CPT Modifier New
CPT Modifier New
CPT Modifier New
CPT modifier 24
Unrelated E/M service during a post-op period - Use with E/M codes
only to indicate that the E/M performed during a postoperative period
for a reason(s) unrelated to the original procedure. Modifier 24 applies
to unrelated E/M services for either a MAJOR or MINOR surgical
procedure.- Failure to use modifier when appropriate may result in
denial of the E/M service
CPT modifier 25
CPT modifier 57
Decision for surgery - Use with E/M codes billed by the surgeon to
indicate that the E/M service resulted in the decision for surgery (E/M
visit was NOT usual pre-operative care). For E/M visits prior to MAJOR
surgery (90 day post-op period) only.- Failure to use modifier when
appropriate may result in denial of the E/M service.
CPT Modifier 26
CPT Modifier 90
Reference Lab - Used to indicate a lab test sent to an outside lab. e.g.,
lab procedure performed by a party other than the treating or
reporting laboratory. NOTE: Outside lab name, address and UPIN must
be included on the claim. Section 20 must be marked "yes" and your
actual cost for each test, net any discounts, must be included in the
charges section.
CPT Modifier GH
CPT Modifier QP
ASC Modifiers
CPT Modifiers
For the most current list of modifiers, refer to the current CPT or
HCPCS Code book.
Note: The modifiers are updated on a yearly basis, and the tables are
supplied to each RPMS site by the IHS Office of Information
Technology (OIT). It is the responsibility of each Area IT to install the
updated tables.
CPT modifier 59
Modifier 59
The 59 modifier should only be used to identify codes that are on the
Correct Coding Initiative bundling table, unless specific instructions
have been published for additional functions for this modifier. A good
example is for multiple anesthesia services on the same day. We
published instructions in the Medicare Advisory for use of the 59
modifier on the second anesthesia service. This applies only when a
second operative session is involved. We extended this modifier to the
Mohs micrographic surgery procedures when a stage is repeated on a
different site during the same operative session. The modifier identifies
procedures that were performed on a separate site or during a
separate operative session. This modifier does not apply to billing the
same procedure code during the same session, such as 20550. If the
injection is performed on different knees, then
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Labels: CPT Modifier, Modifiers
Modifier 22
Modifier 22
CPT Modifier 51
Every ASC must file using the surgery code with the SG modifier. This
identifies you are filing for the facility fee. If you file without the SG
modi fier you may receive the fee schedule amount for the surgery
instead of the payment from the group rate for the facility fee This is
sometimes much lower than the facility fee and it will cause the
surgeon ’ s claim to deny. You would have to file a first line appeal to
have the SG modifier added and receive any additional payment due
to you. You will only be paid for services that the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid (CMS) approved as an ASC service. These updates are
published yearly as they are received from CMS. Code 69635SG allows
$957.36 (Richland and Lexington Counties), but when filed without the
SG (69635) it allows $826.74.