CAV Fuel Injection Nozzles PDF

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CONTENTS Noms ‘Slagle Hole Nozes Mul-Hole Nomaler Long Seem Noles Pla Nores Dey Norser Plasux Norses [None Mainenance “Trouble in Service (Cleaning end Assembling [Nom Hotoms Description ing [Nomle Holder Maintenance (Noms Sermo Ove Hand Lever Type Noma Terme Ovrr Rotary Type Noms Teswo Famer Finoine Chee eee a 1“ 6 FUEL INJECTION NOZZLES AND NOZZLE HOLDERS TESSEE oes. engine depends (ry ine production f thse pars il be NOZZLES—MODELS * 8," 1," “U> and “> ‘The GAY, gazes decibed ia this bollet ae of the “dosed” ares eed wah pe "Uae Wace oid ait BEFID and BPPTE pomp CAV. sonte consis of two pars, the nome valve and atom er ng. The ee ae ae | i aE a] iy 3 Seta Fig.3. CA fu inecton nese (ea Fe. 2. 2. CAV. ful inion maser (ut a Fe. 3 Malti-tloe Nozsles ier of les ‘cal number, 2) can have a cing su ‘Sher the vale seating, “Dependent upon the requcemeass of the Maitictae nares et Fis SERS tar nd Site'and dispostion being ‘gine concer. Long Stem Nozzles | i I : ! i i | j ittber cage, ‘ens embodying her considerations eembutson ‘ong ot posible anlard sore stem noe, 2a fhe valves ithe ender hea, ‘Selig forthe Fig. 30 CAV. Pints ful notion mona Pintaur Norse ‘Sty to lar the pate be and the fl charged gh the Stultey bole At ora Stallions such geaestig plant ‘condo of the Sopine te fond aod te fat Saks ‘hecng systems are maintained in etc oder, foie raliceat| {fhe nocles a teed ay aiequey as tice tly In one ay bower ir cea sani nd cnc crvrng ‘pars of 000 male per wea more, equent ateion tthe ores may be required. "As a general guide heer, we ould ‘hat po acai Should normaly be reguced a intranet than fay way tt Seg ee ee praierty erates cee reteee Eaten ee as eras Swern hones aire Suir Tp tee fom hagtal ds saga cere tees ASAE tog ecm toy eeiareae Sears Farmoman i eacr a Sil aoa aaa cre See ce aera e Sle cerieey ieee tear sates Hea esuat gatas qatar lac er eS eae ret tle ven ds om, SSrSmbat pe re te Seponentaron a fg fet et a om it ly Ae nts eg i te a eer omen ars ELARSmst aeons 4 and “TF” Type None ET127A Nonle Seung Ont ("5 ype nome). EEA” Src fore at" F™ Shame foe 3" type mre cp we Sheer Flottng device for long rem note Fisting Soc fr eek wos sos Be ee geommancnet Bi) Gabe morimnpsoeane @ RENEca cape cena. - Be i= aoe el See ne j coer © oe Ee Odie eo (aap ciper_ting ness“. ELSE @ Seite. EE ol Se es OE a penne cree COR ees S ae om mi a oapenung nes) from BTS, 581 oe ba type shor rem noses aly, com Gene al Ries sere1s Romi pin deaner OT" types 7 mm. rave). Fie A. CAV. cloning Ht ETA for fine and hee * etm mas “ae Additional for “U" and “'V" Type Nozzles T598 Conneton for agzale sting outfit to suk "U" and TY ype aon ET 599 Nowe body seat scrape fog" U" and" V nore, E310 Noale pin Uaner fe U" and "¥" soz EES Nocate bosy groove sree for" U" and" noras iS ese Fig. 5. Digroms of sari parts of ALY. nese and nosle idee" Method of Cleaning Norlet Te'Check compete injector on nove sering oust BT.I22PA for ome presresetng und scatngeaage 2. If pomle is fut, chee pes ‘store Spring by doing ‘Hrsg screws the Femove“nowle ‘oortd fore spore BE Bator il of 8 REE RES: Hail cae Lasts : be 8 @. Hole Type BTN Pine Type Nomen. For ceasing the oc of (BDN) tows fhe nevi it ptr gh he ie hen rm wih OSLIVEC nue saa’ s place, we the wiv brash ET 06 Eiscine ay bard plas of carbon Wk a pec of wood or beat ‘ips its agonal that cre scared wif te are valvey end ‘Eruaalar le pe wo peonat damage to ethey me wre or ‘ur may cus vl leauge or spay data ale. setting outfit EN LZPA. The tating’ oat Sass e773 Ser acs> Fig. 6. CAV, spams and nosle fing dee {sto be sored, smear igh with Vaseline before pacing sty (Cleaning “ U" and 'V" Type Norales ‘The whole ofthe foregoing introctons rate 10 § "and T sonny, but eacdy the seme proceare can be falowed with C= SEY ape ete that ool wok an pen on pe 8 NOZZLE HOLDERS TIES Eee h itt Fig. 8. Sation thrugh CAV. nozale hlder—type BKB...S1 ot er Maatenace ‘Ste a in tia i padre a "en as ae Savy See ee Serine eee oh acs ee Sess gata a Tema pe ler TS eee ie Renn pig Moy naan been bat sone 2 Cy io wn smo era oe Ta peta? Reick shee freer > Feegy Serie ee ee Sore) a 4 Tyme sim nae ring 9 i scorer ey Oe we ee Ce omy ha mo a Sass ee mr a at ig ee = Se Shari mem ares at ee eae ene ae Hariri. pu theca cocina 1, Reset miecton presure by means of on screw (3) and EeRes ree ces oreen se : es er ee can [NOZZLE SETTING OUTFIT Hand Lever Type “The now sing out Fig. 9) i necessity when iti devised to TOG et prone of oii and ripest the sey (gales The meal described i suimble for "Sty semis and folders tha gy for those normaly ed commetcal vehicle, {Eactr and smaller marie enn, bu en adap aval for use SRS dates orear eT UY ead" pre a heed stony aod marine ivaiaons. 1s be fm combooents ofiike quality scourcy nd Bait which characterise AI CAN. fel ster cement to ensure ‘pumping clement tbe nowle under test ‘The nore vting ute requires lle maintenance, but atenton| ‘hosld be given 9 the following pins — ety cong Ue aay al BES setter by dicen wor Fone Sk Sh ere ho Pepibonig mrt apr nghn pacer Fie 9. CAV, most sting tnd Incr pe (0 90 acount should the fk pads be removed daring the ceaing pert, ati wil ent in spesing te dit coe he pa snd s6 {see the post of tgeag thrugh othe jensen Pump. iter, emeno wil st lg tine oa this doy, bat replicements fe bate aa CAVE days ‘Petts Sleding cat ine Ime of the pect gaoge i tho devine and tw Mavic Can rine a aly CAV deyr ta nomi! are NOZZLE TESTING OUTFTT—Rotary Type ‘This isan adapation ofthe ET-122PA, the band ever being acrute | by meas of «eam and Shela asad is Fg 0. "Th mechs sian so deed that when the fwheel sect «marl bd {ning sped of 85-90 «pany te pump plunger veloc fe equltlent wot oo an cagntFunking 25 Spay wih oor tat ‘ata cam pri “The advantages of thi cheme are ofl in tat tis ese to mai se Speed 5.50 cp yan tan 35 pms dat 0 ‘SES iy conto pcre ef he spay orm ane staed, The suary apparsios eobles © moch more tictry wt w be ‘piece tthe aie mth sped fat he later in dependent spon the “fou of the opeatn and Susy much lower tan ‘mar tnned dering the operon of he Sc ie ag, es ot aie oot satay Sips ut withthe Bend Fever appara Nozzz Testa pine rome of « ewiory pone ae) pee i aes Ota a Saas Bad tage gabe Spe ae een, on coe ae Say Suerte Sipe spo winced Cts ne a SEs sia eee nando beer ea =o wa ligt oaocthel bebe 9 ee rs ep at EE2, hr eore : ee : Eee ig 10, Noel teting outt—retry tye (nt spp by CAV.) Pale and Hole Type Nonsen “Tet Procedure 1 yest Ot he fel ak cog te flr “pronmnely 1 pn oe Shed FUSS PS = 2.‘ Vent Defoe operating the out, ar vet te ‘vin tet sre (3) alow 0 Sow ely ay {Sree uo Bows rm pipe) nee 3. Connect complete incor t be ted 1 the out by means of rset (7) te lene ad are i a “4 Close check valve 2) wo heep the presure gauge (6) cu of cect, Spiraea ier seen ne I er eed WARNING. Ie cannot be too strongly stressed that when a fonale ts spraying, the house holdet should be turned way rom whe operntor ON NO ACCOUNT SHOULD THE HANDS BE BROUGHT INTO CONTACT WITH THE SPRAY, which has very rest Penetrating force ee ‘Suitably printed cards are available upon request. ¥ wed. bt pelnaheloerehart aren reer ES cae treme yoy akon ae Sea tease Sr ee naa mca Sees eee arses ink oe aoee eves ee apna tn moe iy Shape oailicogie an (omen Sa Pee Sere one pet SEeiiis = ‘When carping out his txt ober tat no leakage our tthe LMppcd promare faces of the owse holder and tesla. Leakage ‘ay be'cxermal, wien ie rmble atthe orale cp mut sce eta inc nah ce cane say be pd fiom chensive Tedage past tbe lapped pardon othe vee. It icing the pel tn cd nx verte to cue tah kage, but remove the ooze ‘Su erenmine the Prowure fact fot signs f tet or surace limpericions." Clean horouhly. and fall appears in order, sans compre sod rete. If the pear dp te ie dons ace leage pe he ppd prion (6 Pressure Setting. To set the presure at which the nozle ‘iy wath the peu aus fr toe aphee etded pres ‘eft the needle" cha” indenting opening ofthe wave Any Decesary aden 8 ‘ean eeenag took put (©) nd ‘orig turing screw (8) smu o oceae prs, Oo ‘rand fo dozens prowur, co te spring Sea Tighe "Wipe nde tp od wh hea eae @) ‘istue ai para'8 "The nome pointe eof he Ble 9. Preoure Gauge. Before removing the nore bolder frm the ‘uit lve the check mve (2) to prevent damage othe presure (oubtwich tay resi om vada drop of Presure tothe screwed oat he tad a shown ln Fig. By ering te ope rsturof the BDNGSI sozle we vale where ing prezare ‘ligher dan the opening presare of he Patra sori x suey Fig. 11. Rig for chching Pints Be erste oad msl Bet Tent Procedure [seer Tightness, Assemble Pinta nore ito «suitable bode, esol type with which parce sone cy and set 8 ‘pea ree of 10 dma see tn tm se nsw cp Presure 10.90 simospherc and eld for tet eecnde Wipe Fst finger cost ce of ote and opt for meinen.” Reject i fee ee ee Se i ol ne ae Si el ieee tate ‘Screw bolder complete with Pitaux bezsie onto the ead of peel Seon immanent ia So tee cen ine pam rr Sey peices aay oe esl fod eee nec eee eee ce td 3. Malin Spray. Operte hand lever a 140 stokes per minute and ‘hserve fais spay. "Thr tould be wall Sod fre fm ‘ge lar dnorson. hight cents cre many be deepaed iting New. ‘When fing new morales, flr enpecing, remove ewe sod aach with fel or eet il Bere we

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