SPC TheSpaceDriveProjectFirstResultsonEMDriveandMach EffectThrusters

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The SpaceDrive Project - First Results on EMDrive and Mach-Effect


Conference Paper · May 2018


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4 authors, including:

Martin Tajmar
Technische Universität Dresden


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The SpaceDrive Project – First Results on EMDrive and Mach-Effect Thrusters


Martin Tajmar(1), Matthias Kößling(2), Marcel Weikert(3) and Maxime Monette(4)

(1-4) Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Marschnerstrasse 32, 01324
Dresden, Germany, Email: [email protected]

KEYWORDS: Breakthrough Propulsion, Propellant- Recent efforts therefore concentrate on using

less Propulsion, EMDrive, Mach-Effect Thruster propellantless laser propulsion. For example, the
proposed Breakthrough Starshot project plans to use
ABSTRACT: a 100 GW laser beam to accelerate a nano-
Propellantless propulsion is believed to be the spacecraft with the mass of a few grams to reach our
best option for interstellar travel. However, photon closest neighbouring star Proxima Centauri in around
rockets or solar sails have thrusts so low that maybe 20 years [2]. The technical challenges (laser power,
only nano-scaled spacecraft may reach the next star steering, communication, etc.) are enormous but
within our lifetime using very high-power laser maybe not impossible [3]. Such ideas stretch the
beams. Following into the footsteps of earlier edge of our current technology. However, it is
breakthrough propulsion programs, we are obvious that we need a radically new approach if we
investigating different concepts based on non- ever want to achieve interstellar flight with spacecraft
classical/revolutionary propulsion ideas that claim to in size similar to the ones that we use today. In the
be at least an order of magnitude more efficient in 1990s, NASA started its Breakthrough Propulsion
producing thrust compared to photon rockets. Our Physics Program, which organized workshops,
intention is to develop an excellent research conferences and funded multiple projects to look for
infrastructure to test new ideas and measure thrusts high-risk/high-payoff ideas [4]. The project
and/or artefacts with high confidence to determine if culminated in a book that summarized the ideas
a concept works and if it does how to scale it up. At studied and presented a roadmap with unexplored
present, we are focusing on two possible areas to follow up [5].
revolutionary concepts: The EMDrive and the Mach- Within the SpaceDrive project [6], we are currently
Effect Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in assessing the two most prominent thruster
a truncated cone-shaped cavity that is claimed to candidates that promise propellantless propulsion
produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which much better than photon rockets: The so-called
theoretical basis this can work, several experimental EMDrive and the Mach-Effect thruster. In addition, we
tests have been reported in the literature, which are performing complementary experiments that can
warrants a closer examination. The second concept provide additional insights into the thrusters under
is believed to generate mass fluctuations in a piezo- investigation or open up new concepts. In order to
crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged properly test the thruster candidates, we are
thrusts. Here we are reporting first results of our constantly improving our thrust balance facility as
improved thrust balance as well as EMDrive and well as checking for thruster-environment
Mach-Effect thruster models. Special attention is interactions that can lead to false thrust
given to the investigation and identification of error measurements.
sources that cause false thrust signals. Our results Our goal is to falsify if these thrusters work as
show that the magnetic interaction from not claimed and to identify and understand the working
sufficiently shielded cables or thrusters are a major mechanisms that could enable to upscale them
factor that needs to be taken into account for proper towards flight applications. This paper will review the
µN thrust measurements for these type of devices. first results so far.

1. INTRODUCTION 2. SpaceDrive Project

Interstellar travel is one of mankind’s biggest
dream and challenge. Rockets routinely put 2.1 Thrust Balance
spacecraft into Earth’s orbit, however Tsiolkovsky’s Testing of propellantless propulsion concepts
equation puts a strong limit on the achievable v if requires a highly sophisticated thrust balance that
onboard propellant is used, even using advanced must be able to reliably detect very small thrust with
materials and futuristic engines. For example, even a resolution down to the nano-Newton range, block
nuclear propulsion with a specific impulse of 10,000 electromagnetic interactions as much as possible
s or more (nuclear pulse, combined electric/nuclear, and limit any balance-vacuum chamber wall
fusion propulsion, etc.) requires a propellant mass on interactions. Vibration and thermal expansion/drifts
the order of the mass of our sun to propel a are the two most important artefacts that must be
spacecraft to our nearest star within our lifetime [1]. carefully isolated to obtain reliable measurements.

Page 1

The basis for our measurements is a torsion relays as well as temperature measurements on
balance in our large vacuum chamber (0.9 m the balance. In addition, we added infrared
diameter, 1.5 m length) that has undergone various cameras that can detect overheating of the
improvements over more than 4 years. A thrust electronics and the thruster.
produces an angular displacement that can be - Four pairs of liquid-metal-contacts with twisted,
measurement by a laser interferometer. We use two paired cables to supply the balance and
C-flex E-20 torsion springs with a high enough experiments with power and other data signals
sensitivity (2x0.0033 Nm/) to achieve sub-µN (see Fig. 2).
resolution while supporting enough weight on the - LabView program that can operate and control
balance arms. The vacuum chamber uses a vibration the complete vacuum facility, thrust balance and
isolated Edwards XDS35i scroll pump and a Pfeiffer experiments. A script language is used to
2300 L turbo pump to reach a vacuum down to the automate the whole experiment, from calibration
10-7 mbar range. For the tests on the EMDrive and to measurement. This procedure ensures
Mach-Effect thruster, only the scroll pump was used repeatable measurements and allows to check
with a vacuum level of 10-2 mbar, which was sufficient the validity of the balance calibration and perform
to suppress buoyancy for quicker turnaround times. signal averaging and filter operation to obtain
The vacuum chamber is fixed to a separate concrete very low noise signals.
block that is mounted with vibration isolation to
decouple it from the vibrations in the building’s A picture of the vacuum chamber as well as the
foundation (see Fig. 1). Based on our prior schematic of the balance is shown in Fig. 1. All
experiments with Mach-Effect and EMDrive calibration and thruster experiments are executed
thrusters, an upgraded balance has been built with using profiles with a down-time (sector 1), a ramp-up
the following features: (sector 2), a constant thrust (sector 3), a ramp-down
- A total weight of up to 25 kg of thruster and (sector 4) and again down-time (sector 5) interval.
electronics can be installed on the balance. Each profile can be checked individually and data
There are two separately-shielded boxes on processing like drift compensation or filtering can be
each side: one for the thruster assembly and one applied. Drift compensation can be done with many
for the electronics and data acquisition. different options like using a linear or polynomial fit
- Thrust noise reduced to the nano-Newton range through sector 1 and 5 and subtraction from the
with a sub-Nanonewton resolution. We use the profile. Since the thrusters heated up during testing,
attocube IDS 3010 laser displacement sensor a thermal drift compensation technique was used
with pm resolution to digitally read out the where first a linear fit is performed in sector 1 and 5
balance position. and a straight line is used to connect the end of sector
- Variable damping using eddy-currents and 1 to the beginning of sector 5 to account for any
permanent magnets. A stepper motor can thermal drifts (see Fig. 5). Profiles can be repeated
change the position of a copper disc to adapt the many times and a signal averaged plot can be
strength of damping. computed that can drastically reduce noise and
- Stepper motors to level the balance once it is increase signal confidence.
completely set-up inside the vacuum chamber. An example of a one µN calibration pulse is shown
- Stepper motors to change the orientation of the in Fig. 3 using our voice coil. The low noise (<10 nN)
thruster. This enables us to investigate e.g. shifts as well as the damping and drift elimination is clearly
in the center of gravity due to thermal expansion evident. We performed calibration pulses along a
by changing the thruster direction from forward to wide range with small steps as shown in Fig. 4 that
backward and observing the change in the thrust shows the high linearity of our balance. This figure
measurement. All this can be done inside the also shows how the calibration constant (µN/µm)
vacuum chamber without breaking vacuum and changes for different setups with different weights. A
changing any cables that can influence the calibration is automatically performed before and
analysis. after each thrust measurement to check for any
- Two different calibration techniques, one using a changes in the balance sensitivity.
voice coil and one using electrostatic combs that
provide constant thrusts by applying a defined 2.1 EMDrive
current (coil) or voltage (comb) which was The EMDrive is a concept developed by Shawyer
calibrated with a dedicated setup using a [7] in which microwaves are directed into a truncated
Sartorius AX224 balance. resonator cavity/frustum which is claimed to produce
- Complete shielding of the balance arm and thrust. He believes that the radiation pressure is
thruster/electronics boxes using high different at the small and large ends which results in
permeability Mu-metal. a net thrust force [8]. This was highly criticized as not
- Wireless control of experiment by on-board data being compatible with electromagnetism and
acquisition using either Weeder modules or a conservation laws [9]. Alternative theories have
LabJack T7 Pro using an infrared serial port. This appeared [10]–[12], however, the community
allows analog input/output, digital control of

Page 2

remains highly sceptical on the theoretical grounds of attenuator allows to reduce the power by a factor of
this concept. 10,000 that goes into the cavity without changing
On the other hand, there is a significant amount of cables or setup. This provides a powerful “zero-
experimental data available with tests both on a thrust” measurement capability. Our software
normal/knife-edge [13],[14] as well as on a torsion features resonance frequency tracking to
balance [15]–[17]. Initial concern concentrated on compensate for frequency shifts during operation.
buoyancy effects due to testing in air, however, the Using the stepper motor, we could rotate the
more recent tests in high vacuum [17], especially thruster on our balance such that it points in different
NASA’s latest test results by White et al [16] revealed directions. In our setup, 0° direction means a positive
that air is not an issue. Several experimental artefacts thrust direction (going from the large back area on the
still need to be examined and higher quality thrust cavity to the smaller front area), 180° direction means
data must be obtained in order to validate the a reversed or negative thrust direction and 90° means
production of thrust. Thermal drifts were especially that the thruster points parallel to the balance arm,
significant in the latest reported test by White et al. which should result in zero thrust.
[16] and possible magnetic interaction with feeding Fig. 10 shows thrust measurements for our
cables has yet to be assessed. EMDrive in all directions with around 4 µN at an
We built a frustum cavity with the same inner amplifier power level of 2 Watts, which corresponds
dimensions as in White et al [16], however, instead of to an amplifier current of around 2.5 A. The maximum
hand-cut copper sheets and copper plated PCBs, our temperature on the amplifier was going up to 75
cavity geometry was manufactured from 1.5 mm thick degrees. The Q factor in this case was 50,000
copper sheets that were pressed into the correct (unloaded). This leads to a thrust-to-power ratio of
geometry (see Fig. 6). Afterwards, the inner surfaces around 2 mN/kW, which is nearly double compared
were polished. We used standard SMA/N-Type to White et al [16] who measured 1.3 mN/kW for a Q
connectors throughout all components. A picture of factor of 40,900 (their absolute thrust value was 80
our loop antenna (1.5 mm wire, 15 mm radius) is also µN for 60 W of power). The thrust direction also
shown in Fig. 6 as well as the complete EMDrive with seems to reverse for the 180° direction. However, at
cavity and all related electronics on one side of the 90° we see a similar thrust as in the 180° direction,
torsion balance. Because of the size of the cavity, we where we should expect zero thrust. Even more
could not encapsulate it yet with Mu-metal sheets to importantly, if we keep the 0° direction but use the 40
reduce possible magnetic interactions. This will be dB attenuator to reduce the power that goes into the
crucial in the next step as we will explain below. cavity by 5 orders of magnitude, the thrust signal
The resonance frequencies and Q-factors of the nearly remains the same as without the 40 dB
cavity were analysed using an Anritsu MS46121B attenuator.
vector network analyser. Using a Maury 1878B 3- This clearly indicates that the “thrust” is not
stub tuner, we matched a frequency of 1865 MHz and coming from the EMDrive but from some
obtained Q-factors from 20,000 – 300,000+ electromagnetic interaction. Although we used
(unloaded) depending on the peak (see Fig. 7). This twisted or coaxial cables as much as possible, some
is similar and even higher than the values reported magnetic fields will eventually leak through our
by White et al [16] and should lead to at least similar cables and connectors. Considering the magnetic
thrust values if not more as the Q-factor is believed field strength of the Earth’s magnetic field of 48 µT
to be directly related to the generated thrust [7]. with an inclination of 70° in middle Europe, a few
COMSOL simulations were carried out to simulate centimeters of cables and a current of 2 A (similar to
the generated modes within the cavity and to find the what is needed to power the amplifier), we obtain
optimum position for the antenna (see Fig. 8). Lorentz forces of a few µN, which is similar to our
The EMDrive setup is shown in Fig. 9 which observed “thrust” values. We therefore suspect, that
consists of a frequency generator/oscillator (Mini- the interaction of the power feeding for the amplifier
Circuits ZX95-2041-S+), a voltage-controlled with the Earth’s magnetic field masked any real
attenuator (Mini-Circuits ZX73-2500-S+), a 50 W thrusts that could be below our observed value. In a
amplifier (RF Systems EMPower 1164), a bi- next setup, we are enlarging our experiment box such
directional coupler (Mini-Circuits ZGBDC35-93HP+) that the cavity and amplifier configuration can be
with power-meters for input and reflected output completely shielded with Mu-metal sheets to greatly
(Mini-Circuits ZX47-40-S+), an optional fixed 40 dB reduce this artefact. However, such shielding was not
attenuator (Mini-Circuits BW-40N100W+), the Maury present in any of the previous tests (e.g. in White et
3-stub tuner and the cavity. All these components al [16]) which should be carefully re-analysed [18].
could be operated in vacuum without modification (a Note that we did not implement a dielectric disc
small venting hole was present in the cavity and one in our cavity so far which was used in the
screw was removed from the Mini-Circuits configuration from White et al [16], although positive
components), however, we were cautiously operating tests were claimed to have been carried without such
them only up to a power of 2 Watts to prohibit discs too. After our setup improvement, we will try a
overheating (several thermocouples are used to dielectric disc configuration, different geometries as
monitor the temperature). The optional 40 dB well as higher power levels.

Page 3

2.2 Mach-Effect Thruster feedthrough was used to power the thruster on the
The second concept to be studied in detail is the balance. Fig. 13 shows thrust results in all three
so-called Mach-Effect thruster which is being directions (0°, 90° and 180°) for 150 Vpp and an
developed by J.F. Woodward since the 1990s and applied sine wave at 31 kHz in vacuum. The apparent
more recently by H. Fearn [19]–[22]. It is based on thrust has a value of 0.6 µN and indeed reverses for
one interpretation of Mach’s principle (inertia here is 180° and moreover also vanishes at 90° as expected.
due to mass out there), that inertial mass is due to the However, when we moved the thruster box back to
gravitational interaction with the whole universe [23]. the 0° direction and manually flipped only the thruster
Woodward and others showed that linearized general to 180°, while leaving all power cables the same, the
relativity theory with time-varying solutions and thruster signal remained the same as in the 0°
Sciama’s analysis altogether leads to mass direction. This again indicates that there must be
fluctuations that can be up to 11 orders of magnitude some electromagnetic interaction or thermally
higher for typical devices than classically expected induced center of mass shift that is masking any real
from E=m.c² [24]. thrust value.
In the Mach-Effect thruster, a stack of clamped Woodward measured a steady thrust with this
piezo crystals is excited using a frequency in the tens thruster of around -1.2 µN for 400 Vpp as well as
of kHz range. According to Woodward, this energy large switching thrust transients during on-off.
oscillations leads to transient Machian-mass Previous data suggests a V4 scaling of thrust with
variations that can lead to time-averaged stationary applied voltage [21]. We therefore expect only 0.02
thrusts if they are properly pushed and pulled with the µN which may be present in our thrust data but
correct frequency and phase. This is believed to masked by electromagnetic/thermal issues. In a next
happen thanks to the piezoelectric and step, we need to increase our voltage and reduce our
electrostrictive material properties of piezo crystals. thermal and electromagnetic interactions to safely
Although at much smaller amplitudes, electrostriction assess this thrust range.
happens at twice the applied frequency and at a 90°
phase shift, which is required for stationary thrust 3. Conclusions
[22],[24]. A large brass reaction mass can amplify this The SpaceDrive project aims at developing
effect. A schematic sketch of the thruster as well as cutting-edge measurement equipment to thoroughly
an actual thruster and a corresponding ANSYS test the latest EMDrive and Mach-Effect thruster
model is shown in Fig. 11. We are working on models, the two most promising revolutionary
analytical as well as finite element models to thruster concepts that are presently under
accurately predict the oscillation movements on the investigation at various labs. Our thrust balances
thruster (verified using laser vibrometry) in order to shall provide the necessary resolution and
predict and enhance the thrust produced. investigate electromagnetic and thermal artefacts to
In order to operate the thruster, we built an obtain reliable measurements in order to confirm or
amplifier based on the Apex PA04 amplifier that has refute the claimed thrusts.
a frequency range of up to 180 kHz (measured in our First measurement campaigns were carried out
setup), 150 W and a voltage capability of 150 Vpp with both thruster models reaching thrust/thrust-to-
(voltage and power may be doubled using two power levels comparable to claimed values.
amplifiers in bridge mode). This is significantly better However, we found that e.g. magnetic interaction
compared to the audio amplifiers used so far that cut from twisted-pair cables and amplifiers with the
the power close to the thruster operating frequencies Earth’s magnetic field can be a significant error
(35 kHz) [22],[25]. source for EMDrives. We continue to improve our
Fig. 12 shows the frequency response spectrum measurement setup and thruster developments in
for a recent thruster supplied to us by Woodard and order to finally assess if any of these concepts is
Fearn. The first resonance frequency is at 31 kHz. viable and if it can be scaled up.
Our software can control the amplifier with various In addition, a number of complementary
options such as using arbitrary waveforms (sine wave experiments are carried out to investigate e.g.
or e.g. mixed signals with single- and double- Machian-mass variations with an alternative rotary
frequency signals at a proper phase shift) using a setup [6].
Picoscope 2405A oscilloscope that has an arbitrary At least, SpaceDrive is an excellent educational
waveform output. The current, voltage and phase project by developing highly demanding test setups,
signals are read back into the computer. Most evaluating theoretical models and possible
importantly, we implemented a tracker that adapts experimental errors. It’s a great learning experience
the frequency e.g. to track for maximum current with the possibility to find something that can drive
(=power). We can therefore operate always at space exploration into its next generation.
resonance even if the thruster warms up during
operation, which causes resonance frequency shifts. Acknowledgements
The thruster was mounted inside the We gratefully acknowledge the support for
measurement box with Mu-metal shielding. The SpaceDrive by the German National Space Agency
amplifier electronics were outside, and a liquid-metal DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und

Page 4

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Page 5

Fig. 1 Vacuum Chamber on Concrete Block (Left) and Schematic Sketch of Thrust Balance (Right)

Fig. 2 Liquid Metal Contacts


Force [µN]






0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [s]

Fig. 3 Voice Coil 1 µN Step Response (200 Profiles Averaged)

Page 6

15 60

10 50

5 40

Force [µN]
Force [µN]



-10 K1=9.9 µN/µm
K=19.7 µN/µm 0 K2=23.3 µN/µm
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Displacement [µm] Displacement [µm]

Fig. 4 Calibration Linearity: 0.25 µN Steps (Left) and Different Slopes for Different Setups/Weights (Right)

Fig. 5 Thermal Drift Compensation: Original Thrust Profile (White) and Drift Compensation Fitting Line
(Blue) – Left, Compensated Thrust Profile without Thermal Drift – Right

Fig. 6 EMDrive Thruster: Cavity (Left), Antenna (Middle) and On Balance (Right)

Page 7


Reflected Power [dB]





1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2
Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 7 Cavity S11 Reflection Plot from Vector Network Analyzer (Matched 1865 MHz via 3-Stub Tuner)

Fig. 8 EMDrive COMSOL Simulation (TM212@1971 MHz – Left, TE012@2179 MHz – Right)

Fig. 9 EMDrive Setup

Page 8

10 3.0 10 3.0
Force Force
8 Amplifier Current 2.5 8 Amplifier Current 2.5
2.0 2.0
6 6
1.5 1.5

Amplifier Current [A]

Amplifier Current [A]

4 4
1.0 1.0
Force [µN]

Force [µN]
2 0.5 2 0.5
0 0.0 0 0.0
-2 -0.5 -2 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
-4 -4
-1.5 -1.5
-6 -6
-2.0 -2.0
-8 -2.5 -8 -2.5
-10 -3.0 -10 -3.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time [s] Time [s]

(a) Direction 0° (b) Direction 180°

10 3.0 10 3.0
Force Force
8 Amplifier Current 2.5 8 Amplifier Current 2.5
2.0 2.0
6 6
1.5 1.5
Amplifier Current [A]

Amplifier Current [A]

4 4
1.0 1.0
Force [µN]

Force [µN]
2 0.5 2 0.5
0 0.0 0 0.0
-2 -0.5 -2 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
-4 -4
-1.5 -1.5
-6 -6
-2.0 -2.0
-8 -2.5 -8 -2.5
-10 -3.0 -10 -3.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time [s] Time [s]

(c) Direction 0° with 40db Attenuator (d) Direction 90°

Fig. 10 EMDrive Thrust Measurements with 2 W in Vacuum (10-2 mbar), 40 Runs Averaged

End-Cap PZT Electrode (~)
Rubber Pad Clamping
Aluminum ... Aluminum
End-Cap End-Cap

Thrust x
Epoxy Electrode (Ground)
Support / Thrust Balance

Fig. 11 Mach-Effect Thruster (MET): Schematic Sketch (Left) [24], Thruster under Testing (Middle) and
ANSYS Model (Right)

Page 9


Phase [°]
30 45 60 75 90 105

RMS Current [A]

Q = 27
0.08 f = 62.7 kHz Q = 38
f = 89.7 kHz
0.06 Q = 21
f = 31.4 kHz
30 45 60 75 90 105
Frequency [kHz]

Fig. 12 Mach-Effect Thruster Spectrum

0.8 60 0.8 60
Force Force
RMS Voltage RMS Voltage
0.6 0.6
40 40
0.4 0.4
Voltage RMS [V]

Voltage RMS [V]

20 20
Thrust [µN]

Thrust [µN]

0.2 0.2

0.0 0 0.0 0

-0.2 -0.2
-20 -20
-0.4 -0.4
-40 -40
-0.6 -0.6

-0.8 -60 -0.8 -60

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [s] Time [s]

(a) Direction 0° (b) Direction 180°

0.8 60 0.8 60
Force Force
RMS Voltage RMS Voltage
0.6 0.6
40 40
0.4 0.4
Voltage RMS [V]

Voltage RMS [V]

20 20
Thrust [µN]

Thrust [µN]

0.2 0.2

0.0 0 0.0 0

-0.2 -0.2
-20 -20
-0.4 -0.4
-40 -40
-0.6 -0.6

-0.8 -60 -0.8 -60

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [s] Time [s]

(c) Direction 90° (d) Direction 180° - Only Thruster Rotated

Fig. 13 MET Thrust Measurements in Vacuum (10-2 mbar) at 150 Vpp, 200 Runs Averaged

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