Team@spacemesh - Io @teamspacemesh: Revision 1.2

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Technical White Paper 1 
Revision 1.21​ ​[email protected]​ ​ @
​ teamspacemesh   
A fair, secure, decentralized and scalable  
cryptocurrency and a smart contracts computer 

Thus far, all of the deployed blockchains exhibit centralization tendencies and scalability 
bottlenecks as they gain in popularity. Bitcoin and other Proof of Work (PoW) based systems 
contribute to massive energy consumption, whereas Proof of Stake (PoStake) based systems 
require trusted checkpoints and high collateral. 
Enter SpacemeshOS: a blockmesh operating system powering an energy-efficient, 
decentralized, secure, and scalable smart contracts global computer and a cryptocurrency in 
the permissionless settings. The heart of Spacemesh is a new consensus protocol that 
replaces PoW with Proof of Space Time (PoST), and a chain with mesh topology. 
The Spacemesh protocol allows newcomers to contribute to the security of the cryptocurrency 
network via unused storage space on their hard drives. PoST retains the properties of PoW 
that are useful for permissionless consensus, but with drastically lower energy emissions. In 
contrast to PoStake, the PoST mechanism enables users to participate in the system without 
large security deposits that are locked for long periods of time, and also avoids other 
nothing-at-stake problems, such as the higher risk of divergence due to hard fork replicas. 
SpacemeshOS can support a highly scalable network with thousands of transactions per 
second, without compromising the decentralized nature of the system. This is achieved using 
an incentive-compatible protocol that is based on mesh topology - layered directed acyclic 
graph (DAG). As opposed to the simpler chain topology, the mesh avoids race conditions and 
guarantees that an honest miner will obtain a fair share of the rewards, regardless of the 
actions of other miners. Furthermore, the blockmesh enables far more frequent rewards than a 
blockchain, which means that pressures against decentralization are thwarted, since the 
individual miners have no need to rely on centralized mining pools. 

​This work is licensed under a ​Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 
Spacemesh is the first free open source, permissionless consensus protocol that neither relies 
on PoW nor PoStake, and is provably secure under the assumption that a majority of the 
participating storage is honest. The incentive-compatibility of Spacemesh increases the 
likelihood that this assumption will hold. 

Scope, Goals, and Target Audience 

Present-day blockchain technologies face several problems in their current applications. By 
outlining these imperative problems and our solutions to the blockchain community, we intend 
to open a dialogue on our point of view with our audience so that we may further improve our 
ideas, approaches, and new protocols together. Our goal with this paper is not to generate a 
token sale event, but rather to use this text as an anchor for discussion of these prominent 
systemic issues and our solutions in order to formalize the various components of this project. 
It is worth noting that we are not attempting to provide complete security and incentive 
compatibility proofs of our proposed blockchain protocols in this paper. T ​ he proofs will be 
made available online and submitted for peer review by academic cryptographers later in 
2018. Spacemesh is a work in progress, as active research is underway. New versions of this 
paper will appear at ​​. Comments and suggestions may be submitted by 
contacting us at ​[email protected]​ . 
This paper is written to specifically address technical readers who have an understanding of 
the capabilities and issues of existing blockchain protocols. The audience may also be 
considered as participants; that is, readers who are interested in exploring approaches to solve 
these issues. Collaborating in this way will advance the state of blockchain infrastructure to 
make it more decentralized, useful, robust, scalable, and secure. 

Revision 1.1 5/7/2018
○ Problem statement and first protocol informal description
Revision 1.2 5/27/2018
○ Added definition of hdist
○ Minor cosmetic and grammar corrections
○ Updated figures numbering
○ Changed mentioned of Meshcoin to Spacemesh Coin.

Table of Contents 

Scope, Goals, and Target Audience 


Section 1 - Motivation and Problem Statement 

Energy Waste 
High Transaction Fees 

Section 2 - Spacemesh Technology Overview 

Proof of Space Time (PoST) 
Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) 
Non-Interactive Proof of Space-Time (NIPST) 
Constructing a NIPST from a PoST and a PoET 
The Spacemesh Protocol - An Informal Description 
1. Consensus, Contracts and Crypto-currencies 
1.1 Ledger 
1.2 Consensus Computer 
1.3 Economy 
2. Preliminaries 
2.1 From Blockmesh to Ledger 
2.2 Communication Model and Security Assumptions 
2.3 Challenges in Achieving a Race-Free Consensus 
3. The Spacemesh Protocol 
3.1 Node Registration and Block Eligibility 
3.2 Types of Validity 
3.3 Syntactic Validity Rules 
3.4 Contextual Validity Rules 
3.4.1 Coin Flips and Layer Challenges 
3.4.2 Late Blocks 
3.4.3 Voting Rules 
3.5 Simplified Tortoise: Complete Voting Transcripts 
3.5.1 Non-Voting Blocks 
3.5.2 Choosing the Thresholds 
3.5.3 Security Intuition 
Free Open Source Software (FOSS) 
Additional Resources 

Section 1 - Motivation and Problem Statement 
Our vision is to build a ​decentralized​, s
​ ecure,​ and s
​ calable​ cryptocurrency and smart contracts 
computer that solves major problems of 1​ and 2​nd​ generation blockchain networks. We are 

committed to ​fairness ​as a cornerstone value of the network and aim to deliver it by 
developing low barriers to entry, setting sustainable transaction fees and enabling widespread, 
distributed participation. To realize our vision, we are developing SpacemeshOS, which is a 
blockmesh operating system designed to run general-purpose smart contracts at scale, 
powered by a set of provably secure protocols that are energy-efficient and 
The main breakthrough idea in Bitcoin was a protocol that achieved consensus on a public 
ledger in a permissionless setting, meaning that anyone with a PC and an internet connection 
could contribute to the security and capabilities of the network. The original vision was to 
create a global internet currency that could be used as cash without a central issuing bank, 
that had fewer intermediaries, and that charged lower transaction fees. The Ethereum project 
took the core ideas of Bitcoin and greatly expanded the “smart contracts” capabilities that 
enabled coin holders to participate in complex financial transactions and to execute contracts 
ruled by blockchain deployed code. These ground-breaking projects paved the way for both a 
broader industry and public acceptance of the importance of decentralized open ledger and 
computation networks.  
With 2018 marking Bitcoin’s tenth year in production and Ethereum’s third, we now have 
insight regarding several serious theoretical, economic, and practical problems regarding 
cryptocurrency networks. Some of the problems are fundamental to the core protocols, 
communities, and practical deployments -- and have led us to re-imagine the open blockchain 
To achieve the original vision of Bitcoin, we propose a system that is designed from the ground 
up to achieve a high degree of decentralization while providing improvements in security and 
scalability at the same time. We understand the core issues of the current blockchain networks 
as centralization, scalability, security, and energy waste, and our analysis presents solutions to 
these problems. 

Centralization is an issue with present-day blockchain networks as well as new blockchain 
protocol proposals. The original concept for cryptocurrency mining was that individuals would 
use their home computers to provide security and liveness in the blockchain network. 
Decentralization in the permissionless settings is typically defined using the following criteria:  
○ The ability of a home computer to function as a full p2p network node  
○ The number and geographic distribution of the nodes 

○ The proportional distribution of nodes among all entities  
Broadly speaking, a network is decentralized when it has a large number of geographically 
distributed entities, where no entity operates more than a small fraction of all nodes.  
Centralization occurs due to a high variance for individual miners to obtain rewards, as well as 
the superiority of dedicated hardware that performs the PoW computation. In Bitcoin, a whole 
class of dedicated custom hardware was created, which provided several factors of 
performance improvement over a home PC. Mining farms were then set up at world locations 
where cheap electricity was available. The overall network hashrate was predominantly 
determined by ASIC hardware running in massive hardware farms, making it uneconomical to 
mine Bitcoin using a general-purpose PC. 
Using a dedicated ASIC unit at home is also unrealistic. As of March 2018, a high-end 
dedicated ASIC mining unit with a cost of about $2,000 USD is expected to mine 1 block and 
receive its block mining reward about once every 36 years.2 With ongoing operating costs and 
an investment in mining equipment that may fail before yielding a return, the individual miner 
has a strong incentive to combine resources into centralized pools. Over time, pools tend to 
increase in size as miners continue to bring resources together to optimize rewards. Each 
mining pool is centrally managed as an entity, with the largest three mining pools controlling 
54% of all hashing power on the Bitcoin network, and the largest six controlling 77%.  
To take another example, the Ethereum hashing algorithm ethash was designed to discourage 
ASIC development.3 However, the largest Bitcoin ASIC manufacturer and mining pool operator, 
Bitmain, recently released an Ethereum ASIC miner product to the market.4 According to 
published analysis, the product is about 3 times more cost effective than a homemade mining 
rig,5 which is likely to price PC users out of the market over time. In addition, it is possible that 
Bitmain had secretly been using thee ASIC products for an unknown period of time prior to 
their announcement to mine Ethereum. It is also possible that Bitmain or any other hardware 
provider has more powerful mining products that are only used internally, to maintain an 
advantage and maximize their mining revenue. 
The other main driver of centralization is mining pools, which give control over the network to 
pool administrators who may filter transactions. In particular, these administrators may 
engage in frontrunning by receiving side payments via direct API service. For instance, mining 
in Ethereum with a modern GPU on a home PC is only expected to successfully mine a block 


and receive the coin reward once for every 3 years in operation. This makes mining without 
joining a pool impractical.  
We see that the world’s leading blockchain network has fallen short of achieving the stated 
goal of decentralization. Our intent is to incorporate the lessons from the challenges and 
unexpected outcomes of first and second generation solutions into our design. 
We intend to achieve decentralization via solutions that involve core ​protocol​ properties and 
the ​incentive​ structure. We will also discuss the surrounding g
​ overnance​ issues.  

1. Protocols 
Spacemesh offers a solution that returns to the original idea of home user gear by making it 
more rewarding than purchasing professional equipment or joining a pool. Spacemesh 
blockchain protocols are specifically designed for running a node on a standard desktop PC, 
making it economically unattractive for Spacemesh-specific ASIC hardware to be developed, 
and making it unprofitable to use cloud computing. As we will further explain in this section, 
our protocols achieve these conditions through two key requirements for hardware setup: 
○ 250GB of free disk space: used in our Proof of Space Time (PoST) protocols 
○ A modern GPU: used in our PoST protocols and in the ongoing consensus protocols 
Disk space is a highly underutilized and readily available decentralized resource. It is estimated 
that 50% of global storage space is free. 412 million hard disks were sold in 2016 and 300 
million new disks are forecast to be sold annually until 2020. Decentralized data storage 
projects such as Filecoin are also based on this premise.     
When setting up a node, users specify how much storage to allocate based on the free space 
of their local hard drive. Moreover, the rewards for contributed storage are more linear as disk 
space has limited economies of scale and has homogeneity in that there is no difference in the 
efficacy of one disk vs. another. This ensures that any participant who contributes storage will 
be rewarded accordingly and cannot be outspent for higher quality storage.  
Our PoST protocol creates a cryptographic data structure on the required free space in an 
initial, one-time ~48-hour setup period using the GPU to perform PoW. Using our PoST 
protocol, provers demonstrate that they have reserved a portion of their storage for a specified 
period of time, which we term “space time.” The reserved storage cannot be used for anything 
else during that time (including other PoST proofs). For example, a user can prove that he or 
she has reserved 100GB for a month: the PoST actually proves the statement “either I stored 

This figure is just for educational purposes. The final production net may require a different minimum free storage based on 
further research and testnet simulations. 
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100GB for a month, or I wasted a corresponding amount of CPU work.” Whatever the actual 
outcome, we set the parameters so it is more cost effective to use storage than CPU work. 
Provable storage entitles nodes to participate in block sealing rewards. The rewards are 
shared between all honest participating nodes; for instance, owners of 5% of network storage 
should get 5% of the rewards​. 
Once the setup period is complete, the stored data is used to establish a node’s identity and 
eligibility to participate in the consensus protocol, which is done in a fair and egalitarian 
manner. The ongoing operation of the Spacemesh consensus protocols are not CPU, GPU, or 
I/O intensive and are designed to run in the background without any interruption or 
performance degradation.  

It would not be profitable to create custom hardware (or use it) since there is no hashing 
algorithm that requires continuous fast computation. Moreover, the main cost factor in disk 
space is magnetic storage, which has limited potential for exponential performance 
improvement. That being said, an exponential improvement in storage ability or reduction in 
cost would be a lucrative opportunity and likely be released to the global general-purpose 
storage market, making it quickly available to all. Since it is unlikely that custom hardware 
will be developed for running Spacemesh nodes, the risk of physical mining pools running 
custom ASIC hardware farms is eliminated and with it a source of the serious centralization 
issues created by mining pools.   
Beyond centralization concerns, mining pools act as a middleman that introduces additional 
fees on the network, making transactions more expensive through royalty rates of 1- 3%.  
Additionally, these pools make protocol innovation difficult, as changes may be perceived as 
likely to reduce mining fees, and thus mining profitability.  
Spacemesh protocols eliminate the advantages of joining a virtual mining pool and make it 
unnecessary to pay a percentage of block rewards to a central entity. The main motivations for 
joining mining pools are as follows: 
○ Long intervals between rewards / high interval variance 
○ Unfair advantages gained by centralization 
○ Economies of scale: ASIC obtained in bulk at a cheaper price than an individual miner 
Our protocol solves the first by allowing a much higher reward rate (we can easily support 200 
blocks in every 10-minute period), the second by making reward allocation fairer (there’s no 
advantage to learning the next block earlier than other nodes), and the third by PoST, since 
specialized hardware for storage space isn’t more effective than consumer-level hard drives.  
Additionally, PoST protocol is optimized to below marginal cost for validators using personal 
computers and to be high marginal cost for validators who do not. The target node operator 

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for PoST has already made the investment required to operate the node, including the disk 
drive used for storing proof of storage.  

2. Incentives 
A protocol is ​incentive-compatible​ if following the protocol instructions honestly gives at least 
as much utility (i.e., profit) as deviating from them (assuming other parties are also following 
the protocol instructions). In permissionless blockchain protocols, security depends on the 
majority of the resources being controlled by parties that behave honestly (resources refers to 
CPU in PoW-based schemes and storage in PoST-based schemes, etc.). However, it seems 
that most miners are motivated by profits, rather than by morals. The incentive-compatibility 
property bridges the gap between profit-driven miners and the assumption of an honest 
majority. We recognize the importance of incentive compatibility; thereby, the Spacemesh 
protocols currently being developed are designed to be incentive-compatible. 
Our network validators’ coin reward scheme is designed to make it unprofitable to set up a 
Spacemesh node on a dedicated PC at home, in a data center, or on the cloud with a provider 
such as Google or AWS. The validation reward configuration is designed to let a person 
operating a desktop PC at home, using an existing PC and GPU to run a Spacemesh node. With 
this configuration, the validator earns validation rewards according to our setup without 
investing any upfront amount for hardware and without having to put up a PoStake deposit.   
It is worth noting that individual validation rewards will gradually decrease over time as more 
validators join the platform and in turn more disk space is contributed to the system. 
Consequently, in the long run it will become increasingly unprofitable to use dedicated or cloud 
storage as the costs will eventually exceed the rewards, making disk space a sunk cost. 
Ultimately, this incentive scheme is designed to ensure fair, highly-predictable, and frequent 
compensation to home users who provide the network with security, storage, and 
decentralized computation capabilities.  
Recent proposals for blockchain protocols replace PoW with PoStake. However, there are 
incentive problems and centralization risks with PoStake protocols. In the case of hardforks, 
stakeholders may find it rational to participate in all the forks as a short-term dominant 
strategy that increases their holdings. There is also an inherent costless simulation attack on 
PoStake, that can be mitigated using checkpoints -- which introduce an element of trust and 
potential centralization concerns.   
A major centralization concern with PoStake is that the system will be dominated by a few 
large stakeholders. PoStake protocols require the participants to lock a security deposit of a 
large enough value, in order to deter deviation from the protocol. This makes it prohibitive to 
participate in the protocol for many node operators with modest financial means, and hence 
only the larger stakeholders will be able to create blocks and collect transaction fees.  

Another problem with PoStake is that the degree of the actual network decentralization relies 
heavily on initial stake allocation. A PoStake network with a centralized initial stake distribution 
cannot be decentralized. This is not a theoretical problem: several PoStake-based networks in 
production suffer from highly-centralized currency allocation.  

3. Governance 
Governance centralization is an additional important centralization concern. Governance in 
cryptocurrencies relates to decisions about two things: the rules of the protocol (the code) and 
the incentives on which the network is based (the economics). Decentralized governance 
means that the community with a stake in the project participates in the governance of the 
platform’s core technical and financial decisions; governance should also be built into the 
platform so that it can be readily enforced. When governance of a blockchain protocol is not 
decentralized, healthy evolution of the protocol that benefits all stakeholders is hard to achieve 
in practice. 
The Spacemesh foundation is a non-profit organization responsible for ensuring network 
growth, decentralization, and innovation. To execute these responsibilities, the foundation is 
structured to own a relatively small amount of Spacemesh Coins as well as to retain funds 
from any Spacemesh Coin sale event.  
The foundation is responsible for maintaining the canonical protocol definitions, its open 
source implementations, and the Spacemesh p2p node software. It performs this duty by 
appointing maintainers to the various project code repositories. The foundation also has the 
authority to replace these maintainers at any time. The appointed maintainers decide on 
feature prioritization as well as on major technical protocol modifications. 
To balance between short-term interests of a portion of Spacemesh Coin holders and 
long-term protocol interests, the foundation decisions are made by elected foundation 
members who are elected in yearly election cycles, with foundation membership open to 
anyone. Each year, one foundation member seat is open for election for a newly-elected 
member to replace a current member. This mechanism is designed to allow the community to 
periodically change the foundation while also providing stability in short-term decision making. 
We believe that this mechanism helps avoid hardforks or project abandonments as more 
constructive and less drastic means are provided to influence critical protocol decisions. 
In addition, the foundation may occasionally decide to delegate critical protocol decisions to 
the Spacemesh community. This voting will occur on-chain on the Spacemesh Mainnet 
through the acceptance of PoST storage commitments. An on-chain vote that achieves a 
super majority overrides any foundation decision.  

In our perspective, security is critical to blockchain networks that are designed to maintain 
cryptocurrency and financial smart contracts such as Spacemesh. We believe that modern 
blockchains should be provably secure under reasonable honesty assumptions while being 
ecologically friendly. A high-degree of security can be achieved by a combination of 
theoretical and practical measures: 
○ Carefully consider security strength compared to alternative consensus protocols 
○ Provide rigorous mathematical security proofs for all protocols and clearly articulate any 
and all assumptions 
○ Provide incentive compatibility proofs for all protocols 
○ Put in place a serious security bug bounties program to find unknown attacks and security 
○ Conduct large-scale network simulations of known attacks and modify the security 
parameters to figure out the best tradeoff between security and scalability 
We also recognize the importance of incentive compatibility; thereby, the protocols that we are 
currently developing are designed to be incentive-compatible in the sense that it will not be 
rational for a validator to deviate from protocol and become dishonest. The proofs we plan to 
publish for our protocol will include incentive compatibility proofs. 
The following sections detail the Spacemesh foundation’s security measures: 
Spacemesh security proofs 
Our security proofs assume that a majority of the PoST committed storage is honest. Safety is 
defined as all honest nodes on the network maintaining the same protocol-validated 
consensus for a specific set of conditions. Liveness is defined as the blockchain continuing to 
progress over time, even under adversarial conditions. We are currently developing i​ ncentive 
compatibility​, ​liveliness​ and s
​ afety correctness​ proofs of our consensus protocol under 
adversarial conditions and commit to publish them in 2018, prior to launch of the production 
network. Liveliness and safety under attacks are critical for a robust blockchain platform in the 
permissionless setting.  
Security bounty program  
The Spacemesh foundation will invest in a large-scale and continuous bounty program 
designed to identify both theoretical and implementation-related security vulnerabilities. We 
intend to specify this resource allocation in the Spacemesh foundation bylaws, which can only 
be modified by a super majority of Spacemesh Coin holders. 
Independent security audits 
We will encourage and fund independent security experts interested in conducting 
comprehensive security audits of our protocols as well as in our software implementation. The 

budget for such audits will be defined in the Spacemesh foundation budget and can only be 
modified by a super majority of Spacemesh Coin holders. 
Large-scale network simulations 
We are in the process of adding tests that perform large-scale network simulations across 
several regions around the world in the go-spacemesh open source project. These tests will be 
able, among other things, to demonstrate the network security in case of adversarial 
conditions, such as ddos attackers, and to harden the network behavior under these common 
p2p network conditions. 
Security and PoStake 
Spacemesh protocols use different security assumptions than PoStake-based protocols. For 
PoStake protocols, one needs to assume some kind of continuity of honest nodes in order to 
solve the​ costless simulation​ problem. PoST+PoET is self-contained like PoW. The need for 
self-containment depends on the degree to which continuity assumptions will hold in real 
world blockchain networks. Stated differently, Spacemesh relies on different assumptions for 
its security, which are in some ways more conservative — in particular, the security relies on 
honest majority of a “physical” resource rather than a “virtual” one. In cryptography, having 
alternatives for the underlying assumptions is always a good thing. 

In PoW-based blockchains where there is a single chain of blocks and a race to generate the 
next block, the network latency implies a strong upper-bound on the maximum transaction 
throughput. This is due to a combination of two factors: 
1. The rate at which blocks are generated cannot be faster than the network latency, 
otherwise “accidental forks” will occur often. This happens when honest parties try to 
extend different chains because they do not agree on the order of newly-generated blocks. 
In turn, a high accidental fork rate compromises security: Instead of the honest parties all 
working on the “right” chain, their power is split among different chains. Thus, instead of 
requiring a majority of the computing power to “win,” the adversary must simply gain more 
computing power than the largest fork. 
2. The size of each block is limited since large blocks take longer to transmit. This is 
undesirable for two reasons: the first is that it increases the network latency, which thus 
lowers the block rate; and the second is that the miner who generated the block gets an 
additional unfair advantage in mining the n ​ ext​ block, since that miner will know the block 
before everyone else. This increases the motivation to centralize mining in pools. 
Since the transaction rate is a function of the number of transactions per block (limited by 
size) multiplied by the block rate, the total transaction rate is limited. 

By removing the “race” aspect of mining and allowing the system to support larger block sizes, 
the propagation delay becomes much less relevant. It is too soon in the project lifecycle to 
state the expected transactions per second that will be achieved in practice, however, it is 
feasible that the lifecycle will be several orders of magnitude better than PoW-based protocols 
and most likely in the same order as the throughput of well-designed PoStake-based protocols.  

Energy Waste 
The PoW protocols at the core of many blockchain networks involve irresponsible energy 
waste on a massive scale. As of January 2018, it is estimated that the Bitcoin network 
consumes between $2 to $4 million USD worth of energy per day and that the Ethereum 
network consumes around $2.5 million USD worth of energy per day.   
This energy waste is an unfortunate byproduct of the cryptographic hashing puzzle that is 
used in these networks to determine fair entitlement for block rewards. Due to the dominance 
of the electricity cost, these protocols give unfair advantage to entities that operate from world 
locations that have lower electricity costs compared to tech enthusiasts residing in major 
cities where energy costs are higher. The high energy costs require a resultant increase in 
block mining to offset costs.  
At its core, the Spacemesh consensus protocol achieves consensus between network nodes 
without creating a race between nodes in order to solve a cryptographic puzzle that 
incentivizes all nodes to constantly execute computations that cause considerable energy 
waste. Compared to a PoW, PoST requires substantially less energy use, as the “difficulty” can 
be increased by extending the time period over which data is stored without increasing 
computation costs and energy use. This is our core innovation: a protocol that achieves similar 
or, in some aspects, improved properties in comparison to PoW-based consensus protocols, 
while being ecologically friendly.  
While the production process of computer storage is not by itself environmentally friendly, the 
total environmental impact of a network that is designed to utilize an existing resource is 
significantly less than a network where each node consistently consumes large amounts of 

​It is difficult to estimate the exact energy costs for the Bitcoin network as most mining happens in dedicated data centers 
running custom ASIC farms and about 30% to 40% of data center operational costs are cooling expenses that go beyond the 
electricity spent to power servers. ​​ A quick back of the envelope calculation 
considering current energy prices and the cost and performance of a modern Bitcoin ASIC mining rig, excluding any cooling 
expenses and considering the current average network hashing rate, amounts to about $1.8M USD per year in electricity costs.   
At 0.12 USD per kWh - average US consumer electricity price. 139 th/s total network hashrate according to​ on 1/29/2018.  
High Transaction Fees 
High transaction fees are a major blockchain issue for all cryptocurrencies, especially for 
cryptocurrencies like Spacemesh, which are designed to be used as means of payment rather 
than merely as a store of value.  
Given the current number of daily transactions, each Ethereum transaction costs about $4.50 
USD. Some estimates for the price of a Bitcoin transaction place the actual cost at $58 USD 
per transaction.  
In a steady-state cryptocurrency, the compensation for maintaining the network through 
mining and other infrastructure services comes entirely from transaction fees. This means that 
the total amount of fees awarded must be at least the total cost of network maintenance, and 
still higher for validators to be able to profit from the services they provide to the network. 
Denote ​c​ the total maintenance cost and ​n ​the total number of transactions; the 
per-transaction fee is lower-bounded by c ​ /n​. In consequence, in order to reduce transaction 
fees one must either reduce the cost of maintenance, such as by replacing PoWs with a 
cheaper alternative, or increase the transaction rate, which requires high scalability. 
Spacemesh manages to both reduce the cost of network maintenance (c) and increase the 
transaction rate (n), allowing a much lower transaction fee than is possible for PoW-based 
As Spacemesh Coin aims to be a means of payment and not a store of value or a speculative 
financial security, a successful Spacemesh network translates to a high daily transaction 
volume. With such a volume, it is possible to keep transaction fees low while still making it 
profitable for validators to participate in the network. This is due to the fact that validators will 
not need to generate revenue to offset investment in dedicated mining hardware. The 
challenge ahead of us is to find a transaction fee design that satisfies these conditions. 


481 kWh per transaction at 0.12 kWh consumer US power bill rate. h
​ ttps:// 
Section 2 - Spacemesh Technology Overview 
Spacemesh protocol replaces the notion of a blockchain with a mesh, a layered directed 
acyclic graph (DAG) that provides irreversibility and economic finality--and is race free. 
Spacemesh is the first provably secure cryptocurrency protocol that doesn’t involve PoW or 
PoStake, assuming honesty of a majority of the PoST storage. 
When a Bitcoin miner verifies and includes certain transactions in a block that she creates, she 
then collects the transaction fees as her reward. Other miners should also verify those 
transactions and thereby ensure that the chain that they try to extend is valid, even though they 
do not collect any rewards for those transactions. Thus, rational miners can do a cost-benefit 
analysis, and may decide to skip the verification of transactions in prior blocks. Indeed, this 
behavior appears to be widespread among Bitcoin miners, as some miners lost a significant 
amount of funds due to the BIP66 softfork.   
In Spacemesh this risk is mitigated because miners do not engage in tight races against one 
another; therefore, they have plenty of time to verify the transactions that reside in the blocks 
that they endorse. Thus, it is less risky to have transactions with complex scripts in 
Spacemesh relative to blockchain protocols. 
A rational Bitcoin miner may decline to retransmit transactions that were sent to her, thereby 
increasing the likelihood that she will collect more fees when she eventually solves a block.  
Such behavior would damage the performance of the Bitcoin system from the point of view of 
its users, as transactions would be confirmed at a slower overall rate. In Spacemesh, the 
transaction fees are divided among all miners who created blocks in the recent layers, and 
hence an individual miner does not gain by keeping transactions secret. 
In Bitcoin, rational and malicious parties may benefit from offering bribes to other miners, by 
sending in-band messages in an anonymous fashion. A rational miner may fork a high-value 
block by collecting only some of its transactions, therefore enabling the next miners to pick up 
the rest of the transactions and earn extra fees. A malicious adversary may even put a 
“poisonous” transaction tx0 in the honest chain and offer high fees for blocks that include 
another transaction that conflicts with tx0, subsequently incentivizing rational miners to work 
on a fork. Similar to the rational miner, this adversary may also mine blocks that do not include 
all the transactions that honest miners collected in their chain, and in effect incentivize rational 
miners to work on her fork without offering overt bribes.  

​L. Luu, J. Teutsch, R. Kulkarni, and P. Saxena, “Demystifying incentives in the consensus computer,” in 22nd ACM CCS, 
​G. Maxwell, 2015, h​ ttps://
On Bitcoin and red balloons - ​ 
​J. Bonneau, “Why buy when you can rent? - bribery attacks on bitcoin-style consensus,” in Financial Cryptography Bitcoin 
Workshop, 2016. K. Liao and J. Katz, “Incentivizing double-spend collusion in bitcoin,” in Financial Cryptography Bitcoin 
Workshop, 2017. 
In Spacemesh, the fees are shared among all the blocks of a layer; additionally, conflicting 
transactions do not invalidate referencing blocks, which renders these kinds of bribe strategies 

Proof of Space Time (PoST) 

The concept of PoST, first published in 2016, was pioneered by Professor Tal Moran, 
SpacemeshOS chief scientist, and Dr. Ilan Orlev. An updated paper that covers theoretical 
and practical improvements to PoST, an overview of the PoST protocol used in Spacemesh, 
and the protocol security proofs is in development and currently under academic peer review. 
A PoST allows a prover to convince a verifier that she spent a “space-time” resource - storing 
data in space over a period of time. Formally, we define the PoST resource as a trade-off 
between CPU work and space-time. Under reasonable cost assumptions, a rational user will 
prefer to use the lower-cost space-time resource over CPU work. Compared to a PoW, a PoST 
requires less energy use, as the “difficulty” can be increased by extending the time period over 
which data is stored without increasing computation costs.  
Our definition is similar to “Proofs of Space” but, unlike the previous definitions, takes into 
account amortization attacks and storage duration. Moreover, our protocol uses a very 
different but simpler technique, making use of the fact that we explicitly allow a space-time 
tradeoff, and does not require any non-standard assumptions beyond random oracles. 
Using a PoST protocol, provers show that they have reserved a portion of their storage for a 
specified time, hence “space-time.” The reserved storage cannot be used for anything else 
during that time, and in particular, cannot be used for other PoST proofs. For example, a user 
can prove that she reserved 100GB for a month. Specifically, the PoST actually proves the 
statement, “Either I stored 100GB for a month, or I wasted a corresponding amount of CPU 
work”; however, we set the parameters, so it is less expensive to utilize storage than it is to use 
CPU work.  
All permissionless consensus protocols must have some limit on the power of the adversary, 
in order to avoid theoretical impossibility results. In PoW-based protocols, the limit is the 
amount of CPU throughput that the adversary can control. For PoStake-based protocols, it is 
limited by how much money is controlled, while in Proof of Space and PoST-based protocols, 
control is based on storage space.  
The main difference between Proof of Space and PoST is that in Proof of Space, the “time” 
element is implicit. For our purposes, we can think of Proof of Space protocols as PoST 
protocols with a fixed initialization cost that depends linearly on the space used. Therefore, in 

​Rational Proofs of Space-Time h​ ttps://  
​Proofs of Space ​  
order to make storage preferable to work, Proof of Space protocols require either enormous 
amounts of storage or proofs repeated at short intervals.  
For the Spacemesh implementation of the PoST initial setup phase, we choose a GPU-friendly 
and a memory-hard hash function that makes it uneconomical to build a dedicated ASIC to 
perform the task, since a modern GPU is close to the ideal ASIC for this function. 

Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) 

A drawback of PoST compared to PoW is that PoST is not “self-contained.” A PoW proof is a 
single string that can be verified algorithmically “on its merits.” In contrast, a PoST proof has 
two phases: a commitment phase and a proof phase, each of which generates a string. Given 
these two strings (we name c ​ ommit​ and π
​ )​ , the verifier can be convinced that the prover stored 
X GB of data for a length of time equal to the interval between the generation of the commit 
and the time at which the prover learned the challenge for the proof phase.  
In reality, the length of this interval is unknown but is critical towards understanding how much 
of the resource was spent: storing X GB for a minute is much cheaper than storing it for a 
month. To solve this problem, we have introduced Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET). 
A PoET is a single string that proves at least T time must have passed from the time the initial 
challenge was learned. We use the PoET to convert a PoST into a single, self-contained proof. 
The basic idea is that the commit string from the PoST is used as the challenge for the PoET; 
then the PoET is used as a challenge for the proof phase of the PoST. The final, complete 
proof consists of the commit string, the PoET and π, the PoST proof string. If T, the time 
parameter for the PoET, was one month, the verifier can be convinced that the prover must 
have reserved the data for at least a month, since it could not learn the outcome of the PoET 
before then. 
The Spacemesh Foundation will provide and maintain PoET public servers as a free public 
utility for the network. These servers will provide a PoET service to network nodes. Nodes do 
not need to trust the PoET servers as they can efficiently and independently verify the 
correctness of the output of the PoET servers. Note that the Spacemesh protocol will accept 
any​ v​ alid PoET, not just those generated by the Spacemesh Foundation PoET servers. Thus, 
nodes can choose to use alternative servers for PoET (or generate the proofs themselves).  
However, the cost-per-proof for a PoET can be reduced enormously by increasing the number 
of PoETs per server since each additional proof adds only a small number of hash evaluations 
to the total cost. Thus, as long as the Spacemesh foundation PoET server is available and free, 
there is no incentive to create new servers. 
We are also considering introducing an incentive system for providing PoET proofs and are 
going to fully open source the PoET server source code, so that anyone, without restriction, will 

be able to run a PoET server and receive compensation in Spacemesh Coins for providing this 
utility to the network. 

Non-Interactive Proof of Space-Time (NIPST) 

A PoST, formally defined in “Proofs of space-time and rational proofs of storage,”20 is a 
two-phase protocol. In the first phase, the prover commits to store some random data, with 
respect to a specific ID (seed). In the second phase, the prover receives a challenge, and 
proves that the data is still stored (or was recomputed). Unlike a PoST, a NIPST has only a 
single phase. Given an id, a space parameter S, a duration D and a challenge ch, a NIPST is a 
single message that convinces a verifier that the prover expended S · D space-time after 
learning the challenge ch.  
A NIPST scheme consists of three algorithms. See fig. 1.3.  
○ InitializeNIPST(id: seed ID, S: space) 
○ GenerateNIPST(id: seed ID, S: space, D: duration, ch: challenge , σ) 
○ VerifyNIPST(id: seed ID, S: space, D: duration, ch: challenge, π: proof)  

Constructing a NIPST from a PoST and a PoET 

Given a PoST and a PoET, the construction of a NIPST is straightforward: the PoST 
commitment will serve as the PoET challenge and the PoET will serve as the PoST challenge. 
The proof itself consists of the PoST commitment, the PoET proof and the PoST proof. Note 
that the PoST must have sigma-protocol form: the initialization must consist of the prover 
sending a single “commitment” message, and the execution phase of the verifier sending a 
random challenge and the prover responding with a single proof message (the API for a 
sigma-PoST is summarized in fig. 1.1, and for the PoET in fig. 1.2). 

Intuitively, an adversary cannot guess the commitment value without first generating the PoST 
data (otherwise it could either break the binding property of the commitment or the 
initialization work property of the PoST), and cannot guess the PoET outcome before the 
elapsed duration since learning the PoST commitment (otherwise it could violate PoET 


The Spacemesh Protocol - An Informal Description 

1. Consensus, Contracts and Crypto-currencies 

The technical descriptions of cryptocurrencies usually describe one intricate protocol that 
“solves” multiple problems at once: how to agree on history, what the currency can do (what is 
a transaction/smart contract) and the currency’s monetary policy (e.g., how the supply of coins 
is controlled). However, the solutions to these problems are, in many ways, independent. We 
can separate the building blocks of a cryptocurrency intro three layers: 

1.1 Ledger 
The ledger layer is responsible for generating a consensus on an “append-only ledger.” The 
ledger maintains a list of transactions: the protocol specifies how someone who attaches to 
the network can retrieve this list. Although different parties might get slightly different lists, the 
ledger protocol must guarantee several properties:  

○ Consensus on transaction order:​ ​ All honest parties must agree on the order in which 
transactions appear on the ledger.21  

○ Irreversibility:​ The ledger cannot be modified—only extended with additional entries.22  

○ Liveness:​ The ledger grows over time (i.e., an adversary can’t prevent some new 
transactions from eventually being added to the ledger).23    

○ Fairness:​ The fraction of honest transactions in the ledger is proportional to the honest 
users’ resources. In particular, this means adversaries can’t force the ledger to include 
only their own transactions. 
For the purposes of this layer, transactions are opaque strings—there’s no need to interpret 
them in any way. This is an important property, since it allows us to “modularize” 
crypto-currencies—the underlying ledger can be replaced without changing the layers above it. 
(For optimization purposes, a cryptocurrency built on top of the ledger can add additional 
restrictions, in order to prevent clearly invalid transactions from entering the ledger in the first 
place, but we ignore that here). 

1.2 Consensus Computer 

The consensus computer is a state machine responsible for transforming an ordered list of 
transactions into a useful state.” At this layer we can define coins, accounts and contracts, and 
specify how transactions can be used to manipulate them. At an abstract level, one can think 

​T​here may be disagreement about recent entries in the ledger, but as we look further back in history, the probability of 
disagreement should go down exponentially.  
​Like the consensus property, irreversibility is only required to hold for “sufficiently old” transactions. 
​This property is sometimes called “chain growth.” 
of the consensus computer as describing a deterministic computer whose only input is the list 
of transactions. By “running” this computer over the list, we can compute the “current state.”  
The ledger layer guarantees that all honest users see the same list of transactions. Since the 
state machine is deterministic, they will reach the same state after running it on the 
transactions in the ledger (of course, there may be disagreements on the most recent entries 
in the ledger, so honest users are only guaranteed to completely agree on “sufficiently old” 

1.3 Economy 
The economy layer describes how coins are created and destroyed, how monetary policy is 
determined and implemented. Examples of questions addressed in this layer are “is the supply 
of coins capped?”, “do old coins expire?” and “how do we allocate the initial distribution of 

2. Preliminaries 
The purpose of the spacemesh consensus protocol is to implement the ledger layer of a 
crypto-currency. In this document, we don’t discuss the layers above (although of course a 
complete crypto-currency implements all of them). 
We implement the ledger by implementing consensus on a ​blockmesh​ -​ a layered DAG in 
which each node is a ​block​, each block is a member of an indexed layer, and edges only point 
“backwards”: i.e., a block in layer i can have an edge to a block in layer ​j​ only if j​ ​ < ​i.​  

2.1 From Blockmesh to Ledger 

A ledger must return a list of t​ ransactions​. How do we get from a blockmesh (where each 
block may contain multiple transactions) to a ledger? 

Block IDs​ W
​ e assume each block has a unique ID that can be computed from the contents of 
the block. W.l.o.g., the ID can be the entire contents, but in practice we use a collision-resistant 
hash of the contents. For a block B ​ ​, we denote id​B​ the ID of block ​B​. 

Total Order on Blocks​ We use the following rules to define a full ordering between blocks. Let 
A​ be a block in layer i​ ​ and ​B​ a block in layer ​j.​ Then the order between A ​ ​ and B
​ ​ is the 
lexicographic order between the tuples ( i​ ,​ id​A )​ and ( ​j,​ id​B ),
​ where the first element is most 
significant (i.e., order first by layer, then by ID). 

Total Order on Transactions​ Each block contains an ordered list of transactions. These lists 
are not mutually exclusive—the same transaction can appear in multiple blocks. To get a full 
order on transactions from the blockmesh, we consider only the first block (according to the 
total block order) in which each transaction appears.  
If transactions ​s​ and t​ ​ appear in different blocks, they are ordered according to the block 
ordering. If they appear in the same block, they are ordered according to their indices in the 

From Total Order to Consensus on Complex State​ The layer above consensus in the 
crypto-currency protocol stack is the state machine: in this layer the participants agree on the 
state of a virtual computer and its continuing evolution. Once users agree on a total order of 
transactions​, the agreement on the current state of the virtual computer is immediate. 
Starting from genesis (where the virtual computer has, by definition, an agreed initial state), 
every transaction modifies the state deterministically. To compute the current state, users 
execute all transactions, in their agreed order.  
Of course, since users are guaranteed to agree only on a ​prefix​ of the transaction list (there 
may be disagreements about recently-posted transactions), they are also guaranteed to agree 
only on a prefix of the state evolution. That is, users may disagree on the state after running 
the ​entire​ list of transactions if they disagree on the order of the recent ones. 

2.2 Communication Model and Security Assumptions 

Our communication model is basically identical to that of existing permissionless consensus 
protocols: all network nodes are connected via a “gossip network.” Messages sent via the 
gossip network eventually reach all connected nodes; honest nodes that receive a new 
message will gossip it to their neighbors. We assume a known, bounded delay ​δ​ on the 
communication over the gossip network: every message seen (or sent) by an honest node will 
be seen by a​ ll​ honest nodes within time ​δ​ (if a node is disconnected from the network, it no 
longer counts as “honest” in terms of our security assumptions). 
We don’t assume anything about the network beyond the bounded delay. In particular, we must 
tolerate an adversary that can schedule messages arbitrarily subject to the delay bound (e.g., it 
can ensure that one honest node receives a message immediately, while another must wait 
time ​δ​ before receiving the message—even if the message was sent by an honest node). 
Security Assumptions​ The security of the Spacemesh protocol relies on several assumptions; 
some are limits on the power of the adversary compared to honest users, and some on the 
power of the adversary to solve certain computational problems at all: 
○ Honest super-majority of resources:​ ​ Our main non-standard assumption is that honest 
nodes control a super-majority of the space-time resources devoted to this network. The 
size of the required majority depends on protocol parameters, but think of it as ⅔.  

○ Standard cryptographic assumptions:​ ​ We also assume that the adversary satisfies 

various standard cryptographic assumptions: for example, we rely on public-key signature 
schemes, as well as slightly more exotic cryptographic primitives, such as verifiable 
random functions.  

○ Random oracles:​ The Spacemesh protocol uses a “random oracle” in its formal 
description and analysis. We instantiate the oracle using a cryptographic hash function 
(such as SHA-256). While no hash function has all the properties of a random oracle, we 
assume the adversary cannot exploit the internal structure of the hash function to attack 
the protocol (this assumption is made by all existing crypto-currency protocols based on 

Space-Time Resources​ The Spacemesh protocol replaces proof-of-work (PoW) with 
proof-of-space time (PoST). Whereas a PoW proves that a user has performed a certain 
amount of CPU work, a PoST proves that a user has allocated a certain amount of storage 
space for a certain amount of time (e.g., stored 100GB for one week).24  
We use a non-interactive version of the PoST protocol that, syntactically, is similar to a PoW: a 
user receives a challenge, stores data for the specified amount of time following the challenge, 
and then computes a proof that the data is still stored correctly. Given the challenge and the 
proof, any verifier can check that the space-time resources were expended as required. 

2.3 Challenges in Achieving a Race-Free Consensus 

The underlying gossip network ensures that all honest parties eventually receive every block 
transmitted over it. Thus, they agree on which blocks were transmitted and on their contents. 
As we describe in section 2.1, once we agree on which blocks should be included in the 
blockmesh, agreeing on the order is straightforward. 
The main challenge is that, while nodes do agree on which blocks were transmitted, they may 
not agree on the timing and order in which blocks were received. However, the timing 
information is critical in determining which blocks should be included—otherwise an attacker 
can wait until consensus is achieved, and then publish new blocks that claim to belong to “old” 
layers. If these blocks are not rejected, the irreversibility property of the ledger is violated. 
Naively, we can simply use a “cutoff” time for each layer. That is, a block will be accepted to 
layer ​i​ only if it was received before time t​ ​i .​ If we instruct honest nodes to switch to layer-​i​ + 1 
sufficiently early before the cutoff, we can ensure that every honestly-generated block is 
accepted by every honest node. 
The problem with the naive scheme is that the adversary can publish blocks late; for example, 
just before the cutoff. In this case, some honest nodes might receive the block before the 
cutoff, and some afterwards. The consensus protocol must ensure that all honest nodes agree 
on whether these “late” blocks should be included in the blockmesh.  

3. The Spacemesh Protocol 

The Spacemesh protocol follows the basic structure of Meshcash framework.25 At a high level, 
each block “votes” about the validity of all previous blocks, and nodes decide whether or not a 
block is valid (i.e., should be included in the block-mesh) by counting the votes (for blocks that 
are sufficiently “old” to have a significant vote count) or by using a separate, off-chain 
byzantine-agreement protocol (for recent blocks). 

​Formally, users prove that they either used space-time or performed CPU work, but we set the parameters so that the cost 
of performing the CPU work is much greater than just storing the data. 
I​ . Bentov, P. Huba ́cek, T. Moran, and A. Nadler. Tortoise and hares consensus: the meshcash framework for 
incentive-compatible, scalable cryptocurrencies. ​IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive​, 2017:300, 2017.​ .
3.1 Node Registration and Block Eligibility  
Unlike a PoW, which can be thought of as a “lottery,” the time to generate a valid PoST proof is 
basically deterministic. Thus, we can’t use the bound on the proof generation rate to limit the 
number of blocks generated in each time period. Instead, we require every node to register 
their ID by posting a special registration transaction. Thus, in every layer we have an explicit list 
of the nodes that could potentially generate a block in that layer.  

We select a subset of eligible blocks by applying a “random function” to the IDs of the 
registered nodes, and selecting only those who pass the threshold. The threshold itself is set 
so that the expected number of eligible nodes remains constant (similar to the difficulty 
adjustment in Bitcoin). 

We set parameters so that generating a new ID is costly, and the expected time between 
eligible blocks for a given ID is fairly small, so rational adversaries won’t bother “grinding” on 
IDs in order to create eligible blocks. 

3.2 Types of Validity 

We consider two kinds of validity: syntactic validity is what can be determined entirely by the 
contents of the block (and the blocks reachable from it in the DAG). This includes things like 
whether the PoST is valid. We call any validity rule that isn’t syntactic a contextual validity rule. 
This includes any rules that depend on other blocks received later (e.g., the Bitcoin 
“longest-chain” rule is contextual, since a block can be invalidated if another, longer, chain is 
received by the miner), as well as local information such as the time at which blocks were 
received. For a block to be valid, it must be b
​ oth ​syntactically and contextually valid. 

3.3 Syntactic Validity Rules 

In order for a block B to be syntactically valid in layer i, it must satisfy the following properties: 

○ Node Eligibility:​ ​The Node ID embedded in B must be eligible to generate a block in layer 

○ PoST Validity:​ ​ The header of block B must contain a valid proof that sufficient 
space-time resources were expended by the node that generated it. 

○ Recursive Syntactic Validity:​ Every block in B’s visible mesh must be syntactically valid. 

○ Transaction Syntactic Validity (optional):​ Every transaction included in the block is 
syntactically valid. Syntactic validity of transactions can depend only on their contents, 
and not on the order relation to other transactions (this is just an optimization; it is also 
okay to depend on the order of sufficiently old transactions, for which consensus and 
irreversibility already hold with high probability). 

3.4 Contextual Validity Rules 

The  contextual  validity  rules  are  more  complex.  At  a  high  level,  the  idea  is  as  follows:  For 

recent  blocks  (i.e.,  blocks  that  are  less  than  hdist  layers  in  the  past)  we  run  a  separate  “hare 
protocol”  (in  this  case,  one  that  performs  off-chain  byzantine  agreement)  to  determine  the 
contextual validity of the block. 
For older blocks, we let succeeding blocks “vote” about their validity. The validity rule is 
recursive: every block “counts” the votes of all the preceding blocks, and uses that to compute 
its own vote. If we don’t care about maliciously-generated blocks, this strategy would suffice. 
However, by timing the publication of a block, the adversary could cause honest parties to 
disagree about its contextual validity, and then use a “balancing attack” to keep the honest 
parties evenly split (using a small fraction of the honest party’s resources to keep the two 
sides “balanced”).  
To overcome this type of attack we use an off-chain byzantine agreement protocol between 
the parties who published a block in the previous layer. This guarantees that honest parties 
agree on every recent layer, and thus that the voting margins for older blocks will always 
While the protocol as described above will guarantee our desired security properties, it could 
fail catastrophically if our security assumptions are violated (e.g., if the adversary manages to 
gain temporary control of a majority of the space-time resources).  
To ensure the protocol can “self-heal” from this type of extremely powerful attack (or very low 
probability accident), spacemesh includes an additional layer of protection: it guarantees 
eventual consensus even if the hare protocol completely fails. In order to do this, we use an 
additional tool: a “weak common coin” that is used to decide validity in some cases where an 
attack has been detected. 

3.4.1 Coin Flips and Layer Challenges 

Every layer is associated with two “random” values: 

○ k-layer challenge: ​ The challenge for layer i​ ,​ denoted ch​i​, is an ​unpredictable ​bit string; the 
probability that the adversary can output ch​i​ before the start of layer i​ − ​ k is negligible. On 
the other hand, at the start of layer i​ ,​ all honest parties must agree on the value of ch​i 
except with negligible probability. This is the challenge used for producing PoST proofs, 
for example. 

○ p​-coin flip:​ We denote coin​i​ t​ he result of the coin flip for layer ​i.​ No adversary can predict 
coin ​i w
​ ith probability more than 1 − ​p ​before the start of layer i​ .​ Moreover, with probability 
at least ​p,​ all honest parties agree that coin​i​ = ​ 0 at the start of layer ​i,​ and with probability 
at least ​p a ​ ll honest parties agree that coin​i​ =
​ 1 at the start of layer ​i.​ The coin flip is used 
to guarantee eventual consensus in cases where the hare protocol fails (due to temporary 
violation of our underlying majority assumptions, or a very-low probability “accident”). 
We implement the challenges and coin-flips using the blockmesh itself (we defer the detailed 
descriptions to the full version of the paper). 

3.4.2 Late Blocks 
The first level of contextual validation is filtering out late blocks. A layer-i block is late if it was 
received more than ​δ​ time after the start of layer i (according to the node’s local clock).  

Note that honest nodes will always accept honestly-generated blocks, since those are 
transmitted at the start of layer i​ ,​ and are guaranteed to be received by all honest nodes within 
time ​δ.​ On the other hand, honest nodes may not agree on the validity of maliciously-generated 
blocks, since those may be transmitted at any time. 

3.4.3 Voting Rules 

Hdist:​ T
​ he number of recent layers whose validity is determined by the Hare protocol (e.g., 
when hdist = 2 the Hare protocol decides on the validity of layers ​t − ​ 1 at time ​t)​ . 
​ 2 and t​ −
In order to be contextually valid at time ​t,​ block ​B​ in layer ​i​ < t​ ​ must be syntactically valid and 
satisfy two properties: 

○ Majority rule:​ Evaluating this rule depends on the value of t​ ​ − ​i 

Case 1.  If ​t − i ≤
​ hdist, the contextual validity is determined by executing the hare validity 
Case 2.  If ​t − i >
​ hdist, the contextual validity is determined by executing the ​tortoise 
validity function. 

○ Unique  ID  rule​:  Every  node  ID  can  generate  at  most  one  block  per  layer.  If  two  blocks  in 
the  same  layer  have  the  same  node  ID  and  both  are  considered  valid  according  to  the 
majority rule, only the block with the lowest ID (lexicographically) is considered valid. 

Note that a block can be contextually valid even though it is late (otherwise honest nodes 
might never reach consensus on blocks that appear late to a minority of the honest nodes).  

3.5 Simplified Tortoise: Complete Voting Transcripts 

Here, we describe a simplified (but communication-inefficient) version of the Tortoise 
protocol. In this version of the protocol, each block includes a “vote” (accept/reject) for every 
block in the visible mesh. (In the full version, we will show how to optimize the protocol so that 
this explicit list can be omitted.) 

In a nutshell, to determine the validity of a block B, the tortoise validity function counts votes 
on B’s validity from every block in the succeeding layers; if there’s a significant majority in 
either direction (i.e., for or against), the majority rules. Otherwise, it takes a second poll, 
counting only the last layer. Again, if there’s a significant majority, the majority rules. 
Otherwise, the node uses the value of the common coin to decide on validity.  

An important point is that syntactically-valid blocks can get a vote even if they’re not 
contextually valid. This prevents recursive loops in computing validity. A more subtle issue is 
that each node id is only allowed one vote per layer. If it attempts more votes, they are all 

considered invalid (this is because generating many PoSTs for the same id in the same layer 
does not require significantly more resources than generating one). 

3.5.1 Non-Voting Blocks 

One of the main differences between basing security on PoW and basing it on space-time is 
that, unlike a PoW, the space-time resource can’t bound to a specific “vote” (since we need to 
reuse the same storage space for multiple blocks). This means that, potentially, a malicious 
adversary can attack in the following way:  

1. At time t​ ​, generate 2 layer-​t b

​ locks with the same node ID, one that votes x​ a
​ nd the other 
¬​x​. Note that this doesn’t require extra resources. Publish block x​ ​. 

2. At time t​ ​+ ​s,​ publish block ¬​x.​  

Looking only at syntactic validity, both blocks are equally valid. Thus, in counting the votes, we 
also consider the time at which blocks were received, and ignore late blocks.  

Unfortunately, this causes another problem: for maliciously-generated blocks, honest nodes 
might not agree on which blocks were late. Using the naıve rule of simply ignoring votes from 
late blocks, a single malicious node ID can cause a difference of 2 in the vote counts of honest 
users by “double voting”: the malicious node generates two blocks, one voting f​ or ​and the 
other a
​ gainst ​block B
​ ​.  

One honest user will receive the f​ or ​block early and the other late, while another honest user 
receives them in opposite order. In order to reduce the power of the adversary to launch such 
an attack, we introduce the following rule: 

No double-voting rule:​ ​ If two blocks ​B,​ ​B′​ are both in layer ​i ​and have the same Node ID, and 
both were received before time i​ ​+ ​δ,​ then both are considered ​invalid​. Note that the vote is 
invalidated even if one of the blocks is late (this ensures that if any honest node counts the 
node ID as voting in one direction, no honest node will count it voting in the other direction). 

3.5.2 Choosing the Thresholds 

Correctly choosing the global (​θG​​ ) and local (​θL​​ ) vote thresholds is critical for the security of 
the protocol. In order for security to hold, we need the following properties to be satisfied: 

1. Self-Perpetuating Local Agreement​:​ If all honestly generated blocks in layer t​ ​vote X ​  

about block ​B​, then in the view of a
​ ll h
​ onest parties at time t​ + X
​ 1 it holds that v t >​ θ​L​T​ave​ . 

2. α​-Local to Global Agreement:​ ​ ​ For every honest party P ​ ​, every block ​B a​ t layer ​i,​ and every 
intermediate vote total for B ​ ​at layer s​ ​, there exists t​ ≥ ​ ​s ​such that if an α ​ -​ fraction of 
honestly-generated blocks in layers s ​ ​, . . . , ​t v​ ote X ​ ​about block B ​ ​, then the vote total for 
block ​B a
​ ccording to P
​ ​is greater than θ ​ ​G​(​t ​− i​ )​ ​T​ave . 

3. No Local Disagreement:​ ​ If, in the view of some honest party ​P​, v tX >
​ θ​L​T​ave​, then there 
​ ​′ such that v t¬X ​> θ​L​T​ave​ . 
does not exist an honest party P

4. No Strong Global Disagreement: ​ ​ If, in the view of some honest party ​P​, v tX >
​ θ​G​(​t −
​ i​ )​ ​T​ave​, 
then there does not exist an honest party ​P​′ such that v t¬X > θ
​ G​​ (​t −
​ i​ )​ ​T​ave​ .​  

5. Local ​α-​ Catch-up:​ ​ If, in the view of some honest party ​P,​ v tX ​> θ​L​T​ave​, then the fraction of 
honest blocks in layer t​ ​that voted X
​ ​is at least α
​ .​  

3.5.3 Security Intuition 

For security, we rely on the fact that a large-enough majority of the “active” ids are honest; 
thus, the ​eligible i​ ds—a large random subset of the active ids—will also have approximately the 
same majority of honest ids (with high probability).  

Standard operation​ ​ In standard operation, the hare protocol guarantees that all honest parties 
agree on the validity of all recent blocks. Initially, no block reaches the global vote threshold, so 
the validity of blocks is decided by the last-layer voting rule. Since all honest parties agree, all 
honestly-generated blocks will vote the same way in the first non-hare layer, hence by 
“Self-Perpetuating Local Agreement” (property 1) of the local threshold, all honest parties will 
continue to agree in all succeeding layers. By property 2, eventually all honest parties will have 
global agreement. Once this occurs, reversing history will require reducing the honest lead 
(compared to the global threshold) but the probability that this will happen is negligible (and 
vanishes exponentially quickly in the number of layers, using an argument similar to the Bitcoin 
“race” analysis.  

Self-healing from limited failures​ ​ Suppose all honest parties disagree on at most ​q ·​ (1 +​ ε​) · 
T​ave​ · ​x v​ otes in any layer interval of length ​x.​ We consider the following cases: 

Case 1​.​ ​No honest party passed the global threshold​.​ In this case, all honest parties use the 
local threshold, and then the coin. If any honest party passed the local threshold, 
then whenever the coin matches, all honest parties will locally agree, and the 
combination of properties 1 and 2 will ensure eventual global agreement. (if no 
honest party has passed the local threshold, then all honest parties agree on the 

Case 2. ​Some honest party has passed the global threshold with vote X ​ ​.​ By our threshold 
settings (property 4), this implies that no honest party passed the threshold with vote 
¬​X.​ We consider the subcases:  

Case 2.1  All honest parties passed the local threshold with vote X​. In this case, it’s 
just a matter of time until all honest parties pass the global threshold (due 
to properties 1 and 2). 

Case 2.2  At least one honest party did not pass the local threshold with vote X, but 
no honest party passed the local threshold with vote ​¬X​ ​. In this case, 
honest parties either agree with ​X d
​ ue to passing the local threshold, or 
use the coin. Hence, if the coin succeeds and gives outcome ​X​, all honest 
parties will agree, putting us back in case 2.1. Since this happens with 

constant probability, the probability that it will not occur within k​ ​rounds is 
exponentially small in ​k.​  

Case 2.3  At least one honest party passed the local threshold with vote​¬X​ ​. In this 
case, by property 5, the fraction of honest blocks voting ¬​X m
​ ust be at 
least α. If a layer of this type occurs too many times consecutively, by 
property 2 eventually all honest parties will reach global agreement on ¬​X. 

For every case but case 2.3, the number of times the case can appear (in total) without “falling 
through” to consensus is bounded. Since case 2.3 can’t appear too many times consecutively, 
eventually consensus must be reached. 

Free Open Source Software (FOSS) 

Our goal is to ensure that Spacemesh becomes a free internet protocol for blockchain 
networks. To achieve this goal, we are developing Spacemesh as a free, open-source software  
26 ​
(FOSS) under the permissive MIT license. We also ensure that Spacemesh is free from patent 
and from proprietary closed-source software. All of the various Spacemesh software systems 
will be fully openly sourced, with all novel protocols and proofs used by Spacemesh publicly 
published, thus encouraging review and open community debate. 
We also believe that software applications such as the Spacemesh node, designed to be 
installed by people on their home PCs and particularly blockchain consensus software, must 
be fully open source so that independent security researchers can fully review the code and 
ensure that is not malicious in any way. We stand behind the code to actually faithfully 
implement the published protocols; thus advanced users may easily compile and run directly 
from source code. 
Additionally, we believe that developing Spacemesh as FOSS is important for the creation of a 
healthy and vibrant global community around the project, in which we welcome collaboration 
and encourage contributors to take a major role in the early adoption and success of the 

Additional Resources 
Spacemesh website h ​ ttps://  
Go-spacemesh project ​  
Roadmap h ​ ttps://  
FAQ ​  
Join the conversation h ​ ttps:// 
Spaemesh on Twitter h ​ ttps://  

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