Syncope AFP

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Syncope: Evaluation and Differential

Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Syncope is an abrupt and transient loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoperfusion. It accounts for 1% to 1.5%
of emergency department visits, resulting in high hospital admission rates and significant medical costs. Syncope is
classified as neurally mediated, cardiac, and orthostatic hypotension. Neurally mediated syncope is the most common
type and has a benign course, whereas cardiac syncope is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Patients
with presyncope have similar prognoses to those with syncope and should undergo a similar evaluation. A standard-
ized approach to syncope evaluation reduces hospital admissions and medical costs, and increases diagnostic accu-
racy. The initial assessment for all patients presenting with syncope includes a detailed history, physical examination,
and electrocardiography. The initial evaluation may diagnose up to 50% of patients and allows immediate short-term
risk stratification. Laboratory testing and neuroimaging have a low diagnostic yield and should be ordered only if clin-
ically indicated. Several comparable clinical decision rules can be used to assess the short-term risk of death and the
need for hospital admission. Low-risk patients with a single episode of syncope can often be reassured with no further
investigation. High-risk patients with cardiovascular or structural heart disease, history concerning for arrhythmia,
abnormal electrocardiographic findings, or severe comorbidities should be admitted to the hospital for further evalu-
ation. In cases of unexplained syncope, provocative testing and prolonged electrocardiographic monitoring strategies
can be diagnostic. The treatment of neurally mediated and orthostatic hypotension syncope is largely supportive,
although severe cases may require pharmacotherapy. Cardiac syncope may require cardiac device placement or abla-
tion. (Am Fam Physician. 2017;95(5):303-312. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

More online yncope is a sudden, brief, and tran- within two years.8,9 Historically, neurally
at http://www.
sient loss of consciousness caused mediated and orthostatic hypotension syn-
by cerebral hypoperfusion.1 Other cope have not conferred an increased risk of
CME This clinical content
nontraumatic loss of consciousness death10 ; however, in a recent study, healthy
conforms to AAFP criteria
for continuing medical syndromes include seizures, cataplexy, met- adults with a diagnosis of syncope had
education (CME). See abolic disorders, acute intoxications, verte- higher rates of all-cause mortality, recur-
CME Quiz Questions on brobasilar insufficiency, transient ischemic rent syncope, cardiovascular events, and
page 288.
attack, cerebrovascular accident, and psy- pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-
Author disclosure: No rel- chogenic pseudosyncope.2,3 defibrillator placement compared with
evant financial affiliations.
Syncope accounts for 1% to 1.5% of matched controls. Patients 44 to 75 years of
Patient information:

all emergency department visits, 250,000 age had the highest risk.11,12
A handout on this topic is
available at http://www.
annual hospital admissions, and a median Management of syncope remains a chal- hospital cost of $8,500.4,5 Approximately lenge, particularly in identifying patients
p303-s1.html. 40% of the U.S. population will experience a with potentially life-threatening etiolo-
syncopal episode in their lifetimes, and 30% gies. Lack of physician knowledge, a desire
to 50% will be admitted to the hospital for to reassure the patient or clinician, and the
further evaluation.6,7 The etiology is unex- fear of medicolegal ramifications result in
plained in up to one-third of cases.8 overuse of diagnostic tests.13 A standardized
Although syncope is associated with seri- approach for evaluating patients with syn-
ous risks, short-term mortality is low (i.e., cope reduces admissions, hospital costs, and
0.7% at 10 days and 1.6% at 30 days). At number of tests performed, and increases
one year, the mortality rate is 8.4%; one- accuracy of diagnosis.14 Only 10% to 15%
third of these are attributed to cardiovascu- of patients will remain undiagnosed after
lar causes. Approximately 25% of patients a comprehensive evaluation using current
with syncope will experience another event guidelines.15,16

March 1, 2017
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Clinical recommendation rating References

Patients who present with presyncope should be evaluated similarly to those who present with syncope. C 20, 21
Patients with syncope and evidence of congestive heart failure or structural heart disease, abnormal C 1, 25, 27, 29
electrocardiographic findings, or a family history of sudden death should be admitted to the hospital
for emergent evaluation.
Patients presenting with syncope should have orthostatic blood pressure measurements and standard C 1, 2, 25, 27, 29
12-lead electrocardiography.
Laboratory and imaging studies should be ordered for patients with syncope only if clinically indicated C 1, 27, 39, 40, 42,
by the history and physical examination. 43, 50, 51
Implantable loop recorders increase diagnostic yield, reduce time to diagnosis, and are cost-effective for C 1, 39, 44-48
suspected cardiac syncope and unexplained syncope.
Patients with syncope who are at low risk of adverse events (e.g., those with symptoms consistent with C 1, 25, 27, 29
vasovagal or orthostatic hypotension syncope, no history of heart disease, no family history of sudden
cardiac death, and normal electrocardiographic findings) may be safely followed without further
intervention or treatment.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented
evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to

Classification and Etiology prevalent form of orthostatic intolerance, affecting

Syncope is classified as cardiac, neurally mediated approximately 500,000 persons in the United States.
(reflex), and orthostatic hypotension (Table 1).1,17 The dif- Younger adults, predominantly women who report
ferential diagnosis should include nontraumatic causes symptoms of postural presyncope, are more likely to
of transient loss of consciousness. Rare causes include have this condition.19
subclavian steal syndrome, pulmonary embolism, acute
myocardial infarction, acute aortic dissection, leaking PRESYNCOPE
aortic aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and cardiac Presyncope is poorly studied, and the true incidence
tamponade.2,3 is unknown. A study of 881 patients presenting to
Neurally mediated syncope is the most common type, the emergency department with presyncope showed
comprising approximately 45% of cases.6,10,18 It can be a 30-day risk of serious outcomes of 5% and a mortal-
vasovagal, situational, or secondary to carotid sinus ity rate of 0.3%.20 Emergency physicians had difficulty
hypersensitivity. The pathophysiology is complex, con- stratifying patients at increased risk of adverse outcomes,
sisting of an interaction between autonomic systems regardless of presumed etiology. A prospective observa-
paradoxically favoring parasympathetic or vagal tone, tional study (n = 244) compared adverse outcomes and
which causes bradycardia and hypotension.
Cardiac syncope occurs in approximately
20% of syncope presentations. It is most BEST PRACTICES IN NEUROLOGY: RECOMMENDATIONS
often caused by an arrhythmia, and less FROM THE CHOOSING WISELY CAMPAIGN
often by a structural cardiac abnormality.
In a prospective cohort study, patients with Recommendation organization
cardiac syncope had a twofold increase in
mortality over 17 years.10 The presence of Avoid computed tomography of the head in American College
asymptomatic adult patients in the emergency of Emergency
cardiovascular disease predicts a cardiac eti- department with syncope, insignificant trauma, and Physicians
ology of syncope with 85% to 94% sensitiv- a normal neurologic evaluation.
ity and 64% to 83% specificity.16 In the evaluation of simple syncope and a normal American College of
Orthostatic hypotension syncope has neurologic evaluation, do not obtain brain imaging Physicians
an incidence of approximately 10% and studies (computed tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging).
is typically characterized by posturally
Do not perform imaging of the carotid arteries for American Academy
induced hypotension, most often related simple syncope without other neurologic symptoms. of Neurology
to impaired increase in systemic vascu-
lar resistance. Associated factors include Source: For more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign, see http://www. For supporting citations and to search Choosing Wisely recom-
medication effects, volume depletion, acute
mendations relevant to primary care, see
hemorrhage, and autonomic dysfunction. tions/search.htm.
Postural tachycardia syndrome is the most

304  American Family Physician Volume 95, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2017
Table 1. Classification of Syncope

Syncope type Scenario Clinical features

Cardiac syncope
Arrhythmia (e.g., bradyar- Generally abrupt and unprovoked; palpitations Abnormal electrocardiographic findings, family history
rhythmias, ventricular may precede symptoms of sudden death, personal history of heart disease,
tachyarrhythmias, sudden onset of palpitations, symptoms during or
supraventricular tachyar- after exertion while in supine or prone position
rhythmias), pacemaker dys-
function, channelopathies
Obstructive cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or exertional Often asymptomatic; may cause arrhythmias, chest
syncope in persons with a family history of pain, shortness of breath, or syncope; dynamic
sudden cardiac death systolic murmur that intensifies from squatting to
standing or during Valsalva maneuver
Structural cardiac disease Acute myocardial infarction or ischemia Diaphoresis, exertional chest pain, nausea, shortness
of breath; rare cause of syncope
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Asymptomatic, atypical chest pain, dizziness, exertional
cardiomyopathy syncope, family history of sudden cardiac death,
palpitations, right ventricular structural abnormalities
Infiltrative (e.g., amyloidosis, Arrhythmias, heart block, heart failure
hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis)
Valvular disease (e.g., aortic stenosis, mitral Symptoms dependent on severity; severe aortic
stenosis, pulmonary stenosis) stenosis can manifest with congestive heart failure,
exertional angina, or syncope
Other structural disease Acute aortic dissection Hypotension or shock, severe sharp chest pain with or
without radiation to the back, history of hypertension
Cardiac masses (e.g., atrial myxoma, cardiac Arrhythmia via direct invasion, embolization, heart
tumors) failure, systemic symptoms, valvular regurgitation
Cardiac tamponade Elevated jugular venous pressure, hypotension, pulsus
paradoxus, sinus tachycardia
Pulmonary hypertension Often asymptomatic; may cause fatigue and shortness
of breath
Saddle pulmonary embolus Acute shortness of breath, chest pain, hypoxia, right
heart strain, sinus tachycardia
Neurally mediated (reflex) syncope
Carotid sinus syndrome/ Head rotation or pressure on the carotid Ventricular pause or decreased systolic blood pressure
hypersensitivity sinus (e.g., from shaving or tight collar) can after carotid sinus massage; may coincide with
reproduce symptoms; consider in patients syncope
with unexplained falls
Situational Brought on by coughing, defecation, Absence of heart disease; history of similar syncope;
gastrointestinal stimulation, or urination; prolonged standing, eating, or voiding
may occur after exercise or meals
Vasovagal Mediated by fear, heat exposure, noxious Prodromal symptoms (e.g., diaphoresis, dizziness,
stimuli, pain, or stress nausea), precipitating factors
Orthostatic hypotension syncope
Drug induced Alcohol, antianginal agents, antidepressants, Initiation or change in dosage
antidiabetic agents, antihypertensives,
antiparkinsonian agents, diuretics, flibanserin
(Addyi), insulin
Postural tachycardia Young adults (predominantly female); Severe orthostatic intolerance with marked tachycardia
syndrome associated with chronic fatigue syndrome
and mitral valve prolapse
Primary autonomic failure Multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy Orthostatic hypotension with postural change
(e.g., Shy-Drager syndrome), Parkinson disease/
parkinsonism, Wernicke encephalopathy
Secondary autonomic failure Amyloidosis, chronic inflammatory Orthostatic hypotension with postural change
demyelinating polyneuropathy, connective
tissue diseases, diabetes mellitus, Lewy body
dementia, older age, spinal cord injury, uremia
Volume depletion Acute blood loss (e.g., gastrointestinal Hypotension, tachycardia, history of volume/blood
bleeding, ectopic pregnancy), diarrhea, loss, dehydration on examination
inadequate fluid intake, vomiting

Information from references 1 and 17.


hospitalizations in patients who presented with presyn- elements: (1) Is the loss of consciousness attributable to
cope and syncope.21 Adverse outcomes occurred in 49 of syncope? (2) Is there a history of cardiovascular disease?
244 patients (20%) with presyncope compared with 68 of (3) Are there clinical features to suggest a specific cause
293 patients (23%) with syncope. Admission rates were of syncope?30 Pertinent historical elements are listed
49% and 69%, respectively. Because rates of adverse out- in Table 3.18,30-33 Medication reconciliation is relevant
comes are similar in patients with presyncope and syn- because medications are contributory in 5% to 15% of
cope, both groups should receive a similar evaluation. syncope cases, typically causing orthostatic hypoten-
sion, sedation, symptomatic bradycardia, or QT interval
Risk Stratification prolongation.34 The history should also assist in classify-
The decision to perform an expedited and monitored ing patients as low or high risk.
evaluation of patients presenting with syncope is based
on the likelihood of short-term adverse outcomes. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
Unnecessary admissions for patients meeting low-risk Most patients with syncope will have normal physical
criteria result in high medical costs without improve- examination findings, with the exception of any trauma
ments in morbidity and mortality, patient safety, or incurred from the syncopal event. The examination
quality of life.22 should focus on initial vital signs; orthostatic blood
Several clinical decision rules have been developed pressure measurements35 ; and vascular (pulses and
to risk stratify patients presenting to the emergency carotid bruits), cardiac, pulmonary (evidence of conges-
department with syncope. Each has differing variables, tive heart failure), abdominal, rectal, and skin/nail (ane-
and no single rule has proved significantly superior 23,24 mia) signs. Any new focal neurologic findings suggest a
(eTable A). The San Francisco Syncope Rule, Evaluation primary central nervous system lesion.
of Guidelines in Syncope Study, and Osser-
vatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope nel
Lazio are the only rules that have been exter-
nally validated. High-risk patients should be Table 2. Risk Stratification in Patients with Syncope
admitted for further evaluation (Table 2). 1,25
High risk (hospital admission recommended)*
Diagnostic Approach Clinical history suggestive of arrhythmic syncope (e.g., syncope during exercise,
palpitations, or syncope without warning or prodrome)
Guidelines from the Canadian Cardiovas- Comorbidities (e.g., severe anemia, electrolyte abnormalities)
cular Society, European Society of Cardiol- Electrocardiographic history suggestive of arrhythmic syncope (e.g., bifascicular
ogy, and the American College of Emergency block, sinus bradycardia < 40 beats per minute in absence of sinoatrial block
Physicians recommend obtaining a detailed or medication use, QRS preexcitation, abnormal QT interval, ST segment
elevation leads V1 through V3 [Brugada pattern], negative T wave in right
history and performing a physical exami-
precordial leads and epsilon wave [arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/
nation, standard 12-lead electrocardiogra- cardiomyopathy])
phy (ECG), and orthostatic blood pressure Family history of sudden death
measurement in patients presenting with Hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg)
syncope.1,25-28 Additional testing should be Older age†
individualized. Figure 1 provides a general Severe structural heart disease, congestive heart failure, or coronary
framework, emphasizing classification and artery disease
risk stratification to standardize the evalua- Low risk (outpatient evaluation recommended)‡
tion of syncope.2 High-risk patients should Age less than 50 years†
be admitted for monitoring and further No history of cardiovascular disease
workup. Low-risk patients with a first epi- Normal electrocardiographic findings
sode of syncope may be reassured without Symptoms consistent with neurally mediated or orthostatic hypotension syncope
further workup.1,25,27,29 Unremarkable cardiovascular findings

HISTORY *—Patient is at high risk if any of the criteria are met.

†—Different age thresholds have been used in studies for decision making. Older age
A detailed history will suggest a diagnosis in largely reflects the patient’s cardiovascular health.
up to 50% of patients and is the most impor- ‡—Patient is at low risk only if all criteria are met.

tant diagnostic tool in the evaluation of syn- Information from references 1 and 25.
cope.1 The history should focus on three key

306  American Family Physician Volume 95, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2017
Evaluation of Syncope
Transient loss of consciousness

Initial evaluation
History and physical examination
Orthostatic blood pressure measurements Nonsyncopal transient
Electrocardiography loss of consciousness
Laboratory testing as indicated

Treat based on etiology

Suspected syncope
Significant trauma*

Orthostatic Neurally mediated syncope A Cardiac syncope Unexplained syncope

Head-up tilt testing
Carotid sinus massage
Modify known risks Risk stratify (Table 2); use
clinical decision rule (eTable A)
Pharmacotherapy Diagnostic?

Yes No Low risk High risk†

Avoid precipitating Consider cardiac syncope or

factors psychogenic pseudosyncope Frequent syncopal episodes: Electrocardiographic monitoring
Education Holter or external loop Echocardiography as indicated
Pharmacotherapy recorder*
Carotid sinus massage as indicated
Infrequent syncopal episodes:
Electrophysiology as indicated
implantable loop recorder
Frequent syncopal episodes: Go to A Exercise stress testing as indicated
psychiatry consultation, video Head-up tilt testing as indicated
electroencephalography, Holter
or external loop recorder
Infrequent syncopal episodes: Diagnostic?
external or implantable loop

Yes No

Treat Implantable
loop recorder

*—Consider admission for patients with significant trauma and those with frequent syncopal episodes.
†—Admission is recommended for high-risk patients.
‡—In the absence of injuries, consider no further evaluation.

Figure 1. Algorithm for the evaluation of syncope.

Information from reference 2.

DIAGNOSTIC TESTING formed initially on the right because the maneuver is

Carotid sinus massage can be considered in patients more often positive on this side. If results are negative, it
older than 40 years to confirm the diagnosis of carotid should be repeated with the patient upright at approxi-
sinus hypersensitivity. The maneuver is positive when it mately 60 to 70 degrees.36 This maneuver should be
produces an asystolic or ventricular pause longer than avoided in patients who have had a stroke or transient
three seconds or a decrease in systolic blood pressure ischemic attack in the past three months and in patients
of at least 50 mm Hg. The test is performed while the with carotid bruits. If a positive carotid hypersensitiv-
patient is supine, with five to 10 seconds of massage ity test is associated with patient symptoms, then the
consecutively to each carotid sinus. It should be per- patient has carotid sinus syndrome.

March 1, 2017 ◆ Volume 95, Number 5 American Family Physician 307

Table 3. Pertinent Historical Information in the Evaluation
of Syncope

Features Possible diagnosis

Routine laboratory studies have low
Position before syncope
diagnostic yield and should be ordered only
Prolonged standing Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal), orthostatic
if clinically indicated. Laboratory tests can hypotension syncope
distinguish syncope from other suspected Sudden change in posture* Orthostatic hypotension syncope
nontraumatic etiologies of loss of con- Supine* Cardiac syncope (arrhythmia, structural heart
sciousness. Elevated troponin and brain disease)
natriuretic peptide levels have been shown Postsyncope
to predict a higher likelihood of adverse Amnesia regarding loss of Seizure or neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal)
outcomes but should be used only if cardio- consciousness in older patients
vascular disease is clinically suspected.26,37,38 Eyes closed during event* Pseudoseizure, psychogenic pseudosyncope
ECG generally has a low diagnostic yield Eyes open during event Seizure or syncope (any cause)
(approximately 3% to 5%) but is recom- Fatigue, nausea, vomiting* Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal)
mended for all patients with syncope.39,40 Focal neurologic deficit Neurogenic syncope (cerebrovascular accident or
Although arrhythmias are unlikely to transient ischemic attack)
be detected on a single ECG, ischemic, Immediate complete Cardiac syncope (arrhythmia), psychogenic
recovery pseudosyncope
structural, or conduction abnormalities
Incontinence Seizure (uncommon in syncope; vasovagal syncope
may be identified. Any ECG abnormality most likely)
or change from baseline increases the risk Myoclonic, tonic-clonic Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal), seizure
of arrhythmia or death within one year of movement
the syncopal event.41 Prolonged confusion* Seizure
Echocardiography is essential to evalu- Prolonged syncope Seizure, neurogenic, metabolic, infectious
ate suspected structural abnormalities, but Slow pulse Cardiac syncope (bradyarrhythmia)
it generally has low diagnostic yield. Two Tongue biting* Seizure
studies (n = more than 310) found echocar- Transient disorientation Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal)
diography to be clinically useful in patients Precipitating factors
with syncope if there is a history of cardiac Activities such as coughing, Neurally mediated syncope (situational)
disease, abnormal ECG findings, or sus- defecation, eating,
pected significant valvular disease.42,43 laughing, urination*
Continuous cardiac monitoring is the Emotional distress, fear, Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal)
pain, prolonged standing,
diagnostic standard to establish a corre-
warm or crowded area*
lation between symptoms and ECG find- Exertion* Cardiac syncope (arrhythmia, structural heart
ings. Devices include Holter monitors disease)
(generally up to 72 hours), external loop Hand or upper extremity Subclavian steal syndrome
recorders (typically four to six weeks), and exercise
implantable loop recorders (up to three Head movement, shaving, Neurally mediated syncope (carotid sinus)
years). The diagnostic yield improves tight collar*

with prolonged monitoring. Up to 50% Medication use

Antiarrhythmics Cardiac syncope (arrhythmia, prolonged QT interval)
of patients who present with syncope in
Antihypertensives Orthostatic hypotension syncope, cardiac syncope
the absence of heart disease will have an
(prolonged QT interval)
arrhythmia when an implantable loop Macrolides, antiemetics, Cardiac syncope (prolonged QT interval)
recorder is placed.44 These devices may antipsychotics, tricyclic
increase diagnostic yield, decrease time to antidepressants
diagnosis, and improve cost-effectiveness. Postexertion Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal), cardiac
Some guidelines recommend them early syncope (arrhythmia)

in the diagnostic workup of unexplained Standing after prolonged Orthostatic hypotension syncope
syncope.45-48 Patients most likely to benefit
Unexplained fall Neurally mediated syncope (carotid sinus), cardiac
from these devices are those with cardio- syncope (arrhythmia, structural heart disease)
vascular disease, abnormal baseline ECG continues
findings, cardiac symptoms surrounding
the syncopal event, and a family history *—Salient features from history for differentiation.
of sudden cardiac death.39

308  American Family Physician Volume 95, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2017
Table 3. Pertinent Historical Information in the Evaluation
of Syncope (continued)

Features Possible diagnosis

as prolonged ECG monitoring.1,7 Patients
Preexisting disease who have an indication for implantable
Alcoholism, diabetes Orthostatic hypotension syncope cardioverter-defibrillator placement do
mellitus, Parkinson disease, not require electrophysiologic studies.
renal replacement therapy
Cranial or cardiac imaging, carotid
Family history of sudden Cardiac syncope (long QT syndrome, Brugada
cardiac death syndrome, arrhythmogenic right ventricular
ultrasonography, electroencephalography,
dysplasia/cardiomyopathy, structural heart disease) and cardiac enzyme testing are rarely help-
Heart disease Cardiac syncope ful in determining the cause of syncope
History of frequent and Psychogenic pseudosyncope, neurally mediated and should not be ordered routinely. These
prolonged syncopal syncope (vasovagal) tests affect diagnosis and management
in less than 2% of older patients present-
Older age with dementia Orthostatic hypotension syncope, cardiac syncope
ing to the emergency department.40 For
Psychiatric illness Psychogenic pseudosyncope
most patients with tests results that were
Prodrome significant and affected management, the
Abdominal pain, Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal) patient’s history indicated the diagno-
diaphoresis, nausea* sis.50,51 Table 4 provides an overview of the
Aura Seizure available testing modalities.1,11
Blurred vision, dizziness, Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal), orthostatic
lightheadedness, vertigo hypotension syncope
Chest pain, dyspnea Cardiac syncope (structural heart disease,
pulmonary embolus, acute myocardial infarction) The treatment of syncope is directed at
Fluttering or palpitations* Cardiac syncope (arrhythmia) the underlying cause. Morbidity and
Focal neurologic deficit Cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attack mortality are generally low except in car-
Headache Subarachnoid hemorrhage diac syncope; therefore, patient reassur-
Slow pulse Neurally mediated syncope (vasovagal), cardiac ance is an important part of treatment.
syncope (bradyarrhythmia)
Tonic-clonic movement or Seizure NEURALLY MEDIATED SYNCOPE
Treatment of neurally mediated syncope
None Vasovagal or cardiac syncope in older patients,
cardiac syncope in younger patients
includes reassurance, education, and
physical therapy.1 In situational syncope,
*—Salient features from history for differentiation. it is important to avoid potential trig-
Adapted with permission from Parry SW, Tan MP. An approach to the evaluation and gers. Physical counterpressure maneu-
management of syncope in adults. BMJ. 2010;340:c880, with additional information vers such as leg crossing, squatting, and
from references 18, 30, 32 and 33.
tensing the lower extremities are effec-
tive at the onset of prodromal symp-
toms.7 One randomized trial showed that
Provocative testing strategies include head-up tilt test- these maneuvers reduce syncope by 39%.52 Tilt training
ing, exercise testing, and electrophysiologic studies. The involves standing for prolonged periods, and compli-
head-up tilt test is a safe procedure designed to precipitate ance is generally poor.7
hypotension and bradycardia and is used to confirm the Pharmacologic therapy with beta blockers, alpha ago-
diagnosis of neurally mediated syncope in patients with nists, and fludrocortisone has shown no effectiveness
an intermediate pretest probability.11 Persons in high- or conflicting results in reducing vasovagal syncope.1
risk settings with unexplained syncope should also be In one small randomized trial of patients with a his-
considered for testing. Protocols using isoproterenol or tory of recurrent vasovagal syncope, paroxetine (Paxil)
nitroglycerin have an overall sensitivity of 92% to 94%; prevented additional episodes in 82.4% compared with
however, specificity is low.1,49 Exercise testing is useful in 47.1% in the placebo group over two years (P < .001),
exertional syncope, ischemia, and arrhythmia evalua- although guidelines recommend its use only in patients
tion. Less than 2% of patients referred to cardiologists for with concurrent psychiatric disease.53 In patients with
evaluation of unexplained syncope undergo electrophysi- severe asystole from neurally mediated syncope, a
ologic studies.1 These studies have poor sensitivity and double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
specificity except in the setting of structural heart dis- showed that the use of permanent dual chamber pacing
ease; they have been replaced by noninvasive tools such reduced the risk of recurrent syncope.54

March 1, 2017 ◆ Volume 95, Number 5 American Family Physician 309

Table 4. Diagnostic Evaluation of Syncope

Test Indication Comments

Basic laboratory As clinically indicated Rarely helpful; complete blood count, brain natriuretic peptide
testing testing, fecal occult blood testing, human chorionic gonadotropin
testing in women of childbearing age; troponin testing may be
beneficial to identify cardiac etiology

Carotid sinus Syncope of unknown etiology in patients older Diagnostic if ventricular pause is more than three seconds or if systolic
massage than 40 years1 blood pressure decreases by more than 50 mm Hg; contraindicated
in patients with bruits or a history of transient ischemic attack/
cerebrovascular accident within the past three months

ECG All patients with syncope Diagnostic yield is 3% to 5%, but can aid in diagnosing
arrhythmia, ischemia, pulmonary embolus (increased pulmonary
pressures or right ventricular enlargement), hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy, and Brugada syndrome; findings suggestive
of arrhythmia include bundle branch block, intraventricular
conduction delay, sinus bradycardia (less than 50 beats per
minute), prolonged QT interval, QRS preexcitation, Q waves
Recurrent syncope with unremarkable Holter monitoring for 24 to 48 hours, external loop recorders for
initial evaluation; clinical or ECG features four to six weeks, implantable loop recorders for up to three
suggestive of arrhythmic syncope; years; consider testing in patients with suspected epilepsy not
unexplained falls responsive to therapy; implantable loop recorders have high
diagnostic yield in recurrent unexplained syncope1

Echocardiography Suspected structural cardiac disease or when Diagnostic in aortic stenosis, pericardial tamponade, obstructive
history, examination, and ECG are not cardiac tumors or thrombi, aortic dissection, hypertrophic
diagnostic cardiomyopathy, congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries,
acute right ventricular strain (in pulmonary embolism)

Electrophysiology Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Not recommended in patients without underlying heart disease;
cardiomyopathy, Brugada syndrome, high- consider in high-risk patients with recurrent unexplained
risk occupations, suspected intermittent syncope
bradycardia, syncope in patients with
bundle branch block,1 syncope preceded by
palpitations suspicious for sinus tachycardia

Exercise testing Hemodynamic and ECG abnormalities with Inadequate blood pressure increase in younger patients suggests
syncope during exercise, syncope reproduced hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or ischemia; similar findings in
with exercise, polymorphic ventricular older persons may suggest autonomic dysfunction; may unmask
tachycardia, prolonged QT interval, to ECG changes of channelopathies
precipitate a Mobitz type 2 second- or third-
degree block during exercise1

Head-up tilt test Neurally mediated syncope, recurrent Used in patients with negative initial findings, normal cardiac
unexplained falls, frequent syncopal structure, and no evidence of ischemia; contraindicated in
episodes, psychiatric disease, to distinguish patients with ischemic heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension,
between neurally mediated and orthostatic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, or aortic stenosis
hypotension syncope, to differentiate syncope
with jerking movements from seizure1

Neurologic Suspected seizures, cerebrovascular event, Seizure can be confirmed with electroencephalography; cranial
testing* neurodegenerative disorder, increased imaging studies as clinically indicated; 20% to 30% of seizures
intracranial pressure with transient loss of consciousness could be the result of
syncope; tonic-clonic limb movements and muscle twitching may
occur in cardiac and neurally mediated syncope

Orthostatic Neurally mediated syncope, postural Diagnostic if systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mm Hg
blood pressure tachycardia syndrome, orthostatic or decreases by 20 mm Hg or more (10 mm Hg or more in
measurement hypotension syncope1 symptomatic patients); increase of 30 beats per minute suggests
postural tachycardia syndrome; up to 40% of asymptomatic
adults older than 70 years and 23% of patients younger than 60
years will have positive orthostatic blood pressure measurements

Psychiatric Suspected psychogenic pseudosyncope1 Consider with concurrent electroencephalography and video
evaluation monitoring

ECG = electrocardiography.
*—Includes electroencephalography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or carotid ultrasonography.
Information from references 1 and 11.

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312  American Family Physician Volume 95, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2017
eTable A. Major Clinical Decision Rules for Syncope

Study Population Predictor variables Outcome measured

Boston Syncope Derivation: a priori Signs of volume depletion Critical intervention or adverse outcome at
Rule, 2007 Validation: 362 ED Persistent abnormal vital signs in the ED 30 days
(short-term risk) patients with syncope Signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome
Signs of conduction disease
Worrisome cardiac history
Family history of sudden death
Primary central nervous system event
Valvular heart disease (from history or physical examination)

Canadian Syncope Derivation: 4,030 ED Predisposition to vasovagal syncope (prodrome/trigger) Serious event at 30 days: death, arrhythmia,
Risk Rule, 2016 patients with syncope History of heart disease MI, PE, aortic dissection, CVA, or procedural
(short-term risk) Validation: pending Systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg or > 180 mm Hg intervention for syncope
Elevated troponin level
Abnormal QRS axis (< 30 or > 110 degrees)
QRS duration > 130 milliseconds
Corrected QT interval > 480 milliseconds
ED diagnosis of vasovagal syncope
ED diagnosis of cardiac syncope

EGSYS score, Derivation: 260 ED Palpitations preceding syncope (4 points) Probability of cardiogenic syncope at two years
2008 (short- and patients with syncope Abnormal ECG findings* or history of heart disease (3 points)
long-term risk) Validation: 258 ED Syncope during effort (3 points) or when supine (2 points)
patients with syncope Autonomic prodromes (–1 point)
Precipitating and/or predisposing factors (–1 point)

OESIL risk score, Derivation: 270 ED Abnormal ECG findings* Mortality at one year
2003 (long-term patients with syncope Absence of prodromal syndrome
risk) Validation: 328 ED Age > 65 years
patients with syncope History of cardiac disease

ROSE study, 2010 Derivation: 550 ED Anemia (hemoglobin ≤ 9 g per dL [90 g per L]) Serious events at one month: death, acute
(short-term risk) patients with syncope Bradycardia (< 50 beats per minute) MI, PE, CVA, arrhythmias, hemorrhage
Validation: 550 ED Brain natriuretic peptide ≥ 300 pg per mL (300 ng per L) requiring transfusion of two or more units,
patients with syncope subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute procedure,
Chest pain with syncope
need for pacemaker in first month
ECG showing Q waves (except in lead III)
Oxygen saturation < 94% on room air
Rectal examination showing occult blood (if gastrointestinal
bleeding suspected)

San Francisco Derivation: 684 ED Abnormal ECG findings* Serious events at seven days: acute MI, PE, CVA,
Syncope Rule, patients with syncope Congestive heart failure arrhythmias, subarachnoid hemorrhage, return
2004 (short- or near syncope Hematocrit < 30% ED visit, readmission
term risk) Validation: 791 ED Shortness of breath
patients with syncope
Systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg
or near syncope

Information from: Colivicchi F, Ammirati F, Melina D, Guido V, Imperoli G, Santini M; OESIL (Osservatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope nel Lazio) Study Investigators. Develop-
ment and prospective validation of a risk stratification system for patients with syncope in the emergency department: the OESIL risk score. Eur Heart J. 2003;24(9):811-819.
Del Rosso A, Ungar A, Maggi R, et al. Clinical predictors of cardiac syncope at initial evaluation in patients referred urgently to a general hospital: the EGSYS score. Heart.
Ebell MH. Risk stratification of patients presenting with syncope. Am Fam Physician. 2012;85(11):1047-1052.
Ebell MH. Syncope: initial evaluation and prognosis. Am Fam Physician. 2006;74(8):1367-1370.
Grossman SA, Babineau M, Burke L, et al. Do outcomes of near syncope parallel syncope? Am J Emerg Med. 2012;30(1):203-206.
Sun BC, Costantino G, Barbic F, et al. Priorities for emergency department syncope research. Ann Emerg Med. 2014;64(6):649-655.e2.
Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Kwong K, Wells GA, et al. Development of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict serious adverse events after emergency department
assessment of syncope. CMAJ. 2016;188(12):E289-E298.

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Score results Validation Comments

Consider admission for Internal: 97% sensitivity, 25 variables in eight categories make it less
one or more variables 62% specificity practical
External: none

Estimated risk of serious Pending Largest prospective study, outcomes

adverse event at 30 days consistent with guidelines, clarifies
abnormal ECG findings, pending
validation to support use of rule

Consider admission for Internal: 92% sensitivity, Mortality at two years was 2% in patients
score of 3 or higher 69% specificity with scores < 3 and 21% for scores ≥ 3
External: 56% sensitivity,
84% specificity

Consider admission for Internal: 100% sensitivity, Positive variables:

one or more variables 22% specificity 0: 0% mortality
External: 95% sensitivity, 1: 0.6% mortality
31% specificity 2: 14% mortality
3: 29% mortality
4: 53% mortality

Consider admission for Internal: 87% sensitivity, Not useful for predicting outcomes at one
one or more variables 66% specificity year; first study to use a biomarker in risk
One-year outcomes: stratification
72% sensitivity, 71%
External: none

Consider admission for Internal: 98% sensitivity, First tool for short-term events (seven days);
one or more variables 56% specificity inconsistencies in validation scores, but
External: 87% sensitivity, the most studied decision tool
52% specificity

CVA = cerebrovascular accident; ECG = electrocardiography; ED = emergency department; EGSYS = Evaluation

of Guidelines in Syncope Study; MI = myocardial infarction; OESIL = Osservatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope
nel Lazio; PE = pulmonary embolism; ROSE = Risk Stratification of Syncope in the Emergency Department.
*—Abnormal ECG definitions varied with each study.

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