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Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol.

8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

ISSN 1447-4999


Exploratory factor analysis: A five-step guide for novices

Mr Brett Williams1
A/Professor Andrys Onsman2
A/Professor Ted Brown3
Department of Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice, Faculty of Medicine,
Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne 2Centre for the Advancement of
Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne 3Department of
Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash
University, Melbourne

Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical approach commonly used in psychology,
education, and more recently in the health-related professions. This paper will attempt to
provide novice researchers with a simplified approach to undertaking exploratory factor
analysis (EFA). As the paramedic body of knowledge continues to grow, indeed into scale
and instrument psychometrics, it is timely that an uncomplicated article such as this be
offered to the paramedic readership both nationally and internationally. Factor analysis is an
important tool that can be used in the development, refinement, and evaluation of tests, scales,
and measures that can be used in education and clinical contexts by paramedics. The objective
of the paper is to provide an exploratory factor analysis protocol, offering potential
researchers with an empirically-supported systematic approach that simplifies the many
guidelines and options associated with completing EFA.

Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis; exploratory factor analysis

Historically factor analysis was used primarily by psychology and education; however its use
within the health science sector has become much more common during the past two
decades.1 This increase is illustrated in recent surveys of health science electronic databases,
where articles reporting factor analysis increased by 16,000% (2 articles in 1985 to 326
articles in 2000).1 Applying a similar electronic database search involving paramedic articles
only yielded one article utilising factor analysis.2 While this finding perhaps is not surprising,
the paramedic body of knowledge and application of multivariate statistics is likely to
increase with the passage of time, particularly as many paramedics opt to pursue postgraduate

While statistical software and personal computers make analysing data easier and more
accessible, underpinning statistical knowledge of measurement theory is not as
straightforward, and is a current weakness not only of paramedic graduate programs, but
across many other cognate health care disciplines. Kline (1994), cited in Pett et al1, p.10 adds,
Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 1
Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

“With the advent of powerful computers and the dreaded statistical packages which go
with them, factor analysis and other multivariate methods are available to those who
have never been trained to understand them”.

Therefore the aim of this paper is to present a factor analysis protocol with the intention of
educating kindred paramedic educators, postgraduate students, and researchers who may
undertake research requiring such an approach.

Seven points will be discussed:

1) an overview of factor analysis

2) types of factor analysis
3) the suitability of data for factor analysis
4) how factors can be extracted from data
5) what determines factor extraction
6) types of rotational methods, and
7) interpretation and construct labelling. A five-step factor analysis will be presented.

What is Factor Analysis?

While factor analysis has origins dating back 100 years through the work of Pearson 3 and
Spearman,4 the practical application of this approach has been suggested to be in fact a
modern occurrence. As Kieffer (1999), cited in Henson and Roberts5, p.2 noted,

“Spearman, through his work on personality theory, provided the conceptual and
theoretical rationale for both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Despite the
fact that the conceptual bases for these methods have been available for many decades,
it was not until the wide-spread availability of both the computer and modern statistical
software that these analytic techniques were employed with any regularity”.

Factor analysis is commonly used in the fields of psychology and education6 and is
considered the method of choice for interpreting self-reporting questionnaires.7 Factor
analysis is a multivariate statistical procedure that has many uses,8-11 three of which will be
briefly noted here. Firstly, factor analysis reduces a large number of variables into a smaller
set of variables (also referred to as factors). Secondly, it establishes underlying dimensions
between measured variables and latent constructs, thereby allowing the formation and
refinement of theory. Thirdly, it provides construct validity evidence of self-reporting scales.
Nunnally (1978), cited by Thompson11, p.5 adds,

“… factor analysis is intimately involved with questions of validity … Factor analysis is

at the heart of the measurement of psychological constructs”.

Table 1. Objectives of Exploratory Factor Analysis1,11

Reduce the number of variables
Examine the structure or relationship between variables
Detection and assessment of unidimensionality of a theoretical construct
Evaluates the construct validity of a scale, test, or instrument
Development of parsimonious (simple) analysis and interpretation
Addresses multicollinearity (two or more variables that are correlated)
Used to develop theoretical constructs
Used to prove/disprove proposed theories
Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 2
Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Types of Factor Analysis

There are two major classes of factor analysis: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Broadly speaking EFA is heuristic. In EFA, the
investigator has no expectations of the number or nature of the variables and as the title
suggests, is exploratory in nature. That is, it allows the researcher to explore the main
dimensions to generate a theory, or model from a relatively large set of latent constructs often
represented by a set of items.1,5,11,12 Whereas, in CFA the researcher uses this approach to test
a proposed theory (CFA is a form of structural equation modelling), or model and in contrast
to EFA, has assumptions and expectations based on priori theory regarding the number of
factors, and which factor theories or models best fit.

It is important to note that factor analysis as a statistical approach is not without controversy
or criticism, although according to Thompson most of these criticisms apply themselves to
EFA rather than CFA.11 These criticisms are largely based on the subjectiveness of the results
which are determined by the researcher,5 as cited by Cronkhite and Liska (1980), in
Thompson:11, p.106

“Apparently, it is so easy to find semantic scales which seem relevant to [information]

sources, so easy to name or describe potential/hypothetical sources, so easy to capture
college students to use the scales to rate the sources, so easy to submit those rates to
factor analysis, so much fun to name the factors when one’s research assistant returns
with the computer printout, and so rewarding to have a guaranteed publication with no
fear of nonsignificant results that researchers, once exposed to the pleasures of the
factor analytic approach, rapidly become addicted to it”.

Tabachnick and Fidell10, p.611 also address the limitations of EFA, noting that “decisions about
number of factors and rotational scheme are based on pragmatic rather that theoretical
criteria”, as also Henson RK and Roberts JK5 claim, that to limit the subjectiveness of EFA,
the researcher must be systematic, thoughtful, and apply sound judgement to latent variables
and factor reduction and construction.

The Five-Step Exploratory Factor Analysis Protocol

Despite EFA being a seemingly complex statistical approach, the approach taken in the
analysis is in fact sequential and linear, involving many options.11 Therefore, developing a
protocol or decision pathway is crucial in potential oversights (see Thompson,11, Ch.3
Pallantt,26 , Ch.15 and Pett et al.1, Ch.1 for examples in other EFA protocols). The following Five-
Step Exploratory Factor Analysis Protocol (see Figure 1) provides novice researchers with
starting reference point in developing clear decision pathways. Each of these steps will be
now explained in more detail.

Throughout the paper, where applicable, examples of Statistical Program for Social Sciences
(SPSS) output have been included. It is important to note that we have not used the same data
source in each example, hence why different factor solutions are presented. It is also
important to note that SPSS as a statistical program is revised on a regular basis; hence the
format of the results generated with more contemporary versions of SPSS may vary slightly.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 3

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Figure 1. The 5-step Exploratory Factor Analysis Protocol

Step 1: Is the data suitable for factor analysis?

Sample Size
Although sample size is important in factor analysis, there are varying opinions, and several
guiding rules of thumb are cited in the literature.6,8-10 The lack of agreement is noted by
Hogarty et al.,6, p.203 who stated that these “disparate [sample size] recommendations have not
served researchers well”. General guides include, Tabachnick‟s rule of thumb10 that suggests
having at least 300 cases are needed for factor analysis. Hair et al9 suggested that sample
sizes should be 100 or greater. A number of textbooks1,8-10 cite the work of Comrey and
Lee13 in their guide to sample sizes: 100 as poor, 200 as fair, 300 as good, 500 as very good,
and 1000 or more as excellent.

According to MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, and Hong (1999), cited in Henson and Roberts5
such rules of thumb can at times be misleading and often do not take into account many of the
complex dynamics of a factor analysis. “They illustrated that when communalities are high
(greater than .60) and each factor is defined by several items, sample sizes can actually be
relatively small”.5, p. 402 Others such as Guadagnoli and Velicer found that solutions with
correlation coefficients >.80 require smaller sample sizes,14 while Sapnas and Zeller15 point
out that even 50 cases may be adequate for factor analysis. As can be seen, the suggested
sample size required to complete a factor analysis of a group of items that participants have
responded to, varies greatly.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 4

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Sample to Variable Ratio (N:p ratio)

Another set of recommendations also exist providing researchers with guidance regarding
how many participants are required for each variable, often termed, the sample to variable
ratio, often denoted as N:p ratio where N refers to the number of participants and p refers to
the number of variables.6 The same disparate recommendations also occur for sample to
variable ratios as they do for determining adequate sample sizes.6,9 For example, rules of
thumb range anywhere from 3:1, 6:1, 10:1, 15:1, or 20:1.1,8-10,16 To highlight this ambiguity,
investigators such as Hogarty et al. and MacCallum et al. have undertaken studies to test these
guides.6,17 Hogarty et al.6, p.222 noted that, “our results show that there was not a minimum
level of N or N:p ratio to achieve good factor recovery across conditions examined”.

Factorability of the correlation matrix

A correlation matrix should be used in the EFA process displaying the relationships between
individual variables. Henson and Roberts5 pointed out that a correlation matrix is most
popular among investigators. Tabachnick and Fidell10 recommended inspecting the
correlation matrix (often termed Factorability of R) for correlation coefficients over 0.30.
Hair et al. (1995) categorised these loadings using another rule of thumb as ±0.30=minimal,
±0.40=important, and ±.50=practically significant.9 If no correlations go beyond 0.30, then
the researcher should reconsider whether factor analysis is the appropriate statistical method
to utilise.9,10 In other words a factorability of 0.3 indicates that the factors account for
approximately 30% relationship within the data, or in a practical sense, it would indicate that
a third of the variables share too much variance, and hence becomes impractical to determine
if the variables are correlated with each other or the dependent variable (multicollinearity).

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy/Bartlett's Test of

Prior to the extraction of the factors, several tests should be used to assess the suitability of
the respondent data for factor analysis. These tests include Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)
Measure of Sampling Adequacy,18,19 and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity.20 The KMO index, in
particular, is recommended when the cases to variable ratio are less than 1:5. The KMO
index ranges from 0 to 1, with 0.50 considered suitable for factor analysis.9,10 The Bartlett's
Test of Sphericity should be significant (p<.05) for factor analysis to be suitable.9,10 Examples
are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett‟s Test of

Sphericity (SPSS Output)

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy. .536

Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-

Sphericity Square
Df 1225
Sig. .000

Step 2: How will the factors be extracted?

The aim of rotation is to simplify the factor structure of a group of items, or in other words,
high item loadings on one factor and smaller item loadings on the remaining factor
solutions.21 There are numerous ways to extract factors: Principal components analysis

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 5

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

(PCA), principal axis factoring (PAF), image factoring, maximum likelihood, alpha factoring,
and canonical.10,11 The most common extraction methods are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Extraction methods commonly used in factor analysis (EFA and CFA)1

Principal components analysis (PCA)

Principal axis factoring (PAF)
Maximum likelihood
Unweighted least squares
Generalised least squares
Alpha factoring
Image factoring

However, PCA and PAF are used most commonly in the published literature.5,10,11 The
decision whether to use PCA and PAF is fiercely debated among analysts,5 although
according to Thompson the practical differences between the two are often insignificant,
particularly when variables have high reliability,11 or where there are 30 or more variables.8
Thompson noted that PCA is the default method in many statistical programs, and thus, is
most commonly used in EFA.11 However, PCA is also recommended when no priori theory
or model exists.8 Pett et al. (2003) suggested using PCA in establishing preliminary solutions
in EFA.1

Step 3: What criteria will assist in determining factor extraction?

The aim of the data extraction is reduce a large number of items into factors. In order to
produce scale unidimensionality, and simplify the factor solutions several criteria are
available to researchers. However, given the choice and sometimes confusing nature of factor
analysis, no single criteria should be assumed to determine factor extraction. 21 This is
reinforced by Thompson and Daniel22, p.200 who stated that the “simultaneous use of multiple
decision rules is appropriate and often desirable”. Hair et al. point out that the majority of
factor analysts typically use multiple criteria.9 Many extraction rules and approaches exist
including: Kaiser‟s criteria (eigenvalue > 1 rule),23 the Scree test,24 the cumulative percent of
variance extracted, and parallel analysis.25 It is suggested that multiple approaches be used in
factor extraction. For instance, many peer-reviewed educational and psychological
measurement journals now request that multiple extraction techniques are used for a
manuscript to be accepted for publication.

Cumulative Percentage of Variance and Eigenvalue > 1 Rule

Cumulative percentage of variance (criterion) is another area of disagreement in the factor
analysis approach, particularly in different disciplines, for example, the natural sciences,
psychology, and the humanities.5 No fixed threshold exists, although certain percentages
have been suggested. According to Hair et al.9 in the natural sciences, factors should be
stopped when at least 95% of the variance is explained. In the humanities, the explained
variance is commonly as low as 50-60%.1,9 The example below in Table 4 demonstrates a
cumulative percentage of variance of 40.6% and a total of 7 components (factors) having an
eigenvalue > 1.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 6

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Table 4: Total Variance Explained (SPSS Output).

Scree Test
As noted by Gorsuch,8 Tabachnick and Fidell,10 and Thompson,11 interpreting Scree plots is
subjective, requiring researcher judgement. Thus, disagreement over which factors should be
retained is often open for debate.1 Although this disagreement and subjectiveness is reduced
when sample sizes are large, N:p ratios are (>3:1) and communalities values are high.1,8 The
„Scree Test‟ was given its name by Cattell24 due to the Scree Test graphical presentation,
which has visual similarities to the rock debris (Scree) at the foot of a mountain.

Inspecting and interpretation of a Scree plot involves two steps:

1. Draw a straight line through the smaller eigenvalues where a departure from this line
occurs. This point highlights where the debris or break occurs. (If the Scree is messy,
and difficult to interpret, additional manipulation of data and extraction should be

2. The point above this debris or break (not including the break itself) indicates the
number of factors to be retained.

In the example below (see Figure 2), the inspection of the Scree plot and eigenvalues
produced a departure from linearity coinciding with a 6-factor result. Therefore this Scree
Test indicates that the data should be analysed for 6 factors.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 7

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Figure 2: Scree Test Criterion (SPSS Output)

Parallel Analysis
Parallel analysis is an under-used factor extraction technique5 and is often not reported in the
literature. One possible reason for limited use is the analysis is not available in conventional
statistical programs such as SPSS or SAS.22 However, authors suggest that parallel analysis
has both merit and application in extracting factors.5,22 Thompson11, p.34 adds, “… parallel
analysis appears to be among the best methods for deciding how many factors to extract or

In parallel analysis, actual eigenvalues are compared with random order eigenvalues. Factors
are retained when actual eigenvalues surpass random ordered eigenvalues. In the example
below (see Table 5) only 3 of the 13 originally generated factors are retained.

Table 5: Parallel Analysis (Monte Carlo PA Output) (adapted from)26

Component Actual eigenvalue Random order Decision

Number from PCA from parallel analysis
1 14.947 3.2670 Accept
2 4.714 3.0052 Accept
3 3.025 2.8050 Accept
4 2.312 2.6318 Reject
5 2.204 2.4668 Reject
6 1.940 2.3386 Reject
7 1.893 2.2110 Reject
8 1.546 2.0936 Reject
9 1.375 1.9715 Reject
10 1.287 1.8606 Reject
11 1.265 1.7701 Reject
12 1.133 1.6712 Reject
13 1.020 1.5861 Reject

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 8

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Following these analyses a final number of factors or best-fit solution will be presented. At
this point the researcher will require careful and thoughtful judgement on which solution is
the best-fit and which of the factors extracted make the most conceptual sense.

Step 4: Selection of Rotational Method

Another consideration when deciding how many factors you will analyse your data is whether
a variable might relate to more than one factor. Rotation maximises high item loadings and
minimises low item loadings, therefore producing a more interpretable and simplified
solution. There are two common rotation techniques: orthogonal rotation and oblique
rotation. Researchers have several methods to choose from both rotation options, for
example, orthogonal varimax/quartimax or oblique olbimin/promax. Orthogonal Varimax
rotation first developed by Thompson11 is the most common rotational technique used in
factor analysis,11 which produce factor structures that are uncorrelated.21 In contrast, oblique
rotation produce factors that are correlated, which is often seen as producing more accurate
results for research involving human behaviours, or when data does not meet priori
assumptions.21 Regardless of which rotation method is used, the main objectives are to
provide easier interpretation of results, and produce a solution that is more parsimonious.9,27

As suggested by Pett, Lackey, and Sullivan,1 and Kieffer,27 following PCA analysis, PAF
should also be examined for comparison and assessment for best fit. In other words,
whichever rotated solution produces the best fit and factorial suitability, both intuitively and
conceptually, should be used. Once this has been assessed, the researcher then examines
items that do not load or are unable to be assigned to a factor using the above guides and
makes a decision whether the items should be discarded. For example, the item might load on
several factors, not load on any factors, or simply not conceptually fit any logical factor

Step 5: Interpretation
Interpretation involves the researcher examining which variables are attributable to a factor,
and giving that factor a name or theme. For example, a factor may have included five
variables which all relate to pain perception; therefore the researcher would create a label of
“pain perception” for that factor. Traditionally, at least two or three variables must load on a
factor so it can be given a meaningful interpretation.5,28 The labelling of factors is a
subjective, theoretical, and inductive process.1 Henson and Roberts (2006) note “the
meaningfulness of latent factors is ultimately dependent on researcher definition”.5, p.396 The
reason for thorough and systematic factor analyses is to isolate items with high loadings in the
resultant pattern matrices. In other words, it is a search to find those factors that taken
together explain the majority of the responses. In the presented example in Table 6, seven
factors have been produced. If the researcher is content with these factors, these should then
be operationalised and descriptively labelled. It is important that these labels or constructs
reflect the theoretical and conceptual intent.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 9

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Table 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Item 1 .717
Item 2 .703
Item 3 .639
Item 4 .627
Item 5 .564
Item 6 .563
Item 7 .547
Item 8 .485
Item 9 .482
Item 10 .451
Item 11
Item 12
Item 13 .754
Item 14 .637
Item 15 .587
Item 16 .584
Item 17 .583
Item 18 .568
Item 19 .524
Item 20 .516
Item 21
Item 22 .607
Item 23 .551
Item 24 .528
Item 25 .523
Item 26 .495
Item 27
Item 28
Item 29 .466 .557
Item 30 .552
Item 31 .532
Item 32 .504
Item 33 .489
Item 34
Item 35 .688
Item 36 .627
Item 37 .598
Item 38 .538
Item 39 .515
Item 40 .674
Item 41 .636
Item 42 .611
Item 43 .698
Item 44 .559
Item 45 .518
Item 46 .492

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 10

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

Exploratory factor analysis is a complex multivariate statistical approach involving many
linear and sequential steps. In addition, many options and rules of thumb apply themselves to
EFA emphasising that clear decision sequencing and protocols are paramount in each
investigation. The intention of the paper is to provide the paramedic readership with a user-
friendly guide to exploratory factor analysis. It is hoped the Five-step Exploratory Factor
Analysis Protocol will be useful (and make research less daunting) in those contemplating
undertaking research requiring this statistical technique.

Examples of published EFA

Brown T, Cash T, Mikulka P. Attitudinal Body-Image Assessment: Factor Analysis of the
Body-Self Relations Questionnaire. Journal of Personality Assessment 1990;55(1/2):135-44.

Hoban JD, Lawson SR, Mazmanian PE, Best AM, Seibel HR. The Self-Directed Learning
Readiness Scale: a factor analysis study. Medical Education. 2005;39(4):370-9.

Hojat M, et al. The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy: Development and Preliminary
Psychometric Data. Educational and Psychological Measurement 2001;61(2):349-65.

Kilner T. Educating the ambulance technician, paramedic, and clinical supervisor: using
factor analysis to inform the curriculum. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2004;21(4):379-85.

Mason JH, Anderson JJ, Meenan RF. A model of health status for rheumatoid arthritis. a
factor analysis of the arthritis impact measurement scales. Arthritis & Rheumatism.

Swisher LL, Beckstead JW, Bebeau MJ. Factor Analysis as a Tool for Survey Analysis Using
a Professional Role Orientation Inventory as an Example. Physical Therapy. 2004;84(9):784-

Watson B, Clarke C, Swallow V, Forster S. Exploratory factor analysis of the Research and
Development Culture Index among qualified nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing.

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 11

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399


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4. Spearman C. "General intelligence", objectively determined and measured. American
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9. Hair J, Anderson RE, Tatham RL, Black WC. Multivariate data analysis. 4th ed. New
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10. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Pearson Education
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11. Thompson B. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: understanding concepts
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12. Swisher LL, Beckstead JW, Bebeau MJ. Factor Analysis as a Tool for Survey
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13. Comrey AL. A First Course in Factor Analysis. New York: Academic Press, Inc;
14. Guadagnoli E, Velicer WF. Relation of sample size to the stability of component
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15. Sapnas KG, Zeller RA. Minimizing sample size when using exploratory factor
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20. Bartlett MS. Tests of significance in factor analysis. British Journal of Psychology.
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Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 12

Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010 - Article 990399

22. Thompson B, Daniel LG. Factor analytic evidence for the construct validity of scores:
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23. Kaiser HF. The application of electronic computers to factor analysis. Educational and
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This Article was peer reviewed for the Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2010

Author(s): Brett Williams, Andrys Onsman, Ted Brown 13

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