KC Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products Final Report Dec 2007

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Life Cycle Assessment of

Tissue Products

Final Report
December 2007

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world

Kimberly Clark

Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue


Final Report

December 2007

Prepared by Jacob Madsen

For and on behalf of

Environmental Resources Management

Approved by: Simon Aumonier ___________

Signed: ________________________________

Position: Partner ________________________

Date: 7th December 2007__________________

This report has been prepared by Environmental Resources

Management the trading name of Environmental Resources
Management Limited, with all reasonable skill, care and diligence
within the terms of the Contract with the client, incorporating our
General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the
resources devoted to it by agreement with the client.

We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of

any matters outside the scope of the above.

This report is confidential to the client and we accept no responsibility

of whatsoever nature to third parties to whom this report, or any part
thereof, is made known. Any such party relies on the report at their
own risk.






2.2.1 Functions of the product system 3
2.2.2 Functional units 4
2.2.3 System boundaries 7
2.2.4 Product systems studied 12
2.2.5 Modelling of what-if scenarios 17
2.2.6 Data categories 17
2.2.7 Cut-off criteria for initial inclusion of inputs and outputs 17
2.2.8 Data requirements 18
2.2.9 Data quality requirements 19
2.2.10 Inventory analysis 19
2.2.11 Impact assessment method 20
2.2.12 Interpretation 22
2.2.13 Reporting 22
2.2.14 Critical review considerations 22
2.2.15 Modifications to the initial scope 23



3.1.1 Introduction 24
3.1.2 Forestry 25
3.1.3 Virgin pulp production 28
3.1.4 Waste paper collection and recovery 31
3.1.5 Market de-inked pulp (MDIP) production 32
3.1.6 Tissue production 33
3.1.7 Retail and consumption 38
3.1.8 Waste management 39
3.1.9 Transport 42
3.1.10 Energy 44







Annex A CML Impact Assessment Method

Annex B Critical Review
Annex C Glossary


Kimberly-Clark (K-C) is a leading global health and hygiene company with

operations in 37 countries, products sold in more than 150 countries and over
56,000 employees worldwide. K-C tissue products help to ensure health,
hygiene, and well-being at home (e.g. facial tissues, bathroom tissue and
paper towel) and away from home (e.g. hand towels, wipers and washroom
products. These tissue products contain virgin wood fibre, fibres derived
from paper recycling operations or a combination of the two. The use of
recycled material in K-C products is driven by a long standing commitment to
make the best use of all available resources that balance the sometimes
competing business requirements of responding to customer and consumer
mandates, expectations and perceptions that recycled materials offer
environmental benefits, meeting product performance requirements in a
highly competitive market and controlling raw material costs to maintain
profit margins. When not using recycled fibre, K-C’s stated goal is to
purchase all of its fibre from suppliers certified to one of five forest
certification schemes with preference for wood fibre certified under the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) standard where FSC fibre is available and meets
product performance requirements and competitive market solutions. Again,
this goal is designed to deliver the best use of available resources and respond
to perceived environmental benefits. As part of its continuing fibre
purchasing and policy evaluations, K-C is interested in developing a more
complete understanding of the environmental performance of tissue products
containing responsibly managed virgin and recycled fibres.

This project is a continuation of K-C’s historic leadership in the application of

sound environmental science in decision making. Development and
demonstration of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods at K-C began in the
early 1990s with Scott Paper representatives attending initial SETAC meetings
on the codification of LCA and conducting a series of demonstration projects.
Currently, K-C LCA efforts are focused on integrating environmental
information into the product development process as part of the Vision 2010
Design for Environment programme.

This study will maintain the highest scientific standards for the practice of
LCA (as established in the ISO 14040 series documents) consistent with
delivering to internal decision makers reliable product insights while
providing for the possible external communication of results. Therefore,
Environmental Resource Management Limited (ERM) has been retained by K-
C to perform the study and independent critical review by a panel of experts
will take place throughout the project.



The international standard for Life Cycle Assessment, ISO14040 (ISO, 1997),
states that: “LCA is a technique for assessing the environmental aspects and potential
impacts associated with a product by:

• compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and outputs of a product system;

• evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with those inputs and
outputs; and
• interpreting the results of the inventory analysis and impact assessment phases in
relation to the objectives of the study.”

LCA studies the environmental aspects and potential impacts throughout a

product’s life (ie from cradle to grave), from raw material acquisition through
production, use and disposal. The general impacts needing consideration
include resource use, human health, and ecological consequences.

The key elements of an LCA are:

• goal and scope;
• life cycle inventory analysis;
• life cycle impact assessment;
• life cycle interpretation;
• reporting; and
• critical review.




The goal of this study was to determine the environmental performance of

tissue products manufactured by K-C and the environmental trade-offs
associated with the use of virgin fibres and recycled fibres in tissue products.
A differentiation between markets (home and business), as well as between
North America and Europe, provides for a greater variation in the use of
recycled fibres. The inclusion of both consumer and away from home
products, as well as the European and North American markets provides
variation in product market conditions, product designs (and design goals),
recycling infrastructure and utility infrastructure. Overall, we believe this
scope will result in a more complete understanding of the trade-off in fibre

The results of the studies of European (EU 25) and the North American
products were reported separately. Table 2.1 details the tissue products under
study and their geographical distribution. A presentation of the products and
their functions is detailed in section 2.2.2.

Table 2.1 Geographical distribution of the tissue paper under study

North America (NA) Europe (EUR)

Bathroom tissue
Washroom towel
Facial tissue
Kitchen towel
Folded toilet tissue
Roll toilet tissue
Commercial wipers

Standard product names are used to refer to the products listed in Table 2.1.
These names reflect the cultural norms and practices in the country of sales.
In North America, rolled tissue products for use in perineal wiping are
commonly referred to as bathroom tissue. In Europe, these products are
called toilet tissue. The European toilet tissue market also includes folded
sheet products.

As the study will be used externally, it will undergo critical review by an

external review panel in accordance with the ISO standard on LCA.


2.2.1 Functions of the product system

When assessing different products, it is important that the functions of the

different product systems are equivalent, in order to allow clear interpretation


of the results. The function of tissue paper is manifold and normally
separated into primary and secondary functions.

Primary functions include:

• hygiene;
• absorbency;
• strength; and
• softness.

Secondary functions include:

• image;
• luxury;
• quality; and
• consumer satisfaction.

The product systems selected for the study are based on their relative interest
to KC businesses. All products are either currently produced, or sufficient
data are available on recent production, such that data collection requirements
can be supported from manufacturing experience.

2.2.2 Functional units

The functional units defined below capture the primary functions of the tissue
paper types by referring to a specific type of product.

In the study, secondary functions as listed above were taken into

consideration in the selection of products under study. Whenever possible,
the products studied were selected based on their ability to provide
comparable performance against both the primary and secondary functions.


Table 2.2 Functional Units

Functional Unit Reference flow Additional information

NA Bathroom tissue One year of bathroom use for a 40,000 sheets of regular/economy K-C market research suggests that large US households,
large, pragmatic US household bathroom tissue especially those with multiple children between the ages
with multiple children ages 6-17. of 6 and 17, tend to purchase bathroom tissue from
categories considered ‘economy’ or ‘regular’. These
households also tend to be heavy purchasers of bathroom
tissue (defined as more than 40,000 sheets per year).
Households in the heavy buyer category account for 66%
of all bathroom tissue purchases nationally.
NA Washroom towel One year of hand drying for 50 72,000 linear feet (app. 22 km) of 8 US office buildings frequently supply hard roll towels for
workers in a typical US commercial inch (approximately 20 cm) wide use in hand drying. K-C market research suggests that
office washroom. hard roll towel typical office workers visit the washroom three times per
day using 1.5 towels (~1.2 ft2 (0.11 m2)) per visit. Over a
260 day year, this results in an average of 965 ft2 (89.8 m2)
of towel use per employee.
NA Facial tissue One year of boxed facial tissue use 5,600 sheets of premium facial tissue K-C market research suggests large households in the
in a large, affluent household in the Eastern US tend to fall into the super heavy purchasing
Eastern US. category, with more than 5,600 sheets of facial tissue per
year (likely due to the high occurrence of cold and flu
symptoms). Purchasers in this category consume 77% of
all tissue sold. Affluent households tend to purchase
more heavily from the premium and higher product tiers.
NA Kitchen towel One year of surface cleaning and 2,100 sheets of regular kitchen towel K-C market research suggests that households with three
health and hygiene tasks in a or more members are more likely to show heavy
pragmatic US household with three consumption of paper towel (more than 2,100 sheets per
or more total members. year). These households represent 79% of all paper towel
sales volume. These consumers are likely to carefully
weigh their purchasing decisions to arrive at choices that
balance performance and price.
Functional Unit Reference flow Additional information
EUR Folded toilet One year of office washroom use 73,000 ft (22,250 m) of premium For an image conscious establishment, the use of high
tissue by 50 men and 50 women in an folded toilet tissue quality toilet tissues is consistent with conveying
image conscious UK business important business messages. This type of business is
likely to purchase premium or super-premium toilet
tissue. K-C research suggests men and women tend to
use washrooms at varying rates. On average, male office
employees visit the washroom 2 times per day while
females visit 4.3 times per day. Average toilet tissue use
per visit is 0.97 ft (app 0.3 m) per visit across both
genders. Consistent with UK business practices, a work
year is considered 240 days.
EUR Roll toilet tissue One year of bathroom use in an 160 rolls of common toilet tissue K-C market research suggests that Dutch households
average Dutch household (~26,000 sheets) have a very pragmatic and rational approach to toilet
tissue purchases. Dutch households also tend to
purchase higher volumes of toilet tissues, buying an
average of 160 rolls per year compared to a Northern
European average of 140.
EUR Commercial 1000 kg of absorbed kitchen spills 68,000 product A centre fed roll As is the case for kitchen towels, wipers are used for
wipers (750 kg water, 250 kg oil), over the wiper sheets, or cleaning under both wet and dry conditions. Strength
course of one year in a hygiene 82,000 Product B centre fed roll when wet and dry, along with absorbency rate and
conscious European chain wiper sheets capacity, are all important factors in determining the
restaurant operation. quality of wiper products. Some customers require 100%
virgin fibres for use in food service cleaning while others
do not. Users of 100% virgin products are expected to
experience greater absorbency for both oil and water than
users of 100% recycled fibre products. The difference in
absorbency causes the two different reference flows.
2.2.3 System boundaries

The tissue paper systems investigated included all life cycle stages. All energy
and materials used were traced back to the extraction of resources. Emissions
from each life cycle stage were quantified. Waste management processes were
included, and landfilling, incineration, composting and recycling were

The tissue paper systems assessed in the study is representative of those

available on the European (EU 25) and US market. To ensure representative
product systems, detailed questionnaires were sent to K-C’s suppliers and a
detailed data collection procedure was undertaken by K-C to collate data for
the paper production in their own mills. Where specific production,
processing and disposal data for a tissue paper system was not available,
generic data was used, together with estimates based on the data gathered for
the other tissue paper systems and from the literature.

Manufacture, maintenance and decommissioning of capital equipment

The manufacture, maintenance and decommissioning of capital equipment,

such as buildings or machines, were not included in the investigated system.
The reason for excluding capital equipment, besides the practical aspects, was
that the environmental impact related to the functional unit is negligible.


Some of the tissue paper products in the current study will be used and
discarded while the consumer is outside resulting in littering. The
environmental impact associated with this is difficult to quantify (visual
impact, aesthetics etc) and was not included in the study

Renewable/ biogenic CO2

In this study, renewable CO2 was reported separately to fossil CO2 and the
focus is placed on fossil carbon balances and fossil CO2 emissions.

When using natural resources such as wood for virgin fibres, it is important to
define whether CO2 uptake by trees should be included in the definition of the
system boundaries. To leave this CO2 uptake out, and to ignore renewable
CO2 emissions from global warming impact calculations, is sometimes
described as a ‘carbon neutral’ approach.

In order to demonstrate carbon neutrality or otherwise, biogenic and fossil

carbon should be measured, and sinks understood. All assumptions need to
be recorded to ensure that we understand the nature and scale of uptake and
release over time.


Geographic boundaries

The systems investigated represent the situation on either the US market or

the European market (EU 25).

Technological boundaries

The systems investigated represent state of the art technologies. In the cases
where this is different (eg the processing of Kraft pulp), it was reported.

Time boundaries

The systems investigated should represent the situation on these markets in


For landfill, the decomposition of biomass is assumed to take place within the
time boundaries of the study (100 years). The gas generation phase associated
with waste in landfill is considered to be complete within this timeframe. Due
to uncertainties and lack of knowledge surrounding the proportion of the
biogenic carbon in the tissue paper that will be degraded, we will assume,
initially, that 100% of the biogenic carbon within the tissue is degraded to CO2
and CH4 within this timeframe. This assumption was tested through
sensitivity analysis as a result of published research undertaken into the
degradation of paper under anaerobic conditions.

Allocation procedures

Allocation is needed when a process has multiple outputs. This is carried out
by dividing the total environmental impact of the process between the
product outputs.

According to the ISO standard, allocation should preferably be avoided,

which can be achieved through system expansion. System expansion is
further described below.

When an allocation situation arises and system expansion is not applicable, it

is suggested that allocation on the basis of mass is used. This is a practical
approach which is often used in LCA.

System expansion for recovered products

System expansion should be applied in the study when materials and energy
generated in a product’s life cycle are recovered, through recycling or energy
recovery, for use in other product systems. The system boundaries should be
expanded in order to include the benefits created from the recovery process.

If tissue paper is being incinerated after use, and electricity is generated,

‘avoided’ production of electricity should be included in the system.
‘Avoided’ electricity refers to electricity not having to be generated from other
sources, since the energy content in the paper is used instead. A negative


contribution is accounted for, thus improving the environmental profile of the
tissue paper system. Figure 2.1 illustrates system expansion for waste
incineration of tissue paper with electricity production.

A marginal approach was taken for the replacement of energy, see the
Marginal approach section below.

Figure 2.1 System expansion including energy recovered from incinerated tissue paper

Main system Expanded system

Tissue Paper Waste incineration

X MJ -X MJ Marginal electricity
with energy recovery
(electricity production)

Open loop recycling of waste paper into tissue

This systems expansion approach does not apply to the recovery and recycling
of materials into tissue production as the study is comparing virgin
production systems with recycled production systems. However, tissue
production from waste paper presents an interesting case, as the recycling of
waste paper into tissue, which by its very nature is disposed after use, results
in the loss of that recycled fibre from future recycling. Figure 2.2 presents the
model for paper recycling as described in ISO14049.


Figure 2.2 Model for paper recycling

The modelling of open loop recycling of paper products to tissue paper is

complex, since used tissue paper is discarded where recycled paper can be
recycled, recovered and recycled a number of times. Therefore, it is
considered that some account of the environmental impact associated with the
loss of a fibre resource from other recycling systems should be made.

There is no widely accepted method for accounting for the reduction of fibre
availability due to its loss through tissue manufacture. ISO14049 presents a
solution through the partial allocation of the environmental impact of the
waste paper’s first life to the waste paper that is collected for tissue
production. The allocation depends on the number of uses for which the fibre
is recycled and the recovery rate for waste paper for recycling.

Metafore1 concluded in their Fibre Cycle project that a fibre can be reused four
to eight times notwithstanding that most paper is not recycled at all. The
number of reuses is determined by the characteristics of the collecting system
that recover paper, losses from the de-inking process and the decline in fibre
strength. Fibre losses from using recovered fibres vary between 10% and 30%
depending on the grade of paper that is produced.

In the current study we have assessed two scenarios:

1. using the ISO14049 principles for allocating first life and assuming 6
uses (5 prior to tissue production); and
2. no allocation of first life (ie at point of collection waste paper is free of

(1) 1 http://www.metafore.org/downloads/generic_cycle.pdf


If we apply a 30% recycling rate of paper this means that 70% is not recycled.
After the first use, 9% (30% of 30%) is allocated to the previous life of the
paper, thereafter 2.7% (9% of 30%) and so on, with the result that after 6 uses
the allocation to previous lives will be minimal. This is detailed in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Paper recycling system

Virgin Fibre Virgin Fibre

30% 30% etc. etc

Virgin Fibre Paper Paper Paper

70% 70% 70%

Bin Bin Bin

System boundary =
number of uses

The impact on the result from the different number of uses was assessed in the
sensitivity analysis.

This approach provided a comprehensive overview of the environmental

consequences/benefits related to the use of recycled fibres for tissue

Marginal approach

A marginal approach was taken for the replacement of recovered energy and
recycled materials at end of life, using marginal production processes
reflecting either the US or the EUR system in 2007.

Data coverage

The primary data collected from the KC suppliers and from KC’s own mills
represent the situation in the financial year 2006/07. Secondary data from
public databases etc is not as up to date and wherever this data is used, it was
justified according to other data quality indicators such as:

• reliability;
• temporal correlation;
• technological correlation;
• geographical correlation; and
• completeness.


2.2.4 Product systems studied

The study investigated the following tissue paper products to fulfil the goal of
the study and identified as being of interest to the client.

NA bathroom tissue

Code 1A Code 1B
Manufacturing site Mill NA-1 Mill NA-2
Furnish 100% Virgin 40% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology A Technology A
Ply 1 2
Basis weight (g/m2) 17 30
Panel softness (fuzzy), up/down‡ 5.9/4.7 6.1/5.6
Panel softness (gritty), up/down‡ 3.6/6.0 4.7/6.3
Tensile strength (dry GMT), g/3” 830 1100
‡ More fuzziness and less grittiness are both associated with softness

No single quality parameter is strongly correlated with consumer preference

for bathroom tissue. However, both softness and strength are considered
important attributes. The bathroom tissue products included in this analysis
have been designed to provide similar softness, while meeting the strength
requirements of consumers. When these products were evaluated by a trained
testing panel, they were determined to be roughly equivalent in overall
softness. Although they show a significant difference in strength, both
products provide sufficient strength for users in this product tier.

NA washroom towel

Code 2A Code 2B
Manufacturing site Mill NA-1 Mill NA-3
Furnish 100% Virgin 45% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology B Technology B
Ply 1 1
Basis weight (g/m2) 27 27
Absorbency (capacity), g/g 1.1 1.1
Tensile strength (dry GMT), g/3Ӵ 4200 4200
¥ GMT = geometric mean tensile, g/3” is the standard unit of measure in the US, to convert from
g/3” to N/m multiply by 0.1287

Strength and absorbency are important to purchasers and users of washroom

towels. The product codes selected for study offer similar absorbent capacity
(differing by <10%) and tensile strength. The minor differences in attributes
for these products are not expected to influence user perception of


NA facial tissue

Code 3A Code 3B
Manufacturing site Mill NA-4 Mill NA-4
Furnish 100% Virgin 20% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology C Technology C
Ply 2 2
Basis weight ( g/m2) 29 29
Panel softness on Face‡ 32.7 21.2
Panel Stiffness ‡ 0.6 0.7
‡ Percentage of selections as the product officering the strongest performance against the
attribute out of six tested.

Softness is an important attribute of premium facial tissue products.

Consumers are known to be able to detect relatively small differences in
softness between products. Although the products selected for analysis
exhibit a trend of decreasing softness and increasing stiffness with increasing
recycled fibre (RF) content, at a 20% RF level, the differences in softness on
face observed by a trained testing panel were not considered significant.
Similarly, the panel did not observe a significant difference in stiffness.

NA kitchen towel

Code 4A Code 4B
Manufacturing site Mill NA-5 Mill NA-3
Furnish 100% Virgin fibre 40% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology B Technology B
Ply 1 1
Basis weight (g/m2) 31 33
Absorbency (capacity), g/g 2.0 1.6
Tensile strength (dry GMT), g/3” 2 200 2 800
Tensile strength (wet CD), g/3” 750 660

Since paper towels are frequently used for cleaning in both wet and dry states,
strength when wet and dry, as well as absorbency, are key attributes for users.
The products selected for this analysis differ across these attributes with no
one product offering superior performance across all parameters. Overall, the
two products are judged, based on K-C experience, to provide comparable

EUR folded toilet tissue

Code 5A Code 5B
Manufacturing site Mill EU-1 Mill EU-1
Furnish 60% Recycled fibre 100% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology A Technology A
Ply 2 2
Basis weight (g/m2) 36 32
Sheet length (mm) 190 190
Sheet width (mm) 120 120
Tensile strength (dry GMT), N/m 150 170


Both folded toilet tissue products selected for study provide quality and
performance attributes consistent with premium tissue. Product Code 5A is
designed to give image conscious customers a brighter white toilet tissue
(generally associated with a more luxurious tissue). In order to provide a high
brightness tissue, 40% virgin fibre is used in production. As a consequence of
the use of virgin fibre, absorbency and softness are also expected to improve
relative to Code 5B.

EUR roll toilet tissue

Code 6A Code 6B
Manufacturing site Mill EU-2 Mill EU-2
Furnish 100% Virgin 20% Recycled fibre‡
Technology Technology B Technology B
Ply 1 1
Basis weight (g/m2) 34 34
Tensile strength (dry GMT), N/m 140 140
‡Up to 20% RF

The bathroom tissue products included in this analysis represent a standard

product and a situational variation accepted under product quality tolerances.
As a strategy to manage production costs and supply constraints, up to 20%
alternative fibre (either recycled, hardwood, or newsprint) were added on
occasion to the standard product. The occasional substitution of recycled fibre
is shown here as a separate product for purposes of this study. Previous
research on 1 ply, Technology B products has shown that most people do not
notice a difference in tissue quality at 20% RF inclusion. The study of a
situational product is considered the best approach available at this time for
examining consumer products of comparable quality in Europe.

EUR commercial wipers

Code 7A Code 7B
Manufacturing site Mill EU-3 Mill EU-3
Furnish 100% Virgin 100% Recycled fibre
Technology Technology B Technology B
Ply 1 1
Basis weight (g/m2) 35 35
Absorbency (water capacity), g/m2 180 140
Absorbency (oil capacity), g/m2 140 130
Tensile strength (dry GMT), g/3” 360 360
Tensile strength (wet CD), g/3” 85 85

As is the case for kitchen towels, wipers are used for cleaning under both wet
and dry conditions. Strength when wet and dry along with absorbency rate
and capacity are all important factors in determining the quality of wiper
products. Some customers require 100% virgin fibres for use in food service
cleaning while others do not. Users of 100% virgin products are expected to
experience greater absorbency for both oil and water than users of 100%
recycled fibre products.


Figure 2.4 details the main life cycle stages that were included in the life cycle
of the tissue paper product systems specified above. In the sections below,
these stages are described further.

Figure 2.4 System boundaries for tissue paper products

) * )

" #
" !

$ $

% &'% # % # %

Forestry (raw materials production)

The production of raw materials such as hardwood and softwood were

included in the study. The materials and energy used for nursery and timber
growth were included, as well as the emissions of substances and waste from
this (see page 24).



The use of fuel and subsequent emissions for harvesting equipment were
included in the study. Furthermore, the landscape and biodiversity impacts of
infrastructure eg, roads to and from the forests, were included. If it is not
possible to quantify the impacts, they were described qualitatively in the
report. In some cases, pulp is produced from wood chips ie a by-product
from lumber production. Here the environmental burden was allocated
between the different product outputs.

Transport of wood logs

The transport of the raw material, wood logs to the mill, was included. If it
was not possible to define the specific distance, a justifiable estimate was used.

Virgin pulp production

The production of pulp from either hardwood or softwood was included. The
energy, water and materials/chemicals used for the production of pulp, as
well as emissions, solid waste and waste water, were included in the study.
The LCA included the production of selected virgin fibres using both Kraft
and BCTMP (bleached chemithermomechanical pulp) processing plants
located in Brazil, Canada and Scandinavia.

Waste paper

The collection, sorting and transport of office and other waste paper were
included in the study.

Production of market de-inked pulp (MDIP)

The energy, water and materials/chemicals used for the production of MDIP
as well as emissions, solid waste and waste water were included in the study.

Tissue production

K-C tissue is made from a combination of northern and southern softwood

Kraft pulp, mechanical pulp, eucalyptus pulp, other hardwood pulp, post
industrial (internal and external) pulp and post consumer (market and
integrated) pulp. K-C purchases waste paper from paper merchants to use in
its integrated tissue mills. The tissue paper production steps are
hydropulping, de-inking, refining, drying and rolling. The inputs and outputs
of raw materials, energy, water etc to these production steps differ for each of
the seven product systems under study. For each product system under
study, data for energy and materials used as well as emissions, solid waste
and waste water treatment were included.


Transport of tissue products, retail, consumption and waste management

The environmental impacts from these activities are the same in the compared
product systems so they will not show up in a comparison.
They were included in order to model a full cradle to grave analysis. The data
used were generic data and proxies for the US and European market (EU 25).

2.2.5 Modelling of what-if scenarios

In the study, a certain number of ‘what-if’-scenarios were included, in order to

investigate parameters of special interest.

The following parameters were investigated:

• a specific scenario involving the EUR Commercial wipers. Currently the
reference flows are based on product absorbency, resulting in two
different reference flows for the same function. In the sensitivity analysis,
we included a scenario where the reference flow is equivalent for both
• different numbers of uses for office paper before it is recycled into tissue
• the use of natural gas for drying of recycled pulp; and
• the use of different impact assessment methods.

Additional parameters were expected to be identified during the project, for

which a limited amount of sensitivity analysis was conducted eg the inclusion
of biogenic CO2.

2.2.6 Data categories

The following data categories were included in the study:

• raw materials;
• chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides;
• energy;
• other physical inputs, such as water;
• emissions to air, water and soil;
• products and co-products;
• solid waste; and
• waste water.

2.2.7 Cut-off criteria for initial inclusion of inputs and outputs

Ideally, cut-off criteria are based on environmental relevance. However, it

might be impractical to define cut-off criteria based on environmental impact,
since data for a process need to be collected in order to understand the


environmental impact of that process or the entire life cycle. So if data are
collected to prove this, they might as well be included in the calculations. A
more practical approach is to base cut-off criteria on mass or energy.

In the study, mass flows that on aggregate contribute less than 2% of inputs to
a life cycle stage were omitted from the inventory analysis.

It is ERM’s belief that the cut-off criteria defined above did not affect the final
results. However, care was taken when excluding processes from the
inventory; especially processes or substances with a ‘bad environmental
reputation’ such as pesticides or certain chemicals, where inputs under the 2%
mass threshold could have a significant environmental impact. For example,
chemicals (eg Hercobond, Kymene and Rezesol) that are used in the
manufacturing of tissue paper contribute with less than 2% to the life cycle
stage but have been included in the study.

2.2.8 Data requirements

Data requirements in order to perform a detailed LCA are listed below.

Specific data are generally needed for the main materials, such as virgin pulp
and MDIP. For the production of chemicals, packaging etc, generic data are
suggested, since the mass flow in relation to the functional unit is limited.

Specific data are required for:

• production of raw materials (wood logs and wood chips);
• production of primary paper input materials (virgin and recycled fibres);
• type of waste management in the respective markets;
• waste management operations (especially waste water from mills);
• transport distances and types of transport; and
• the electricity mix, ie the split between different electricity generation
methods such as hydro power, coal power, wind power, etc.

Specific emissions, resource use, solid waste and waste water data from the
production and processing of wood logs, wood chips and fibres were collected
from K-C’s suppliers using questionnaires. Specific data on electricity mix
and type of waste management in the geographical area where the product is
produced, used and disposed were sourced from published data.

Generic data were used for:

• production of raw materials (when generic data are of sufficient quality, or
specific data not available);
• waste management operations (when generic data are of sufficient quality,
or specific data not available);
• electricity generation methods;


• emission data from transports; and
• production of fuels.

2.2.9 Data quality requirements

Data quality requirements are defined in Table 2.3 below, based on the ISO
standard on goal and scope definition and inventory analysis.

Table 2.3 Data quality requirements

Parameter Description Requirement

Time-related coverage Desired age of data and the Data should represent the situation
minimum length of time over data in 2006. General data and
should be collected. database data should represent the
situation in 2006, and not be more
than 10 years old.

Geographical Area from which data for unit Data should be representative of
coverage processes should be collected. the situation in the respective

Technology coverage Technology mix Data should be representative of

the situation in the respective

Precision Measure of the variability of the N/A

data values for each data category

Completeness Assessment of whether all relevant Specific datasets were compared

input and output data are included with literature data and databases.
for a certain data set.

Representativeness Degree to which the data The data should fulfil the defined
represents the identified time- time-related, geographical and
related, geographical and technological scope.
technological scope.

Consistency How consistent the study method The study method was applied to
has been applied to different all the components of the analysis.
components of the analysis

Reproducibility Assessment of the method and The information about the method
data, and whether an independent and the data values should allow
practitioner was able to reproduce an independent practitioner to
the results. reproduce the results reported in
the study.

Sources of the data Assessment of data sources used. Data were derived from credible
sources and databases.

Source: EN ISO 14044:2006

2.2.10 Inventory analysis

Inventory analysis involves data collection and calculation procedures to

quantify relevant inputs and outputs of a product system. For each of the
tissue product systems, inventories of significant environmental flows to and


from the environment, and internal material and energy flows, were

The inventories that were generated will provide data on hundreds of internal
and elemental flows for each tissue paper system and it is not applicable to
report them all in the inventory analysis. Therefore the following inventory
data are presented in detail, for each of the tissue paper systems:
• water use;
• coal, oil and natural gas use;
• PAH emissions;
• NOx;
• SOx;
• suspended solids;
• particulates;
• solid waste;
• raw material use for the tissue mills;
• energy use (as ‘cumulative energy demand’);
• non-renewable CO2 emissions;
• renewable CO2 emissions; and
• CH4 emissions.

Water use has been included due to environmental and political concern
relating to water use globally and the perception that the paper industry
consumes significant amounts of water.

Inventory data for raw material use, energy use, CO2 and CH4 emissions have
been included due to their relevance to wood-based products. The inventory
distinguished between biogenic and fossil CO2 emissions.

Energy use is presented as the ‘cumulative energy demand’, using factors as

presented in the SimaPro LCA software. These factors distinguish between
renewable and non-renewable sources. This is relevant for the energy used in
the pulp mills.

2.2.11 Impact assessment method

The contributions of each system were assessed for the impact indicators
listed below. The listed impact categories address a breadth of environmental
issues, and thorough methods have been developed for these categories.

The study employs the problem-oriented approach for the impact assessment,
which focuses on:


• Climate change;
• ozone depletion;
• photo-oxidant formation;
• depletion of abiotic resources;
• eutrophication;
• acidification;
• human toxicity;
• fossil energy consumption;
• solid waste; and
• water use.

The contribution that solid waste management and fossil energy consumption
make to global warming; resource depletion; acidification; toxicity; ozone
depletion; photo chemical oxidant formation (smog); and eutrophication were
calculated for each system.

The impact categories listed above are further described in Annex A.

For some impact categories, particularly human toxicity and eco-toxicity, a

number of simplifying assumptions are made in the modelling used to derive
characterisation factors. As a result, their adequacy in representing impacts is
still the subject of some scientific discussion. Recently the International
Council for mining and minerals (ICMM), UNEP and SETAC held a
workshop1 with leading LCA scientists to review existing methods to assess
life cycle impacts. The workshop affirmed the inadequacy of current methods
to model eco-toxicity and especially eco-toxicity of metals. They
recommended a revision of current methods and that no business or policy
decisions should be made based on the current methods. In that context, eco-
toxicity has been left out of this study.

The impact assessment reflects potential, not actual, impacts and it takes no
account of the local receiving environment.

The method that we will use is that developed and advocated by CML (Centre
for Environmental Science, Leiden University) and which is incorporated into
the SimaPro LCA software tool. The version contained in the software is
based on the CML spreadsheet version 2.02 (September 2001) as published on
the CML web site.

The method used for each impact category for classification and
characterisation are further described in Annex A.



2.2.12 Interpretation

The results of seven studies were interpreted individually and conclusions

were drawn on the difference in environmental impact. Another objective of
the interpretation was to identify improvement potentials in the individual
life cycle stages of the products.

However, general observations and learning from all 21 product systems were
presented and discussed. This included elements such as comparisons of the
recycling technologies used and the environmental impacts of the different
tissue products, eg North American bathroom tissue with European roll toilet

2.2.13 Reporting

According to the ISO standard, when the results of an LCA are to be

communicated to any third party, a third-party report shall be prepared. The
third party report shall be made available to any third party to whom the
communication is made. For LCA studies supporting comparative assertions
intended to be disclosed to the public, additional reporting requirements

Although no third party disclosure is currently planned, K-C would like to

leave this possibility open. Therefore, this report fulfils the demands
according to the ISO standard for a third party report, supporting comparative
assertions intended to be disclosed to the public.

2.2.14 Critical review considerations

In accordance with the ISO standard on LCA, the study was reviewed by an
external review panel consisting of three experts. The review was carried out
as an interactive review as recommended by the SETAC Code of Practice. The
review panel’s report, and ERM’s responses, are included in the present

The reviewers addressed the issues below.

• For the goal and scope:
o ensure that the scope of the study is consistent with the goal of the
study, and that both are consistent with the ISO standard; and
o include this in a review statement.
• For the inventory:
o review the inventory for transparency and consistency with the
goal and scope and with the ISO standard;
o check data validation and that the data used are consistent with the
system boundaries. It is unreasonable to expect the review panel to
check data and calculations beyond a small sample but all data are
available on request; and
o include this in a review statement.


• For the impact assessment:
o review the impact assessment for appropriateness and conformity
to the ISO standard; and
o include this in a review statement.
• For the interpretation:
o review the conclusions of the study for appropriateness and
conformity with the goal and scope of the study; and
o include this in a review statement.
• for the draft final report:
o review the draft final report for consistency with reporting
guidelines in the ISO standard and check that recommendations
made in previous review statements have been addressed
adequately; and
o prepare a review statement including consistency of the study and
international standards, scientific and technical validity,
transparency and relation between interpretation, limitations and

Critical reviewers

The critical review panel was chaired by Professor Walter Klöpffer, who is the
editor of the International Journal of LCA and has extensive experience in the
area of LCA. The other two members of the review panel are Dr Jim Bowyer
and Mary Ann Curran.

Dr Jim Bowyer is a retired professor from the College of Natural Resources at

the University of Minnesota and is a known expert on LCA and forestry.
Mary Ann Curran directs the US EPA System Analysis Branch´s Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) research program. This program includes the
development of LCA methodology, the presentation of life-cycle case studies,
life-cycle workshops and conferences, and the development of a life cycle data
directory website. Mary Ann Curran is an LCA expert of international

2.2.15 Modifications to the initial scope

LCA is an iterative process and modifications to the initial scope were needed.
Where this was the case, it was discussed and agreed with K-C and
documented in the report eg inclusion of an additional scenario (BB).




3.1.1 Introduction

The following inventory analysis serves two purposes:

1 an assessment of the appropriateness and completeness of the data

collected; and
2 a quantitative assessment of the data collected.

The appropriateness and completeness of the data are assessed using the data
quality measurements presented in Table 2.3.

Furthermore, this chapter describes the tissue life cycle system assessed and
the data collection procedure undertaken to generate a complete life cycle

Each product is represented by a code. They are:

1. NA bathroom tissue;
2. NA washroom towel;
3. NA facial tissue;
4. NA kitchen towel;
5. EUR folded toilet tissue;
6. EUR roll toilet tissue; and
7. EUR commercial wipers.

The life cycle environmental impact of each code is calculated using three
scenarios per product code. They comprise:

Scenario A. Product containing the most virgin fibres;

Scenario B. Product containing the most recycled fibres and where

environmental burden is assigned to the previous life of the paper before it
turns into waste paper; and

Scenario BB. Product containing the most recycled fibres and where no
environmental burden is assigned to the waste paper up until it is collected.

The data collation using questionnaires were checked using mass balances
and other cross checks such as the relation between energy use and CO2
emissions. Any irregularities were reported to the supplier and clarifications
were obtained.


The inventory analysis will not contain any specific data due to
confidentiality. However the data are available to the reviewer upon request.

3.1.2 Forestry

Forestry comprises the operations of seedling production, silviculture, logging

and haulage to the forest industries. The key environmental issues of concern
for the forestry sector are generally considered to be the protection of
biodiversity in the context of forestry practices and achieving increased energy
efficiency of forestry operations.

The main environmental impacts from forestry processes originate from

energy use in silviculture and logging processes as well as haulage. Emissions
are generally either fuel-related or engine-related.

Wood data, including the forestry processes, for this study were required for:

1 Northern American softwood;

2 Southern American softwood;
3 Brazilian hardwood (Eucalyptus); and
4 Scandinavian softwood.

Data were sought through the use of questionnaires. Returned questionnaires

were obtained for Brazilian hardwood and Northern American softwood. The
primary data have been collected for the Brazilian eucalyptus wood.
However, the North American softwood questionnaire was incomplete.

Due to difficulties in obtaining data and the incompleteness of data, secondary

data from the ecoinvent database have been used for Northern American,
Southern American and Scandinavian softwood. Table 3.1 below describes the
data quality of the Brazilian hardwood data.


Table 3.1 Data quality description for primary forestry data

Brazilian hardwood (Eucalyptus)

Time-related coverage Calendar year 2006.
Geographical coverage Forests in the Brazilian regional areas of Aracruz, São Mateus
and Bahia, all owned or leased by the Aracruz Celulose S.A.
Occasional purchases of wood on the market.
Technology coverage Current technology used in 2006.
Representativeness Data represents the wood used at the mill in question, ie is
fully representative.
Consistency The method used for the data collection (eg allocation and
data inclusion) is consistent with the overall study
Reproducibility The data is very specific to this study and has been collected
using questionnaires and cannot be reproduced by an
independent practitioner
Sources of the data Aracruz Celulose S.A., Brazil.
Completeness for the study Data is from a state of the art eucalyptus wood producer using
advanced forestry management such as soil surveys and a
network of weather stations to minimise the environmental
impacts associated with the production of wood.
The data are complete for the objectives of this study.

Aracruz Celulose owns or leases the forestry areas where the majority of
wood used for the products is grown. This allows the company to fully
control the processes from cradle-to-gate. The main processes are summarised

1 Seedlings are grown in the company’s own plant nursery where around
95% of the seedlings are produced by plant propagation (cloning) and 5%
are produced from seeds produced in the company’s seed orchards.

2 Silviculture activities, either through coppice from recently harvested

areas or the implementation of new plantations, include control of Leaf-
Cutter Ants, pre-planting chemical weeding, soil preparation and pre-
planting phospating, planting / irrigation, fertilisation, control of
competing weeds and clearing operations.

3 Forest harvesting is generally mechanised, using harvesters for logging

and processing (debarking and sawing). In areas where logging is not
possible, stands may be logged manually with the use of chainsaws. In
areas cultivated for solid wood products, pruning (selective logging of
trees) is undertaken.

4 The logged and processed wood is removed by forwarder forest tractors

and stacked at the side of the road and/or firebreaks. The wood is
transported to the pulp mill or sawmill by flatbed trucks or train. Wood
produced in the south of Bahia is shipped using ocean barges.


The inventory model for Brazilian hardwood has been developed using
materials and processes from the ecoinvent database. The data sources used is
shown in Table 3.2 below. The ecoinvent data used for the fertilizer and
developed 2,4 D 1 are commonly used chemicals in agriculture and
silviculture. The data for 2,4 D are actually based on North American data.,
where as the ammonium nitrate phosphate is based on European data. The
datasets used for the formicide and raticide are herbicide data used as proxies
for these particular biocides. ERM assumes that, even though the wood
production is in South America, the production of fertiliser and all the
biocides data are representative on a global level and are therefore considered
adequate for this study.

Table 3.2 Ecoinvent datasets used to model Brazilian hardwood

Material / process reported by Ecoinvent data used

Aracruz Celulose S.A.
Fertiliser Ammonium nitrate phosphate
Herbicide 2,4-D
Formicide Diuron
Porta Iscas (or raticide) Cyanazine
Diesel Diesel, burned in chopper
Heavy fuel oil Heat, heavy fuel oil, at industrial furnace
Truck (50 tonnes) Transport, lorry 40t
Freight train Transport, freight, rail
Barge Transport, barge

As mentioned above, data were difficult to obtain. For data representing

Northern American, Southern American and Scandinavian softwood
production we used data from the ecoinvent database on Scandinavian
softwood production. Before using the Scandinavian data, we compared the
data from softwood production in the US using data from CORRIM2.
CORRIM is the source for forestry data for NREL/US LCI data. In the
CORRIM/NREL data it was not possible to distinguish the forestry
component from the forest products data (timber, woodchips, bark etc).
Woodchips are predominantly used in K-C’s pulp mills and specific data for
wood chips are available in ecoinvent. Therefore Scandinavian woodchips
data were used for US woodchips production. Table 3.3 below describes the
data quality of the used data.

1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
2 Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials


Table 3.3 Data quality description for secondary forestry data

Northern and Southern Scandinavian softwood

American softwood
Dataset used Chips, Scandinavian softwood Chips, Scandinavian softwood
(plant-debarked), u = 70% (plant-debarked), u = 70%
Time-related coverage Year 2000 Year 2000
Geographical Sweden and Finland. Sweden and Finland.
Technology coverage State of the art technology State of the art technology
currently used in Finland and currently used in Finland and
Sweden. Sweden.
Precision No measurement of precision No measurement of precision
was carried out. was carried out.
Representativeness Average data from nine different Average data from nine different
sawmills, located in Sweden and sawmills, located in Sweden and
Finland, belonging to the Stora Finland, belonging to the Stora
Enso group. Even though the Enso group.
data is for Scandinavia, ERM
assumes that the climate and
technology conditions are very
similar and, as such, the data
used is appropriate for use in
this study.
Consistency Allocation of the wood outputs Allocation of the wood outputs
based on their economic value: based on their economic value:
sawn timber (0.96), wood chips sawn timber (0.96), wood chips
(0.03), and sawdust (0.01). (0.03), and sawdust (0.01).
Reproducibility The ecoinvent data are from a The ecoinvent data are from a
licensed database, so an licensed database, so an
independent practitioner is not independent practitioner is not
allowed to reproduce the results allowed to reproduce the results
using the data (unless a licence is using the data (unless a licence is
purchased). purchased).
Sources of data Ecoinvent dataset Ecoinvent dataset
Completeness for the The Northern and Southern The Northern and Southern
study Softwood Pulp producers Softwood Pulp producers
predominantly use wood chips predominantly use wood chips
as raw material for their process. as raw material for their process.
The ecoinvent data include the The ecoinvent data include the
entire life cycle of tree from tree entire life cycle of tree from tree
nursing and stand establishment nursing and stand establishment
to cutting. This is the most up to to cutting. This is the most up to
date and comprehensive dataset date and comprehensive dataset
available and we consider it available and we consider it
complete for this study. complete for this study.

3.1.3 Virgin pulp production

The pulp and paper industry has historically been considered a major user of
natural resources (wood, water) and energy (fossil fuels, electricity), and a
significant contributor to air and water emissions. However, due to cost and


environmental pressures, both internal and external, the emissions have been
significantly reduced over the last two decades. Despite these measures the
pulp and paper industry remains a high energy and water consuming

The main environmental impacts from the pulping process originate from the
production of the energy required for the process and the emissions to air and
water from the pulping and bleaching processes.

Virgin pulp data for this study were required for:

1. bleached chemo-thermomechanical pulp (BCTMP) from a Canadian

2. bleached softwood kraft pulp from a Canadian and Swedish/Norwegian
3. hardwood (eucalyptus) pulp from Aracruz Celulose, Brazil; and
4. softwood sulfite pulp from Kimberly–Clark .

Data were sought through the use of questionnaires. Returned questionnaires

were obtained for all the pulp types assessed in this study.

Thus, primary data have been collected for the BCTMP, NBSK (North
America), Eucalyptus pulp, SW Sulfite pulp, and bleached kraft pulp
(Europe). Table 3.4 below describes the data quality of pulp data. The
products containing 100% virgin pulp (and 40% virgin pulp in product 5)
were modelled as Product A.


Table 3.4 Data quality description for primary pulp data

Pulp BCTMP NBSK Eucalyptus pulp SW Sulfite slush pulp Bleached kraft pulp
Time-related coverage 2006. 2006. 2006. 2006 2006.
Geographical coverage Alberta, Canada. Nova Scotia, Canada. Aracruz, ES, Brazil. USA Norway.
Technology coverage Mill dates from 1988. 40 year old mill. Mill A from 1978, B from Old technology Best available technology
Highly automated. Conventional equipment. 1991, and C from 2002. Mill (BAT). Primary treatment
Consistently upgraded. Many upgrades over the A and B modernised in of effluent. No external
years. 1997. All mills modernised biological treatment.
and capacity increased in
Precision No measurement of No measurement of No measurement of No measurement of No measurement of
precision was carried out precision was carried out precision was carried out precision was carried out precision was carried out
Completeness All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and
outputs have been included outputs have been included outputs have been included outputs have been included outputs have been included
in the data sets. They fit in the data sets. They fit in the data sets. They fit in the data sets. They fit in the data sets. They fit
within acceptable ranges of within acceptable ranges of within acceptable ranges of within acceptable ranges of within acceptable ranges of
literature data. literature data. literature data. literature data. literature data.
Representativeness The data represents the The data represents the The data represents the The data represents the The data partially
pulp produced in question pulp produced in question pulp produced in question pulp produced in question represents the pulp
and is therefore fully and is therefore fully and is therefore fully and is therefore fully produced in question, as the
representative. representative. representative. representative. use of chemicals was based
on a process in North
Consistency The method used for data The method used for data The method used for data The method used for data The method used for data
collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation
and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is
consistent with the overall consistent with the overall consistent with the overall consistent with the overall consistent with the overall
method method method method method
Reproducibility The data is very specific to The data is very specific to The data is very specific to The data supplied is specific The data is very specific to
this study and has been this study and has been this study and has been to this study, obtained this study and has been
collected using collected using collected using internally by K-C, via collected using
questionnaires and can not questionnaires and can not questionnaires and can not questionnaires and can not questionnaires and can not
be reproduced by an be reproduced by an be reproduced by an be reproduced by an be reproduced by an
independent practitioner independent practitioner. independent practitioner. independent practitioner independent practitioner
Sources of data Confidential Confidential Aracruz Celulose S.A. Kimberly-Clark Confidential
Data was obtained for both North American and Scandinavian NBSK pulp.
Due to the proprietary nature of the chemical use data, the data provider for
the Scandinavian pulp only provided a partially completed questionnaire,
omitting the chemical use data. As the NBSK pulp used in North America is
very similar to that produced in Scandinavia, the chemical use data provided
by the North America data provider was used and adapted the wood and
water use of the Scandinavian production. ERM believes that this approach is
appropriate for this study, as the technologies are very similar.

The data supplied for all the pulp types are confidential. For the entire range
of chemicals used by the different processes, fuels and electricity, ecoinvent
datasets were used. Most data in ecoinvent is for European production, yet
ERM assumes that technology levels between the North America and Europe
are very similar and therefore the use of these data are deemed appropriate
for the study. In some cases, some inputs in the pulp production did not have
ecoinvent dataset available. In these cases, ERM used proxy datasets from the
ecoinvent database. ERM believes that these proxy data are suitable for the
study, and that they will have very limited effect on the results.

3.1.4 Waste paper collection and recovery

The collection and recovery of waste paper and the conversion into recycled
fibres were modelled using two scenarios:

1. environmental burden assigned to the first life of the graphic paper; and;
2. waste paper comes free of burden up until it is collected.

The first scenario was modelled as Product B, for products containing

different amounts of recycled fibres. The second scenario for burden free
recycled fibres was modelled as Product BB.

Ecoinvent data were used to model the impact from waste paper and graphic
paper. For the US scenario’s, the data have been manipulated to represent US
conditions ie European electricity has been substituted with an average US
electricity grid mix using data from IEA1. Other aspects such transport
efficiency etc was not applied.

1 International Energy Agency (www.IEA.org)


Table 3.5 Waste paper recovery

Graphic paper Waste paper

Time-related coverage 2000 1995
Geographical coverage European data manipulated to Swiss data manipulated to
represent the US represent Europe and the US
Technology coverage Average data Average data
Precision A measure of variability of the A measure of variability of the
data values has not been data values has been applied
applied by the database by the database providers.
Completeness All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and
outputs have been included in outputs have been included in
the data sets. the data sets.
Representativeness The data represents the The data represents the
specific processes involved in specific processes involved in
producing paper in the producing paper in the
specific geography specific geography
Consistency The method used for data The method used for data
collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation
and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is
consistent with the overall consistent with the overall
method. method.
Reproducibility Data is from ecoinvent and a Data is from ecoinvent and a
license is needed to reproduce license is needed to reproduce
the data the data
Sources of data Ecoinvent Ecoinvent

Although the information is outdated for this study, it is estimated that the
differences in sorting strategies have not materially impacted energy use in
collection/sorting systems so the data is considered appropriate for the study.

3.1.5 Market de-inked pulp (MDIP) production

Recovered fibre has become an indispensable raw material for the paper
manufacturing industry. This is due to the favourable price of recovered
fibres in comparison with the corresponding grades of market pulp and
because of the promotion of wastepaper recycling.

The production of MDIP requires waste paper, water and chemical additives,
together with electricity and fossil fuels. The process produces MDIP and
emissions to water and air. The air emissions result from the combustion of
the fossil fuels and from the pulping process itself. The process also produces
large amounts of waste and waste water.

The main environmental impacts from the pulping process originate from the
production of the energy required for the process and the emissions to air and
water from the pulping or bleaching processes.


The MDIP used by K-C is produced by a regular Canadian supplier based in
the US. Data were sought through the use of questionnaires. In addition to
the MDIP produced externally, K-C also produces its own de-inked pulp for
products 5 and 7. Table 3.6 shows the data quality assessment for the de-inked

Table 3.6 De-inked pulp

Pulp MDIP De-inked pulp

Time-related coverage 2006 2006
Geographical coverage Fairmont, West Virginia (US) UK
Technology coverage 100% air dried Recycled BAT
Bleached Kraft (RBK) pulp
latest technology, best in class.
Precision A measure of variability of the A measure of variability of the
data values has not been data values has been applied.
Completeness All relevant inputs and All relevant inputs and
outputs have been included in outputs have been included in
the data sets. They fit within the data sets. They fit within
acceptable ranges of literature acceptable ranges of literature
data, except for energy use, data.
which is higher than reported
in literature.
Representativeness The data represent the pulp The data represents the pulp
produced in question and is produced in question and is
from a supplier frequently therefore fully representative.
used by K-C and is therefore
fully representative.
Consistency The method used for data The method used for data
collection, such as allocation collection, such as allocation
and cut-off criteria, is and cut-off criteria, is
consistent with the overall consistent with the overall
method. method.
Reproducibility The data is very specific to this The data is very specific to this
study and cannot be study and cannot be
reproduced by an independent reproduced by an independent
practitioner practitioner
Sources of data Confidential Kimberly-Clark

The questionnaire provided foreground data for energy and raw materials
used eg chemicals. However questionnaires were not sent out to the suppliers
of chemicals so data for manufacturing of the raw materials in the MDIP
manufacturing process were modelled using ecoinvent datasets. Most data in
ecoinvent are for European production, yet ERM assumes that technology
levels between the North America and Europe are very similar and therefore
the use of these data are deemed appropriate for the study.

3.1.6 Tissue production

Tissue production takes place at K-C’s facilities in Europe and North America.
The individual tissue products are described in the Functional units section of
the Scope. The data collection took place under the auspices of K-C’s
Corporate Sustainability team. This primary data are of great importance to
the study and are fully described.


The collection of the data is consistent with the Goal and Scope of the study,
identifying differentiating characteristics of the products studied. In many
cases, the inputs and outputs vary significantly between different facilities as a
result of local regulatory or resource availability constraints. These variations
are independent of characteristics of the products. The regional and temporal
variations were mitigated by calculating averages or by using operational
benchmarks. This has enabled consistent treatment of all products.

The data provided for tissue production are gate-to-gate datasets, as shown in
Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 Gate-to-gate data for tissue production

Stock preparation/ Wet end

Pulp delivery Drying Reeling Converting Packaging
pulping operations

Material Inputs

When available, data were taken directly from the manufacturing bill of
materials. When the bill of materials was unavailable, as was the case for
product 1B and 6A, the materials were determined on the basis of existing bill
of materials information and the expert knowledge of product managers of
the fibre types used in the products.


The energy requirements for tissue production include:

1. Tissue machine (stock preparation to reel);

2. Converting (reel to dock);
3. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning); and
4. Site electricity (lighting, computers, etc).

The energy use for de-inking and pulping operations of integrated mills is
excluded (but is included in for the production of de-inked pulp for products
5 and 7)

The tissue machine energy consumption varies, depending on factors such as

fibre characteristics, drying technology, humidity (and other environmental
factors), and other operational factors. These factors lead to a certain degree of
variability in energy consumption.

The energy consumption profiles for the different products have been
established using technology-specific energy performance benchmarks for


tissue machines based on available metering data and taking into account
product characteristics such as weight and moisture content.

The energy used to convert tissue on the reel into the final product and
packaging for delivery to customers is a relatively minor component of the
total energy consumption. A single benchmark value was used for all
products. The HVAC and other site electricity use were obtained from the
facility’s electricity bills and were allocated to output on a mass basis.


Table 3.7 North American Tissue Products

NA Products NA bathroom NA washroom NA facial tissue NA kitchen

tissue towel towel
Time-related coverage 2006 2006 2006 2006
Geographical USA (North East USA (North West Canada (North) USA (South East)
coverage and Mid West) and South East)
Technology coverage BAT BAT BAT BAT
Precision A measure of A measure of A measure of A measure of
variability of the variability of the variability of the variability of the
data values has data values has data values has data values has
been applied. been applied. been applied. been applied.
Completeness All relevant All relevant All relevant All relevant
inputs and inputs and inputs and inputs and
outputs have outputs have outputs have outputs have
been included in been included in been included in been included in
the data sets. the data sets. the data sets. the data sets.
They fit within They fit within They fit within They fit within
acceptable ranges acceptable ranges acceptable ranges acceptable ranges
of literature data. of literature data. of literature data. of literature data.
Representativeness The data The data The data The data
represents the represents the represents the represents the
pulp produced in pulp produced in pulp produced in pulp produced in
question and is question and is question and is question and is
therefore fully therefore fully therefore fully therefore fully
representative. representative. representative. representative.
Consistency The method used The method used The method used The method used
for data for data for data for data
collection, such as collection, such as collection, such as collection, such as
allocation and allocation and allocation and allocation and
cut-off criteria, is cut-off criteria, is cut-off criteria, is cut-off criteria, is
consistent with consistent with consistent with consistent with
the overall the overall the overall the overall
method method. method. method.
Reproducibility The data is very The data is very The data is very The data is very
specific to this specific to this specific to this specific to this
study and can not study and can not study and can not study and can not
be reproduced by be reproduced by be reproduced by be reproduced by
an independent an independent an independent an independent
practitioner. practitioner. practitioner.. practitioner..
Sources of data K-C K-C K-C K-C


Table 3.8 European Tissue Products

EU products Folded toilet tissue Roll toilet tissue Commercial wipes

Time-related coverage 2006 2006 2006
Geographical coverage UK France UK
Technology coverage BAT BAT BAT
Precision A measure of A measure of A measure of
variability of the data variability of the data variability of the data
values has been values has been values has been
applied. applied. applied.
Completeness All relevant inputs All relevant inputs All relevant inputs
and outputs have been and outputs have been and outputs have been
included in the data included in the data included in the data
sets. They fit within sets. They fit within sets. They fit within
acceptable ranges of acceptable ranges of acceptable ranges of
literature data. literature data. literature data.
Representativeness The data represents The data represents The data represents
the pulp produced in the pulp produced in the pulp produced in
question and is question and is question and is
therefore fully therefore fully therefore fully
representative. representative. representative.
Consistency The method used for The method used for The method used for
data collection, such as data collection, such as data collection, such as
allocation and cut-off allocation and cut-off allocation and cut-off
criteria, is consistent criteria, is consistent criteria, is consistent
with the overall with the overall with the overall
method. method. method.
Reproducibility The data is very The data is very The data is very
specific to this study specific to this study specific to this study
and can not be and can not be and can not be
reproduced by an reproduced by an reproduced by an
independent independent independent
practitioner. practitioner. practitioner.
Sources of data K-C K-C K-C

Water use

Water consumption at K-C tissue mills can vary considerably, as local

environmental conditions play an important role in water use. The product
itself has practically no impact on these variations. Therefore, the water use
for tissue operations was established using a benchmark water quantity, both
for tissue machine and steam generation. The benchmark values reflect the
expected water requirements per unit of tissue material produced.

For integrated mills, where no separate data for the pulping operations and
tissue operation were available, the water use has been allocated 50% to each
type of operations. This allocation is expected to have a limited influence on
the total system result.


Waste water

Waste water effluent data from K-C trials suggests that different levels of
recycled fibre content do not affect the environmental characteristics of the
effluent. Representative mill effluent data from 2006 has been used as a
source. The effluents have been allocated on a mass basis. Data for six mills
have been used, where only biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total
suspended solids (TSS) have been monitored consistently.

In the case of integrated mills, waste water effluents have been allocated 50%
to the de-inking operations and 50% to tissue manufacture operations.

Solid waste

Waste generation data from the tissue mills were obtained as reported for the
year 2006. The data reported are annual averages allocated to production

In the case of integrated mills, the de-inking operations contribute more than
98% of the waste water treatment sludge. In these mills, all sludge output is
allocated to the de-inking operations. The sludge is used in land application,
recycling, landfilled or incinerated.

Air emissions

Air emissions are estimated using engineering models of fuel combustion

under current conditions present in each tissue mill, and based on usage data
for chemicals employed in production processes. Fuel combustion emissions
reflect the burner types present in the appropriate mills and the natural gas
consumption reported for the product production.

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions associated with the production

process for each product were based on information on the volatile fraction of
the chemicals and usage rates. European tissue mills do not monitor VOC
emissions. Therefore these were estimated assuming adhesives emit
1.0E-3 kg VOC/kg of adhesive applied.

Secondary data

The K-C suppliers provided detailed foreground data on the specific inputs
and outputs to their production processes. No questionnaires were sent to a
supplier’s supplier so any raw material used by a supplier was modelled
using background data, mainly ecoinvent. K-C tissue manufacturing takes
place both in Europe and in the US and technology levels were assumed to be
very similar.

3.1.7 Retail and consumption

The retail and the consumption of the tissue products are not included in the
life cycle model.


3.1.8 Waste management

The main sources of waste are the pulp production step and the end-of-life
step, when the used tissue is disposed. The end of life scenarios fall into two

1 North American bathroom tissue (product 1), European folded toilet tissue
(product 5) and roll toilet tissue (product 6) are modelled as all ending up
in the public waste water treatment facilities; and

2 The North America washroom towel (product 2), facial tissue (product 3)
and kitchen towel (product 4), as well as the European commercial wipes
(product 7) are modelled as ending up in the residual solid waste stream,
with a landfill and incineration split specific to the countries in question
(USA, the Netherlands and the UK).

The waste amounts generated at pulp and tissue manufacture are confidential.
The sludges produced at these stages are either landfilled or incinerated. The
datasets used for this were taken from the ecoinvent database and are shown
Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 Pulp and waste disposal datasets for pulping*

Pulp/waste disposal route Disposal, sludge from pulp Disposal, inert waste, 5%
and paper production, 25% water, to inert material
water, to sanitary landfill landfill
Time-related coverage 2000 2000
Geographical coverage Switzerland Switzerland
Technology coverage Unspecified Unspecified
Representativeness Unspecified Unspecified
Sources of data Ecoinvent Ecoinvent

* Both waste scenarios do not include environmental benefit from energy recovery

Waste water treatment process

The waste tissues used in the bathroom are all disposed off via the sewer
system and end up at a waste water treatment plant. The waste water
treatment process can be summarised into the following steps:

1 preliminary (mechanical treatment);

2 primary (physical separation);
3 secondary (biological treatment); and
4 final (disinfection).

The preliminary (or coarse) screening processes removes larger articles such
as rags, papers, plastics and other floating objects to prevent the blocking of
downstream equipment in the sewage system. All such material is


periodically collected and removed. The collected solids are disposed of
through a number of routes.

After the coarse screening (6 mm), a fine screening (1.5 to 6 mm) takes place,
which removes material that may create operation and maintenance problems
in downstream processes, particularly in systems that lack primary treatment.
In addition, comminuting and grinding devices are installed in the waste
water flow channel to grind and shred material up to 6 to 19 mm in size.

Organic substances and carbon dioxide

Under aerobic conditions, many organic substances are able to breakdown to

form carbon dioxide and water through the activity of micro-organisms. This
activity arises from the interaction of bacteria in the waste water and oxygen.
As the amount of organic material in waste water increases, the need for
oxygen required to consume the matter also increases. Solid organic
substances in sewerage derive from toilet paper and faeces. Dissolved organic
substances are present in the form of sugars and biodegradable detergents.

The CO2 produced during this process, is considered to be part of the

renewable CO2 cycle, as opposed to the emissions of fossil CO2, as mentioned
in the Scope.

Waste disposal routes

The end of life of Products 1, 5 and 6 is modelled as sewage sludge in the

respective countries, whereas for other products this stage is modelled as
disposal as household waste in the respective countries.

Sludge disposal

The UK produces more than one million tonnes of dry solids per year which
are disposed of (and modelled) as follows:

1 62% to agriculture (as treated bio solids);

2 19% to incineration;
3 11% to land reclamation;
4 1% landfill; and
5 7% other (including non-food crops).

The Netherlands disposal scenarios for sludge are:

1 38% to agriculture;
2 24% to incineration; and
3 48% to sanitary landfill.

The US disposes of sludge as follows :


1 55% agricultural and forestry applications;
2 19% to landfill;
3 17% to incineration; and
4 9% other (including non-food crops).

Figure 3.2 shows the proportions of each type of waste that is generated within
the treatment process. The screening process is where tissue would be
stopped from entering downstream flow.

Figure 3.2 Waste water waste generation

Source: Southern water UK – Planning for a Sustainable Future, Technical Performance 2004-

Figure 3.3 shows the various disposal routes that the different classes of wastes
can undergo.

Figure 3.3 Sludge disposal

Source: Southern water UK – Planning for a Sustainable Future, Technical Performance 2004-


Household waste disposal

The washroom towels, facial tissues and kitchen towel in North America and
the commercial wipes in Europe, were modelled as residual solid waste in the
US and in the Netherlands.

The US residual household waste disposal was modelled as follows:

1 79% landfill; and

2 21% incineration.

The Dutch residual household waste disposal was modelled as follows:

1 13% landfill; and

2 87% incineration.

Both the landfill and incineration of tissues do not include energy generation
(methane and electricity production). This assumption will potentially
overestimate the environmental impact from waste management of tissue
paper. However, the actual number of landfill sites and incineration facilities
with energy recovery in the US and the Netherlands were not available.
Assuming that all incinerators and landfill sites have energy recovery facilities
could potentially underestimate the impact from waste management of tissue
paper. To ensure that we would not underestimate the environmental impact
from waste management, we assumed no environmental benefit from energy
recovery from waste treatment of tissue paper.

3.1.9 Transport

The ecoinvent datasets for European transport have been used for all transport
in this study. Due to the lack of representative data, European transport data
have also been used for transport in Northern and Southern America.

The transport modes considered are road, rail and sea transport.

Road (lorry) transport

The ecoinvent dataset for heavy goods vehicle transport in Europe is based on
the European research project Copert III. The datasets are a function of the
direct process of vehicle operation and the indirect processes of vehicle fleet
operation (fleet production, maintenance and disposal) and road
infrastructure. Two categories of vehicles are used as shown in Table 3.10
below, along with the assumed average vehicle load.


Table 3.10 Ecoinvent HGV categories including load and fuel assumption

Vehicle category Gross vehicle Average load Diesel consumption assumed

weight assumed
tonnes tonnes kg / tkm ltr / 100 km
40 tonnes > 16 9.7 0.0361 47.07

Based on parameters describing lorry size, load and road category, the fuel
consumptions and emissions were then calculated as a function of the distance

Rail transport

The ecoinvent dataset for rail transport in Europe is based on several rail
transport studies. The datasets are a function of the direct process of rail
operation with a mix of diesel and electric trains, the indirect processes of rail
equipment (train production, maintenance and disposal) and rail

Sea transport

The ecoinvent dataset for sea transport is based on a number of sea transport
studies. The datasets are a function of the direct process of vessel operation
and the indirect processes of vessel fleet (vessel production, maintenance and
disposal) and port infrastructure. The vessels used are as shown in Table 3.1.1
below along with the assumed average vehicle load.

Table 3.11 Ecoinvent transoceanic freight ship description and fuel assumptions

Vessel category Engine Average load Fuel consumption

assumed assumed
Transoceanic freight Average of slow speed ~50,000 dwt 2.5g/tkm Heavy
ship, dry bulk carrier engine and steam (dead weight fuel oil
turbine propulsion tonnes)

In order to provide robust estimates of transportation requirements for the

products, the average transportation distances for tissue products in the US
and Europe were calculated and supplied by K-C. The following delivery
distance averages were used for each product code.

1 Code 1, 3 and 4: 600 miles;

2 Code 2: 568 miles;
3 Code 5: 1220 km;
4 Code 6: 494 km; and
5 Code 7: 1332 km.


3.1.10 Energy

Energy was used in the form of fossil fuels, such as diesel, natural gas and fuel
oil, and as electricity. At all life cycle stages, energy is used: forestry; pulp
production; and tissue production.

The ecoinvent datasets were used for most energy inputs in this study.
European system data sets have been used directly for the European
operations, and indirectly for the North American and Brazilian profiles. In
some cases, North American datasets have been used, mainly the Franklin 98
database. Table 3.12 documents the energy datasets used. Reproducibility,
consistency, completeness and precision assessments have been left out of the
data description as these are published datasets.


Table 3.12 Energy datasets

Fuel/Energy source Geography Year Technology Representative Reference

Diesel, burned in chopper Europe 2006 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
Heat, heavy fuel oil, at Switzerland 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
industrial furnace 1MW
Diesel powered industrial North 1998 Average Mixed data Franklin 98
equipment (1000 gal) America technology
Natural gas in industrial North 1998 Average Mixed data Franklin 98
equipment (1000 cu ft) America technology
Diesel, at regional storage Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
DFO into industrial boilers North 1998 Average Mixed data Franklin 98
America technology
Heat, natural gas, at Europe 2003 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
industrial furnace >100kW
electricity, medium GB 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
voltage, production GB, at
electricity, medium France 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
voltage, production FR, at
Electricity US USA 1990-94 Average Mixed data Electricity mix
technology based on IEA
data, using
UCTE profiles
from ecoinvent
Electricity Canada Canada 1990-94 Average Mixed data Electricity mix
technology based on IEA
data, using
UCTE profiles
from ecoinvent
Electricity Brazil Brazil 1990-94 Average Mixed data Electricity mix
technology based on IEA
data, using
UCTE profiles
from ecoinvent
Electricity, hard coal, at Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
power plant/kWh/UCTE
Electricity, natural gas, at Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
power plant/kWh/UCTE
Electricity, lignite, at Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
power plant/kWh/UCTE
Electricity, nuclear, at Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
power plant/kWh/UCTE
Electricity, oil, at power Europe 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
Electricity, hydropower, at GB 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
power plant/GB U
Electricity, at wind power Switzerland 2000 Unspecified Unspecified ecoinvent
plant/CH S

The electricity datasets for the USA, Canada and Brazil have been generated
by consulting the electricity supply mixes as provided by the IEA. They take


into account the various sources of electricity power generation (coal, gas,
nuclear, etc) and the transmission losses. In turn, these power mixes use
mainly UCTE (union for the co-ordination and transfer of electricity)
electricity datasets in the ecoinvent database, as well as British and Swiss
datasets for hydropower and wind power respectively.


For each tissue paper system, a summary inventory of environmental flows is

presented for the following:

1 coal;
2 oil;
3 natural gas;
4 fossil carbon dioxide;
5 methane;
6 NOx;
7 SOx;
8 COD;
9 BOD;
10 suspended solids;
11 particulates;
12 water consumption;
13 water total (1) ;
14 PAH (air borne);
15 cumulative energy demand (CED);
16 resources; and
17 waste (2).

Table 3.13 to Table 3.19 detail the inventory flows for the seven tissue products.
For each product, the inventory flows are shown for product A, B and BB

• A represents the products which contain a larger share of virgin fibres

• B which represents the products containing 100% recycled fibres or a
significant percentage of recycled fibres and where environmental impact
has been assigned to the waste paper’s first life; and
• BB which is the same product as B, but where the waste paper used to
produce recycled fibres come without environmental burden.

Each table is followed by an inventory flow chart for fossil carbon dioxide
emissions (Figure 3.5 – 3.26). These show where the main sources of fossil

1 Water total and water consumption present two different approaches to measuring the water used by the product
systems. Water consumption measures all water used at each process step, excluding the water used for electricity
generation. The water total quantity does include hydropower water use.
2 The waste consists of three components: The product and the packaging itself, the waste arisings at KC operations, and
the wastes related to the productions of the pulps used by KC.


carbon emissions and water consumption occur across the life cycle of the
tissue products.

Table 3.13 Product 1 – North American bathroom tissue

Impact category Unit Product 1A Product 1B Product 1BB

Coal kg Coal 4.47 10.57 9.57
Oil kg Oil 1.71 4.01 3.24
Natural gas m3 Gas 4.41 10.02 9.07
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 21.2 55.1 47.58
Methane kg CH4 0.14 0.41 0.40
NOx kg NOx 0.14 0.32 0.29
SOx kg SOx 0.13 0.30 0.27
COD kg COD 0.69 1.42 1.34
BOD kg BOD 0.10 0.27 0.25
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.04 0.06 0.06
Particulates kg PM 0.02 0.05 0.04
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 1.73 3.48 2.79
Water total m3 69.96 225.18 135.35
PAH (air borne) kg PAH 1.06E-04 8.55E-05 8.46E-05
CED MJ-eq 655 1599 1195
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 10.91 16.99 16.99
(manufacturing) kg 0.4 0.57 0.57

Raw materials and waste are both equal for product B and BB since these only
include the manufacturing stage. The difference between the two products is
in the way recycled paper is allocated before the manufacturing stage and will
thus not have any impact on the results presented in the inventory tables.


Figure 3.4 Product 1A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &

$ $ $ 0 0
! "
# %& '!
%# ' ,,12& % ' -
9 ,( !72#

$ /

( 0 / 0
+ , , - ,' ' ,,134 ' ,,13 '
.,'- '3 5 -3 5
' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8
/ $

The grey boxes are individual processes and the coloured boxes are life cycle
stages which are made up of a number of processes. The yellow box
represents the whole life cycle consisting of manufacture (blue box), transport
processes and waste management processes. The red ‘thermometer’ to the
right of each process/life cycle stage represents the contribution from the
processes to the emission of CO2. The number in the left bottom corner is the
actual CO2 emission from each process. For example 1.08 kg CO2 is emitted
from burning 0.000359 m3 natural gas in an industrial boiler. The 1.08 kg CO2
is caused by the use of natural gas to produce NBSK pulp.

The use of 4.34 kg of NBSK pulp results in an emission of 2.36 kg CO2 where
the 1.08 kg is caused by the use of natural gas which means a difference of 1.28
kg CO2 (2.36-1.08). The difference is due to the way these flow charts are
generated. The flow chart does not include all processes in the life cycle. The
life cycle of Product 1A consist of a total of 137 processes, but it is not possible
to show all of them in a flow diagram. Therefore a cut off criteria is applied to


narrow the number of process boxes down to 11. To narrow it down to the 11
processes presented in Figure 3.4 , all processes that contribute less than 4% to
the total CO2 emission have been left out of flowchart but their contribution is
still included in the result.

Figure 3.5 Product 1B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$ 0 / 0
)8 :2& ' ,,12& % ' -
9 ,( !72#

$ 0
; - 3 3 ' ,,12&
- 3 4 5 : ,, 3
( 6 < <2: - '


Figure 3.6 Product 1BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

5- .

$ 0 / 0
)8 : 5 - ' ,,12& % ' -
. :2& 9 ,( !72#

$ 0
; - 3 ' ,,12&
- 3 4
( 6 < <2:


Table 3.14 Product 2 – North American Washroom towel

Impact category Unit Product 2A Product 2B Product 2BB

Coal kg Coal 92.10 117.98 111.71
Oil kg Oil 18.52 31.74 26.92
Natural gas m^3 Gas 78.19 105.44 99.52
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 375.8 550.44 503.65
Methane kg CH4 4.42 5.66 5.58
NOx kg NOx 2.13 2.91 2.74
SOx kg SOx 2.86 2.84 2.67
COD kg COD 12.71 19.19 18.69
BOD kg BOD 3.07 3.66 3.54
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.30 0.33 0.31
Particulates kg PM 0.30 0.45 0.37
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 22.9 30.8 26.5
Water total M3 1171.29 2074.89 1514.74
PAH (air borne) kg PAH 1.32E-03 7.60E-04 7.55E-04
CED MJ-eq 10935 14788 12270
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 142.4 154.4 154.4
(manufacturing) kg 47.1 47.2 47.2


Figure 3.7 Product 2A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1 -4 '
$ 6 &%8 5- 6

$ $ $

,, '
5- 6

$ $

$ 0 0
&; -'4, %& '!
%# ' ,,
12& % ' -
9 ,( !72#

$ /

0 /$ 0
' ,,134 ' ,,13 '
3 5 -3 5
' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8
$$ $


Figure 3.8 Product 2B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$ 0 $ 0
)8 :2& ' ,,12& % ' -
9 ,( !72#

$$ / $

$ 0
3 ' ,,1
5 : ,, 3 '3 5
- ' ' 6
2 7 &%8
$ / $$


Figure 3.9 Product 2BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

5- .

$ $ 0 $ 0
)8 : 5 - %& '!
%# ' ,,12& % ' -
. :2& 9 ,( !72#

/ $

/ $ 0 0 /$ 0
; - 3 ' ,,12& ' ,,134 ' ,,13 '
- 3 4 '3 5 -
3 5
( 6 < <2: ' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8
$$ $


Table 3.15 Product 3 – North American Facial tissue

Impact category Unit Product 3A Product 3B Product 3BB

Coal kg Coal 4.88 5.97 5.73
Oil kg Oil 3.59 4.08 3.9
Natural gas m3 Gas 5.58 6.71 6.49
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 31.77 38.78 37.01
Methane kg CH4 0.22 0.28 0.27
NOx kg NOx 0.21 0.24 0.23
SOx kg SOx 0.14 0.17 0.16
COD kg COD 0.97 1.13 1.10
BOD kg BOD 0.19 0.23 0.22
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.018 0.018 0.017
Particulates kg PM 0.023 0.029 0.026
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 1.45 1.75 1.59
Water total m3 68.99 100 79
PAH (air bourne) kg PAH 9.31E-5 7.18E-5 7.16E-5
CED MJ-eq 698 904 809
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 9.76 9.89 9.89
(manufacturing) kg 0.8 0.77 0.77


Figure 3.10 Product 3A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

/ (
7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

/ $

$ 0 0
. 3 %& '!
%# ' ,,
12& % ' -
, ,
. 3 9 ,( !72#
, '5 '
/ $

0 0
' ,, 134 ' ,,13 '
3 5 -3 5
' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8


Figure 3.11 Product 3B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart


7 - 3' 1
$6 &%8

$ $ 0 0
. 3 %& '!
%# )8 :2& ' ,,
12& % ' -
, ,
.3 9 ,( !72#
, '5 '
/ $

/ 0
' ,,134
3 5
' 62 7 &%8


Figure 3.12 Product 3BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1
$6 &%8

$ /

5- .

$ $ 0 0
. 3 %& '!
%# )8 : 5 - ' ,,
12& % ' -
, ,
.3 . :2& 9 ,( !72#
, '5 '

/ 0
' ,,134
3 5
' 62 7 &%8

Table 3.16 Product 4 – North American Kitchen towel

Impact category Unit Product 4A Product 4B Product 4BB

Coal kg Coal 5.12 5.74 5.42
Oil kg Oil 1.32 1.73 1.48
Natural gas M3 Gas 4.53 5.28 4.98
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 22.10 27.66 25.23
Methane kg CH4 0.20 0.27 0.26
NOx kg NOx 0.12 0.15 0.14
SOx kg SOx 0.12 0.14 0.13
COD kg COD 0.83 0.93 0.91
BOD kg BOD 0.15 0.18 0.18
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.01 0.01 0.01
Particulates kg PM 0.02 0.02 0.02
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 1.35 1.15 0.93
Water total m3 156.80 103.56 74.53
PAH (air bourne) kg PAH 4.72E-05 3.51E-05 3.48E-05
CED MJ-eq 653 763 632
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 7.53 7.53 7.53
(manufacturing) kg 2.54 2.84 2.84


Figure 3.13 Product 4A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart


$ / $ 0 0
. 3 7 %& '!
%# ' ,,12& % ' -
= ,. 3-,' 9 ,( !72#
5''3 ' 6 <<

/ $

0 0
' ,,134 '
3 ' ,,13 '
5 ' 627 -
3 5
&%8 ' 62 7 &%8


Figure 3.14 Product 4B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart


$ 0 / $ 0
)8 :2& ' ,,12& % ' -
9 ,( !72#

$ / $

$ $$ 0 $ 0 // 0
; - 3 3 ' ,,12& ' ,,1
34 ' ,,13 '
- 3 4 5 : ,, 3 '3 5 -3 5
( 6< <2: - ' ' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8
$ / $


Figure 3.15 Product 4BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

5- .

$ 0 / $ 0
)8 : 5 - ' ,,12& % ' -
. :2& 9 ,( !72#

/ $

$ 0 $ 0 // 0
; - 3 ' ,,12& ' ,,134 ' ,,13 '
- 3 4 '3 5 -3 5
( 6 < <2: ' 62 7 &%8 ' 62 7 &%8
/ $

$ 0
' ,,134
'3 5
' 62 7 &%8


Table 3.17 Product 5 – European Folded toilet tissue

Impact category Unit Product 5A Product 5B Product 5BB Product 5AB

Coal kg Coal 141.4 147.7 111.5 114.4
Oil kg Oil 66.63 64.7 43.9 51.1
Natural gas m3 Gas 194.36 190.3 156.2 168.9
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 950.0 967.4 786.6 814.8
Methane kg CH4 9.54 11.37 10.89 9.18
NOx kg NOx 2.46 2.63 1.84 1.87
SOx kg SOx 2.22 2.08 1.16 1.53
COD kg COD 15.95 12.86 10.61 14.27
BOD kg BOD 3.37 3.59 3.19 3.07
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.38 0.31 0.18 0.28
Particulates kg PM 0.80 0.88 0.45 0.47
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 52.17 50.48 25.36 33.7
Water total m3 3639 4294.70 1017.19 1189.08
PAH (air bourne) kg PAH 1.51E-03 1.60E-04 1.30E-04 1.5E-03
CED MJ-eq 28359 27306 12882 17578
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 382.3 352.4 352.4 382.3
(manufacturing) kg 21.7 19.3 19.3 21.7


Figure 3.16 Product 5A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$$ (
7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

/ /

$ $ $ 0 0
. 3 ), ' ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
4,. 3-,' >' 3 , , - ,'
3 ' 6 << ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ $ $

$$ $$ 0
3 3 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 >' 3 ,
- ' - ' - ' ?3 ,6
? &%8


Figure 3.17 Product 5B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$/ (
7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

0 / 0
), ' ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
>' 3 , , - ,'
?3 ,6
? &%8
$ //

3 3 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 >' 3 ,
- ' - ' - ' ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ /


Figure 3.18 Product 5BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$/ (
7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

5- .

0 / 0
. 3 ), ' ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
. 3-,' : >' 3 , , - ,'
3 ' 6 << 5- . ?3 ,6
? &%8

$ 0
; - 3 ; - 3 ; - 3 ; - 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
- 3 4 - 3 4 - 3 4 - 3 4 >' 3 ,
( 6
<< ( 6
<< ( 6 << ( 6
<< ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ /


Figure 3.19 Product 5AB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$$ (
7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

5- .

$ $ $ 0 0
. 3 ), ' ' ,,13( ,( 3 ' -3
4,. 3-,' : >' 3 , , - ,'
3 ' 6 << 5- . ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ $

$ / $$ 0
; - 3 ; - 3 ; - 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
- 3 4 - 3 4 - 3 4 >' 3 ,
( 6<< ( 6
<< ( 6
<< ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ / $


Table 3.18 Product 6 – European Roll toilet tissue

Impact category Unit Product 6A Product 6B Product 6BB

Coal kg Coal 3.29 5.25 4.64
Oil kg Oil 3.09 3.87 3.39
Natural gas m3 Gas 13.97 16.11 15.53
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil) kg CO2 43.11 56.02 51.42
Methane kg CH4 0.66 0.78 0.77
NOx kg NOx 0.11 0.17 0.15
SOx kg SOx 0.11 0.15 0.13
COD kg COD 1.93 2.06 2.01
BOD kg BOD 0.36 0.43 0.42
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.04 0.04 0.04
Particulates kg PM 0.02 0.03 0.03
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 3.01 3.36 2.94
Water total m3 497.90 531.33 476.32
PAH (air bourne) kg PAH 2.86E-04 2.21E-04 2.21E-04
CED MJ-eq 1847 2089 1842
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 32.86 32.97 32.97
(manufacturing) kg 3.48 3.48 3.48

Figure 3.20 Product 6A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1
$ 6 &%8

$ 0 / 0
%& ! # 7 %& ! # ! "
# ' ,,13( ,( 3 ' -3
>' 3 , - ,'
, *<3
/ / $

0 (
' ,,1 '
1 -5
! -


Figure 3.21 Product 6B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

$ 0 0
)8 ! "
# 7 ' ,,13( ,( 3 ' -3
>' 3 , - ,'
, *<3
$ / $

/ $ 0
; - 3 3 ' ,,12&
- 3 4 5 : ,, 3
( 6
<< - '

/ 0
' ,,134
'3 5
' 62 7 &%8


Figure 3.22 Product 6BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

5- .

$ 0 0
)8 : 5- ! "
# 7 ' ,,13( ,( 3 ' - 3
. >' 3 , - ,'
, *<3
/ / $

/ 0 0 $/ (
; - 3 ' ,,12& % ' - '
1 -5
- 3 4 9 ,( !72# ! - ,1
( 6
<< 6
( #

/ 0
' ,,134
'3 5
' 62 7 &%8

Table 3.19 Product 7 – European Commercial Wipers

Impact category Unit Product 7A Product 7B Product 7BB

Coal kg Coal 83.8 162.6 136.7
Oil kg Oil 31.2 50.8 35.9
Natural gas M3 Gas 130.3 202.9 178.4
Carbon Dioxide
(Fossil) kg CO2 596.9 953.6 824.0
Methane kg CH4 1.70 12.26 11.92
NOx kg NOx 1.13 2.23 1.66
SOx kg SOx 1.19 1.80 1.13
COD kg COD 12.40 23.59 21.99
BOD kg BOD 2.15 6.12 5.83
Suspended Solids kg SS 0.17 0.17 0.07
Particulates kg PM 0.31 0.79 0.44
Water consumption
(manufacturing) m3 25.9 41.45 23.45
Water total m3 697.4 3208.9 859.7
PAH (air bourne) kg PAH 2.1E-03 8.8E-05 6.7E-05
CED MJ-eq 14463.2 23914.3 13407.6
Raw materials
(manufacturing) kg 201.6 243.15 243.15
(manufacturing) kg 3.48 6.15 6.15


Figure 3.23 Product 7A fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1 -4 '
$ 6 &%8 5- 6
% &%8

$ $

,, '
5- 6

$ $

// 0 / 0
2 ! "
# %& ! # ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
( ' 41 >' 3 , , - ,'
-,3 ' 6 << ?3 ,6
? &%8


Figure 3.24 Product 7B fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

7 - 3' 1
$6 &%8

/$ $ $


/ / 0 $$ 0
), ' ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
: -- >' 3 , , - ,'
?3 ,6
? &%8

$ $ $ 0
3 3 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 5 : ,, 3 >' 3 ,
- ' - ' - ' ?3 ,6
? &%8
$ $$


Figure 3.25 Product 7BB fossil carbon dioxide flow chart

( $
7 - 3' 1 -4 '
$6 &%8 5- 6

$ $ $ /

$ $
,, '
5- 6
: &%8
5- .
$ /

/ / 0 $$ 0
), ' ' ,,
13( ,( 3 ' -3
: -- >' 3 , - ,'
: 5- . , ?3

$ / $ 0
; - 3 ; - 3 ' ,,
13( ,(
- 3 4 - 3 4 >' 3
( 6
<< ( 6 << , ?3
$/ $



In the following chapter, the data that has been collated and analysed in the
life cycle inventory was further interpreted using the CML 2001 Baseline life
cycle impact assessment methodology. As described in the goal and scope, we
removed ecotoxicity from the CML method due to the large uncertainties of
the validity of the results. To account for this, the sensitivity analysis will
include an assessment using the Impact 2002+ method which includes
detailed and up to date calculations of ecotoxicity.

Furthermore a comparison of energy use, water use and solid waste is


The results will be shown per product type, where Product A is produced
using virgin fibres and Product B contain recycled fibres in different amounts
specific to the product assessed. Product BB represents the recycled fibre
scenario where waste paper comes free of burden and no environmental
impacts have been allocated to the paper’s previous lives. In addition to the
impact assessment results, the inventory results for water consumption,
Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) and waste production are shown as well.

To assess the scale of the impacts, a normalisation step is carried out for a
selection of the products under study.

Although a statistical treatment of the data was not possible we believe that
when comparing values, only a difference of 10% or more is meaningful. In
other cases the systems are considered equivalent. This is explained further in
the life cycle interpretation section (Chapter 5)


Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1 show the life cycle impacts for Product 1A, 1B and 1BB.
Figure 4.1 shows a comparison of the three life cycles illustrated by relating the
contribution from the three product codes to each impact category. Note these
are represented as a percentage of the impact of the product which has the
greatest impact in the particular impact category.


Figure 4.1 Comparison of the three life cycles



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,

Table 4.1 details the results for each impact category.

Table 4.1 Impact profile for Products 1A, 1B and 1BB

Impact category Unit Product 1A Product 1B Product 1BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 0.185 0.435 0.38
global warming kg CO2 eq 24.847 65.772 57.76
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 9.62E-07 2.60E-06 2.00E-06
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 64.743 62.118 60.04
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.009 0.021 0.02
acidification kg SO2 eq 0.225 0.520 0.47
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 0.045 0.096 0.09
water consumption m3 1.73 3.48 2.79
CED MJ 655 1599 1195
Waste kg 0.4 0.57 0.57

As can be seen from Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1, Product 1B has a higher
environmental impact for all categories except ‘human toxicity’. The main
reason for the variation in environmental impact between the three product
systems is the difference in weight of material to reach functional equivalence
of 40, 000 sheets which is the functional unit, ie Product 1B weighs almost two
times more than Product A per m2 tissue. The higher impact on human
toxicity from Product 1A is due to the emissions of PAH from burning black
liquor for energy in the production of virgin pulp. In addition the results show
that Product 1A consumes less water and energy, and produces less waste
than Product 1B. Changing the recycling scenario does not influence the
conclusions that the virgin fibre product has less impact.

Table 4.2 shows the variation in contribution per life cycle stages of the three
product systems (A, B and BB). They comprise:

• raw materials and manufacturing of tissues;

• transport to storage/retail; and


• end of life.

Table 4.2 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Products 1A, 1B
and 1BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 94-96% 4-5% 0%
Global Warming 86-92% 4-6% 5-8%
Ozone Layer Depletion 72-84% 5-21% 0-1%
Human Toxicity 95-97% 1% 3-4%
Photochemical Oxidaton 92-94% 2-3% 4-6%
Acidification 92-97% 1-4% 0-7%
Eutrophication 83-87% 3-4% 10-14%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. A more
detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product codes is
detailed in Table 4.3 to Table 4.5.

Table 4.3 Product 1A NA Bathroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 2.5% 45.6% 5.1% 25.8% 21.1% < 1%
global warming 2.3% 54.2% 4.1% 22.6% 16.7% < 1%
ozone layer < 1%
depletion 3.9% 67.9% 8.5% 19.3% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 95.7% < 1% 3.1% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 1.7% 46.4% 4.2% 11.3% 36.3% < 1%
acidification 1.2% 39.1% 4.0% 11.5% 44.1% < 1%
eutrophication 1.3% 70.8% 2.9% 4.3% 20.7% < 1%

Table 4.4 Product 1B NA Bathroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 2.5% 45.6% 5.1% 25.8% 21.1% < 1%
global warming 2.3% 54.2% 4.1% 22.6% 16.7% < 1%
ozone layer < 1%
depletion 3.9% 67.9% 8.5% 19.3% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 95.7% < 1% 3.1% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 1.7% 46.4% 4.2% 11.3% 36.3% < 1%
acidification 1.2% 39.1% 4.0% 11.5% 44.1% < 1%
eutrophication 1.3% 70.8% 2.9% 4.3% 20.7% < 1%


Table 4.5 Product 1BB NA Bathroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 2.9% 36.9% 5.9% 29.9% 24.4% < 1%
global warming 2.7% 47.2% 4.8% 26.1% 19.3% < 1%
ozone layer < 1%
depletion 5.4% 55.8% 11.7% 26.5% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 95.5% < 1% 3.2% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 1.9% 40.0% 4.8% 12.7% 40.6% < 1%
acidification 1.4% 33.1% 4.4% 12.6% 48.5% < 1%
eutrophication 1.5% 66.8% 3.3% 4.9% 23.5% < 1%

For Products 1A, 1B and 1BB, pulp production and energy consumption
during manufacturing contribute the most to each impact category.


Figure 4.2 and Table 4.8 compare the life cycle impact of the three product

Figure 4.2 Comparison of the three life cycles



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,


Table 4.6 Impact profile for Product 2A, 2B and 2BB (NA Washroom tissue)

Impact category Unit Product 2A Product 2B Product 2BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 3.18 4.41 4.05
global warming kg CO2 eq 486.77 691.64 641.72
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 0.00 0.00 0.00
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 839.01 552.25 539.31
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.19 0.22 0.20
acidification kg SO2 eq 4.53 4.91 4.62
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 3.20 3.54 3.48
water consumption m3 22.9 30.8 26.5
CED MJ 10935 14788 12270
Waste kg 47.1 47.2 47.2

As shown in Figure 4.2 and Table 4.6, Product 2B has a higher environmental
impact for all categories except for human toxicity. Product 2B also consumes
more water and energy over its lifetime, yet produces a smaller amount of
waste than Product 2A. This difference in waste production is only circa 5%.

Table 4.7 shows the variation in contribution per life cycle stages of the three
product systems (A, B and BB).

Table 4.7 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Products 2A, 2B
and 2BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 97-98% 2-3% 0%
Global Warming 83-87% 2-3% 10-14%
Ozone Layer Depletion 84-87% 10-15% 1%
Human Toxicity 95-97% 0% 3-5%
Photochemical Oxidaton 92-93% 1% 6-7%
Acidification 98% 2% 0%
Eutrophication 91-97% 1-3% 0-9%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. A more
detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product codes is
detailed in Table 4.8 to Table 4.10.


Table 4.8 Product 2A NA Washroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 8.4% 10.9% 1.7% 50.0% 28.8% < 1%
global warming 6.8% 11.3% 1.9% 48.1% 25.1% 6.9%
ozone layer
depletion 13.9% 33.8% 5.3% 44.8% < 1% 1.6%
human toxicity < 1% 95.5% < 1% 3.2% < 1% < 1%
photochemical < 1%
oxidation 3.9% 30.7% 18.5% 42.0% 4.2%
acidification 2.4% 27.1% < 1% 18.7% 50.8% < 1%
eutrophication < 1% 5.0% < 1% 1.8% 6.0% 86.4%

Table 4.9 Product 2B NA Washroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 9.0% 30.4% 1.2% 35.6% 22.4% 1.4%
global warming 6.4% 36.2% 1.3% 31.9% 18.1% 6.0%
ozone layer
depletion 16.6% 46.8% 3.6% 29.3% < 1% 3.2%
human toxicity 1.2% 92.0% < 1% 4.9% < 1% 1.1%
photochemical < 1%
oxidation 5.5% 33.7% 16.3% 40.1% 3.8%
acidification 3.1% 27.9% < 1% 17.3% 50.9% < 1%
eutrophication < 1% 14.6% < 1% 1.6% 5.9% 77.0%

Table 4.10 Product 2BB NA Washroom tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 9.8% 24.1% 1.3% 38.8% 24.4% 1.6%
global warming 7.0% 30.5% 1.4% 34.8% 19.7% 6.5%
ozone layer
depletion 20.2% 35.0% 4.4% 35.9% < 1% 4.0%
human toxicity 1.2% 91.8% < 1% 5.0% < 1% 1.2%
oxidation 5.9% 28.9% < 1% 17.4% 43.0% 4.1%
acidification 3.3% 23.3% < 1% 18.3% 54.1% < 1%
eutrophication < 1% 12.9% < 1% 1.6% 6.0% 78.5%

For Products 2A, 2B and 2BB, pulp production and energy consumption
during manufacturing contribute the most to each impact category (except
eutrophication where leachate of nutrients from solid waste treatment
contributes the most). The large contribution from waste to eutrophication is
not as extreme for the other product codes (eg product 1). Most pulp mills
recycle their paper waste and thus the impact of this is typically included in
the extra energy consumed for this recycling process and not as waste to


For both products, over 90% of the human toxicity impact is due to pulp
production. Product 2A consists of 100% virgin fibre whilst, Product 2B
consists of 55% virgin fibre and 45% recycled. The use of black liquor to
produce the energy consumed in production of virgin fibre going in to
Product 2B is thus the cause of the high human toxicity potential associated
with this product.


Figure 4.3 and Table 4.11 show the environmental impacts associated with the
life cycles of the three product types.

Figure 4.3 Comparison of the three life cycles



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5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,

Table 4.11 Impact profile for Products 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial tissue)

Impact category Unit Product 3A Product 3B Product 3BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 0.25 0.30 0.29
global warming kg CO2 eq 37.46 45.85 43.97
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 2.29E-06 2.63E-06 2.49E-06
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 58.11 47.81 47.32
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.01 0.01 0.01
acidification kg SO2 eq 0.28 0.33 0.32
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 0.06 0.07 0.07
water consumption m3 1.45 1.75 1.59
CED MJ 4381 5880 5176
Waste kg 0.8 0.77 0.77

As shown in Figure 4.3 and Table 4.11, Product 3B has a higher environmental
impact for all categories except for human toxicity. Again, this is caused by
the PAH emissions from burning black liquor. The water consumption and


energy use across the lifetime of Product 3A is lower than Product 3B, as is
waste production.

Table 4.12 shows the variation in contribution for the life cycle stages of the
product systems.

Table 4.12 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Product 3A, 3B
and 3BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 96-97% 3-4% 0%
Global Warming 81-85% 3-4% 12-15%
Ozone Layer Depletion 84-87% 12-15% 1%
Human Toxicity 96-97% 0% 3-4%
Photochemical Oxidaton 89-91% 1% 8-10%
Acidification 97% 3% 0%
Eutrophication 63-67% 2% 31-35%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. A more
detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product codes is
detailed in Table 4.13 to Table 4.15.

Table 4.13 Product 3A NA facial tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.9% 11.6% 11.7% 39.9% 30.9% < 1%
global warming 5.1% 12.9% 13.1% 40.6% 28.4% < 1%
ozone layer
depletion 8.3% 28.8% 31.6% 30.7% < 1% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 96.1% 1.1% 2.4% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 3.6% 13.8% 4.8% 19.2% 58.5% < 1%
acidification 2.1% 9.7% 3.6% 18.2% 66.4% < 1%
eutrophication 2.0% 46.7% 8.3% 7.8% 35.2% < 1%

Table 4.14 Product 3B NA facial tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.0% 23.9% 11.0% 33.4% 26.7% < 1%
global warming 4.0% 29.4% 11.6% 31.9% 23.0% < 1%
ozone layer
depletion 6.9% 39.4% 28.5% 24.7% < 1% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 94.8% 1.5% 3.0% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 3.0% 26.9% 4.5% 15.9% 49.8% < 1%
acidification 1.8% 21.0% 3.5% 15.5% 58.2% < 1%
eutrophication 1.7% 54.4% 7.6% 6.4% 29.8% < 1%


Table 4.15 Product 3BB NA facial tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.3% 19.4% 11.6% 35.4% 28.3% < 1%
global warming 4.3% 25.1% 12.3% 33.9% 24.4% < 1%
ozone layer
depletion 7.7% 32.0% 32.0% 27.7% < 1% < 1%
human toxicity < 1% 94.7% 1.5% 3.1% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 3.2% 23.3% 4.7% 16.7% 52.2% < 1%
acidification 1.9% 17.8% 3.6% 16.1% 60.5% < 1%
eutrophication 1.8% 51.8% 8.1% 6.8% 31.6% < 1%

For Products 3A, 3B and 3BB, pulp production and energy consumption
during manufacturing contribute most to each impact category (except
eutrophication, where waste treatment contributes the most). For both
products over 90% of the human toxicity impact is due to pulp production.
Product 3A consists of 100% virgin fibre, whilst Product 3B consists of 80%
virgin fibre and 20% recycled fibre. The use of black liquor to produce the
amount of virgin fibre consumed in Product 3B is the cause of the high human
toxicity potential from this product.


Figure 4.4 and Table 4.22 detail the environmental impact associated with the
three products.

Figure 4.4 Comparison of the three life cycles



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5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
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+) =, ,
$ $ $
( , @ $@
3 @ $@ @ $ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,


Table 4.16 Impact profile for Products 4A, 4B and 4BB (NA kitchen towel)

Impact category Unit Product 4A Product 4B Product 4BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 0.19 0.22 0.20
global warming kg CO2 eq 27.28 34.34 31.76
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 9.17E-07 1.20E-06 1.01E-06
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 30.72 25.80 25.13
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.01 0.01 0.01
acidification kg SO2 eq 0.20 0.24 0.23
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 0.06 0.06 0.06
water consumption m3 1.35 1.15 0.93
CED MJ 653 763 632
Waste kg 2.54 2.84 2.84

As shown in Figure 4.4 and Table 4.16, Product 4B has a higher environmental
impact for all categories, except for human toxicity. Again, this is caused by
the PAH emissions from burning black liquor. The alternative recycling
scenario does not change the results significantly. The water consumption
and energy use across the lifetime of Product 3A is lower than Product 3B, as
is waste production.

Table 4.17 shows the variation in contribution to the different life cycle stages
of the three product systems.

Table 4.17 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Product 4A, 4B
and 4BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 97% 3% 0%
Global Warming 85-87% 3% 10-12%
Ozone Layer Depletion 86-87% 11-14% 1%
Human Toxicity 94-95% 0% 4-5%
Photochemical Oxidaton 91-93% 1% 7-8%
Acidification 97-98% 2-3% 0%
Eutrophication 74-76% 2% 22-24%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. A more
detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product codes is
detailed in Table 4.18 to Table 4.20


Table 4.18 Product 4A NA kitchen towel: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 8.4% 15.7% 9.8% 41.8% 24.1% < 1%
global warming 6.7% 16.5% 9.4% 41.6% 21.7% 4.1%
ozone layer < 1% < 1%
depletion 21.3% 18.8% 20.7% 37.7%
human toxicity < 1% 92.9% 1.5% 4.3% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 6.4% 20.7% 4.3% 20.1% 45.4% 3.2%
acidification 3.2% 15.5% 4.3% 20.7% 56.1% < 1%
eutrophication 2.1% 38.0% 5.3% 6.3% 21.1% 27.2%

Table 4.19 Product 4B NA kitchen towel: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 8.1% 30.5% 5.9% 34.0% 21.4% < 1%
global warming 6.0% 37.0% 5.4% 30.9% 17.5% 3.0%
ozone layer
depletion 14.4% 45.5% 12.2% 26.8% < 1% < 1%
human toxicity 1.1% 92.0% 1.4% 5.1% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 5.2% 34.4% 2.6% 16.0% 39.3% 2.5%
acidification 3.0% 28.4% 2.5% 16.6% 49.2% < 1%
eutrophication 2.1% 47.8% 3.4% 5.2% 19.0% 22.4%

Table 4.20 Product 4BB NA kitchen towel: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 8.9% 24.0% 6.5% 37.2% 23.4% < 1%
global warming 6.6% 31.1% 5.9% 33.8% 19.2% 3.3%
ozone layer
depletion 17.6% 33.5% 14.9% 32.7% < 1% < 1%
human toxicity 1.1% 91.7% 1.4% 5.2% < 1% < 1%
oxidation 5.6% 29.4% 2.8% 17.2% 42.3% 2.7%
acidification 3.2% 23.7% 2.7% 17.7% 52.4% < 1%
eutrophication 2.3% 44.1% 3.7% 5.5% 20.4% 24.0%

For Product 4A, 4B and 4BB, pulp production and energy consumption during
manufacturing contribute the most to each impact. For both products, the
contribution to human toxicity from pulp production is above 90% of the total
human toxicity potential. Product 4A consists of 100% virgin fibre, whilst
Product 4B consists of 60% virgin fibre and 40% recycled fibre. The use of
black liquor to produce the amount of virgin fibre consumed in Product 4B is
thus the cause of the high human toxicity potential from this product. The
contribution from waste is caused by nitrate leachate from landfilling the
paper waste.



When compared to the other products, Product 5 is unique in that product A

contains 60% recycled fibre whereas Product B contains 100% recycled fibre.
Therefore the results were supplemented with an extra scenario where the
results of Product 5A were calculated where no environmental burden has
been assigned to the previous life of the waste paper used to produce recycled

Figure 4.5 and Table 4.21 detail the life cycle impacts from the four products

Figure 4.5 Comparison of the three life cycles



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,

Table 4.21 Impact profile for Products 5A, 5AB, 5B and 5BB (EUR folded toilet tissue)

Impact category Unit Product 5A Product 5AB Product 5B Product 5BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 7.48 6.05 7.53 5.61
global warming kg CO2 eq 1207.72 1059.92 1273.89 1076.18
ozone layer
depletion kg CFC-11 eq 7.22E-05 5.86E-05 7.30E-05 5.47E-05
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 1065.65 1030.94 298.13 251.69
oxidation kg C2H4 0.24 0.18 0.24 0.17
acidification kg SO2 eq 4.07 2.94 4.04 2.52
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 2.52 2.28 3.00 2.68
consumption m3 52.17 33.7 50.48 25.36
CED MJ 28519 17738 27521 13097
Waste kg 21.7 21.7 19.3 19.3


Figure 4.5 and Table 4.21 show that compared to Product 5A, Product 5B has a
higher environmental impact for all categories, except for human toxicity.
Again, this is caused by the PAH emissions from burning black liquor.
However, modelling the waste paper used in the integrated deinking mill as
free of environmental burden, and with no allocation to the paper’s previous
lives, has a significant impact on the life cycle results. In this case using
recycled fibres has a lower environmental impact than using virgin fibres.
Product 5AB has the lowest contribution to global warming when compared
to the other products. For the remaining impacts (except eutrophication),
Product 5BB has the lowest environmental contribution. Eutrophication is
mainly caused by landfilling waste paper from the manufacturing of recycled
fibre hence higher impact from products using recycled fibres.

Table 4.22 shows the variation in contribution to the different life cycle stages
of the three product systems.

Table 4.22 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Product 5A, 5AB,
5B and 5BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 94-95% 5-6% <1%
Global Warming 91-92% 4-5% 3-4%
Ozone Layer Depletion 81-87% 12-15% <1%
Human Toxicity 76-94% 0-2% 6-22%
Photochemical Oxidaton 90-93% 3-4% 5-7%
Acidification 87-92% 7-12% 1%
Eutrophication 91-93% 2-3% 5-6%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. A more
detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the four product codes is
detailed in Table 4.23 to Table 4.26.

Table 4.23 Product 5A EU folded toilet tissue: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 3.5% 38.6% 4.9% 25.7% 26.4% <1%
global warming 2.2% 50.6% 4.8% 21.6% 19.8% <1%
ozone layer <1%
depletion 4.8% 38.3% 5.4% 8.0% 42.6%
human toxicity 1.3% 91.5% 1.7% 3.1% 2.2% <1%
photochemical <1%
oxidation 3.0% 63.3% 12.0% 15.0% 6.6%
acidification 3.2% 64.7% 6.1% 21.9% 4.2% <1%
eutrophication <1% 93.5% 2.9% 2.5% <1% <1%


Table 4.24 Product 5AB EU folded toilet tissue: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 4.4% 23.0% 6.2% 32.2% 33.0% 1.2%
global warming 2.6% 43.0% 5.5% 25.0% 22.9% 1.0%
ozone layer
depletion 6.2% 21.2% 6.9% 10.2% 54.4% 1.2%
human toxicity 1.3% 91.2% 1.7% 3.2% 2.2% <1%
photochemical <1%
oxidation 4.0% 51.0% 16.0% 20.0% 8.8%
acidification 4.6% 49.2% 8.8% 31.5% 6.0% <1%
eutrophication <1% 92.7% 3.2% 2.8% <1% <1%

Table 4.25 Product 5B EUR folded toilet tissue: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 2.8% 45.6% 3.4% 23.4% 23.8% <1%
global warming 1.7% 58.7% 3.2% 18.7% 17.0% <1%
ozone layer <1%
depletion 3.2% 47.1% 3.7% 7.2% 38.0%
human toxicity 4.7% 69.1% 5.0% 12.0% 8.3% <1%
photochemical <1%
oxidation 2.3% 70.2% 8.2% 13.3% 5.8%
acidification 2.6% 69.1% 4.4% 20.2% 3.8% <1%
eutrophication <1% 95.6% 1.7% 1.9% <1% <1%

Table 4.26 Product 5BB EUR folded toilet tissue: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 3.9% 25.8% 4.7% 32.0% 32.5% 1.1%
global warming 2.0% 50.4% 3.8% 22.4% 20.4% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 4.4% 26.1% 5.2% 10.0% 53.1% 1.1%
human toxicity 5.8% 61.7% 6.2% 14.9% 10.3% 1.1%
photochemical <1%
oxidation 3.4% 55.9% 12.1% 19.7% 8.6%
acidification 4.4% 47.9% 7.4% 34.1% 6.4% <1%
eutrophication <1% 95.1% 1.9% 2.1% <1% <1%

For Product 5A, 5AB, 5B and 5BB, pulp production and energy consumption
during manufacturing contribute most to each impact. For Product 5A, over
90% of the human toxicity impact is due to pulp production. Product 5A
consists of 40% virgin fibres and 60% recycled fibre, whilst Product 5B consists
of 100% recycled fibre. The use of black liquor to produce the energy for
generating virgin fibres consumed in Product 5A is thus the cause of the high
human toxicity potential from this product.



Figure 4.6 and Table 4.27 detail the impact from the life cycles of the three

Figure 4.6 Comparison of the three life cycles



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,

Table 4.27 Impact profile for Products 6A, 6B and 6BB (EUR roll toilet tissue)

Impact category Unit Product 6A Product 6B Product 6BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 0.38 0.47 0.43
global warming kg CO2 eq 59.03 74.95 70.05
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 0.00 0.00 0.00
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 177.62 145.02 143.74
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.01 0.01 0.01
acidification kg SO2 eq 0.19 0.27 0.24
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 0.08 0.10 0.09
water consumption m3 3.01 3.36 2.94
CED MJ 1847 2089 1842
Waste kg 3.48 3.48 3.48

As shown in Figure 4.6 and Table 4.27, Product 6B has a higher environmental
impact for all categories except for human toxicity. Again, this is caused by
the PAH emissions from burning black liquor. The alternative recycling
scenario does not influence the results significantly.

Table 4.28 shows the variation in contribution to the different life cycle stages
of the three product systems.


Table 4.28 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Product 6A, 6B
and 6BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 97% 2-3% <1%
Global Warming 75-80% 2-3% 17-22%
Ozone Layer Depletion 93-94% 5-6% 0-1%
Human Toxicity 93-94% 0% 6-7%
Photochemical Oxidaton 68-73% 1-2% 23-30%
Acidification 93-95% 4-5% 1-2%
Eutrophication 49-56% 2% 42-49%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes. The land
filling of the sludge from the waste water treatment plant makes a significant
contribution to the eutrophication potential at end of life.

A more detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product
codes is detailed in Table 4.29 to Table 4.31.

Table 4.29 Product 6A EU roll toilet tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 6.6% 20.8% 8.0% 8.7% 55.9% <1%
global warming 5.8% 23.2% 5.6% 11.4% 53.9% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 6.7% 17.4% 1.6% 4.4% 69.8% <1%
human toxicity <1% 97.4% <1% <1% 1.4% <1%
oxidation 10.4% 49.0% 6.3% 14.2% 20.2% <1%
acidification 6.2% 58.6% 8.2% 17.2% 9.8% <1%
eutrophication 3.6% 82.2% 5.1% 4.7% 4.4% <1%

Table 4.30 Product 6B EUR roll toilet tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.5% 32.5% 6.9% 7.2% 48.0% <1%
global warming 4.5% 38.8% 4.5% 8.8% 43.3% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 5.9% 25.1% 1.5% 3.9% 63.6% <1%
human toxicity <1% 96.6% <1% <1% 1.8% <1%
oxidation 7.5% 62.7% 4.6% 10.1% 15.0% <1%
acidification 4.6% 69.3% 6.2% 12.5% 7.4% <1%
eutrophication 3.0% 85.3% 4.2% 3.8% 3.7% <1%


Table 4.31 Product 6BB EUR roll toilet tissue: Impact profile per input to manufacturing

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.3% 34.3% 6.7% 7.0% 46.7% <1%
global warming 4.3% 41.9% 4.3% 8.4% 41.1% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 5.7% 27.8% 1.4% 3.7% 61.3% <1%
human toxicity <1% 96.7% <1% <1% 1.8% <1%
oxidation 7.2% 64.5% 4.4% 9.6% 14.3% <1%
acidification 4.4% 71.1% 5.8% 11.8% 6.9% <1%
eutrophication 2.7% 86.5% 3.9% 3.5% 3.4% <1%

For Product 6A, 6B and 6BB, pulp production and energy consumption during
manufacturing contribute the most to each impact. For both products, the
contribution to human toxicity from pulp production is above 90% of the total
human toxicity potential. Product 6A consists of 100% virgin fibres, whilst
Product 6B consists of 80% virgin fibres and 20% recycled fibres. The use of
black liquor to produce the energy for generating virgin fibres going in to
Product 6B is thus the cause of the high human toxicity potential from this


Figure 4.7 and Table 4.32 detail the life cycle environmental impact of the three

Figure 4.7 Comparing the three life cycles



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?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,


Table 4.32 Impact profile for Products 7A, 7B and 7BB (EUR commercial wipers)

Impact category Unit Product 7A Product 7B Product 7BB

abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 4.29 7.33 5.96
global warming kg CO2 eq 646.00 1258.80 1117.05
ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 3.80E-05 6.92E-05 5.61E-05
human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 1325.01 216.21 182.89
photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 0.09 0.22 0.16
acidification kg SO2 eq 2.03 3.46 2.37
eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 0.54 2.74 2.51
water consumption m3 25.9 41.45 23.45
CED MJ 14463 23914 13578
Waste kg 3.48 6.15 6.15

As shown in Figure 4.7 and Table 4.32, Product 7B has a higher environmental
impact for all categories except for human toxicity. Product 7A consists of
100% virgin fibres, whilst Product 7B consists of 100% recycled fibres which
can be seen in the large difference in contribution to human toxicity. Again,
this is caused by the PAH emissions from burning black liquor in virgin pulp

Table 4.33 shows the variation in contribution to the different life cycle stages
of the three product systems.

Table 4.33 Variation in contribution from different life cycle stages for Products 7A, 7B
and 7BB

Impact category Manufacture Transport End of life

Abiotic Depletion 94-95% 5-6% 0%
Global Warming 77-93% 4-6% 7-17%
Ozone Layer Depletion 83-87% 12-16% 0-1%
Human Toxicity 68-96% 0-2% 4-30%
Photochemical Oxidaton 80-89% 3-5% 6-17%
Acidification 76-91% 2-10% 1-22%
Eutrophication 58-77% 2-8% 20-34%

The manufacturing life cycle stage is dominant for all product codes.
A more detailed analysis of the manufacturing phase for the three product
codes is detailed in Table 4.34 to Table 4.36.


Table 4.34 Product7A EUR commercial wipers: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 7.5% 10.8% 2.1% 43.8% 35.8% <1%
global warming 6.3% 12.4% 1.3% 46.2% 33.7% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 10.3% 9.0% <1% 15.3% 65.0% <1%
human toxicity < 1% 95.9% <1% 2.4% 1.3% <1%
oxidation 12.3% 33.8% 1.7% 38.8% 13.6% <1%
acidification 7.2% 39.3% 2.3% 44.5% 6.8% <1%
eutrophication 5.8% 70.8% 1.5% 17.7% 4.1% <1%

Table 4.35 Product 7B EUR commercial wipers: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 5.2% 34.4% <1% 30.2% 29.5% <1%
global warming 3.5% 47.9% <1% 25.7% 22.5% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 6.3% 35.9% <1% 9.5% 48.1% <1%
human toxicity 3.8% 57.6% <1% 22.9% 15.2% <1%
oxidation 6.5% 63.8% <1% 20.6% 8.6% <1%
acidification 4.8% 59.3% <1% 29.8% 5.4% <1%
eutrophication 1.0% 94.8% <1% 3.1% < 1% <1%

Table 4.36 Product 7BB EUR commercial wipers: Impact profile per input material to

Impact category Raw materials Pulp Packaging Electricity Heat Waste

abiotic depletion 6.5% 18.5% <1% 37.5% 36.7% <1%
global warming 4.1% 40.0% <1% 29.6% 25.9% <1%
ozone layer
depletion 8.0% 18.7% <1% 12.0% 61.0% <1%
human toxicity 4.8% 46.3% <1% 29.1% 19.3% <1%
oxidation 9.1% 49.4% <1% 28.9% 12.1% <1%
acidification 7.3% 38.2% <1% 45.2% 8.2% <1%
eutrophication 1.2% 94.2% <1% 3.5% 1.0% <1%

For both Product 7A and 7B, pulp production and energy consumption during
manufacturing contribute most to each impact. For product 7A, the
contribution to human toxicity from pulp production is above 90% of the total
human toxicity potential. Product 7A consists of 100% virgin fibres, whilst
Product 7B consists of 100% recycled fibres. Therefore there is no PAH
emissions associated with the production of pulp for Product 7B.



In order to gain a better understanding of the relative scale of an

environmental impact, a normalisation step is required. The individual
impact results determined by the characterisation steps above are difficult to
compare and to interpret because of their differing orders of magnitude. The
normalisation step in the life cycle impact assessment methods makes this
comparison possible by relating them to the total emissions or extractions over
a certain period in a specific geographic area. Normalisation is an optional
element of LCA. Therefore we have only included normalisation for a
selection of products. In this study, we have used the total European annual
effect scores in 1995 as they are included in the CML method. Figures 4.15 and
4.16 below represent the contribution from one year of boxed facial tissue use
in a large, affluent household in the Eastern US and the wiping of 1 000 kg of
absorbed kitchen spills over a year in a European restaurant. Both product
systems are related to total European impacts in 1995. Currently no
normalisation data exist for the US thus it is not possible to measure the
significance of the impacts as if they take place in the US.

The scale on the normalisation figures below represents the actual

contribution that the tissue products make to the average European annual
effect for each impact category (eg 1.0E-2 is 1% of the annual contribution that
all Europeans contribute to an environmental impact such as global warming).

Figure 4.8 Normalising the life cycle results of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial

1.5E-11 LC Product 3A
1.3E-11 LC Product 3B
1.0E-11 LC Product 3BB












i fi




tr o















Figure 4.9 Normalising the life cycle results of Product 7A, 7B and 7BB (EUR
commercial wipes)

LC Product 7A
LC Product 7B
LC Product 7BB





ti o









i fi





t ro













Figure 4.8 and 5.9 identify resource consumption as being the most significant
in terms of the scale of burden. The abiotic depletion that represents resource
consumption is predominantly associated with the extraction of oil, gas and
coal reserves. In the life cycle, this is caused by energy consumption for
manufacturing of tissue products and pulp manufacturing. Other impacts,
such as global warming and acidification are also caused by energy
consumption. The scale of the human toxicity impact is also significant due to
the emissions of PAH from the use of black liquor in pulp production.
Eutrophication is also significant in terms of scale of burden. Eutrophication
is mainly caused by nutrient leaching, eg nitrate from landfilling paper waste
or NOx emissions from energy consumption. In the case of Product 7B, the
integrated mill for recycled fibre has a high output of solid paper waste which
is landfilled or land applied.




In this section, the results from the study are interpreted by evaluating
whether they are meaningful. When comparing two products it is essential to
address when a difference in environmental impact is meaningful.

There are three ways to determine if a difference is meaningful:

1. calculation using statistics;

2. empirical determination by observation of the input data; or
3. relating the impact to other measures of environmental impacts eg car

A statistical treatment of the data was not possible.

Global warming potential is only related to the energy consumed in the life
cycle which makes it directly comparable with other energy consuming
activities such as miles driven in a car. We have used this approach to put the
differences in global warming between the products into perspective.

For other environmental impacts other measurements of meaningfulness were

used. Throughout the LCA, estimations and assumptions have been made
that potentially introduce uncertainty into the final results. All data used in
this study have a level of uncertainty caused by:

1. missing information in the questionnaire received;

2. inappropriate modelling for the necessary inputs and outputs eg using
Scandinavian wood for US conditions; and
3. mistakes imposed by human errors.

This ‘noise’, which is inevitable in any LCA study, must be considered when
comparing product systems to determine whether differences in
environmental impact are real differences or caused by this noise (which
would mean that the environmental impact from the two systems is
equivalent within the accuracy of the evaluation).

In earlier studies, ERM has used a qualitative system to measure uncertainties

of data collated for LCA studies by considering how the data were

1. are the data measured?;

2. are the data calculated?; or
3. are the data estimated?


For measured data, we apply an uncertainty margin of ±5%; for calculated
±10% and for estimated ±25%. In this study most data collated by the
suppliers were either measured or calculated so that the data used for the
study are likely to vary as much as 10%. On that basis we consider that an
environmental difference of 10% or more is considered meaningful. If the
difference is less than 10%, the systems are considered equivalent.

An evaluation of the consistency and sensitivity of the results and conclusions

has evaluated using sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis is a process
whereby key input parameters and method choices about which there may be
some uncertainty are deliberately varied in the modelling to show the effect
that such variation could have on the results of the assessment.


Figure 5.1 to Figure 5.7 detail the results of all life cycles per impact category.
This enables a comparison of the trends across the different products when
normalised according to the product category (A,B or BB) contributing the
most to each life cycle impact category. The ‘worst’ scoring product category
is used as benchmark to show the relative contribution from the other product
categories. This also details if there is any meaningful difference between the
product codes. For example, in Figure 5.1 below, there is no meaningful
difference between Product 5A and 5B. All other difference between Product
A and B are greater than 10%.

As mentioned earlier Product 5A consist of 60% recycled fibres and therefore

the assessment of this product also includes a scenario where the waste paper
comes without environmental burden up until it is collected and processed
into pulp (Product 5AB).

Figure 5.1 Abiotic Resource Consumption


Relative Performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue


Figure 5.2 Global Warming Potential



Relative Performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue

Figure 5.3 Ozone Layer Depletion


Relative Performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue


Figure 5.4 Human Toxicity



Relative performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue

Figure 5.5 Photochemical Oxidation


Relative Performace (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue


Figure 5.6 Acidification



Relative Performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue

Figure 5.7 Eutrophication


Relative Performance (1 = worst performer)





1) NA Bath Tissue 2) NA Roll Towel 3) NA Facial 4) NA Kitch. Towel 5) EU Folded 6) EU Roll Tissue 7) EU Wipers
Tissue Tissue


In general Product B has the highest environmental impact across all product
codes, except for human toxicity where Product A performs worse across all
products codes.

For all impact categories except for human toxicity, Product 5A and Product
5B have nearly identical impacts in four of the seven categories presented.
This is believed to be due to the co-occurrence of two factors:


1. The use of high level of recycled fibre in Product 5A (60% RF) provides
similarity in product composition.
2. The use of integrated de-inking operations to both recovered fibre and
produce tissue in a single facility. This eliminates the need to dry and ship
recycled fibres.

The comparison between Product 5AB and Product 5BB is also influenced by
these factors.

Table 5.1 Summary of findings per impact category

Impact Results Summary

Abiotic depletion Six product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 5 does not favour either fibre type
Global Warming Potential Six product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 5 does not favour either fibre type
Ozone Layer Depletion Six product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 5 does not favour either fibre type
Acidification Five product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 2 and 5 does not favour either fibre type
Eutrophication Five product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 2 and 5 does not favour either fibre type
Human Toxicity Five product codes suggest that recycled fibre has lower impact
Product 1 does not favour either fibre type
Photochemical oxidation Six product codes suggest that virgin fibre has lower impact
Product 5 does not favour either fibre type


In terms of global warming, the most significant difference is between Product

A and Product B for each of the codes. Therefore the significance assessment
was based on these two product systems. Table 5.38 details the differences
between the products and also how this difference relates to miles driven in a


Table 5.38 'Miles per Tissue Paper' (one year’s consumption)

1A 1B Converted into
Bathroom tissue Bathroom tissue Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 24.84 65.77 40.92 153.64
2A 2B Calculated into
Washroom towel Washroom towel Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 486.77 691.64 204.89 769.16
3A 3B Calculated into
Facial tissue Facial tissue Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 37.46 45.85 8.39 31.5
4A 4B Calculated into
Kitchen towel Kitchen towel Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 27.28 34.34 7.07 26.54
5A 5B Calculated into
Folded toilet tissue Folded toilet tissue Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 1207.72 1273.89 66.17 248.45
6A 6B Calculated into
Roll toilet tissue Roll toilet tissue Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 59.03 74.95 15.92 59.77
7A 7B Calculated into
Commercial wipers Commercial wipers Difference miles driven
Kg CO2-eq 646.00 1258.80 612.80 2300.69

All results represent a year’s consumption of the product in question. In

terms of miles driven, the biggest difference is for Product 7, namely 2300
miles. On average a car in the US drives 12 000 miles a year so this equals
using a car for approximately 2 months or driving a mid size car from Los
Angeles to Detroit.

Driving 769 miles in a car per year equals driving 64 miles a month or en extra
two miles a day. As described in Table 2.2, 4.5 washroom towels are used per
person a day. When such a small amount of washroom towels equals driving
an additional two miles a day, the difference is considered meaningful.


The following parameters were investigated in the sensitivity analysis.

1. A specific scenario involving the EUR Commercial wipers (product 7A

and 7B). Currently, the reference flows are based on product absorbency
resulting in two different reference flows for the same function. In the
sensitivity analysis, we varied the reference flow between the current
levels and also included a scenario where the reference flow is equivalent
for both products.
2. Different number of uses for office paper before it is recycled into tissue
3. The decreased use of natural gas for drying of recycled pulp.


4. The use of different impact assessment methods (also including biogenic
carbon). This will also include an assessment of eco-toxicity using the
Impact 2002+ method.

Scenario 1 – changing the functional unit

When using absorbency as reference for wipers, the content of recycled fibres
plays a significant role. Product 7A consists of 100% virgin fibres and Product
7B consists of 100% recycled fibres. To reach functional equivalence in terms
of absorbency, 82 000 sheets of product 7B equal 68 000 sheets of product 7A.
Comparing the products on a sheet to sheet basis is detailed in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 Product 7A, 7B and 7BB EUR commercial wipers - Sensitivity Analysis



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 64 % 4 ' -
3 64 ,

Comparing 7A, 7B and 7BB on a sheet to sheet basis, the life cycle impact from
the wipers made of 100% virgin fibre increases by approximately 21%. As
shown in Figure 4.1, the 100% recycled fibre (7B) still has a higher impact than
7A (except for human toxicity). Modelling the waste paper input free of
environmental burden (7BB) changes this slightly, ie the tissue paper with
100% recycled fibre has a slightly lower contribution than 100% virgin fibre for
acidification. The difference between Product 7A and 7B is meaningful.

Scenario 2 – changing the number of uses of office paper before recycling it into tissue

In this scenario the impact on the results of varying the number of uses of the
office paper before it is recycled into tissue paper is assessed. When office
paper is recycled into tissue paper it will not be recycled again. Ideally, office
paper fibres should be recycled into office paper a number of times before
they are transformed into tissue paper. In the present study, we assumed six
lives. Figure 5.9 illustrates the impact of varying the number of uses between
two and eight times.


Figure 5.9 Impact on in the life cycle from different number of uses



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,
: -- : -- :/ --
( , @ @
3 @ : --
@3 @ : --
@ @ :/ --
@A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 6; '3 64 ,

Decreasing the number of uses before conversion into tissue increases the
environmental impact. For all environmental impacts except human toxicity,
the product with 100% virgin material has the lowest environmental impact
thus changing the number of uses will not change the conclusions of the
study. Interestingly, increasing the number of uses from 6 to 8 results in a
very slightly higher environmental impact since the environmental impacts
from waste paper processing exceeds the environmental impact from
producing the office paper. If we apply a 30% recycling rate of paper this
means that 70% is not recycled. After the first use 9% (30% of 30%) is
allocated to the previous life of the paper, thereafter 2.7% (9% of 30%) and so
on, meaning that after 8 uses the allocation to previous lives will be minimal.
Thus changing from 6 to 8 uses will basically not change the allocation factor
because the systems are more or less identical.

Except for human toxicity and acidification, the difference between using the
paper 2 and 6 times is not judged to be a meaningful difference in the context
of this study since it is less than 10%.

Scenario 3 – use of natural gas for drying of recycled fibres

In the study it is assumed (based on data provided by K-C) that drying

recycled fibres involves higher energy consumption than drying virgin fibres.
This assumption is assessed in the following sensitivity scenario. Data
provided by K-C showed a difference of up to 19% between the energy
consumed when separating the drying of the virgin and recycled fibres and
treating both fibre types equally. The highest difference between the products
was for product 5A and 5B ‘EUR Folded Toilet Tissue’ and therefore the
sensitivity was tested on these products.


Figure 5.10 The impact of energy for drying on the life cycle of Products 5A and 5B EUR
folded toilet tissue



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,
- 1 1, :'-
- 1 1,
( , @ @
3 @ :'-
- 1 1, @
3 @ @ @ :'-
- 1 1, @
A 4 B . -'
, !
% , , + 3% 9 =#C 64 % 4 ' -
3 64 ,

As Figure 5.10 shows, the impact of reducing the energy used for drying fibres
by up to 19% in the manufacturing of tissue paper is not meaningful. For
example the difference in global warming between the two manufacturing
processes of Product 5A amounts to 120 kg CO2-eq which equals driving 450
miles in a car and is thus not a significant difference.

Scenario 5 – applying other life cycle impact assessment methods

Another way of consolidating the results and subsequent conclusions is to test

the results using other impact assessment methods. In this context, Product
3A and Product 3B (NA facial tissue) were compared using the following
assessment methods:

• Eco-indicator 99 method;
• TRACI method; and
• CML method, in which biogenic CO2 was accounted for; and
• Impact 2002+ method.

The Eco-indicator 99 method was developed by PRé Consultants in the

Netherlands, who also develop the SimaPro software. The Eco-indicator 99
method is an international recognised impact assessment method. The
comparison of the three products is presented in Figure 5.11.


Figure 5.11 Results of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial tissue) using the Eco-indicator
99 method

, - <- ,- <- , ,- '

( 4 < ,, +" '1 =,,1 ,,, , - , '
- *-
-,' '
6 4, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B :
,, !#C $6 8 6 64 ,

When applying the Eco-indicator 99 method to calculate the life cycle impacts
of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB, it is clear that Product 3B has a higher
environmental contribution to all impact categories including toxicity
categories and that the difference is meaningful. This indicates that the Eco-
indicator 99 method does not assign the same level of toxicity potential to
PAH emissions as the CML method. The contribution of PAHs is represented
in the second column ‘Respiratory organics’. However, it is important to note
how different life cycle impact assessment methodologies include and
calculate the impact from PAH emissions. The most common life cycle
assessment methods (CML, Eco-indicator etc) only include a limited number
of substances and often the same substance is not represented by the same
name. For example, in the current study we have added the emission of PAHs
to the virgin fibre production process. The CML method picks up this
emission as a potential contributor to human toxicity ie the ‘substance’ PAH
has a characterisation value. However, PAH is not a substance; PAH is a
group of substances eg benzene, naphthalene, anthracene etc. Eco-indicator
99 does not characterise PAH as a substance but includes each individual
substance and its characterisation factor. The result is that when we add
PAHs as a substance to our pulp process the potential human toxicity impact
will not be visible in the Eco-indicator 99 method but will have a significant
contribution when using the CML method. This emphasizes the importance
of using more than one impact assessment method when interpreting the
results of an LCA.

Using Eco-indicator 99 favours the use of virgin fibres compared to recycled

fibres when accounting for first life of the waste paper. Using waste paper
with no environmental burden attached, the results do not change, except for
‘Minerals’, but here the difference is minor.


The TRACI method was developed by the US EPA and only includes
characterisation. The method represents US conditions and may therefore
become the method of choice for products produced in the US. The method is
still under development, however, and has not been verified by LCA experts.

Figure 5.12 Results of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial tissue) using the TRACI method



?'. '
; ,,, , % % % , , , , 4, +" ) =,,1 &(
(, ? < :
E ? < ,: , ,: .,
' , ',

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B7< 8C 64 ,

Applying the TRACI method to calculate the environmental impacts of

Product 3A and 3B, we see that the product with recycled fibres contributes
more to each impact category than the product with virgin fibre. Product 3BB
has a lower environmental impact than Product 3A for a few of the human
health categories, but the differences are not meaningful.

In TRACI, PAH is included in the same way as the Ecoindicator 99 method

hence not showing the same result for human toxicity as the CML method.

In the study, we have excluded the environmental benefit associated with

uptake of biogenic CO2. The life cycle impact of including biogenic CO2 in the
CML method is presented in Figure 5.13.


Figure 5.13 The life cycle impacts of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial tissue) when
including biogenic CO2



., , ', '. '

5 (, " '1 4( =,,1 4 4 (, ' ,,, , 4, ,
?; # ', !
+) =, ,

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B . -'
, ! 9 , =#C 64 % 4 ' -
3 64 ,

Including the uptake of CO2 in the calculation of the life cycle results of
Product 3A and 3B provides further environmental benefits when using virgin
fibres. In the baseline scenario, the CO2 uptake was excluded which resulted
in a global warming potential difference of 60 kg CO2-eq (or driving 226 miles
in a car) between Product 3A and 3B. When including the environmental
benefit from CO2 uptake the difference decreases to 23 kg CO2-eq (or driving
88 miles in a passenger car). This difference is not believed to be meaningful
in the context of the current study.

Impact 2002+ has been used to measure the impact on ecotoxicity from
Product 3A, 3B and 3BB. This is presented in Figure 5.14.


Figure 5.14 The life cycle impacts of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB (NA facial tissue) using the
Impact 2002+ method*

, - % : , - < -, 1 < -, 1 ,- 9 , =,,1 7 - ,' 7 - ,' ,6 , , ?'. '

5 (,
, ,- =,,1

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B8 7 F C 68 7 F6 4 ,

* Note that some impact categories has been removed (eg ozone depletion, mineral extraction
etc) from Impact 2002+ to better illustrate the impact from ecotoxicity

Figure 5.14 shows that Product 3A’s contribution to ecotoxicity is lower than
Product 3B and that the difference is meaningful.

Historically the (tissue) paper industry has had an image of having a

significant impact on aquatic ecosystems caused by COD, heavy metals etc in
their water effluent. To assess the scale of the ecotoxicity impact from tissue
paper production the normalised results of Product 3A, 3b and 3BB are
detailed in Figure 5.15


Figure 5.15 The normalised life cycle impacts of Product 3A, 3B and 3BB using the Impact
2002+ method



, - % : , - < -, 1 < -, 1 ,- 9 , =,,1 7 - ,' 7 - ,' ,6 , , ?'. '

5 (,
, ,- =,,1

( , @ @
3 @ @ @ @
A 4 B8 7 F C 68 7 F6 ('

Figure 5.15 shows, that the scale of aquatic ecotoxicity, which is based on
detailed effluent data from K-C’s suppliers, is negligible.


The major impact areas, in terms of scale of contribution, have been identified
as abiotic depletion, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and human
toxicity. This is also illustrated in Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16 Comparison of US and EUR bathroom/toilet tissue

3.00E-12 LC Product 1A
2.50E-12 LC Product 1B
2.00E-12 LC Product 6A
1.50E-12 LC Product 6B




t io

t io

t io








if i






t ic










Figure 5.16 also compares the impact of producing and using the equivalent of
58 200 sheets of bathroom/toilet tissue in the US and Europe. This
comparison is made to see if we can draw any conclusions from comparing
the life cycle of bathroom/toilet tissue produced in the US and Europe.

Product 1A and 6A both contain 100% virgin fibres, Product 1B contains 40%
recycled and 60% virgin fibres and Product 6B contains 20% recycled fibres
and 80% virgin fibres.

Product 6A and 6B both weigh 27.03 kg (equivalent to 59.5 lbs). 58 200 sheets
of Product 1A weighs 29.4 lbs and same amount of sheets for Product 1B
weighs 44.2 lbs.

There are several reasons for the difference in the environmental impact. The
content of recycled fibres in Product 1B means high energy consumption from
the production of MDIP. The heavier weight of Products 6A and 6B compared
to 1A and 1B means a higher consumption of raw materials, eg pulp and
energy and should subsequently mean more environmental impact.

However, Product 6 is produced in France where the electricity is

predominantly produced in nuclear power plants. In LCA, nuclear power has
a low emission of CO2 compared to electricity produced using fossil fuels.
Even though the tissue manufacturing plant in the US uses approximately one
third of the electricity to produce Product 1A compared to the electricity
consumption for Product 6A, this is not recognised as being an environmental
benefit due to geographic differences in electricity generation.

So should K-C produce all products in France or other countries where

nuclear energy is used to produce electricity? LCA does not include risks and
does not include a reliable way of modelling the potential impacts associated
with the disposal of nuclear waste. As a result, other decision making tools
should be involved, ie risk assessment and multi criteria assessment before
such conclusions can be drawn.

Product 6A and 6B have a higher mass content of virgin pulp than Product 1A
and 1B. This explains the higher contribution to human toxicity from the PAH
emissions from black liquor.

Figure 5.17 shows the life cycle impacts of US and European issues without the
emission of PAH from burning the black liquor to produce energy for the
production of virgin pulp.


Figure 5.17 Comparison of US and EUR bathroom/toilet tissue - excluding PAH

3.00E-11 LC Product 1A
2.50E-11 LC Product 1B
2.00E-11 LC Product 6A
1.50E-11 LC Product 6B






























It is clear that, if K-C can work with suppliers to address the emissions of PAH
and other potentially toxic emissions in the pulp supply-chain from the pulp
mills, the human toxicity potential from the life cycle of tissue paper could be
reduced significantly.



Overall the results indicate that neither fibre type can be considered
environmentally preferable. Both virgin fibre and recycled fibre offer
environmental benefits and shortcomings. Intelligent and sustainable use of
available fibre sources requires understanding the challenges associated with
each fibre type and effectively managing the life cycle to minimise impacts
and maximise benefits.

These conclusions are based on an assessment of the following environmental

impacts, which were agreed by K-C as those to be assessed in the study:

• global warming;
• ozone depletion;
• summer smog formation;
• depletion of non-renewable resources (abiotic depletion);
• eutrophication;
• acidification;
• human toxicity;
• water consumption;
• energy consumption; and
• solid waste.

The LCA showed that based on the relative contribution and observed
importance in the normalised results, the environmental impacts of global
warming, acidification, resource depletion and human toxicity along with
flow information on water consumption and solid waste should be considered
in decision making regarding tissue product design using virgin and recycle

This assessment included the calculation of the life cycle environmental

impacts for seven tissue products. They are:

1. North American bathroom tissue;

2. North American washroom towel;
3. North American facial tissue;
4. North American kitchen towel;
5. European folded toilet tissue;
6. European roll toilet tissue; and
7. European commercial wipers.

Three scenarios were calculated for each product1:

• Scenario A, where the product has a high share of virgin fibres;

• Scenario B, where the product has the highest share of recycled fibres and
where environmental burden is attributed to the previous life of the paper
before it is collected and processed into recycled pulp; and


• Scenario BB, which is the same product as scenario B but where the
recycled paper comes free of environmental burden up until it is collected
and processed into recycled pulp.

Results of the LCA indicate that across impact categories traditionally related
to the burning of fossil fuels, eg global warming, acidification and abiotic
resource depletion, products with high virgin fibre content offer lower
environmental impacts than those with high recycled fibre content. In the
specific situation when waste paper comes free of environmental burden,
Product 5AB and 5BB which are produced in integrated de-inking mills offer
comparable or better performance to virgin fibre products in the same impact

The comparisons between recycled and virgin fibre for the environmental
flows of water use and solid waste are less straightforward. The
environmental flow of water use generally favour products with high virgin
fibre content over the equivalent product with recycled fibres, where impact is
attributed to previous lives. However, the results showed that the specific
scenarios where waste paper comes free of burden the water consumption
decreases significantly and goes below the water consumed for some of the
virgin products (product 4, 5, 6 and 7). Still virgin fibres are favoured for
product 1, 2 and 3. Although, there is a difference between the two fibre
types, the only meaningful differences (difference higher than 10%) were
observed for product 1, 2, 4 and 5. Thus product 1 and 2 favour virgin fibres,
product 4 and 5 favour recycled fibres and product 3, 6 and 7 favour neither
fibre type when comparing virgin fibres with recycled fibres produced using
waste paper free of burden.

For solid waste generation, three product codes (1, 4 and 7) favour the product
containing most virgin fibres, product 5 favours the use of recycled fibres and
the remaining products (2, 3 and 6) do not favour either fibre type.

When using the CML impact assessment method, the products containing the
most virgin fibres (Product A) have the highest human toxicity impact. This is
mainly caused by PAH emissions from the virgin pulp recovery boilers which
are likely to be higher than emissions from boilers used in recycling
operations. This conclusion is based on limited supplier data on PAH
emissions (only one out of six suppliers contacted provided PAH emission
values) and limited data on potentially toxic emissions in other phases of the
life cycle.

The specific case of greenhouse gas emissions is useful for illustrating the
magnitude of tissue system environmental impacts. The annual use of specific
tissue products in consumer households is associated with between 25 and 75
kg of CO2 equivalent emissions depending on the product selected and
geographic location. These emissions are comparable to those produced by
driving a typical American passenger car 65 to 195 miles per year or 0.3% to
0.9% of typical US household driving [4]. The annual use of the tissue
products (hand towels or toilet tissue) studied in commercial washrooms is


associated with the emission of 490 to 1300 kg of CO2 equivalent greenhouse
gases, comparable to driving between 1270 and 3380 miles per year. This
mileage represents between 4% and 15% of average annual mileage for a
single business fleet vehicle [4].

Although the study results do not clearly favor one fibre type over the other,
they do suggest opportunities exist to minimise environmental impacts when
using each fibre type. Examples of opportunities for environmental
improvement are specified below.

When using recycled fibres:

• source fibres from integrated de-inking operations when possible to

eliminate the need for thermal drying of fibre (dry lap) or long distance
transport of high water content materials (wet lap);
• manage de-inking sludge in order to maximise beneficial applications and
minimise waste burden on society; and
• select high quality fibre/paper sources that enable efficient processing into
recycled pulp.

When using virgin fibres:

• manage material sources to maintain legal, sustainable forestry practices

through processes such as certification systems and standards; and
• encourage suppliers to consider opportunities to reduce or prevent
emissions of PAH and other potentially toxic substances while increasing
the use of biomass fuels.

When using either fibre type:

• improve energy efficiency in tissue manufacturing;

• examine opportunities for changing to alternative, non fossil based
sources, of energy for tissue manufacturing operations;
• deliver product forms that maximise functionality and minimize
consumption; and
• investigate opportunities for alternative product disposal systems that
deliver socio-economic benefits from waste products.



[1] CML 2001, LCA - An operational guide to the ISO-standards (Guinée et al.) -
Part 2b: Operational annex (Final report, May 2001).

[2] Jolliet O, Margni M, Charles R, Humbert S, Payet J, Rebitzer G and

Rosenbaum R (2003). “IMPACT 2002+: A New Life Cycle Impact Assessment
Methodology.” Int J LCA 8 (6) 324-330.

[3] The Ecoindicator 99, a damage oriented method for Life Cycle Assessment,
Methodology Report, June 2001. Downloaded from

[4] US Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book, 2007.

Downloaded from http://cta.ornl.gov/data/index.shtml


Annex A

CML Impact Assessment


The impact assessment methodology employed for this study is CML 2001.
The method has been developed by the Centre of Environmental Studies
(CML) at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands (1). It is a problem-
oriented approach impact assessment method (as opposed to a damage-
oriented approach). A problem-oriented approach models the impacts at a
midpoint somewhere between the emission and the damage in the
environmental mechanism. The following impact categories used in life cycle
assessment (LCA) are described below (2):

• depletion of abiotic resources;

• global warming potential;
• stratospheric ozone depletion;
• human toxicity;
• photo-oxidant formation;
• acidification; and
• eutrophication.

Depletion of abiotic resources: This impact category is concerned with protection

of human welfare, human health and ecosystem health. This impact category
indictor is related to extraction of minerals and fossil fuels due to inputs in the
system. The Abiotic Depletion Factor (ADF) is determined for each extraction
of minerals and fossil fuels (kg antimony equivalents/kg extraction) based on
concentration reserves and rate of de-accumulation. The geographic scope of
this indicator is at global scale.

Global warming potential: can result in adverse affects upon ecosystem health,
human health and material welfare. Climate change is related to emissions of
greenhouse gases to air. The characterisation model as developed by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is selected for
development of characterisation factors. Factors are expressed as Global
Warming Potential for time horizon 100 years (GWP100), in kg carbon dioxide
equivalents/kg emission. The geographic scope of this indicator is at global

Stratospheric ozone depletion: Because of stratospheric ozone depletion, a larger

fraction of UV-B radiation reaches the earth surface. This can have harmful
effects upon human health, animal health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,
biochemical cycles and on materials. This category is output-related and at
global scale. The characterisation model is developed by the World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and defines ozone depletion potential of
different gasses (kg CFC-11 equivalent/ kg emission). The geographic scope of
this indicator is at global scale. The time span is infinite.

(1) http://www.leidenuniv.nl/cml/ssp/index.html
(2) SimaPro 7, Database Manual: Methods library. www.pre.nl/download/manuals/DatabaseManualMethods.pdf


Human toxicity: This category concerns effects of toxic substances on the
humans. Health risks of exposure in the working environment are not
included. Characterisation factors, Human Toxicity Potentials (HTP), are
calculated with USES-LCA, describing fate, exposure and effects of toxic
substances on a infinite time horizon. For each toxic substance HTP’s are
expressed as 1,4-dichlorobenzene equivalents/ kg emission. The geographic
scope of this indicator determines on the fate of a substance and can vary
between local and global scale

Photo-oxidant formation: is the formation of reactive substances (mainly ozone –

O3) which are injurious to human health and ecosystems and which also may
damage crops. This problem is also indicated with “summer smog”. Winter
smog is outside the scope of this category. Photochemical Ozone Creation
Potential (POCP) for emission of substances to air is calculated with the
UNECE Trajectory model (including fate), and expressed in kg ethylene
equivalents/kg emission. The time span is 5 days and the geographical scale
varies between local and continental scale.

Acidification: Acidifying substances cause a wide range of impacts on soil,

groundwater, surface water, organisms, ecosystems and materials (buildings).
Acidification Potentials (AP) for emissions to air are calculated with the
adapted RAINS 10 model, describing the fate and deposition of acidifying
substances. AP is expressed as kg SO2 equivalents/ kg emission. The time
span is eternity and the geographical scale varies between local scale and
continental scale.

Eutrophication: (also known as nutrification) includes all impacts due to

excessive levels of macro-nutrients in the environment caused by emissions of
nutrients to air, water and soil. Nutrification potential (NP) is based on the
stoichiometric procedure of Heijungs (1992), and expressed as kg PO4
equivalents/ kg emission. Fate and exposure is not included, time span is
eternity, and the geographical scale varies between local and continental scale.


Annex B

Critical Review
Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

"Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products”

Critical Review

according to ISO 14040 and 14044

prepared for

Kimberly-Clark Corporation


Walter Klöpffer (Chair)

Mary Ann Curran


Jim Bowyer

December 2007

Critical Review by Walter Klöpffer (chair), Mary Ann Curran and Jim Bowyer Page 1 of 10
Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

1 Procedural Aspects of this Critical Review

The critical review was commissioned by Environmental Resources Management (ERM),

Oxford, UK, on behalf of Kimberly-Clark Corporation (K-C), USA, in February 2007. The
LCA study has been performed by ERM, the practitioner, for K-C, the commissioner.

Since the reviewers were involved from the start of the study, the critical review can be
considered as an accompanying or interactive review, as recommended by SETAC [1]. The
performance of critical review studies in the accompanying mode is not requested by ISO
14040 [2], but preferable to the a posteriori mode out of experience [3]. The chair of the
panel was invited to attend the kick-off meeting of the project February 15th 2007 at the
European headquarters of K-C near London.

Formally, this critical review is a review by “interested parties” (panel method) according
to ISO 14040 §7.3.3 [2] and ISO 14044 § 6.3 [4]. The co-reviewers invited to join the
panel were selected under the aspects of competence and country (USA as main production
region and market). The reviewers also fulfill, beyond competence, the requirement to be
neutral and independent from particular commercial interests. It was therefore not
necessary – and hardly possible due to the tight time frame of the study - to invite any
other interested parties. Furthermore, there are no comparative assertions to be deduced
from the results of the study, since only products manufactured by K-C were analyzed. The
review by interested parties is, thus, not obligatory but rather voluntary in this study.

The first piece of the study to be reviewed was the chapter “Goal and Scope”, provided for
review in March 2007. This important chapter was carefully reviewed by the panel in
consultation with ERM. Most questions of the reviewers could be answered satisfactorily
by the practitioner. There was no mid-term report (e.g. after completion of the Inventory
analysis), so that the draft final report, delivered November 6, 2007, was the next text to be
scrutinized. This proved to be the main work of the panel and provided a great amount of
critical comments, as well as editorial suggestions by all reviewers. It was decided to deal
with the most urgent items and the measures to be taken during a conference-call, which
took place November 29 2007. This call involved the panel members, David Spitzley (K-
C), and Jacob Madsen (ERM). It was decided that a revised Final Draft Report would be
prepared by ERM and reviewed within one week by the panel. The task to check in depth
the full set of inventory data of one of the systems studied was taken by Mary Ann Curran.

Critical Review by Walter Klöpffer (chair), Mary Ann Curran and Jim Bowyer Page 2 of 10
Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

The revised Final Draft Report was delivered December 7, 2007. Most comments made by
the reviewers on the basis of the first version of the Final Draft were taken into account by
the practitioner. The statements and comments below are based on this revised report and
the additional data supplied for system 3 (NA facial tissue).

The critical review process took place in an open and constructive atmosphere. The
resulting critical review report is consensus between the reviewers. The commissioner was
informed about the progress made and took part in the final phase of the review process as
well as in its initiation.

2 General Comments

First, it should be mentioned that the practitioner performed the main part of the extensive
study (7 tissue systems, four produced in North America, three in Europe), in only 8
months. This may explain some data problems commented in the review of the first final
draft report. Data acquisition is a time-consuming process and cannot always be

The Final Report has been significantly improved compared to the first draft and most
comments made by the reviewers (including all important ones) were taken into account.
Additional files were transmitted to the reviewers answering to the request for more
information, especially regarding the Life Cycle Inventory data. Improvements were done
even in the last days of the review.

The report also deserves recognition for the fine graphical presentation and lay-out.

3 Statements by the reviewers as required by ISO 14040

According to the LCA-framework standard ISO 14040 [2]

"The critical review process shall ensure that:

- the methods used to carry out the LCA are consistent with the international

Critical Review by Walter Klöpffer (chair), Mary Ann Curran and Jim Bowyer Page 3 of 10
Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

- the methods used to carry out the LCA are scientifically and technically valid;
- the data used are appropriate and reasonable in relation to the goal of the
- the interpretations reflect the limitations identified and the goal of the study;
- the study report is transparent and consistent."

In the following sections 3.1 to 3.5 these items are discussed to our best judgment and
considering the recently revised ISO standards 14040 [2] and 14044 [4]. These standards
superseded the familiar old series ISO 14040-43 (1997-2000) in October 2006. The two
standards are linked in such a way that it is not possible to use the LCA framework
(14040) without using the strict rules (the “shalls”) contained in 14044, see also [5].

3.1 Are the methods used to carry out the LCA consistent with the
International Standard?

In the final report it is claimed that this study has been performed according to the
international standards ISO 14040 and 14044 [2,4]. This includes that the structure of LCA
[2] as well as the detailed rules for the four components [4] have been observed.
Concerning the structure it can be said the four main chapters 2 to 5 in the last version of
the report correspond to the four components “Goal and scope definition” (2), “Inventory
analysis” (3), “Impact assessment” (4) and “Interpretation” (5) of LCA. They are rounded
up by a short chapter “conclusions” (6), a short introduction (1) and this critical review.
Not only the structure, but also the content follows closely and in sufficient detail the

The complete life cycle inventory modeling is in accordance with ISO and state of the art.
It is well presented and understandable. Although the input data are not presented for
reasons of confidentiality, the LCI results are presented both in tables and in flow
diagrams. This presentation of LCI is far above average.

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is performed according to CML in the main part.
Since ISO does not prescribe any specific set of LCIA methods, this question belongs more
to the next section. Normalization, an optional component of LCIA, is included in this

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Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

Other variants of LCIA categories and indicator models are used in sensitivity analyses
including the very relevant impact category “aquatic eco-toxicity” which is absent in the
restricted set of categories used in the main analysis. The same is true for the important
impact category “land-use” or “land-occupation”.

In the LCA component Life cycle interpretation, the method of sensitivity analysis has
been used together with other methods of comparison. An explicit data uncertainty analysis
was not carried out.

The new requirement by ISO 14044 saying that the critical review panel shall consist of at
least three experts was accomplished.

We can therefore state that the methods used are consistent with the international

3.2 Are the methods used to carry out the LCA scientifically and technically

The methods used for collecting original data, to model the system and to calculate the
inventory table are scientifically and technically up to date (see also section 3.1). In
addition to the base scenario, which is as near to the present state of production and waste
removal as possible, a few modifications were calculated. The software used is SimaPro
70, one of the most used software systems worldwide. The method of sensitivity analysis,
used to investigate the influence of ambiguous assumptions, is state of the art.

The LCIA method used in the main part (CML) is the dominant impact assessment
method, at least in Europe. The US counterpart, TRACI, was used as a sensitivity analysis.
As stated in the report, TRACI is not yet peer reviewed internationally. This will change
soon, however. Eco-indicator 99, used for sensitivity analysis, is also very widely used.
This method should not be used for studies “supporting comparative assertions intended to
be disclosed to the public”. This is not the aim of this LCA study, however, dealing with
K-C product systems exclusively. For the same reason, some very restrictive and detailed
prescriptions laid down in ISO 14044 [4] are not obligatory in this study (even if it will be

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Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

In conclusion, it can be stated that the methods used are scientifically and technically
valid within the framework of this study.

3.3 Are the data used appropriate and reasonable in relation to the goal of
the study?

The data used in this study can be distinguished as

• Original data, collected in the production sites of the commissioner (foreground
data), and
• Generic (background) data, especially for transports, energy, materials and
The first item is a great asset of this LCA study due to the international nature of K-C, so
that North American as well as European plants delivered original data. This regionally
mixed set of original data is the exception rather than the rule in LCAs.

With regard to generic data, the primary source in this study was the Swiss Ecoinvent 2000
database [6], which is one of the most recent European data collections in a unified format
(ecoSPOLD). This is problematic, since the majority of tissue systems are based in North
America (4 out of 7). Although in NA no very large, consistent data banks exist which
could be compared with Ecoinvent, this does not mean that no NA-specific data collections
exist. The US/NA-data bank prepared by Franklin Ass. Ltd. has been used, but frequently
Ecoinvent is cited as the source of generic data. There is also the intermediate case that
original LCI data provided by the K-C plants were further processed using Ecoinvent to be
useable for LCIA.

As said above, the original input data are not revealed in this study. In order to scrutinize at
least a part of the input data, the original data for system 3 (NA facial tissue) were supplied
by the practitioner and checked by one of us (MAC):

The data that were delivered for the review are extractions from the SimaPro software (the
reviewers did not have access to SimaPro v7 to properly view the data). Because they are
presented as a summarized report, the formatting is minimal (lacks some headings) and is
difficult to track back to the source of the data and how the calculations were done. Nor do
the data sheets given an indication of how the data met the data quality requirements. As a
result, this review is very superficial.
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Nonetheless, the data appear to have been collected in a logical way and consistent with
the goal of the study. The data are grouped according to Inputs, Energy Use, Water Use,
Wastewater Effluents (TSS and BOD), Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Waste, and Air
Emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4, PM, NOx, CO, SOx, and VOC).

In a detailed check, some discrepancies were detected in the data sheets supplied which
were explained by the practitioner by the use of Ecoinvent (i.e. European) emission factors
applied to NA production data. Assuming that NA emission control technology and
regulations are similar to those in Europe, this explanation is acceptable. The full critical
data report has been transmitted to the commissioner and the practitioner.

Another important issue related to the question of using a more “homogenous" data-set
concerns the main topic of the project, namely the influence of recycling and virgin fibers
on the environmental performance of the tissue products. In the opinion of both
commissioner and practitioner, this distinction might have been obscured if regional
differences prevailed.

To sum up, it can be stated that – despite the limitations exhibited above - the data used
are appropriate and reasonable in relation to the goal of the study.

3.4 Do the interpretations reflect the limitations identified and the goal of the

The strength of the interpretation phase rests in the use of sensitivity analyses with regard
to the uncertainties identified. In comparing systems, a 10% limit of significance was
introduced, since all original data were either measured or calculated (no estimated values).
This may be a bit too optimistic (except for energy), but it is a reasonable basis for the

A thorough discussion of data quality (e.g. the use of European data as proxies for NA) is
missing. This is especially true for some counter-intuitive results, e.g. the low score in
“land-use” for a tissue system “A” (virgin fibers). Is the land-occupation by the forests not
counted? Another case is the very low score for normalized aquatic eco-toxicity; it is
unclear whether the low score represents reality or is simply the result of a lack of data

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Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

availability. The high human toxicity scores, due to PAHs, on the other hand, are discussed
in a plausible manner (similar emissions are often named differently).

In order to visualize the abstract energy data per functional unit, a “translation” into miles
driven (car) is given in the comparisons, e.g. for the use of natural gas in drying fibers.
This is a welcomed help for readers who do not frequently use Megajoules.

Within the limitations identified, it can be stated that the interpretations reflect the
limitations identified and the goal of the study.

3.5 Is the study report transparent and consistent?

The report is well written, illustrated with colored diagrams and the length seems to be
appropriate for the systems studied. Readability seems to be the main goal (certainly a
good one), but also the structure is now clear and suggests to the trained reader that the
international standards were followed. The strongest part is the inventory analysis,
showing the results in detail (in contrast to the input data for the reasons discussed).

The transparency of the report is as high as it is possible with the data policy given. There
is no executive summary in this report. This is unusual. If such a summary will be
produced later, it is advisable to send it to the review team for comment. Otherwise it
cannot claim to belong to this – critically reviewed – Final report.

The report is transparent and consistent.

4 Résumé and recommendations

This LCA study has been conducted according to the ISO standards 14040 and 14044. The
quality of this study is a good example for an up-to-date LCA. Sensitivity analyses were
used on most relevant issues. The study is probably unique in the treatment of different
geographical regions (North America and Europe) with a unified method and using
original foreground data for all systems studied.

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Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

A short version should be published in a scientific journal in order to expose it to a broader

public interested in LCA in general and environmental assessment of tissues in particular.
Additional publications in specialized technical journals may follow, but without undue


[1] Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC): Guidelines for Life
Cycle Assessment: A "Code of Practice". Edition 1. From the SETAC Workshop held at
Sesimbra, Portugal, 31 March - 3 April 1993. Brussels, Belgium, and Pensacola, Florida,
USA, August 1993

[2] International Standard: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment:

Principles and framework. ISO 14040, Geneva 2006

[3] Klöpffer, W.: The Critical Review Process According to ISO 14040-43: An
Analysis of the Standards and Experiences Gained in their Application. Int. J. LCA 10 (2)
98-102 (2005)

[4] International Standard: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment:

Requirements and Guidelines. ISO 14044, Geneva 2006

[5] Finkbeiner, M.; Inaba, A.; Tan, R.B.H.; Christiansen, K.; Klüppel, H.-J.: The New
International Standards for Life Cycle Assessment: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. Int. J. LCA
11 (2) 80-85 (2006)

[6] Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.-J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Heck, T.;
Hellweg, S.; Hischier, R.; Nemecek, T.; Rebitzer, G.; Spielmann, M.: The ecoinvent
Database: Overview and Methodological Framework. Int. J. LCA 10 (1), 3-5 (2005)

Frankfurt/M, 18.12.2007


Prof. Dr. Walter Klöpffer (chair)

on behalf of the review panel

Critical Review by Walter Klöpffer (chair), Mary Ann Curran and Jim Bowyer Page 9 of 10
Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue Products

Addresses of the reviewers:

Prof. Dr. Walter Klöpffer

Editor-in-chief, Int. Journal of
Life Cycle Assessment
Am Dachsberg 56E
D-60435 Frankfurt/M

Phone: +49(69) 54 80 19 35
Email: [email protected]

Mary Ann Curran, MSc

US Environmental Agency
LCA Research Program Manager
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268

Phone: +1(513) 569-7782

Fax: +1(513) 569-77111
Email: [email protected]

Jim L. Bowyer, Professor emeritus

University of Minnesota
Bowyer and Associates, Inc.
4025 Evergreen Place
Shoreview, Minnesota 55126

Phone: +1(651)-490-7688
Fax: +1(612)-333-0432
Email: [email protected]

Critical Review by Walter Klöpffer (chair), Mary Ann Curran and Jim Bowyer Page 10 of 10
Annex C


BAT Best Available Technique (Not Entailing Excessive Costs)

BCTMP Bleached Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CED Cumulative Energy Demand
CFC Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon
CH Switzerland
CH4 Methane
CML Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CORRIM The Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial
DB Dichlorobenzene
DFO Distillate Fuel Oil
EI99 Ecoindicator 99
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERM Environmental Resources Management
EU European Union
EUR European
FR France
FSC Forestry Stewardship Council
GB Great Britain
GMT Geometric Mean Tensile
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals
IEA International Energy Agency
ISO International Standards Organisation
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LCI Life Cycle Inventory
MDIP Market De-inked Pulp
MJ MegaJoule (1,000,000 Joules)
MW MegaWatt (1,000,000 Watts)
NA North America
NBSK Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (pulp)
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PM Particulate Matter (e.g. PM10 ~ particles under 10 microns)
PO4 Phosphate
PR Producer Responsibility
RBK Recycled Bleached Kraft
RF Recycled Fibres
SETAC The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
SO Sulphur Oxide
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
SS Suspended Solids
SW Softwood Bleached Kraft (pulp)
TRACI Tools for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and
other environmental Impact
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UCTE Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity
UK United Kingdom
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
USA United States of America
VOC Volatile Organic Compound

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