Delta Inzenjering News 8 Posebno Izdanje
Delta Inzenjering News 8 Posebno Izdanje
Delta Inzenjering News 8 Posebno Izdanje
38 GAS / GAS
• Modernizacija Rafinerije nafte Pančevo zajedno sa • The modernization of Pančevo Oil Refinery along with
CB&I i TKB Brno, nostrifikacija i dorada prema našim CB&I and TKB Brno, validation and finishing accord-
propisima novih postrojenja i potrebne rekonstrukcije ing to our regulations, new plants and the necessary
reconstruction of the existing facilities (facilities for
postojećih objekata (postrojenja za blago hidrokreko-
mild hydrocracking and hydrodesulfurization of oil
vanje i hidrodesulfurizaciju ulja i kerozina, proizvod-
and kerosene, sulfur production and granulation,
nju i granulaciju sumpora, regeneraciju istrošene regeneration of spent sulfuric acid, processing of gas
sumporne kiseline, obradu gasnih frakcija, skladište fractions, LPG storage, infrastructure facilities, torch
TNG-a, infrastrukturni objekti, baklja i medjupogon- and intermediate pipelines, pipe bridges, transformer
UVODNE REČI ski cevovodi, cevni mostovi, trafostanice i elektropod-
stanice, sistem protivpožarne vode, sistemi kanaliza-
stations and electrical substations, fire-fighting water
system, sewage systems, cooling water systems,
cije, sistem rashladne vode, pumpne stanice, dojava pumping stations, fire detection, gas detection ...)
Predstavljamo vam posebno izdanje o požara, detekcija gasa, itd) • Reconstruction of tanks storage instrumentation
realizovanim projektima Delta Inženjeringa
• Rekonstrukcija instrumentacije skladišnih in Pančevo Oil Refinery
u oblastima nafte i gasa.
rezervoara u NIS Rafinerija nafte Pančevo • Reconstruction for pipeline storage derivatives
• Rekonstrukcija cevovoda skladišnih derivata Transnafta
Prvi ugovor nakon osnivanja se odnosio na projekat
Transnafta • Conceptual design of reconstruction of FCC Refinery
detekcije smesa opasnih i toksičnih gasova sa vazdu-
• Idejni projekat rekonstrukcije FCC u RN Pančevo
hom u centralnom postrojenju za prečišćavanje
• Projekat izvedenog sistema azota u RN Pančevo • As-built system of nitrogen in Pančevo Oil Refinery
otpadnih voda grada Kragujevca. Zatim su usledili
• Projekat rekonstrukcije rezervoara u RN Pančevo
slični projekti za MKS - sadašnji naziv Železare Sme- We are presenting a special edition on the • Project of storage tanks reconstruction Pančevo Oil
• Projekat skladišta propana i rekonstrukcija Refinery
derevo i za sve punionice tečnog naftnog gasa NIS-a.
nekoliko objekata u RN Beograd executed projects of Delta Inženjering in the
Sledio ih je veliki broj projekata u oblastima prirodnog • Project of propanewarehouses and reconstruction
i tečnog naftnog gasa, kao i tehničkih gasova, pa se
• Projekat skladišnih rezervoara u Smederevu za field of oil and gas.
of several buildings in Beograd Oil Refinery
Direkciju za robne rezerve
može reći da su nam prvih sedam godina projektova-
• Projekti demontaže i izvodjenje radova u RN Novi Sad The first contract after the foundation was related to • Project of storage tanks in Smederevo for the
nje i izgradnja gasnih objekata bili primarna delat- Directorate for Commodity Reserves
• Lukoil, rečno pretakalište naftnih derivata the Project for detection of hazardous and toxic gases
nost. Nakon tog perioda dolazi do nagle ekspanzije
• Aerodrom Beograd, legalizacija postrojenja za mixture from the air in the Central Wastewater • Projects of dismantling and execution of works in
Delta Inženjeringa, realizovanja velikih poslova u
skladištenje i pretakanje avionskih goriva Treatment Plant for the city of Kragujevac. Then Novi Sad Oil Refinery
oblasti industrije koji su gotovo uvek sadržavali i
objekte za prirodni gas, tečni naftni gas, tehničke • Projekti rekonstrukcije više objekata u RN Brod followed a similar projects for MKS, current title of • LUKOIL, river decant facility for petroleum products
gasove i rashladne fluide. • Skladišta, pretakališta, punionice boca TNG-om Železara Smederevo, and for all LPG Bottling Plants • BELGRADE AIRPORT, Legalization of facilities for
za više investitora of NIS. It was followed by a large number of projects in storage and decanting of aviation fuels
Iskustvo u projektovanju i izgradnji naftnih i gasnih • Stanice autogasa za više investitora the fields of natural and liquefied petroleum gas, as
• Projects of several buildings reconstruction in
instalacija, studiozan pristup, način iznalaženja • Projekti gasovoda, GMRS i MRS, industrijskih well as technical gases, so we can say that during first Brod Oil Refinery
najboljih rešenja problema koji se postavljaju pred razvoda za više investitora seven years design and construction of gas facilities
• Warehouses, decanting, bottle filling facilities for
izvršioca i domaćinski odnos prema željama i moguć- was our primary activity. After this period followed a
several investors
nostima investitora opredelili su mnoge naše poslov- Navedene reference i mnoge koje nisu navedene, jer je rapid expansion of Delta Inženjering, realization of
Delta Inženjering uradio preko 4.000 projekata i izgra- major projects in the area of industry that are almost • Autogas stations for several investors
ne partnere na višegodišnju saradnju.
dio više desetina velikih investicionih objekata; stručni always contained facilities for natural gas, liquefied • Designs for gas pipelines, main measuring and
To su: timovi sa iskusnim licenciranim inženjerima svih petroleum gas, technical gases and refrigerants. regulating station, measuring and control stations
tehničkih struka; licence za projektovanje i izgradnju u and industrial water for several investors
NIS Gazpromneft, Srbijagas, Transnafta, Messer, IMG
Sol, Carbo dioxid, Beogas, Express Gas, Rafinerija Srbiji, Republici Srpskoj i BiH; prosečan godišnji Experience in the design and construction of oil and These references and many that are not listed because
nafte Brod, Rafinerija nafte Beograd, Rafinerija nafte promet od 15 miliona evra proteklih nekoliko godina gas installations, studious approach, the way of finding Delta Inženjering performed over 4,000 designs and
Modriča, Alumil, Monbat, Henkel, FIAT, Impol seval, naša su preporuka dosadašnjim i novim investitorima the best solutions for problems that are put before the has built dozens of large investment objects; professio-
Knauf, Holcim, Bambi, Xella, Soko Štark, Volvo, Titan, u Srbiji i okruženju. contractor and domestic approach to the wishes and nal teams with experienced licensed engineers of the
Lafarge, RB Majdanpek, Železara Smederevo, RT possibilities of the Clients, defined many of our busi- technical professions, licenses for design and constru-
Zajača, Arcelor Mittal, RTB Bor, TE Nikola Tesla, EPS, Pri realizaciji ugovorenih poslova pridržavamo se ness partners on the many years of cooperation. ction in Serbia, Republika Srpska and B&H and average
ugovora, važećih zakona i pravilnika vezanih za izgrad- annual turnover of 15 million euros over the past few
RB Kolubara i mnogi drugi. These are:
nju, zaštitu životne sredine, energetsku efikasnost, years are our recommendations for the former and new
zaštitu od požara, bezbednost i zdravlje na radu, ekolo- NIS Gazpromneft, Srbijagas, Transnafta, Messer, IMG Sol, investors in Serbia and the region.
giju kao i međunarodnih standarda ISO 9001, ISO Carbo Dioxid, Beogas, Express Gas, Oil Refinery Brod, During the realization of contracted projects we comply
14001, OHSAS 18001 i LEED. Oil Refinery Beograd, Oil Refinery Modriča, Alumil, with to the contract, the applicable laws and regulati-
Monbat, Henkel, FIAT, Impol Seval, Knauf, Holcim, Bambi, ons related to construction, environment protection,
Xella, Soko Štark, Volvo, Titan, Lafarge, RB Majdanpek, energy efficiency, fire protection, safety and health
Železara Smederevo, RT Zajača, Arcelor Mittal, RTB Bor, at work, ecology as well as international standards
TE Nikola Tesla, EPS, RB Kolubara and many more. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, LEED.
2 3
Od osnivanja Delta Inženjering se bavi projekto-
vanjem i izvođenjem objekata iz oblasti prerade,
skladištenja i distribucije nafte i prirodnog
(zemnog) gasa i njihovih komercijalnih energet-
skih i drugih proizvoda, kao i proizvodnjom i
distrubucijom tehničkih gasova i primenom
rashladnih fluida/gasova u raznim oblastima.
6 7
Referentni projekti: Reference Projects:
1 Modernizacija Rafinerije nafte Pančevo • Postrojenje za blago hidrokrekovanje vakuum gasnih 1 The modernization of Pančevo Oil • Plant for slightly hydrocracking of vacuum gas oils
sa CB&I i TKB iz Brna, Češka – Izrada ulja i hidrodesulfurizaciju gasnih ulja i kerozina; Refinery with CB&I and TKB from and hydrodesulphurization of gas oil and kerosene;
nostrifikovanih glavnih projekata svih • Postrojenja za proizvodnju i granulaciju sumpora; Brno, Czech Republic – Preparation of • Installations for the production and granulation of sulfur;
struka, koji su tehnički dorađeni i validated main projects of all profes-
• Postrojenje za regeneraciju istrošene sumporne sions, which are technically processed • Plant for regeneration of spent sulfuric acid (Delta
usaglašeni sa našim propisima, za sva
kiseline (Delta Inženjering je bio i izvođač radova); and comply with our regulations, for Inženjering was the contractor);
nova postrojenja (uz potrebne reko-
strukcije postojećih postrojenja); • Postrojenje za obradu gasnih frakcija i skladište TNG all new plants (with the need for • Plant for treatment of gas fractions and storage of LPG
(trafostanice i elektropodstanice, sistem protivpožarne reconstruction of existing facilities); (substations and electrical substations, fire fighting
vode, pumpne stanice, dojava požara, detekcija gasa); water system, pumping stations, fire detection, gas
• Infrastrukturni objekti, baklje i međupogonski cevovodi, detection);
cevni mostovi, trafostanice i elektro-podstanice, sistem • Infrastructure facilities, torches and intersection
protivpožarne vode, sistemi kanalizacije, sistem pipelines, pipe bridges, power stations and electrical
rashladne vode, pumpne stanice, dojava požara, substations, fire fighting water, sewage systems, cooling
detekcija gasa. water systems, pumping stations, fire and gas detection.
2 Ostali projekti u Rafineriji nafte Pančevo: • Idejni projekat rekonstrukcije FCC; 2 Other designs in Pančevo Oil Refinery: • Preliminary design for reconstruction of FCC;
• Projekti izvedenog objekta za sistem azota i rekonstrui- • Designs of constructed facility for the nitrogen system
sane rezervoare; and reconstructed tanks;
• Systems on a "turnkey" base - condensate and
• Sistemi „ključ u ruke” – kondenzat i prateće grejanje;
supporting heating;
• Projektat proizvodnje i distribucije demi vode i obrade • Design for production and distribution of demi water
kondezata. and condensate processing.
3 Projekti u Rafineriji nafte Novi Sad: • Projekat demontaže postrojenja i izvođenje radova; 3 Designs in Oil Refinery Novi Sad: • Design of plant dismantling and execution of works;
• Studija uticaja na životnu sredinu. • Study of environmental impact.
4 Projekti u Rafineriji nafte Beograd: • Projekti adaptacija nekoliko objekata. 4 Designs in Oil Refinery Beograd: • Designs for adaptation of several buildings.
5 Projekti u Rafineriji nafte Brod: • Projekti rekonstrukcije nekoliko objekata. 5 Designs in Oil Refinery Brod: • Designs for reconstruction of several buildings.
8 9
Modernizacija Postrojenje za regeneraciju
Rafinerije nafte Pančevo istrošene sumporne kiseline
(SARU) S-4700
Jedna od najznačajnih investicionih aktivnosti
u našoj zemlji je bila modernizacija Rafinerije
nafte Pančevo.
U sklopu procesa modernizacije Rafinerije Spent Sulfuric Acid Regeneration
Modernization of Oil Refinery nafte u Pančevu, u periodu 2010-2012.
Rafinerija je zvanično otvorena 1. 11. 2012. Unit (SARU) S-4700
Pančevo projektovano je i izgrađeno postojenje S-4700
S obzirom na specifičnost i kompleksnost budućih (SARU – Spent Acid Regeneration Unit). Oil Refinery Pančevo (NIS)
postrojenja, investitor je kao projektanta tehničke Currently one of the most important invest-
dokumentacije dela tih postrojenja angažovao firmu ments in our country is the modernization of Delta Inženjering je projektovao i izgradio postrojenje, Within the process of modernization of Oil
CB&I Lummus iz Brna, Češka Republika, koja pose- a bazni tehnološki projekat (WSA – Wet Gas Sulphuric Refinery in Pančevo, in the period 2010-2012
duje značajno iskustvo i znanje kada su u pitanju
Oil Refinery in Pančevo. The refinery was
Acid) i licenca za tehnologiju su vlasništvo danske
ovakve vrste objekata. Kao nosilac izrade tehničke officially opened on 1. 11. 2012. was designed and built plant S-4700 (SARU -
firme Haldor Topsoe.
dokumentacije angažovan je Delta Inženjering, čiji je Spent Acid Regeneration Unit).
Regarding the features and complexity of the future S-4700 je nezavisno postrojenje od postrojenja
tim projektanata izvršio usklađivanje dokumentacije
facilities, the client employed the company CBI MHC-DHT (koje je bilo predmet ugovora o moderniza- Delta Inženjering designed and built the plant, and the
CBI Lummus sa domaćim propisima i izradio dodatne
Lummus, Brno, Czech Republic, as a designer ciji) jer prerađuje sumpornu kiselinu koja stiže iz base technological project (WSA - Wet Gas Sulphuric
proračune i projekte.
because of formidable experience and know-how for postrojenja za alkilaciju u rafineriji, ali se koristi u Acid) and license for technology are owned by the
Za ovako kompleksne projekte veoma je bitno pošto- procesu MHC. Ovo postrojenje može da preradi Danish company Haldor Topsoe.
this kind of facilities. As a technical documentation
vanje planiranih rokova, a Delta Inženjering uspeo je između 4,5 i 13,5 tona istrošene sumporne kiseline sa
designer the company Delta Inženjering was S-4700 is an independent plant from the MHC-DHT
da sve aktivnosti završi u okvirima plana, pa su tako dodatnim količinama kiselog gasa i da proizvede do
employed, and our designer team harmonized CBI (which has been subject of the contract for moderniza-
od izdavanja lokacijske dozvole u martu 2010. godine 13,5 tona sveže kiseline dnevno.
Lummus documentation with local regulations and tion) because it processed sulfuric acid which comes
urađeni glavni projekti pripremnih radova i prve faze
made additional calculations and documentation. Ovo je jedno od retkih postrojenja za proizvodnju from alkylation plants in the refinery but used in the
izgradnje, odnosno rekonstrukcije.
For such complex projects compliance with scheduled (regeneraciju) sumporne kiseline koje je u poslednjih process MHC. This plant can process between 4.5 and
Na osnovu tih projekata dobijena je građevinska dvadesetak godina u Srbiji projektovano i izgrađeno. 13.5 tons of spent sulfuric acid with additional quanti-
time limit is essential, and Delta Inženjering man-
dozvola za pripremne radove (maj 2010) i građevinska Investitor (NIS) rešio je da se projekat i izvođenje ties of acid gas and daily produce up to 13.5 tons of
aged to finish all activities within the planned time
dozvola za prvu fazu (decembar 2010) koja obuhvata radova obavljaju paralelno sa radovima prve i druge fresh acid.
schedule, which means that, since the location
izgradnju šest novih proizvodnih postrojenja i deset faze modernizacije rafinerije.
permit, issuance in March 2010, the Main designs for This is one of the few plants for production (recovery)
novih pomoćnih postrojenja, kao i rekonstrukciju
preparational works and for the first phase of Postrojenje je pušteno u rad 2012. godine, dokazivanje of sulfuric acid which is in the last twenty years
jednog postojećeg pomoćnog postrojenja.
construction and reconstruction were elaborated. parametara i kapaciteta je izvedeno tokom 2013. designed and built in Serbia.
Based on those designs there were obtained the godine. The client (NIS) has decided that the project and execu-
construction permit for preparational works (May Naša firma je ovaj zadatak obavila po sistemu ključ u tion of works be performed in parallel with the works of
2010) and the construction permit for the first phase ruke, rokovi su bili veoma kratki, a projekat je bio first and second phase of the refinery modernization.
(December 2010), which covers the construction of veoma izazovan i po sadržaju i po složenosti. Projek- The plant was put into operation in 2012 year and proving
six new production facilities and ten new auxiliary tanti Delta Inženjeringa su ovaj zadatak uspešno parameters and capacity was carried out during 2013.
facilities, as well as the reconstruction of one exist- završili, a izvođenje radova na izgradnji ovog postroje-
Our firm performed this task on a "turnkey" base,
ing auxiliary facility. nja (nabavka opreme je bila obaveza TKB-a) sa mon-
deadlines were too short and the project was very
tažom opreme takođe su uspešno realizovali odgo-
challenging by content and by complexity. Delta Inžen-
vorni izvođači radova našeg preduzeća.
jering designers successfully carried out this task, and
Modernizacija RNP će se ostvariti kroz izgradnju novih proizvodnih i
pomoćnih postrojenja i rekonstrukciju dela postojećih postrojenja.
execution of works on this plant construction (procure-
Modernization of RNP will be achieved through construction of new
ment of equipment was the duty of TKB) with installa-
production and auxiliary facilities and reconstruction of some existing tion of equipment have been also successfully com-
10 facilities. pleted by the responsible contractors of our company. 11
FCC Plant
(Fluid Catalytic Cracking)
FCC plant is designed to process vacuum gas oil from through which is ensured solid particles emissions of
dimnog gasa i kompezatorskom sekcijom i to zamena Kirkuk crude oil in two modes: 50 mg/Nm3 of flue gases. After TSS 95% of the flue
postojećeg kompenzatora termičkih dilatacija PA-2305 1. Winter regime - at a conversion of 60% produces the gases above mentioned purity go in the atmosphere
Postrojenje FCC i ugradnja novog PA-2322 neposredno ispod TSS-a. maximum quantity of middle distillates, and 5% of the flue gases with increased concentration
2. Summer regime - at a conversion of 80% produces the of solid particles go to final processing in the Fourth
(Fluid Catalytic Cracking) Konstrukcija TSS-a je UOP-ova licenca. Pomoću njega
maximum quantity of gasoline. Stage Separator (FSS).
se vrši dodatna filtracija dimnih gasova i obezbeđuje
se emisija čvrstih čestica od 50 mg/Nm3 dimnih By design is planned the installation of Fourth Stage
gasova. Nakon TSS-a 95% dimnih gasova gore nave- The projected capacity is 3000 t/d and the minimum is Separator (FSS). Equipment of the FSS relies on the
Postrojenje FCC je projektovano da prerađuje vakuum dene čistoće odlazi u atmosferu, a 5% dimnih gasova 1800 t/d. The licensor is Texaco and detailed engineer- steel structure of a new FSS, which is built nearby the
gasno ulje iz sirove nafte Kirkuka u dva režima rada: sa povećanom koncentracijom čvrstih čestica ing was done by Foster Wheeler. The plant was put into Regenerator. Vessels set of FSS is PALL license, as
1. zimski režim - pri konverziji od 60% proizvodi se u njima odlazi na finalnu obradu u separatoru četvrtog operation in late 1985. well as a design and delivery. In it is performed final
maksimalna količina srednjih destilata, stepena (FSS). Reactor-regenerator section consists of the reactor filtration flow of 5% flue gases, after which the
2. letnji režim – pri konverziji od 80% proizvodi se Projektom je predviđena i ugradnja separatora četvr- DC-2301 and regenerator DC-2302, which are required purity gases go into the atmosphere, a sepa-
maksimalna količina benzina. tog stepena (FSS). Oprema separatora četvrtog stepe- connected by a short connection and two sloped rate catalyst (solids), over break vessel conducted into
na (FSS) oslanja se na čeličnu konstrukciju novog riser tubes (riser of fresh batch FF-0711 and riser of a hopper of regenerated catalyst. In the hopper of
Projektovani kapacitet je 3000 t/d, a minimalni 1800 t/d. objekta separatora četvrtog stepena koja se gradi u recirculated batch RF-0904). regenerated catalyst is carried out storage of regen-
Davalac licence je Texaco, a detaljni inženjering uradio neposrednoj blizini objekta regeneratora. Komplet erated catalyst separated from the flue gases. Break
je Foster Wheeler. Postrojenje je startovano krajem The objectives of reconstruction are to provide on the vessel serves to equalize pressure between the pack-
posuda FSS-a su PALL-ova licenca, kao i projekat i
1985. godine. isporuka. U njemu se vrši završna filtracija struje od reactor-regenerator section of FCC Plant S-2300: ages of FSS and hopper of separated crystallizer.
Reaktorsko-regeneratorska sekcija se sastoji iz: 5% dimnih gasova, nakon čega gasovi tražene čistoće 1. Reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the
reaktora DC-2301 i regeneratora DC-2302, koji su među- odlaze u atmosferu, a izdvojeni katalizator (čvrste atmosphere, fulfilling of environmental standards in
sobno povezani kratkom vezom, i dve kose rajzerske cevi čestice) se preko prekidne posude odvodi u bunker terms of emissions and in accordance with the applica- New equipment of the regenerator facility:
(rajzer sveže šarže FF-0711 i rajzer recirkulisane šarže (hoper) regenerisanog katalizatora. ble EU legislation; 1. Change of the upper bottom and reconstruction
RF-0904). U hoperu regenerisanog katalizatora se vrši skladi- 2. Increased operating reliability of the reactor-regenera- of the lower bottom of the regenerator
štenje regenerisanog katalizatora izdvojenog iz tor section. Continuous safe and secure operation of DC-2302 vessels
Ciljevi rekonstrukcije su da se na reaktorsko-regene-
dimnih gasova. Prekidna posuda služi za izjednačava- the plant for a period of three years, fully respecting the 2. Installation of the new first and second degree
ratorskoj sekciji FCC postrojenja S-2300 obezbedi:
nje pritisaka između paketa separatora četvrtog design conditions required by main technological-me- cyclone FC-2302 AF
1. Smanjenje emisije štetnih materija u atmosferu, ispunja- stepena (FSS) i bunkera izdvojenog kristalizatora. chanical designs of Foster Wheeler; 3. Installation of a new air distributor RGD-601
vanje ekoloških standarda u pogledu emisija i emisija 3. Improving the regenerating process of catalyst in the 4. Installation of a new flue gas line
štetnih materija u skladu sa važećom zakonskom regenerator DC-2302 by installing a new distributor of 5. Installation of a new compensator section
regulativom EU; Nova oprema objekta regeneratora: fresh air – improving of catalyst fluidization in it. on the flue gas line
2. Veća pouzdanosti rada reaktorsko-regeneratorske sekci- 1. Izmena gornjeg i rekonstrukcija donjeg 6. Third Stage Separator FC-2304
The reconstruction involves replacing of the existing
je. Kontinualan bezbedan i siguran rad postrojenja u danca posude regeneratora DC-2302
cyclones in the regenerator DC-2302 and increasing
periodu od tri godine, u potpunosti poštujući projektne 2. Montaža novih ciklona prvog i drugog stepena Fourth Stage Separator:
the height of the regenerator shroud and replace-
uslove zahtevane glavnim tehnološko-mašinskim FC-2302 A-F 1. Under flow filter A-2301
ment of the upper bottom. At the lower part of the
projektom Foster Wheeler-a; 3. Montaža novog distributera vazduha RGD-601 2. Break vessel FE-2303
regenerator is performed installation of a new air
3. Poboljšanje procesa regenerisanja katalizatora u rege- 4. Montaža nove linije dimnog gasa 3. Recovered catalyst hopper FE-2304
distributors and replacement of the lower bottom of
neratoru DC-2302 ugradnjom novog distributera 5. Montaža nove kompezatorske sekcije 4. After blow gas tank FE-2306
the regenerator.
svežeg vazduha - poboljšanjem fluidizacija katalizatora na liniji dimnog gasa 5. Coalescence filter FD-2309
u njemu. 6. Separator trećeg stepena FC-2304 A new additional Third Stage Separator (TSS) is 6. Control unit of the heater UC-601A
installed and in the upper bottom of the regenerator
Rekonstrukcija obuhvata zamenu postojećih ciklona u Objekat separatora četvrtog stepena: and a new Third Stage Separator are connected with
regeneratoru DC-2302 i povećanje visine plašta rege- 1. Filter donjeg toka A-2301 new lines of waste flue gas and compensator section
neratora kao i zamenu gornjeg danca. Na donjem 2. Prekidna posuda FE-2303 and replacement of the existing compensator of
delu regeneratora vrši se ugradnja novog distributera 3. Bunker regenerisanog katalizatora FE-2304 thermal dilatation PA-2305 and the installation of a
vazduha i zamena donjeg danca regeneratora. 4. Rezervoar gasa za produvavanje FE-2306 new PA-2322 directly below TSS.
Ugrađuje se novi dodatni separator trećeg stepena 5. Koalescentni filter FD-2309 Construction of TSS is a license of UOP. Using it is
(TSS), a gornje dance regeneratora i novi separator 6. Upravljačka jedinica grejača UC-601A performed additional filtering of flue gases and
12 trećeg stepena povezuju se novim linijama otpadnog 13
Projekat integralne tehničke zaštite
Rafinerije nafte Pančevo
Razvod prirodnog gasa i Distribution of Natural Gas and Delta Inženjering je u okviru izrade projekta integralne
tehničke zaštite Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu za investitora
Isprojektovana je IP telekomunikaciona mreža po
optičkim kablovima u topologiji prstena za povezi-
povezivanje na redukcione stanice Connection to the Reduction Stations NIS AD predložio tri idejna rešenja i na bazi usvojenog vanje kamera kombinovanih barijera, kontrolera
idejnog rešenja izradio idejne i glavne projekte: sistema kontrole pristupa, sa centralnim uređaji-
Delta Inženjering je u 2012. godini za potrebe Delta Inženjering in 2012 for the purpose of ma i predviđena softverska integracija sistema.
• arhitektonsko-građevinski,
modernizacije Rafinerije nafte Pančevo, koja modernization of Pančevo Oil Refinery, which
• projekat parternog uređenja i sinhron plan, Specifičnost perimetarske zaštite je u primeni optič-
posluje u sastavu Naftne industrije Srbije, izvo- operates within the Oil Industry of Serbia, kog senzorskog kabla koji se postavlja po spoljnoj
carried out works on the project for distribu- • projekat elektroenergetskih instalacija,
dio radove na projektu razvoda prirodnog gasa ogradi kompleksa, a koji u tako velikoj dužini u konti-
tion of natural gas from the main MRS (Srbi- • projekat telekomunikacionih i informacionih sistema,
od GMRS (Srbijagas) do redukcionih stanica, nuitetu nije primenjivan u širem regionu.
kao i za redukcione stanice MRS 9900 i RS 9950. jagas) to the reduction cells, as well as redu- • projekat zaštite od požara i
Princip rada se svodi na to da se, u slučaju aktivira-
cing station MRS 9900 and RS 9950th. • projekat osmatranja ponašanja tla i objekta i to za celine: nja neke od alarmnih zona optičkog senzorskog
• krug rafinerije kabla, najbliža brzopokretna kamera usmerava na
Prirodni gas u Rafineriji nafte Pančevo služi kao sirovi- Natural gas in Pančevo Oil Refinery is used as a raw
na za novoprojektovano postrojenje za proizvodnju material for the designed new plant for the production • krug rafinerijskog pristaništa tu zonu i uključuje se alarmno osvetljenje u zoni
vodonika S-5000 i kao energent. Strategijom razvoja of hydrogen S-5000 and as an energy source. By devel- • put do pristaništa pokrivanja te kamere. U slučaju alarma sa kapija,
RNP je bilo predviđeno da se postojeći energent lož ulje, opment strategy of RNP is planned that the existing Projektom je obuhvaćena totalna rekonstrukcija postojeće rampi, mesta gde nema ograde, najbliža brzopo-
odnosno mazut koji se dobija pri procesu prerade sirove energy source fuel oil or heavy fuel oil, which is obtained ograde, ugradnja modernog i funkcionalnog sistema tehnič- kretna kamera se usmerava na tu zonu i takav
nafte, minimizira do nivoa koji omogućavaju rekonstrui- in the process of refining crude oil, was minimized to a ke zaštite (perimetarska zaštita, alarmni sistem, video događaj se u vidu zvučnog i svetlosnog alarma
sana i modernizovana postrojenja RNP, a da se level that allow reconstructed and modernized plant nadzor, kontrola pristupa) i dogradnja električne rasvete. oglašava u Centru tehničkog obezbeđenja.
proizvodnja vodonika i energetske potrebe za zagreva- RNP, and that the production of hydrogen and energy
nje fluida u rafinerijskim pećima i proizvodnju vodene needs for heating fluid in refinery furnaces and produc-
pare stvaraju na bazi korišćenja prirodnog gasa kao tion of water vapor were created on the basis of using
osnovne sirovine i osnovnog energenta. natural gas as the main raw material and the basic fuel.
Realizacija projekta je izvedena u rekordnom roku The project was carried out in record time, good coor-
dobrom koordinacijom i sinhronizovanjem svih specijal- dination and synchronizing all specialties: construc-
nosti: građevine, mašinstva i elektrotehnike. U realiza- tion engineering, mechanical engineering and electri-
ciji posla su učestvovali, između ostalih, i članovi Delta cal engineering. In the realisation of this project partic-
grupe Alfamont i Ferkom. ipated, among others, members of Delta Group -
Alfamont and Ferkom.
Oil Refinery during this summer, and a system for distribution of natural gas from the • Design of fire protection and The principle of operation is reduced to, in the case
main MRS (Srbijagas) to these cells, with resources of the members of • Design of monitoring the soil and structure and for units: of activation of some of the alarm zones optical
Delta Inženjering Group of all specialties: construction engineering, • Refinery cercle sensor cable, the nearest fast moving camera
mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. focuses on that area and includes an alarm light in
• Refinery dock circle
the coverage area and cameras.
• Way to the dock
As part of the modernization of Oil Refinery Pančevo successfully were In case of alarm from the gates, ramps where there
brought to end activities of Delta Inženjering on the implementation of The project includes a complete reconstruction of the exist- is no fence, the nearest fast moving camera focuses
Gas Detection System in Block 4, 8 and 20. Works were fully carried out ing fence, installation of modern and functional security on that area and such an event in the form of sound
in accordance with the planned schedule, resources of Delta Inženjering systems (perimeter security, alarm system, video surveil- and light alarm sounds at the Center of Technical
and the members of Delta Group. lance, access control) and upgrade electrical lighting. Support.
14 15
Povratak parnog kondenzata Return of the Steam Condensate
sa S-22300 u blok IX from S-22300 in Block IX
U okviru rekonstrukcije Rafinerije nafte Pančevo During the reconstruction of Pančevo Oil Refinery were
izgrađeni su novi proizvodni pogoni kao što su S-4300 constructed new production facilities such as S-4300
(blagi hidrokreking i hidrotreating), S-4450 / 4460 / 4900 (mild hydrocracking and hidrotreating), S-4450 / 4460 /
/ 4950 (proizvodnja i granulacija sumpora, stripovanje 4900 / 4950 (production and granulation of sulfur, sour
kisele vode, regeneracija azota), S-5000 (proizvodnja water stripping, regeneration of nitrogen), S-5000
vodonika), S-4700 (regeneracija iskorišćene sumporne (hydrogen production), S-4700 (regeneration of used
kiseline). Tehnološki parni kondenzat sa ovih postrojenja sulfuric acid).
se sakuplja u delu postrojenja sa oznakom S-22300. Technological steam condensate from these plants is
Predmetni projekat je obuhvatio povratne cevovode collected in the part of the plant which is marked with
kondenzata u bloku IX do sabirnog rezervoara S-22300. The present project included the return
Tehnički gasovi u laboratoriji kondenzata i isprojektovano je prethodno hlađenje pipelines of condensate in Block IX to the condensate
tog kondenzata da bi se iskoristio „višak” toplote i collection reservoir and designed previously cooling of
Rafinerije nafte Pančevo istovremeno zagrejala demi voda koja ide ka napoj- condensate in order to use "excess" heat and simulta-
NIS - Rafinerija nafte Pančevo obavlja sve nim kotlovskim rezervoarima. neously warm demi water that goes towards feeding
boiler tanks.
analize neophodne za proizvodne procese u
okviru rafinerije u sopstvenoj laboratoriji.
Laboratorija NIS-RNP u svom sastavu ima brojna
odeljenja, kao što su: odeljenja hromatografije, odelje-
Technical Gases in the Laboratory
nja za spektrometriju i katalizu, odeljenja vode, odelje- of Pančevo Oil Refinery
nja kontrole i odeljenja službe razvoja proizvoda i kata-
NIS – Pančevo Oil Refinery carries out all the
lize. U postupku izvođenja najvećeg broja analiza u
odeljenjima laboratorije NIS – RNP koriste se različiti analyses necessary for the production process- Postrojenje za duboku preradu nafte, NIS
tehnički gasovi, zapaljivi, neutralni i oksidacioni gasovi. es within the refinery at its own laboratory. Kompanija Delta Inženjering je u aprilu 2015. potpisala ugovor
Uređaji za analize koji koriste ove gasove do sada su sa kompanijom CB&I iz Češke Republike o izradi generalnog i
gasovima snabdevani iz boca koje su stajale uz uređaje The laboratory of NIS - RNP consists of numerous
departments, such as: chromatography departments, idejnog projekta Postrojenje za duboku preradu nafte – postro-
u odeljenjima laboratorije.
spectrometry and catalysis departments, water depar- jenje za odloženo koksovanje za investitora NIS A.D.
Delta Inženjering je na zahtev NIS-RNP izvršio moder- tment, inspection department and product and
nizaciju sistema snabdevanja tehničkim gasovima catalysis development department. In the process of Cilj realizacije kompletnog projekta izgradnje predmetnog
uređaja za analizu po odeljenjima laboratorije projek- performance of the largest number of analysis at the postrojenja je proizvodnja petrol koksa kao produkta procesa
tujući sistem za centralno snabdevanje i razvod tehnič- departments of the laboratory of NIS–RNP, various duboke prerade nafte. Petrol koks bi time postao novi proizvod
kih gasova. Urađeni su kompletni arhitektonsko-gra- technical gases are used: flammable gases, neutral
đevinski projekti novog objekta, podstanica sa skladi-
koji bi NIS plasirao na tržištu.
and oxidation gases. The analysis devices, using such
štima boca za tehničke gasove pored postojeće zgrade gases, have been so far supplied from the cylinders Ceo planirani projekat se sastoji od više celina - postrojenja -
laboratorije, kao i mašinsko-tehnološki i elektro proje- placed next to the devices at the departments of the
kat instalacija tehničkih gasova od podstanica do
koje su funkcionalno povezane.
potrošnih mesta u odeljenjima laboratorije. Procena je da će investicija u realizaciju projekta biti 276 miliona $
At the request of NIS–RNP, Delta Inženjering carried
Urađen je i projekat detekcije pojave zapaljivih gasova out the modernization of the supply system of technical (+30/-20%).
u smeši sa vazduhom u odeljenju podstanice u kojem gases to the analysis devices at the departments of the
su smeštene boce sa zapaljivim gasovima i svim laboratory, having designed the system for central
odeljenjima laboratorije u kojima se koriste ovi zapalji- supply and distribution of technical gases. Complete Plant for Deep Processing of Crude Oil, NIS
vi gasovi. Pored projekata, Delta Inženjering izveo je i architectural and civil engineering designs of the new
kompletnu mašinsku i elektroinstalaciju ovog sistema. unit of substations have been made, including the In April 2015 the company Delta Inženjering signed a contract
Mašinska instalacija izvedena je u saradnji sa isporuči- storage of technical gas cylinders next to the existing with CB&I from the Czech Republic on the preparation of the
ocem gasne opreme Messer - Tehnogas. laboratory building, as well as the mechanical-techno- general and basic Plant for Deep Processing of Crude Oil –
logical and electric designs of the installations of tech- Delayed Cracker Plant for the client NIS A.D.
nical gases from the substations to the consumption
points at the laboratory departments. The aim of the realization of complete project for plant con-
Also, the design was prepared how to detect flamma- struction is the production of petroleum coke as the product of
ble gases in the mixture with air at the substation oil deep processing. Thus petrol coke would become a new
where the flammable gas cylinders are placed and at product, which would place NIS on the market.
all laboratory departments where these flammable
gases are used. In addition to the design, Delta The entire planned project consists of several parts - plants -
Inženjering also made the complete mechanical and which are functionally connected.
electric installation of this system. The mechanical
installations were made in cooperation with the It is estimated that the investment in the project will be $ 276
sub-supplier of gas equipment Messer Tehnogas. million (+30/-20%).
16 17
Koncepcija postrojenja
Zauljene otpadne vode u rafinerija- Iz ovog i proizlazi koncepcija postrojenja za prečišćavanje zauljenih
ma nafte sadrže različite količine otpadnih voda koja se sastoji iz dve faze procesa obrade otpadnih voda:
ugljovodonika koje mogu biti slobod-
ne, delimično rastvorene ili u većoj ili I faza Kako se pretežno radi o slobodnim uljima, to je na postrojenju
manjoj meri sastavni deo emulzije. zastupljen proces fizičkog odstranjivanja ulja primenom gravitacione sepa-
racije kao primarna faza obrade otpadnih voda u pravougaonim podužnim
Iz dostavljenih analiza o kvalitetu bazenima sa translatornim zgrtačima koji su opremljeni gornjim i donjim
zauljenih otpadnih voda Rafinerije grtalicama. Ovi bazeni su dimenzionisani prema API normama;
nafte Pančevo vidi se da se najveći
Opis postrojenja za prečišćavanje zauljenih otpadnih procenat sadržanih ugljovodonika u II faza U izlaznim komorama API separatora i taložnika (clarifiera)
smešteni su koalescentni filteri na kojima je kao sekundarna faza obrade
voda u NIS Rafineriji nafte Pančevo u Pančevu otpadnim vodama nalazi u obliku
zauljenih otpadnih voda primenjen postupak koalscencije (srašćivanja
slobodnih ulja.
malih kapljica ulja u veće kapljice).
Rafinerije nafte su veliki potrošači vode. obradu na centralno postrojenje za prečišćavanje Ovo se jasno vidi sa priložene tehnološke šeme procesa prečišćavanja
Shodno tome, one produkuju i velike količine tehnoloških otpadnih voda u okviru petrohemijske zauljenih otpadnih voda (strana 22 i 23).
otpadnih zauljenih voda koje je potrebno pre-
čišćavati pre upuštanja u recipijente. Zauljene atmosferske vode, kao i vode od pranja mani-
pulativnih površina rafinerije, sakupljale su se i poseb-
Zbog toga je izvršena rekonstrukcija postro- nom kanalizacijom dovodile na taložnik ili bistrik (clari- Karakteristike – količine i kvalitet zauljenih
jenja za prečišćavanje zauljenih otpadnih fier). U ovom uređaju, koji takođe ima dve komore, otpadnih voda Rafinerije nafte Pančevo
voda. Izrađena je tehnička dokumentacija dolazilo je do gravitacionog izdvajanja ulja iz vode,
kojom je definisana tehnologija prečišćava- nakon čega se prečišćena voda direktno ispuštala u Najvažnije karakteristike zauljenih otpadnih voda Rafinerije nafte
nja, utvrđene sve faze procesa prerade zau- recipijent, reku Dunav. Pančevo su:
- Količine otpadnih voda (hidrauličko opterećenje postrojenja);
ljenih otpadnih voda, potrebna dogradnja Projektom rekonstrukcije postrojenja realizovani su - Kvalitet zauljenih otpadnih voda, odnosno vrste, oblik, sadržaj (kon-
građevinskih objekata postrojenja i odabrana sledeći radovi: centracija) i sl. različitih zagađujućih supstanci sadržanih u otpad-
mašinsko-tehnološka (hidro-mehanička) i nim vodama, na prvom mestu različitih oblika ugljovodonika.
• Adaptacija građevinskih objekata API separatora i
elektrooprema postrojenja. taložnika, kojom su ovi objekti osposobljeni da Količine otpadnih voda iznose za:
Postrojenje za prečišćavanje zauljenih otpadnih voda prihvate kako translatorne zgrtače izdvojenog Zahtev za kvalitetom
plivajućeg ulja i istaloženog mulja (taloga), tako i API SEPARATOR:
Rafinerije nafte Pančevo je postrojenje na kome je
koalescentne filtre u izlaznim komorama; • Qp/Qmax =450/600 m3/h - prosečni/maksimalni protok zauljenih izlaznog efluenta
zastupljen konvencionalni tehnološki postupak preči-
šćavanja koji bazira na gravitacionoj separaciji. tehnoloških otpadnih voda; Zahtev za kvalitetom izlaznog efluen-
• Isporuka i ugradnja translatornih zgrtača i na API
• 3906/37.896mg/l - prosečni/maksimalni sadržaj slobodnog ulja ta se ogleda u definisanim koncen-
separatoru i na taložniku. Ova hidromašinska
Iz rafinerije se ispuštaju dve vrste zauljenih otpadnih u tehnološkim otpadnim vodama. tracijama slobodnog ulja u prečišće-
oprema nije ranije postojala na postrojenju i tokom
voda: zauljene tehnološke otpadne vode i zauljene rekonstrukcije je ta oprema ugrađena u cilju efika- nim otpadnim vodama.
atmosferske vode (otpadne vode sakupljene sa povr- TALOŽNIK (CLARIFIER):
snijeg eliminisanja izdvojenih ulja i istaloženih • QSmax/QKmax =420/600 m3/h - max. protok zauljenih atmosfer- Te koncentracije su za:
šinskog kompleksa rafinerije). muljeva iz samih uređaja; skih voda pri suvom/kišnom vremenu; API separator: ≤ 40 mg/l;
Postojećim rešenjem su se tehnološke otpadne vode • Isporuka i ugradnja koalescentnih filtera (separa- • 60,92/1210,5 mg/l - prosečni/maksimalni sadržaj slobodnog ulja
sakupljale i odvodile u API separator sa dve komore u tora) u izlaznim komorama i API separatora i talož- u atmosferskim zauljenim vodama. TALOŽNIK (Clarifier): ≤ 10 mg/l.
kojima je dolazilo do gravitacione separacije ulja i vode. nika, a u cilju postizanja zahtevanih MDK vrednosti
Prečišćena voda se pumpama transportovala na dalju slobodnog ulja u izlaznom prečišćenom efluentu.
Refineries are large consumers of water. purification of process wastewater within the petro- This is clear from the available technological scheme purification process
Consequently, they produce large amounts of chemical industry. of oily wastewater (pages 22 and 23).
oily wastewater which need purification Oily contaminated storm water and water from wash-
before discharge into recipient. ing of handling areas in the refinery were collected and
by special sewage led to precipitator or clarifier. In this
That is why the reconstruction of the plant for device, which also has two chambers, there was a Quantity and Quality of Oily Wastewater
treatment of oily wastewater was performed. gravitational separation of oil from water, after which in Pančevo Oil Refinery
Technical documentation was prepared by the treated water was directly discharged into the
which were defined treatment technologies, recipient, the Danube River. The most important characteristics of oily wastewater in Oil Refinery
Pančevo are:
established all stages of oily wastewater By the project of plant reconstruction were carried out - Quantity of wastewater (hydraulic load of plant);
treatment, need for additional construction of the following works: - Quality of oily wastewater, i.e. type, form, content (concentration)
facilities and selected mechanical, technolog- and so of various pollutants contained in wastewater, in the first
• Adaptation of API separators and sedimentation
ical (hydro-mechanical) and electrical instal- place different forms of hydrocarbons.
tanks’ buildings, by which these facilities are able to
lations. accept both translational scrapers separated float- Quantities of wastewater are as follows:
Plant for the treatment of oily wastewater of Oil Refin- ing oil and precipitated sludge and coalescence
filters in the exhaust chambers; API SEPARATOR:
ery Pančevo is a plant on which has been present
• QP/Q max = 450/600 m3/h - average/maximum flow of oily
conventional purification process that is based on • Delivery and installation of translational scrapers in
industrial wastewater;
Quality of Outlet Effluent
gravity separation. API separator and in sedimentation tank. This hydro
• 3906/37.896mg/l - average/maximum content of free oil in The request for quality effluent is
mechanical equipment is not previously existed in
From the refinery are discharged two kinds of oily process wastewater. reflected in defined concentrations of
the plant and during the reconstruction this equip-
wastewater: oily industrial wastewater and oily storm ment is fitted in order to efficiently eliminate isolated free oil in the purified wastewater.
water (wastewater collected from the surface complex oil and sludge and precipitated sediment from the • QSmax/QKmax = 420/600 m3/ h - maximum flow of oily storm These levels are:
of the refinery). devices; water in dry/rainy weather; API separator: ≤40 mg/l;
By existing solution technological wastewater is • Delivery and installation of coalescence filters • 60.92/1210.5 mg/l - average/maximum content of free oil in
storm oily wastewater. Sedimentation tanks (Clarifier): ≤10 mg/l
collected and taken to the API separator with two (separators) in the exhaust chambers and API
chambers, in which took place the gravitational sepa- separators and sedimentation tanks, in order to
ration of oil and water. Purified water is transported by achieve the required maximum allowable concentra-
pumps for further processing at a central plant for tion values of free oil in the outlet purified effluent.
Results From Plant Attestation
Purification analysis results of oily wastewater are given in the following tables:
Sampling of oily process wastewater
Content of free oils (mg/l) Suspended substances (mg/l)
Date Input Output Degree of reduction (%) Input Output Degree of reduction (%)
15. 01. 2004. 6485 ≤ 40 99,40 1362,50 29,80 97,80
9 9
5 8
11 10 8
9 9
6 8
2 10
24 13
16 15 14
1. API separator (subject to reconstruction)
Legenda: 2. Sedimentation tank - clarifier (subject to reconstruction)
1. API separator (predmet rekonstrukcije) 3. Scraper in API separator (new equipment)
2. Taložnik - clarifier (predmet rekonstrukcije) 4. Scraper in API sedimentation tank (new equipment)
3. Translatorni zgrtač API separatora (nova oprema) 5. Coalescent filters in API separator (new equipment)
4. Translatorni zgrtač API taložnika (nova oprema) 6. Coalescent filters in API sedimentation tank (new equipment)
5. Koalescentni filteri API separatora (nova oprema) 7. Oil skimmer in API separator (new equipment)
6. Koalescentni filteri API taložnika (nova oprema) 8. Oil skimmer of coalescent filters in API separator (new equipment)
7. Skimer ulja u API separatoru (nova oprema) 9. Partition plates – stop log (new equipment)
8. Skimer ulja koalescentnih filtera u API separatoru (nova oprema) 10. Stop log guides (existing equipment)
9. Pregradne ploče - talpe (nova oprema) 11. Stop log guides (new equipment)
10. Vođice talpi (postojeća oprema) 12. Pumps for sludge evacuation (new equipment) are not the subject of the contract no.FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
11. Vođice talpi (nova oprema) 13. Pumps for treated wastewater pumping (existing equipment)
12. Pumpe za evakuaciju mulja (nova oprema), nije predmet ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 14. Tank for receiving separated oil from API separator and sedimentation tank (existing equipment)
13. Pumpe za prepumpavanje prečišćenih otpadnih voda (postojeća oprema) 15. Collecting tank for separated oil (existing facility)
14. Rezervoar za prihvat izdvojenog ulja iz API separatora i taložnika (postojeći objekat) 16. Transport pump for separated oil (existing equipment)
15. Sabirni rezervoar izdvojenog ulja (postojeći objekat) 17. Stainless steel collecting tank for separated oil from coalescence filters in API separator and sedimentation tank
16. Pumpa za transport izdvojenog ulja (postojeća oprema) is the subject of the annex to the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
17. Prokronska posuda za prihvat izdvojenog ulja sa koalscentnih filtera u API separatoru i taložniku, predmet je aneksa ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 18. Pump for pumping separated oil from coalescent filters of API separator and sedimentation tank
18. Pumpa za prepumpavanjeizdvojenog ulja sa koalscentnih filtera u API separatoru i taložniku, predmet je aneksa ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 is the subject of the annex to the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
19. Nivo - prekidač za upravljanje radom uljne pumpe, predmet je aneksa ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 19. Level switch for managing the work of oil pump is the subject of the annex to the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
20. Električni orman za upravljanje radom uljnih pumpi u API separatoru, nije predmet ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 20. Electrical cabinet for managing the work of oil pumps in API separator is not the subject of the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
21. Električni orman za upravljanje radom uljnih pumpi u BISTRIKU, nije predmet ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 21. Electrical cabinet for managing the work of oil pumps in the clarifier is not the subject of the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
22. Električni orman za upravljanje radom uljne pumpe, predmet je aneksa ugovora br. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033 22. Electrical cabinet for managing the work of oil pump is the subject of the annex to the contract no. FPO#RSS-PG03-11033
23. Ventil za pražnjenje komora sa koalescentnim paketima 23. Valve for discharge of chambers with coalescent packages
24. Ventil za razdvajanje komora API separatora i BISTRIKA 24. Valve for separation of chambers in API separator and clarifier
22 23
Obezbeđenje DEMI vode za MHC
(Neutralizacija otpadnih voda iz
U sklopu realizacije novih postrojenja (MHC nalaze regulacioni ventili iza kojih se dovodni cevovod
-DHT, HGU, SARU) na kojima se obavlja proi- dalje račva prema svakom neutralizatoru tako da se
zvodnja derivata evropskog kvaliteta, Delta sumporna kiselina uvodi u najmanje četiri tačke. Ovo je
Water Supply for Neutralization For Wastewater Neutralization Process are used sulfu-
lnženjering je isprojektovao, izgradio i pustio u urađeno zbog pravilne raspodele dozirne količine sum- ric acid (H2S04) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The
rad novi sistem za obezbedenje demineralizo- porne kiseline po celoj reakcionoj zapremini neutrali- of Wastewater from CWT dosage of sulfuric acid is carried out through new
vane, tj. demi vode i neutralizaciju kiselo-ba- in Oil Refinery Pančevo dosing pumps (active and spare) from the existing tank
znih otpadnih voda, koje nastaju regeneraci- Doziranje natrijum hidroksida se obavlja preko novih
dozirnih pumpi (radna i rezervna) iz postojećeg rezer- It is planned for the discharge pipe line of dosing pumps
jom katjonske i anjonske linije za proizvodnju Within the implementation of new plants
voara FB-9252. Potisni cevovod dozirnih pumpi je to be recirculating. It splits into two separate lines
demi vode, sa izgradnjom novih rezervoara u takođe recirkulacioni i prema neutralizatorima se (MHC-DHT, HGU, SARU), which are used for
toward new neutralizers. In these lines are valves
kojima se odvija proces neutralizacije otpadnih račva u dva odvojena voda na kojima su postavljeni manufacturing of European quality derivatives, beyond which the supply pipeline branches to each
voda. regulacioni ventili. lza ventila cevovod se račva i u Delta lnženjering has designed, engineered neutralizer so that sulfuric acid is introduced into at
neutralizatore kako bi se natrijum hidroksid uvodio u and commissioned a new system for supply of least four points. This was done because the proper
najmanje četiri tačke. Ovo je urađeno zbog pravilne demineralized water and neutralization of acid division of the dosing amount of sulfuric acid throughout
Demineralizovana voda se proizvodi u postrojenju za
raspodele dozirne količine natrijum hidroksida po celoj the reaction volume neutralizer.
hemijsku pripremu postupkom jonske izmene i filtraci- and alkali wastewater that originates from
reakcionoj zapremini neutralizatora.
jom na filterima sa mešanom ispunom. Osim rekon- regeneration of cation and anion production The dosage of sodium hydroxide is carried out through
strukcije i izgradnje nove linije cevovoda, projektom je Praćenje i upravljanje postrojenjem za demineralizaci- lines of demi water with the construction of new dosing pumps (active and spare) from the existing
predviđeno da se skladišna zapremina za demi vodu ju vode i neutralizaciju otpadnih voda se vrši preko tank FB-9252. The discharge pipeline of dosing pumps
proširi za 500m3 kako bi se obezbedilo kontinualno i postojećeg DCS-a (Distributed Control System), tj.
new reaction tanks for the Wastewater Neu-
tralization Process. is also recirculating and also toward neutralizers it
pouzdano snadbevanje novih potrošača. Ovo proširenje njegovim proširenjem koje je obavljeno u saradnji sa splits into two separate lines on which are the control
je ostvareno izgradnjom dva nova čelična rezervoara Invensis Foxboro. Ovo je postojeći nadzorni sistem u valves. From the valves pipeline splits into neutralizers
FB-9331 i FB-9332, pri čemu je svaki rezervoar zapre- HPV-u koji se, izradom odgovarajućeg softvera i ugrad- Demineralized water is produced within the Water in order to sodium hydroxide be introduced in at least
mine 250m3. Rezervoari su opremljeni svim potrebnim njom odgovarajuće opreme, koristiti za praćenje i Preparation Plant by Ion Exchange Process and filtra- four points. This was done due to the proper division of
procesnim priključcima, kao i priključcima za predvi- nadzor rada novog postrojenja za demineralizaciju tions on mixed beg filters. Besides the reconstruction sodium hydroxide dosing volume for neutralization
đene instrumente. vode i neutralizaciju kiselo-baznih otpadnih voda koje and installation of a new pipeline, project foresees the throughout the all reaction volume of the neutralizer.
se generisu iz HPV-a. expansion of storage for demi water by 500m3 to
Novi reakcioni prostor je predviden u vidu dva čelična Monitoring and management of Plant for Water Demin-
rezervoara, svaki zapremine 800m3 (FB-9403 i FB-9404). Vrednost ovog ugovora iznosi 1,3 miliona eura. ensure continuous and reliable supply of the new
eralization and Wastewater Neutralization is carried
U njemu se obavlja proces neutalizacije kiselo-baznih plants. This expansion is achieved by building of two
over through the existing DCS (Distributed Control
otpadnih voda, koje se generišu regeneracijom jonskih new steel tanks FB-9331 and FB-9332. Each tank has
System), ie. its expansion, which took place in conjunc-
smola u jonskim kolonama u HPV-u. Rezervoari su a capacity of 250m3. The tanks are equipped with all
tion with Invensis Foxboro. This is existing monitoring
opremljeni svim potrebnim procesnim priključcima, kao necessary process connections as well as connections
system in CWT, which is used to monitor and control
i priključcima za predviđene instrumente. for belonging instruments.
operation for Water Demineralization Plant and Acid
Sredstva za neutralizaciju otpadnih voda su sumporna The new reaction tanks for neutralization of wastewa- and Alkali Wastewater Neutralization Plant, which is
kiselina (H2S04) i natrijum hidroksid (NaOH). Doziranje ter are made of steel - each has a capacity of 800 m3 generated from CWT by developing the appropriate
sumporne kiseline se obavlja preko novih dozirnih (FB-9403 and FB-9404). Inside those is carried out the software and appropriate equipment.
pumpi (radna i rezervna) iz postojećeg rezervoara neutralization process of acid and alkali wastewater
The value of the contract amounts is € 1.3 million.
FB-9251. generated by regeneration of ion resins in ion
exchangers in CWT. The tanks are equipped with all
Predviđeno je da potisni cevovod dozirnih pumpi bude necessary process connections as well as connections
recirkulacioni. On se račva u dva odvojena voda i to for belonging instruments.
prema novim neutralizatorima. Na ovim vodovima se
24 25
In this way, the emulsion allows the dissolution of the salt
Priprema priključaka (uslova) from the crude oil in the water. The mixing process is
za ugradnju dodatnog stepena supported by mix valve that provides a fluid mixing to the
droplets and thus is formed an emulsion. In order to
desaltera na S-2100 u NIS prevent the formation of a stable emulsion after mixing
crude oil and water in the emulsion is added deemulgator.
Rafinerija nafte Pančevo In desalter emulsion is brought into a high-voltage
U Rafineriji nafte Pančevo je tokom 2014. electric field in the presence of which is carried out
nafte i vode, skupljaju u donjem delu desaltera odakle
enlarging water drops that are, due to the difference of
godine započela realizacija projekta Ugradnja se izdvaja vodena faza. Na samom dnu desaltera se,
specific gravity oil and water, collected in the lower part
usled taloženja raznih nečistoća iz sirove nafte, formira
dodatnog stepena desaltera na postrojenju za mulj koji se povremenim dreniranjem odvodi na preči- Preparation of Connections of the desalter where the aqueous phase is set aside. At
the very bottom of the desalter, due to deposition of
atmosfersku destilaciju sirove nafte S-2100. šćavanje i API separator.
(Conditions) for Installation of various impurities from the crude oil, is formed sludge
Sirova nafta se pre desaltera zagreva grupom izmenji- that is removed at periodic draining and cleaning of API
U cilju obezbeđivanja uslova za izvođenje radova bez
obustave postrojenja za ugradnju dodatnog stepena vača EA-2101-4 tako da je temperatura nafte na ulasku Additional Desalter on S-2100 separator.
u desalter u opsegu 110-125°C. Više temperature
desaltera, odlučeno je da se iskoristi septembarski
zastoj 2014. godine za pripremu priključaka na posto- pogoduju većoj efikasnosti odsoljavanja i odvodnjava- in NIS Oil Refinery in Pančevo Crude oil is heated before desalter by group of exchang-
nja, ali na ulaznu temperaturu se ne može uticati ers EA-2101-4 so that the temperature of the oil enter-
jeće cevovode i izvođenje kablovskih kanala za polaga- Oil Refinery Pančevo during 2014 started the ing the desalter is in the range 110-125°C. Higher
nje niskonaponskog električnog kabla za napajanje direktno već zavisi od tipa nafte, režima rada i prinosa
temperatures lead to increased efficiency of desalting
novog stepena desaltera iz TS N1, kao i adaptaciju produkata sa kojima se nafta predgreva u razmenjiva- project Installation of an additional level of and dewatering or the inlet temperature cannot be influ-
čima toplote.
kasete u TS N1. desalter on the plant for atmospheric distil- enced directly, but depends on the type of oil, the regime
Na raspisani tender se javila i naša kompanija Delta Na osnovu analize rada postojećeg desaltera, efika- lation of crude oil S-2100". and the yield of products from which the oil is preheated
Inženjering i u oštroj konkurenciji dobila ugovor za snosti odvodnjavanja (82,8%) i odsoljavanja (69,95%) su in heat exchangers.
izvođenje radova po sistemu ključ u ruke na postavlja- nezadovoljavajuće. Ugradnjom još jednog stepena In order to provide conditions for works without suspen- Based on the analysis of the existing drainage, desalter
nju novih priključaka na postojeće cevovode u cilju desaltera treba da se postigne efikasnost odsoljavanja sion of the plant for installation of an additional level of efficiency (82.8%) and desalting (69.95%) were unsatisfac-
ugradnje dodatnog stepena desaltera. od 98%, čime bi se sadržaj soli u sirovoj nafti doveo na desalter, it was decided to take advantage of Septem- tory. Incorporating of one more desalter level should be
Projekat je po sistemu ključ u ruke obuhvatao sledeće nivo ispod 1 PTB (~3 ppm). ber's stagnation in 2014 to prepare connections to exist- achieved by desalting efficiency of 98%, which would salt
aktivnosti: Namena projektovanja i izgradnje priključaka na cevo- ing pipelines and execution of cable channels for laying content in crude oil led to a level below 1 PTB (~ 3 ppm).
vodima postojećeg desaltera je obezbeđivanje uslova za low electrical power cord for feeding of a new level of
• Izradu idejnih rešenja; desalter from TS N1, as well as the adaptation of the The purpose of the design and construction of connec-
izvođenje radova bez obustave postrojenja za ugradnju
• Izradu glavnih projekata; cartridge box in TS N1. tions to the existing pipelines of desalter is to provide the
dodatnog stepena desaltera, odnosno novog desaltera.
conditions for carrying out work without the suspension
• Tehničku kontrolu glavnih projekata; Priključci su smešteni na tri „čvorišta”, koja se nalaze At open tender was called our company Delta Inženjer- of the plant for installation of additional level of desalter
• Izradu elaborata o tehnologiji zavarivanja; na postojećim cevovodnim linijama postojećeg desal- ing and in tough competition was awarded with a or a new desalter. The connectors are located on three
tera FA-2115. contract for works on a turnkey base on setting up new
• Nabavku potrebne opreme i materijala; "hubs" that are on the existing pipeline of the existing
Čvorište A, koje se nalazi na liniji PT-12-16”-C30, sadži: connections to existing pipelines for the purpose of desalter FA-2115.
• Izvođenje neophodnih priključenja na postojeće installing additional level of desalter.
cevovode i elektroinstalacije koje će obezbediti • Priključak 16”, za odvod sirove nafte iz linije Hub A, located on the line PT-12-16 "-C30 contains:
PT-12-16”-C30 prema novom desalteru, na prvi The project on a turnkey base was included the follow-
ugradnju dodatnog stepena odsoljavanja bez • Connection 16 ", the drain of crude oil from the
stepen odsoljavanja; ing activities:
obustave postrojenja S-2100, što podrazumeva line PT-12-16"-C30, according to a new desalter,
izvođenje mašinsko-montažnih radova i izvođenje • Priključak 16”, za povratak odsoljene sirove nafte • Conceptual designs; the first stage of desalting;
elektroradova; sa novog desltera na čvorište-A, odnosno na deo • Main designs; • Connection 16" to returning of desalted crude oil
• Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva i dostavljanje Izvešta- linije PT-12-16”-C30 koji vodi prema postojećem
• Technical control of main designs; from the new deslter to the hub-A, or on the part
desalteru, na drugi stepen odsoljavanja;
ja o ispitivanju; of the line PT-12-16" -C30, leading to the current
• Veza između priključka na čvorištu-A. • Welding technology study; desalter, the second stage of desalting;
• Funkcionalno ispitivanje, probni rad i primopreda-
Čvorište B, koje se nalazi na liniji PD-40-10”-C15, sadži: • Procurement of equipment and materials; • The link between the connections on the hub-A.
ja radova.
• Priključak 10”, za odvod fluda iz sigurnosnog • Execution of the necessary connection to existing Hub B, located on the line PD-40-10"-C15 contains:
U postrojenju za atmosfersku destilaciju sirove nafte piping and electrical installations which will
S-2100 sada postoji samo jedan desalter FA-2151, čija ventila na novom deslteru.
provide installation of an additional degree of • Connection 10" drain fluid from the safety valve on
je uloga prečišćavanje sirove nafte koja se šalje na Čvorište C, koje se nalazi na liniji WB-03-4”-C16, sadži: desalting without suspension of the plant S-2100, the new deslter:
atmosfersku destilaciju. which includes performing mechanical-installa-
• Priključak 4”, za odvod slane vode iz linije Hub C, located on the line WB-03-4"-C1-6 contains:
Funkcija desaltera u procesu destilacije nafte je ukla- WB-03-4”-C16, koja dolazi od postojećeg desalte- tion works and electrical work;
• Connection 4" drain the salt water from the line
njanje nečistoća iz sirove nafte (rastvorene soli, čvrste ra prema liniji sirove nafte za novi desalter; • Testing of welded joints and submission of the WB-03-4"-C1-6, which comes from existing
materije i voda). Nakon desaltera sirova nafta se examination report; desalter to the line of a new crude oil desalter;
dogreva u razmenjivačima toplote i peći BA-2101 i šalje • Priključak 4”, za dovod slane otpadne vode iz
u destilacionu kolonu DA-2101. Pre ulaska u desalter novog desaltera na čvorište-C, odnono na deo • Functional testing, trial operation and handover of • Connection 4" supply of salt wastewater from the
sirova nafta se zagreva u razmenjivačima toplote sa linije WB-03-4”-C16, koji odvodi otpadnu vodu sa works. new desalter to the hub-C, i.e. to the part of the
produktima destilacije i meša sa vodom (5-7 %vol). Na desaltera; In the plant for atmospheric distillation of crude oil line WB-03-4" -C1-6, which takes wastewater from
taj način stvara se emulzija koja omogućava rastvara- S-2100 there is now only one desalter FA-2151, whose desalter;
• Veza između priključka na čvorištu C.
nje soli iz sirove nafte u vodi. Proces mešanja potpo- role is purification of crude oil which is sent to atmos- • The link between the connections on the hub C.
mognut je miks-ventilom koji obezbeđuje mešanje Kompanija Delta Inženjering je sve ugovorene poslove pheric distillation.
fluida na sitne kapi i na taj način formira se emulzija. u celosti realizovala pre isteka rokova koji su bili pred- Delta Inženjering all contractual activities implemented
Function of desalter in the process of distillation of oil is in full before the expiry of the deadlines that were
Kako bi se sprečilo formiranje stabilne emulzije nakon viđeni ugovorom, što se vidi iz priloženog zapisnika o
to remove impurities from the crude oil (dissolved salts, planned by contract, as can be seen from the attached
mešanja sirove nafte i vode emulziji se dodaje deemul- ispunjenju svih ugovornih obaveza, kao i posebnog solids and water). After desalter crude oil is heated to Record on the fulfillment of contractual obligations, as
gator. e-maila kojim se NIS-Sektor za organizaciju kapitalne the heat exchangers and furnaces BA-2101 and sent to well as a separate e-mail with which NIS Sector for
U desalteru se emulzija dovodi u visokonaponsko izgradnje Bloka Prerada zahvaljuje našoj kompaniji za a distillation column DA-2101. Before entering the organization of capital construction of Processing Block
električno polje u čijem prisustvu se vrši ukrupnjavanje uspešnu i besprekornu saradnju na realizaciji ovog desalter, crude oil is heated in heat exchangers with the thanks to our company for a successful and expresses
vodenih kapljica koje se, usled razlike specifične težine projekta. products of distillation and mixed with water (5-7% vol). appreciation collaboration on this project.
26 27
This study was conducted in accordance with the provi-
sions of that Act on impact assestment of facilities, i.e.
works on the environment (Off. Gazette of the Republic of
Studija uticaja objekta Serbia no. 135/04 and 36/09), and for the purpose of issuing
the necessary permits and approvals for the proposed
na životnu sredinu structure by the competent authorities and institutions.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Study is a docu-
Study on Environmental Impact ment that analyzes and evaluates the quality of
Delta Inženjering je u maju i junu 2014. Demontirana su i uklonjena sledeća postrojenja: In May and June 2014 Delta Inženjering, as The following units were dismantled and removed:
godine, u sklopu konzorcijalnog ugovora sa • U-503 Kisela rafinacija bledih ulja part of consortium contract with the contrac- • U-503 Acid refining of pale oil
izvođačem građevinskih radova Elita Cop iz • U-504 Kisela rafinacija transformatorskih ulja tor Elita Cop from Belgrade and subcontrac- • U-504 Acid refining of transformer oil
Beograda i podizvođačima - članicama Delta • U-505 Perkolacija tors - members of Delta Group: Alfa Mont • U-505 Percolation
grupe: Alfa mont i Ferkom futura, izveo • Postrojenje and Fercom Futura, performed the contract- • Plant
ugovorene elektro, instrumentalne, mašin- Postrojenja U-503/504 Tretman kiselinom (kisela rafina-
ed electrical, instrumentation, mechanical The Acid Treatment Plant 503/504 (acid refining) and
ske i građevinske radove na rušenju i ukla- cija) i U-505 Perkolacija obezbeđivala su obradu vakuum and construction works on the demolition U-505 Percolation are provided of processing vacuum
njanju postojećih postrojenja u Rafineriji Novi destilata u cilju poboljšanja njihovih osobina kako bi bili and removal of existing plants in Oil Refinery distillate to improve their properties in order to be
Sad za potrebe izgradnje postrojenja za upotrebljivi za izradu smeše ulja za podmazivanje i Novi Sad for construction of base oil produc- usable for the production of lubricating oil and trans-
transformatore. tion plants. formers.
proizvodnju baznih ulja.
Postrojenje U-503 Tretman kiselinom (kisela rafinacija) The Acid Treatment Plant U-503 (acid refining) of pale
Izvršeno je rušenje postojećih postrojenja sa pripadaju- bledih ulja je bilo projektovano da pomoću sumporne Demolition of the existing plant with associated pipe- oil was designed that by using sulfuric acid extracts
ćim cevovodima i ostalim instalacijama i uklanjanje sa kiseline izdvoji neželjene komponente kako bi se dobilo lines and other installations was executed as well as unwanted components in order to give a clear, stable
trenutne lokacije radi obezbeđenja slobodnog prostora bistro stabilno bazno ulje za pravljenje smeše (blending) removal from its current location in order to provide base oil for blending lubricants.
za izgradnju novih postrojenja u sklopu projekta za maziva. free space for the construction of new plants within
The Acid Treatment Plant U-504 of oils for transform-
izgradnju postrojenja za proizvodnju baznih ulja u RNS. the project for construction of base oil production
Postrojenje U-504 Tretman kiselinom ulja za transfor- ers was designed for treatment of transformer oil
plants in RNS.
Takođe je izvršeno sortiranje otpada po vrstama i matore je bilo projektovano za tretman transformator- using sulfuric acid to produce oil for transformers.
transport do lokacija za privremeni smeštaj otpadnih skog ulja pomoću sumporne kiseline radi proizvodnje It is also implemented sorting of waste by type and
The Gudron Plant was designed for treatment of the acid
materija u krugu RNS uz poštovanje svih procedura ulja za transformatore. transport to the location for the temporary storing of
sludge (tar) from the Acid Treatment Plant U-503 / 504.
zaštite životne sredine i bezbednosti zdravlja na radu i to: waste within RNS in compliance with all procedures
Postrojenje Gudron je bilo projektovano za obradu
of environmental protection and health and safety at Percolation Plant U-505 was designed for filtering oil
• 6.800 tona betona, kiselinskog otpadnog mulja (gudron) sa postrojenja za
work, as follows: from the Acid Treatment Plant U-503/504 through
• 1.107 tona metalnog otpada, tretman kiselinom U-503/504.
• 6,800 tons of concrete, bauxite.
• 30 tona staklene vune, Postrojenje Perkolacija U-505 je bilo projektovano za
• 1,107 tons of scrap metal, These plants have not been working more than ten
• 25 tona aluminijuma, filtriranje ulja sa postrojenja za tretman kiselinom
• 30 tons of glass wool, years and were not in working order. Before disman-
U-503/504 preko boksita.
• 22 tone bakarnih kablova, tling the plants were discharged and steamed - ready
Ova postrojenja nisu radila više od deset godina i nisu • 25 tons of aluminum, for dismantling.
• 22 tone pocinkovanog lima,
bila u funkcionalnom stanju. Postrojenja su pre • 22 tons of copper cables,
• 5 tona poliestera, demontaže bila ispražnjena i proparena - spremna za • 22 tons of galvanized steel,
• 5 tona raznog elektrootpada (elektromotori i sl), demontažu. • 5 tons of polyester,
• 7 tona raznog drugog materijala.
• 5 tons of various electrical waste (electric motors, etc.),
30 • 7 tons of other materials. 31
For the client Transnafta,
Delta Inženjering prepares
technical and economic
analysis of replacing part OIL REFINERY BEOGRAD
of a main pipeline in the Delta Inženjering has signed several contracts
warehouse Ledinci. for remodeling, redesigning and inspection
of the buildings in Oil Refinery Beograd.
Za potrebe investitora, kompanije Transnafta,
Delta Inženjering izrađuje tehnoekonomsku
analizu zamene dela magistralnih cevovoda
u skladištu nafte Ledinci. BEOGRAD
Magistralni cevovodi povezuju manipulativni deo Main pipelines connect the manipulative part of the Delta Inženjering je potpisao nekoliko ugovora The storage yard for six thousand and five hundred
skladišta (MGO zonu) na obali Dunava sa podzemnom warehouse (MGO zone) on the banks of the Danube river za adaptaciju, rekonstrukciju i kontrolu objekata barrels has been re-designed and all relevant
rezervoarskom grupom (RGO zona) na padinama iznad with underground reservoir group (RGO zone) on the approvals for obtaining the use permit have been
MGO zone. slopes above MGO zone. u Rafineriji nafte Beograd.
Cilj tehnoekonomske analize je razmotriti zamenu The aim of technical and economic analysis is to consid- Adaptirano je skladište za šest i po hiljada bačvi i dobije- The contract for designing and construction of inter-
postojećih nadzemnih čelilčnih cevovoda u tunelskom er the replacement of existing overhead steel pipelines na je neophodna dokumentacija za upotrebnu dozvolu. nal road including parking lots (5,000 sq. m.) has
prostoru RGO zone novim cevovodima istih ili većih in the tunnel area of RGO zone with new pipelines of been signed.
prečnika, izrađenih takođe od čelika ili od kompozitnog same or larger diameter, also made of steel or compos- Potpisan je ugovor za projektovanje i izvođenje interne
materijala fiberglas ili od polietilena PE100. ite fiberglass or polyethylene PE100. saobraćajnice sa parking mestima (5 000 m2). The re-designing and reconstruction of the oily
wastewater treatment plant have been completed.
Postojeći cevovodi su u lošem stanju usled nekorišće- Existing pipelines are in poor condition due to inactivity Završena je adaptacija i rekonstrukcija uređaja za preči-
nja i izloženosti izuzetno agresivnim uslovima sredine u and exposure to extremely aggressive environment in šćavanje zauljenih otpadnih voda: • Recovery of the device for oily atmospheric water
kojoj se nalaze (tunelski prostor sa stalnim prisustvom which they are located (the tunnel area with the constant • sanacija uređaja za prečišćavanje zauljenih atmos treatment
vlage i vode, što je dovelo do značajne spoljašnje koro- presence of moisture and water, which led to significant ferskih voda • Recovery of the plant for industrial wastewater
zije cevovoda, kao i značajne korodiranosti unutrašnjih external corrosion of pipeline, significant corrosion of
• sanacija postrojenja za prečišćavanje tehnoloških treatment
površina cevovoda usled nekorišćenja). internal surfaces of pipeline due to inactivity).
otpadnih voda • Recovery of the plant for neutralization of
Zahtev investitora je da se omogući gravitaciono The client requested to be allowed gravity draining of
the reservoir, with ensuring of a certain flow, but should • sanacija postrojenja za neutralizaciju kiselo-baznih acid-base wastewater from HPV (Chemical
pražnjenje rezervoara, uz obezbeđenje određenog
be avoided the occurrence of a vacuum in the pipeline, otpadnih voda iz HPV-a (hemijske pripreme vode) water treatment)
protoka, pri čemu treba izbeći pojavu vakuuma u cevo-
vodu, kao i pojavu hidrauličkog udara na kraju cevovoda as well as the occurrence of water hammer at the end of Opremu pod pritiskom u istoimenom pogonu čine: The pressure equipment of this plant consists of 66
u MGO zoni. pipeline in MGO zone. 66 posuda, pripadajući cevovodi, zaporna i sigurnosna vessels, accompanying pipelines, sealing and safety
After creating the technical and economic analysis and armatura, regulaciona i merna oprema. fittings, control and measuring equipment.
Nakon izrade tehnoekonomske analize i njenog razma-
tranja od strane investitora, uradiće se glavni projekti its consideration by the client will be prepared main
za rešenje koje investitor bude smatrao najpovoljnijim. designs for the solution which the client considered the
34 35
Prirodni ili zemni gas je prirodno gasovito Natural gas is natural gaseous fossil fuel with Tečni naftni gas TNG (LPG) je smeša ugljovo-
fosilno gorivo sa visokim sadržajem metana.
Redovno je prisutan u nalazištima nafte
high methane content. It is regularly present in
oil deposits (gas cap above the bearing).
doničnih gasova koja se pod specijalnim uslovi-
ma temperature i pritiska može pretvoriti u
(gasna kapa iznad ležišta). Crude oil on the output from the wells contains a gase-
tečno stanje, ranije nazivana propan-butan, PETROLEUM GAS
Sirova nafta na izlazu iz bušotine sadrži gasovitu fazu u ous phase in the isolated or in dissolved form. This gas koji se koristi u industriji kao jeftinije ili rezer-
after bringing to the surface separates from the oil in vno gorivo, kao gorivo za motorna vozila i kao Liquefied petroleum gas LPG (LPG) is a mixture
izdvojenom ili u rastvorenom obliku. Ovaj se gas nakon
dovođenja na površinu odvaja od nafte u separatorima separators, and cleans from impurities (water, petrole- energent u domaćinstvima. of hydrocarbon gases that under special condi-
i čisti od primesa (vode, ostataka nafte, mehaničkih um residues and mechanical impurities) at the site, in tions of temperature and pressure can be con-
order to be brought to the limits of prescribed quality TNG se dobija utečnjavanjem smeše gasova dobijene
nečistoća) još na samom nalazištu da bi se doveo u
izdvajanjem iz rafinerijskih gasova nastalih preradom
verted into a liquid state previously called
granice propisanog kvaliteta i potom transportovao and then to be transported by large-diameter pipelines
nafte, odnosno dobijenih preradom prirodnih gasovitih propane-butane, which is used in industry as
gasovodima velikih prečnika do krajnjih korisnika. to end users. In addition to methane, natural gas that
accompanies oil deposits contains certain quantities of goriva u postupku degazolinaže. cheaper or reserve fuel, as fuel for motor vehi-
Pored metana, prirodni gas koji prati nalazišta nafte
sadrži i izvesnu količinu etana, propana i butana i još se ethane, propane and butane and is also called wet (or TNG je bezbojan, zapaljiv i eksplozivan gas, karakteris- cles and as an energy source in households.
naziva i vlažni (ili bogati) zemni gas. rich) natural gas. tičnog mirisa. Pošto je teži od vazduha, zadržava se na LPG is obtained by liquefaction of gas mixture obtained
Natural gas also occurs in special reservoirs where najnižim mestima u prostorijama u slučaju isticanja iz by separation from refinery gases obtained by the
Prirodni gas se javlja i u posebnim ležištima gde nema
there is no oil. There is present so-called dry (or poor) instalacija, zbog čega je neophodno obezbediti dobru processing of oil, or processing of natural gas fuels in
nafte. Tu je prisutan tzv. suvi (ili siromašni) zemni gas,
natural gas which consists mainly from methane and prirodnu ventilaciju. the process of degasification.
koji se pretežno sastoji od metana i ne sadrži propan i
butan. contains propane and butane. Kod proizvođača se skladišti u nadzemnim sfernim i LPG is a colorless, flammable and explosive gas with a
The use of natural gas can be divided into its use as a cilindričnim rezervoarima u tečnom stanju, kod characteristic odor. Since it is heavier than air, stays at
Upotreba prirodnog gasa se može podeliti na njegovu
fuel (for heating in industry and in households or start- distributera i industrijskih potrošača u nadzemnim the lowest place on the premises in the event of leakage
upotrebu kao goriva (za grejanje u industriji i u doma-
ing the internal combustion engine) and in chemical cilindričnim, redje sfernim rezervoarima a na auto- from the installation, which is why it is essential to
ćinstvima ili pokretanje motora sa unutrašnjim sago-
industry (production of hydrogen in industry of nitrogen gasnim stanicama u podzemnim rezervoarima. ensure good natural ventilation.
revanjem) i u hemijskoj industriji (proizvodnja vodonika
u industriji azotnih djubriva, metanola, etilena, propa- fertilizers, methanol, ethylene, propane, butane, etc). U industriji se tečni naftni gas u isparivačkim stanica- At manufacturer it is stored in overhead spherical and
na, butena, itd). ma provodi u gasno stanje, redukuje na željeni pritisak cylindrical tanks in liquid form, at distributors and
References: i cevovodima vodi do potrošača. Zbog velike kalorične industrial consumers in overhead cylindrical, rarely
Reference: moći često se koristi i kao mešani gas kao zamena spherical tanks and on auto gas stations in underground
1 Srbijagas: prirodnom gasu. reservoirs.
1 Srbijagas: • Design and execution of works on underground Proteklih godina dosta se investiralo u primenu tečnog In the industry liquefied petroleum gas is converted in
• Projektovanje i izvođenje radova na instalacijama gas storage installations - Banatski Dvor; naftnog gasa. Delta Inženjering je projektovao i izgra- the vaporizing cells in the gaseous state, reduced to the
podzemnog skladišta gasa - Banatski Dvor; • Technical control on Srbijagas facilities. dio više skladišta, auto i vagon pretakališta, punionica i desired pressure and by pipelines distributed to the
• Tehnička kontrola na objektima Srbijagasa. skladišta boca, stanica za snabdevanje motornih vozila consumers. Due to the high calorific value is often used
2 Other industrial and municipal consumers: i instalacija tečnog naftnog gasa za tehnološke potrebe
2 Ostali industrijski i komunalni potrošači: as a mixed gas replacing natural gas.
• Gas pipelines of high and medium pressure; u industriji.
• Gasovodi visokog i srednjeg pritiska; In recent years, a lot is invested in the use of liquefied
• Measuring and control stations;
petroleum gas. Delta Inženjering has designed and built
• Merno-regulacione stanice; • Gas distribution network; a lot of warehouses, truck and rail loading racks,
• Distributivne gasovodne mreže; • Services for industrial customers; bottling plant and storage tanks, stations for supplying
• Instalacije kod industrijskih potrošača; • Warehouses, decanting facilities and motor vehicles and installations of liquefied petroleum
• Skladišta, pretakališta i podstanice TNG-a; substations of LPG; gas for technological needs of the industry.
• Punionice boca i automobilskih rezervoara. • Ottling plants and automobile tanks.
38 39
Proces razlaganja atmosferskog vazduha na
njegove osnovne komponente kiseonik, azot i
TECHNICAL GASES Proces hlađenja je postao deo svakodnevnog
života. Namirnice se obavezno hlade, zamrza-
argon može se ostvariti na više načina, od kojih The process of decomposition of atmospheric vaju, skladište, transportuju i izlažu u rashlad-
se zahteva visoka čistoća produkata i visok air into its main components of oxygen, nitro- nim uređajima koji koriste rashladni fluid/gas.
kapacitet proizvodnje. gen and argon can be accomplished in several Hlađenje je ključna komponenta mnogih
ways, from which are required high purity of industrijskih procesa, kao što je proizvodnja
products and high production capacity. farmaceutskih proizvoda i hemijskih proizvoda.
Najviše se upotrebljava proces razlaganja vazduha na
ekstremno niskim temperaturama. Ovim procesom
Mostly used is process of decomposition of the air at
razlaganja vaduha nastaju komercijalni proizvodi u
extremely low temperatures. By this process of air U prethodnom periodu najčešće su se upotrebljavali
tečnom i gasovitom stanju, koji se zatim skladište i
decomposition are created commercial products in freoni i amonijak u rashladnoj tehnici, a ređe ugljen-diok-
distibuiraju za razne namene:
liquid and gaseous state, which are then stored and sid, izobutan i propan.
- Azot (N2);
delivered for various purposes:
- Kiseonik (O2); Ekološki problemi koji se odnose na uništavanje ozon-
- Nitrogen (N2);
- Argon (Ar).
- Oxygen (O2);
skog omotača i globalno zagrevanje doveli su do zakono-
davne kontrole u ovoj oblasti i razvoja novih generacija
Pored ovih tehničkih gasova postoje i drugi tehnički - Argon (Ar).
fluorovodoničnih rashladnih fluida, poznatih kao hidro- The process of cooling has become part of
In addition to these technical gases there are other hlorofluorougljenici (HCFC), hidrofluorougljenici (HFC) i
- Acetilen; technical gases: everyday life. Groceries are mandatory
hidrofluoroolefini (HFO).
- Ugljen-dioksid i dr. - Acetylene; cooled, frozen, stored, transported and
- Carbon dioxide and others. Rashladno sredstvo HFO, zbog svojih svojstava koja exhibited in cooling systems that use refrig-
smanjuju uticaj na životnu sredinu (GWP = 4), koristiće se
ubuduće u auto-klimama umesto freona.
erant/gas. Cooling is a key component of
many industrial processes, such as the man-
Reference: ufacture of pharmaceutical products and
Reference: References: • Fabrika Fiat Automobili Srbija u Kragujevcu: chemical products.
• Projektovanje i izvođenje postrojenja za skladištenje i In the past, in refrigeration technic most often were
1 Postrojenja za proizvodnju tehničkih gasova razdvajanjem Plants for the production of technical gases by air separa-
distribuciju rashladnog sredstva r1234yf – HFO. used Freon and ammonia and less carbon dioxide,
vazduha, u saradnji sa firmom MESSER tion, in cooperation with the company MESSER
isobutene and propane.
2 Postrojenje za razlaganje vazduha – Upravljanje projektom Air Separation Unit - Project and construction manage- Environmental problems related to the destruction of
i izgradnjom, Katovice-Poljska ment, Katowice - Poland the ozone layer and global warming have led to legis-
lative control in this area and the development of new
3 Postrojenje za razlaganje vazduha – Upravljanje projektom Air Separation Unit - Project management and preparation
generations hydrofluoric refrigerants, known as hydro
i izrada projekata svih struka, Dnepopetrovsk-Ukrajina of all vocations designs, Dnepropetrovsk - Ukraine
chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydro fluorocarbons
4 Postrojenje za razlaganje vazduha – Izrada glavnih proje- Air Separation Unit – Preparation of main designs and (HFC) and hydro fluoro olefins (HFO).
kata i izgradnja, Bor-Srbija construction, Bor, Serbia The refrigerant HFO, due to its properties that reduce
impact on the environment (GWP = 4), will be used in
5 Ostali projekti za tehničke gasove: Other projects for technical gases: the future in car air conditioning instead of Freon.
• Projekti tehničkih gasova u laboratoriji – RNP; • Projects of technical gases in the laboratory - RNP;
• Proizvodnja acetilena sa skladištima karbida i • Production of acetylene carbide with warehouses References:
punionicama boca – više korisnika; and bottling plants - more users; • Factory Fiat Automobiles Serbia in Kragujevac:
• Skladišta sa rezervoarima i bocama, punionicama • Warehouses with tanks and bottles, bottling plants • Design and construction of plant for the storage and
i distribucijom gasova – više korisnika; and distribution of gases - more users; distribution of coolant R1234yf - HFO.
40 41
U periodu od 25 godina uspešnog rada Delta During 25 years of successful work Delta
Inženjering je za najveće investitore, dobav- Inženjering for the biggest investors, suppli-
ljače, distributere i potrošače prirodnog gasa ers, distributors and consumers of LPG has
radio kompletnu tehničku dokumentaciju prepared complete technical documentation
gasovoda, glavnih mernoregulacionih stani- of the pipelines, the main MRS, distribution
ca, razvodnih gasovoda do industrijskih pipelines to the industrial consumers, distri-
potrošača, distributivnih gasovodnih mreža bution pipeline network for broad consump-
za široku potrošnju, gasnih instalacija za tion, gas installations for the purpose of tech-
potrebe tehnoloških procesa, gasno rezanje, nological process, gas cutting equipment,
infracrveno grejanje i gasifikaciju kotlarnica. infrared heating and gasification boiler
U poslednje vreme urađeno je nekoliko rooms. Lately there have been constructed a
bušotinskih gasovoda do sabirno otpremnih couple of borehole gas pipelines near the
stanica za NIS Naftagas. storage stations for NIS Naftagas.
U BANATSKOM DVORU Delta Inženjering has performed for the client
Srbijagas in the underground gas storage in
Delta Inženjering je za naručioca Srbijagas u podzemnom skladi- Banatski Dvor construction works, power
štu gasa u Banatskom Dvoru izvodio građevinske radove, elektro- supply and installation of measuring and con-
energetsko napajanje i instaliranje merno-regulacione opreme trol equipment for the construction of a new
na izgradnji novog postrojenja - linije za proizvodnju gasa. plant – line for gas production.
U građevinskom smislu, izvršena je izrada novih objekata: In terms of construction, we constructed the new
• Primarni objekti postrojenja za smeštaj mašinske i elektroopreme;
• Primary facilities of plant for storage of mechanical
• Temelji zasebne mašinske opreme; and electrical equipment,
• Objekti za potrebe povezivanja postojećeg i novog postrojenja; • Foundations of separate mechanical equipment,
• Infrastrukturni objekti – instalacije, hidrograđevinski objekti i objekti • Facilities for connection the existing and new plants,
• Infrastructure facilities - installations, hydro and
U smislu merenja i regulacije novog dela postrojenja, primenjeno je tehničko construction facilities and civil engineering facilities.
rešenje koje, uz primenu savremene merno-regulacione opreme i tehnike, omo-
gućava daljinski nadzor i upravljanje procesom odstranjivanja tečnosti iz gasa u In terms of measurement and regulation of a new part
režimu proizvodnje. Takođe su implementirana potrebna proširenja sistema za of the facility is applied the technical solution which,
nadzor i upravljanje za celu liniju proizvodnje, kako na upravljačkom tako i na with the use of modern measuring and control equip-
nadzornom nivou. ment and techniques, enables remote monitoring and
management of the process for removing liquid from
gas in the mode of production. Also were implemented
the necessary expansions of the system for monitoring
and managing the entire production line, both in control
and supervisory level.
42 43
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plants in Novi Sad MZ VRANOVO Smedrevo: Natural gas DN 150 - 1.2 km
• Kompleks skladišta i punionice TNG u Subotici ALUMIL Nova Pazova: Prirodni gas DN 100 - 0,8 km
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plants in Subotica ALUMIL Nova Pazova: Natural gas DN 100 - 0.8 km
• Kompleks skladišta i punionice TNG u Čačku IKEA Novi Banovci: Prirodni gas DN 100 - 4,5 km
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plants in Čačak IKEA Novi Banovci: Natural gas DN 100 - 4.5 km
• Kompleks skladišta i punionice TNG u Nišu FIAT Kragujevac: Prirodni gas DN 180 - 0,5 km
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plant in Niš FIAT Kragujevac: Natural gas DN 180 - 0.5 km
• Kompleks skladišta i punionice TNG u Ovči NIS NAFTAGAS Zrenjanin: Bušotinski gasovodi DN 65 - 1,8 km; DN 65 - 1,0 km; DN 65 - 1,6 km
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plants in Ovča NIS NAFTAGAS Zrenjanin: Gas boring pipelines DN 65 - 1.8 km; DN 65 - 1.0 km; DN 65 - 1.6 km
• Kompleks skladišta i punionice TNG u Elemiru SRBIJAGAS Beograd: Tehnička kontrola 20 gasovoda
The complex of warehouses and LPG bottling plants in Elemir SRBIJAGAS Beograd: Technical control 20 gas
44 45
Mernoregulacione stanice (GMRS/MRS) / Measuring and Regulating Stations (GMRS/MRS) Industrijski potrošači / Industrial Consumers
NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA KRAJINE Mirkovci: PZ S. Jankovci (2.000 m /h) Ciglana (460 m /h)
3 3
Tehnološki procesi: Kovačnica ZMAJ Zemun; Dve livne baterije i linija za bojenje Al lima IMPOL SEVAL Sevojno;
Referentni projekti / Reference Projects:
46 47
Skladišni rezervoari i instalacije TNG / Storage Tanks and Installations of LPG
SARTID FPL Vučitrn: Rezervoari 1000 m3; Isparivačka stanica 2 x 1000 m3/h; Mešačke stanice 1200 i
PETROLEUM GAS SARTID FPL Vučitrn: Tanks 1000 m3; Waporizing station 2 x 1000 m3/h; Mixer station 1200 and
Rafinerija nafte Pančevo (TNG) 1600 m3/h; Reducer station.
U okviru projekta adaptacije pretakališta EURO GAS Subotica: Rezervoari 14 x 63 m3, auto i vagon pretakalište
TNG-a (tečni naftni gas) realizovaće se mo- EURO GAS Subotica: Tanks 14 x 63 m3, car and rail decanting facility
dernizacija vanprocesnih postrojenja uvođe- Oil Refinery Pančevo (LPG) NIS PROMET GASA: Rekonstrukcija instalacije TNG za korišćenje Rafinata II u Čeneju,
njem nove tehnologije merenja pri dopremi i The modernization of nonprocedural plants in sanacija rezervoara od 100 m3 oštećenog bombardovanjem
otpremi na auto i železničkom pretakalištu the project Adaptation of LPG will be carried NIS SALES AND Reconstruction of the installation of LPG for use of Rafinat II u Čeneju,
TNG‐a, s obzirom na to da postojeće auto i out by introducing a new measurement tech- DISTRIBUTION OF GAS: recovery of tank 100 m3 damaged by bombing
železničko pretakalište ne pruža potrebnu nology during delivery and dispatch at the car AGRANA ELOPAK Beograd: Podstanica i razvod za pogon litografije u Zemunu
efikasnost, tačnost i sigurnost u skladu sa and railway decanting of LPG, given that the AGRANA ELOPAK Beograd: Substation and distrubution for lithographs shop in Zemun
važećim zakonima, tehničkim propisima i existing decanting (car and railway) does not IMPA Šabac: Rezervoar i kontejneri TNG sa instalacijama za pogon litografije i zatvarača u Šapcu
propisima za zaštitu životne sredine. provide the required efficiency, accuracy and Tanks and LPG containers with installations for lithographs shop and seals in Šabac
IMPA Šabac:
Cilj i svrha ovog projekta je integrisano, moderno, security in accordance with applicable laws, Rezervoar i instalacija N-Pentana Fabrike sendvič panela
pouzdano, ekološki prihvatljivo, precizno i centralizova- rules and technical regulations for the pro-
INTERLEMIND Leskovac: Tank and installation of N-Pentane in factory of sandwich panels
no upravljanje i nadzor nad instalacijama na pretakali- tection of the environment.
štu TNG‐a u NIS‐RNP, uz primenu metroloških uslova i GALENIKA Beograd: Rezervoar i instalacija Izo-butana u Enbecin aeroposipu
The aim and purpose of this project is an integrated,
propisa Republike Srbije za obračunsko merenje. modern, reliable, environmentally friendly, accurate GALENIKA Beograd: Tank and installation of Iso-butane in Enbecin aero topdressing
Delta Inženjering i Naftna industrija Srbije su 25. 10. and centralized management and control of installati-
2011. godine potpisali ugovor o inženjering uslugama, ons at the decanting of LPG in NIS-RNP, with the appli-
nabavci opreme i materijala, pružanju projektantskih i cation of metrological conditions and regulations of the
drugih usluga i izvođenju radova po principu „ključ u Republic of Serbia for accounting measurement.
ruke“ – za realizaciju projekta Adaptacija instalacije za Execution of works has been entrusted exclusivly to
utovar i istovar TNG-a u Rafineriji nafte Pančevo. Ugovo- the members of Delta Group.
reni posao je ocenjen kao veoma složen i zahtevan jer do
sada u našoj zemlji i okruženju sličan nije realizovan. On 25.10.2011 Delta Inženjering and Petroleum Indu-
stry of Serbia signed the contract for engineering
Obaveza Delta Inženjeringa je bila: services, procurement of equipment and materials,
• Izraditi izvođačke projekte za građevinske radove, providing of engineering and other services and works
mašinske radove, elektroradove, instrumentalne on a turnkey base for the project Adaptation of Installa-
radove i radove na detekciji gasova i požara; tion for Loading and Unloading of LPG in Oil Refinery
• Izvršiti nabavku potrebne opreme i materijala za Pančevo. The contracted work is seen as a very com-
izvođenje ugovorenih radova; plex and demanding as until now in our contry and
• Izvesti sve potrebne radove. abroad similar work has not been realized.
Obligation of Delta Inženjering was:
• Develop detailed designs for the civil works, mecha-
nical works, electrical works, instrumental works
and works on gas and fire detection;
• Execute the purchase of necessary equipment and
materials to perform the contracted work;
• Perform all necessary works.
48 49
Punionice boca i distributivni centri TNG / Bottling Plants and Distribution Centers of LPG Nabavka opreme i izvođenje
EVRO GAS Subotica: Punionica u Subotici instalacije tečnog naftnog gasa
EVRO GAS Subotica: Bottling Plant in Subotica
EKSPRES GAS Novi Sad: Punionice u Novom Sadu, Rumi i Zrenjaninu
Delta Inženjering se projektovanjem, izvođenjem i
kontrolom instalacija tečnog naftnog gasa za skladišta
Procurement of the equipment
EKSPRES GAS Novi Sad: Bottling Plant in the cities of Novi Sad, Ruma and Zrenjanin pretakališta, punionice boca i stanice autogasa bavi od and construction of the LPG
1990. godine za NIS Novi Sad, Eurogas Subotica,
GILE GAS Gilje: Distributivni centri u Mladenovcu, Gilju i Bijeljini
Ekspres gas Novi Sad, Atako Beograd, Sartid FPL installation
GILE GAS Gilje: Distribution centers in the cities of Mladenovac, Gilj and Bijeljina Vučitrn, IMPA Šabac, JAFFA Crvenka i druge. Delta Inženjering is engaged in design, execution
Izvođenje mašinskih instalacija tečnog naftnog gasa na and control of the liquefied petroleum gas installati-
novoj i savremenoj benzinskoj stanici Elektrošumadija u ons for decanting facilities storage, bottle filling
Kragujevcu je deo programa proširenja asortimana i stations and car gas since 1990 for NIS Novi Sad,
modernizacije najveće mreže benzinskih stanica u Srbiji Subotica Eurogas, Express Gas Novi Sad, Atako
koje poseduje NIS u cilju dostizanja evropskog nivoa Belgrade, Sartid FPL Vučitrn, IMPA Šabac, JAFFA
usluga. Crvenka and others.
Instalacija TNG se sastoji od autopretakališta, podzem- Execution of mechanical installations for liquefied
nog rezervoara od 30m3, pumpne stanice, cevovoda i petroleum gas on the new and modern gas station
distributivnog stuba za utakanje TNG–a u dva automo- Elektrošumadija in Kragujevac is part of the mod-
bilska rezervoara istovremeno. Ugrađena oprema, ernization and assortment expansion of the largest
sigurnosne, zaporne i merne armature su vrhunskog largest network of gas stations in Serbia, which
kvaliteta svetski priznatih proizvođača. owns NIS in order to reach the European level of
Izvršeno je ispitivanje razervoara i cevovoda na čvrstoću
Stanice za snabdevanje motornih vozila TNG i nepropusnost, ispitivanje izolovanog rezervoara i Installation of LPG consists of decanting, under-
/ Stations for the Supply of Motor Vehicles with LPG podzemnih cevovoda na elektroprobojnost, radiografska ground tank of 30m3, pumping stations, pipelines
kontrola 100 % zavarenih spojeva, baždarenje sigurnos- and distribution pillars for pouring TNG two auto-
EKSPRES GAS Novi Sad: Stanice u Novom Sadu, Zrenjaninu i Rumi
Referentni projekti / Reference Projects:
nih ventila i manometara, baždarenje rezervoara i mobile tanks simultaneously. Appliance, security,
EKSPRES GAS Novi Sad: Station in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and Ruma baždarenje sprave za merenje količine istočenog TNG-a custodial and measuring fittings are top quality
ATAKO Beograd: Stanice u Loznici, Beogradu, Baljevcu na Ibru, Prijepolju, Svilajncu, Preljini i Nišu u automobilski rezervoar. Instalacija je izvedena kvalitet- from world-renowned manufacturers.
no i bez mana koje bi se uočile u toku proteklog perioda The reservoirs and pipelines were examined for
ATAKO Beograd: Station in Loznica, Belgrade, Baljevac on river Ibar, Prijepolje, Svilajnac, Preljina and Niš
eksploatacije. the strength and impermeability, testing of isolated
EUROGAS Subotica: Stanice u Subotici i Zemunu
reservoirs and underground pipelines for the
EUROGAS Subotica: Station in Subotica and Zemun dielectric strength, radiographic testing 100% of
AMSS Beograd: Stanica u Leskovcu welded joints, calibration of safety valves and pres-
sure gauges, calibration of tanks and calibration of
AMSS Beograd: Station in Leskovac
devices for measuring the amount of discharded
GILE GAS Gilje: Stanica u Beogradu, Mladenovcu i Zvorniku LPG in automobile tank. Installation is performed
GILE GAS Gilje: Station in Belgrade, Mladenovac and Zvornik well and without flaws that could be detected in the
course of the last period of exploitation.
METAL GAS Višegrad: Stanica u Višegradu
METAL GAS Višegrad: Station in Višegrad
ROYAL COMMERCE Beograd: Stanica u Beogradu
ROYAL COMMERCE Beograd: Station in Belgrade
EKO YU Beograd: Stanica u Sopotu
EKO YU Beograd: Station in Sopot
NIS JUGOPETROL Beograd: Stanica Valjevo 4, Čačak 3 i Kragujevac IV (izgradnja)
NIS JUGOPETROL Beograd: Station Valjevo 4, Čačak 3 and Kragujevac IV (construction is in progress)
50 51
Proizvođači tehničkih gasova isporučuju teh-
ničke gasove u gasovitom stanju, direktno TECHNICAL GASES Messer, Bor
„na cev“ i komprimovane u specijalnim Manufacturers of technical gases deliver techni- Novo postrojenje za razlaganje vazduha ASU The new air separation plant ASU Bor 2
bocama za tehničke gasove ili u tečnom cal gases in gaseous state, directly "on the pipe" Bor 2 predstavlja posebnu proizvodnu celinu i presents a special production unit and with the
stanju pretakanjem u kriogene rezervoare and compressed in special bottles for technical sa postojećim postrojenjem ASU BOR 1 infra- existing plant ASU BOR 1 is infrastructural
gasifikacionih stanica potrošača. gases or in liquid state by pouring into cryogenic stukturno je povezano internom saobraćajni- connected by internal road, system of hydrants,
tanks of consumers gasification cells. com, sistemom hidrantske mreže, kišnom i rainy and technological sewage and using of
tehnološkom kanalizacijom i korišćenjem certain storage capacities of the existing plant,
U tehničke gasove spadaju kiseonik, azot, argon, The technical gases include oxygen, nitrogen, argon,
carbon-dioxide, hydrogen, helium, nitrous oxide, acety-
određenih skladišnih kapaciteta postojećeg steel sphere for the storage of liquid oxygen
ugljen–dioksid, vodonik, helijum, azotsuboksid, aceti-
len, interni gasovi za zavarivanje, specijalni gasovi, lene, internal welding gases, special gases, gases for postrojenja, čelične sfere za skladištenje capacity of 500m3.
gasovi za medicinsku upotrebu i širok spektar gasnih medicinal use and a wide range of gas mixtures. tečnog kiseonika kapaciteta 500m3.
The new plant is made for the purposes of the supply of
smeša. Some of the areas in which gases are used are: new smelter in RTB Bor with technical gases (O and N)
Novo postrojenje se izradjuje za potrebe snabdevanja
Neke od oblasti u kojima se gasovi primenjuju su: black and non-ferrous metallurgy (oxygen-enrichment nove topionice u RTB Bor tehničkim gasovima (O i N) which is used for the production process. Business of
crna i obojena metalurgija (obogaćivanje vazduha in processes of melting in dome and shaft furnaces koji se koriste za proces proizvodnje. Posao Delta Delta Inženjering is preparation of detailed main
kiseonikom u procesima topljenja u kupolnim i šaht- and electric arc furnaces for steel production); refining Inženjeringa je izrada glavnih projekata (građevin- designs (constructional, mechanical and electrical) for
nim pećima i u elektrolučnim pećima za proizvodnju process (the introduction of oxygen in the production of skog, mašinskog i elektro) za novo postrojenje ASU a new plant ASU Bor 2. After prepared main designes
čelika); procesi rafinacije (uvođenje kiseonika u lead in shaft or rotary furnaces, production of silicon Bor 2. Nakon izrađenih glavnih projekata naredni next step is the construction of the following facilities
proizvodnji olova u šahtnim ili rotacionim pećima, and ferrosilicon); manufacture of glass; welding; ther- korak je izgradnja sledećih objekata i čelične and steel structures:
proizvodnji silicijuma i ferosilicijuma); proizvodnja mal treatment; chemical industry; processing, recy- • Compressor hall for equipment;
stakla; postupci zavarivanja; procesi termičke obrade; cling and disposal of waste; food industry; medicine
• Kompresorska hala za smeštaj opreme; • Pumping station with accompanying pool for cold
hemijska industrija; obrada, reciklaža i odlaganje and ecology.
otpada; industrija hrane; medicina i ekologija. Since its founding Delta Inženjering is focused on • Pumpna stanica sa pratećim bazenom za hladnu
vodu; • Pipe bridges for reliance of pipelines and fittings;
Delta Inženjering je od osnivanja orijentisan na projek- design and construction of industrial facilities in which
are almost always used technical gases for technolog- • Cevni mostovi za oslanjanje cevovoda i cevne • Making all the necessary foundation for the
tovanje i izgradnju industrijskih objekata u kojima se
ical purposes, instruments or testing laboratories. armature; necessary equipment;
gotovo uvek koriste tehnički gasovi za tehnološke
potrebe, instrumente ili ispitne laboratorije. Osim za Except for the application of technical gases, we have • Izrada svih potrebnih temelja za potrebnu opremu; • Production of the supporting infrastructure for
primenu tehničkih gasova, radili smo više fabrika za constructed several factories for the production of connecting the old and new system.
• Izrada prateće infrastukture za povezivanje
proizvodnju tehničkih gasova (postrojenja za razlaga- technical gases (existence of the decomposition of air After the completion of construction and electrical works
starog i novog postrojenja.
nje vazduha i postrojenja za proizvodnju acetilena). and plants for the production of acetylene). will start mechanical works consisting of:
Nakon izvršenih građevinskih i elektroradova pristu-
• Prefabrication and assembly of pipelines on
pa se mašinskim radovima koji se sastoje od:
connecting the equipment to the new system;
• Prefabrikacija i montaža cevnih linija na povezi-
• The installation of equipment supplied by Messer
vanju opreme novog sistema;
• Montaža opreme koju isporučuje Messer Tehnogas;
• Production of steel structures for carrying
• Izrada čelične konstrukcije za nošenje cevovoda; pipelines;
• Izrada dokumentacije izvedenog stanja. • Preparation of as-built documentation.
Sem navedenih radova, Delta Inženjering je u svojstvu Except these above mentioned works, Delta Inženjer-
odgovornog izvođača radova na izradi Cold Box-a. ing is acting as a responsible contractor for Cold Box. 53
Messer, Ukrajina
Na osnovu pozitivnih iskustava u 2007. godini
na projektu Postrojenja za razlaganje vazduha Messer, Ukraine Messer, Poljska Messer, Poland
u Ribniku (Poljska), Messer Group iz Nemačke
je početkom 2008. nastavio saradnju sa Delta On the grounds of the positive experiences at Delta Inženjering je pouzdan i dugogodišnji Delta Inženjering has been a reliable and
Inženjeringom i poverio našoj kompaniji kom- the project for Air Separation Plant Rybnik partner velikih inostranih firmi u poslovima long-term partner to large foreign companies
pletno vođenje projekata Fabrike za razlaganje (Poland) in 2007, Messer Group from Ger- investicione izgradnje industrijskih objekata u in the projects of investment construction of
vazduha (ASU - Air Separation Unit) u Dnje- many elected Delta Inženjering to complete- Srbiji. Naša kuća već dugo godina uspešno industrial plants in Serbia. For many years
propetrovsku (Ukrajina). ly manage the project of ASU - the Air Sepa- sarađuje sa jednom od vodećih svetskih kom- our company has been successfully cooper-
ration Unit in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine). panija u proizvodnji tehničkih gasova Messer ated with Messer Group from Germany, one
Fabrika za razlaganje vazduha ASU Dnjepropetrovsk ASU - the Air Separation Unit in Dnepropetrovsk has Group iz Nemačke. of the leading companies in production of
ima kapacitet proizvodnje 7.600 m3/h gasovitih i oko the production capacity of 7,600 m3/h of gas and 5,000 Zahvaljujući iskustvu u oblasti gasne tehnike, kao i technical gases.
5.000 m3/h tečnih tehničkih gasova. m3/h of liquid technical gases. kvalitetu svojih kadrova, Delta Inženjering je prihvatila Thanks to the experience in the field of gas engineering
Kako je u pitanju grinfild investicija, osim proizvodnog da za Messer Group izradi idejni projekat novog postro- as well as the quality of its personnel, Delta Inženjering
This is a Greenfield investment so it was necessary to
dela postrojenja bilo je neophodno izgraditi i svu prate- jenja za razlaganje vazduha (ASU plant) u Katovicama has accepted to prepare for Messer Group a basic
construct, in addition to the production plant, all the
ću podzemnu i nadzemnu infrastrukturu, poslovne u Republici Poljskoj. design of the new factory for air decomposition (ASU
accompanying underground and over ground infra-
objekte, prateće radionice, saobraćajnice, trafostanicu, plant) in Katowice in the Republic of Poland.
structure, business buildings, accompanying work- Proizvodni kapacitet novog postrojenja iznosi 8000 m3/h
skladišne rezervoare itd. shops, roads, transformer station, storage tanks, etc. kiseonika i 7000 m3/h azota u tečnoj fazi kao i prateće The production capacity of the new plant amounts to
Postrojenje se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini nove čeliča- The plant is in the immediate vicinity of the new steel- količine argona, takođe u tečnoj fazi. Projekat predstav- 8,000 m3/h of oxygen and 7,000 m3/h of nitrogen in
ne firme Dnepro Steel, koja će biti i njihov najveći works of Dnepro Steel Company, which is going to be lja grinfild investiciju. liquid phase as well as the accompanying quantities of
kupac tehničkih gasova. its biggest purchaser of technical gases (oxygen, nitro- argon, also in liquid phase. This project is a greenfield
Proizvodni objekti obuhvataju kompresorsku zgradu
gen and argon). investment.
Kao deo Messer Inženjeringa, Delta Inženjering je površine 600 m2. Oprema u polju sadrži, pored ostalih,
obavljao dužnosti direktora projekta, glavnog projek- As a part of Messer Inženjering, Delta Inženjering has i opremu smeštenu u Hladni blok (Cold Box) koji pred- The production units include a compression building
tanta, poslove nabavke opreme i vođenja gradilišta. performed the duties of the project manager, the main stavlja čeličnu konstrukciju visine 58 m. having the surface of 600 m2. The equipment in the
designer, purchase of equipment and site management. field contains, among other things, the equipment
Poslovi na projektovanju započeti su u februaru 2008. Kako je postrojenje definisano za proizvodnju tehničkih placed in Cold Box, which is a steel structure in the
The designing activities started in February 2008 by the
izradom i usaglašavanjem opšte dispozicije budućeg i medicinskih gasova u tečnoj fazi, to je bilo potrebno height of 58 m.
preparation and harmonization of the general lay-out of
postrojenja, a nastavljeni izradom baznih projekata postaviti veliki skladišni deo za kriogene rezervoare, u
the future plant and continued with the preparation of Since this plant has been foreseen for the production of
svih struka za dobijanje potrebnih građevinskih i skladu sa EIGA propisima i SEVESO direktivom. Treba-
basic designs of all branches necessary to obtain technical and medical gases in liquid phases, it is
ekoloških dozvola i pratećih saglasnosti. lo je smestiti ih u vidu jedinstvene tankvane površine
construction and ecological permits and relevant approv- necessary to provide a large storage area for cryogen
1000 m2 u kojoj su smešteni rezervoari za tečan kiseo-
U junu mesecu uspostavljena je kancelarija Delta als. In June 2008 an office of Delta Inženjering was tanks, in accordance with EIGA Regulations and SEVESO
nik (3000 m3), azot (2000m3) i manji rezervoari za argon
Inženjeringa u Dnjepropetrovsku i izabrana je lokalna opened in Dnepropetrovsk and a local designing compa- Directives. It was necessary to place them within the
i azot.
projektantska kuća za prilagođavanje naših projekata ny was selected to adjust our designs with the Ukraine uniformed tank with surface of 1,000 m2, which contains
ukrajinskom zakonodavstvu. legislation. Stručnjaci Delta Inženjeringa su sa uspehom projekto- tanks for liquid oxygen (3,000 m3), nitrogen (2,000 m3)
vali idejno rešenje nove fabrike, kao i idejna rešenja and a smaller tank for argon and nitrogen.
dispozicije i strukture svih objekata i njihovo fundira-
nje. Pored toga, Delta Inženjering je izradio i 3D model The experts of Delta Inženjering have successfully
designed the preliminary solution of this new plant, as
novog postrojenja kako bi se lokalnim firmama u
well as the conceptual designs of the lay-out and the
Poljskoj, a i drugim zainteresovanim stranama, realno
structure of all units and their foundations. In addition,
prikazao izgled nove fabrike.
Delta Inženjering has also made a 3D model of the new
plant in order to show in real the appearance of this
new factory to the local companies in Poland and to the
other interested parties.
56 57
Skladištenje i distribucija HFO
Delta Inženjering je u toku 2014. godine uradio
projekte i izveo postrojenje za skladištenje i Referentni projekti / Reference Projects:
distribuciju rashladnog sredstva HFO u fabrici
DELYUG Beograd: Kompresorske stanice i instalacije amonijaka hladnjača 1 i 2 Fabrike sladoleda
automobila FAS u Kragujevcu.
u Staroj Pazovi
S obzirom na to da se HFO skladišti pod pritiskom, kao
dvofazni fluid, a uz to je i zapaljiv, projektovanje, DELYUG Belgrade: Compressor stations and installations of ammonia refrigerators 1 and 2 Ice Cream Factory
izgradnja i puštanje u rad postrojenja su predstavljali in Stara Pazova
izazov. Tim pre što je ovo postrojenje, koje je izgrađeno FRA Čačak: Podstanica amonijaka u bocama
u Kragujevcu, jedno od samo desetak sličnih postroje-
FRA Čačak: The substation of ammonia in bottles
nja u Evropi, jer je u pitanju relativno nov fluid.
Warehousing and Distribution LIVNICA Kikinda: Skladišni rezervoar i instalacije amonijaka
Naime, rashladno sredstvo HFO (odnosno r1234yf) će u
skorijoj budućnosti zameniti freon R134a, koji se uobi- of HFO LIVNICA Kikinda: The storage tank and the installation of ammonia
čajeno koristi u klima-uređajima automobila. Prednost During 2014 Delta Inženjering prepared FIAT Kragujevac: Postrojenje za skladištenje i distribuciju ekološkog rashladnog sredstva za automobile R1234FY - HFO
HFO nad ranije korišćenim freonima je veoma mali
designs and constructed the plant for stor- FIAT Kragujevac: Plant for the storage and distribution of ecological refrigerant for cars R1234FY - HFO
indeks uticaja na globalno zagrevanje (global warming
potential), što ga čini ekološki prihvatljivom zamenom age and distribution of refrigerant HFO in the
za postojeće freone. car factory FAS in Kragujevac.
FIAT je jedan od prvih proizvođača automobila koji je Since HFO is stored under pressure, as a two-phase
prihvatio HFO kao rashladno sredstvo za svoje auto- fluid, and it is also flammable, design, construction
mobile. Postrojenje se sastoji od pretakališta, skla- and commissioning of the plant represented a
dišnog rezervoara, pneumatskih pumpi (HASKEL), challenge. All the more as this plant, which was built in
duplozidnih cevovoda (BRUGG) za transport fluida Kragujevac, is one of only a dozen similar plants in
sa detekcijom curenja, armature (VALBIA), mernih Europe, because it is a relatively new fluid.
sistema za upravljanje (SIEMENS), sistema detekci- The refrigerant HFO (i.e. R1234yf) will in the near
je gasa (HONEYWELL) i drugih pomoćnih sistema. future replace Freon R134a, which is commonly used
in car air-conditioners. HFO advantage over previously
used Freon is very low index of impact on global warm-
ing (Global Warming Potential), which makes it
environmentally friendly substitute for existing Freon.
58 59
Izdavač: Publisher:
Privredno društvo za konsalting, Privredno društvo za konsalting,
projektovanje i inženjering projektovanje i inženjering
Adresa: Adress:
Milutina Milankovića 7g, Milutina Milankovića 7g,
11 070 Novi Beograd 11 070 Novi Beograd
Telefoni: +381 11 7856 901, 7856 902 Phone: +381 11 7856 901, 7856 902
e-mail: office e-mail: office
Urednik: Editor:
Aleksandra Todorović-Sučević Aleksandra Todorović-Sučević
Dizajn: Design:
Agencija Citlik Citlik Agency