ESIC New Inspection Policy 2008

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Employees’ State Insurance Corporation


NO.S- I 1/12/2/2008-Rev.Il June 16, 2008
All the Regional Directors/Jt. Director (I/c)
ES1 Corporation
Regional/Sub-Regional Office

Subject : New Inspection Policy 2008.

Consequent upon introduction of System of Self-Certification w.e.f. 1.4.2008 by amending Regulation 26 of the ESI
(General) Regulations under which the employers have to submit the Returns of Contribution in the revised Form-5
duly certified by a Chartered Accountant in case the employment strength of the unit is 40 and above, it has become
necessary to form a new Inspection Policy. Also keeping in view the fast changing employment pattern on account of
liberalization and globalization of industrial and economic activity in the country the focus of inspection policy has to be
beneficiary oriented so that it is ensured that coverable industries and establishments are actually complying with Law
and the beneficiaries are not deprived of the benefits under ESI Scheme. Keeping the above in view, the following
guidelines are issued for conducting the inspections hereafter in the following manner -
1. First priority will be given to Inspection of newly covered factories and establishments and this must be
undertaken within three months of the coverage of a new factory / establishment. The final date of coverage of such
new factory / establishment has to be decided within this period of 3 months and there must not be any delay in this so
that any disputes in future on this account could be avoided. The Insurance Inspector visiting the units for the first time
after coverage, has to properly guide the Employer and Employees about the Scheme and about proper upkeep of
records and filing of Returns. This will help the employers to acquaint themselves with various provisions of ESI Act
and further help them to ensure proper compliance under the Act. The Insurance Inspectors must also interact with the
employees and provide them the information about medical and cash benefits available under the Scheme.
At present there will be several old cases which are pending for decision regarding the final date of coverage. All
such pending cases must be decided at the earliest but not later than 31.3.2009. Thus, during the current financial year
all such pending cases must be decided. Pending cases should be taken in the reverse order i.e. latest case should be
taken first. At the end of the financial year 2008-09 the Insurance Inspector is required to give a Certificate that there is
no old case left for deciding the final date of coverage.
2. Second priority shall be given to inspections of those closed factories who have filed closure report under
Regulation 26 (1)(b) of ESI (General) Regulations, 1950. The inspection of such closed factories must be completed
within three months of the receipt of closure intimation. This is necessary to avoid unnecessary disputes, which arise
only on account of delay.
3. Next priority will be given to the inspections of factories and establishments which are live but defaulting as per
the Defaulters Lists for the Contribution Periods ending March and September. ESIC Hqrs has now given instructions
to prepare monthly defaulters list. Analysis of monthly defaulter list should be done regularly and if it is found that some
employer is defaulting continuously for three months then his inspection should be immediately done.
4. The next priority will be given to the inspection of those live employers who have paid the contribution but have
not filed Returns of Contribution with Self-Certification in time. During inspection the Employer must be advised to use
the Self Certification Scheme and file the Return of Contribution regularly. The main objective of such inspections
should be to guide the employer and to emphasize to him that he must comply with law and that he should pay
contribution regularly in time and should also file Returns in time.
5. Those employers who are submitting Returns of Contribution in Form-5 as per Hqrs. Instructions No.S- I l/
12/2/2007 dated 14.3.2008 would be subjected to inspections on random basis once in 3 to 5 years. The Regional
Directors / JD(I/c) shall select the units randomly in such a way that the inspections of all the employers are completed
in a cycle of 3 to 5 years. The work of generating the random list will be done by the Regional Director / JD(I/c) and will
be given to the Inspectors for random checking.
6. The employers who are not complying with Law and have neither paid the contribution nor submitted Returns of
Contribution with Self-Certification should be inspected as soon as the matter comes to the notice and should be dealt
with severely under law and quick action for recovery of contribution, interest, damages as well as filing of prosecution
against them must be taken as per existing instruction.
7. Surveys of uncovered factories/establishments for coverage if coverable should be a continuous exercise.
However intensive surveys should be conducted at least three times in a year - once in April-May, secondly in
September-October and thirdly in December -January. Help of State Government and Trade Unions should be taken in
this exercise.
8. The complaints received from various sources would first be examined in Regional/ Sub-Regional Office and its
authenticity confirmed. Anonymous complaints should normally not be entertained. If the complaint is found genuine,
then in the fist instance the employer should be called for ascertaining the facts of the complaint. If thereafter, the
contents of the complaint are found correct then Employer should be asked to take corrective steps in a given time
frame. If the Employer has not taken corrective steps within the specified time frame then detailed investigation /
inspection should be carried out and appropriate action under law should be taken.
9. Section 45(2) & (3) of the ESI Act stipulates the functions and duties of Insurance Inspectors. The main
objectives of the Insurance Inspectors are -
(1) to see that all the coverable employees are covered under the Act; and
(2) to ascertain that all the components of wages are taken into account for payment of contribution. For this
purpose, besides verification of statutory documents like Wage Register, Accident Register, challans RCs. Etc.,
verification of books of accounts and knowledge of accounting procedure adopted by a particular unit is of great
importance. Depending upon the situation prevailing in the unit being inspected, the Inspector has to examine the
relevant Books of Accounts to dig out the deliberately omitted wages. For this purpose, they may examine Cash Book
including Petty Cash Book. Journal, Ledger, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Income Tax & Sales Tax Returns
etc. To ascertain the number of employees actually working in a factory / establishment the Time Office record and / or
attendance register must be inspected, In case of inspection of Security Agencies / Labour Contractors etc. checking
the fund inflow / outflow is essential as per Hqrs. instruction No.P-12(11)-11/16/2002-Ins. IV dated 31.5.2002. In case
of Inspection of employers outsourcing the work and engaging contract workers, information in the proforma circulated
vide Hqrs. instruction No.P-12(11)11/83/05-Rev.II dated 25.10.2007 shall be collected invariably.
10. The Insurance Inspectors while visiting the Units for survey / Inspection will make it a point to meet the
Occupier / Chief Executive of the factory / establishment and handover observation slip to him/her under proper
acknowledgement. If Occupier / Chief Executive refuses to accept the observation slip, this fact should be mentioned in
the Inspection Report and the said observation slip should be sent to him/her by Regd. Post with AD, Even if there is
no observation, this should be mentioned in the report before obtaining the signature of the Occupier / Chief Executive
of the factory/establishment. If it is found that any contribution is payable on particular amount which should have been
included in wages then it should be decided on the spot during the Inspection after going through the documents.
Tendency to record observation that “further observation if any, will follow from Regional Office after further
examination of records” must be avoided. Whenever an inspection is made it should be complete and final observation
must be recorded properly.
11. Number of new units / employees covered, No. of Identity cards got prepared and distributed to beneficiaries,
omitted wages detected, level of compliance by factories/establishments, level of regular and timely deposit of
contribution and returns by factories/establishments, verification of ledgers would form the important performance
parameters to decide the performance of each Inspector. The Inspection Report of I.I.. will be treated as complete
where ledger verification is conducted. The Inspectors after checking the books of accounts As per the extant
instructions on the subject will incorporate all the details in the Inspection Report. The Insurance Inspectors have to
submit tour diary along with Inspection reports every fortnight to RD / JD (I/c). A DO letter will also be addressed to
Regional Director/ J.D. (1/c) of Sub-Region every month (by the 7th of the next month) by the Insurance Inspectors
giving the details of the activities undertaken by the I.I. in the proforma annexed. The I.I. will have to append a note in
the monthly DO indicating the steps he has taken for covering coverable units and coverable employees and issue of
TIC/PIC and at the end of the financial year I.I. will give a certificate that. “no coverable unit is left uncovered and no
coverable employee is left uncovered in a covered unit and all have been issued ESIC Cards”. An I.I.. should conduct
at least one survey and one Inspection each working day in such a way that a target of 20 Inspections and 20 Surveys
in a month is achieved.
12. In case of non-submission of records, on the first occasion the Insurance Inspector will fix the next date of
inspection in consultation with the employer and issue him a notice on the spot on which the signature of the employer
shall be obtained. If it is found that the employer is deliberately not showing records then strict action should be taken
against him and prosecution action be recommended to Regional Office/SRO, The Officer sanctioning prosecution
shall also keep in mind that prosecution is not filed as a matter of routine but only against the chronic and willful
13. The Insurance Inspector shall be free to move within his jurisdiction and his tour programme in his area of
operation does not require any approval. While visiting employer premises they should take round of the premises and
interact with the employees with regard to their coverage / issue of card / satisfaction level etc. Where the I.I. finds that
the workers were not covered, he will immediately get Declaration Forms filled and handover it to the Branch Manager
and TlCs issued on the same day or on the next day. The PICs shall be prepared by the Branch Manager within two
days and shall be sent to the employees concerned directly (and not through employers as is being done at present)
through Courier / Postal services. From now onwards TIC and PIC will be issued by ESIC directly to the Insured
Persons. In case of new coverage, a few dates should be notified in advance when ESIC officers should visit the
factory/establishment and get the declaration form filled and hand-over TIC/PIC personally to employees. TIC/PIC can
also be sent by Speed Post / Registered AD or Courier directly to the employee. It is being clarified that from now
onwards the responsibility of handing over/delivery of TIC/PIC is that of ESIC and in no case TIC/PIC would be handed
over to employer for distribution.
14. The object of this new Inspection Policy is to create a sense of cooperation and mutual trust amongst the
stakeholders i.e. employers, beneficiaries and the Corporation. Our focus has to change and we have to ensure that
coverable employees are covered and they get benefit of the ESI Scheme, and that willful defaulting employers are
dealt with severely under law and employers complying with law and filing their returns regularly as per the Self
Certification Scheme are not subjected to unnecessary inspection.
The Regional Direct ors/JD (1/c) would monitor the performance of the Insurance Inspectors on month to month
basis and the 1.1s. would be accountable for non-performance lower performance. The instructions issued earlier on
this subject stands modified to this extent. The Hqrs, Instruction No. 2/98 by letter No.S-II/12/l/74-Ins.1V dated 6.11.98
regarding segregation of wage component, maintaining transparency and accountability of the I.Is... and No.S-
11/12/2/2000-Ins.IV dated 5.12.2002 regarding non- inspection of complying unit as a matter of routine still holds good.
The above new Inspection Policy will be effective from 01.07.2008.
This issues with the approval of the IC/DG,
Yours faithfully,

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