Accenture Open Platform Banking New Era

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The key takeaways are that open APIs and open platform banking are set to change financial services significantly as the platform economy grows. Platform businesses can benefit from network effects by connecting producers and users.

The concept of network effects applies to open platform banking because as more customers use a platform bank's services through partnerships, it creates more opportunities for the bank to partner with other fintech companies and offer more services, attracting even more customers.

Starling Bank is mentioned as an example of a platform bank that operates its own core banking platform but partners with other fintechs like TransferWise and Apple Pay through APIs.





Open APIs and open platform banking has made the building, scaling, and Building from our recently published
are set to change the shape of financial accessing of platforms far simpler and point-of-view on urgent business
services completely. As the platform far cheaper. Platform businesses have model choices facing retail and
economy takes ever greater hold in the also enjoyed explosive growth in a wide commercial banks, this paper explores
industry, new possibilities for consumer range of industries as a result, whether these questions in depth.1 It illustrates
propositions and the explosive impact that’s Uber in transport, Airbnb in the role of open APIs across the
of network effects are heralding a new hotels, Amazon in retail, or YouTubeTM four winning business models we
era for banks—and for their customers. and Facebook in ad-supported media. identified and goes deep into the
market dynamics of the open platform
In other industries, leaders like Google, Now, amid a surge of Open Banking model, taking a snapshot of the various
Apple®, Facebook®, Amazon® and APIs and a regulatory push to open types of platform models, their key
Alibaba (GAFAA) have already shown business models, the platform capabilities, and our analysis of the
what technology-driven platform- economy is set to hit financial current and likely future market trends.2
based business models can achieve— services in a big way. But what is
and have been taking advantage of the the true impact of open APIs and
strategies that those models enable open platform banking? And how
for years. While the basic concept of will they evolve in the future?
the platform isn’t new, digitalization

Platform models in banking 3

Evolving from a traditional

bank to an open platform bank 7

Moving forward to Open Banking 10

2 | OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved.

The value of the platform business models of challenger banks The value of these partnership
like Starling, which launched in services leads an increasing number
Platform businesses connect the UK in 2017. It operates its own of consumers to use Starling for their
producers and users in efficient core banking platform but relies on everyday banking needs. And that, in
exchanges of value. These a network of ecosystem partners, turn, creates network effects—more
exchanges facilitate interactions on accessed through APIs, for its other customers create more partnership
both the demand and supply sides, services including partnerships opportunities for the bank.
which have amplifying “network with TransferWise for cross-border
effects.” In banking, the value of remittances and Apple Pay® for
network effects can be seen in the payment acceptance (Fig. 1).

FIGURE 1. The Starling ecosystem

Loyalty and receipts

Apple Pay Moneybox®

Payments issuing API Savings and investments


TransferWise API API Tail Offers

Cross-border payments Rewards and cashbacks

Starling Bank
Core banking

Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA | 3
Platform banking models PROPRIETARY PLATFORM
(ONE SPONSOR, ONE PROVIDER) Producers Consumers
According to Parker & Van
Alstyne, aside from producers and This is a closed platform in which
consumers, a platform also requires the sponsor has complete control
one or more sponsors (someone to over the provider. In financial
control who participates and resolve services, proprietary platforms use
issues like intellectual property) and open APIs to make data accessible
one or more providers (someone to developers and to offer finalized
to provide an interface visible to products to customers (both B2B API_MARKET
producers and consumers).3 Both and B2C). Banks give developers
access to their sandboxes, which
providers and sponsors play an
important role in controlling the allow them to experiment and
openness of a platform, and the then bring finished products to the
way they interact has been used to market. APIs are also used by third
categorize four different types of parties to consume products and
platform models: to develop innovative applications
on top of existing products. As
an example, The API_Market (the
provider) is a sandbox created by
Spanish bank BBVA (the sponsor)
which uses open APIs to allow
external developers to experiment
freely, while restricting access to
the production environment.


This kind of platform enhances

network effects by using a variety of
providers. As an example, SolarisBank
offers a white label banking

platform for both financial services

organizations (banqUP and Cashlink)

and non-banks (AutoScout24). It


positions itself as one of the first

banking platforms which non-banks
can use to operate banking products
under its license. Fidor Bank is
another example of a bank operating
through a license platform.

4 | OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved.

In this type of platform, several

sponsors collaborate to create
and control a single interface.
Although rare in financial services,
this model is evident in the CAPS
market initiative.4 CAPS was formed CAPS
by a number of banking and market
infrastructure players to establish a


Isabel Group

Fidor Solutions

standard for PSD2 as well as open
APIs. It encourages fintechs and
third parties to use the platform to
develop new products and business


In this type of platform, no single

party controls development while
multiple providers may exist. To date,
no example of this model has been
seen in the banking industry. In the
non-banking industry, an example
of such an innovation is Linux.

Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA | 5
Comparing platform models In enabling partners to develop their want to develop a new banking
own products, the licensing platform standard (the involvement of many
In comparing these models, takes a more decentralized approach. sponsors helps set a new standard,
understanding the extent of their This has a low derogation risk for the and wide reach, straight away).
network effects and how they sponsor since a provider’s name is
create value is key. Other important attached to the platform interface. Shared platforms are unlikely to
characteristics include: the pace of Moreover, quality control and network be of much interest to banks. They
application development, application effects are down to each individual offer no control over application
quality control, the derogation risk provider. Customer reach is high development, involved parties, or the
(risk for the sponsor in terms of thanks to a potentially unlimited direction of the platform.
quality, expectations, etc.), and the number of outlets/providers.
Of these models, the licensing
extent of customer reach (Fig. 2). Therefore fintechs and new banks
platform has been seen to act as a
are developing Platform-as-a-Service
A proprietary platform takes a true catalyst for platform banking.
(PaaS) offerings (for example, Monzo)
centralized approach to network Not only does it best enable
to enable banks and non-banks to
effects. While this impacts its developers to create innovative
create and use banking applications
customer reach, it also enables close products, it also increases reach
and leverage their ecosystems.
monitoring of quality and speed of by involving a variety of providers,
application development. For these Products on a joint venture platform each of which can attract customers
reasons, incumbent banks are using are based on a consensus of separately. However, the complex
proprietary platforms as a reasonably participants. While this secures legacy technology used by
safe way of exploring the value of product quality, it can slow incumbent banks will restrict their
open APIs. But, since sponsor and development and discourage ability to innovate with this model.
provider are so closely linked, the network effects. These platforms fintechs and neo banks, on the
derogation risk for the sponsoring are rare in financial services, but other hand, are highly likely to
bank is high. may be likely in situations where, for explore its potential.
example, a large number of banks

FIGURE 2. Platform characteristics

and value

Network effect Application quality control Derogation risk
platform development (provider) (sponsor) Reach

Proprietary platform Low Fast High High Medium

Licensing platform Depending on provider Fast High Low High

Joint venture platform Medium Slow Medium Medium Medium

Shared platform High Slow Low Medium High

6 | OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved.


or a licensing platform, a bank’s Today’s relationship managers and (AGILE DELIVERY)
transformation to an API-connected banking sales representatives may not Banks need to rapidly acquire
platform-based business model will fit easily into an open platform model. or experiment with high-value
require shifts in the deployment of Instead, a dedicated front-office initiatives, while showing tolerance
resources, people, and technology. capability to oversee relationships with of failures in a trial and test culture.
Existing products will need to be new B2B customers, developers, and Agile delivery at scale is an essential
‘atomized’, and new products and developer community builders will be capability, although banks must
processes identified. Indeed, Open required, much in the same way as recognize that it isn’t right for every
Banking calls for nothing short of software companies currently work. single development. The goal for
an overhaul in traditional banking business and IT teams is to be able
capabilities. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT to come together and develop a new
An open API is not a feature. It’s a API at pace and then decide whether
So what needs to change? We’ve
product in its own right, but nurturing to expand or withdraw it. It currently
identified the key organizational,
open APIs and data to extract value is takes 6 to 18 months to launch a
functional, and technical capabilities
a new undertaking for banks—hence credit card, for example. In contrast,
that will help enable a bank’s
the need for new roles such as data it should take just a few weeks to
evolution to an open platform.
scientists to better clarify the B2B launch a new credit API.
and B2B2C monetization possibilities.
Organizational capabilities Furthermore, because an API- WORKFORCE
connected platform builds a network Open Banking also calls for banks
OPEN API STRATEGY of partners, it brings scalability and to change faster, operate more
An open API strategy needs to additional revenue to the bank. Those quickly, make smarter decisions,
enable network effects and work partners can either integrate a bank’s stay relevant to customers, outdo
with a partner strategy to do so. Bank products or build custom tools and competitors, and keep pace with new
leaders should be looking to drive a functionality on top of them (such as technologies and new regulations. To
digitally centered transformation to a point-of-sale credit API leveraging do so, they need nimble workforces,
achieve this. Doing so requires an an existing credit product). A partner the right digital technology to build
unusually high level of coordination network thus automatically creates flexibility into those workforces, and
of cross-bank initiatives, spanning new sales channels that would not they need to attract and retain top
prioritization, resource allocation, otherwise be possible. digital talent, including technologists
and collaboration in execution. and inventors from other industries.
The challenge is to lead a holistic
change program that addresses
the necessary culture, systems,
and capabilities simultaneously. It
requires investment, painstaking
planning, and coordinated decision
making across the whole bank.

Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA | 7
A partnership development strategy Because an open API is directly
IDENTITY AND ACCESS is essential in developing an supplying the ecosystem with core
MANAGEMENT effective ecosystem that creates banking data (account details,
Banks should help developers value for all participants, including payment transactions, etc.) a bank
and IT leaders build, maintain, the bank, the developers, and must ensure it has the necessary
and scale seamless, personal, and the customers. Firstly, banks can technological capabilities to manage
secure experiences across the API act more independently, creating security and build trust. Indeed, as
connected platform. The platform their own products and services an extension of its base IT security
should follow an identity-driven for their platform and finding the capability, a bank’s API security
policy, using a powerful policy customers for those products and capability should be compliant with
framework based on user profile, services. Secondly, banks can drive the same protocols, including data
group membership, network zone, open innovation with third parties— governance and data management
device, client, user or administrator partnering with providers to create capabilities, as any other customer-
consent. The platform provider new products and services within facing application. Moreover, it is
should offer a plug-and-play Identity a collaborative ecosystem. For important to apply a consistent set
Software Development Kit, to let both to work, banks would need of security policies on top of all
developers spend more time on to develop capabilities to manage exposed API services. Banks should
the core value of their app and less such ecosystems. therefore:
on security.
Technical capabilities • Use safe transfer protocols such as
Customer journeys should be API LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT
• Have a coherent and communicated
compelling and highly differentiated, BY DESIGN
set of policies to protect against
combining personalization, speed, In essence, an open API is a bank SQL, JSON, and regular expression
and ease of use for all processes. product with a versioning-based threats;
Banks need to act quickly to acquire life-cycle. A bank must therefore
manage the API lifecycle within its • Impose IP restrictions and protect
deep capabilities in user experience
ecosystem. A new version of an API is against malicious bots within API
and user interfaces by leveraging
effectively a new product for a bank’s management security policies;
data securely, quickly, and efficiently.
ecosystem customers and should be • Handle spikes and volume changes
ECOSYSTEM ANALYTICS designed with lifecycle management in API consumption to control
Analytics is a key means of at its core. Each new version must traffic; and
creating better outcomes for API- ensure backwards compatibility
• Ensure auditing and logging
connected parties, customers, until the end of the agreed lifecycle
of API calls and provide SAML
and other stakeholders across the is reached. Lifecycle times and the
authentication to directories.
entire ecosystem. Over time, the discontinuation of older versions
data generated by the ecosystem must be communicated effectively
increases exponentially, and it to ensure the ecosystem has time to
becomes progressively difficult to adapt to the new version.
use traditional tools to analyze that
data. Banks therefore need better
tools and technologies to bridge the
gap between data generation and
data analysis and to pave the way for
machine learning.

8 | OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved.
API MANAGEMENT A bank must be able to create high-
A bank must be able to manage an quality and well-designed APIs that
API gateway for both internal and meet a defined set of architectural
open APIs. An API management tool and design principles. A proper
lets a bank set clear acceptance API architecture capability will
criteria for publishing and consuming enable a bank to manage consent
APIs and allows it to enforce for its consumption of distributed
security measures and protocols APIs within the ecosystem, ensure
as well as provide the source for consent is given for the consumption
traffic monitoring and analytics. by others of its APIs, and offer an
Furthermore, it provides a means to audit trail governing the input and
manage API lifecycles and security output of data (Fig. 3).
measures and to enable API analytics
Just as in any other modern software
API ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN development, the open platform bank
An API is a product that exposes a must be able to create and control
process and its supporting activities a number of API environments to
to any authenticated user. This simplify testing and automation.
exposure is crucial. It means the API Modular deployment is essential, and
must meet the same standards as infrastructure capabilities should
an application or a product. Design, allow for the load balancing and auto-
governance, and usage monitoring scaling of API servers.
are therefore essential requirements.

FIGURE 3. Minimum identity and

consent requirements of an API


Authorize and authenticate GET Generate a new GET Generate an

oAuth2 flow endpoints Access Token access token Authorization Token authorization token

PSD2 requirements related to user consent/entitlements


Entitlements Entitlements Entitlements Entitlement

Get entitlements Post entitlements Get, update or Validate entitlements

for given customer, for given customer, delete entitlement for given customer,
third party or account third party or account third party or account

Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA | 9

In this transition to Open Banking, Firstly, features like account So, to implement an Open Banking
traditional banks shouldn’t aggregation will quickly become platform strategy, banks should
necessarily try to replicate the large a commodity. Much like mobile look at five key steps today:
digital infrastructure platforms banking, this is likely to become
associated with broad developer a necessity in preventing • Evolve an open platform model.
communities and distributed leakage but is unlikely to drive Start by strategically embracing
services such as those from Google, any real future growth. an open platform banking model,
Facebook, and Apple. The rapid and identify the key capabilities
acquisition of users witnessed by Secondly, the effects of Open and investments needed to make it
many of those successful platforms Banking will be much broader happen.
in other industries is unlikely to than core functions like making • Cover the basics. Account
be repeated in financial services. payments and accessing account aggregation might prevent leakage
While developing markets may information. Indeed, banking but is unlikely to drive any real
provide some opportunities for rapid functions could well become growth. Instead, target deep and
scaling in banking, most mature invisible as they embed themselves specific financial moments using
markets are saturated and customer seamlessly into the everyday external API services.
acquisition costs are relatively high. activities of consumers, retailers,
and numerous other businesses— • Beyond banking. Look for partners
Furthermore, active developer banking as living business.5 to deliver premium APIs that can
communities are crucial for expand target user groups and
accelerating the development Banks must be ready to respond incentivize third-party development.
and scale of platforms. While by working with a wider network of • Develop strategic ecosystems.
they generally prefer large user partners. That might involve blending Successful open platform banks
bases to scale their applications, services to target deep and specific will create business models
most banks lack a big enough moments in customers’ financial through strategic ecosystems of
customer base to support a lives—cashback in their favorite partners to create an environment
commercial developer community. stores, perhaps, or fitness and money for network effects to take hold.
saving tips for their commute. This So, choose an ecosystem model
That said, there is much for banks will also help banks expand beyond close to your strategic priorities
to learn from successful platforms their existing customer bases by and market positioning.
in other industries, in everything providing valuable functionality
from aligning incentives with third- for other industries—confirming • Develop new business models.
party vendors to scaling multi-sided customer affordability, real-time Think afresh about revenue
marketplaces. But banks must reconciliations, etc. Moreover, models, product development,
be creative in how they design this expansion of potential users and how to commercialize the
their platform strategies for the will be crucial in nurturing a larger evolution of open APIs.
markedly different competitive active developer community
These initial steps will help ensure
environment they are entering. that can accelerate product
banks are well-positioned to exploit
And as that environment evolves, development and platform growth.
the strategic differentiation and
they must be alive to several likely
network effects that the new era
developments on the horizon.
of open platform banking offers.

10 | OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2018 Accenture. All rights reserved. OPEN PLATFORM BANKING: A NEW ERA | 11
Alan McIntyre Sulabh Agarwal
Senior Managing Director Managing Director
Accenture Global Banking Accenture Payments
[email protected] [email protected]

Maurits Olijve Andrew McFarlane

Managing Director Senior Manager
Accenture Strategy, The Netherlands Accenture Payments, Ireland & Canada
[email protected] [email protected]

Anupam Majumdar Rody van der Vliet

Manager Technology Consultant
Accenture Payments, The Netherlands Accenture Technology Advisory,
[email protected] The Netherlands
[email protected]
Paul Weiss
Management Consultant
Accenture Payments, The Netherlands
[email protected]


Accenture is a leading global professional 1 Accenture, “Winning in the Digital
services company, providing a broad Economy,” 2017.
range of services and solutions in com/us-en/insight-banking-winning-
strategy, consulting, digital, technology digital-economy
and operations. Combining unmatched
2 Ibid.
experience and specialized skills
across more than 40 industries and all 3 Parker & Van Alstyne, “Platform Strategy
business functions—underpinned by & Open Business Models,” 2013.
the world’s largest delivery network—
Accenture works at the intersection agenda/slides/5%20Platforms%20
of business and technology to help Transitions.pdf
clients improve their performance 4
and create sustainable value for their
stakeholders. With more than 442,000 5 Accenture, “Banking as a Living
people serving clients in more than 120 Business, 2017.
countries, Accenture drives innovation com/us-en/insight-banking-living-
to improve the way the world works and business-customer-experience
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