Glossary of Hebrew Terms

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Avodah service, temple service, labor, work

‘Avodah divine nature or purpose

‘Avodah tove good work

‘Esher Blessed!

Adamah Adam

Adamyah Andrew

amein amen, truly, true

Atzvus sadness

av, avi, abba, abbi father, a term of endearment

Avraham Abraham

azari, azariïm attendant, attendants

Bar purity; though in Aramaic it means son

barNaba Barnabas

Basilisk legendary snake that could kill with a glance

Belial Ba’al of pride

besora, basar Good News, Gospel, body flesh

Chai, Chaim life, live, living.

Chaim Life

Chatta’ah sin

Chochmah Wisdom, often personified

Daleth Door

Dameshek Damascus

Davar Word, Logos

Davar kiyour word

davar, davarim word

deus, dei deity, deities, a god, gods

echad one, united; one begotten son

ehvel unrighteous, not following Torah

El Elyon an ancient title of YHWH - strongest of the strong ones

El hagadol great power

El Shaddai an ancient title of YHWH - highest of the strong ones

El, Eloha, Elohim the common title of YHWH - the Strong or Mighty One

Elohim Mochin Great Mind

emet true, truth

Emuna faith

Et time

exactor tax collector (Latin)

Gibbor tyrant

Gibborim the race of might monsters, offspring of angels and humans

Goy, Goyim all people outside of Israel - dog, dogs

Halakahan interpretation of the laws of the Scriptures

halakah community rules, "the walk" or "teaching"

Harab sword

HaShatan Satan, the Adversary

Hekel the temple in Jerusalem

Hellebore an attractive but poisonous flower

Hovah ruinous

Ioue / Iove Jove, YHWH

Iuno Juno

Iupiter Jupiter, Zeus

Ivrim Hebrews

Kadoshim, Qadoshim set-apart, devoted ones

kahal, kahalim, qahal the assembly, assemblies or congregation

kavod radiance, esteem, glory

Kavod, kwod ha gadol great honor, esteem, glory or radiance

Kayafa Caiaphas, the High Priest

Kefa Cephas, Peter - also Kepha (Aramaic)

Kethoneth priestly robe.

kiddushSpirit baptism, moving on to perfection

Kisei throne

Kohen priest

Kohen haGadol High Priest

kohen, kohenimpriest, priests

Laodike Laodicea

Leb heart

Levi levite, minister

lulay he'emanti This I Believe Ps. 27:13

malach, malachim messenger or angel, often disguised as a man

Malachim angels or messengers

Malachim angels, spiritual beings

Malachim haGadol Archangels, Seraphim

malkuth kingdom or nation

Malkuth Shamayim Kingdom of the Heavens

Mattityahu Matthew
mebakker, mevakre the highest authority in a congregation

Melech, Melechim king, kings

melek, melekimking, kings

mikvah, mikvot ritual dunking in water, immersion, baptism

Milchamah war

Mitsrayim old term for part of Egypt

mitzvah, mitzvot rule, rules, commandments

Mitzvot commandments, ordinances

Mochin mind

Moreh teacher

Moshe Moses

Moshiach Anointed as King, Messiah

Nabal fool

nagid, nagidim leader, president

Nassi leader

Navi 'Emet, ha The True Prophet - a lost teaching rediscovered

navi, naviim prophet, prophets - those who see the future

Nazar keep, guard, consecrate

Nefesh life-force, soul, essence of life

Nephilim the race of fallen angels

Ner light

Ner h’emet TrueLight

Ner Olam Ever-burning light

Neshamah life-force, soul or psyche

Neshamah Mind
nevuah prophecy

Nezer crown

Noach Noah

Noetic mindful, intelligent

Paraclete one who stay alongside to be an advocate or counselor

Personae characters in the drama of life

Philippos Philip

Pneuma Theou Spirit of Elohim (Greek)

Prush, Prushim Pharisee, Pharisees

Pythagorians a cult of mathematicians founded around 500 B.C.

Qahal congregation

Ra’a evil

rabbi great one, often referring to an authorized teacher

Rabbi great one, usually refering to a great teacher or leader

Rauch wind, spirit

rex, regis king, king (Latin)

Roeh Tov Good Shepherd

ruach spirit

Ruach haKodesh Set-apart or Devoted [Holy] Spirit

Ruach haKodesh the Devoted ("holy") Spirit

Sapientia Wisdom personified as a female (Latin)

sar, sarim prince, princes

Shachath abyss, pit, death

Shai gift

Shalit ruler
Shamayim skies, heavens, the invisible heaven

Shamayim skies, or realm or dimension of the Elohim.

Sharathim ministers, servants

Shaul Paul of the Bible

Shemesh haChaim Sun of Life

Sheol netherworld or pit of death

Shimeon, Simeon Kefa's name; Acts 15:14, 2 Peter 1:1

Shimon Magus Simon Magus. Acts 8:9

Shofet judge or rabbi

shofet, shoftim ruler and judge

sholiac, shlichim emmisary, apostle, office of Apostle

Shomar guard, aramaic

Shomron, Shomronim Samaria, Samaritan, Samaritans

Shua, yeshua rescue, save, deliver

Silah, Selah a connection or segue from one phrase or person to another

Simcha, Gila, Oneg joy

Sophrim secretaries, scribes, journalists of religion

Tahara complete purity, physically and ritually

Talmidim colleagues in learning Torah; students

Talmidim official students of the Torah under a teacher

Talmidim of Yochanan the followers of John the Baptist

Tanakh The books of what we call The Old Testament

Teshuvah contrition, repentance

teshuvah return to Father YHWH through repentance

Thoma Thomas
Torah the ordinances given Moshe on Sinai

Tov good

Uzi Power

Ya’akov ha Zaddik James (Jacob) the Just, brother of Jesus

Ya’akov ha’Alef James (Jacob) the Priest

Ya'akov Jacob, James

Yahad an exclusive assembly of believers in YHWH

Yahrushalayim Jerusalem

Yahud, Yahudaïm Jew, Jews

Yehosef, Yahosef Joseph

Yericho Jericho

yeshua deliverance, salvation, resuce and related words

YHWH Creator's name, often pronounced Yahweh, Yahuweh

Yisrael, Yisraelim Israel and those of Israel

Yochanan John

Yosef bar Naba Joseph Barnabas

yud and tagin jot and tittle, a small letter and a mark from Hebrew

Zacchai Zacchaeus, the wee little man

Zaddikim first meaning: the Sadducees, lovers of fame

Zaddikim second meaning: the Zadokites, righteous followers of Torah

zaken, zakenim elder, elders, "beards"

Zebah sacrifice

Zebah, Zebahimsacrifice, sacrifices of animals

zedekah righteousness, justice, Torah observance

Zohar good will or intention

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