Intergraph Smart 3D Virtual Training PDF
Intergraph Smart 3D Virtual Training PDF
Intergraph helps the world work smarter. The company’s software and solu- Intergraph is part of Hexagon (Nordic exchange: HEXA B; www.hexagon.
tions improve the lives of millions of people through better facilities, safer com- com), a leading global provider of design, measurement, and visualization
munities, and more reliable operations. technologies that enable customers to design, measure, and position objects,
and process and present data.
Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) is the world’s leading provider
of enterprise engineering software enabling smarter design and operation
of plants, ships, and offshore facilities. Intergraph Security, Government &
Infrastructure (SG&I) is the leader in smart solutions for emergency response,
utilities, transportation, and other global challenges. For more information, visit
© Intergraph Corp. All rights reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon. Intergraph and the Intergraph logo are registered trademarks and Intergraph Smart is a trademark of Intergraph Corp. or its subsidiaries in the
United States and in other countries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 07/14 PPM-US-0008E-ENG