OS 216: Hematology: Topic Conference 1: Anemias

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OS 216: Hematology Dr.

Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

Lecture Outline problem exertional dyspnea, BP, needs further

I. Case Summary grade 1-2/6 systolic testing
murmur, pale
II. Differential Diagnosis
cojunctiva, pale nail
III. Iron Deficiency Anemia beds
IV. Diagnostic Work-up
V. Management Anemia Fatigue Confirmatory
evaluation needed

Case Summary Type of History of regular Further evaluation

Anemia menorrhagia points needed
EM, a 30 year old female, married, housewife to chronic blood
was brought to the Emergency Room because she Hypoprolifer loss
fainted while attending church services. She gives a ative?
history of occasional dizziness and exertional dyspnea
for the past 3 months. There were no other symptoms. Maturation
Family history is negative for anemia and bleeding disorder?
tendencies. Menstrual and obstetric history: Gravida 2
Para 2. Children’s ages are 3 and 1, all delivered
normally. She had an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted 2
months after her last delivery. Since then her menses
have become prolonged for 7 days (usual – 3 days) but at Anemia of Dizziness, No hx of chronic
monthly interval. Her flow is described as profuse, chronic exertional dyspnea, disease, no signs of
consuming 6 napkins/day, fully soaked with blood for inflammation pale conjunctiva, acute infection,
the first 4 days of menses. /infection pale nail beds laboratory
evaluation needed
Physical exam: PR = 80, BP = 110/70, RR = 20,
to differentiate from
Temp = 37C. Pertinent findings include pale conjuctiva,
anicteric sclerae. She has a soft systolic murmur,
grade 1-2/6 in all valvular areas. No masses were
palpable. Her nail beds are pale. Thalassemia Dizziness, Age of patient
exertional dyspnea, (usually
*pertinent points in Hx and PE are in bold. pale conjunctiva, thalassemia
pale nail beds (s/sx diagnosed at an
Differential Diagnosis
of anemia) early age), no
family history of
In our approach to establishing a diagnosis from
thalassemia, no
the history and PE, first let us ask: Is the condition of EM
acute or chronic? hepatosplenomegal
Based on the history, EM already has a 3-month y,
standing history of occasional dizziness and exertional
dyspnea alongside regular menorrhagia. Her PE reveals a Iron- Dizziness, Further evaluation
soft systolic murmur. Both point to a chronic condition. deficiency exertional dyspnea, needed
(Based on History) What chronic conditions anemia profuse menstrual
present with fainting, dizziness, and exertional dyspnea? flow, pale
(Taking into consideration the PE) Which of these
conjunctiva, pale
also present with pallor and a systolic murmur?
nail beds

Differentials Rule in Rule out

Neurocardio Fainting (probably Three-month Working Impression: Iron-Deficiency Anemia (IDA)

genic due to crowded history of secondary to Chronic Blood Loss
syncope environment), pale occasional
conjunctiva, normal dizziness and Iron Deficiency Anemia
PR, normal BP, exertional dyspnea
suggests chronic I. Definition
disease - a condition where there is a decrease in red
blood cells and hemoglobin levels due to lack of iron.
Vertigo Faintness, No findings - occurs when iron stores have already been
dizziness pertaining to lesions used up due to inadequate intake, increased demand,
on visual, impaired absorption or chronic blood loss.
somatosensory or
II. Prevalence
vestibular systems;
Iron deficiency is one of the most common
further evaluation nutritional disorders globally. IDA accounts for 50% of
needed anemias and 841,000 deaths yearly worldwide. Seventy
one percent of mortality can be found in Africa and parts of
Cardiac Fainting, dizziness, Normal PR, normal Asia. North America accounts for only 1.4% of the total

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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

mortality and morbidity associated with IDA. It is common reticuloendothelial system) and the body recycles the
in toddlers, adolescent girls and women of childbearing released iron.
The National Nutrition Survey (1998) conducted There is no excretory pathway for iron. The only
by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department mechanisms by which iron is lost from the body are blood
of Science and Technology revealed that the following
loss and the turnover of epidermal cells from the skin and
groups were anemic or suffering from IDA:
gut. The amount of dietary iron required to replace
5-6 out of 10 infants aged 6 months to less ongoing losses averages about 1.0 mg among men and
than 1 year 1.4 mg among women of childbearing age, equivalent to
3 out of 10 children aged 1 to 5 years the amount absorbed in the diet. The following figure
3 out of 10 young children aged 6 to 12 summarizes the process or iron absorption, usage, and
3 out of 10 teenagers aged 13 to 19 years
2-3 out of 10 adults aged 20 to 59
3-4 out of 10 older persons aged 60 years Figure 1.
and over
5 out of 10 pregnant women
4-5 out of 10 lactating women

III. Iron Absorption and Excretion

Iron is crucial for oxygen transport, energy

production and cellular growth and proliferation. Human
body contains around 3.5 g of iron, males having more
stores than females. In the United States, the average iron
intake in adult males is 15 mg/day with 6% absorption; for
the average female, the daily intake is 11 mg/day with
12% absorption. Thus on the average, only 1-2mg of
dietary iron is absorbed per day, which is enough to
replace iron losses from epithelial desquamation. In
pregnancy during the last two trimesters, daily iron
requirements increase to 5-6 mg/day. Iron availability is
affected by the nature of the foodstuff, with heme iron (e.g.
meat) being most readily absorbed.

Iron absorption takes place largely in the luminal

cells of the proximal small intestines (duodenum and
upper jejunum). Absorption is facilitated by the acidic pH of
the stomach, which maintains iron in solution. Transport
across the membrane is accomplished by divalent metal
transporter 1 (DMT1). At the brush border of the luminal
cell, ferrireductase converts ferric iron to ferrous iron,
which is the form used by the body. After absorprtion, iron
can either be used by the body or stored.
IV. Stages of Iron Deficiency
Seventy-five percent of iron is used for
hemoglobin production and erythropoiesis. Iron is
transported to the basolateral surface of luminal cells and
are released into the bloodstream as transferrin. There are three stages of iron deficiency namely
Transferrin is a bilobed glycoprotein with two iron-binding negative iron balance, iron-deficient erythropoiesis and
sites. The iron-transferrin complex circulates in the plasma iron-deficiency anemia.
until it interacts with specific transferrin receptors on the
surface of marrow erythroid cells (Diferric transferrin has Negative iron balance (iron depletion) results
the highest affinity for the transferrin receptors). Once the when demands for iron exceed absorption of iron from the
iron-transferrin complex interacts with its receptor, it is
diet. Blood loss, pregnancy, rapid growth spurts in
internalized via clarithrin-coated pits and transported to an
acidic endosome, where the iron is released at the low pH. adolescents, or inadequate iron intake can result to
Within the erythroid cell, iron is used to form hemoglobin. negative iron balance. The iron deficit is initially
Iron in excess of the amount needed for hemoglobin compensated by mobilization of iron stores. During this
synthesis binds to apoferritin, forming ferritin and is stored. stage, these iron stores decrease. As long as there are
The mechanism of iron exchange also takes place in other adequate stores, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity
cells, especially liver parenchymal cells. (see Appendix 1)
(TIBC)---an indirect measure of circulating transferring---
Iron is stored in organs like the liver and heart in and red cell protoporphyrin (an intermediate in heme
the form of ferritin. Ferritin are molecules with a mineral synthesis) levels remain normal. Red cell morphology and
core containing thousands of iron atoms. The body indices are normal during this stage. This stage is
produces more ferritin in response to excess dietary generally asymptomatic and there is no overt effect on
absorption of iron. erythropoiesis. It also escapes detection by hemoglobin
or hematocrit.
Iron is also recycled in the body. In a normal
individual, the average red cell life span is 120 days. During iron-deficient erythropoiesis, iron stores
Senescent red cells undergo phagocytosis (through the and serum iron decrease. TIBC and red cell
protoporphyrin levels gradually increase. Marrow iron
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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

stores are absent and serum ferritin levels are below 15 Anemia develops slowly after the normal stores
μg/L. Hemoglobin synthesis is impaired when transferrin of iron have been depleted in the body and in the bone
saturation drops to 15-20%. marrow. Women of child-bearing age, in general, have
smaller stores of iron than men and have increased loss
In iron-deficiency anemia, iron stores are through menstruation, placing them at higher risk for
already inadequate to maintain hemoglobin production. anemia than men. Other high-risk groups include pregnant
This stage is reflected by low hemoglobin and hematocrit or lactating women who have an increased requirement
levels. Microcytic red cells and hypochromic reticulocytes for iron, infants, children, and adolescents in rapid growth
begin to appear. Transferrin saturation is now at 10-15%. phases and those with a poor dietary intake of iron.
When there is moderate anemia (hemoglobin of 10-13
g/dL), the bone marrow remains hypoproliferative. With IDA during infancy
severe anemia (hemoglobin of 7-8 g/dL), there is
prominent hypochromia and microcytosis. Target cells
Iron deficiency anemia is a common nutritional
and poikilocytes also appear on the blood smear. The
deficiency that affects children, especially during the
erythroid marrow also becomes more inefficient. Erythroid
first two years of life (around 6-20 months). There are
hyperplasia of the marrow, instead of hypoproliferation,
several factors affecting the development of IDA in
occurs with prolonged IDA.
infants, such as sex (more common in males), rate of
Figure 2. Comparison the 3 stages of iron deficiency weight gain (faster gain associated with IDA), term,
iron stores of the mother, and episodes of intra-
and/or extrauterine bleeding.

After birth, there is decreased red blood cell

(RBC) formation (erythropoiesis) and iron from broken
down RBC is stored. However, when erythropoiesis
resumes (around 5.6-26 months according to some
studies), the stores are not enough, thus leading to a
state of iron deficiency. When iron stores are used up
(exacerbated in cases of decreased iron absorption
and blood loss), IDA (microcytic anemia) ensues.
Normal iron requirements are around 1 mg during
infancy, and factors that affect its absorption and
bioavailability in infants are important causes of iron
deficiency leading to IDA. Diet is one main factor.
Breastfeeding for 6 months usually provide the infant
with enough iron because breast milk contains more
iron and is more bioavailable than the iron found in
the alternative cow’s milk. Also, there is some
association between occult gastrointestinal bleeding
and cow’s milk. Introduction of different
complementary foods affect iron absorption differently
– meat increase iron stores, while drinks such as tea
inhibit iron absorption.

IDA in infants generally results from either

IV. Etiology and Pathogenesis of IDA decreased iron absorption or bleeding (blood loss).
Decreased iron absorption occurs in celiac disease,
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common wherein there is gluten intolerance. There are also
form of anemia. Iron is an essential component of studies associating Helicobacter pylori infection with
hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment in the blood. reduced iron absorption because the bacteria
Iron is usually obtained from one’s diet and by recycling it compete with the acquisition of iron from food. Blood
from old red blood cells. Blood cannot carry oxygen loss in infants can be due to a lot of conditions, such
effectively without iron and oxygen is needed for the as ulcers, polyps, Meckel’s diverticulum, inflammatory
normal functioning of every cell in the body. diseases of the GIT and renal diseases (like
glomerulonephritis/Goodpasture’s syndrome).
Parasitic infections by nematodes like Ascaris,
The causes of IDA are insufficient dietary intake
Trichuris and hookworm are also a source of chronic
of iron, poor absorption of iron by the body, blood loss (like
blood loss.
from heavy menstrual bleeding) and need for iron exceeds
the reserves. Furthermore, in men and postmenopausal
women, anemia is usually caused by gastrointestinal
blood loss associated with ulcers, the use of aspirin or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS), or IDA during pregnancy
certain types of cancer (esophagus, stomach, colon).
Celiac disease may cause iron deficiency anemia. Iron is an important nutrient during pregnancy.
Thus, it is imperative that pregnant women ensure an

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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

adequate intake of iron in their diet. Iron is necessary the signs and symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia are true
for the formation of maternal and fetal hemoglobin, for all kinds of anemia.
the oxygen-carrying component of blood. Normally
during pregnancy, erythroid hyperplasia of the marrow The main manifestations in EM’s case were the
occurs, and RBC mass increases. However, a following: fainting, dizziness, exertional dyspnea, pale
disproportionate increase in plasma volume results in
conjunctiva, pale nail beds and a soft systolic murmur.
hemodilution (hydremia of pregnancy). Since a
woman's blood volume increases by 25 to 50 percent
during pregnancy, and the baby is manufacturing The major symptom of all types of anemia,
blood cells too, more iron is needed to make more including iron-deficiency anemia, is fatigue (feeling tired).
hemoglobin for all that additional blood. The Fatigue is caused by having too few red blood cells to
increased need for iron puts the mother at risk for carry oxygen to the body. This lack of oxygen in the body
anemia. Furthermore, during the last trimester, the can cause people to feel weak or dizzy, have a headache,
baby draws from the mother some of the iron or even pass out when changing position (for example,
reserves that it will need during the first four to six
months of life. Thus, it is really essential that the standing up).
mother has sufficient iron stores all throughout the
pregnancy. The increased blood volume and iron Since the heart must work harder to move the
stores will also help the mother’s body adjust, to some reduced amount of oxygen, signs and symptoms may
degree, to the blood loss that occurs during childbirth. include shortness of breath and chest pain. This can lead
to a fast or irregular heartbeat or a heart murmur.
The causes of IDA during pregnancy may be
poor intake of iron, loss of blood from bleeding In anemia, the red blood cells don't have enough
hemorrhoids or gastrointestinal bleeding. Maternal hemoglobin. Common signs of lack of hemoglobin include
iron deficiency anemia is associated with an pale skin, tongue, gums, and nail beds. Pallor of the skin
increased incidence of anemia in the baby during the may be difficult to appreciate in dark skinned individuals,
first year of life. Pregnant women with iron deficiency
therefore scleral or palmar pallor may be more reliable as
anemia, particularly in the first and second trimesters,
have an increased risk for premature delivery and for a finding.
delivering a low-birth weight infant.
Other Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
IDA during lactation
Other signs and symptoms of anemia can include:

Studies have shown that anemia is common Cold hands and feet as well as brittle nails
among lactating women. Ensuring adequate intake of Swelling or soreness of the tongue and cracks in the sides
all hemopoietic nutrients during lactation is also of the mouth
critical. The benefits of iron supplementation during An enlarged spleen
Frequent infections
pregnancy to reduce the risk of anemia during
Additional findings include blue sclera, koilonychias,
pregnancy and improve iron stores beyond 6 months
angular stomatitis, and functional gastrointestinal tract
postpartum are well established. Although providing
supplements during lactation is not contraindicated,
the efficiency of absorption is much higher during
pregnancy. In contrast to iron, the requirements for Signs and Symptoms of Iron-Deficiency Anemia
folate and vitamin B12 are increased during lactation.
Symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include
The iron content of breastmilk is relatively unusual cravings for nonfood items such as ice, dirt, paint,
protected and not influenced by maternal nutritional or starch. This craving for nonfood items is called pica.
status, but depletion of maternal stores can result
among poorly nourished women who are already Another symptom of iron-deficiency anemia is
anemic prior to lactation. A randomized clinical trial of developing restless legs syndrome (RLS). RLS is a
pregnant women showed that iron supplementation disorder that causes an uncomfortable feeling in the legs
during the last trimester of pregnancy did not alter the that can only be relieved by movement. Sleep is difficult
concentrations of iron, copper, selenium and zinc in for people with RLS.
breast milk. In contrast, there is evidence that the
Age of onset of anemia is an important clue, as
breast milk level of other hemopoietic nutrients such
iron deficiency is uncommon before 4 to 6 months of age
as folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B12 are affected
in the absence of prematurity. In infants and young
by maternal status.
children, signs and symptoms include a poor appetite,
being irritable, and a slower rate of growth and
* See Appendix 2 for Pathologic Correlation for EM’s development.
Some of the signs and symptoms of iron-
V. Clinical Manifestations
deficiency anemia are related to its causes, such as blood
Signs and symptoms of anemia depend on the loss. Blood loss is most often seen with very heavy or long
severity of the condition. People with mild anemia or lasting menstrual bleeding or vaginal bleeding in women
anemia that has come on very slowly may have no after menopause. Other signs of internal bleeding are
symptoms at all. However, if the anemia is severe, the bright red blood in the stool or black, tarry-looking stools.
symptoms increase and become more serious. Many of
Diagnostic Work-Up

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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

I. CBC count

o To establish the presence of anemia o Serum Ferritin

 In steady-state conditions, the level of serum
ferritin correlates with with total body iron
stores; therefore it is the most convenient
laboratory parameter that can be used to
estimate iron stores. normal values differ
according to the age and gender of the
individual (Adult males ~ 100 mcg/L, adult
females ~ 30 mcg/L)
 <15 g/L  diagnostic of depleted body iron

A low serum iron and ferritin with an elevated TIBC

are diagnostic of iron deficiency.

o May also indicate severity of anemia Usually, Low serum ferritin  iron deficiency
 In chronic iron deficiency anemia, the cellular
indices show a microcytic and hypochromic However, normal serum ferritin can be seen in patients
who are deficient in iron and have coexistent diseases
 both the mean corpuscular volume
(MCV) and mean corpuscular (hepatitis, anemia of chronic disorders)
hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
have values below the normal range May be used in distinguishing iron deficiency anemia from
(Normal ranges: MCV=83-97 fL; other microcytic anemias.
MCHC=32-36 g/dL
 Platelet count is usually elevated
(>450,000/µL) while WBC count is
within normal ranges (4500-11,000/µL). IV. Bone Marrow Aspirate/Biopsy
 Note: If the CBC count is obtained
succeeding blood loss, values reach o Can be used to diagnose iron deficiency through the
abnormal levels only after most of the absence of stainable iron in a bone marrow aspirate
RBCs produced before bleeding are that contains spicules and a simultaneous control
destroyed at the end of their lifespan specimen containing stainable iron (no lab tests)
(120 days). o Largely replaced by the diagnosis of iron deficiency
anemia through the measurement of serum Fe, TIBC
and serum ferritin.
II. Peripheral Blood Smear o Diagnostic in identifying/ruling out the sideroblastic
anemias (with ringed sideroblasts in the aspirate
o The presence of microcytic and hypochromic stained with Perls stain)
erythrocytes in the examination of a peripheral smear
is indicative of chronic iron deficiency anemia.
Microcytosis is apparent way before MCV values V. Serum Levels of Transferrin Receptor Protein
decrease after an event causing iron deficiency.
Platelet count is often elevated. o Transferrin receptor protein (TRP or TfR)
o No target cells (rules out thalassemia), anisocytosis
 Found most abundantly on the surface of
and poikilocytosis not marked erythroid cells than on any cell in the body and
o No intraerythrocytic crystals (rules out Hb C disorders) released into circulation
 Serum levels reflect total erythroid mass
 Normal values: 4-9 g/L
III. Serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), and  Distinguish between iron-deficiency anemia
serum ferritin (elevated TRP) and anemia of chronic disease
(normal TRP)
o Serum iron
 Reflects the amount of circulating iron bound to
transferring VI. Other tests
 Normal range: 50–150 mcg/dL
 Clinician must be aware of the diurnal variation o Test for fecal occult blood
 To rule out the possibility of a GI source of
bleeding (most common cause of iron-
o Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) deficiency anemia in adult men and post-
 An indirect measure of the circulating menopausal women)
transferrin. o Endoscopy
 Normal range: 300–360 mcg/dL  To rule out GI malignancy
o Tissue lead concentrations
 Chronic lead poisoning may cause mild
o Transferrin saturation microcytosis. Patients with iron deficiency are
 serum iron x 100 ÷ TIBC at higher risk for lead poisoning due to
 Normal range: 25–50%, Iron-deficiency state: increased absorption of lead in this condition.

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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

Management  Possibility of anaphylaxis is a concern

 Serious adverse reaction rate to iron
1. Removal of IUD dextran is 0.7%
 Profuse menstrual bleeding is one of the  Newer iron complexes: sodium ferric
possible side effects of IUD’s, especially gluconate (Ferrlecit) and iron sucrose
Copper IUDs (Venofer)  much lower adverse
 IUDs increase the risk of anemia reaction rate
 In this case, the patient is already  Amount of iron needed by individual:
symptomatic, suggesting that the Body weight (kg) x 2.3 x (15-patient’s hemoglobin,
anemia could be severe g/dL) + 500 or 1000 mg (for stores)
 Other contraceptive methods may be
Appendix 1
2. Red Blood Cell Transfusion
 Patient is already symptomatic – anemia
is probably severe
 Corrects the anemia acutely and
transfused RBCs provide a source of
iron for reutilization
 Stabilizes patient while other options are

3. Oral Iron Therapy

 200-300 mg iron/day, in 3-4 iron tablets
each containing 50-65 mg elemental
 Ideally, should be taken on empty
stomach (food may inhibit iron
 Must be sustained for 6-12 months
 Goal: to correct anemia and provide
stores of at least 0.5-1.0 g of iron
 Normal response to therapy: the
reticulocyte count should begin to
increase within 4-7 days after initiation
of therapy and peak at 1 ½ weeks
 Inadequate response may be due to
poor absorption, noncompliance, or a
confounding diagnosis
 To determine iron absorption, do an iron
tolerance test Notes:
o 2 iron tables are given to the
patient on an empty stomach
o Serum iron is measured
serially over subsequent 2 hrs
o Serum iron should increase at
least 100 μg/dL
 If iron deficiency persists despite
adequate treatment, consider parenteral
iron therapy

4. Parenteral Iron Therapy

 Usually given if no response to oral iron
therapy, if iron needs are relatively
acute, or if there is persistent need for
iron, usually due to persistent GI blood

Appendix 2. Pathological Correlation of EM’s Case

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OS 216: Hematology Dr. Edwin Trinidad
Topic Conference 1: Anemias Exam 1

For EM’s case, the main cause of IDA is blood loss due to prolonged menstruation, a result of irritation to the
intrauterine lining from the inserted IUD. The following figure summarizes the pathogenesis of EM’s condition.

Intrauterine device (IUD) inserted

2 months after her last delivery

Intrauterine lining irritated

Menses prolonged for 7 days;
(6 napkins/day) fully soaked decreased hematocrit; increased turbulence
w/ blood for first 4 days decreased blood viscosity

Iron deficiency Soft systolic murmur

(due to unreplaced iron losses
from menstruation)

Decreased hemoglobin production

Decreased O2 transport by RBCs

Inadequate oxygen supply to tissues

Pallor, dizziness, dyspnea


Appendix 3.

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