The Essentials of Cement Evaluation M-081004
The Essentials of Cement Evaluation M-081004
The Essentials of Cement Evaluation M-081004
of cement evaluation
MARCH 1976
Amplitude measurement 3
When the bond between casing and cement is
good, the amplitudes of Et, Eq, E3 decrease
(Fig. i-2).
Figure l-4 : Per Cent attenuation vs Per Cent
circumference bonded.
lgure l-2 : Schematic receiver output signal with un- On a Cement Bond Log, two quantities are
bonded casing and with bonded casing. measured :
The amplitudes of ET, Eq, E3 are proportional - the transit time At : it is the time taken for
to the attenuation rate, for a given level of El to reach the receiver (see Fig. l-2)
transmitter signal. The attenuation rate, when
there is a good bond from casing to cement, - the amplitude of Et.
depends on the compressive strength of the cement
and on the percentage of circumference bonded. Fig. l-5 shows a typical Cement Bond Log,
(see Fig. 1-3 and 14. This has been shown by with the scales usually used for At and for the
laboratory experiments. amplitude.
P 4’
a’ 0.~. cement
Transit time measurement Cycle skipping
At the moment the sound pulse is transmitted In the case when the bond leads to an amplitude
from the tool, an electronic clock starts of ET so low that it is below the detection level,
counting. the transit time measurement would be triggered
by E3, instead of ET ; this is refered to as
The bias-setting is adjusted so that when ET cycle-skipping (see Fig. l-8).
reaches the receiver, it is detected and the clock is
stopped. At is the elapsed time recorded by the
clock. (see Fig. l-6).
-. .- - . .
I-rgure l-6 : I ransrt time measurement
Amplitude measurement
- the fixed gate : the time the gate opens is fixed If the transit time measurement is triggered
by the operator ; the amplitude recorded is the by ET, both systems give the same value.
maximum of whatever signal is present at the
receiver output during the opening of the gate ;
the operator sets the gate so that the amplitude If there is cycle skipping, the two gating systems
of ET is recorded. give different results :
Table l-l compares the two systems ; with the
fixed gate, a good bond always corresponds to a
low amplitude reading. The floating gate must be
interpreted with greater care, but it does, however,
eliminate gate-setting errors due to changes in the
sound velocity in mud, etc.
Figure I-11 : CBL log showing free pipe down to 1350 ft and good bond below.
Stretch occurs at 1375 ft and 1398 ft.
CBL in deviated holes : effect of eccentering
lure l-13 : Effect of eccentering on the acoustic
. . .
slanal a* me recewer.
The simultaneity of these two phenomena on a Figure l-4 : Effect of on a CBL log.
CBL log indicates eccentering (see Fig. i-14).
I - 2 - VARIABLE DENSITY LO6 [VOL) contrast depending on the amplitude of the
positive peaks.
In the case of a microannulus, a hydraulic seal Section C in Fig. Ii-2 (from 8000 ft to 8100 ft)
probably exists, but for channelling a seal probably indicates channelling or a microannulus.
does not exist. However, similar waveform and log
results are observed for channelling and
microannulus : If a microannulus occurs, pressuring the casing
improves the bond; a comparison of Sections 5
- C8L : Moderate Amplitude (El), At constant and C, Fig. II-2 and Fig. 11-3, shows that a micro-
- VDL: Moderate casing arrivals and moderate annulus is present around 7815 ft, 8050 ft and
formation arrivals. 8100 ft.
QUANTITATIVE INTERPRETATION The attenuation corresponding to a given
amplitude can be determined with the aid of
Determination of the compressive strength of the Fig. 114.
cement This bond index is, in practice, equal to the
proportion of the circumference of the casing
The attenuation of a sound wave is a function which is bonded.
of the cement bonding, and consequently is related
to the compressive strength of the cement. In the A bond index of 1. mdicates complete bonding.
case where the cement completely surrounds the
casing, the amplitude of Et can be used to estimate Incomplete bonding is indicated by a bond
this compressive strength with the aid of index less than 1.
Fig. 114.
The minimum value of Bond Index necessary for
good hydraulic seal varies depending on local
conditions. In practice, a figure of 0.8 generally
indicates good results. However, the Bond Index,
by itself, is not sufficient to guarantee zone
isolation. The length of the bonded interval must
also be considered. Field experience indicates that
the minimum bonded interval needed for effective
zone isolation depends on the casing size.
gure II4 : CBL interpretation chaq - c
toot only ; itI-toot spacmg.
An indication of the quantity of the
cementation (and whether isolation can be
expected) is given by the value of the Bond Index.
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Quality of Cementation of Borehole Casings,” AIME, 228.
J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1961) 165171 ; Trans.,
AIME, 222. 3. Brown, H. D., Grijalva, V. E., and Aaymer,
L. L. : “New Developments in Sonic Wave
2. Pardue, G. H., Morris, R. L., Gollwitzer, Train Display and Analysis in Cased Holes,”
L. H., and Moran, J. H. : “Cement Bond Log The Log Analyst (Jan. - Feb. 1971) 27-40.