CRS - Hazardous Area Layout

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The document discusses hazardous area classification guidelines for an ammonia syngas generation plant.

As per HTAS recommendations, 2mm is considered for small machines like pumps and 5mm is considered for large machines like blowers and compressors.

Primary grade release is likely to occur periodically in normal operation while secondary grade release is unlikely to occur in normal operation and will occur infrequently and for short periods.


Ammonia Syngas Generation Plant 12/07/2011

Comment Resolution Sheet


Title Document Number
Discipline Electrical Engineering Revision : 0
Authority GNFC/PDIL No. 1702-PVPM-LT-DTF-0364 Date 14/12/2010

S No. Ref GNFC/PDIL Comments L&T Response Status

ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- As per HTAS recommendations, 2mm considered for small machines (pumps)
1 0090 Please explain the basis for release hole size of 2mm & 5mm. and 5 mm considered for large machines (blowers and compressors) Closed

IS 5572 (Annex D, D-1.1, Pg no. 32) deifnes PRIMARY and SECONDARY grade of
release as under
Primary grade release is a release that is likely to occur periodically or
occasionally in normal operation, that is, a release which, in operating
ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- Please explain the basis for PRIMARY and SECONDARY grade of procedures, is anticipated to occur.
2 0090 release. Secondary grade release as a release that is unlikely to occur in normal Closed
operation and, in any event, will do so only infrquently and for short periods,
that is, a release which, in operating procedures, is not anticipated to occur.
Since for ASGP project no release is anticipated during normal operation it is
defined as SECONDARY grade of release wherever applicable.

ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- Flash point and Auto ignition temp. are to be provided for all
3 0090 relevant chemicals. Flash point and Auto ignition temp. already provided wherever applicable. Closed

4 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- Normally such table includes minimum Ignition Energy of chemical. Since Auto ignition temeperature is used for classification of electrical Closed
0090 Please add information in additional column. equipments, minimum ignition energy is not required and hence not included.

5 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- Give reference of standard followed and any deviation to be IS 5572. No deviations are taken. Closed
0090 mentioned.

6 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- Please submit basic documents of HTAS - Doc No. 4346545 for Already submitted as part of procees documents. Closed
0090 Hazardous Area classification.

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7 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The fluid category is defined as per IP 15 of Institute of Energy,
London. Please submit copy of the reference document. Please also IS-5572 defines fluid category as A, B, C for flammable liquids only. Gas groups Closed
0090 define fluid category, class A, B or C, as per IS-5572. are not defined in IS-5572. Hence we have followed IIA,IIB,IIC grouping for gases.

ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The P&ID sheet number may be indicated against each equipment It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all
8 0090 in the table. projects executed by us. We would request GNFC to not insist on P&ID sheet no. Closed
as it will further congest the table.

9 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The vapour / gas density relative to air of individual substance in

gas / vapour mixture is indicated in table. Please also indicate
This can be provided, however this doesn’t cahnge hazardous area classification.
It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all Closed
density relative to air of total mixture. projects executed by us.

It is to be noted that for H2 gas electrical area classification is IIC only if the
10 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The note-2 indicates that apparatus sub group liB is considered as
hydrogen content is less then 30%. However, the equipment gas concentration of H2 is 30% or more. Thus when classifying in the table, IIC is Closed
0090 group is indicated as lie. Please clarify. specified against H2 gas. However wherever H2 concentration is less than 30%,
for clarity Note 2 is added.

The size of the release hole is indicated in the table. Please clarify
ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- whether release will take place during normal operation or only
11 0090 during abnormal condition as It will have impact on zone Release is expected only during abnormal operation. Closed

12 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The fully welded pipes are shown as source of hazard. Please clarify. This was showed as a conservative approach. Same is removed now . Closed

13 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- In note-4, it is indicated that the fuel gas line shall receive particular This is the Note which has been specified by HTAS and it means that instruction
given in the operating manual including purge and leak test procedure to be Closed
0090 attention during maintenance and operation. Please clarify. followed for operation and maintenance of fuel gas lines.

Please note that since molecular weight and UEL is not required for classification
14 ASGP-LTEM-EL-LS- The molecular weight and upper explosive limit shall be indicated in of electrical equipments they are not indicated in the table. Closed
0090 the table. It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all
projects executed by us.

Please include other equipments like Batteries in Substation, HVAC

15 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- etc in hazardous area. The battery set for fire alarm system shall be Battery room in substation will be marked as hazardous area. HVAC is not part of
installed in control room. The type of battery the same. SMF batteries are used for Fire alarm panel. Hence, no hazardous area Closed
0018 shall be selected such that it should not generate hazardous area in is formed in control room.
control room.

A- 60401 (12-Bed Polybed PSA unit). Please indicate the
of Zone2 for hazard in Vertical Position" alongwith Noted & incorporated. Closed
16000mm horizontal range.

Page 2 of 9
Refer C-60731{syngas compressor) view A-A. Please note that the
17 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- extent of hazard of Zone-2 area above ground shall be considered Since syngas compressor is installed in a shelter the complete shelter becomes Closed
0018 8m{vertical) and 4.5 m in all direction from possible source of Zone - 2 in case it is adequately ventilated.

18 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Include Neutralizing pit D-60613 in hazardous area Neutralizing pit consists of water and is not source of hazard. Hence same is not Closed
0018 marked.

Type Ex'd' for lighting fitting, control gear boxes & junction boxes
19 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- shal be used (Pls refer b of Iiof 4 notes , ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW-0018, Type Ex'd' for lighting fitting, control gear boxes & junction boxes wiil be used for Closed
0018 sheet 3 of 3) compressor shed.

20 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Imported electrical equipments for Zone-2 area shall be flameproof Noted, except for semilean solution pump and same is accepted by GNFC. Closed
0018 or Ex'e'

21 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The drawing for Hazardous Area Classification Layout shall be in A0

size. Font size for equipment tag number in drawing shall be Noted & incorporated. Closed
0018 increased to make it legible.

The equipment tag numbers are not legible due to lines drawn to
ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- indicate hazardous area. The equipment tag numbers may be
22 0018 shown with dark shade and bold letters while lines for hazardous Noted & incorporated. Closed
area may be shown with light shade so as to make tag numbers

The additional zone -2 area is not indicated. We understand that

23 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- large release of volatile product like Methanol from surge drum is Noted & incorporated. Closed
0018 not expected. We suggest that additional zone-2 is not applicable
may be indicated in the notes.

The compressor shed classification shall be revised in view of

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- adequate ventilation on sides and louvers in the roof. The Figure-L5
24 0018 of IS 5572- 2009 for adequately ventilated compressor shelter shall Noted & incorporated. Closed
be shown in sheet no. 3 of 3 of the drawing.

Please clearly indicate vessel/tank / drum / pump / pipes with Open trenches, pits or sump below grade level and within Zone-2 area shall be
25 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- valves to be installed below grade level in covered or uncovered classified as Zone-1 area. Vessel/tank / drum / pump / pipes with valves to be Closed
0018 pit / sump. The area classification for the same shall be clearly installed below grade level falling in Zone 2 area can not be specifically marked
indicated in plan and sectional view. and suitable note is added.

The figure M 2 of IS 5572-2009 for cooling tower for cooling water 1) Figure M2 of IS 5572-2009 for cooling tower is added in sheet no 3 of 3.
26 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- associated
shown in
with equipment handling flammable material shall be
sheet no. 3 of 3 of the drawing. 2) Header vent line is located from elevation 13.7 m to 16.5 m and this is not Closed
0018 indicated in overall GA drawing of cooling tower (sheet 2 0f 3). However the vent
The elevation of cooling tower with return header vent line shall be area is covered as zone 2 in the said GA drawing.
shown in sheet no. 2 of 3 of the drawing.

Page 3 of 9
The hazardous area limit of 4 meters in and around flange and valve
27 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- of Pipeline is indicated in sheet no.3 of 3 of the drawing. Please Basis of this is as per clause 7.2.1 (b) & 7.3.1 (b) of IS 5572 : 2009. The distance Closed
0018 indicate basis for the same. has been reduced to 3m from 4m in latest (2009) standard.

28 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The area in and around flare stack is shown as hazardous area.
Please clarify regarding applicability of hazardous area for pipe rack Same is included as zone 2. Closed
between plant and Flare stack.

The hazardous area classification drawing for following pipe rack

shall be also developed.
29 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- a. Pipe rack between existing Ammonia plant and ASGP plant Noted & incorporated. Closed
b. Pipe rack for RLNG pipeline
c. Pipe rack for CO2 pipeline

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The reference IS number i.e. IS- 5571-2009 is to be mentioned in

30 0018 the notes for guideline for selection of equipment. Noted & incorporated. Closed

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The DG set room will have diesel storage tanks. If diesel is not
31 0018 generating hazardous area then the same shall be specifically Noted & incorporated. Closed
indicated in notes.

Following cylinders are normally kept outside plant laboratory for

carrying out instrument
32 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- a. Hydrogen cylinder of @10Kg Not relevant to area classification as they are not expected to leak or generate Closed
0018 b. Argcm cylinder of @10 Kg accidental release.
c. CO cylinder of @5 Kg
d. Helium cylinder of @10 Kg
Please indicate hazardous area, if applicable, due to above storage.

33 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The control Gear boxes shall be flameproof type as it will have Noted Closed
0018 control fuses.
ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Lighting fixture installed in Zone-2 gas Gr. IIC area shall be non
34 0018 sparking restricted breathing type only. Noted, except Compressor house. Closed

The lighting junction boxes to be installed in Zone-2 area shall be

35 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- increased safety. The EX'e' certified terminals shall be installed in Noted, except Compressor house. Closed
the junction box.

The HV Motors to be installed in Zone-2, gas group IIC area shall be

36 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Flameproof only except semi lean solution pump and N2 Noted Closed
0018 compressor.

37 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- In Zone -2 area, LT motors shall be increased safety EX' e 'only. EX Noted Closed
0018 'n' Motors are not acceptable.

Page 4 of 9
The motors to be installed for EOT crane shall be of S4 duty and
38 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- shall have 3 nos. 130 deg C thermistors embedded in the winding. Noted Closed
0018 The motors shall be Flameproof suitable for gas
group II C.

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The fluid category is defined as per IP 15 of Institute of Energy, IS-5572 defines fluid category as A, B, C for flammable liquids only. Gas groups
39 0018 London. Please submit copy of the reference document. Please also are not defined in IS-5572. Hence we have followed IIA,IIB,IIC grouping for gases. Closed
define fluid category, class A, Bor C, as per 15-5572.

It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all
40 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The P&ID sheet number may be indicated against each equipment projects executed by us. We would request GNFC to not insist on P&ID sheet no. Closed
0018 in the table. as it will further congest the table.

41 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- The vapor / gas density relative to air of individual substance in This can be provided, however this doesn’t cahnge hazardous area classification.
gas / vapor mixture is indicated in table. Please also indicate density It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all Closed
0018 relative to air of total mixture. projects executed by us.

42 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 4. I. Pressurized (Ex'p') type electrical equipments are not Noted. However Ex'p' motor for semilean solution pump motor is accepted by Closed
0018 acceptable. GNFC.

43 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 4.II(b) control gearbox shall be Ex'd' with fuses & junction boxes Noted. Closed
0018 shall be Ex'e'/Ex'd' with terminal Ex'e'.

44 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 4.II(c) i. "Ex-'n' without pre start ventilation" shall be deleted Noted. Closed
0018 from the note.

45 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 4.II(c) ii. "Ex-'n' motors with pre start ventilation or EX 'p' shall
be deleted from the notes. Only Ex-'e' & Ex-'d' motors are Noted. However Ex'p' motor for semilean solution pump motor is accepted by Closed
0018 acceptable. GNFC.

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 5. Imported electrical equipment for Zone-2 areas may either Noted. However Ex'p' motor for semilean solution pump motor is accepted by
46 0018 be Ex-'e' or flameproof Ex'd' if non sparking is not available. GNFC. Closed

47 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 6(c) Please mention the storage area. This clause is deleted as there are no storage area. Closed

ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- All lighting fixture except DC critical lighting & that installed in compressor shed
48 0018 Ref. 6(e) Please clarify for selection of FLP type. shall be Ex'nR'. DC critical lighting & lighting fixture installed in compressor shed Closed
shall be flameproof.

49 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 6(g) Please mention Analyzer room in drawing. Analyser rooms are included in revised drawing. Closed

50 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 9. Please mention the reference codes/standard. Basis of this is as per clause 7.2.1 (b) & 7.3.1 (b) of IS 5572 : 2009. The distance Closed
0018 has been reduced to 3m from 4m in latest (2009) standard.

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51 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref.l1. "Compressor shed is classified as zone-l, gas group IIC.
Accordingly all equipments to be installed inside compressor shed All electrical equipments in compressor shed except N2 compressor motor are Closed
0018 shall be suitable for the same". This clause to be revised. considered as flameproof.

52 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Ref. 14. Please mention the Extent of Hazardous area for Cooling Noted & incorporated. Closed
0018 Tower & Vertical Compressor area also.

53 ASGP-LTEM-EL-DW- Please add to notes-"Refer for Guideline for extent of hazardous Noted & incorporated. Closed
0018 area Drg No. ASGPLTEM- EL-CL-0090".

Additional comments through mail dated 07/12/2010

The drawing for Hazardous Area Classification Layout shall be in A0

1 size. Font size for equipment tag number in drawing shall be Noted & incorporated. Closed
increased to make it legible.

The equipment tag numbers are not legible due to lines drawn to
indicate hazardous area. The equipment tag numbers may be
2 shown with dark shade and bold letters while lines for hazardous Noted & incorporated. Closed
area may be shown with light shade so as to make tag numbers

The additional zone -2 area is not indicated. We understand that

3 large release of volatile product like Methanol from surge drum is Noted & incorporated. Closed
not expected. We suggest that additional zone-2 is not applicable
may be indicated in the notes.

The compressor shed classification shall be revised in view of

adequate ventilation on sides and louvers in the roof. The Figure-L5
4 of IS 5572- 2009 for adequately ventilated compressor shelter Noted & incorporated. Closed
shall be shown in sheet no. 3 of 3 of the drawing.

Please clearly indicate vessel / tank / drum / pump / pipes with Open trenches, pits or sump below grade level and within Zone-2 area shall be
5 vales to be installed below grade level in covered or uncovered pit / classified as Zone-1 area. Vessel/tank / drum / pump / pipes with valves to be Closed
sump. The area classification for the same shall be clearly indicated installed below grade level falling in Zone 2 area can not be specifically marked
in plan and sectional view. an suitable note is added.

The figure M 2 of IS 5572-2009 for cooling tower for cooling water 1) Figure M2 of IS 5572-2009 for cooling tower is added in sheet no 3 of 3.
associated with equipment handling flammable material shall be 2) Header vent line is located from elevation 13.7 m to 16.5 m and this is not
6 shown in sheet no. 3 of 3 of the drawing. The elevation of cooling indicated in overall GA drawing of cooling tower (sheet 2 0f 3). However the vent Closed
tower with return header vent line shall be shown in sheet no. 2 of area is covered as zone 2 in the said GA drawing.
3 of the drawing.

The hazardous area limit of 4 meters in and around flange and valve
7 of Pipeline is indicated in sheet no.3 of 3 of the drawing. Please Basis of this is as per clause 7.2.1 (b) & 7.3.1 (b) of IS 5572 : 2009. The distance Closed
indicate basis for the same. has been reduced to 3m from 4m in latest (2009) standard.

Page 6 of 9
The battery room in sub station area shall be shown as hazardous
8 area. The battery set for fire alarm system shall be installed in Noted. However battery used for FA panel is SMF type. Hence no hazardous area Closed
control room. The type of battery shall be selected such that it is created inside control room.
should not generate hazardous area in control room.

The area in and around flare stack is shown as hazardous area.

9 Please clarify regarding applicability of hazardous area for pipe rack Same is included as zone 2. Closed
between plant and Flare stack.

The hazardous area classification drawing for following pipe rack

shall be also developed.
10 a. Pipe rack between existing Ammonia plant and ASGP plant Noted & incorporated. Closed
b. Pipe rack for RLNG pipeline
c. Pipe rack for CO2 pipeline

The reference IS number i.e. IS- 5571-2009 is to be mentioned in

11 the notes for guideline for selection of equipment. Noted & incorporated. Closed

The DG set room will have diesel storage tanks. If diesel is not
12 generating hazardous area then the same shall be specifically Noted & incorporated. Closed
indicated in notes.

Following cylinders are normally kept outside plant laboratory for

carrying out instrument calibration.
a. Hydrogen cylinder of @ 10Kg
b. Argon cylinder of @10 Kg Not relevant to area classification as they are not expected to leak or generate
13 c. CO cylinder of @ 5 Kg accidental release. Closed
d. Helium cylinder of @ 10 Kg
Please indicate hazardous area, if applicable, due to above storage.

14 The control Gear boxes shall be flameproof type as it will have Noted Closed
control fuses.

15 Lighting fixture installed in Zone-2 gas Gr. IIC area shall be non Noted. However lighting fixture installed in compressor shed shall be flameproof. Closed
sparking restricted breathing type only.
The lighting junction boxes to be installed in Zone-2 area shall be
16 increased safety. The EX e certified terminals shall be installed in Noted. However lighting junction boxes installed in compressor shed shall be Closed
the junction box.

The HV Motors to be installed in Zone-2, gas group IIC area shall

17 be Flameproof only except semi lean solution pump and N2 Noted Closed
In Zone -2 area, LT motors shall be increased safety EX e only. EX n
18 Motors are not acceptable. Noted Closed

Page 7 of 9
The motors to be installed for EOT crane shall be of S4 duty and
19 shall have 3 nos. 130 deg. C. thermisters embedded in the winding. Noted. Closed
The motors shall be Flameproof suitable for gas group IIC.

The fluid category is defined as per IP 15 of Institute of Energy,

20 London. Please submit copy of the reference document. Please also IS-5572 defines fluid category as A, B, C for flammable liquids only. Gas groups
are not defined in IS-5572. Hence we have followed IIA,IIB,IIC grouping for gases. Closed
define fluid category, class A, B or C, as per IS-5572.

The P&ID sheet number may be indicated against each equipment It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all
21 projects executed by us. We would request GNFC to not insist on P&ID sheet no. Closed
in the table. as it will further congest the table.

The vapor / gas density relative to air of individual substance in This can be provided, however this doesn’t cahnge hazardous area classification.
22 gas / vapor mixture is indicated in table. Please also indicate density It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all Closed
relative to air of total mixture. projects executed by us.

The note-2 indicates that apparatus sub group IIB is considered as It is to be noted that for H2 gas electrical area classification is IIC only if the
23 hydrogen content is less then 30%. However, the equipment gas concentration of H2 is 30% or more. Thus when classifying in the table, IIC is Closed
specified against H2 gas. However wherever H2 concentration is less than 30%,
group is indicated as IIC. Please clarify. for clarity Note 2 is added.

The size of the release hole is indicated in the table. Please clarify
24 whether release will take place during normal operation or only Release is expected only during abnormal operation. Closed
during abnormal condition as It will have impact on zone

25 The fully welded pipes are shown as source of hazard. Please clarify. This was showed as a conservative approach. Same is removed now . Closed

In note-4, it is indicated that the fuel gas line shall receive particular This is the Note which has been specified by HTAS and it means that instruction
26 attention during maintenance and operation. Please clarify. given in the operating manual including purge and leak test procedure to be Closed
followed for operation and maintenance of fuel gas lines.

Please note that since molecular weight and UEL is not required for classification
27 The molecular weight and upper explosive limit shall be indicated of electrical equipments they are not indicated in the table. Closed
in the table. It is to be noted that the format used is the one which is standard format for all
projects executed by us.

28 The other comments are indicated with red color fonts in sheet no. Please refer resolution below Closed
3 of 3 of the drawing. The same is attached herewith.

Noted. However Ex'p' motor for semilean solution pump motor is accepted by
29 Pressurised Ex'p' - Not acceptable GNFC. Closed

Page 8 of 9
30 Control gear box: Ex'd with fuse. Noted Closed
Junction box - Ex'e' with terminal Ex'e'

31 Motors for Zone 2 area : Ex'n' without pre start ventilation - to be Noted Closed

32 Ex'n' motors with prestart ventilation or Ex'p' - To be deleted. Only Noted. However Ex'p' motor for semilean solution pump motor is accepted by Closed
Ex'e' & Ex'd' motors acceptable. GNFC.
Imported electrical equipments for Zone-2 area may be either non
33 sparking type (Ex'n') Ex'e' or flameproof type (Ex'd') if non sparking Noted. Closed
not available.
34 Please mention storage areas This was showed as a conservative approach. Same is removed now . Closed

It was condidered as standard practice of past projects.

AC Emergency/DC critical lighting fixtures and assosciated junction
35 boxes in hazardous area (whether zone 1 & zone 2 ) shall be flame All lighting fixture except DC critical lighting & that installed in compressor shed Closed
proof type. Please clarify for selection of FLP type. shall be Ex'nR'. DC critical lighting & lighting fixture installed in compressor shed
shall be flameproof.

36 Please mention analyser rooms in drawing Noted. Closed

In case of petroleum or gas pipeline where well maintained valves,

bolted flanges, fittings & meters are installed in well ventilated area
or in a pit, the extent of zone-2 area above ground shall be All electrical equipments in compressor shed except N2 compressor motor are
37 considered as 4M in all directions from the possible source of considered as flameproof. Closed
hazard. Although pit itself shall be classified as Zone 1 area. Please
provide basis.

Compressor shed is classified as Zone 1, gas group IIC. Accordingly

38 all equipment to be installed in side compressor shall be suitable for Noted Closed
same. - To be revised.

39 Also mention for cooling tower & ventilation compressor area. Noted & incorporated. Closed

40 Refer for guideline for extent of hazardous area Drg no : ASGP- Noted & incorporated. Closed

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