Project Report Lsi

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements


For the degree of

M.E. (Information Technology)


Satyam Premanand Nagvenkar

Roll No : 11ME10 PR No : 201108997

Department of Information technology

Padre Conçeicao College of Engineering, Verna Goa

Goa University

Approval Sheet

This is to certify that Satyam Premanand Nagvenkar , bearing Roll no: 11ME10, has been
admitted to the candidacy of ME (Information Technology) in July 2011 and he has
undertaken the dissertation entitled “OPTIMIZING ROUTING IN ADHOC ON-
DEMAND DISTANCE VECTOR PROTOCOL ” is submitted as a partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Masters Degree of Information Technology under Goa University
as it is examined and found satisfactory.

Mrs. Megha Ainapurkar _________________

(Signature with date)

Miss Nadine _________________

(Signature with date)


Dr. Luis C. Mesquita

Head of Department,
Information Technology.
P.C.College of Engineering,
Verna, Goa

Project Examiners

Mrs. Megha Ainapurkar :_________________________ _________________

(Signature with date)

Miss Nadine :__________________________________ _________________

(Signature with date)

Date: ___________

Place: ___________

1. Abstract ……………………………………….Pg. No.

2. Introduction …………………………………….

3. Overview ………………………………………

3.1 Problem Definition

4. AODV terminology

5. Applicability statement

6. Message formats

6.1 Route Request (RREQ) Message Format

6.2 Route Reply (RREP) Message Format

6.3 Route Error (RERR) Message Format

6.4 Route Reply Acknowledgment (RREP-ACK) Message Format

7. AODV Operation

7.1 Maintaining Sequence Numbers

7.2 Route Table Entries and Precursor Lists

7.3 Generating Route Requests

7.4 Controlling Dissemination of Route Request Messages

7.5 Processing and Forwarding Route Requests

7.6 Generating Route Replies

7.6.1 Route Reply Generation by the Destination

7.6.2 Route Reply Generation by an Intermediate Node

7.6.3 Generating Gratuitous RREPs

7.7 Receiving and Forwarding Route Replies

7.8 Maintaining Local Connectivity

7.9 Route Error(RERR) Messages, Route Expiry and Route Deletion

7.10 Local Repair

8. Simulation model

8.1 The traffic model

8.2 The mobility model

8.3 Architectural scenario

8.4 Performance criteria

9. Observation/Performance evaluation

9.1 Traffic : UDP/CBR, Low mobility

9.2 Traffic : UDP/CBR, High mobility

9.3 Traffic : TCP, Low mobility

9.4 Traffic : TCP, High mobility

10. Results and discussion


Opinions are central to almost all human activities and are key influencers of
our behaviors. Our beliefs and perceptions of reality, and the choices we
make, are, to a considerable degree, conditioned upon how others see and
evaluate the world. For this reason, when we need to make a decision we
often seek out the opinions of others. This is not only true for individuals but
also true for organizations.
The deployment of Web 2.0 technologies has led to rapid growth of various
opinions and reviews on the web, such as reviews on products and opinions
about people. Such content can be very useful to help people find interesting
entities like products, businesses and people based on their individual
preferences or tradeoffs. In this paper, we propose a different way of
leveraging opinionated content, by directly ranking entities based on a user's
preferences. Our idea is to represent each entity with the text of all the
reviews of that entity. Given a user's keyword query that expresses the desired
features of an entity, we can then rank all the candidate entities based on how
well opinions on these entities match the user's preferences. We study several
methods for solving this problem, including both standard text retrieval
models. Experiment results on ranking entities based on opinions in car
domain show that the proposed extensions are effective and lead to
improvement of ranking accuracy over the standard text retrieval models for
this task.

Classic information retrieval model might lead to poor retrieval due to

unrelated documents that might be included in the answer set or missed
relevant documents that do not contain at least one index term. Retrieval
based on index terms is vague and noisy. The user information need is more
related to concepts and ideas than to index terms. Latent Semantic Indexing
(LSI) model is a concept-based retrieval method which overcomes many of
the problems evident in today's popular word-based retrieval systems. Most
retrieval systems match words in the user’s queries with words in the text of
documents in the corpus; whereas LSI model performs the match based on
the concepts. In this paper, we first develop an LSI retrieval model, to rank
documents based on conceptual search will be performed using LSI.
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
An important part of our information-gathering behavior has always been to
find out what other people think. With the growing availability and popularity
of opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and personal blogs, new
opportunities and challenges arise as people now can and do actively use
information technologies to seek out and understand the opinions of others.
The sudden eruption of activity in the area of opinion mining, which deals
with the computational treatment of opinion and subjectivity in text.

As a consequence of this new order, providing a public space for community

discussions, since then, a huge amount of data has been produced by users, a
valuable content that can be extremely useful both as a complementary, but
also in many cases as a primary and unique source of information. Because of
the nature of this content, which is unstructured data in form of free text, the
recovery and extraction of meaningful information depends on specialized

The vast amount of opinions expressed by experts and ordinary users can be
very useful to help people make all kinds of decisions, ranging from what to
buy to what treatment to choose for a disease. For example, shoppers at
Amazon typically would read the reviews about a product before buying it,
and travelers may rely on opinions about hotels on Trip advisor to help them
choose an appropriate hotel at the destination. It has been shown that 77% of
online shoppers use reviews and ratings when making a purchase decision.

Unfortunately, the abundance of opinions also poses challenges in digesting

all the opinions about an entity or a topic. For example, a popular product
such as the iPhone may have hundreds of reviews on, and
popular hotels like Marriott or Hilton may have over five hundred reviews on
Trip advisor. Thus, the task of developing computational techniques to help
users digest and exploit all the opinions is a very important and interesting
research challenge.

In this paper, we propose a different way of leveraging opinionated content

that is to directly rank interesting entities based on how well the opinions on
these entities match a user's preferences. Since a user is often interested in
choosing an entity based on the opinions on the entity, ranking entities in this
way provides a more direct support for a user's decision-making task. For
example, the decision-making task in the case of a user shopping for a
product is to decide which product out of the many to buy. Thus, it would be
very helpful for such a user if we can take a keyword query from the user
expressing his/her preferences for the product (e.g., comfortable seats, cheap
and reliable" for a car), and return a ranked list of cars in the order of
likelihood that a car matches the users preferences. With such a capability, the
user is no longer overwhelmed by all the reviews available on all cars, but
rather the user can now analyze a much smaller set of cars that roughly
matches his/her preferences based on the judgment of other users. Further,
this type of ranking is flexible in that it can be applied to any entity for which
opinionated content is available.
To rank entities in this way, our idea is to represent each entity with the text
of all the reviews of that particular entity, often available from various
websites. Given a user's keyword query that expresses the desired features of
an entity, we can then rank the relevant entities based on how well its reviews
match the user's preferences.
We also describe an approach to automatic indexing and retrieval. It is
designed to overcome a fundamental problem that plagues existing retrieval
techniques that try to match words of queries with words of documents. The
problem is that users want to retrieve on the basis of conceptual content, and
individual words provide unreliable evidence about the conceptual topic or
meaning of a document. There are usually many ways to express a given
concept, so the literal terms in a user’s query may not match those of a
relevant document.

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is one such statistical information retrieval

method. It uses an algebraic model of document retrieval, using a matrix
technique known as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The basic idea of
LSI is that if two document vectors represent the same topic, they will share
many associated words with a keyword and they will have very close
semantic structures after dimension reduction via truncated SVD.
1.2 Purpose of the project
Application of competitor mining is for comparing of documents containing
user reviews. User reviews are stored in the form of text documents. This text
documents are ranked based on aspects. I have used car domain data set
hence I have made comparisons based on various aspects related to car
domain. Various aspects such as number of reviews, fuel, interior, exterior,
build, performance, comfort, reliability, fun.

An ideal setup for competitor mining is based on Opinion-Based Entity

ranking system, where the user can freely express preferences as a natural
keyword query.

Fig. 1 One scenario of Opinion-Based Entity Ranking applications where

keyword preferences are expressed on a set of aspects.

It is natural for a user to specify preferences on various aspects of an entity in

the envisioned entity ranking task. Thus we can expect a user's query to
consist of preferences on multiple aspects; for example, a preference query
for a car might be “good gas mileage, cheap, reliable", which consists of
preferences on three different aspects (i.e., e_ciency, price, and reliability). In
general, if a user enters a query in a single query box, we would need to parse
a query to obtain preferences on different aspects.

In this paper, we focus on studying effectiveness of different ranking

methods, so we assume that the multiple aspects in a user's query have
already been segmented in order to factor out the influence of query
segmentation on retrieval accuracy. Such a query can also be naturally
obtained by providing a multi-aspect query form or asking a user to use
multiple preferences. For example, in Figure 1, we show a system interface
where the users can find hotels in any city by stating their preferences on the
various aspects of hotels.
1.3 Problem Statement


 To reduce the length and detail of a document while retaining its main
points and overall meaning.

 Some sentences that are not essential in the summary may be included
in the summary because of their more weight than the important

 Important or relevant information is usually spread across sentences,

and extractive summaries cannot capture this (unless the summary is
long enough to hold all those sentences).

 Conflicting information may not be presented accurately.


 Same test documents may be assigned to more than one text category.

 The documents may be assigned to unrelated text category.

 Overly dependent on training set.

1.4 Scope of Project

 On the test documents dataset the following processes are done.

The steps in preprocessing:

- Sentence boundary identification

- Word Tagging(P.O.S)

- Case Folding

- Tokenization

- Stemming

- Stop Word Removal

 After preprocessing the keywords are extracted from the documents.

 Based on the weight of the keywords, sentences with more weight are
used to generate the summary.

 The summarized documents are given for feature selection process,

where the important features from the documents are extracted.

 The summarized documents are assigned to the classifier.

 The classifier then assign one category to one document of the testing

1.5 Report Organization

The rest of the report is organized as follows:

Chapter 2: Literature Survey:-The focus here is the Literature Survey carried

out during the course of the project.

Chapter 3: Software Requirement Specification:-The requirements of the

project and the overall description are mentioned here.

Chapter 4: Design:-The flow of the system is shown.

Chapter 5: Implementation:-The working of the project is shown here.

Chapter 6: Testing:-The evaluation of the project is shown.

3. Overview

Route Requests (RREQs), Route Replies (RREPs), and Route Errors

(RERRs) are the message types defined by AODV. These message types
are received via UDP, and normal IP header processing applies. So, for
instance, the requesting node is expected to use its IP address as the
Originator IP address for the messages. For broadcast messages, the IP
limited broadcast address ( is used. This means that such
messages are not blindly forwarded. However, AODV operation does require
certain messages (e.g., RREQ) to be disseminated widely, perhaps throughout
the ad hoc network. The range of dissemination of such RREQs is indicated
by the TTL in the IP header. As long as the endpoints of a communication
connection have valid routes to each other, AODV does not play any role.

When a route to a new destination is needed, the node broadcasts a RREQ to

find a route to the destination. A route can be determined when the RREQ
reaches either the destination itself, or an intermediate node with a 'fresh
enough' route to the destination. A 'fresh enough' route is a valid route entry
for the destination whose associated sequence number is at least as great as
that contained in the RREQ. The route is made available by unicasting a
RREP back to the origination of the RREQ. Each node receiving the request
caches a route back to the originator of the request, so that the RREP can be
unicast from the destination along a path to that originator, or likewise from
any intermediate node that is able to satisfy the request.

Nodes monitor the link status of next hops in active routes. When a link
break in an active route is detected, a RERR message is used to notify other
nodes that the loss of that link has occurred. The RERR message indicates
those destinations are no longer reachable by way of the broken link. In order
to enable this reporting mechanism, each node keeps a "precursor list",
containing the IP address for each its neighbors that are likely to use it as a
next hop towards each destination. The information in the precursor lists is
most easily acquired during the processing for generation of a RREP
message, which by definition has to be sent to a node in a precursor list. If
the RREP has a nonzero prefix length, then the originator of the RREQ which
solicited the RREP information is included among the precursors for the
subnet route (not specifically for the particular destination).

AODV is a routing protocol, and it deals with route table management.

Route table information must be kept even for short-lived routes, such as are
created to temporarily store reverse paths towards nodes originating RREQs.
AODV uses the following fields with each route table entry:

- Destination IP Address

- Destination Sequence Number

- Valid Destination Sequence Number flag

- Other state and routing flags (e.g., valid, invalid, repairable, being

- Network Interface

- Hop Count (number of hops needed to reach destination)

- Next Hop

- List of Precursors

- Lifetime (expiration or deletion time of the route)

Managing the sequence number is crucial to avoiding routing loops, even

when links break and a node is no longer reachable to supply its own
information about its sequence number. A destination becomes unreachable
when a link breaks or is deactivated. When these conditions occur, the route
is invalidated by operations involving the sequence number and marking the
route table entry state as invalid.

3.1 Problem Definition

4. AODV Terminology

Active route
A route towards a destination that has a routing table entry that is
marked as valid. Only active routes can be used to forward data packets.

Broadcasting means transmitting to the IP Limited Broadcast
address, A broadcast packet may not be blindly forwarded,
but broadcasting is useful to enable dissemination of AODV messages
throughout the ad hoc network.

An IP address to which data packets are to be transmitted. Same as
"destination node". A node knows it is the destination node for a typical data
packet when its address appears in the appropriate field of the IP header.
Routes for destination nodes are supplied by action of the AODV protocol,
which carries the IP address of the desired destination node in route
discovery messages.

Forwarding node
A node that agrees to forward packets destined for another node, by
retransmitting them to a next hop that is closer to the unicast destination
along a path that has been set up using routing control messages.

Forward route
A route set up to send data packets from a node originating a
Route Discovery operation towards its desired destination.

Invalid route
A route that has expired, denoted by a state of invalid in the routing
table entry. An invalid route is used to store previously valid route
information for an extended period of time. An invalid route cannot be used
to forward data packets, but it can provide information useful for route
repairs, and also for future RREQ messages.

Originating node
A node that initiates an AODV route discovery message to be
processed and possibly retransmitted by other nodes in the ad hoc network.
For instance, the node initiating a Route Discovery process and broadcasting
the RREQ message is called the originating node of the RREQ message.

Reverse route
A route set up to forward a reply (RREP) packet back to the
originator from the destination or from an intermediate node having a route to
the destination.
Sequence number
A monotonically increasing number maintained by each originating
node. In AODV routing protocol messages, it is used by other nodes to
determine the freshness of the information contained from the originating

5. Applicability Statement

The AODV routing protocol is designed for mobile ad hoc networks with
populations of tens to thousands of mobile nodes. AODV can handle low,
moderate, and relatively high mobility rates, as well as a variety of data
traffic levels. AODV is designed for use in networks where the nodes can all
trust each other, either by use of preconfigured keys, or because it is known
that there are no malicious intruder nodes. AODV has been designed to
reduce the dissemination of control traffic and eliminate overhead on data
traffic, in order to improve scalability and performance.
6. Message Formats

6.1. Route Request (RREQ) Message Format

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Type |J|R|G|D|U| Reserved | Hop Count

Destination IP Address
Destination Sequence Number
Originator IP Address
Originator Sequence Number

The format of the Route Request message is illustrated above, and contains
the following fields:

Type 1

J Join flag; reserved for multicast.

R Repair flag; reserved for multicast.

G Gratuitous RREP flag; indicates whether a gratuitous RREP should
be unicast to the node specified in the Destination IP Address field.

D Destination only flag; indicates only the destination may respond to

this RREQ .

U Unknown sequence number; indicates the destination sequence number

is unknown.

Reserved Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Hop Count

The number of hops from the Originator IP Address to the node

handling the request.


A sequence number uniquely identifying the particular RREQ when

taken in conjunction with the originating node's IP address.

Destination IP Address

The IP address of the destination for which a route is desired.

Destination Sequence Number

The latest sequence number received in the past by the originator for
any route towards the destination.

Originator IP Address

The IP address of the node which originated the Route Request.

Originator Sequence Number

The current sequence number to be used in the route entry pointing

towards the originator of the route request.

6.2 Route Reply (RREP) Message Format

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Type | R |A| Reserved | Prefix Size | Hop Count
Destination IP address
Destination Sequence Number
Originator IP address

The format of the Route Reply message is illustrated above, and contains
the following fields:

Type 2

R Repair flag; used for multicast.

A Acknowledgment required.

Reserved Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Prefix Size

If nonzero, the 5-bit Prefix Size specifies that the indicated next hop
may be used for any nodes with the same routing prefix (as defined by the
Prefix Size) as the requested destination.

Hop Count

The number of hops from the Originator IP Address to the Destination

IP Address. For multicast route requests this indicates the number of hops to
the multicast tree member sending the RREP.

Destination IP Address

The IP address of the destination for which a route is supplied.

Destination Sequence Number

The destination sequence number associated to the route.

Originator IP Address

The IP address of the node which originated the RREQ for which the
route is supplied.


The time in milliseconds for which nodes receiving the RREP consider
the route to be valid.
6.3 Route Error (RERR) Message Format
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Type |N| Reserved | DestCount

Unreachable Destination IP Address (1)

Unreachable Destination Sequence Number (1)

Additional Unreachable Destination IP Addresses (if needed)

Additional Unreachable Destination Sequence Numbers (if needed)

The format of the Route Error message is illustrated above, and contains the
following fields :

Type 3

N No delete flag; set when a node has performed a local repair of a

link, and upstream nodes should not delete the route.

Reserved Sent as 0; ignored on reception.


The number of unreachable destinations included in the message;

MUST be at least 1.

Unreachable Destination IP Address

The IP address of the destination that has become unreachable due to a

link break.

Unreachable Destination Sequence Number

The sequence number in the route table entry for the destination listed
in the previous Unreachable Destination IP Address field.

The RERR message is sent whenever a link break causes one or more
destinations to become unreachable from some of the node's neighbors.
6.4. Route Reply Acknowledgment (RREP-ACK) Message Format

The Route Reply Acknowledgment (RREP-ACK) message MUST be sent in

response to a RREP message with the 'A' bit set.

This is typically done when there is danger of unidirectional links preventing

the completion of a Route Discovery cycle.

Type Reserved

Type 4

Reserved Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

7. AODV Operation

This section describes the scenarios under which nodes generate Route
Request (RREQ), Route Reply (RREP) and Route Error (RERR) messages
for unicast communication towards a destination, and how the message data
are handled. In order to process the messages correctly, certain state
information has to be maintained in the route table entries for the destinations
of interest.

7.1 Maintaining Sequence Numbers

Every route table entry at every node must include the latest information
available about the sequence number for the IP address of the destination
node for which the route table entry is maintained. This sequence number is
called the "destination sequence number". It is updated whenever a node
receives new (i.e., not stale) information about the sequence number from
RREQ, RREP, or RERR messages which are related to the respective
destination. AODV depends on each node in the network to own and
maintain its destination sequence number to guarantee the loop-freedom of
all routes towards that node. A destination node increments its own sequence
number in two circumstances:

- Immediately before a node originates a route discovery, it increment its

own sequence number. This prevents conflicts with previously established
reverse routes towards the originator of a RREQ.

- Immediately before a destination node originates a RREP in response to a

RREQ, it update its own sequence number to the maximum of its current
sequence number and the destination sequence number in the RREQ packet.

When the destination increments its sequence number, it does so by treating

the sequence number value as if it were an unsigned number. To accomplish
sequence number rollover, if the sequence number has already been assigned
to be the largest possible number representable as a 32-bit unsigned integer
(i.e., 4294967295), then when it is incremented it will then have a value of
zero (0).

In order to ascertain that information about a destination is not stale, the node
compares its current numerical value for the sequence number with that
obtained from the incoming AODV message. This comparison is done using
signed 32-bit arithmetic, this is necessary to accomplish sequence number
rollover. If the result of subtracting the currently stored sequence number
from the value of the incoming sequence number is less than zero, then the
information related to that destination in the AODV message is discarded,
since that information is stale compared to the node's currently stored

The only other circumstance in which a node may change the destination
sequence number in one of its route table entries is in response to a lost or
expired link to the next hop towards that destination. The node determines
which destinations use a particular next hop by consulting its routing table.
In this case, for each destination that uses the next hop, the node increments
the sequence number and marks the route as invalid. Whenever any fresh
enough (i.e., containing a sequence number at least equal to the recorded
sequence number) routing information for an affected destination is received
by a node that has marked that route table entry as invalid, the node updates
its route table information according to the information contained in the

A node may change the sequence number in the routing table entry of a
destination only if :

- it is itself the destination node, and offers a new route to itself, or

- it receives an AODV message with new information about the sequence

number for a destination node, or

- the path towards the destination node expires or breaks.

7.2 Route Table Entries and Precursor Lists

When a node receives an AODV control packet from a neighbor, or creates or
updates a route for a particular destination or subnet, it checks its route table
for an entry for the destination. In the event that there is no corresponding
entry for that destination, an entry is created. The sequence number is either
determined from the information contained in the control packet, or else the
valid sequence number field is set to false.

The route is only updated if

(i) The new sequence number is either higher than the destination
sequence number in the route table, or

(ii) The sequence numbers are equal, but the hop count (of the new
information) plus one, is smaller than the existing hop count in the
routing table, or

(iii) The sequence number is unknown.

The Lifetime field of the routing table entry is either determined from the
control packet, or it is initialized to ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT. This
route may now be used to send any queued data packets and fulfills any
outstanding route requests. Each time a route is used to forward a data packet,
its Active Route Lifetime field of the source, destination and the next hop on
the path to the destination is updated to be no less than the current time plus
ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT. Since the route between each originator and
destination pair is expected to be symmetric, the Active Route Lifetime for
the previous hop, along the reverse path back to the IP source, is also updated
to be no less than the current time plus ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT. The
lifetime for an Active Route is updated each time the route is used regardless
of whether the destination is a single node or a subnet.

For each valid route maintained by a node as a routing table entry, the node
also maintains a list of precursors that may be forwarding packets on this
route. These precursors will receive notifications from the node in the event
of detection of the loss of the next hop link. The list of precursors in a
routing table entry contains those neighboring nodes to which a route reply
was generated or forwarded.

7.3 Generating Route Requests

A node disseminates a RREQ when it determines that it needs a route to a
destination and does not have one available. This can happen if the
destination is previously unknown to the node, or if a previously valid route
to the destination expires or is marked as invalid. The Destination Sequence
Number field in the RREQ message is the last known destination sequence
number for this destination and is copied from the Destination Sequence
Number field in the routing table. If no sequence number is known, the
unknown sequence number flag is set. The Originator Sequence Number in
the RREQ message is the node's own sequence number, which is incremented
prior to insertion in a RREQ. The RREQ ID field is incremented by one from
the last RREQ ID used by the current node. Each node maintains only one
RREQ ID. The Hop Count field is set to zero.

Before broadcasting the RREQ, the originating node buffers the RREQ ID
and the Originator IP address (its own address) of the RREQ for
PATH_DISCOVERY_TIME. In this way, when the node receives the packet
again from its neighbors, it will not reprocess and re-forward the packet.

An originating node often expects to have bidirectional communications with

a destination node. In such cases, it is not sufficient for the originating node
to have a route to the destination node; the destination must also have a route
back to the originating node. In order for this to happen as efficiently as
possible, any generation of a RREP by an intermediate node for delivery to
the originating node should be accompanied by some action that notifies the
destination about a route back to the originating node. The originating node
selects this mode of operation in the intermediate nodes by setting the 'G'

A node should not originate more than RREQ_RATELIMIT RREQ messages

per second. After broadcasting a RREQ, a node waits for a RREP. If a route
is not received within NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME milliseconds, the node
may try again to discover a route by broadcasting another RREQ, up to a
maximum of RREQ_RETRIES times at the maximum TTL value. Each new
attempt must increment and update the RREQ ID. For each attempt, the TTL
field of the IP header is set accordingly, in order to enable control over how
far the RREQ is disseminated for the each retry.

Data packets waiting for a route (i.e., waiting for a RREP after a RREQ has
been sent) SHOULD be buffered. The buffering is done in "first-in, first-
out" (FIFO) manner. If a route discovery has been attempted
RREQ_RETRIES times at the maximum TTL without receiving any RREP,
all data packets destined for the corresponding destination is dropped from
the buffer and a Destination Unreachable message is delivered to the

To reduce congestion in a network, repeated attempts by a source node at

route discovery for a single destination utilize a binary exponential backoff
algorithm. The first time a source node broadcasts a RREQ, it waits for
NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME milliseconds for the reception of a RREP. If a
RREP is not received within that time, the source node sends a new RREQ.
When calculating the time to wait for the RREP after sending the second
RREQ, the source node MUST use a binary exponential backoff. Hence, the
waiting time for the RREP corresponding to the second RREQ is 2 *
NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME milliseconds. If a RREP is not received within
this time period, another RREQ may be sent, up to RREQ_RETRIES
additional attempts after the first RREQ. For each additional attempt, the
waiting time for the RREP is multiplied by 2, so that the time conforms to a
binary exponential backoff.

7.4 Controlling Dissemination of Route Request Messages

To prevent unnecessary network-wide dissemination of RREQs, the
originating node uses an expanding ring search technique. In an expanding
ring search, the originating node initially uses a TTL = TTL_START in the
RREQ packet IP header and sets the timeout for receiving a RREP to
RING_TRAVERSAL_TIME milliseconds. The TTL_VALUE used in
calculating RING_TRAVERSAL_TIME is set equal to the value of the TTL
field in the IP header. If the RREQ times out without a corresponding RREP,
the originator broadcasts the RREQ again with the TTL incremented by
TTL_INCREMENT. This continues until the TTL set in the RREQ reaches
TTL_THRESHOLD, beyond which a TTL = NET_DIAMETER is used for
each attempt. Each time, the timeout for receiving a RREP is
RING_TRAVERSAL_TIME. When it is desired to have all retries traverse
the entire ad hoc network, this can be achieved by configuring TTL_START
and TTL_INCREMENT both to be the same value as NET_DIAMETER.

The Hop Count stored in an invalid routing table entry indicates the last
known hop count to that destination in the routing table. When a new route
to the same destination is required at a later time (e.g., upon route loss), the
TTL in the RREQ IP header is initially set to the Hop Count plus
TTL_INCREMENT. Thereafter, following each timeout the TTL is
incremented by TTL_INCREMENT until TTL = TTL_THRESHOLD.
Beyond this TTL = NET_DIAMETER is used. Once TTL =
NET_DIAMETER, the timeout for waiting for the RREP is set to
7.5 Processing and Forwarding Route Requests
When a node receives a RREQ, it first creates or updates a route to the
previous hop without a valid sequence number then checks to determine
whether it has received a RREQ with the same Originator IP Address and
RREQ ID within at least the last PATH_DISCOVERY_TIME. If such a
RREQ has been received, the node silently discards the newly received
RREQ, else it first increments the hop count value in the RREQ by one, to
account for the new hop through the intermediate node.

Then the node searches for a reverse route to the Originator IP Address,
using longest-prefix matching. If need be, the route is created, or updated
using the Originator Sequence Number from the RREQ in its routing table.
This reverse route will be needed if the node receives a RREP back to the
node that originated the RREQ. When the reverse route is created or updated,
the following actions on the route are also carried out:

1. The Originator Sequence Number from the RREQ is compared to the

corresponding destination sequence number in the route table entry and
copied if greater than the existing value there.

2. The valid sequence number field is set to true;

3. Tthe next hop in the routing table becomes the node from which the
RREQ was received.

4. The hop count is copied from the Hop Count in the RREQ message.

Whenever a RREQ message is received, the Lifetime of the reverse route

entry for the Originator IP address is set to be the maximum of
(ExistingLifetime, MinimalLifetime), where

MinimalLifetime = (current time + 2 * NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME -


The current node can use the reverse route to forward data packets in the
same way as for any other route in the routing table.

If a node does not generate a RREP, and if the incoming IP header has TTL
larger than 1, the node updates and broadcasts the RREQ to address on each of its configured interfaces. To update the RREQ,
the TTL or hop limit field in the outgoing IP header is decreased by one, and
the Hop Count field in the RREQ message is incremented by one, to account
for the new hop through the intermediate node. Lastly, the Destination
Sequence number for the requested destination is set to the maximum of the
corresponding value received in the RREQ message, and the destination
sequence value currently maintained by the node for the requested

However, the forwarding node mustn’t modify its maintained value for the
destination sequence number, even if the value received in the incoming
RREQ is larger than the value currently maintained by the forwarding node.
Otherwise, if a node does generate a RREP, then the node discards the

Notice that, if intermediate nodes reply to every transmission of RREQs for a

particular destination, it might turn out that the destination does not receive
any of the discovery messages. In this situation, the destination does not
learn of a route to the originating node from the RREQ messages. This could
cause the destination to initiate a route discovery (for example, if the
originator is attempting to establish a TCP session). In order that the
destination learn of routes to the originating node, the originating node
should set the "gratuitous RREP" ('G') flag in the RREQ if for any reason the
destination is likely to need a route to the originating node. If, in response to
a RREQ with the 'G' flag set, an intermediate node returns a RREP, it must
also unicast a gratuitous RREP to the destination node .

7.6 Generating Route Replies

A node generates a RREP if either:

(i) it is itself the destination, or

(ii) it has an active route to the destination, the destination

sequence number in the node's existing route table entry for the destination is
valid and greater than or equal to the Destination Sequence Number of the
RREQ, and the "destination only" ('D') flag is NOT set.

When generating a RREP message, a node copies the Destination IP

Address and the Originator Sequence Number from the RREQ message into
the corresponding fields in the RREP message. Processing is slightly
different, depending on whether the node is itself the requested destination, or
an intermediate node with an fresh enough route to the destination.

Once created, the RREP is unicast to the next hop toward the originator of the
RREQ, as indicated by the route table entry for that originator. As the RREP
is forwarded back towards the node which originated the RREQ message, the
Hop Count field is incremented by one at each hop. Thus, when the RREP
reaches the originator, the Hop Count represents the distance, in hops, of the
destination from the originator.

7.6.1 Route Reply Generation by the Destination

If the generating node is the destination itself, it increments its own sequence
number by one, if the sequence number in the RREQ packet is equal to that
incremented value. Otherwise, the destination does not change its sequence
number before generating the RREP message. The destination node places
its (perhaps newly incremented) sequence number into the Destination
Sequence Number field of the RREP, and enters the value zero in the Hop
Count field of the RREP.

The destination node copies the value MY_ROUTE_TIMEOUT into the

Lifetime field of the RREP. Each node MAY reconfigure its value for
MY_ROUTE_TIMEOUT, within mild constraints.

7.6.2 Route Reply Generation by an Intermediate Node

If the node generating the RREP is not the destination node, but instead is an
intermediate hop along the path from the originator to the destination, it
copies its known sequence number for the destination into the Destination
Sequence Number field in the RREP message. The intermediate node updates
the forward route entry by placing the last hop node (from which it received
the RREQ, as indicated by the source IP address field in the IP header) into
the precursor list for the forward route entry -- i.e., the entry for the
Destination IP Address. The intermediate node also updates its route table
entry for the node originating the RREQ by placing the next hop towards the
destination in the precursor list for the reverse route entry -- i.e., the entry for
the Originator IP Address field of the RREQ message data.
The intermediate node places its distance in hops from the destination
(indicated by the hop count in the routing table) Count field in the RREP.
The Lifetime field of the RREP is calculated by subtracting the current time
from the expiration time in its route table entry.

7.6.3 Generating Gratuitous RREPs

After a node receives a RREQ and responds with a RREP, it discards the
RREQ. If the RREQ has the 'G' flag set, and the intermediate node returns a
RREP to the originating node, it must also unicast a gratuitous RREP to the
destination node. The gratuitous RREP that is to be sent to the desired
destination contains the following values in the RREP message fields :

Hop Count : The Hop Count as indicated in the node's route table entry for
the originator.

Destination IP Address : The IP address of the node that

originated the RREQ.

Destination Sequence Number : The Originator Sequence Number from

the RREQ.

Originator IP Address : The IP address of the Destination

node in the RREQ.

Lifetime : The remaining lifetime of the route towards the originator of the
RREQ, as known by the intermediate node.

The gratuitous RREP is then sent to the next hop along the path to the
destination node, just as if the destination node had already issued a RREQ
for the originating node and this RREP was produced in response to that
(fictitious) RREQ. The RREP that is sent to the originator of the RREQ is
the same whether or not the 'G' bit is set.

7.7 Receiving and Forwarding Route Replies

When a node receives a RREP message, it searches (using longest prefix
matching) for a route to the previous hop. If needed, a route is created for the
previous hop, but without a valid sequence number . Next, the node then
increments the hop count value in the RREP by one, to account for the new
hop through the intermediate node. Call this incremented value the "New
Hop Count".
Then the forward route for this destination is created if it does not already
exist. Otherwise, the node compares the Destination Sequence Number in the
message with its own stored destination sequence number for the Destination
IP Address in the RREP message. Upon comparison, the existing entry is
updated only in the following circumstances:

(i) the sequence number in the routing table is marked as invalid in

route table entry.

(ii) the Destination Sequence Number in the RREP is greater than

the node's copy of the destination sequence number and the known value is

(iii) the sequence numbers are the same, but the route is marked as

(iv) the sequence numbers are the same, and the New Hop Count is
smaller than the hop count in route table entry.

If the route table entry to the destination is created or updated, then the
following actions occur:

- the route is marked as active,

- the destination sequence number is marked as valid,

- the next hop in the route entry is assigned to be the node from which the
RREP is received, which is indicated by the source IP address field in the IP

- the hop count is set to the value of the New Hop Count,

- the expiry time is set to the current time plus the value of the Lifetime in
the RREP message,

- and the destination sequence number is the Destination Sequence

Number in the RREP message.

The current node can subsequently use this route to forward data packets to
the destination. If the current node is not the node indicated by the Originator
IP Address in the RREP message and a forward route has been created or
updated as described above, the node consults its route table entry for the
originating node to determine the next hop for the RREP packet, and then
forwards the RREP towards the originator using the information in that route
table entry. If a node forwards a RREP over a link that is likely to have errors
or be unidirectional, the node sets the 'A' flag to require that the recipient of
the RREP acknowledge receipt of the RREP by sending a RREP-ACK
message back.

When any node transmits a RREP, the precursor list for the corresponding
destination node is updated by adding to it the next hop node to which the
RREP is forwarded. Also, at each node the (reverse) route used to forward a
RREP has its lifetime changed to the maximum of (existing-lifetime, (current

Finally, the precursor list for the next hop towards the destination is updated
to contain the next hop towards the source.

7.8 Maintaining Local Connectivity

Each forwarding node must keep track of its continued connectivity to its
active next hops (i.e., which next hops or precursors have forwarded packets
to or from the forwarding node during the last ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT

A node can maintain accurate information about its continued connectivity to

these active next hops, using one or more of the available link or network
layer mechanisms, as described below.

Any suitable link layer notification, such as those provided by IEEE 802.11,
can be used to determine connectivity, each time a packet is transmitted to an
active next hop. For example, absence of a link layer ACK or failure to get a
CTS after sending RTS, even after the maximum number of retransmission
attempts, indicates loss of the link to this active next hop.

If layer-2 notification is not available, passive acknowledgment can be used

when the next hop is expected to forward the packet, by listening to the
channel for a transmission attempt made by the next hop. If transmission is
not detected within NEXT_HOP_WAIT milliseconds or the next hop is the
destination (and thus is not supposed to forward the packet) one of the
following methods is used to determine connectivity:

* Receiving any packet (including a Hello message) from the next hop.

* A RREQ unicast to the next hop, asking for a route to the next hop.
* An ICMP Echo Request message unicast to the next hop.

If a link to the next hop cannot be detected by any of these methods, the
forwarding node should assume that the link is lost, and take corrective action
by following the methods

7.9 Route Error(RERR) Messages, Route Expiry and Route

Generally, route error and link breakage processing requires the following

- Invalidating existing routes

- Listing affected destinations

- Determining which, if any, neighbors may be affected

- Delivering an appropriate RERR to such neighbors

A Route Error (RERR) message MAY be either broadcast (if there are many
precursors), unicast (if there is only 1 precursor), or iteratively unicast to all
precursors (if broadcast is inappropriate). Even when the RERR message is
iteratively unicast to several precursors, it is considered to be a single control
message for the purposes of the description in the text that follows. With
that understanding, a node shouldn’t generate more than
RERR_RATELIMIT RERR messages per second.

A node initiates processing for a RERR message in three situations:

(i) if it detects a link break for the next hop of an active route in its
routing table while transmitting data.

(ii) if it gets a data packet destined to a node for which it does not have
an active route and is not repairing (if using local repair), or

(iii) if it receives a RERR from a neighbor for one or more active routes.

For case (i), the node first makes a list of unreachable destinations consisting
of the unreachable neighbor and purges all these routes.

For case(ii), there is only one unreachable destination, which is the

destination of the data packet that cannot be delivered.
For case (iii), the list should consist of those destinations in the RERR for
which there exists a corresponding entry in the local routing table that has the
transmitter of the received RERR as the next hop.

Some of the unreachable destinations in the list could be used by

neighboring nodes, and it may therefore be necessary to send a (new)
RERR. The RERR should contain those destinations that are part of the
created list of unreachable destinations and have a non-empty precursor list.

The neighboring node(s) that should receive the RERR are all those that
belong to a precursor list of at least one of the unreachable destination(s) in
the newly created RERR. In case there is only one unique neighbor that
needs to receive the RERR, the RERR should be unicast toward that
neighbor. Otherwise the RERR is typically sent to the local broadcast
address (Destination IP =, TTL= 1) with the unreachable
destinations, and their corresponding destination sequence numbers, included
in the packet. The DestCount field of the RERR packet indicates the number
of unreachable destinations included in the packet.

Just before transmitting the RERR, certain updates are made on the routing
table that may affect the destination sequence numbers for the unreachable
destinations. For each one of these destinations, the corresponding routing
table entry is updated as follows:

1. The destination sequence number of this routing entry, if it exists and is

valid, is incremented for cases (i) and (ii) above, and copied from the
incoming RERR in case (iii) above.

2. The entry is invalidated by marking the route entry as invalid

3. The Lifetime field is updated to current time plus DELETE_PERIOD.

Before this time, the entry SHOULD NOT be deleted.

Note that the Lifetime field in the routing table plays dual role for an active
route it is the expiry time, and for an invalid route it is the deletion time. If a
data packet is received for an invalid route, the Lifetime field is updated to
current time plus DELETE_PERIOD
7.10 Local Repair

When a link break in an active route occurs, the node upstream of that break
may choose to repair the link locally if the destination was no farther than
MAX_REPAIR_TTL hops away. To repair the link break, the node
increments the sequence number for the destination and then broadcasts a
RREQ for that destination. The TTL of the RREQ should initially be set to
max(MIN_REPAIR_TTL, 0.5 * #hops) + LOCAL_ADD_TTL.

where #hops is the number of hops to the sender (originator) of the

currently undeliverable packet. Thus, local repair attempts will often be
invisible to the originating node, and will always have TTL >=
MIN_REPAIR_TTL + LOCAL_ADD_TTL. The node initiating the repair
then waits the discovery period to receive RREPs in response to the RREQ.
During local repair data packets are be buffered. If, at the end of the
discovery period, the repairing node has not received a RREP (or other
control message creating or updating the route) for that destination, it
transmitts RERR message for that destination.

On the other hand, if the node receives one or more RREPs (or other
control message creating or updating the route to the desired destination)
during the discovery period, If the hop count of the newly determined route
to the destination is greater than the hop count of the previously known route
the node will issue a RERR message for the destination, and the originating
node may choose to reinitiate route discovery.

Local repair of link breaks in routes may sometime result in increased path
lengths to those destinations. Repairing the link locally is likely to increase
the number of data packets that are able to be delivered to the destinations,
since data packets will not be dropped as the RERR travels to the originating

Sending a RERR to the originating node after locally repairing the link break
may allow the originator to find a fresh route to the destination that is better,
based on current node positions. However, it does not require the
originating node to rebuild the route, as the originator may be done, or nearly
done, with the data session.
When a link breaks along an active route, there are often multiple
destinations that become unreachable, if same node is participating in more
then one connection. The node that is upstream of the lost link will try an
immediate local repair for only the one destination towards which the data
packet was traveling. Other routes using the same link will be marked as
invalid, but as the timeout occurs, these other routes will be repaired as
needed when packets arrive for the other destinations. Hence, these routes
are repaired as needed. If a data packet does not arrive for the route, then that
route will not be repaired.
8 Simulation model

8.1 The traffic model

In this paper we focus on Constant Bit Rate (CBR) sources (i.e voice sources)
and ftp sources (i.e file transfer). The packet size is limited to 512 bytes. The
source-destination pairs are chosen randomly over the network. The source-
destination numbers are fixed (called connection number). We make the
offered load vary by using scenarios with 10,20,30,40 and 50 connections.
Each source-destination pair begins packet sending at a chosen time and
keeps sending between 40 and 80s for CBR sources and between 5 and 20 for
ftp sources.

8.2 The mobility model

In this study, we focus on Random mobile node mobility models to simulate
their movement. Modified Random Direction model which was created to
avoid the clustering mobile node near the center of the simulation area. This
behavior occurs in the random waypoint mobility direction. In the Modified
Random Direction mobility model, each mobile node chooses a random
direction and travels over a random distance at a random speed to it. After
being arrived, it pauses for a specific time and then chooses a new direction.
If it reaches the edge of the simulation area, it bounces.

Parameter Low mobility High Mobility

Pause type 1 1

Pause interval 0.0s 5.0s

Minimum speed 1.0 50

Maximum speed 50 100

Average speed 10.84 72.13

8.3 Architectural scenario

In first case study I used Random mobility model and 60 mobile nodes, with
Low mobility conditions.

Parameter CBR FTP

node number 60 60

field size (m) 1000 x 500 1000 x 500

simulation duration (s) 60 60

number of connection 10,20,30,40,50 10,20,30,40,50

communication range (m) 100 100

8.4 Performance criteria

Four important performance metrics are evaluated:

Packet delivery ratio :The ratio of the data packets delivered to the
destination to those generated by CBR or ftp sources.

Mean end-to-end delay : Mean end-to-end delay related to data packets

delivered to destination.

Drop rate : Total dropped packets to the total sent packets.

Routing load : Gives the number of routing packets over the number of
received data packets. Each routing packet sent or forwarded by a mobile is
9 Observation/Performance evaluation

9.1 Traffic : UDP/CBR, Low mobility

9.1.1 Packet delivery ratio

9.1.2 Drop rate

9.1.3 End to end delay

9.1.4 Routing load
9.2 Traffic : UDP/CBR, High mobility

9.2.1 Packet delivery ratio

9.2.2 Drop rate

9.2.3 End to end delay

9.2.4 Routing load
9.3 Traffic : TCP, Low mobility

9.3.1 Packet delivery ratio

9.3.2 Drop rate

9.3.3 End to end delay

9.3.4 Routing load
9.4 Traffic : TCP, High mobility
9.4.1 Packet delivery ratio
9.4.2 Drop rate

9.4.3 End to end delay

9.4.4 Routing load
10 Results and discussion

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