ZET Astrometeriology Instructions
ZET Astrometeriology Instructions
ZET Astrometeriology Instructions
What is Astrometereology.
Astrometereology is the science of predicting the weather from the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets.
Proper forecasts based on astrometereology require a number of diagnostic approaches that require a certain amount of skill. For
astrometereology four charts need to be cast covering a given period of time, as follows:
1. Solar Ingress chart of the four cardinal signs.
A Chart is cast for the exact time when the sun is located at 0 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This chart is set
using the coordinates of your location but at GMT, not local time. This will indicate the seasonal influences for the year
ahead. From this chart we are able to see the broad temperature variations that will occur in this location during each season.
2. Lunation chart.
A chart is cast for the four transformational lunar events of each month, that is for the exact time at which the moon is
conjunct, square and in opposition to the sun; these represents the four phases of the moon: the new moon, the first quarter,
the full moon and the last quarter. These forecasts will provide the weekly trends covering mainly moisture aspects of the
weather for that week.
3. Mercury ingress chart.
A chart cast for the exact time when Mercury enters a particular sign; this covers air movements. The time this remains in
effect is variable as it lasts for the duration of Mercury's sojourn through that sign, which of course is variable.
4. Sunrise chart.
This chart is cast using local coordinates and is read in conjunction with the other charts to confirm or mitigate the conditions
indicated by these. This chart is interpreted using the 4th house as the main significator followed by the 1st house.
In this chart 50% of the overall prevailing conditions are described by the quality of any planets in the 4th house and any
aspects they make to other planets, followed by the sign on the cusp and the ruler of that sign.
25% of the overall prevailing conditions are described by the quality of any planets in the 1st house and any aspects they
make to other planets, followed by the sign on the cusp and the ruler of that sign.
The remaining 25% of the overall prevailing conditions are described by the remainder of the chart and in particular by any
planet in a close approaching aspect to the MC.
When interpreting the Sunrise chart, first note the planets in the 4th and 1st Houses - take note of the influence of these
planets. This will provide the 'forecast' that should be compared against the weather predicted by the lunation period.
In any interpretation pay close attention to any planets that are conjunct to the angles of the 1st and 4th house, these are very
important and may override much of the influence of the sign. Particularly note any hard aspects made by these planets.
Astrometereology and ZET.
Astrometereology is the basis for the weather forecasts in the farmer’s almanacs that are a common and often indispensable aid to
agricultural planning in many countries. As you have seen above, astrometereology requires a certain amount of work and the casting,
interpretation and comparison of four (4) separate charts is not a simple task.
As the charts have to be calculated from specific astronomical events, one has to first determine when these events will occur. Of
course a sunrise chart does not present much of a challenge, particularly as the ZET zodiac circle can be easily rotated until the sun is
located across the ascendant, which of course represents sunrise.
The Solar ingress, Lunation and Mercury ingress chart are slightly more of a challenge. Here ZET comes to the rescue. By going to
“tools”, “search for an event” and then using a simple astro-formula, e.g. “SO.Ari[1]” for Solar ingress, “SO.0,90,180.MO” to find the
closest phase of the Moon and “ME.ari[1]|ME.tau[1]|ME.gem[1]” and so on to find the nearest ingress of Mercury into a sign, makes
life relatively easy. Ensure to list the results, so that the exact times can easily be transferred to the relevant chart.
I have enclosed some interpretations for Astrometereology that I put together from a wide range of sources.
Please note however that these are highly experimental, particularly those pertaining to the Southern hemisphere, as it is very difficult
to get concise information on astrometereology, because the skills involved are often jealously guarded. I am no expert and am in fact
releasing this information in the hope that others will help correct any errors and add more information and thus breathe a little new
life in this age-old science.
Also note that the interpretations have been designed with very narrow margins in mind, so if they do not appear, your sun or mercury
is probably too far away from the cusp or your moon from the actual lunar phase, and some deft rotation of the zodiac ring in ZET to
bring the margin within ½ a degree should solve the problem.
I have also only used right angle aspects and the classical planets in my interpretations. This is the traditional way of doing things in
astrometereology and I feel that I am not advanced enough in this area to experiment beyond that point; while the ruling planet
interpretation is not of primary import and may still be added at some later stage.
Please feel free to contact me with any information, corrections or relevant issues on [email protected]
Paul Hysen - 25th. of February 2008.