End of Term 1: Test A: Vocabulary

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End of term 1: Test A Name: __________________ Total: __/100

Vocabulary 4 Faz corresponder as figuras com as

disciplinas. (__/5)
1 Lê o texto. Escreve os nomes na foto. A B C

Physical Education E
1 Information Technology __
2 Maths __
3 Science __
4 Geography __
5 Music __

My name’s Jed. This is a photo of my 5 Completa as frases. Usa as palavras da
family. My dad is 42. His name’s Anthony. My caixa. (__/8)
mum is 39. Her name is Sandra. My sister is
fourteen. Her name’s Jessica. Daniel is my I’m You’re You’re He’s She’s It’s She’s
little brother. My grandad is very old. He’s 63! We’re They’re
His name is Joe.

2 Completa as frases. (__/5) Susan is my friend. _She’s_ from London.

They’re from A n g o l a. They’re Angolan.
1 I’m Amy. This is my sister Jan. __________
1 Maria’s from Spain. She’s S _ _ n _ _ h.
2 We’re from G _ _ m _ _ _. We’re German.
2 His name is Mr Smith. __________ my
3 I’m from Portugal. I’m P _ _ t _ _ u _ _ _.
4 You’re from F _ _ n _ _. You’re French.
3 My mum is thirty-two. __________ from
5 Chas is from the USA. He’s A _ _ _ i _ _ _.
3 Junta corretamente as metades das 4 Hello, my name is Mandy. __________ a
palavras. (__/5) student.
pen lator 5 Pete and Jack are my cousins.
1 key sack __________ Scottish!
2 rub cil 6 ‘What is this?’ ‘__________ a calculator.’
3 pencil ber 7 Your name is Mike. __________ my best
4 ruck ring friend.
5 calcu sharpener 8 You and Emily are my e-pals. __________
from Northern Ireland.

bus (5) _ _ _ _ _
6 Coloca as palavras no lugar correto. (__/6)
Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is
from Leeds. (she/she/her)
1 ______ are twins. ______ names are
Rachel and Toby. _____ surname is
Carter. (they/their/their)
2 ______ are a pop group from Portugal.
______ names are Ana, Filipa, and Jorge.
_____ are famous. (we/we/our)
3 Hi! _____ am Chloe. _____ am from
Madrid. This is _____ cat. (I/I/my)
4 ‘Is ________ name Jill?’ ‘No, ________
isn’t. _____ name is Rosie.’ (it/my/your)
5 _____ is Marc. _____ is French. _____
brother is in my class. (he/he/his)
6 ‘Is this _____ dog?’ ‘Yes, _____ is.’ ‘_____
name is Alfie.’ (it, its, your)

7 Ordena as palavras para fazeres frases

afirmativas. Depois reescreve as frases na
negativa. (__/10)
You’re my friend.
You aren’t my friend.
1 ’re/classroom/the/We/in

2 English/teacher/is/my/Miss Jones

3 London/and/Terry/Sandy/from/are

4 twelve/’m/old/I/years

5 case/pencil/is/new/This/my


8 Completa a tabela. (__/5)

singular form plural form
sandwich sandwiches
box (1) _ _ _ _ _
girl (2) _ _ _ _ _
child (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
woman (4) _ _ _ _ _

End of term 1: Test A Name: __________________ Total: __/100
9 Completa os espaços em branco. Escreve
this, that, these, those. (__/3)

This is my book 1 _____ are my


2 _____ is my book. 3 _____ are my


10 Sublinha a palavra correta. (__/5)

This is a/an American car.
1 That’s a/an expensive calculator.
2 Mr Smith is a/an Geography teacher.
3 Is this a/an new book?
4 It’s a/an blue and white pencil case.
5 A/An cat is a/an animal.

11 Completa o diálogo. Usa as frases da

caixa. (__/7)
Is he strict No, we aren’t Yes, I am
Are the students here nice
Are you from Scotland No, he isn’t
Are you a new student Yes, they are
Amy Hello. Are you a new student?
Joe (1) _______________. My name’s Joe.
Amy I’m Amy. This is my brother Sam.
Joe (2) _______________?
Amy 3) _______________. We’re from
Joe Cool! (4) _______________?
Amy (5) _______________. But the teachers
are strict.
Joe Really? Mr Masterman is my teacher.
(6) _______________?
Amy (7) _______________. He’s the Maths
teacher. He’s cool!

12 Faz corresponder as perguntas com as Writing
respostas. (__/6)
Who is your Art teacher? e 14 Completa as frases com informação sobre
1 What is your telephone number? __ ti. (__/10)
2 Where is your pencil case? __ 1 What’s your name?
3 What is your surname? __ __________________________________
4 Who is your best friend? __ 2 How old are you?
5 How old is your teacher? __ __________________________________
6 Where are the children? __ 3 Are you French?
a It’s 00738 961254. 4 Where are you from?
b It’s in my rucksack. __________________________________
c They’re in the garden. 5 Who is your best friend?
d She’s 45. __________________________________
e Mrs Smith. 6 What is the name of your school?
f MacDonald __________________________________
g John. 7 Who is your English teacher?
Reading 8 Are your teachers strict?
13 Lê o texto. As frases são verdadeiras (T) 9 What are your favourite subjects?
ou falsas (F)? (__/10) __________________________________
10 What is your favourite colour?
My name’s Maxine. I’m twelve. I’m from __________________________________
Washington. It’s the capital of the USA.
My dad’s from Washington. My mum’s Listening  2.44
from England. Maria is my sister. She’s
nineteen. She’s in a pop band. Rob’s my 15 Ouve a gravação e sublinha as palavras
brother. He’s sixteen. que escutaste. (__/10)
I’m in Year 7 at Garden School. It isn’t a
big school. The teachers are nice. My His name is Jacques/John.
favourite subject is Art. I’m not very good at
Science. It’s difficult! 1 He’s thirteen/fourteen.
2 He’s French/American.
My favourite colour is pink. My rucksack
3 Paris is the capital of the USA/France.
and my pencil case are pink! They’re really
4 His mum and dad are English/Maths
5 Jacques is in Year 8/Year 9.
Maxine is twelve years old. T 6 His favourite subject is IT/PE.
1 Washington is in the USA. __ 7 IT is really interesting/boring.
2 Maxine’s mum is British. __ 8 He isn’t very good at Geography/History.
3 Her dad is American. __ 9 His favourite football team is West
4 Maria is her mum. __ Ham/Manchester United.
5 Rob is her brother. __ 10 His rucksack is red and white/blue and
6 Rob is nineteen years old. __ pink.
7 Maxine is a student at Garden School. __
8 Her favourite subject is Maths. __
9 Maxine is good at IT and Science. __
10 Her pencil sharpener is pink. __


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