Careers in Food & Drug Law, FDLI Update June-July 2018

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Academic Programs

Reprinted with permission of the Food and Drug Law Institute from Update magazine, June-July 2018.

Careers in Food and Drug Law

by Dale Cooke

On Wednesday, March 28, I moderated a Food and Drug Law attorneys, whereas other attorneys frequently find it difficult to
Institute Careers in Food and Drug Law panel discussion at explain their work and its importance.
the Drexel University Thomas Kline Institute of Trial Advoca- Paul Savidge, the US General Counsel at Spark Therapeutics,
cy. Although I have been involved with FDLI for more than a spoke about what it is like to work in a start-up environment on
decade, it was only after I enrolled in law school that I learned cutting-edge scientific developments, particularly working in
about FDLI’s extensive program dedicated to new food and the area of orphan diseases.
drug lawyers (NFDL), including law students. Marlene Shea, Senior Counsel, Regulatory Law for Johnson
This event was the first step in bringing that program to & Johnson, spoke about her decision to move from a law firm to
students outside the Washington, DC metro area. In DC, the working in-house, and the differing quality of life.
program has been vibrant for several years. Nearly 40 students Commander Gayle Lawson, the pre-approval manager for
from Philadelphia area law schools and a few local FDLI pharmaceuticals at the Philadelphia District Office of the Food
members registered for the program. and Drug Administration, discussed the relationship between
The evening kicked off with an overview of FDLI from Amy government service and the public health, what it is like to
Rick, the president and CEO of FDLI. Laura Brown, FDLI’s actually work with companies to rectify issues identified during
educational programs director, then provided an overview of a site inspection, and the excitement and challenges associated
FDLI’s academic programming and the benefits available to with being part of the Public Health Service.
students including: Yvonne McKenzie, formerly a partner in a law firm and now
• Student Writing Competition at Merck & Co., Inc., talked about the need for food and drug
• Volunteer Opportunities to Attend Conferences for Free attorneys to always be interested in learning because of the ev-
• Training and Networking Events er-changing nature of the law in this area and ongoing scientific
developments. In response to a student question about some of
Following these presentations, a panel discussion featuring the hot areas where change is expected, McKenzie talked about
attorneys working in the food and drug area shared career the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Although signed
advice with the attendees. Rick shared her impression based on into law seven years ago, FDA continues to roll out new aspects
being an attorney in Washington for more than 30 years that in of FSMA. Such ongoing changes (which are merely a fact of life
general, food and drug attorneys are happier than other prac- for food and drug attorneys) mean that clients need to pick up
tice areas in part because the work by its very nature involves the phone to talk to their attorneys to ensure legal compliance.
issues that affect everyone’s lives. “Everybody eats,” she said. During the reception following the panel, students and
Friends and relatives can understand the role of food and drug panelists exchanged contact information and continued the
discussion. Rick mentioned her desire to build on the success of
the evening’s program with future events in other cities, thereby
Dale Cooke is the president of
continuing the outreach to the next generation of food and
PhillyCooke Consulting, which helps
prescription product marketers adopt drug lawyers. FDLI
21st century communication tools
while complying with FDA regulations
written in the 1960s.

40 Update June/July 2018

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