Chess N Maths

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Mathematics and chess Middle game xxxoooo*ooooxxx +- 45 x 10^6 11 - 15

G SHAPIROY Middle game xxxooo*oooxxx +- 40 x 10^6 16 - 20

The number of possible chess positions after White’s first play move is 20 (16 End game xxxo8*8oxxx +- 5 x 10^6 21 - 25
pawn moves and 4 knight moves). There are 400 possible chess positions
End game xo*8x +- 5 x 10^6 26 - 30
after two play moves (first play move for White followed by first play move for
Black). End game o*8 +- 0.1 x 10^5 31 - Final
There are 5,362 possible positions (White’s second play move) or 8,902 total
positions after two play moves each. There are 71,852 possible positions or Logical possible positions +- 140.1 x 10^6 +1
197,742 total positions after four moves. There are 809,896 possible positions
or 4,897,256 total positions after 5 moves.There are 9,132,484 total positions Possible/playable chess games (Avg game 30 moves) +- 4,670,033
after 6 moves. From move 7 the possible positions stabilize as chess lines end, ~# Of total draw positions @ 7% of playable games +- 326,933
even from move 2 some chess lines end. There are +-10,921,506 total possible
positions after 7 moves. *=draw, o=winning/lose, x=other, 8=known end game combinations

The special draw, the King's draw, should occur a minimum of 32 times. The A guesstimate is that the maximum logical possible positions are somewhere
longest recorded game ended in a draw after 269 moves. in the region of +-140,100,033, including trans-positional positions, giving the
approximation of 4,670,033 maximum logical possible games, thus making
*** chess very playable.
There is a built in limit in the logical positions as the average chess game is When compared to the numbers available from online databases the actual
about 30 moves, 60 moves and above chess games are a rarity. Lots of chess number of games played so far , for reasonable players, seem to be
games end between moves 3 and the final move and the pieces decrease as somewhere in the region of +-2,910,286 which should be taken as a minimum
they are captured. In end game situations, the material combinations, their number for the possible logical games.
frequency and the number of moves needed to mate or draw are known and
it is in the region of tens of thousand, limiting the logical possible positions in See Shannon Number for the Upper bound for Random Chess.
an end game situation to hundreds of thousand.
Also, see this.
Phase Classification ~ # of positions Moves
How does math relate to chess?
Initial position * 1 0
This is a very interesting question. Somehow, chess seems related to math.
Opening xxo*oxx +- 5 x 10^6 1-5 There are at least 2 groups which you are only allowed to join if you are a
member of AoPS (Art of problem solving), which is a major math website.
Opening xxxooo*oooxxx +- 40 x 10^6 6 - 10 This isn't the right place to ask how music relates to math, but it is the right
place to ask how chess relates to math.
synthesis that constitute the life, usefulness, and supreme value of
mathematical science. (Courant& Robbins, 1941).
Even though at the beginning this definition seems difficult to
Enrique Diaz G. understand, it is the best approximation to comprehend the whole sense of

The first major step which the Greeks made was to insist that Mathematics
Our purpose for writing this article is to attempt to answer the question: must deal with abstract concepts... On the basis of elementary abstractions,
Is there any relationship between thinking mathematically and thinking in the mathematics creates others which are even more remote from anything real.
game of Chess? In other words, must a person possessing an active mind in Negative numbers, equations involving unknowns, formulas, and other
Mathematics become necessarily a good Chess player and have skills in concepts we shall encounter are abstractions built upon abstractions.
Mathematics? Fortunately, every abstraction is ultimately derived from, and therefore
understandable in terms of, intuitively meaningful objects or phenomena. The
It is necessary to point out that due to the subject complexity, our efforts
mind does play its part in the creation of mathematical concepts, but the
will be to explain basic characteristics of both
mind does not function independently of the outside world. Indeed the
Mathematics and Chess which have been posed by well-known mathematician who treats concepts that have no physically real or intuitive
Mathematicians and Chess players. Accordingly, we are not interested in origins is almost surely talking nonsense .2 (Kline, 1962).
exposing facts, for example, from the Theory of Knowledge, Psychology,
After this brief glance at the meaning of Mathematics, let us seethe most
Epistemology or going further into the technical and sophisticated aspects of
commonly methods used in this science. According to Kline (1962), the major
method of obtaining knowledge is reasoning, and within the domain of
To begin with, let us examine some qualities of Mathematics. reasoning there are several forms. One can reason by analogy, which consists
of finding a similar situation or circumstance and to argue that what was true
People having poor experience in Mathematics believe that knowing how for the similar case should be true of the one in question. Of course, one must
to add, subtract, multiply or divide enables them to say that they could be able to find a similar situation and one must take the chance that the
master Mathematics. Others possessing some skill in performing quick differences do not matter.
calculations think they are "Mathematicians". In both cases, they indicate
they do not know about the meaning of Mathematics: Another common method of reasoning is induction. People use this
method of reasoning every day. Inductive reasoning is in fact the method
Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the must commonly used in experimentation. An experimentation is generally
contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic performed many times, and if the same result is obtained each time, the
elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and experimenter concludes that the result will always follow. The essence of
individuality. Though different traditions may emphasize different aspects, it is induction is that one observes repeated occurrences of the same
only the interplay of these antithetic forces and the struggle for their phenomenon and concludes that the phenomenon will always occur.
There is still a third method of reasoning, called deduction. Let us A Chess game is a war between two medieval Kingdoms. In medieval
consider an example. If we accept as basic facts that honest people return times, when Kingdoms were small, absolute monarchies, if the King was
found money and that John is honest, we may conclude unquestionably that imprisoned or captured the war was over. So it is in the game of Chess. The
John will return money that he finds. In deductive reasoning we start with game is finished when one of the Kings is captured. It may here be noted that
certain statements, called premises, and assert a conclusion which is a Chess is not necessarily a game of elimination but rather a game of tactics.
necessary or inescapable consequence of the premises. However, elimination of the opponent's pieces plays an important part since
by so weakening or wearing down your opponent the end is hastened. A
All three methods of reasoning, analogy, induction, and deduction, and general definition is given by Mason: "Chess is a process of thought
other methods, are commonly employed. There is one essential difference, conditionated and limited by the Institutes and Rules of the Game. The
however, between deduction on the one hand and all other methods of judgments of thought are certified or visibly expressed upon the chessboard
reasoning on the other. Where as the conclusion drawn by analogy or in movements of various forces".4 (Mason, 1946)
induction has only a probability of being correct, the conclusion drawn by
deduction necessarily holds. Despite the usefulness and advantages of The invention of Chess had been credited to the Persians, the Chinese,
induction and analogy, mathematics does not rely upon these methods to Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Scythians, Egyptians, Hindus, Irish
establish its conclusions. All mathematical proofs must be deductive. and the Welsh. Although the precise origin has been lost in obscurity, it
continues to excite the speculation of men of learning at one end of
Each proof is a chain of deductive arguments, each of which has its dilettantes at the other. Careful research has called it an "ancient" game; the
premises and conclusion. foolhardy are quite ready to underwrite exact dates. Other characteristics are
Finally, we point out that Mathematics must not be considered only as a pointed out by Mason (1946).
system of conclusions drawn from premises or postulates. Mathematicians But there is a mischievious imagination abroad that it is a difficult game. It
must also discover what to prove and how to go about establishing proofs. takes time. Its intricacies and profundities are not rightly within mastery of
These processes are also part of Mathematics and they are not deductive: the average human intellect. This, in a sense, is true enough, else Chess would
In the search for a method of proof, as in finding what to prove, the not be Chess. That it cannot be all known and mastered by anybody is truly its
mathematician must use audacious imagination, insight, and creative ability. chiefest, crowning merit. It is an instrument all may play, no two precisely
His mind must see possible lines of attack where others would not. In the alike, and yet everyone his best. Too much time may be devoted to it. Chess is
domains of algebra, calculus, and advanced analysis especially, the first-rate a science as well as an art. In its exercise the tendency is to premature
mathematician depends upon the kind of inspiration that we usually associate mechanical facility, rather than to a clear perception of principles; though
with the creation of music, literature, or art.3 (Kline, 1962). upon this, of course, all true and lasting faculty necessarily depends.

Let us consider now the game of Chess showing some of its Now, after these rough explanations about Chess, let us see what
characteristics and trying to find out any special method of reasoning that attributes a person must possess in order to become a good Chess player. In
Chess players could use. First of all, we are not going to explain the game as other words, what is the pattern of intellectual skills that makes one man a
accurately as in a Chess book. Instead, we will describe the game in a rather good chess player while the other remains a duffer?
general form.
In the first place, topnotch Chess requires visual imagery. Before you identical mental operations. Chess and Mathematics follow parallel lines. In
make a contemplated move, you have to visualize how the board will look other words, the two types of study have a common direction; they
after you make it, and then how it will be changed by your opponent's presuppose the same taste for complex mental operations which are both
response, and how it will look after you meet another possible answer. You abstract and precise; and they both require a strong dose of patience and
also need patience and restraint. concentration.6 (Binet, 1966).

The quick thinker is often a fool. You need a good memory too. Memory Now, let us consider a good Chess player, for example, the so-called,
has two components: ability to retain, and ability to recall. The chess player chess master. Could he become a good mathematician also? One categoric,
needs both. Finally, Chess calls for a certain kind of "reasoning". This answer is expressed by Horowitz and Rothenberg. ,
reasoning consists of joining together the above elements in order to give an
appropriate response to any move. This, then, is the "putty" which holds the As strange as it may seen, the chess player's skill may have no relationship
"blocks" together. The "blocks" are memory, patience and imagery. The putty whatever to any other facet of his personality or activity. The common belief
is associative reasoning. In daily life you use some of these processes, but you that expert chess players are good mathematicians is fiction. On the other
also use other intellectual techniques. For instance, inductive reasoning is not hand, good mathematicians may tum out to be good chess players ... One
much used in chess, but it pays dividends in business and professional life. conclusion and one only is a safe one: Expert Chess-players are able to play
Chess expertly.7 (Horowitz & Rothenberg, 1963).
Now, let us consider a mathematician with all his capacity to think
abstract concepts; with all his methods of reasoning, that is, reason by Again Poincare points out that:
analogy, induction, and deduction. Will he become a good Chess player? One ..., but, however extraordinary he (a chess player) may be, he will never
of the greatest mathematicians, Henri Poincare, denies this possibility: prepare more than a finite number of moves; if he applies his faculties to
In the same way I should be but a poor chess player; I would perceive that by arithmetic, he will not be able to perceive its general truths by a single direct
a certain play I should expose myself to a certain danger; I would pass in intuition; to arrive at the smallest theorem he can not dispense with the aid of
review several other plays, rejecting them for other reasons, and then finally l reasoning by recurrence, for this is an instrument which enables us to pass
should make the move first examined, having meantime forgotten the danger from the finite to the infinite, (Poincare, 1946).
I had foreseen. In a word, my memory is not bad, but it would be insufficient Another interesting point of view concerning this point is set up by
to make me a good chess player. Why them does it not fail me in a difficult Abrahams:
piece of mathematical? Evidently because it is guided by the general march of
the reasoning.5 (Binet, 1946). The Chess process, being intuitive, Is not mathematical in the normally
accepted sense of that term. The fact that the Chess player is controlled by
Also, we have Binet's thinking about this matter: rules makes him comparable to the user of a language with a grammar rather
Conversely, mathematicians have after been interested in Chess. However, than to those who explicitly use rules and formulae deductively. The Chess
few famous mathematicians have been first-rate chess players ... I will readily player is sometimes in a position to be aided by learning and memory. But
admit that a similarity exists between chess and mathematics, especially essentially each Chess act is a fresh application of mind to data. Than which
between chess and mental arithmetic, without, however, ascribing to them nothing is less mathematical or less inferential.8 (Abrahams, 1951).
To summarize then, we can say that up to now there is not any valuable quicker at apprehending an analogous idea; and, more remarkably, quicker at
reason to support the theory that a Chess player must possess abilities related apprehending a different clever possibility in a different setting.
to Mathematics. Lastly, we will indicate some ideas about Chess as a mental
process. Where Chess differs from many other activities is in that, in Chess, the
mind is "influenced" by notions and ideas that it has appreciated, rather than
Why has Chess remained the world's most popular game for fifteen "stocked" with them, or guided by them as one is guided by a signpost.
centuries? Some authorities attribute the game's fascination to its mimicry of
war and all the other struggles of "real life' , others see Chess as a convenient As to Chess ability, at the present stage of psychology, the nature of
escape from reality. Some have found in Chess an admirable schooling for the imagination remains obscure. Therefore, it is impossible to speak about
mind; others would agree with Ernest Cassirer that "what Chess has in special faculties for Chess, or even to establish any cognate relationship
common with science and fine art is its utter uselessness" ... The great Chess between skill at Chess and other abilities. Certainly, famous Chess masters
masters, like the great poets, the great composers, the great artists, the great have excelled in other, and various activities - from the music of Philidor and
mathematicians, the great mystics, have the faculty of immersing themselves the Shakespearian researches of Staunton to the medicine of Tarrash and the
in some creative process with a concentration, a finality, that is beyond most engineering of Vidmar. Nor is there evidence of the transmission of Chess skill,
of us... Chess concepts, like mathematical concepts, depend on formal innate or acquired. Why some persons are good at Chess, and others bad at it,
relations, and therefore exist forever, independent of the capacity of this or is more mysterious than anything on the Chess board. "Chess can never reach
that human brain to grasp them. its height by following in the path of science ... Let us, therefore, make a new
effort and with the help of our imagination turn the struggle of technique into
Now nobody, according to Abrahams (1951), has succeeded in explaining, a battle of ideas" ( Jose Raoul Capablanca).
in casual terms, how the mind apprehends in the first place, or why it falls to
apprehend, whether in Chess or in any department of mental activity. The
working of the mind is a fact common to intelligent human beings, and Chess REFERENCES:
has no exclusive claim of vision; for an element of vision or intuition, however
slight, is involved in any mental process which is distinguishable form reflex Abrahams, Gerald. (195 1) The Chess Mind. London.
action. But Chess is important because in it the functions of the mind are
Binet, Alfred. (1966). Mnemonic virtuosity. New York.
relatively clear and the mental process is less assisted than inmost other
activities by positive rules. Within limits set by the material (the pieces, the Courant, Richard and Herbert Robbins. (194 1). What is Mathematics?. New
board, and the matrix of paths available to pieces on the board) the mind is York.
moving freely. Its scope is the possibility of the material, limited only by the
degree of vision available to the player. Its methods, whatever they are, do Horowitz, I.A. and P.L. Rothenberg. (1963). Personality of Chess. New York.
not resemble the mechanical use of formula, which is the essence of
Kline, Morris. (1962). Mathematics. A Cultural Approach.
mathematics. The appearance of simplicity that characterizes effective mental
action is as deceptive in Chess as it is in any other department of science or Mason, James. (1946). The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice.
art. Imagination traces its own paths and develops idiosyncracies. Through Philadelphia.
seeing a clever manoeuvre, an improving Chess player may find himself
Poincare, Henri. (1946). The Foundations of Science. Lancaster, Chess also appears as one of the games known to the WOPR computer in the
1983 film War Games.

Hardy (1999, p. 17) estimated the number of possible games of chess as

10^(10^(50)). The number of possible games of 40 moves or less P(40) is
approximately 10^(40) (Beeler et al. 1972), a number arrived at by estimating
the number of pawn positions (in the no-captures situation, this is 15^8),
multiplying by the possible positions for all pieces, then dividing by two for
each of the (rook, knight) pairs that are interchangeable, and dividing by two
for each pair of bishops (since half the positions will have the bishops on the
same color squares). (However, note that there are more positions with one
or two captures, since the pawns can then switch columns; Schroeppel 1996.)
Shannon (1950) gave the estimate

P(40) approx (64!)/(32!(8!)^2(2!)^6) approx 10^(43).

Rex Stout's fictional detective Nero Wolfe quotes the number of possible
games after ten moves as follows: "Wolfe grunted. One hundred and
Chess sixty-nine million, five hundred and eighteen thousand, eight hundred and
twenty-nine followed by twenty-one ciphers. The number of ways the first ten
Chess is a two-player board game believed to have been played in India as
moves, both sides, may be played" (Stout 1983). To be precise, the number of
early as the sixth century AD. In different parts of this world, different chess
distinct chess positions after n moves for n=1, 2, ... are 20, 400, 5362, 71852,
games are played. The most played variants are western chess, Shogi (in
809896?, 9132484?, ... (Schwarzkopf 1994, OEIS A019319). The number of
Japan), and Xiangqi (in China).
chess games that end in exactly n moves (including games that mate in fewer
The western version of chess is a game played on an 8×8 board, called a than n plies) for n=1, 2, 3, ... are 20, 400, 8902, 197742, 4897256, 120921506,
chessboard, of alternating black and white squares. Pieces with different 3284294545, ... (OEIS A006494).
types of allowed moves are placed on the board, a set of black pieces in the
Cunningham (1889) incorrectly found 197299 games and 71782 positions
first two rows and a set of white pieces in the last two rows. The pieces are
after the fourth move. C. Flye St. Marie was the first to find the correct
called the bishop (2), king (1), knight (2), pawn (8), queen (1), and rook (2).
number of positions after four moves: 71852. Dawson (1946) gives the
The object of the game is to capture the opponent's king.
source as Intermediare des Mathematiques (1895), but K. Fabel writes that
In Ingmar Bergman's 1958 film classic The Seventh Seal, a Knight and his Flye St. Marie corrected the number 71870 (that he found in 1895) to 71852
squire arrive home from the crusades to find Black Death sweeping their in 1903. The history of the determination of the chess sequences is discussed
country. As they approach home, Death appears to the knight and tells him it in Schwarzkopf (1994).
is his time. The knight then challenges Death to a chess game for his life.
The analysis of chess is extremely complicated due to the many possible Beeler, M. et al. Item 95 in Beeler, M.; Gosper, R. W.; and Schroeppel, R.
options at each move. Steinhaus (1999, pp. 11-14), as well as many entire HAKMEM. Cambridge, MA: MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo
books, consider clever end-game positions which may be analyzed completely. AIM-239, p. 35, Feb. 1972.
Two problems in recreational mathematics ask the questions
"The Chess Variant Pages."
1. How many pieces of a given type can be placed on a chessboard without
any two attacking? Culin, S. "Tjyang-keui--Chess." §82 in Games of the Orient: Korea, China, Japan.
Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle, pp. 82-91, 1965.
2. What is the smallest number of pieces needed to occupy or attack every
square? Dawson, T. R. "A Surprise Correction." The Fairy Chess Review 6, 44, 1946.

The answers are given for the usual 8×8 chessboard in the following table Dickins, A. "A Guide to Fairy Chess." p. 28, 1967/1969/1971.
(Madachy 1979).
Dudeney, H. E. "Chessboard Problems." Amusements in Mathematics. New
problem max. min. York: Dover, pp. 84-109, 1970.

bishops problem 14 8 Elkies, N. D. "New Directions in Enumerative Chess Problems." Elec. J. Combin.
11, No. 2, A4, 2004.
kings problem 16 9
knights problem 32 12 Ewerhart, C. "Backward Induction and the Game-Theoretic Analysis of Chess."
queens problem 8 5 Games and Economic Behavior 39, 206-214, 2002.

rooks problem 8 8 Fabel, K. "Nüsse." Die Schwalbe 84, 196, 1934.

SEE ALSO: Fabel, K. "Weihnachtsnüsse." Die Schwalbe 190, 97, 1947.

Bishops Problem, Board, Checkers, Chessboard, Fairy Chess, Go, Gomory's Fabel, K. "Weihnachtsnüsse." Die Schwalbe 195, 14, 1948.
Theorem, Hard Hexagon Entropy Constant, Kings Problem, Knights Problem, Fabel, K. "Eröffnungen." Am Rande des Schachbretts, 34-35, 1947.
Knight Graph, Magic Tour, Queens Problem, Rooks Problem, Shogi, Tour,
Xiangqi Fabel, K. "Die ersten Schritte." Rund um das Schachbrett, 107-109, 1955.

REFERENCES: Fabel, K. "Eröffnungen." Schach und Zahl 8, 1966/1971.

Ball, W. W. R. and Coxeter, H. S. M. Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 13th Hardy, G. H. Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life
ed. New York: Dover, pp. 124-127, 1987. and Work, 3rd ed. New York: Chelsea, 1999.
Hunter, J. A. H. and Madachy, J. S. Mathematical Diversions. New York: Dover, Velucchi, M. "Some On-Line PostScript MathChess Papers."
pp. 86-89, 1975.

Kraitchik, M. "Chess and Checkers." §12.1.1 in Mathematical Recreations. New Watkins, J. Across the Board: The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems.
York: W. W. Norton, pp. 267-276, 1942. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Lasker, E. Lasker's Manual of Chess. New York: Dover, 1960.

Madachy, J. S. "Chessboard Placement Problems." Ch. 2 in Madachy's

Across the Board: The Mathematics of Chessboard
Mathematical Recreations. New York: Dover, pp. 34-54, 1979.
Parlett, D. S. Oxford History of Board Games. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press, 1999. I took great pleasure in reading Across the Board: The
Pegg, E. Jr. "Math Games: Chessboard Tasks." Apr. 11, 2005.
Mathematics of Chessboard Problems by John J. Watkins. This book is extremely well writen and is, no doubt, the best
exposition of the connection between the chessboard
Peterson, I. "The Soul of a Chess Machine: Lessons Learned from a Contest
Pitting Man against Computer." Sci. News 149, 200-201, Mar. 30, 1996. problems and recreational mathematics. The author surveys
all the well-known problems about chess and the chessboard:
Petković, M. Mathematics and Chess. New York: Dover, 1997.
"can a knight follow a path that covers every square once,
Schroeppel, R. "Reprise: Number of Legal Chess Positions." ending on the starting square?" "How many queens are
[email protected] posting, Aug. 18, 1996.
needed so that every square is targeted or occupied by one of
Schwarzkopf, B. "Die ersten Züge." Problemkiste, 142-143, No. 92, Apr. 1994. the queens?" The problems are treated in depth from their
Shannon, C. "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess." Phil. Mag. 41, beginnings through to their status today. Using graph theory,
256-275, 1950. the author gently guides the reader to the forefront of
Sloane, N. J. A. Sequences A006494, A007545/M5100, and A019319 in "The current research in this area of mathematics. Exercises are
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences." provided to enhance the reader's involvement.
Steinhaus, H. Mathematical Snapshots, 3rd ed. New York: Dover, pp. 11-14, The book is organized in thirteen chapters. The first chapter
introduces the main topics with which we will be concerned:
Stout, R. "Gambit." In Seven Complete Nero Wolfe Novels. New York: Avenic knight's tours, domination, independence, coloring,
Books, p. 475, 1983.
geometric problems, chessboards on other surfaces, and
polyominoes. The next two chapters deal with knight's tours, column; but a rook in the bottom row going off the right side
from the earlier work of De Moivre, Euler, Hamilton up to of theboard will reappear at the upper left in the top row.
most recent results known today. Chapter four is devoted to This makes the board into a the Klein bottle.
magic squares. The beginning of the chapter includes a
In chapters 7, 8 and 9 the central concept is domination. This
delightful presentation of the work of Muhammad Ibn
is one of the central ideas in graph theory, and is especially
Muhammad, an African Mathematician who discovered a
important in the application of graph theory to the real world.
very ingenious idea for constructing magic squares of odd
Of all the chessboard-domination problems, it is that of the
order. This construction was later on rediscovered by
queen that continues to hold the most interest among
Bachetin the early 1600s.
mathematicians. It is a remarkably difficult problem and one
Chapters five and six generalize in different ways from the that is far from solved even today, although there is much
ordinary chessboard. If we identify the left and the right that is known. One nice result from chapter nine is that
edges, the chessboard becomes a flat torus and the chess among chessboards with more than four rows, the 5x12
pieces gain considerable freedom of movement since the chessboard is the largest board that can be dominated by
edges, in effect, disappear. If we identify just one pair of four queens. I have a strong feeling that Across the Board will
opposite edges, we have a cylindrical board. Finally, we can reveal the beauty of mathematics to students, teachers and
identify the top and bottom edges of the rectangle just as it math lovers.
was done for the torus, and also identify the left and the
Mohammed Aassila is a mathematics professor whose
right edges, but this time with opposite orientation, so the
research area is analysis. He is interested in mathematics
top and bottom are identified inthe normal way, but the
competitions and is the author of two books on the subject:
sides get a half-twist before they are identified. A rook in the
300 Défis Mathématiques and Olympiades Internationales de
left-most column moving up and going off the top of the
board reappears at the bottom of the board in the same
pag 38 (271)

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