conveyance charges 1500
6 Adv. And publicity 1000
7 Insurance and Taxes 1000
8 Miscellaneous expenditure 1000

Total= 14000
Total Reoccurring Expenditure Per Month (I+ii+iii+iv)= 467750

Total Capital Investment (In RS.)

Fixed capital 444900

Working capital for three month 1403250
Total= 1848150

Financial analysis
Cost of production per annum
Total reoccurring expenditure 5613000
Depreciation on machinery and 35900
Depreciation on tools, jigs and 5000
fixtures @25%
Depreciation on office equipments, 4000
furniture @ 20%
Interest on total Capital investment 240259
@ 13%
Total= 5898159
Turn over per annum
Item Qty (Nos) Rate/unit Total value (Rs.)

LED Lamp 45000 150 6750000

Profit per annum (before Taxes)= Turn over per annum- Cost of Production
per annum = 851841
Net profit ratio= profit/annum*100/sales/annum = 13%

Rate of Return = Profit/annum*100/ Total Capital Investment = 46%

Break-even Point
Fixed cost per annum

Rent 72000
Depreciation on machinery and
equipment @ 10% 35900
Depreciation on tools, jigs and 5000
fixtures @ 25%
Depreciation on office equipment, 4000
furniture @ 20%
Interest on total capital 240259
Insurance 1000
40% of salaries and wages 163200
40% of other contingents & utilities 33600
(excluding rent & insurance)
Total fixed cost 554959

Break even point = fixed cost *100/ fixed cost +Profit

= 554959X100/1406800=39%

Additional information
 The Project Profile may be modified/tailored to suit the individual
entrepreneurship qualities/capacity, production programme and also
suit the location characteristics, wherever applicable.

 The margin money recommended is 25 % of the working capital

requirement at an average. However, the percentage of margin money
may vary as per bank’s discretion

Name & address of Machinery and equipment supplier

1. Kamal Electronics, 14, Lakshmi Building, J.C.Road,Bangalore-560002

2. Static systems Pvt. Ltd.,925,II Floor,3rd Main,3rd Cross,D block,2nd
3. Buljin ELMEC Pvt. Ltd.,2/10,Plot No. 65 &78,Krishna Industrial

Name & address of raw Material Suppliers

1. M/S Micrologix,473/D,13th Cross,4th Phase,Peenya industrial Area,
Bangalore 560058
2.B.M.V. Circuit Systems,C/321, sector 10,Noida-201301
3.M/S Signal Circuits,7,Navjeevan,Rajguru Nagar,Pune-410505

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