Recipes From Dylan's Candy Bar by Dylan Lauren

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unwrap your sweet life

Dylan Lauren
with sheryl berk
Photographs by Quentin Bacon

Clarkson Potter
New york
unwrap your sweet life

Dylan Lauren
with sheryl berk
Photographs by Quentin Bacon

Clarkson Potter
New york
Copyright © 2010 by Dylan Lauren

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Clarkson Potter/­Publishers,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of
Random House, Inc., New York.

CLARKSON POTTER is a trademark and POTTER with

colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.

®/™ M&M’S is a registered trademark of Mars,

Incorporated and its affiliates. This mark is used with permission.
Mars, Incorporated is not associated with Clarkson Potter/­Publishers,
© Mars, Inc. 2010.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Taradam Music, Inc., for permis-

sion to reprint lyrics from “Pure Imagination,” words and music by
Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, copyright © 1970–1971.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lauren, Dylan.
  Dylan’s candy bar : unwrap your sweet life / Dylan ­
Lauren. — 1st ed.
1. Candy.  2. Dylan’s Candy Bar (Stores).  3. Lauren, Dylan. 
4. Holidays in art.  I. Title.
TX791.L32  2010 To my parents—I am the
641.8'53—dc22 2009047740
luckiest girl to have two heroes to
ISBN 978-0-307-45182-8
learn from and be mentored by. You have
Printed in China

Design by Jennifer K. Beal Davis

helped make my dreams come true, and I can’t
Photographs by Quentin Bacon thank you enough! I love you.
For additional photo credits, see page 222.
To the best brothers one could ever have, Andrew and
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

First Edition
­David. Thank you for demonstrating such a passion
for my brand and for constantly helping me to think
outside the (candy) box.

To Paul—you are sweeter than candy. Thank

you for being my rock. And for making
me smile every day.
Copyright © 2010 by Dylan Lauren

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Clarkson Potter/­Publishers,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of
Random House, Inc., New York.

CLARKSON POTTER is a trademark and POTTER with

colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.

®/™ M&M’S is a registered trademark of Mars,

Incorporated and its affiliates. This mark is used with permission.
Mars, Incorporated is not associated with Clarkson Potter/­Publishers,
© Mars, Inc. 2010.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Taradam Music, Inc., for permis-

sion to reprint lyrics from “Pure Imagination,” words and music by
Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, copyright © 1970–1971.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lauren, Dylan.
  Dylan’s candy bar : unwrap your sweet life / Dylan ­
Lauren. — 1st ed.
1. Candy.  2. Dylan’s Candy Bar (Stores).  3. Lauren, Dylan. 
4. Holidays in art.  I. Title.
TX791.L32  2010 To my parents—I am the
641.8'53—dc22 2009047740
luckiest girl to have two heroes to
ISBN 978-0-307-45182-8
learn from and be mentored by. You have
Printed in China

Design by Jennifer K. Beal Davis

helped make my dreams come true, and I can’t
Photographs by Quentin Bacon thank you enough! I love you.
For additional photo credits, see page 222.
To the best brothers one could ever have, Andrew and
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

First Edition
­David. Thank you for demonstrating such a passion
for my brand and for constantly helping me to think
outside the (candy) box.

To Paul—you are sweeter than candy. Thank

you for being my rock. And for making
me smile every day.
acknowledgments 11
confessions of a candy girl 13
eye candy 25
baby showers 45
birthdays 63
weddings 83
valentine’s day 95
easter 111
fourth of july 137
halloween 155
thanksgiving 169
hanukkah & christmas 179
new year’s eve 211
parting is such “sweet” sorrow . . . 221
sources & credits 222
index 223
acknowledgments 11
confessions of a candy girl 13
eye candy 25
baby showers 45
birthdays 63
weddings 83
valentine’s day 95
easter 111
fourth of july 137
halloween 155
thanksgiving 169
hanukkah & christmas 179
new year’s eve 211
parting is such “sweet” sorrow . . . 221
sources & credits 222
index 223
Thank you to my family, friends, and to the Dylan’s Candy Bar team for
their encouragement and belief in me and my brand. Special thanks to
Katie—my favorite singer and crafting queen; Lauren, Rashida, and Allie
for being mega-organized and helpful; Maggy for her tenacity and mother-
like support; Dana and Kristin for their dedication and loyalty; Andrea for
her contagious enthusiasm; Mayumi, Shar, and Dan for technical support
with empathy. Thanks to Roger, Craig, Simon, Carter, and Ken for their
brilliant mentoring. To Party Rental Ltd., the best one-stop shop. Thanks
to Quentin, Lauren, and Michael, whose vibrant photography captured my
vision. To the Clarkson Potter team: Lauren, Doris, Aliza; Emily, who
made this a fun learning adventure; Marysarah, a creative genius and angel;
and Jenny, who understood candy colors and graphics. To Sheryl, my
superhero partner-in-writing who captured my voice and made this a
blast; to the diligent Andy and Karen; and especially the NCA and all the
awesome candy companies that have been so generous to me and make
this industry so much fun to be a part of.
Thank you to my family, friends, and to the Dylan’s Candy Bar team for
their encouragement and belief in me and my brand. Special thanks to
Katie—my favorite singer and crafting queen; Lauren, Rashida, and Allie
for being mega-organized and helpful; Maggy for her tenacity and mother-
like support; Dana and Kristin for their dedication and loyalty; Andrea for
her contagious enthusiasm; Mayumi, Shar, and Dan for technical support
with empathy. Thanks to Roger, Craig, Simon, Carter, and Ken for their
brilliant mentoring. To Party Rental Ltd., the best one-stop shop. Thanks
to Quentin, Lauren, and Michael, whose vibrant photography captured my
vision. To the Clarkson Potter team: Lauren, Doris, Aliza; Emily, who
made this a fun learning adventure; Marysarah, a creative genius and angel;
and Jenny, who understood candy colors and graphics. To Sheryl, my
superhero partner-in-writing who captured my voice and made this a
blast; to the diligent Andy and Karen; and especially the NCA and all the
awesome candy companies that have been so generous to me and make
this industry so much fun to be a part of.
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• Instead of traditional marsh- HOT CHOCOLATE
mallows, add a Snowman Peep to
Makes 1 cup
your cup of cocoa for a cute and
1 cup whole milk
creamy topper.
5 tablespoons (1½ ounces) Dylan’s Candy Bar Belgian Chocolate Shavings
• Make your own version of Aztec or 1½ ounces good-quality dark chocolate or milk chocolate, finely chopped
hot chocolate by adding 1 teaspoon sugar (if using dark chocolate)
¼ teaspoon chili powder, 2 spoonfuls whipped cream
¼ teaspoon nutmeg, and 1 tablespoon mini marshmallows
½ teaspoon cinnamon to milk
before steaming. Heat the milk in a small, heavy saucepan just to a simmer over moderately
• For a minty twist, stir your cocoa low heat.
with a candy cane or add a few Whisk in the chocolate and, if needed, the sugar. Whisk until chocolate is
fresh mint leaves to the hot milk melted and mixture is smooth. Serve in a mug, topped with whipped cream,
and let it soak for 8 to 10 minutes. marshmallows, and extra chocolate shavings.
Dunk in a Peppermint Patty!
• Brew a white hot chocolate: use
2 ounces finely chopped white
chocolate instead of dark BRAIN CANDY
chocolate and no sugar. HOT COCOA VS.
• Make a chai cocoa by changing the HOT CHOCOLATE
above white hot chocolate: heat
Oh, the weather outside is frightful . . . but hot cocoa’s so delightful! The Aztecs
milk with 1 small cinnamon stick,
get credit for creating this drink. They used the roasted cocoa bean, but it was
¼ teaspoon ground cardamon,
served cold, flavored with wine and chiles, and not at all sweet. In the early
2 whole cloves, and ¼ teaspoon
1500s, chocolate was discovered and brought back to Europe by the explorer
black peppercorns. Whisk in the
Hernando Cortés. The Spanish, however, made their cocoa hot, sweet
white chocolate until smooth, pour
(gracias!), and without the fiery hot peppers. Eventually, it made its way to
the mixture through a sieve, and
American shores, where we made it our own winter wonder—and better!
discard the spices. Best served
Hot cocoa and hot chocolate are not the same thing, although people often
with gingerbread cookies!
use the terms interchangeably. Hot cocoa is made from cocoa powder, the
• Want a cocoa with a kick? For result of extracting most of the cocoa butter from the ground cacao beans (so
those twenty-one years old and it’s lower in fat). Hot chocolate, on the other hand, is made directly from bar
above, stir in an ounce of Kahlua, chocolate, which already contains cocoa, sugar, and cocoa butter (so it’s
Irish cream, hazelnut liqueur, or sweeter and richer).
peppermint schnapps. Drop in rum


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