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Edited by Mariano E. Brizzio
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Edited by Mariano E. Brizzio

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Acute Coronary Syndromes, Edited by Mariano E. Brizzio

p. cm.

Preface IX

Chapter 1 Antiplatelet Therapy in

Cardiovascular Disease –
Past, Present and Future 1
Mariano E. Brizzio

Chapter 2 Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 7

Suryyani Deb and Anjan Kumar Dasgupta

Chapter 3 Physiopathology of the

Acute Coronary Syndromes 27
Iwao Emura

Chapter 4 Evolution of Biochemical

Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact
Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 45
Amparo Galán, Josep Lupón and Antoni Bayés-Genis

Chapter 5 Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome,

from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 65
Hamdan Righab, Caussin Christophe,
Kadri Zena and Badaoui Georges

Chapter 6 Plaque, Platelets, and Plug –

The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 77
Anggoro B. Hartopo, Budi Y. Setianto,
Hariadi Hariawan, Lucia K. Dinarti, Nahar Taufiq,
Erika Maharani, Irsad A. Arso, Hasanah Mumpuni,
Putrika P.R. Gharini, Dyah W. Anggrahini and
Bambang Irawan

Chapter 7 Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute

Aortic Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and
Possible Therapeutic Options 99
Kazuhito Hirata, Tomoya Hiratsuji,
Minoru Wake and Hidemitsu Mototake
VI Contents

Chapter 8 Atypical Presentation in

Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 109
Hyun Kuk Kim and Myung Ho Jeong

Chapter 9 Exercise Training for Patients After

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery 117
Ching Lan, Ssu-Yuan Chen and Jin-Shin Lai

Chapter 10 Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary

Syndromes and Other Cardiovascular Complications
During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 129
Maria Milanova and Mikhail Matveev

Chapter 11 Early Evaluation of Cardiac Chest Pain –

Beyond History and Electrocardiograph 163
Ghulam Naroo and Aysha Nazir

Chapter 12 Coronary Bypass Grafting in Acute Coronary Syndrome:

Operative Approaches and Secondary Prevention 171
Stephen J. Huddleston and Gregory Trachiotis

Chapter 13 Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic

Function in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes –
Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 179
Arman Postadzhiyan, Anna Tzontcheva and Bojidar Finkov

Chapter 14 Acute Coronary Syndrome from Angioscopic Viewpoint 205

Yasunori Ueda

This book has been written with the intention of providing an up-to-the minute review
of acute coronary syndromes. Atherosclerotic coronary disease is still a leading cause
of death within developed countries and not surprisingly, is significantly rising in
others. Over the past decade the treatment of these syndromes has changed
dramatically. The introduction of novel therapies has impacted the outcomes and
surviving rates in such a way that the medical community need to be up to date
almost on a “daily bases”.

It is hoped that this book will provide a timely update on acute coronary syndromes
and prove to be an invaluable resource for practitioners seeking new and innovative
ways to deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Mariano E. Brizzio, MD
Editor in Chief
The Valley Heart and Vascular Institute, Ridgewood, New Jersey

Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular

Disease – Past, Present and Future
Mariano E. Brizzio
The Valley Heart and Vascular Institute, Ridgewood, New Jersey

1. Introduction
Platelet activity has a very important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis disease. In
addition to being part of the coagulation system, they contribute to all phases of the
atherosclerosis process (1) The “intervention” in the platelet activity has been played a
central role in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) (2).
Aspirin is considered the foundation antiplatelet therapy for patients at risk of
cardiovascular events. However, in the last few decades many different agents were
introduced to have a more effective antiplatelet action and improve treatment outcomes in
coronary syndromes.
In this chapter you will find a systematic review of all the antiplatelet agents available:
mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, side effects, evidence of effectiveness and their use
in clinical settings. A special emphasizes will point out agents that are in investigational
stage and what are the future perspectives.

1.1 Platelet mechanisms of action

Platelets play a critical role in the normal coagulation system by “preventing” bleeding after
blood vessels are damaged. In addition they contribute to different phases of the atherosclerotic
process (1). Rupture of a previously formed atherosclerotic plaque exposes collagen, smooth-
muscle cells and von Willebrand factor (vWF) all of which trigger platelet activation and
massive aggregation (3). The result of this accumulation of platelets is thrombosis. Acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) is a consequence of the occlusion of an atherosclerotic vessel by the
thrombotic process. As described before, collagen and vWF in addition to thromboxane A2
(TXa2), thrombin and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) are the most powerful platelet activators
(4). When a platelet is activated a conformational change occurs in a receptor located in the
platelet membrane called glycoprotein IIb/IIIa which promotes platelet aggregation (5).
Antiplatelet agents that target critical steps of the thrombotic mechanism described above
have been developed in the last three decades. However, treatment with these agents can
sometimes increase the risk of “undesirable” bleeding complications (6).

2. The traditional anti-platelet agents

Many anti-platelet agents have been tested and used as an effective treatment in arterial
thrombosis. Acetyl salicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin was the first anti-platelet
2 Acute Coronary Syndromes

agent used and proven to be effective to reduce the incidence of myocardial infarction and
stroke in many high risk vascular patients (2).The recurrence of vascular events in
patients treated with aspirin alone ranges between 10 – 20% within five years of the initial
event (2-7).
Aspirin is effective by blocking the synthesis of TXa2, a powerful platelet activator.
In the last decade, the thienopyridines such as clopidogrel have been used to improve
outcomes in the treatment of ACS. This anti-platelet agent irreversibly blocks the P2Y12
receptor, precluding the platelet activation by ADP (2). Its anti-platelet mechanism of action
clearly differs from aspirin. In the majority of cardiovascular patients the combination of
clopidogrel and aspirin has additive beneficial effects when compared with clopidogrel or
aspirin alone (8). Clopidogrel also has some limitations, which have prompted the
development of newer anti-platelet agents which interact at different sites of the coagulation
The following figure reflects the site of action of the common antiplatelet agents (figure 1)

3. The thromboxane A2 antagonist

Dipyridamole (Persantine) acts as a thromboxane synthase inhibitor, therefore lowering the
levels of TXA2 and thus stops the effects of TXA2 as a platelet activator (9).
Also can causes systemic vasodilation when given at high doses over a short period of time.
The latter, due to the inhibition of the cellular reuptake of adenosine into platelets, red blood
cells and endothelial cells leading to increased extracellular concentrations of adenosine (9).
It also inhibits the enzyme adenosine deaminase, which normally breaks down adenosine
into inosine. This inhibition leads to further increased levels of extracellular adenosine,
producing a strong vasodilatation (9).
Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease – Past, Present and Future 3

Antiplatelet agents nowadays

Inhibits the synthesis of TXa2
TXa2 antagonist
P2Y 12 antagonist
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist
Protease-activated receptor 1 antagonist
Direct thrombin Inhibitor
Modified release dipyridamole is used in conjunction with aspirin (under the trade names
Aggrenox in the USA or Asasantin Retard in the UK) in the secondary prevention of stroke
and transient ischemic attack. This practice has been confirmed by the ESPRIT trial (9). A
triple therapy of aspirin, clopidogrel and dipyridamole has been investigated, but this
combination led to an increase in adverse bleeding events (10).
Via the mechanisms mentioned above, when given as 3 to 5 min infusion it rapidly increases
the local concentration of adenosine in the coronary circulation which causes vasodilation.
Vasodilation occurs in healthy arteries, whereas stenosed arteries remain narrowed. This
creates a "steal" phenomenon where the coronary blood supply will increase to the dilated
healthy vessels compared to the stenosed arteries which can then be detected by clinical
symptoms of chest pain, electrocardiogram and echocardiography when it causes ischemia.
Flow heterogeneity (a necessary precursor to ischemia) can be detected with gamma cameras
and SPECT using nuclear imaging agents such as Thallium-201 and Tc99m-Sestamibi (9).
Terutroban is a selective antagonist of the thromboxane receptor. It blocks thromboxane
induced platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction (11). As of 2010, it is being tested for the
secondary prevention of acute thrombotic complications in the Phase III clinical trial.
However, the recent publication of the finalized trial PERFORMS shown no clinical
advantage in comparison with patients with aspirin monotherapy in preventing strokes (12).
At the time of this publication its use in clinical practice is not approved in the USA.

4. Other P2Y 12 antagonist

Ticlopidine an anti-platelet drug in the thienopyridine family inhibits platelet aggregation
by altering the function of platelet membranes by irreversibly blocking ADP receptors. This
4 Acute Coronary Syndromes

prevents the conformational change of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa which allows platelet binding
to fibrinogen (13). It is used in patients in whom aspirin is not tolerated, or in whom dual
anti-platelet therapy is desirable (in combination with Aspirin). Because it has been
reported to increase the risk of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and
neutropenia, its use has largely been supplanted by the newer drug, clopidogrel, which is
felt to have a much lower hematologic risk (14).
Prasugrel, a novel thienopyryridine was approved for clinical use in the USA by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2010. Unlike clopidogrel, which undergoes a two-step,
CYP450-dependent conversion to its active metabolite, prasugrel only requires single-step
activation. Prasugrel is a more potent platelet inhibitor with faster action and inhibition.
Also, it has been estimated that due to its “easy metabolism” its genetic resistance is less
likely (15). In other words, prasugrel has a significantly lower incidence of hypo-
responsiveness in comparison with clopidogrel (15). However, the risks of bleeding in these
patients are greater than clopidogrel (16).
Ticagrelor is the most novel class of anti-platelet drugs, the cyclopentytriazolopyrimides,
which also inhibit the P2Y12 receptor as the thienopyryridines. However, it has a simpler
and faster metabolism (rapid onset of action) high potency and most importantly
reversibility (17). The latter, makes this drug safer in regards of bleeding complications.
Cangrelor, an ATP analog, is an investigational intravenous anti-platelet drug. This agent
has biphasic elimination and possesses the advantages of high potency, very fast onset of
action and very fast reversibility after the discontinuation (16).This gives a considerable
advantage over other ADP antagonist in patients who might need immediate surgery.
However, after initial treatment, patients who received intravenous infusion of Cangrelor
often require continued treatment with one of the oral P2Y12 antagonists, something that
one must take into consideration (16).

5. Glycoproteins IIb/IIa antagonist

Abciximab, more known as the ReoPro is an antibody against glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor. It
had a lot of popularity within interventional cardiologist 10 years ago. It is barely used today.
It was replaced by newer IV agents. Abciximab has a plasma half-life of about ten minutes, with
a second phase half-life of about 30 minutes. However, its effects on platelet function can be
seen for up to 48 hours after the infusion has been terminated, and low levels of glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa receptor blockade are present for up to 15 days after the infusion is terminated (18).
Tirobiban (Aggrastat) is a synthetic, non-peptide inhibitor acting at glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa
receptors. It has a rapid onset and short duration of action after proper intravenous
administration. Platelet activity returns to normal 4 to 8 hours after the drug is withdrawn (19).
Eptifibatide (Integrilin) is the newer anti-platelet drug which inhibits the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitor. It belongs to the class of the so-called arginin-glycin-aspartat-mimetics and
reversibly binds to platelets. Eptifibatide has a short half-life, 3 to 5 hours after the
discontinuation platelet activity recovers to normal levels (20).The drug is the third inhibitor of
GPIIb/IIIa that has found broad acceptance within interventional cardiologists nowadays.

6. Proteasa-activated receptors antagonist

Vorapaxar (formerly SCH 530348) is a thrombin receptor (PAR-1) antagonist based on the
natural product himbacine. It is an experimental pharmaceutical treatment for acute coronary
syndrome as a very powerful platelet inhibitor (21).In January 2011, the clinical trial was
Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease – Past, Present and Future 5

halted for patients with stroke and mild heart conditions due to safety reasons. It is unknown
if it will continue.

7. Direct thrombin inhibitors

Bivalirudin (Angiomax) is a specific and reversible intravenous direct thrombin inhibitor.
Clinical studies demonstrated consistent positive outcomes in patients with stable angina,
unstable angina (UA), non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and ST-
segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing PCI in 7 major randomized
trials (22). Coagulation times and platelet activity return to baseline approximately 1-6 hour
following cessation of bivalirudin administration (23).

8. Conclusions
Antiplatelet therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of coronary patients. The continuous
introduction of new agents is geared to improve results in patient ongoing percutaneous
coronary interventions. However, the side effects of theses should be monitored closely. In
the end, the ideal management of patients with acute coronary syndrome should be to be a
collaborative effort between cardiologist and surgeons to assure the best outcomes possible.

9. References
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6 Acute Coronary Syndromes

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Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale

Suryyani Deb and Anjan Kumar Dasgupta
Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta

1. Introduction
Seeing is believing, but the reverse, namely, disbelieving the unseen may often go against
the spirit of scientific exploration. This is particularly true for nano-scale objects
interacting almost invisibly with biological cells, tissues or organs. Interestingly many of
the biological sub-cellular components (e.g. proteins, DNA)have nano-scale dimension.
The apparently innocent (chemically inactive) and tiny particulate matter originating from
various natural or artificial sources (e.g., pollutant) have been shown to be toxic at
different physiological levels. The famous saying by Jeevaka, the legendary physician of
the Jataka tales, that there is no herb in the world that is not a drug, however follows.
What is toxic in some context have important therapeutic value elsewhere. Nanoparticles
do interfere with the thrombo-static equilibrium. While this shift on one hand is a matter
of concern, it may provide us a tool to handle or diagnose diseases in which such
equilibrium is shifted. One of the finest models to test this dual aspect of the nano-scale
objects is Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), a leading cause of death in the global
scenario. What is known today regarding the effect of nanoscale objects may really be a
tip of iceberg and with the advent of smarter nanoparticles one may think of more
versatile use of nanotechnology in the management of ACS.

2. Role of platelets in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

ACS is a complex and multi-factorial disease (Badran et al., 2009). ACS is an umbrella like
term which includes mainly three diseases i). ST elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI),
ii). Non ST elevated myocardial infarction (NON STEMI), and iii) unstable angina. The
patho-physiological event of ACS can be divided into four phases:
a. Atherosclerotic plaque formation.
b. Rupture of an unstable plaque.
c. The acute ischemic event.
d. Long term risk of recurrent coronary event.

2.1 Platelet basic physiology

Platelets play a pivotal in manifestation of ACS. Platelets are discoid in shape, with
approximate number density 150,000-300,000/µl, and dimension of the order of 2000-4000
nm. Derived from megakaryocyte (figure 1) (Thompson, 1986) they contain mitochondria,
peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum. They also contain granules and glycogen bodies.
8 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Granules occur as i) dense granules (δ), ii) alpha granules (α). Dense granules mainly
contains ATP, ADP, serotonin etc., whereas alpha granules contain fibronectin, fibrinogen,
platelet activation factor (PAF) etc. (Marcus et al, 1966; Flaumenhaft et al, 2005). Ca++, one of
the most important factors for platelet action, is stored in endoplasmic reticulum and
released into the cytoplasm, during platelet activation (Nesbitt et al, 2003). Open canalicular
system (OCS) is a channel like protrusion inside the platelet where granules release their
contents (Escolar & White, 1991). Recently role of mRNA and mi-RNA has been shown to
play important roles in platelet aggregation (Calverley et al, 2010; Rowley et al, 2011;
Nagalla et al, 2011).

Fig. 1. Precursor megakaryocyte and progenitor platelets: Represents microscopic image

(20X) of a megakaryocyte in the bone marrow. Platelets generated from the megakaryocyte
can be seen in 12 o’clock position of the megakaryocyte.
When exposed to agonists, platelets become activated and this is followed by an
aggregatory response (Patscheke, 1979). In systemic blood flow platelets remain in resting
phase, without being activated (Marcus et al, 1991). Physiological agonists like collagen,
thrombin, ADP, ATP etc. are not associated with the normal blood flow. Even if a trace
amount of ADP and ATP are present, they are broken down by the phosphatase activity of
CD39 (Marcus et al, 1997). At wound site, sub endothelial layers get ruptured. Hence Von
Willebrand factor (vWf) and collagen get exposed causing activation of platelets (Nyman ,
1980; Tschopp et al., 1980). After the primary phase of activation and aggregation, platelet
granules are released, this leads to enhancement of local concentration of agonists (e.g.
granule secreted ADP, ATP, serotonin etc.). This triggers irreversible secondary phase
platelet aggregation with fibrinogen, which is further followed by cessation of bleeding
(Decie and Lewis 2003) (figure 2).
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 9

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of platelet activation and aggregation. In the resting conditions
platelets, maintain their discoid form and flow in circulation. Upon injury, platelets become
exposed to sub-endothelial collagen and vWf (1) adhered on it (2). This is followed by
activation and shape changes (3). The next phase is granules release and secondary phase
aggregation (4) and lastly the stable platelet plaque forms(5).
The detailed mechanism of platelet function depends on the complex intracellular signalling
pathways. This leads to platelet activation by simulating a series of physiological events.
Briefly, after binding of agonists, the corresponding receptors trigger downstream signalling
cascades and initiates Ca++ mobilisation from endoplasmic reticulum. Platelet granules
release (α and δ), platelet shape change and the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) production then
follows. The cumulative effects of these events initiate activation of fibrinogen receptor
(GPIIbIIIa) and triggering of primary phase aggregation. The released granules-content
(ADP, ATP etc.) along with TXA2 activate other resting platelets resulting the secondary
phase aggregation (Kroll & Schafer, 1989; Ashby, 1990) (figure 3). The important signalling
molecules that help the above process through a complex interplay among different G-
protein coupled receptors, integrin receptors, second messengers, kinases, phosphatise and
Ca++ mobilisation etc (Dorsam & Kunapuli, 2004; Wu e al., 2006,2010; Roberts et al.,2004;
Karniguian et al., 1990; Farndale, 2006; Spalding et al., 1998; Patscheke , 1980; Clifford et al.,
1998; Hoffman et. al. 2009).
10 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of agonists induced platelet activation. Binding of agonists with
corresponding receptors, triggers downstream signalling cascade, and causes mobilisation
of intracellular Ca++. The initial Ca++ flux branches itself into three major signalling events:
A (alpha and dense granules release), B (platelet shape change), C (TXA2 production). The
three signalling events cumulatively determine the activation and aggregation. The released
chemicals (ADP,ATP etc) from granules and the TXA2, further activates other resting
platelets and initiates the secondary phase of aggregation.
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 11

2.2 Platelet in ACS

It may be contextual to focus on the pathological role of platelets in ACS. Platelet thrombosis
plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) by the
formation of thrombi at the site of the ruptured atherosclerotic plaque (figure 4) (Massberg
et al., 2003; Kottke-Marchant, 2009; Lakkis et al., 2004).

Fig. 4. Flow chart illustrating the role of platelets in thrombus formation.

Thus, the main therapeutic regime for the treatment of ACS is use of anti-platelet drug that
inhibits platelet hyper aggregation (Faxon, 2011; Guha et al., 2009; Aragam & bhatt, 2011;
Born & Patrono, 2006). Table 1 describes a list of such drugs, while their mode of action is
illustrated in figure 5.
In the normal platelet aggregation process, downstream signalling induces fibrinogen receptor
activation (GpIIbIIa). GpVI is the collagen receptor. P2X1 is the receptor of ATP and acts as
Ca++ channel. P2Y1 is high affinity ADP repector and P2Y12 is low affinity ADP receptor,
where the former one is Gq and the later one is Gi coupled. Gz coupled alpha 2a are adrenergic
receptors for epinephrine, where Gs coupled PGI2R are the receptors of prostaglandin I2 (PGI2)
or prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), these being inhibitory receptors. Protease-activated receptor 1
(PAR1), protease-activated receptor 4 (PAR4), are coupled with Gq and G13 these being the
receptors of thrombin. Thromboxane A2 (TxA2) receptor TP is also coupled with Gq and G13.
Released TxA2 (b in figure 5) and ADP (a in figure5 ) further act on their corresponding
receptors. The second messengers and other signalling mediators include, (DAG)
dia c yl gl yc e rol; ( PL Cβ) phospholipase C β; (P K C) prot ei n ki na se C; (P IP 2 )
12 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Mode of Action Name of the drugs

Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (COX1), (1) Aspirin

P2Y12 receptor inhibitors(2) Clopidogrel, Prasugrel, Ticlopidine

Phosphodiestarase inhibitors(3) Cilostazole

Glycoprotein GPIIbIIIa inhibitors(4) Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tirofiban

Adenosine uptake inhibitors(5) Dipyridamole

Table 1. List of anti-platelet drugs – their mode of action and generic names. The most
common drugs are described in the first two rows.

Fig. 5. Target sites for anti-platelet drugs in platelet signalling pathway- different
downstream signalling pathways are shown. The drug targets described in Table 1 are
represented by the corresponding numbers (see text for elaboration).
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 13

phosphotidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate; (PLCγ) phospholipase C γ; (PLCβ) phospholipase C γ;

(IP3) inositol triphosphate; (IP3R) inositol triphosphate receptor; (PP) protein
phosphorylation; (PLA2) Phospholipase A2; (AA) arachidonic acid; AkT and Rap1B (which
are serine /threonine kinase), (PI3K) phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; (AC) adenylyl cyclase;
(PKA) phosphokinase A; (cAMP) cyclic adenosine mono phosphate; (VASP) vasodialator
stimulated phosphor protein; (P160 ROCK) a Rho activated kinase, (MLCK) myosine light
chain kinase, (LIM-K) LIM kinase; (PGG2) prostaglandin G2; (PGH2) prostaglandin H2; (PL)
membrane phospholipids; (COX1) cyclooxygenase 1; (TS) thromboxane synthetase and
(PDEIII) phosphor di-esterase III. As platelets are the key player in ACS, any extra-
physiological environmental materials that can alter platelet signalling circuit is of great
challenge in combating the disease. This is the context where nanotechnology can come in

3. Nano-interface
Nanotechnology has the potential to interfere with basic biological mechanisms because of
their tunable electrical, magnetic and optical properties, and small size ( Chen et al., 2005;
Gobin et al., 2007; Fu et al., 2007). This tunability makes them potential tool in diagnostics
(e.g. bio-imaging) therapy and a smart combination of both of these properties (Smith et al.,
2008; Peng et al., 2000; Li et al., 2003; Murry et al., 2000).
Some of advancement of nanotechnology inspired application include improved imaging
contrast agents by SPIONS (super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles), targeted
delivery of drugs, molecular chaperons and agents to kill specific cancer cells (Yu et al.,
2011; Petkar et al., 2011; Patra et al., 2007). Another exclusive application involve magnetic
induction (radio frequency) heating or laser induced heating of designer particles, with
desirable material and shape attributes (Peterman et al., 2003; Plech et al., 2004). The
hyperthermic killing of tumor cells, is one of the most important examples (Rao et al.,
2010; Huff et al., 2007). The recently reported chaperon properties of nanoparticles can
also have important biomedical potential (Singha et al., 2010). Interestingly there are only
few report on haematological (Elias & Tsourkas 2009; Baker, 2009; Walkey et al., 2009;
Wickline et al., 2005) and cardiological applications (Lanza et al., 2006; Iverson et al., 2008)
of nanotechnology.

4. Nanotechnology in ACS and platelet contexts

Nanotechnology is important in ACS because of several reasons. A simple application is
imaging of plaques, conventional methods being grossly inadequate for such purpose
(Nikolas, 2009; Wicklinea & Lanza, 2003). Secondly, the targeted delivery of therapeutic
agents using nanoparticles to the areas of injured or dysfunctional vascular wall that
inhibit the plaque progression is of significant importance in the ACS context (Nikolas,
Furthermore, nanoparticle based assay can be used for the detection of myocardial injury in
patients with ACS (Wilson et al., 2009). In the therapeutic regime , an important use of
nanotechnology is to increase the amount of HDL in circulation interning delivery of
cholesterol to liver, thus minimizing the risk associated with ACS (Luthi et al., 2010).
14 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 6. Diverse applications in nanotechnology

In most of the above mentioned cases (diagnosis, drug delivery or treatment) the
primary entry route of nanoparticle is through circulation where they interact directly
with blood cells. Conversely exposure to unwanted nanoparticles (e.g. gas phase
exhaust from car or industry ) inhaled by human, that can penetrate the alveolar space
and interfere with circulation may lead to cardiovascular diseases ( Yamawaki & Iwai,
2006; Mohmmad et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2008). In both cases such interaction deserves a
special attention.
In case of ACS patients, if nanoparticles activate platelets then they may induce life
threatening alarm. Till now there are a number of papers (Geys et al., 2008; Oberdörster et
al., 2007; Deb et al., 2007,2011; Wiwanitkit et al., 2009; Radomski et al., 2005; Shrivastava et
al., 2009; Koziara et al., 2005; Mayer et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009; Ramtoola et al., 2010;
McGuinnes et al., 2010; Nemmar et al., 2003; Gulati et al., 2010; Cejas et al., 2007; Wilson et
al., 2010; Rückerl et al., 2007) about the effect of nanoparticles on platelets (Table. 2.)
where most of the citations show that nanoparticles can induce platelet aggregation. What
makes a nanoparticle pro-aggregarory (Geys et al., 2008; Oberdörster et al., 2007; Deb et
al., 2007,2011; Wiwanitkit et al., 2009; Radomski et al., 2005; Mayer et al., 2009; McGuinnes
et al., 2010; Nemmar et al., 2003; Cejas et al., 2007; Wilson et al., 2010; Rückerl et al., 2007;
Miller et al., 2009), inert (Li et al., 2009; Ramtoola et al., 2010; Gulati et al., 2010) or even
anti-platelet in nature (Shrivastava et al., 2009; Koziara et al., 2005; Miller et al., 2009) is of
great importance in development of ACS based nano-drugs, risk assessment in ACS , and
also in evaluating resistance to ACS related drugs (Guha et al., 2009; Jogns et al., 2006;
Michelson et al., 2006).
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 15

Carbon nanoparticle (C60) Inert
Standard urban particulate matter Activation
Carbon NP Multiwall carbon nanotube Activation
Single wall carbon nanotube Activation
Mixed carbon nanotube Activation
Gold nanoparticle Activation
Iron nanoparticle Activation
Cupper nanoparticle Activation
Metallic NP Cadmium sulphide nanoparticle Activation
Cadmium sulphide nanorod Activation
Quantum dots Activation
Silver nanoparticle Anti-platelet effect
Short collagen related peptide Activation
Amidine White Polystyrine Latex NP(+ve) Activation
Aminated Polystyrine Latex NP (+ve) Activation
Carboxylated Polystyrine Latex NP (-ve ) Activation
Unmodified Polystyrine Latex NP Inert
Polymer NP
PEG coated PNIPAAM Inert
Bio- derived
poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) Inert
Chitosan nanoparticles Inert
Human and Bovine derived NP Anti-platelet effect
Hydroxyapatite Anti-platelet effect
E78 NPs Anti-platelet effect
PEG coated E78 NPs Anti-platelet effect
Ultra fine particles Activation
Ambient Particulate Matter Activation
Table 2. Nanoparticle effects on platelets – the Table enlists how the platelet response varies
with variation in nano-material as well as the corresponding nano-surface configuration. NP
is nanoparticle.

5. Platelet nanoparticle interaction – A deeper insight

A different paradigm of nanotechnology application has recently got considerable interest.
How thrombotic response is modulated by nanoparticles has recently become a new paradigm
in nano-medicine. Till today, the exact mechanisms of how nano-surface exposure or uptake of
nanoforms alter the platelet response are not known. Most of the metallic nanoparticles,
carbon nanoparticles, aerosol and polymer nanoparticles induce platelet aggregation (Mayer et
al., 2009; McGuinnes et al., 2011). A few nanoparticles remain inert for platelet or induce anti-
platelet effect (Li et al., 2009; Ramtoola et al., 2010; Gulati et al., 2010). Interestingly in case of
some polymer nanoparticles, surface conjugation induces varying response to platelets
(McGuinnes et al 2010). One needs deeper insights in induced platelet signalling to explain
such varying response to nanoparticles with a characteristic surface property.
16 Acute Coronary Syndromes

As mentioned earlier, anti-platelet drug therapy is the most important therapeutic regime
for ACS patients. A major fall-out of the conventional therapeutic approach is the sizable
incidence of drug resistance among ACS patients (Guha et al., 2009; Jogns et al., 2006;
Michelson et al., 2006). There are indications that nanotechnology can help diagnosis of drug
resistance (Deb et. al. 2011).
Again, metallic nanoparticles can induce platelet aggregation depending on the
physiological state of the platelets. For a given nano-drug such response can show inter
individual variations, and there is evidently a scope of judging the safety of such drugs
depending on the extent of induced alteration in platelet function. It may be important to
note that under certain conditions nanoparticles can be hazardous to both normal
individuals as well as ACS patients. Table 3 summarises the overall ACS risk associated
with nanoparticles :

Phenomenon Risk Factors

< 60 nm nanoparticle. Safe in context to thrombotic risk.

Resting platelets + nanoparticle. No thrombotic risk.

Anti-platelet drug like clopidogrel or reo-

No thrombotic risk.

Rupture plaque (where vascular bed is

High thrombotic risk.
open) + Nanoparticle of any size.

Some special surface modification tunable

Table 3. Overview of thrombotic risk factors of nanoparticles.

5.1 Excitability of the nanoparticle mediated pro-aggregatory response

Metallic nanoparticle (made of gold, copper, iron, cadmium sulphide and quantum dots)
induced platelet aggregation is intriguing as the profile change of such aggregation fully
depends on the physiologic conditions of the platelets (e.g. pre-activation) (Deb et al., 2007,
2011; Geys et al., 2008). Non-metallic carbon nano-tube or polymer based nanoparticles on
the other hand induce platelet aggregation without any pre-activation, their pro-
aggregatory effect depends mainly on hydrophobic collapses (Radomski et al., 2005) or
charge-charge interaction among platelets and nanoparticles (McGuinnes et al., 2010). At
critical concentrations of ADP or in presence of a threshold shear force, which mildly
activates the platelets, they become most sensitive to nano-particles (figure 7). In other
words, the nanoparticles in such cases serve as agonists. On the other hand, when platelets
are in resting condition most of the metallic nano-forms seems to be inert.
Unlike optimal size response (of nanoparticles) observed in case of cancer cells, the nano-
response in platelets increases monotonically with decreasing size of nanoparticles (Deb et
al., 2011). This phenomenon occurs also in case of polystyrene nanoparticles (Mayer et al.,
2009). This size attribute is similar to entry of the nanoparticles through inhalation. Smaller
the size of the nanoparticle, lesser in the efficiency of the clearance by alveolar macrophages,
which in turn increases their (nanoparticle) deposition in alveolar cell leading to entry into
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 17

circulation (Yamawaki & Iwai, 2006). Thus, smaller nanoparticles pose a higher risk in the
ACS scenario.

Fig. 7. Nanoparticle Size Response. Gold Nanoparticle induced platelet response [see Deb et.
al. 2007,2011] is dependent on nanoparticle size, smaller particle showing aggregatory effects.
Though the exact molecular mechanism of metallic-nanoparticle platelet interaction is yet to
be established, systemic response like release of platelet granules (both α and δ) have been
observed in presence of nano-particles. In presence of apyrase (scavenge ADP released from
δ granules), or anti-platelet drug clopidogrel (block P2Y12 purinergic receptors, thus inhibit
secondary wave of aggregation, which is the signature of granules release) nano-particle
induced aggregation inhibited. In presence of Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) (a tetra-peptide,
which binds to fibrinogen receptor GpIIbIIIa, mimicking the anti-platelet drug Reo-Pro),
nano induced platelet aggregation is again inhibited. This reflects that nanoparticles
induced aggregation is not due to any physico-chemical agglomerate formation.
Consequently, metallic nano-forms are unlikely to activate platelets from patients under
anti-platelet drug therapy (Deb et al., 2011). Alternatively, conjugation of anti-platelet drugs
(or combined administration of such drugs) can help to reduce the thrombotic risk of
nanoparticle based drug formulation.
18 Acute Coronary Syndromes

5.2 Platelet Response as a measure for nano-safety

In the suspended condition, metallic nanoparticle induced platelet aggregation is highly
dependent on the local ADP concentration. A transition of deaggregation to aggregation
occurs at a threshold concentration of ADP. Interestingly, nanoparticle effect is most
pronounced at this threshold concentration (Deb et al., 2007). This threshold nano-response
is perhaps a manifestation of primary triggering of granules release which undergoes an
auto-catalysis, ultimately leading to aggregation.
As there is a considerable variation of platelet aggregation among individuals, the threshold
ADP concentration and extent of enhancement of aggregation induced by the nanoparticle
have an individual specific fingerprint. The parameters thus can be used as nano-safety
indices. Higher the threshold value and lower the nanoparticle induced aggregation, safer is
the nano-drug (Deb et al., 2011).

5.3 Nanoparticles and antiplatelet drugs

Aspirin and Clopidogrel are most widely used anti-platelet drugs for ACS .In many cases dual
antiplatelet drug (both Aspirin and Clopidogrel) therapy is used for patient safety (Born et al,
2006, Guha et al., 2009, Faxon 2011, Aragam et al., 2011) Despite the benefits of dual
antiplatelet therapy, many patients still suffer from cardiovascular disease due to resistance to
such drugs. The drug resistance also increases the risk of the recurrent occurrence of ACS
(Guha et al., 2009; Jogns et al., 2006; Michelson et al., 2006). It is thus important to have a quick
sensor that will assess the resistance to aspirin or clopidogrel in patients in one step and also
assess the equivalence of the drug effects with respect to variations in geographic populations
(which may correspond to genetic variations of patient population) and variations in effective
drug dose among different drug manufacturers (Deb et al., US patent application, 2011).
Interestingly among the ACS patients, one’s showing resistance to the conventional anti-
platelet drugs (e.g. aspirin or clopidogrel) respond differentially to gold nanoparticle
(~20nm) as compared to one’s responding to it. This differential response can be used as a
convenient classifier of responders and non responder to antiplatelet drugs (see figure 8).

5.4 Nano-material nano-surface and nano-response

Though most of the nano induced response is pro-aggregatory in nature, a few reports
Mention inert nature of some nanoparticles (Li et al., 2009; Ramtoola et al., 2010; Gulati et al.,
2010). As most of the nano-particles induce platelet aggregation, so it can be said the
aggregatory nature of nano surface depends on its diameter rather than its component
material. But this conjecture is not applicable to all nano-forms. Charged surface (aminated -
positively charged or carboxylated - negatively charged) polystyrene latex nano-forms are
capable of inducing platelet aggregation, whereas unmodified latex beads are unable to do
so. Interestingly, the modes of aggregation for positive and negatively charged
nanoparticles are different. For carboxylated nanoparticle the aggregation is due to the
upregulation of surface adhesion molecules, whereas aminated nanoparticles alter the
platelet membrane and interact with the anionic phospholipid (Mayer et al., 2009;
McGuinnes et al., 2010). Though both of the charged particles are capable of inducing
platelet aggregation, the negatively charged larger particles (larger than 60nm) are shown to
be less toxic in the platelet activation context (Mayer et al., 2009).The lesser toxicity of the
such particle is probably due to less entry and charge repulsion between nano particles and
platelets. Human cell derived nanoparticles that actually accentuate platelet granules
Thrombotic Inception at Nano-Scale 19

release, inhibit platelet aggregation. This paradox is possibly due to the reduction of
platelet-platelet interaction in presence of nanoparticle (Miller et al., 2009). Negatively
charged Polyethylene glycol (PEG) coated nanoparticles from Microemulsion precursor
(PEG-E78) induces platelet inhibition (Koziara et al., 2005). Importantly, in both pro-
aggregatory or antiplatelet responses , the nanoparticles are effective inducer when added in
the pre-incubation stage. Neither the inhibition nor the aggregatory response are observed
once the aggregation is initiated by an agonist (Koziara et al., 2005; Deb et al. 2007, 2010).
Similar argument holds good for anti-platelet effect of silver nanoparticles prepared with a
certain surface attributes (Shrivastava et al., 2009). Silver nanoparticles with a different
surface conjugations again show pro-aggregatory effects (Deb et al., 2011 (in press)).

Fig. 8. Nanosensor for Drug Resistance in ACS [89]-Using Nanoparticle effect to discriminate
between responder and non-responder of antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirin and clopidogrel).
The important question that crops up here is whether in the platelet context it is the nano-
surface conjugation or the nano-material that play the lead role. It follows that by modulating
20 Acute Coronary Syndromes

the nano-surface, one can tune the thrombotic level, the desirable level depending on the
patient status. For ACS, the desired state is a nanoform that attenuates the aggregatory
response, and in case of hemorrhage the situation may be complimentary in nature.

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Physiopathology of the
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Iwao Emura
Department of Surgical Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Nagaoka Hospital,

1. Introduction
The widespread application of catheter-based interventions, and chronic treatment have
contributed to improved long-term prognosis in patients with acute ST-elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI) 1-5. Despite these indisputable achievements, a large number
of individuals remain at substantial risk of severe first attack, recurrent disease and death.
Patients with unstable angina were classified into three groups according to short-term risk
of death or nonfatal myocardial infarction6, and the results of noninvasive tests and the
corresponding approximate mortality rates were reported 7.
Disruption, fissure, or erosion of an atherosclerotic plaque, with residual mural
thrombus (RMT) has a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of acute coronary
syndromes (ACS) 8-12. Most of occlusive thrombi had a layered structure indicating an
episodic growth by repeated mural deposits 13, 14. Morphological studies indicated that
plaque complications remained clinically silent days or weeks before the fatal event 15-18.
A RMT predisposes patients to recurrent thrombotic vessel occlusion 15, 16, 17, and plaque
disruption, fissure or erosion with thrombus contributes to plaque development and
progression 18. Therefore, a marker that predicts disrupted, fissured or eroded plaque
and the coronary thrombus may have practical clinical applications. The diagnosis of
these lesions has been tried by several methods 19. However, plaque disruption itself is
asymptomatic, and the associated RMT is usually clinically silent 20. To the best of our
knowledge, markers as a sign of a disrupted, fissured or eroded plaque and a coronary
thrombus are not available.
Scavenger receptor-mediated endocytosis of oxidized low-density lipoprotein by
macrophages has been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The differentiation
of scavenger receptor A negative (SRA-) monocytes in peripheral blood (PB) into SRA
positive (SRA+ ) macrophages was believed to take place in atherosclerotic lesions by
stimulation of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) 21-24, and it was reported that
freshly isolated blood monocytes were negative for SRA 25. We surmised that plaque content
might be exposed to the blood stream after disruption of plaque, and SRA monocytes

might differentiate into SRA+ cells in PB by stimulation of M-CSF contained in plaque

content, and that increased SRA+ cells in PB might be a useful indication of disrupted,
fissured or eroded plaque and coronary thrombus.
26 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Although several scavenger receptors, such as SRA, CD36, scavenger receptor-B1, CD68 and
Lox-1 have been shown to bind oxidized low-density lipoprotein, SRA and CD36 are
responsible for the preponderance of modified low-density lipoprotein uptake in
macrophages 26. In our study, we evaluated the utility of SRA, since SRA antigen is
restrictedly expressed on macrophages 26, but CD36 is expressed not only on macrophages
and monocytes but also on B lymphocytes.
We reported that the SRA index[number of SRA+ cells in 10 high power fields (HPF, ×400)
of peripheral blood (PB) smear, upper limit: <30] greater than 30 was considered to be a
useful indication of disrupted, fissured or eroded plaque and coronary thrombus 27, 28 . In
this paper, we described the composition of occlusive coronary thrombi obtained from
patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the relationship between
the SRA index and these thrombi, and the utility of SRA index as an indication of disrupted,
fissured or eroded plaque and coronary thrombus in patients with ACS.

2. Study subjects
Eight autopsy cases with acute myocardial infarction, 393 patients with STEMI and 79
patients with unstable angina (UA) were examined. Patients with STEMI were treated with
percutaneous intracoronary thrombectomy during primary angioplasty. High-sensitivity C-
reactive protein (h-CRP), creatine kinase (CK) and creatine kinase-MB isozyme (CK-MB)
were examined in patients with STEMI. PB from 43 apparently healthy men and women in
their 20s was examined as a control.

3. Thrombectomy procedure
On admission, all patients were treated with 162 mg aspirin (Ebis, Osaka, Japan), and they
underwent percutaneous coronary intervention of the infarct-related artery through the
femoral access route with a 6F guiding catheter. Thrombectomy was performed with a
RescueTM catheter (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) or a TVAC catheter (NIPRO, Osaka,
Japan). Aspirated blood and intracoronary material were collected in a collection bottle,
which was equipped with a filter. Stent implantation was performed in 386 patients and all
patients were treated with antithrombotic therapy.

4. Tissue processing and histopathological methods

Autopsy was performed 2 or 3 hours after death. Thrombi and organs were fixed in 10 %
neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin, and examined using hematoxylin and eosin,
and phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH) sections. Papanicolaou-stained smears and
paraffin-embedded sections were used for the immunohistochemical and
immunocytochemical examination, which was performed with the simple stain MAX-PO
method (NICHIREI Co., Tokyo, Japan) and with diaminobenzidine as the chromogen using
mouse monoclonal anti-human glycoprotein 1b (CD42b, a platelet marker, 1:100; Novo
Castra, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), and mouse monoclonal anti-human SRA (CD204, a
macrophage SRA marker, 1:200; Trans Genic Inc., Kumamoto, Japan) antibodies. An antigen
retrieval method using citrate buffer and microwave heating was employed. As a negative
control, the primary antibody was substituted by phosphate-buffered saline, and a positive
stain was not observed in these controls.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 27

5. Cytological methods
I believe that the method of cytological examination of peripheral blood is my original
method 29. Briefly, red blood cells were lysed with lysing reagent (826 mg of NH4CL + 3.7
mg of EDTA-4Na + 100 mg of KHCO3 in 100 ml H2O), then nucleated cells were
suspended in isotonic sodium chloride solution, and the suspensions containing about
5x106 nucleated cells were smeared on glass slides using Auto smear CF-12 (Sakura Seiki,
Tokyo, Japan). Cells that did not adhere to the glass slides were gently washed away
with 95% ethanol solution. Smear preparations were fixed in 95% ethanol solution and
stained with the Papanicolaou method. A smear preparation of PB is shown in figure 1.
About one million and two hundred thousand nucleated cells were smeared in one slide.
Nucleated cells are smeared evenly and precise nuclear structures are excellently
preserved. About one thousand nucleated cells were observed in one high power field
(×400, Figure 2).

Fig. 1. A cytological preparation of peripheral blood stained with the Papanicolaou method.
About one million and two hundred thousand nucleated cells are smeared in one slide.
Papanicolaou stain.
28 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 2. About one thousand nucleated cells are observed in one high power field (×400).
Nucleated cells are smeared evenly and precise nuclear structures are excellently preserved.
Papanicolaou stain.

6. Definitions
Thrombi were classified into 4 groups according to previously published definitions
considering age and constituents of thrombus13, 30 : 1) an eosinophilic mass with neo-
vascularization (organizing thrombus: OT), 2) a structureless eosinophilic (hyalin) mass
(fibrin-rich thrombus: FT), 3) Thrombus containing significant quantities of platelets,
erythrocytes, fibrin and leukocytes (mixed thrombus: MT), and 4) tightly packed but
individually discernible platelets (platelet thrombus: PT). In this paper, we defined MT and
FT as RMT. Plaque components were identified based on the presence of foamy
macrophages, cholesterol crystals, collagen tissue, and/or calcification. Since the aspirated
material was fragmented, and PT seemed to be the freshest thrombus, contact between PT
and other types of thrombus (PT and MT: P-M, PT and FT: P-F,) and contact between PT and
plaque content (P-C) were examined in all cases to investigate the process of coronary
occlusion. Cases were classified into 3 groups according to the composition of the thrombus:
group A, containing PT only and P-C; B, a MT only, P-M and P-C+P-M; C, P-F, P-M+P-F, P-
C+P-F, and P-C+P-M+P-F. SRA+ cells in PB that had the same size and nuclear shape as
blood monocytes were defined as SRA+ cells. The SRA index was defined as the number of
SRA+ cells in 10 HPFs of PB smear samples. Based on the SRA index of apparently healthy
people in their 20s, we temporarily set the normal upper limit of the SRA index at 30 27.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 29

7. Autopsy cases
P-C was observed in 4 autopsy cases, P-M in 3 and P-M + P-F in 1. Numerous emboli of PT
were observed in peripheral small arteries and capillaries of the infarct-related artery in 6
cases. SRA index exceeded 30 in 5 cases. A typical case with acute myocardial infarction is
presented in figure 3 to 7. This patient is a forty-three year old male. He died suddenly.
Postmortem examination revealed disruption of the plaque and occlusive thrombus in the
left anterior descending artery (Figure 3). Thrombus is composed of platelet thrombus and
mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich thrombus (Figure 4 and 5). Platelet thrombus was adhered on
the inner side of mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich thrombus (Figure 4). Immunohistochemistry
for CD 42b revealed that platelet thrombus was deeply stained than mixed thrombus +
fibrin-rich thrombus (Figure 4). Fibrin mesh is contained in mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich
thrombus but not in platelet thrombus (figure 5). SRA+ cells are infiltrated in mixed
thrombus + fibrin-rich thrombus but not in platelet thrombus (Figure 6). Numerous emboli
of fragments of platelet thrombi were observed in small arteries and capillaries at the distal
portion of the left anterior descending artery (Figure 7).

Fig. 3. Plaque disruption (arrow) and thrombus formation in the left anterior descending
artery of the patients who died suddenly. Thrombus is composed of platelet thrombus (P)
and mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich thrombus (P+M). hematoxylin and eosin.
30 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 4. Serial section of figure 1. Platelet thrombus is deeply stained than mixed thrombus +
fibrin-rich thrombus, and adhered on the inner side of mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich
thrombus. Immunochemistry for CD42b.

Fig. 5. Serial section of figure 1. Fibrin mesh is contained in mixed thrombus + fibrin-rich
thrombus but not in platelet thrombus . phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin stain.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 31

Fig. 6. Serial section of figure 1. Scavenger receptor A positive cells are infiltrated in mixed
thrombus + fibrin-rich thrombus but not in platelet thrombus. Immunochemistry for
scavenger receptor A.

Fig. 7. Numerous emboli of fragments of platelet thrombi are observed in small arteries and
capillaries at the distal portion of the left anterior descending artery. Immunohistochemistry
for CD 42b.
32 Acute Coronary Syndromes

8. Patients with STEMI

8.1 SRA index and CK, CK-MB, h-CRP
Abnormally increased levels of CK and CK-MB were observed in 53.8 % and 55.6% cases
respectively at the hospitalization, and all cases showed abnormally high levels of CK and
CK-MB within 24 hours after hospitalization. There was a strong correlation between CK
and CK-MB (r=0.986), but no correlation between the SRA index and CK (r=0.025), CK-MB
(r=0.005), and h-CRP(r=0.085) were seen (all, Student’s t-test).

8.2 Pathological findings of thrombus

Thrombus was observed in 389 (99%) of the 393 patients, plaque contents alone were detected
in 2, and neither thrombus nor plaque contents was identified in 2. In 270 patients, only
thrombus was found; and both thrombus and plaque content were identified in 119. PT was
found in 387 of 389 (99.5%) patients, MT in 269 (69.2%), FT in 57 (14.7%), and OT in 29 (7.5%).
Results of the histopathological examination of thrombus are shown in table 1. RMT was
detected in 300 (77.1 %) patients (Table 1). One type of contact was detected in 285 (73.3 %)
patients, 2 types in 61 (15.7 %) and 3 types in 12 (3.0 %), and PT, or MT alone was found in 29
and 2 patients respectively. Contact between PT and OT was not observed. There was no
gradual morphological transition from PT to MT or FT, but there were gradual transitions
from MT to FT, and FT to OT in some cases.

Contact Thrombus SRA index >30

Pattern n n/n (%) n/n (%)
P 29
A 89/389(22.9) 46/89 (51.7)
P-C 60

M 2
B P-M 202 243/389(62.5) 181/243(74.5)
P-C+P-M 39

P-F 23
P-M+P-F 14
C 57/389(14.7) 49/57(86.0)
P-C+P-F 8
P-C+P-M+P-F 12

Table 1. Brief title: Relationships between contact patterns of thrombus and SRA index at

1P: Platelet thrombus. P-C: Contact between platelet thrombus and plaque content. M: Mixed thrombus.

P-M: Contact between platelet thrombus and mixed thrombus. P-F: Contact between platelet thrombus
and fibrin-rich thrombus.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 33

Eighty-nine patients were classified into group A, 243 into group B, and 57 into group C
(Table 1). Typical findings of group A (P-C) are shown in figure 8. Macrophages in plaque
content were positive for SRA, and SRA positive cells were not found in platelet thrombus.
Figure 9 to 12 are typical findings of group B (P-M). Platelet thrombus is adhered on the
mixed thrombus (Figure 9, 10), and fibrin mesh is not observed in platelet thrombus (Figure
11). SRA positive cells are infiltrated into mixed thrombus along the boundary zone (Figure
12). Typical findings of group C (P-F) are shown in figures 13 and 14. SRA positive cells are
diffusely infiltrated in fibrin-rich thrombus (Figure 14). Fragments of PT are frequently
found in MT in many cases (Figure 15). SRA+ cells infiltrated into 147 (54.6%) of 269 MT.
These cells and SRA+ cells in PB were nearly equal in size, and infiltrated into MT along the
boundary zone between PT and MT in most cases. SRA+ cells were diffusely infiltrated into
all FT and OT. Some of these SRA+ cells were large in size. Foam cells in plaque content were
positive for SRA. SRA+ cells were not infiltrated into PT.

Fig. 8. Contact between platelet thrombus (P) and plaque content (C).
34 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 9. Contact between platelet thrombus (P) and mixed thrombus (M).

Fig. 10. Serial section of figure 9. Platelet thrombus is strongly stained. Immunochemistry
for CD42b.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 35

Fig. 11. Serial section of figure 9. Fibrin mesh is not observed in platelet thrombus.
phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin stain.

Fig. 12. Serial section of figure 9. Scavenger receptor A positive cells infiltrate into mixed
thrombus along the boundary zone. Immunochemistry for CD204.
36 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 13. Contact between platelet thrombus (P) and fibrin-rich thrombus (F).

Fig. 14. Serial section of figure 13. Scavenger receptor A positive cells infiltrate into fibrin-
rich thrombus. Immunochemistry for CD204.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 37

Fig. 15. Small fragments of platelet thrombus (P) are intermingled with mixed thrombus (M).

8.3 SRA cells in PB
SRA+ cells were observed in all control cases and in all patients with STEMI and UA.
Neither SRA+ large macrophages nor foamy cells could be observed in PB of all examined
cases. SRA index of control cases ranged 1 to 24 (mean±SD=11.1±7.5). The relationships
between SRA index and contact patterns of thrombus at hospitalization were shown in
table 1. At hospitalization, SRA index exceeded 30 in 276 of 393 patients with STEMI
(Figure 16). Thrombus was identified in all these patients with more than 30 SRA index.
PT was identified in 274 (99.3 %), and RMT in 230 (83.3 %) cases. From the viewpoint
thrombus, SRA index exceeded 30 in 230 of 300 (76.7 %) cases with RMT and 46 of 89 (51.7
%) cases with PT alone (Table 1). The percentage of patients with a SRA index more than
30 was significantly lower in group A patients than other groups of patients (P<0.001).
Significant differences were observed between group A and B, and A and C (both,
Peripheral blood of 109 of 117 patients with less than 30 SRA index at hospitalization were
examined repeatedly, and SRA index of all 109 cases exceeded 30 within 2 to 3 days after
hospitalization. The maximum SRA indices of STEMI patients during 3 days after
hospitalization were significantly higher than those of STEMI patients at hospitalization.
The SRA index of 60 of 79 UA (75.9%) cases were 30 or more at hospitalization. The
differences in the SRA index were not significant between STEMI and UA (Table 2, P=0.218,
Welch’s test).
38 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 16. Scavenger receptor A positive cells in peripheral blood (SRA index: 187/10HPFs).

Table 2. The scattered plots of the SRA index of controls, AMI, UA.
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 39

9. Differentiation of SRA+ cells in PB

It is reported that freshly isolated blood monocytes were negative for SRA 25; however, a few
reports have indicated that SRA-monocytes can differentiate into SRA+ cells in PB by
various stimuli 32, 33, 34. SRA+ cells were observed in all control cases. We , therefore,
surmised that a small number of SRA monocytes differentiated into SRA+ cells in PB of

healthy men and women by various stimuli. Fuster et al. classified the progression of
coronary atherosclerotic diseases into five phases 35. Phase 1 is represented by a small plaque
that is present in most people under the age of 30 years. We set the normal upper limit of the
SRA index at 30 27, since plaque disruption, fissure, or erosion and RMT might not develop
in healthy men and women in their 20s, and SRA index of these control cases ranged 1 to 24
We considered two possibilities on the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the
differentiation of SRA+ cells in patients with STEMI (myocardial infarction or plaque
disruption, fissure or erosion). With the recognition that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory
process 36, h-CRP has been evaluated as a potential tool for predicting the risk of AMI 37, 38, 39,
and CK and CK-MB are good markers of myocardial injury. Macrophages are known to
arise from monocytes, and become larger over twice as large as monocytes with
differentiation. SRA-monocytes became positive for SRA after 5 days in culture with M-CSF
40, and differentiated into large macrophages by 10 days 41. Cytokines elevate in PB after

insult 42. Myocardial infarction is severe insult, so SRA+ cells may increase in PB as a result
of myocardial infarction. However, differentiation of SRA+ cells in PB was not considered to
result from myocardial injury, because there was no correlation between SRA indices and
CK, CK-MB, and h-CRP.
The differentiation of SRA- monocytes into SRA+ macrophages was believed to take place in
atherosclerotic lesions by stimulation of M-CSF 21-24. Disruption, fissure or erosion of an
atherosclerotic plaque is generally recognized as a proximate event responsible for the
development of the ACS 8-12. The SRA index of the patients with less than 30 SRA index at
hospitalization rapidly increased, and the SRA index of all these STEMI patients exceeded
30 within 2 to 3 days. We therefore surmised that SRA- monocytes might differentiate into
SRA+ cells as the result of exposure of plaque content that contains M-CSF to the blood

10. Coronary occlusion

Examinations of aspirated material have focused on thrombus age 31, 43, 44. Rittersma et al.
classified thrombi into 3 groups: fresh (< 1 day), lytic (1 to 5 days), and organized thrombus
(> 5 days) 31. However it is hard to understand the constituents of thrombus by this
classification. PT and some MT seem to correspond to fresh thrombus, and some MT and FT
to lytic thrombus. PT was detected in 387 (99.5 %) of 389 patients, MT in 269 cases (69.2 %)
and FT in 57 (14.7 %). SRA+ cells infiltrated into all FT and 147 (54.6 %) of 269 MT, but not
PT. These SRA+ cells in PB were thought to be infiltrated into MT, since SRA+ cells
infiltrated in MT along the boundary zone between PT and MT (luminal side of the coronary
artery). From these findings, PT was considered to be most fresh thrombus, and infarct-
related coronary artery was totally and rapidly occluded by the formation of PT.
Using their computer-assisted extracorporeal-perfusion system, Badimon et al.45 and Lassila
et al.46 found that platelet deposition increased significantly with increased stenosis. Sudden
40 Acute Coronary Syndromes

coronary occlusion was often preceded by a period of plaque instability and thrombus
formation, initiated days or weeks before the onset of symptoms 15-18, and total coronary
occlusion of the infarct-related artery always results from the growth of RMT 44, 47 - 49.
Considering these reports and the histopathological findings of thrombi, PT was thought to
be formed abruptly as a result of severe coronary stenosis due to sudden extrusion of
atheromatous debris into vessel lumen in 43 group A patients with a SRA index less than 30
at hospitalization, and due to gradual growth of RMT in group B and C patients. The
percentage of patients with SRA index more than 30 at hospitalization was significantly
lower in group A patients than other groups of patients. This finding seemed to support the
theory, since the SRA index exceeded 30 about 2 days after plaque disruption27.

11. The fate of platelet thrombus

RMT was observed in 300 of 389 STEMI cases. Meshwork of fibrin was observed in RMT, so
RMT was thought not to be fragile. RMT predisposes patients to recurrent thrombotic vessel
occulusion15-17, and plaque disruption, fissure or erosion with thrombus contributes to
plaque development and progression18. Gradual growth of RMT plays an important role on
the increased stenosis of coronary artery, and total occlusion of coronary artery by platelet
Meshwork of fibrin was not contained in platelet thrombus. Consequently, platelet
thrombus was considered to be very fragile. Fragments of platelet thrombus were frequently
observed in mixed thrombus and numerous emboli of fragments of platelet thrombus were
observed in small arteries and capillaries at the distal portion of the infarct related artery of
autopsy cases. Platelet thrombus was considered to repeat formation and disintegration
with the gradual growth and lysis of RMT, and numerous emboli of fragments of platelet
thrombus at the distal portion of the infarct related artery may repeatedly injure cardiac
myocytes .

12. SRA index and vulnerable plaque

Disruption, fissure, or erosion of an atherosclerotic plaque, with RMT has a fundamental
role in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) 8-12.
In general, in case of AMI, a direct relationship between the onset of plaque disruption and
acute transmural ischemia is assumed; however pathological studies of autopsy 13, 14 and
thrombectomy 18, 31, 43 materials indicated that plaque disruption, fissure or erosion with
RMT remain clinically silent days or weeks before the fatal event. The SRA index of the
patents with less than 30 SRA index at hospitalization exceed normal level within 2 to 3
days. These findings indicated that SRA index rapidly increases in AMI patients after plaque
disruption, erosion, or fissure. A SRA index more than 30 was observed in patients with
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome50. Therefore, SRA index more than 30 was not a
specific finding to ACS. SRA index exceeded 30 in 230 of 300 (76.7 %) cases with RMT and
46 of 89 (51.7 %) cases with PT alone, and 276 of all 389 cases at hospitalization. Thrombus
was identified in all 276 patients with a SRA index more than 30 at hospitalization. PT was
detected in 99.3 % and RMT in 83.3 % of these patients. SRA index did not exceed 30 in
healthy control cases. SRA index of these 276 patients was surmised to exceed 30 before the
onset of STEMI. The SRA indices of 75.9 % of unstable angina cases were more than 30 at
hospitalization 27. The pathophysiological substrate of the unstable angina is now considered
Physiopathology of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 41

to be common with the acute myocardial infarction. We, therefore, believe that the abnormal
increase of SRA+ cells is considered to be a useful finding to gather the presence of disrupted
or fissured or eroded plaque, PT, and probably RMT in patients with UA.

13. References
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Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of Acute

Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High
Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays
Amparo Galán1, Josep Lupón2 and Antoni Bayés-Genis2
1Biochemical Service
2Cardiology Service,

1. Introduction
In patients with acute thoracic pain and non-conclusive acute myocardial infarction
electrocardiogram (non-STEMI), the biochemical diagnosis is an essential tool for its correct
treatment. The study of the chosen biomarker for cardiac injury has raised interest during
decades. The appearance of immunoassays to assess cardiac troponin I or T has reached
great improvements in the diagnosis, evolution and prognosis of the Acute Coronary
Syndrome (ACS), as well as in risk stratification of these patients and in patients with
chronic cardiac diseases as heart failure or cardiomyopathies. Regarding the analytical
sensitivity of the methods that evaluate cardiac troponin I or T these improvements have
made possible to measure accurately very tiny seric concentrations of the protein (high
sensitivity troponin) (hs-Tn). This fact, being positive in principle sometimes induces to
reconsider if tiny seric concentrations of isolated troponin I or T are not due to acute
myocardial infarction but to a less severe source which affects the myocardiocite, this will
oblige us to assess the clinical presentation in depth.

2. Diagnostic criteria of acute coronary syndrome – Biochemical markers –

History background and evolution
Thoracic pain is one of the most frequent reasons for attending the emergengy room at
hospitals. About 10% of these patients will be diagnosed Acute Myocardial Infarction. The
clinical syntoms and the electrocardiogram can not always differentiate between a patient
suffering from acute myocardial infarction or an angina. Electrocardiogram is only
diagnostic in 40% of the patients. That is why in processes of acute coronary ischemia
different from infarction with rising of segment ST, (infarction no Q or without rising of ST,
unstable angina), the use of biochemical markers can be the only criteria to identify the
existence of myocardial necrosis, being necessary for infarction diagnosis, treatment,
evolution and prognosis.
The biochemical diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome has had remarkable changes over
the last few years. During years the enzymatic profile (creatine kinase, activity of the
isoenzime CKMB, aspartate aminotransferase and lactate deshidrogenase) has been the
46 Acute Coronary Syndromes

biochemical method chosen for the diagnosis of acute coronary ischemia. The criteria of the
WHO (WHO 1979 ) was followed until 1999, being the catalytic activity of creatine kinase
MB isoenzyme (CKMB) the marker chosen. In fact, according to the WHO to reach the
diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) two of the following three criterias must be
fulfilled: precordial pain with evolution longer than 30 minutes, specific electrocardiograph
changes and elevation of catalityc activity of creatine kinase (CK) and its isoenzime MB
However, during the 1990s more sensitive and specific cardiac markers are marketed and
beginning to be used in order to detect the disease, such as the protein concentration of
isoenzime MB (CKMBmass) or Troponin.
In September 2000 the criteria which defines acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was
reviewed and a consensus document was published (European Society of Cardiology/ American
College of Cardiology Committe 2000) between The Joint European Society of Cardiology and
The American College of Cardiology where they give great importance to the alterations of
cardiac markers: Troponin or CKMBmass (no activity) for the diagnosis of the disease,
together with symptoms of ischemia or alterations in the electrocardiogram (ECG). In fact,
the main criteria to establish the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is to verify the
gradual release of troponin or CKMBmass, (typical curve of fast rising-descent), together
with at least one of the following alterations: a) ischemic syntoms; b) development of
pathological Q waves in ECG; c) indicative changes of ischemia (variations of the segment

2.1 Cardiact troponin: Biochemical bases

Troponin is one of the myofibrilar proteins of the skeletal muscle and its function is to
regulate muscular contraction in relation with calcium ion (Figure 1). The thick filament of
the muscle is formed by myosin and the thin filament by actin, troponin and tropomyiosin.
Only actin and myosin are contractile proteins; troponin and tropomyosin are regulatory.
Troponin is composed by three peptides called troponin T, troponin I and troponin C.
Troponin T is regulatory of tropomyosin; troponin I (inhibitory), inhibits the union actin-
myosin; troponin C is the receptor of calcium so when linking calcium disappears the
inhibition of troponin I on tropomyosin forming the shuttles actin-myosin and activating the
The theory currently accepted for the mechanism of muscular contraction involves the ATP-
asic activity (two molecules of ADP and inorganic phosphorus) present in the heads of
myosin (figure 1). In repose myosin does not contact actin as the sarcplasm does not have
enough calcium to produce the contraction, and calcium regulates the ATP-asic activity.
During the contraction when receiving the nervous signal calcium is released to the
sarcoplasm, this calcium joins immediately to the centers of union of calcium to troponin,
inducing a structure change which allows the heads of actin and myosin to link forming an
angle of about 90ºC. The release of the phosphorus molecule of the complex actin-myosin-
ADP involves a structure change which makes actin slide (power strike) and adopt a 45ºC
angle on myosin. This movement produces at the same time a release of ADP. For each actin
myosin union provoked by the union of two calcium molecules to troponin C, at least two
ATP molecules are needed and to carry two calcium molecules from the cytosol to reticule
an ATP molecule is required (Galán A. 2000).
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 47


T Thin I
Filament C Ca++



ADP: Adenosin diphosphate

ATP: Adenosin Triphosphate
Fig. 1. Scheme of the process of muscular contraction and involvement of myofibrilar and
contractile proteins of the skeletal muscle (Galán A. 2000).
The different kinds of muscles of the organism present different characteristics of
contraction, this is due to the structural differences genetically determined in some
myofibrilar proteins. Three isoforms have been described for troponin I and T which present
structural differences codified by genes located in three different crhomosomes. So for
troponin I (figure 2) there are two isoforms of the skeletal muscle one of slow contraction
and another one fast and a specific shape of the cardiac muscle. The cardiac isoform has 31
suplementary aminoacids at the N-terminal end of the polypeptide chain and besides it
differs from skeletal isoforms as it shows in the tracts of the primary sequences of the
protein, a heterogeneity of 69% for the central tract (residues 30 to 110) and 44% for the
terminal tract (110-215) which seems to be more stable because of the protection carried out
by the subunit C terminal. Troponin T also shows three isoforms codified by genes located
in three different chromosomes, one of them is specific for myocardium. The myocardial
isoform has an elevated polymorphism provoking isoforms which express in injured
myocardial tissue, adult and fetal. Troponin C, however, is identical in both kinds of muscle.
(Galán A. 2004).
This fact confers troponin the qualification of cardiac marker of maximum cardiospecificity
unlike creatine kinase, creatine kinase MB and myoglobine which co-express in the skeletal
48 Acute Coronary Syndromes

muscle and in the myocardium. Some specific anti-bodies have been patented in opposition
to troponin T and cardiac Troponin I so that they can be recognised by specific
immunoassays. Troponin forms (I and T) of skeletal and cardiac muscle: a) Are codified by
different genes; b) Have structures which are clearly differentiated; c) Are recognised by
specific immunoassays.
That is why the assessment of troponin T or troponin I favours the specific recognition of
myocardial damage even in the presence of concomitant skeletal muscle damage. Therefore
only troponin molecules fulfil the cardiospecificity criteria. This cardiospecificity guarantees
that the detection of a cardiac troponin molecule in plasma is indicative of myocardial

Slow N 109 123 146 C
muscle 215
MW 19800

31 209
Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
MW 24000
69% 44%

Fig. 2. Isoforms of Troponin I: In the figure we can see two isoforms of skeletal muscle, one
of slow contraction and another one fast and a specific form of cardiac muscle. The cardiac
isoform has 31 suplementary aminoacids at the end N-terminal of the polypeptide chain,
besides it differs from skeletal isoforms as it shows in the tracts of the primary sequence of
the protein a heterogeneity of 69% for the central tract (residues 30 to 110) and 44% for the
terminal tract (110-215) which seems to be more stable because of the protection carried out
by the subunit C terminal (Galän A 2004).
We confirmed the absence of crossed reactions (Galán A. 2002) for an Immunoassay
Troponin I (cat. nº RF421 Dade Behring) using the Dimension RxL automatic analyzer (Dade
Behring, Newark, Delaware, USA). The cardiospecificity of troponin I was verified using
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 49

myocardial and skeletal muscle (quadriceps, biceps) tissue. Troponin I was measured in
myofibrillar and cytosolic fraction. The absence of troponin I in skeletal muscle was
corroborated: the concentration of troponin I in biceps and quadriceps was not detected (<
1% of the values obtained in myocardial tissue). The troponin I concentration in the
myofibrillar fraction of cardiac tissue was 7.2 mg/g protein and only 4% of total troponin
content was found in the soluble fraction (figure 3).

TROPONINA I ( m g/g.prot)



(quadriceps) (biceps)

Fig. 3. Tissue specificity for the troponin I method. The figure shows the lack of
crossreactivity of troponin I with skeletal muscle. No troponin I concentrations in the crude
extract of biceps and quadriceps were detected. The troponin I concentration in the
myofibrillar fraction of cardiac tissue was 7.2 mg/g protein and in the cytosolic fraction 0.3
mg/g protein. (Galán A. 2002)
This fact helps to understand the double diagnostic window of troponin: The small fraction
dissolved in cytoplasma of the cardiomyocites, which has relative precociousness (>6 hours)
in the detection of cellular injuries (similar to other cytoplasmatic proteins) and the majority
fraction which is the one linked to tropomyosin complex in structure and only appears in
plasma after cellular irreversible damage and after 40 hours from occurring and remains
elevated till 10-15 days after the injury, being then used as late marker of myocardial
necrosis (figure 4)
50 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Cytosolic Miofibrillar Fraction
reference limits X 35 Early
30 biomarker Mioglobin
25 CKMB Isoformes
20 CKMB mass
15 Troponin
10 days


houres after cheast pain

Fig. 4. Plasmatic levels of cardiac markers after ischemic process: Double diagnostic window
of Troponin

2.2 Comparative characteristics of troponin with other cardiac markers

Myoglobine and CKMB are located in the cellular cytoplasma which favours a fast exit of the
molecule out of the cell and therefore an early appearance in systemic circulation. Troponin
has a small fraction in cellular cytoplasma but most of it is found in deep tissue, as part of
tropomyosin complexes. On the other hand either myoglobin or CK-MB co-express in skeletal
muscle so they do not have the cardiospecificity which troponin shows (Table 1).



MIOGLOBIN Heart muscle 17.800 Cytosol

Skeletal muscle

CK-MB Heart muscle 80.000 Cytosol

Skeletal muscle

Cardiac 23.500 3% Cytosol

TROPONIN I Heart muscle 97% Tropomyosin

Cardiac Heart muscle 33.000 6 % Cytosol

TROPONIN T 94% Tropomyosin

Table 1. Molecular Weight and cellular and tissue location.

Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 51

Myoglobin and CK isoforms are the earliest markers and with the fastest elimination. CKMB
is cytosolic but it has higher PM than Myoglobin so it takes it longer to appear and clear the
plasma. Troponin, due to its double location has a wide diagnostic window (from 6 hours to
10-12 days) (Table 2)

CARDIAC Home peak elevation Return

MAR KER elevation (houres) Nor mal
after AMI Value
(houres) (houres)

CKM B 2 -4 6 -8 18-2 4 h ou res


MI OGLOBI N 2 -3 6- 9 18-2 4 h ou res

CK-M B 4 -6 10- 18 1-2 d ays

T ROPON I N I >6 10- 24 5 -10 d ays

T ROPON I N >6 10- 24 5 -12 d ays


Table 2. Cardiac marker Kinetics.

Cardiac troponin has a small fraction (6% for T and 3% for I) dissolved in cytoplasma of the
cardiomyocites. This confers the early detection of cellular damage similar to that of other
cytoplasmatic proteins, even better than the isoenzime MB of creatine kinase because its
molar mass is lower (33.000 g/mol para la T y 23.500 g/mol para la I). Nevertheless, the
majority fraction, approximately 90%, is linked in structure to the tropomyosin complex and
only appears in plasma after irreversible cellular damage and 40 hours after occurring.
Besides, as it remains in plasma for a long time it can also be used as late marker of
myocardial necrosis.
Because of all of this, the excellent cardiospecificity and sensitivity of troponin for the
detection of myocardial necrosis, together with its wide diagnostic window (from 6-12h to 5-
10 days for troponin I and from 6-12 hours to 5-15 days for troponin T) have revolutionised
in the latest years the approach of patients with acute coronary syndrome as a lot of studies
have demonstrated its usefulness in the diagnosis of myocardial necrosis as well as in the
prognostic stratification of these patients in the first hours of evolution.

2.3 Problem of the methods to assess troponin. Solutions taken. Guidelines for
clinical practice 1999 and 2001
In the beginning of working with troponin, either physician or biochemists wondered : Is
troponin so useful?, Which troponin method is the right one? (Troponin T or Troponin I),
What cut-off must we choose?, What marker or markers must be selected?, What intervals
must be used?
52 Acute Coronary Syndromes

At present there are black spots in the analytical management of the methods which assess
troponin as the election for cut-off or the lack of standardization of the different methods
available in the market (Wu Alan HB 2001), (Apple FS, 2001) and the low analytical
sensitivity of the methods among others. These factors may cause confusion in the election
of the method as well as in the clinical interpretation of the results (Table 3).

• The choice of cutoff

• Lack of Tn I method’s estandarization
• Low sensitivity of methods

These factors may cause confusion

in the interpretation of results
Table 3. Technical problems in management troponin methods.
To try to help and encourage us to use troponin, in 1999 appeared the first Guidelines for
Clinical Practice in the use of troponin published by the National Academy of Clinical
Biochemistry (NACB) to establish analytical and clinical recommendations (Wu AHB 1999)
and in 2001 the standardization committee of cardiac markers of the International
Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) opted for troponin as election marker for
myocardial necrosis and establishes recommendations of analytical and pre-analitical
quality for the assays of Tn, ( Panteghini M 2001), encouraging the clinical laboratories to
use it and inducing the manufacturers to improve the analytical quality of the methods of
assessment of the protein.
An example of the problems was the discrepancy arisen when establishing the cut-offs
according to the criteria of the different scientific societies: The NACB suggests using the
ROC curves of sensitivity and diagnostic specificity choosing two cut-offs (AMI and
myocardial damage) or just one cut-off of myocarid damage. Another alternative is to
establish Reference Values in normal population and apply 95th percentile as the National
Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) suggests or 99th percentile as the American
College of Cardiology suggests (ACC).
Another important problem is the election of the method (table 4). There is only one
method in the market to measure TnT and innumerable methods to measure Tn I. The
results of the different methods which measure Tn I are not overlapping, which generates
doubts about its election. This variability of results does not occur with TnT methods as
there is only one TnT immunoanalisis marketed. However, TnT values are not
overlapping either with the methods which measure Troponin I. The molecular structure
of TnI favours its heterogeneity. In serum there is variability of forms of TnI by oxidation,
phosphorilation or protelisis affecting the interaction with anti-bodies in the assays.
Besides, the heterogeneity in plasma of the different forms of troponin is another reason
that makes it difficult to select the method. In blood we can find tissular forms of troponin
making binary or ternary troponin complexes and free cytosolic forms (Figure 5).
Therefore the anti-bodies used in the immunoassays of TnI detect different epitopes in
free and complexed forms.
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 53

• Heterogeneity in plasma of the different forms of troponin

– Tissular forms:
binary troponin complexes (I +C)
ternary troponin complexes (T+I+C)
– Free cytosolic forms (I and T)
• There is any reference material to standardize marketed troponin
• The antibodies used in the immunoassays of TnI detect different
epitopes in free and complexed forms.
Table 4. Reasons difficult the election of the method.

Fig. 5. Scheme of the release in blood of cardiac sub-units of troponin after acute myocardial
infarction (according to Wu y cols.) (Galan2004).
So the main problem regarding the methods that assess troponin is the lack of
standardization (Figure 6). As a consequence of that there is no transferring of the results
among the different commercial methods which assess this protein, what creates confusion
due to the analytical and clinical variability of the results. This makes it difficult to choose
the best method.
The absence of a material of reference which standardizes the methods means that the
results obtained can not be transferred. The methods will have a different cut-off, variations
in the limit of the cut-off, as well as imprecisions. On the other hand at low levels close to
the reference values the coefficients of variation are elevated.
The most suitable solution in the long run, as it is a difficult matter, to solve this problem is
to obtain international reference material, a topic in which scientific societies as IFCC and
AACC (American Society of Clinical Chemistry) among others have been working on since
2001. This would standardize the methods and the transferring of the results would be
achieved. What would not be unified is the variation of anti-bodies every manufacturer
uses. The problem is not completely solved as the reference material obtained, more
suitable, was elaborated by a sub-committee of standardization of the AACC in
54 Acute Coronary Syndromes

collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and certified
in 2006 as standard reference material SRM # 2921. This reference material achieves
commutability only with 50% of the commercial methods which assess troponin. In any
case, the standardization of the measurement methods of troponin is not finished yet, which
involves wide analytical variations noticed among the different immunoassays marketed
and appoved by the FDA. (Wu Alan HB 2001).


long-run unmediated
lack of standarization user solution

To obtein best
Lack result’s an fit
transferibility high INTERNATIONAL infrastructure
imprecision REFERENCE center
at cuttof MATERIAL
leves (IFCC,AACC)
high Manufacturer's
Imprecision technical
Result’s Evalute the method

Fig. 6. Analitical problems of the methods which assess troponin: Absence of

standardization of the methods.
The immediate solution the user must opt is: Choose the immunoassay which best adapts
the infrastructure of the centre (central laboratory, emergency laboratory, or at the patients’
side) (bear in mind the analytic system available) and demand the manufacturers the
technical documentation about what their method measures. The black spots must be
evaluated by the user itself. In case that the imprecision of the chosen method does not fulfil
the NABC indications at the point of diagnostic decision, the improvement of the method
must be claimed to the manufacturer.
Another important shortage of the initial methods of quantification of troponin is its relative
sensitivity (figure 7)
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 55


Relative sensitivity

High coefficients of variation at levels

near of the lower limit of the reference values

uncertainty in the diagnostic sensitivity

of necrosis detection.

Fig. 7. Problem of initial troponin methods.

In general the methods of assessment of troponin showed elevated values in the limits of
detection, limits of quantification far from the reference values, high imprecisions in the
limits of quantification, cut-off and reference values, which provokes uncertainty in the
diagnostic sensitivity of necrosis detection.
That is why the goals of analytic quality of the different scientific societies have been:
Recommend the use of methods to assess troponin with the maximum analytical sensitivity
to increase the diagnostic sensitivity of the test in myocardial necrosis as well as avoiding
the problems arising because of the lack of standardization of methods.

2.4 Guidelines of clinical practice 2007

In 2007, The Joint ESC/ACF/AHA/ WHF Task Force 2007 (Thygesen 2007) published
the last Guidelines of Clinical Practice on the recommendations of the biochemical
diagnosis of the detection of ACS and re-define the criteria for Myocardial Infarction
establishing a universal definition of AMI. The recommendation (class I) state: In
presence of clinical evidence (symptoms or alterations in ECG), concentrations of seric
troponin higher than 99th percentile of the interval of reference of the method (with
optimal analytic precision CV<10%), are indicative of myocardial necrosis. If troponin is
not available the measurement of CKMB-mass is another acceptable alternative. The
extraction of blood must be carried out at patient’s admission and 6 – 9 hours after
56 Acute Coronary Syndromes

These Guidelines are in accordance with the latest analytic recommendations for the use
of troponin published in 2007 by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB)
and the Committee of standardization of Cardiac Markers of the IFCC (NACB 2007)
which state that: To establish reference values 99th percentile must be applied on a
population of at least 120 subjects exempt from myocardial damage. It is required that the
imprecision of the method in the 99th percentile chosen is lower or equal to a coefficient of
variation of 10%.

3. Methods of new generation: High-sensitivity assays

The recommendations of these Clinical Guidelines have induced the manufacturers to
market methods which assess the protein with higher reliability. This has provoked the
appearance in the market of a new generation of immunoassays which assess troponin.

Figure 8. New Generation of Troponin methods

High- sensitivity assays

To detect the Tn
To comply with the
Clinica Guides recommendations
99 percentile of the reference interval, with
of Scientific Societies

Reliably detected

early diagnosis of necrosis and

risk stratification

Fig. 8. New generation of troponin methods.

(Figure 8) They are methods with elevated analitic sensitivity and their goal is to detect the
99th percentile of the limit of the detection, quantification limit and normal population with
high analitic precision being able to fulfil the recommendations of the scientific societies.
The goal of these methods is to be able to know with reliability the early diagnosis of the
necrosis and the stratification of myocardial risk. There is a recent publication of Jaffé 2010
which collects the characteristics of analytic sensitivity of all the methods of troponin in the
market (table 5, ref Jaffé 2010).
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 57

Detection cTn at 99th cTn at

Company-Instrument- CV at 99th
limit percentile 10% CV
Assay (generation) percentile (%)
(ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L)
Abbott AxSYM ADV (2nd) 0.02 0.04 15.0 0.16
Abbott ARCHITECT <0.01 0.028 15.0 0.032
Abbott i-STAT 0.02 0.08# 16.5 0.10
Beckman Coulter Access
0.01 0.04 14.0 0.06
Accu (2nd)
bioMerieux Vidas Ultra
0.01 0.01 27.7 0.11
Innotrac Aio! (2nd) 0.006 0.015 0.036
(at 19 ng/L)
Inverness Biosite Triage 0.05 <0.05 NA NA
Inverness Biosite Triage (r) 0.01 0.056 17.0 NA
Mitsubishi Chemical
0.008 0.029 5.0 0014
Ortho Vitros ECi ES 0.012 0.034 10.0 0.034
Radiometer AQT90 0.0095 0.023 17.7 0.039
Response Biomedical
0.03 <0.1 18.5 0.21
Roche E170 0.01 <0.01 18.0 0.03
Roche Elecsys 2010 0.01 <0.01 18.0 0.030
Roche Cardiac Reader <0.05 <0.05 NA NA
Siemens Centaur Ultra 0.006 0.04 10.0 0.03
Siemens Dimension RxL 0.04 0.07 20.0 0.14
Siemens Immulite 2500
0.1 0.2 NA 0.42
Siemens Immulite
0.15 NA NA 0.64
Siemens Stratus CS 0.03 0.07 10.0 0.06
Siemens VISTA 0.015 0.045 10.0 0.04
Tosoh AIA II 0.06 <0.06 8.5 0.09
NA= not assayed 99th = 99th percentile; 10% CV = Concentration measured with a 10% of total
imprecision measured as coefficient of variation (CV); (r) = revised assay submitted to FDA per
Inverness. Table can be consulted at
SMCD/cTn_Assay_Table_v091209.pdf. Version updated September 12, 2009
Table 5. Analytical characteristics of the current cardiac troponin I and T assays. (source)
Troponinas ultrasensibles en el dolor torácico y los síndromes coronarios agudos. ¿un paso
hacia delante? A.S. Jaffé y J.Ordoñez-Llanos. Rev Esp Cardiol, 2010; 63(7)763-68
There are only 4 of them which fulfil the recommendations of the Guidelines for Clinical
Practice into effect at present (Thygesen 2007) , (NCB 2007) (CV< 10% in 99th percentile).
However, at present there is no recommendation in any Clinical Guideline which classifies
high sensitivity methods. Apple et al 1999 have suggested a classification to differentiate such
methods. They use two criterias a) coefficient of variation in 99th percentile and b) percentege
of values detected in reference population. For a method to be ultra-sensitive must have
CV<10% in 99th percentile and detect troponin in less than 50% of the reference population.
58 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Table 6 (from Jaffé 2010) holds the classification of the methods available in the market to
assess troponin according to the criteria of Apple 1999. None of the 16 methods mentioned in
the table fulfil the two conditions Apple demands in their criteria of high sensitivity method

% of detectable
99th Imprecision at Classification
values in
percentile 99th percentile according
(in ng/L) (%) imprecision
Current available assays (generation)
Abbott AxSYM ADV (2nd) 40 15.0 Clinically <50%
Abbott ARCHITECT 28 15.0 Clinically <50%
Abbott i-STAT 80 16.5 Clinically <50%
Beckman Coulter Access
40 14.0 Clinically 50-75%
Accu (2nd)
bioMerieux Vidas Ultra (2nd) 10 27.7 Not acceptable <50%
Innotrac Aio! (2nd) 15 14.0 (at 19 ng/L) Clinically <50%
Inverness Biosite Triage <50 NA NA <50%
Inverness Biosite Triage (r) 56 17.0 Clinically Unknown
Mitsubishi Chemical
29 5.0 Guideline <50%
Ortho Vitros ECi ES 34 10.0 Guideline <50%
Radiometer AQT90 23 17.7 Clinically <50%
Response Biomedical RAMP <100 18.5 Clinically <50%
Roche E170 <10 18.0 Clinically <50%
Roche Elecsys 2010 <10 18.0 Clinically <50%
Roche Cardiac Reader <50 NA NA <50%
Siemens Centaur Ultra 40 10.0 Guideline <50%
Siemens Dimension RxL 70 20.0 Clinically <50%
Siemens Immulite 2500
200 NA NA <50%
Siemens Immulite 1000
NA NA NA <50%
Siemens Stratus CS 70 10.0 Guideline <50%
Siemens VISTA 45 10.0 Guideline <50%
Tosoh AIA II <60 8.5 Guideline <50%
Research high-sensitive assays
Beckman Coulter Access hs-
8.6 10.0 Guideline >95%
Roche Elecsys hs-cTnT 13 8.0 Guideline >95%
Nanosphere hs-cTnI 2.8 9.5 Guideline 75-95%
Singulex hs-cTnI 10.1 9.0 Guideline >95%
Table 6. Classification of the current and the high-sensitive cTn assays according criteria of
Apple 2009.(source) Troponinas ultrasensibles en el dolor torácico y los síndromes
coronarios agudos. ¿un paso hacia delante? A.S. Jaffé y J.Ordoñez-Llanos. Rev Esp Cardiol,
2010; 63(7)763-68
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 59

From these results it is important to point out that the most sensitive methods (research
high-sensitivity assays) that is, with concentration values under 99th percentile and with
better imprecisions in such percentile, are the ones which show higher proportion of healthy
subjects (between 75-95% or >95%) which exceed the value of normality established for the

4. Repercussion of high sensitivity troponin methods in the management of

patients with ACS – Proposal of interpretation in clinical practice
The appearance of this new generation of high sensitivity troponin methods is going to
modify the classical diagnostic interpretation of precordial pain we have been making
until now as their goal is to be able to measure much smaller protein concentrations than
the ones conventional methods are able to measure now. So it will be necessary to learn
again and become familiar with the management of the marker. These new myocardial
necrosis biomarkers going to appear in the blood stream hours earlier than if the marker
is measured using conventional methods. These ones can only detect troponin 6-9 hours
after clinical symptoms whereas using high sensitivity troponin the necrosis can be
diagnosed earlier, as it starts being detected in blood three hours after pain. In a similar
way the exclusion of acute myocardial infarction will also be earlier and considering the
negligible amount of troponin which can be detected it will also increase the prediction of
adverse clinical events. There are studies which confirm this fact. As the sensitivity of the
methods has increased, it has been found a remarkable increase of the diagnostic
sensitivity in the early detection of AMI using all, methods of high sensitivity troponinT
and conventional Tn T methods (Giannitsis E,2010, Giannitsis E,2010 b) or troponin I
(Kavasak PA 2009. Wilson 2009).
These characteristics which theoretically just show benefits can cause diagnostic confusion
of an acute coronary syndrome because ultrasensitive troponin elevations are not only
due to an acute process as they are also found in sub-acute processes and other cardiac
diseases. High sensitivity troponin methods detect a minimum injury of the non-ischemic
cardiomiocites, due to cardiac disorders (myocardial injuries such as myocarditis,
pericarditis among others or the increase of the cardiac size as in cardiac insufficiency, left
ventricular hypertrophia among others) or to other sort of diseases as for example
pulmonary edema , sepsis or ictus can cause the release of hsTn into the systemic
circulation. That is why not only the ischemic injury but also a wide range of other
alterations can be associated with elevated high sensitivity troponin values. Besides, most
of these elevations predict an adverse evolution in these patients, being , in this case, the
clinic criterias the only way to reach a diagnosis. This causes confusion in the
interpretation of troponin, which has traditionally been associated with the acute
coronary syndrome being its elevation essential when the patient has acute thoracic pain,
having or not elevation of the ST segment in electrocardiogram. Using conventional
methods the finding of troponin values over the reference interval, in processes which do
not fit with an acute coronary syndrome, induced us to look into the cause, which
habitually was not explained. The appearance of high sensitivity methods make us change
our criteria as although the reason for the output into the bloodstream of small amounts
of the protein, which were not detected by conventional methods, is not known exactly, in
processes which do not fit with acute ischemia its find represents a very useful data for
the prognosis of the patient.
60 Acute Coronary Syndromes

The appearance of this new generation of methods to assess troponin induces us to

continue with the research in the management of these biomarkers, whose future is
promising, in order to optimize and learn its management, and until new Guidelines in
Clinical Practice appear and reach a consensus on the best way to use and interpret the
results, we must be cautious in the application of high sensitivity troponin in clinical
practice methods.
That is why the best thing to do (table 7) before implementing a method in clinical practice
is to assess comprehensively and establish the reference values in better defined
populations, using more strict inclusion criteria, setting up patterns of evolution changes to
differentiate an ischemic patient from a patient with troponin elevations due to stable
disease or underlying to new pathologic entities different from acute coronary syndrome.
The knowledge this data for each of the methods assessing ultrasensitive troponin is an
essential tool for the correct use and clinical interpretation of the results. Not to have such
data well defined and established makes the diagnostic interpretation difficult and can
cause confusion

1. Establishing reference values (99 th percentil discriminator at CV <10%)

2. Establishing the increase value of high sensitivity troponin discriminator of Acute
Coronary Syndrome (∆ Tn discriminator).

Table 7. Mandatory requirements for the use of a high sensitivity troponin method in
clinical practice

4.1 Establishing reference values of the method

As it can be seen in table 7 when there is an increase in the analytical sensitivity of the
troponin tests, there are more people with troponin concentration over the 99th percentile.
So, individuals with cardiovascular risk as hypertension, dislipemia, diabetes, renal
insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency among others. This fact can make the clinical
interpretation of the test difficult. That is why when evaluating a high sensitivity troponin
method we must be especially cautious when establishing the reference values (table 8).
The selection of the individuals to be included as reference population must be much
more selective, considering much more strict inclusion criteria. The most important
exclusion criteria to bear in mind are: pregnancy, current cold or infection, chronic
inflammatory disease, patients treated for cardiac disease or lipid management, diabetes,
family history of cardiovascular disease, smoking, high blood pressure or treated for high
blood pressure, increased C-reactive protein, o interleukin-6 among others. The number of
subjects to study must be at least 120 and 99th percentile will be applied. The imprecision
of the method in the 99th percentil chosen must be lower or equal to a coefficient of
variation of 10% (NACB 2007). We must bear in mind that the value of the 99th percentile
chosen must be higher than the value measured by the method with an imprecision lower
than 10% (99th percentil discriminator). We could expect that if we carried out again
reference values in the methods mentioned in tables 5 and 6, with more restrictive
inclusion criteria applied , especially in the ones called (research high-sensitivity assays),
the percentage of detectable troponin in normal subjects, exempt from cardiovascular
pathology, would decrease.
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 61

Number of patients Mínimum de 120 subjects

- pregnancy
- infection
- chronic inflammatory disease
- subjets treated for cardiac disease or lipid management
Exclusion criteria - diabetes
- subjects with family history of cardiovascular disease
- smoking
- high blood pressure
- increased C-reactive protein or interleukin-6
statistic 99th percentile
Precision CV< 10% in 99th percentile

Table 8. Requirements to establish reference values of high sensitivity troponin methods

4.2 Establish the value of increase of high sensitivity troponin discriminator of acute
coronary syndrome
As a result of all the above mentioned it is easy to understand the difficulty in interpreting a
value of basal high sensitivity troponin in patients who go to the emergency room with
precordial pain and without conclusive alterations in the electrocardiogram. From the
biochemical point of view, the only way to help to distinguish if a high sensitivity troponin
elevation is due to an acute ischemia process or if the origin is a sub-acute cardiac disease or
chronic, as it happens with congestive cardiac insufficiency or cardiomyiopaties among
others, is to perform serial troponins, as the Guidelines for Clinical Practice in 2007
recommended (Thygesen 2007, NACB 2007). Nevertheless, given the early of the appearance
of high sensitivity troponin (3 hours after pain) as well as its high sensitivity in detection,
the basal determination and the determination 6-9 after pain would not be the protocol to
choose. With these new generation of troponins, the advisable to distinguish if we are facing
an acute necrosis process or an underlying ischemia of a chronic process, is to establish a
value of the increase of troponin discriminator of acute coronary syndrome (∆ Tn
discriminator). To obtain this data the increase in the variation of troponin should be
assessed for a 3-hour interval, in a group of patients who suffer from an acute coronary
syndrome and in another group patients who suffer a chronic process. In the acute ischemia
there will be a significant increase of basal troponin compared with the one carried out
between 3 and 6 hours later. In chronic processes the increase in troponin between 3 and 6
hours compared with basal troponin will be much lower. Once the Tn discriminator for a
determined method is obtained, in clinical practice the scheme in figure I could be applied,
which will help us confirm an acute myocardial infarction, at an earlier stage than with
traditional methods, or to look for other causes of the increase in troponin.
The correct establishment of the increase evolution of high sensitivity troponin for an acute
coronary syndrome, together with the strict study of normality values will clarify the
advantages of this new generation of methods for the early diagnosis of acute coronary
syndrome, as well as it will significantly benefit in the stratification of the risk, not only in
patients with acute coronary syndrome but also patients who suffer from other myocardial
injuries or increase of cardiac size among other causes.
62 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Cheast Pain

O houres
hsTn hsTn
< 99th percentil > 99th percentil

3 houres

> ∆ hs-Tn < ∆ hs-Tn < ∆ hs-Tn > ∆ hs-Tn

ACS discriminator ACS discriminator ACS discriminator ACS discriminator

AMI Re-test at 6 Re-test at 6 AMI
(12- 24) h (12- 24) h

∆ hs-Tn ACS discriminator: troponin increase ACS discriminator

AMI: Acute myocardial infarction
ACS: Acute coronary syndrome

Fig. 9. Clinical significance of hsTn using troponin increase ACS discriminator. Proposal for
the use of high sensitivity troponin in clinical practice.

5. High sensitivity troponin in patients with heart failure

Heart failure (HF) is a growing public health problem with high morbidity and mortality
(Rosamond W 2008) . Natriuretic peptides are the election markers for diagnosis and risk
stratification of patients with Heart failure ( Braunwald E 2008) . Cardiac troponin are detected
in an important proportion of patients suffering from acute or chronic HF. The mechanism of
cardiac damage and appearance in Tn plasma, acute or chronic HF is not exactly known. The
levels of troponin in plasma are associated with the increase of the risk of morbility and
mortality either in acute or chronic HF giving prognostic information (Parentini 2008). Cardiac
troponin is detected in a significant portion of patients with acute and chronic Heart Failure.
However, the incidence of detection depends on the sensitivity of the assay used. Latini et al (
Latini 2007) ,. measured Plasma troponin T in 4053 patients with chronic HF enrolled in the
Valsartan Heart Failure Trial (Val-HeFT). Troponin T was detectable in 10.4% of the
population with the conventional cTnT assay (detection limit < or = 0.01 ng/mL) compared
with 92.0% with the new hsTnT assay (< or = 0.001 ng/mL). Detectable cTnT predicts adverse
outcomes in chronic HF. (High sensitivity Troponin T (hsTnT) is a novel biomarker that
provides prognostic information in several clinical settings as heart failure.

6. Conclusions
In view of all the above mentioned we can conclude that the biochemical diagnosis of ACS
continues being a current affair and continues envolving. The process of troponin has not
finished yet. The appearance of high sensitivity methods seems to be promising. They help
to diagnose ACS much earlier and obtain higher stratification of the risk than convencional
Evolution of Biochemical Diagnosis of
Acute Coronary Syndrome – Impact Factor of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays 63

methods. Besides, it will let us know about the prognostic evolution of other pathologies
such as chronic cardiac insufficiency as well as cardiovascular events in stable coronary
disease. Nevertheless, to achieve the efficiency that the test deserves we have to learn, again
to use and interprete the results of ultra-sensitive troponin. It is necessary to consolidate and
establish firmly the dynamic changes of troponin concentrations to interprete the results

7. References
Apple FS, Adams JE, Wu Alan HB, Jaffe AS. Report on a survey of analytical and clinical
characteristics of commercial cardiac troponin assays. In Markers in cardiology:
current and future clinical applications. Armonk, NY 2001,4,31
Apple FS. A new season for cardiac troponin assays: It’s time to keep a scorecard. Clin
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Braunwald E Biomarkers in heart failure.. N Engl J Med. 2008 (20):2148-59
The Joint European Society of Cardiology/ American College of Cardiology Committe.
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115(17) :671-676
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methods to measure blood CK-MB mass an Troponin I Journal of Automated
Methods and Management in Chemistry 2002;24(2):51-57
Galán, A. Curós y A. Corominas. Interés de las troponinas en el síndrome coronario agudo
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Giannitsis E, Katus AH. Myocardial infarction. Current recommendation for interpretation
of highly sensitive troponin T assay for diagnostic, therapeutic and pronostic
puposes in patients with a non-ST-segment – elevation acute coronary Syndrome.
European Cardiology 2009; 5(2): 44-47
Giannitsis E, Kurz K, Hallermayer K, Jarausch J, Jaffe AS, Katus AH. Analytical validation of
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Giannitsis E, Becker M, Kurz K, Hess G, Zdunek D, Katus HA. High-sensitivity cardiac
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infarction in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome and negative
troponin results on admission. Clin Chem 2010; 56:642-50.
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Kavsak PA, MacRae AR, Yerna MJ, Jaffe AS.Analytic and clinical utility of a next-generation,
highly sensitive cardiac troponin I assay for early detection of myocardial injury.
Clin Chem 2009 ;55(3):573-7
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G, Maggioni AP, Tognoni G, Cohn JN; Val-Heft Prognostic value of very low
64 Acute Coronary Syndromes

plasma concentrations of troponin T in patients with stable chronic heart failure.

Circulation 2007;116(11):1242-9.
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Biochemistry Laboratory medicine practice guidelines: clinical characteristics and
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Wu Alan HB Analytical issues affecting the clinical performance of cardiac troponin assays.
In Markers in cardiology: current and future clinical applications. Armonk, NY

Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome,

from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture
Hamdan Righab1, Caussin Christophe1, Kadri Zena2 and Badaoui Georges2
1Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Cardiology Department, Plessis Robinson,
2Hotel Dieu de France Hospital, Cardiology Department, Beirut,

1. Introduction
Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of morality in the western world. The aim
of this chapter is to understand the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes from
atherosclerotic plaque formation, to plaque progression and vascular remodeling, to plaque
destabilization, to ultimately plaque rupture or erosion and thrombus formation.
A cascade of interacting factors leads to plaque formation, progression, fraglisation, and
Features associated with plaque rupture are: large eccentric soft lipid core, thin fibrous cap,
inflammation in the cap and adventitia, increased plaque neovascularity, and outward or
positive vessel remodeling.
Vasospasm is a separate mechanism for developing ACS without plaque rupture or erosion
will not be discussed in this chapter.

2. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that can remain asymptomatic through decades. It is
enhanced by modifiable and non modifiable risk factors and consists of intra intimal
accumulation of intra cellular and extracellular oxidized LDL, macrophages, T cells, smooth
muscle cells, proteoglycan, collagen, calcium, and necrotic debris. Low endothelial shear
stress can contribute to atherosclerotic plaque formation, vulnerabilisation, and rupture.
Intimal accumulation of oxidized LDL-C, called fatty streaks constitutes the earliest
histopathologic stage of atherosclerosis.
Adhesion molecules expressed by endothelial cells mediate the rolling and adhesion of
circulating leukocytes on the endothelial surface. Chemoattractant chemokines promote
transmigration of leukocytes into the intima. Monocytes infiltrate beneath the endothelium,
differentiate to macrophages, phagocytose the oxidized LDL-C and transform into foam
cells. Foam cells produce cytokines, growth factors, reactive oxygen species and matrix-
degrading enzymes, sustaining atherosclerosis progression. The intensity of oxidized LDL-C
accumulation in the subendothelial space is a major stimulus for the ongoing inflammatory
process. The accumulation of lipid-laden foam cells constitute the intermediate lesions or
pathologic intimal thickening, which evolve through several stages of progression.
66 Acute Coronary Syndromes

3. Arterial remodeling
Arterial remodeling involves a cascade of structural and morphological changes of a vessel
wall in response to various stimuli including changes in blood flow and pressure, and acute
injury; all three are common findings in atherosclerotic plaques.
Two types of coronary arterial remodeling have been described:
- Negative remodeling: defined as local shrinkage, negative remodeling is more often
seen in patients with stable angina and is associated with smaller plaque areas. It might
be seen in arterial wall healing after injuries such as balloon injury, that could be mainly
related to vascular wall contracture and consequent luminal narrowing. The biological
events involved in this wound healing involve complex series of interacting growth
factors, integrins and proteases.
- Positive or outward remodeling: defined by a compensatory increase in local vessel
size in response to increasing plaque burden minimizing the degree of luminal stenosis.
Positive remodeling characterizes unstable vulnerable plaques.
There are studies demonstrating that plaque rupture occurs in insignificant, mildly
occlusive plaques, this could be explained by positive remodeling: the increase in total
arterial area that accompanies plaque accumulation. Large positive remodeled plaques
while paradoxically protecting against luminal narrowing, are more susceptible to
mechanical forces that lead to plaque rupture and an unstable clinical presentation.
The pathogenesis of arterial remodeling is not fully understood and remains debated. Many
hypotheses have been advanced.
Arterial wall neovascularisation of atherosclerotic plaques seems to have a potential role in
modulating lesion formation and structural changes of the arterial wall, by nourishing the
growing plaque. Various angiogenic growth factors and receptors are implicated in
coronary wall angiogenesis such as VEGF/VPF, estrogen, interleukin 8, bFGF, and aFGF;
the role of TNF-α and TGF-β remains controversial.
Angiotensine II via AT1 receptors is another trigger of plaque neovascularisation and
Activation of NADPH oxidase by various triggers such as Angiotensine II and mechanical
stretch promotes ROS production and ROS-mediated pathways leading to vascular remodeling.
In addition Low ESS leads to inflammation of the wall beneath the plaque and shift of the
extracellular matrix balance toward degradation. Within such an environment the internal
elastic lamina undergoes severe fragmentation, and the atherosclerotic process extends into
the media degrading the collagen and elastin fibers, thereby promoting arterial expansion
and outward remodeling.
Human studies using intravascular ultrasound confirmed that outward or positive
remodeling is more common at culprit lesion sites in patients with unstable angina, whereas
inward or negative remodeling is more common in patients with stable angina.

Pathogenesis of positive arterial remodeling

Arterial wall neovascularisation
Angiotensine II
Table 1. This table summarizes factors contributing to positive plaque remodeling that is
associated with unstable plaque.
Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 67

4. Plaque destabilisation
Typically a vulnerable plaque is described as having a thin fibrous cap and a rich superficial
lipid core. Weakening of the fibrous cap is due mainly to accelerated degradation of
collagen and other matrix components.
Many factors contribute to plaque vulnerabilisation:

4.1 Inflammation
Inflammation cells such as activated monocytes and macrophages and, to a lesser degree, T
cells play a crucial role in destabilizing the fibrous cap tissue and, therefore, enhance the risk
of plaque rupture.
Adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 as well as chemokines such as MCP-1 recruite
inflammatory cells into the atherosclerotic plaques. Inflammatory cells are activated in the
vessel wall by oxidized lipids and cytokines such as M-CSF.
Adventitial neovasculature also enhances inflammatory cells entry and recruitement inside
the atherosclerotic lesion.
Many mediators secreted by plaque macrophages could be involved in fibrous cap
weakening including:
- Interleukin (IL)-18: also called interferon gamma-inducing factor, is a proinflammatory
cytokine secreted by plaque macrophages. Increased serum IL-18 may be an
independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality.
- Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP): mainly MMP-2 (Gelatinse A), MMP-9 (Gelatinase B),
and MMP-8 (Collagenase), released from activated macrophage foam cells, directly
mediate matrix degradation of the plaque fibrous cap. Oxidized LDL containing
arachidonic and linoleic acid upregulates the expression of metalloproteinase, while
HDL reverses this effect.
- Tissue factor: expressed by macrophages is the main initiator of thrombogenesis.
Inflammation usually concerns the entire coronary circulation not only the culprit lesion.
This fact explains why patients with acute coronary syndrome may have multiple
vulnerable plaques.

Mechanisms of Angiotensine II mediated plaque weakening

Upregulation of IL6 gene

Upregulation of MMP genes

Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades

Activation of tyrosine kinases

Stimulation of neovascularisation

Table 2. This table summarizes the leading mechanisms of Angiotensine II mediated

atherosclerotic plaque weakening
68 Acute Coronary Syndromes

4.2 Renin-angiotensin system

There is evidence of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensine II, and AT1
receptors within the plaque. An increased activity of ACE was found within culprits lesions
in the setting of acute coronary syndromes, probably related to a local secretion.
Angiotensine II increases the likelihood of plaque progression and rupture via AT1
receptors by regulating the gene expression of various bioactive substances mainly
interleukine 6 (IL6), metalloproteinases, and other growth factors and cytokines.
Angiotensine II also activates multiple intracellular signaling cascades (mitogen-activated
protein kinase cascades, tyrosine kinases, and various transcription factors) in coronary
endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
In addition Angiotensine II enhances plaque neovascularisation.

4.3 Hemodynamical factors mainly shear stress

4.3.1 Definitions
- Endothelial shear stress (ESS): tangential force derived by the friction of the flowing
blood on the endothelial surface. It is the product of the shear rateat the wall and the
blood viscosity.
- Shear rate: The spatial gradient of blood velocity from areas at the arterial wall toward
areas at the center of the lumen (dv/dy, where dv is change in flow velocity and dy is
change in radial distance from the wall).
Physiologically, the shear rate decreases at the center of the lumen and gradually
increases toward the wall.
- Blood viscosity: A principal property of blood related to its internal friction that causes
blood to resist flow. Hematocrit is the major determinant of blood viscosity.
Although the entire vasculature is exposed to the atherogenic effects of the systemic risk
factors such as hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
genetic predisposition, atherosclerotic lesions form at specific regions of the arterial tree,
such as in the vicinity of branch points, the outer wall of bifurcations, and the inner wall of
curvatures, where disturbed flow occurs and ESS is low.
Low ESS induces endothelial dysfunction by reducing the bioavailability of nitric oxid via a
decrease in eNOS messenger ribonucleic acid and protein expression, thereby exposing the
endothelium to the atherogenic effect of local and systemic risk factors. Nitric oxide is a key
component of normal vascular tone, characterized by strong anti-inflammatory,
antiapoptotic, anti-mitogenic, and anti-thrombotic properties. In addition, low ESS
downregulates prostacyclin, another endothelial vasodilatory substance and upregulates
endothelin-1, a potent vasoconstrictive and mitogenic molecule.
Low ESS also promotes subendothelial deposition and accumulation of LDL-C by increasing
mitotic and apoptotic activity of endothelial cells and inducing conformational changes of
endothelial cells from fusiform to polygonal shape, widening thereby the junctions between
endothelial cells.
Gene expression as well as post-transcriptional activity of the major oxidative enzymes at
endothelial cell membranes are enhanced by low ESS, leading to the production of reactive
oxygen species within the intima.
In addition gene expression of several adhesion molecules, chemoattractant chemokines and
proinflammatory cytokines are upregulated by low ESS.
Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 69

Mechanisms of low ESS mediated plaque weakening

Endothelial dysfunction:
 Decreases eNOS
 Downregulates Prostacycline synthesis
 Upregulates Endotheline-1 synthesis
LDL-C sub-intimal uptake and accumulation
Promotes inflammation
Promotes oxidative stress
Table 3. This table summarizes the contribution of low ESS to plaque weakening.

4.4 Strenuous exercise

Strenuous exercise especially among those who exercise infrequently and have multiple
cardiac risk factors, is associated with increased temporary risk of plaque rupture and
myocardial infarction via increase wall stress due to rapid increase in heart rate and blood
pressure, coronary vasospasm, increased flexing of epicardial coronary arteries, deepening
of existing plaque fissures, and catecholamine induced platelet aggregation.

4.5 In vivo detection of vulnerable plaque with optical coherence tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is recently developed imaging modality, using infra
red light and characterized by the higher existing resolution (axial resolution: 10-15μm)
allowing a microscopical description of the atherosclerotic plaque in vivo within the
coronary arteries. OCT is validated for the detection of vulnerable plaque wich is typically
characterized by:
- Thin fibrous cap < 65 μm
- Rich lipid core: when lipid is present within two or more quadrants of the plaque.
- Microchannels in case of plaque neovascularisation.

Fig. 1. Fibrous cap assessment with OCT: fibrous cap is a signal rich layer separating the lumen
from the signal poor underlying lipid core. Fibrous cap is measured at its thinest segment.
70 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 2. OCT showing a thick fibrous cap, calcified plaque. Calcium is seen as a homogeneous
signal poor region with sharply demarcated edges.

Fig. 3. OCT showing a lipid rich plaque. Lipid is seen as a heterogeneous signal poor region
with irregular edges.
Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 71

Fig. 4. Adventicial and subintimal increazed neovascularization characterizes unstable

plaque and can be detected in vivo with OCT. Neovessels or microchannels are seen as no-
signal tubulo-luminal structure without a connection to the vessel lumen and recognized on
≥ 3 consecutive cross sectional OCT images.

5. Plaque rupture
As previously explained the fibrous cap rupture results from an imbalance between
synthesis and breakdown of extracellular matrix collagen and other matrix components
leading to thinning of the cap, predisposing the cap to spontaneous rupture or rupture in
response to a variety of triggers. Plaque rupture primarily occurs in yellowish plaques with
an increased lipid core and thin fibrous cap. Rupture of the thin fibrous cap exposes blood
flow to the lipid core. The lipid core is believed to be highly thrombogenic when exposed to
circulating blood. The enhanced thrombogenicity of the lipid core has been attributed to the
high levels of functionally active tissue factor most likely derived from the death of
macrophages inside the plaque. In addition to tissue factor, oxidized lipids in the lipid core
may also directly stimulate platelet aggregation.
The thrombus is usually occlusive in STEMI and nonocclusive in NSTEMI. Episodes of
plaque disruption and thrombosis may be subclinical and do not always result in acute
coronary syndrome. Healing process may play an integral role in the progression of
atherosclerosis, having the potential to cause sudden plaque growth.
72 Acute Coronary Syndromes


Fig. 5. (A)- Coronary angiogram showing ostial occlusion (TIMI 0 flow) of the left ascending
artery responsible of acute STEMI; (B)- OCT performed in the same patient after thrombo-
aspiration and restauration of a TIMI 3 flow, shows the site of plaque rupture, defined by a
discontinuation of the fibrous cap and cavity formation within the plaque.

Fig. 6. Rupture site detected with OCT (right) in the setting of NSTEMI. The coronary
angiogram (left) shows a subocclusion of the segment 2 of the right coronary artery.
Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 73


Fig. 7. (A)- Coronary angiogram showing occlusion of the segment 1 of right coronary artery
in a patient presenting with STEMI; (B)- OCT performed after thrombo-aspiration showed
residual white thrombus seen as a hypersignal protrusion within the lumen.

Fig. 8. Red thrombus in the setting of ACS is seen with OCT as hypersignal protusion
within the lumen, however, unlike white thrombus, red thrombus is characterised by a
signal attenuation and posterior signal free shadowing due to the backscatering properties
of the red blood cells wich are highly present in red thrombus.
74 Acute Coronary Syndromes

6. Plaque erosion
Plaque erosion usually occurs in younger patients, women and smokers.
Culprit lesion do not have a large lipid core but instead have a proteoglycan-rich matrix, a
deep lipid core, the prevalence of inflammation is lower with less macrophages and T cells
and more smooth muscle cells compared to culprit lesions in plaque ruptures. Plaque
erosion is defined as acute thrombus in direct contact with the intimal plaque without
rupture of a lipid pool. The plaque luminal surface is irregular and eroded.
Thrombus resulting from plaque erosion has been reported to be 20% to 40% of all coronary
thrombi. The precise mechanisms of thrombosis in this entity are not known.
Thrombosis in such cases might be triggered by an enhanced systemic thrombogenic state
such as enhanced platelet aggregability, increased circulating tissue factor levels, and
depressed fibrinolytic state. In addition activated circulating leucocytes may transfer active
tissue factor by shedding microparticles and transferring them onto adherent platelets.
Virmani et al have also identified yet another pathological variant where a calcified nodule
within the plaque erodes through the surface of the plaque leading to thrombosis.

7. Abbreaviations
ACS Acute coronary syndrome
LDL-C Low density lipoprotein cholesterol
ESS Endothelial shear stress
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
VPF Vascular permeability factor
FGF Fibroblast growth factor
TNF Tumor necrosis factor
TGF Transforming growth factor
AT1 Angiotensine type 1
IL Interleukine
MMP Matrix metalloproteinase
NADPH Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide Phosphate
VCAM Vascular cellular adhesion molecule
ROS Reactive oxygen species
MCP Monocyte Chemotactic Protein
CSF Colony stimulating factor
ACE Angiotensine converting enzyme
HDL High density lipoprotein
eNOS Endothelial nitric oxide synthase
OCT Optical coherence tomography
TIMI Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction
STEMI ST elevation myocardial infarction
NSTEMI Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome, from Plaque Formation to Plaque Rupture 75

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Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis

of Acute Coronary Syndrome
Anggoro B. Hartopo1,2 et al.*
of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
2Pusat Jantung Terpadu / Heart Centre Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta


1. Introduction
Acute coronary syndrome is a clinical condition of partial or total obstruction of blood flow
in the coronary artery due to acute thrombus formation. Culprit vessel, coronary artery
segment within which the site of origin of thrombus formation lies, is occupied by eroded or
ruptured atherosclerotic plaque. Direct contact between circulating blood constituent and
atherosclerotic plaque content owing to loss of endothelial cell barrier orchestrates the
haemostasis events, i.e. thrombus formation and coagulation activation. Evolved within
years of human life span, atherosclerotic undergoes three main steps: initiation, progression
and finally complication (Libby, 2002).
Atherosclerotic plaque development involves cellular and molecular interactions as well as
blood flow dynamic alterations in the affected area. Although these steps affect all
individual, some gather the risk factors to develop progression and complication of
coronary atherosclerotic lesion faster and more prominent than others. Given the dynamic
nature of these steps, understanding several mechanisms engage in every step will provide
insight into therapeutic approach. Here, we review the last two steps of coronary
atherosclerotic plaque development, with the focus in the role of platelets, anucleated cells
being the target for therapeutic advancement in atherosclerosis and acute coronary

2. Formation of atherosclerotic plaque

The earliest event of atherosclerosis formation is the retention of apolipoprotein B–
containing lipoproteins from circulation into subendothelial of the arterial wall (Tabas et al.,
2007). This particular lipoprotein interacts with subendothelial proteoglycan through ionic
affinity and hence instigates lipoprotein retention in the intimal layer, the innermost part of
the arterial wall (Borén et al., 1998; Skalen et al., 2002). During this stage, the tendency of

*Budi Y. Setianto1,2, Hariadi Hariawan1,2, Lucia K. Dinarti1,2, Nahar Taufiq1,2, Erika Maharani1,2,
Irsad A. Arso1,2, Hasanah Mumpuni1,2, Putrika P.R. Gharini1,2, Dyah W. Anggrahini1,2 and Bambang Irawan1,2
1Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2Pusat Jantung Terpadu / Heart Centre Dr. Sardjito Hospital , Yogyakarta, Indonesia
78 Acute Coronary Syndromes

retention of lipoprotein depends greatly on sustained plasma level of apolipoprotein B-

containing lipoproteins and, in the lesser degree, lipoprotein size, charge, and composition
as well as endothelial permeability (Tabas et al., 2007). Three classes of lipoproteins have
apolipoprotein B as integral constituent: very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate
density lipoproteins (IDL), and low density lipoproteins (LDL) (Sniderman et al., 1991).
Among them, LDL has the biggest apolipoprotein B proportion and is the most likely to
interact with subendothelial proteoglycan (Sniderman et al., 1991).
Modification of LDL apolipoprotein B entrapped in intimal layer by oxidative mechanism
results in oxidative LDL (oxLDL) (Stocker & Keaney, 2004). Smooth muscle cells, endothelial
cells and macrophages are capable to modify LDL via oxidative modification (Diaz et al.,
1997). OxLDL is susceptible to scavenging macrophages and gives rise to the generation of
cholesterol-laden foam cells (Stocker & Keaney, 2004). OxLDL continuously activates
adjacent endothelial cells. Activated endothelial cells express adhesion molecules on their
luminal surfaces which attract inflammatory cells from circulation, mainly monocytes and
lymphocytes which transmigrate to intimal layer. The blend of inflammatory and resident
vascular cells promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Arterial smooth muscle cells
proliferate and migrate to the intimal layer in response to several growth factors releasing
from chronic inflammation microenvironment in the intimal layer (Libby, 2002). Smooth
muscle cells form a layer which envelopes the core of “inflammatory nidus” at the
endothelial site, produce and release collagen and thus shape the so called fibrous cap.
Below the cap, “inflammatory nidus” continuously attracts circulating LDL, modifies it and
recognizes it as antigen which attracts more inflammatory cells.
Atherosclerotic plaque mainly composes of two constructions which undergo dynamic
changes: fibrous cap and lipid-rich core. The theories of how plaque originated have been
proposed. Response-to-injury theory proposes the initial step in atherogenesis is endothelial
denudation due to injurious substance or forces leading to alteration of normal vascular
homeostatic properties (Ross, 1993). Injury to endothelial cells enhances endothelial
permeability and adhesiveness for leukocytes to attach and migrate into subendothelial.
Here inflammation occurs and macrophage recruitment and platelet adhesion and
aggregation take place, which promote procoagulant tendency of the plaque. Response-to-
retention theory suggests LDL retention into subendothelial is the initial event and the
prerequisite for plaque to form (Tabas et al., 2007). Endothelial injury does not play
important role in this process, since plasma LDL is capable to cross normal endothelial cells
through transcytosis mechanism and retains in subendothelial (Simionescu & Simionescu,
1993). Subsequent events are monocyte recruitment and lipid-laden macrophage formation
which initiate subendothelial inflammation (Tabas et al., 2007). Oxidative modification
theory indicates that to initiate plaque formation, subendothelial LDL should be modified
chemically in order to attract macrophages’ scavenger receptor and be internalized to form
foam cells (Stocker & Keaney, 2004). Native plasma LDL can enter subendothelial and is
taken up by resident vascular cells via LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis. This native LDL
does not initiate an inflammatory response and is not phagocytosed by monocytes, thus
does not induce atherosclerosis (Torzewsky & Lackner, 2006).
As the plaque progress, fibrous cap is thinner and turn out to be fragile due to the imbalance
of extracellular matrix metabolism, the infiltration of the fibrous cap by macrophages and
foam cells, and the calcification process (Burnier et al., 2009). All of these contribute to
fibrous cap weakening and lost its protective role. Once fibrous cap lose its integrity, it
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 79

exposes thrombogenic plaque to circulation. Platelets, around 150,000 until 450,000 per
millilitre circulate in the blood without contacting endothelial cells, adhere to exposed site,
are activated and initiate the event to seal the broken plaque surface. Unfortunately, this
process gives rise to thrombus formation and acute coronary syndrome.

3. Activated platelet promotes progression of the plaque

Putative notion that platelets have role merely in the complicating stage of atherosclerosis
has recently been challenged by several evidence indicating the wider involvement of
platelets in both early and late atherosclerosis steps (Ruggeri, 2002; Gawaz et al., 2005). In
histopathology study of human atherosclerosis, platelets were observed in the lesions, both
in the free form and derivative form being phagocytozed by foam cells and macrophages
(Sevitt, 1986). Platelet patrols the blood circulation ensuring the integrity of endothelial cells.
Once this integrity disrupts, platelets expose to subendothelial component and rapidly
undergo activation to form haemostasis thrombus; this is the case of plaque erosion or
rupture in acute coronary syndrome. However, intact yet activated endothelial cells can also
promote platelet activation, this is the case of progressed atherosclerosis plaque.

3.1 Role of platelet in progressed plaque dynamic

Advanced responses to modified apolipoprotein B-containing LDL through chronic and
maladaptive inflammation, macrophage and foam cell apoptotic and plaque necrotic
formation are representatives of progressed plaque (Tabas et al., 2007). Endothelial cells
lining the plaque are continuosly under activated state and express adhesion molecules and
chemoattractant mediator in their surface. Monocytes and lymphocytes are attracted and
adhere to these molecules and mediators, enter subendothelial and advance inflammatory
state in the “inflammatory nidus” of the plaque (Lusis, 2000).
The histomorphology of progressed plaque is characterized by the presence of large lipid-
rich necrotic core, and a thin fibrous cap. Fibrous cap composes mainly of extracellular
matrix produced by vascular smooth muscle cells (Lusis, 2000). Supportive function of
fibrous cap relies on the integrity of this matrix which is maintained through fine balance
between matrix production and degradation (Ross, 1993). In progressed plaque, the matrix
degradation activity is increased in line with inflammatory activity in the “inflammatory
nidus” of the plaque below the cap. Macrophage-derived proteases degrade extracellular
matrix, thus weaken fibrous cap (Ross, 1993).
Necrotic core of progressed plaque is derived from foam cells that endure apoptosis and
necrotic. Initially, necrosis core is an acellular lipid-rich core, which predominantly consist
of deposited lipids, such as cholesterol esters and free cholesterol derived mostly from retain
LDL particles (Lusis, 2000). High toxicity of LDL oxidation and formation of reactive oxygen
species damage the surroundings vascular cells, including foam cells (Madamanchi et al.,
2005). The death of foam cells discharges extracellular lipids and cell debris into adjacent
environments, thus promotes necrotic core formation (Lusis, 2000). Necrotic core enlarges
and, in addition to free cholesterol, composes of cholesterol crystals, hyalinized hemorrhage
and foam cell necrotic remnants (Virmani et al., 2000). Intimal calcifications, resulting from
advance lipid oxidation and inflammatory cytokine reaction which modify osteogenic
regulatory genes to promote osteogenesis, scatter in the base of necrotic core adjacent to the
medial layer (Virmani et al., 2000; Abedin et al., 2004). Neovascularization in the intimal and
80 Acute Coronary Syndromes

medial layer is another hallmark of progressed plaque (Fleiner et al., 2004). Hyperplastic
network of vasa vasorum and ectopic neovascularization of the plaque are associated with
intimal thickening, lipid contents and the degree of inflammation (Fleiner et al., 2004). The
extent of these microvessels delivers a channel for entry of inflammatory cells into the
plaque, boosting inflammation even more (Lusis, 2000). This blood vessel networks are
fragile and prone to rupture and create an outward expansion of intraplaque hemorrhage
that may overwhelm the integrity of the fibrous cap (Dickson & Gottlieb, 2003).
Thrombogenic property of lipid-rich necrotic core is determined by its collagen and tissue
factor content. Two important direct platelet agonists dwell in the lipid-rich core, i.e
lysophosphatidic acid which mediates platelet shape change during thrombus formation
and collagen which induces platelet adhesion and aggregation (Lusis, 2000). Tissue factor,
another major thrombogenic subtrate in the lipid-rich core, is released by endothelial cells,
smooth muscle cells, monocytes and macrophages or foam cells (Moons et al., 2002). The
most abundant tissue factor site is in the necrotic core (Moons et al., 2002). Tissue factor
activates coagulation cascade and promotes thrombus stabiliy through fibrin network
formation. Platelets are also capable in releasing tissue factor which give a hint of their role
in supporting coagulation process (Zillmann et al., 2001).

3.2 Platelet-endothelial interaction promotes progressed plaque

Platelets have two storage granules, alpha and dense granules. Alpha granules contain
adhesion molecules, chemokines, coagulation and fibrinolysis proteins, growth factors,
and other proteins (Linden & Jackson, 2010). Dense granules contain molecules such as
calcium, magnesium, phosphate and pyrophosphate, adenosine and guanosine
triphosphate, adenosine and guanosine diphosphate and serotonin (Linden & Jackson,
2010). These granules develop in megakaryocytes, the progenitor cell of platelets. Platelet
also contains lysosomes which have ubiquitous lysosomal membrane proteins: LAMP-1,
LAMP-2, and CD63 (LAMP-3), acid hydrolases, cathepsins and other proteins (King &
Reed, 2002).
In the alpha granules, platelet-specific proteins are synthesized only in megakaryocytes and
deliver to platelets which undergo proteolytic upon platelet activation, which include
platelet factor 4 (PF-4) and β-thromboglobulin (King & Reed, 2002). Platelet-selective
proteins are synthesized principally by megakaryocytes but also in fewer number by few
other cells and found in a larger concentration in platelets than plasma. These platelet-
selective proteins include coagulation factor V, thrombospondin, P-selectin, and von
Willebrand factor (King & Reed, 2002).
It is expected that platelets keep away from contact with vascular walls or other blood
cellular components. Under steady laminar blood stream, platelets tend to flow away
from endothelial cell surface area, avoiding connection with endothelial cells.
Furthermore, intact and inactivated endothelial cell prevent platelet to adhere to its
surface. Endothelial cells control platelet activity through inhibitory mechanisms
involving cyclooxigenase 2 (Cox-2), prostacyclin or prostanoid synthetic systems (Gawaz,
2006). However, activated endothelial cells are capable to capture platelets and activated
them, even without any endothelial damage (intact endothelial cells). Activated platelets
will express several molecules, release their granule contents and stimulate surrounding
cells, thus promoting plaque progression.
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 81

3.2.1 Rolling and adhering of platelet to endothelial cell surface

During inflammation, endothelial cells are activated and change their phenotype becoming
prone to be adhesive for platelets (Gawaz, 2006). In vitro experiment showed that platelets
adhere to activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) which is mediated by
fibrinogen, fibronectin and von Willebrand factor bound to platelets and endothelial cell
receptors, ICAM-1, integrin αvβ3 and GPIb (Bombelli et al., 1998). In vivo experiment
discloses that loose contact between platelets and activated endothelial cells precedes a
tighter adhesion (Frenette et al., 1995). Rolling of platelets to activated endothelial cell is
mediated by endothelial P-selectin and constitutively-expressed platelet P-selectin
glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) (Frenette et al., 1995; Frenette et al., 2002).
P-selectin is a type-1 membrane glycoprotein with a C-type lectin domain and is stored in
the Weibel-Palade bodies of endothelial cells and alpha granules of platelets (Furie & Furie,
1995). It rapidly translocate to cell membrane upon endothelial cell or platelet activation
(Frenette et al., 2002). PSGL-1 is an adhesion molecule primarily expressed in myeloid cells
and T cells and functions as the main P-selectin ligand which mediates interactions between
myeloid cells and endothelial cells as well as between myeloid cells and platelets
(Vandendries et al., 2004). In the study of apoE-knock-out and the P-selectin gene deletion
mice, atherosclerotic lesion development was significantly delayed, indicating the role of P-
selectin as a key adhesion receptor in promoting advanced atherosclerosis (Dong et al.,
2000). In early atherogenesis, it is likely that intact endothelial cells activate quiescent
platelets through rolling mechanism via endothelial cell P-selectin and platelet PSGL-1
interaction. Endothelial cells coating atherosclerotic plaque are constantly under activated
state, thus expressed P-selectin and attract platelets. P-selectin-expressed activated platelets
bind to activated endothelial cells in a greater amount than non-activated platelets do.
In addition to platelet PSGL-1, platelet GP1bα is capable to interact with endothelial P-
selectin and mediate platelet rolling (Gawaz et al., 2006). GP1bα is a component of GP Ib-
IX-V complex which comprises four polypeptides: GP Ibα, GP Ibβ, GP IX, and GP V (Romo
et al., 1999). GP Ib-IX-V complex bind to subendothelial von Willebrand factor, exposed
when endothelial cell disrupted and initiate thrombosis. GP1α contains von Willebrand
factor–binding site and molecular structure nearly similar to PSGL-1 (Romo et al., 1999).
Consequently, during endothelial cell activation, in addition to P-selectin, von Willebrand
factor are also released from Weibel Palade body to the surface cell membrane. Both
endothelial cell P-selectin and von Willebrand factor become the target for platelet GP1bα
(Theilmeier et al., 2002). A study using mice deficient of von Willebrand factor showed some
level of protection from atherosclerosis thus elucidated the role of von Willebrand factor on
plaque formation and progression in intact endothelial cells (Methia et al., 2001).

3.2.2 Tight adhesion of platelet to endothelial cell surface

P-selectin-mediated loose contact is subsequently changed by tighter connection involving
endothelial cell integrin, αvβ3 and platelet integrin, αIIbβ3 (Langer & Gawaz, 2008).
Ligation of platelet GPIbα to endothelial cell von Willebrand factor during platelet rolling
lead to activation of platelet integrin (Kasirer-Friede et al., 2002). Integrins are ubiquitous
transmembrane α/β heterodimers that mediate cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions
(Bennet, 2005). Platelets express 3 members of the β1 subfamily (αIIβ1, αvβ1, and
αvIβ1) and 2 members of the β3 subfamily (αvβ3 and αIIbβ3) (Bennet, 2005). An αIIbβ3
is the most important integrin on platelets (Gawaz et al., 1991). In vitro and in vivo studies
82 Acute Coronary Syndromes

show that platelet αIIbβ3 and endothelial cell αvβ3, mediate firm contact between platelets
and activated endothelial cells (Bombeli et al., 1998; Maasberg et al, 1999). By forming a
bridge to fibrinogen, αIIbβ3 promotes arrest of platelets to adhesion molecules, intercellular
adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM)-1, and to αvβ3 on activated endothelial cells (Bombeli et al.,
1998; von Hundelshausen & Weber, 2007). Fibrinogen links platelet fibrinogen receptor on
the surface of αIIbβ3 to the endothelial cell αvβ3 and forms the firm platelet adhesion to
activated endothelial cells (Gawaz et al., 1991).

Fig. 1. Rolling of platelets to endothelial cells is mediated by platelet PSGL-1 and GP1bα
bind to endothelial cell von Willebrand factor and P selectin.
It is worth mentioning that interaction between platelets and activated endothelial cells is
not sufficient to promote thrombus formation. However, platelet adhesion to endothelial
cells contributes to the progression of the plaque. Platelets mediate such effects through
releasing products following adhesion and activation. The contents of storage granules are
liberated upon platelet activation. It is estimated more than 300 proteins are secreted from
activated platelets, which act in an autocrine or paracrine manner to modulate cell signaling
and mediate the plaque progression (Coppinger et al., 2004).
Endothelial cell chemotactic, adhesion, and proteoliytic capacities are altered by paracrine
modulation of substances released by adherent activated platelets. Here are the lists of
platelet contents released upon adhesion and activation : (1) adhesion proteins (e.g., P-
selectin, vitronectin, fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand factor, thrombospondin and
αIIbβ3), (2) growth factors (e.g., PDGF, TGF-β, EGF and bFGF), (3) chemokines (e.g.
RANTES, PF-4 and epithelial-neutrophil activating protein 78 (ENA-78)), (4) cytokine-like
factors (e.g. IL-1β, CD40 ligand and β-thromboglobulin) and (5) coagulation factors (e.g.
factor V, factor XI, PAI-1, plasminogen and protein S) (Gawaz et al., 2005).
In vitro study revealed that activated platelets coincubated with cultured endothelial cells
gave rise to a secretion of MCP-1 and surface expression of ICAM-1 and αvβ3 on endothelial
cells, which is mediated by an IL-1-dependent mechanism (Gawaz et al., 2000). MCP-1 is an
effectual chemotactic factor for monocytes and ICAM-1 is an adhesion molecule which
advocates monocyte and neutrophil recruitment to endothelial cells. This study emphasized
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 83

the important role of IL-1β on mediating endothelial cell activity upon platelet activation.
IL-1 is the prototypic cytokine released by inflammatory cells and three members of the IL-1
gene family have been identified: IL-1, IL-1β, and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) (von
Hundelshausen & Weber, 2007). Platelet activation induces rapid and persistent synthesis
and release of IL1β and converts endothelial cell phenotype to become more adhesive to
circulating neutrophils (Lindemann et al., 2001). Inhibition of β3 integrin attenuated the
synthesis of platelet IL-1β, indicating firm adhesion of platelet to endothelial cells is
prerequisite for IL-1β sustained secretion (Lindemann et al., 2001).

Fig. 2. Tight adhesion of platelets to endothelial cells is mediated by platelet αIIbβ3 bind to
endothelial cell αvβ3, bridged by fibrinogen, and ICAM-1. This results in release of platelet
contents (blue dots) which mediates endothelial activated molecules (green dots) expression,
Upon activation, platelet expresses CD40 ligand (CD40L) which ligates CD40 expressed by
activated endothelial cells (Henn et al., 1998). Platelet CD40L and endothelial cell CD40
interaction amplifies the release of IL-8 and MCP-1 from endothelial cells and enhances
the expression of endothelial cell adhesion receptors including E-selectin, VCAM-1, and
ICAM-1 (Henn et al., 1998). In vivo study using mice deficient of platelet CD40L shows that
platelet CD40L accelerate plaque formation and progression, mainly due to prevention of
leukocyte recruitment (Lievens et al., 2010). This study implicates that platelet CD40L is
important for recruitment of monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes during plaque
intitiation and progression. Ligation of CD40L on endothelial cells promotes endothelial cell
tissue factor expression, thus enhances a procoagulant phenotype on endothelial cells
(Slupsky et al., 1998). Furthermore, it implicates in both the generation and secretion of
matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and protease receptor urokinase-type plasminogen
activator receptor (uPAR), thus promotes proteolytic activity on endothelial cells (May et
al., 2002). Tight adhesion of platelet to endothelial cell via αIIbβ3 binding enhances platelet
CD40L upregulation and matrix degradation (May et al., 2002). This endothelial-mediated
matrix degradation is important in digestion of fibrous cap, thus promotes imbalance of
matrix production and degradation and subsequently weakens the cap. This contributes to
loss of cap protection and threatens plaque in rupture-prone condition.
84 Acute Coronary Syndromes

PF-4, stored in platelet alpha granules, is the most abundant protein secreted by activated
platelets. In histopathological study on human carotid atherosclerotic, PF-4 accumulates
within macrophages of the plaque in the early lesion and continues to accumulate in foam
cells and neovascular endothelial cells as lesion progressed (Pitsilos et al., 2003). PF-4 is
deposited on the endothelial cell surface and retained by subendothelial proteoglycan
(Aidoudi & Bikfalvi, 2010). PF-4 can activate endothelial cells by stimulating E-selectin
expression (Yu et al., 2005). In vitro study indicates that PF-4 inhibits apolipoprotein B-
containing LDL catabolism and facilitates retension of LDL on cell surface (Sachais et al.,
2002). PF-4 blocks LDL uptake by LDL receptor expressed by vascular wall cells, thus
increases its retention and prolongs its residence time in the vascular space which allows
apolipoprotein-B to be modified and increases ox-LDL deposition (Nassar et al., 2002).
RANTES, secreted by activated platelets, triggers monocyte arrest and recruitment under
flow conditions in vitro and in perfused carotid arteries (von Hundelshausen et al., 2001).
Platelet P-selectin is important mediator of RANTES upregulation, indicates that RANTES is
secreted during platelet rolling to endothelial cells (Schober et al., 2002). In atherosclerotic
lesions and injury of apolipoprotein-E deficient mice, RANTES is expressed on endothelial
cells (von Hundelshausen et al., 2001). Endothelial cells should have been modified by IL-1β,
in order to receive the deposition of RANTES (Weyrich et al., 2002). Taken together,
platelet-generated RANTES involves in atherosclerosis early in the beginning and more
prominently in the plaque progression by modulating intimal hyperplasia and monocyte
recruitment (Schober et al., 2002). Initial knowledge of ENA-78 activity is that this CXC
chemokine superfamily member is synthesized and secreted by activated endothelial cells
which give a proadhesive activity for neutrophils (Walz et al., 1997). Activated platelet
expresses ENA-78 which attract leukocyte to adhere the endothelial cells (Schober et al.,
2002). Furthermore, activated platelet-induced IL-1β action can stimulate endothelial cells to
secret ENA-78 which encourage endothelial cell adhesiveness (Weyrich et al., 2002).

3.3 Platelet-leukocyte interaction enhances progressed plaque

Migration and recruitment of leukocytes into atherosclerotic plaque are essential steps of
atherosclerosis progression. Leukocytes are captured and begin rolling on P-selectin
expressing-endothelial cells. Leukocytes express PSGL-1 which engages in leukocyte rolling
and attachment to P-selectin. Similar to that of platelet, P-selectin-mediated leukocyte
binding to endothelial cells is a loose contact. This connection mediates rolling of leukocytes
on the endothelial surface without firm attachment.
In addition to direct contact between leukocytes and endothelial cells, activated platelets
interact with leukocyte as well. Among leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes are the first
to be involved in atherogenesis and plaque progression.

3.3.1 Activated platelets bind and promote monocyte activation and transmigration
Monocytes are predominant leukocytes lodge in atherosclerotic plaque. Adherent platelets
efficiently mediate monocyte rolling and arrest, even at high shear rate. Monocyte rolling is
mediated by P-selectin on activated platelets and PSGL-1, constitutively expressed on
monocytes (Kuijper et al., 1998). CD15, expressed by monocytes, has also been shown to
bind platelet P-selectin (Larsen et al., 1990).
The initial connection between platelet P-selectin and monocyte PSGL-1 and CD15 is a loose
attachment, and within rapid periode it leads to elevated expression of the monocyte
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 85

integrin αMβ2 (membrane-activated complex 1 (Mac-1)) and makes tighter adhesion which
support binding to platelet (Neumann et al., 1999). Monoctyte Mac-1 has several counter-
receptors expressed on activated platelet, such as GP1b, JAM-3 and ICAM-2 (Simon et al.,
2000; Santoso et al., 2002; Diacovo et al., 1994).
Platelet junctional adhesion molecule (JAM) supports platelet chemokine deposition and
promotes monocyte recruitment (von Hundelshausen & Weber, 2007). JAM-3 is identified as
a counter-receptor on platelets for the monocyte Mac-1 and mediates platelet-monocytes
interactions (Santoso et al., 2002). Mac-1 is also able to bind indirectly to platelet αIIbβ3
linked by soluble fibrinogen bridge (Gawaz et al., 1991). Furthermore, several protein-
receptor complexes mediate platelet-monocyte adhesion, such as thrombospondin which
form a bridging of the CD36-CD36 interaction in both monocytes and platelets, CD40L on
the platelet which attach to monocyte CD40 and monocyte triggering receptor expressed on
myeloid cell 1 (TREM-1) to platelet-expressed TREM-1 ligand (Van Gils et al., 2009).
The attachment of activated adherent platelets to monocytes induces monocyte activation
through shedding, expressing and releasing fungsional proteins. Interaction between
platelets and monocytes increases the expression and activity of chemotaxis (MCP-1 and
MIP-1α), proteolysis (uPAR and MMP), thrombosis (tissue factors), activation (TNF-α and
IL-8) and adhesion (Mac-1 and VLA-4) factors on monocytes as well as potentiates
monocyte to macrophage differentiation (Gawaz et al., 2005). In this respect, platelet-
monocyte interaction provides an atherogenic environment at the vascular wall that
supports plaque formation and regression (Gawaz et al., 2005). Similar to adherent platelets,
activated platelets circulating in blood stream can affect endothelial cell and leukocyte
phenotype (Huo et al., 2003). Circulating activated platelets are detected in the blood of
patients with atherosclerotic conditions, such as acute coronary syndromes (Sarma et al.,
2002), stable coronary disease (Furman et al., 1998), and diabetes mellitus (Broijersen et al.,
In vitro study shows that platelet P-selectin increases monocytoid cell adhesion to
endothelial cells (Theilmeier et al., 1999). In vivo study using apoE-knock-out mice reveals
that circulating activated platelets, through platelet P-selectin, promote monocyte
recruitment to atherosclerotic plaque and accelerate the formation of atherosclerotic lesions
(Huo et al., 2002). Platelet P-selectin-mediated interactions lead to deposition of platelet-
derived proinflammatory factors, RANTES and PF-4, to the vessel wall and monocytes,
resulting in activation of monocyte integrins, increased monocyte recruitment and accelerate
atherosclerosis (Huo et al., 2002). Inversely, at low levels, activated endothelial cells express
PSGL-1 and bind P-selectin on platelets and monocytes, thus mediating monocyte tethering
and platelet recruitment to the endothelial cells (Da Costa Martins, 2007).
Not only do adherent platelets form tight binding to monocyte, but also circulating
activated platelets attach to monocyte and form platelet monocyte complex (PMC). PMC
reflected great capacity of platelet activation and in lesser extent, monocyte activation (Van
Gils et al., 2009). Activated platelets bind via P-selectin to its receptor on monocytes, PSGL-
1, and form complexes (Van Gils et al., 2009). PMCs mediate monocyte tethering and
adhering to endothelial cell surface, making adherent monocyte-PMC cluster and promoting
monocyte, and probably platelet, transmigration into subendothelial plaque lession (Da
Costa Martins et al., 2004). PMC high adhesive capability to activated endothelial cell is due
to increasing integrin activation on monocyte and subsequently, increasing cell adhesion to
fibronectin, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 (Da Costa Martins, 2006). Monocytes transmigrate into
86 Acute Coronary Syndromes

the atherosclerotic plaque, and change phenotype, becoming macrophages which express
scavenger receptors and digest oxLDL to become foam cells (Libby & Aikawa, 2001).

Fig. 3. Activated platelets recruit monocytes via platelet P selectin binding to monocyte
PSGL-1 and CD15, subsequently stabilized by monocyte Mac-1 bind to counter receptors in
platelets thus promoting monocyte adhesion and transmigration into subendothelial.
Monocytes are the main source of tissue factor, an important determinant of thrombogenic
plaque (Lindmark et al., 2000). Along with more monocyte recruitment, macrophage
proliferation and tissue factor production intensify, filling the plaque with inflammatory
and thrombogenic material which promote plaque progression.

3.3.2 Activated platelets bind and promote lymphocyte activation and transmigration
Lymphocyte transmigration from circulation to atherosclerotic plaque follows three steps:
selectin-mediated rolling, integrin-modulated adhesion and transmigration. The
transmigration of all lymphocyte populations, i.e. T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells, are
enhanced by activated platelets (Li, 2008). Activated platelets interact with lymphocytes
through binding between platelet P-selectin and lymphocyte PSGL-1 forming a loose
contact, which subsequently induces clustering of αL integrin and enhances lymphocyte
firm adhesion via ICAM-1 binding (Atarashi et al., 2005). Among lymphocytes, T cells have
stronger adhesive capacity than B cells, indicates that T cells are selectively recruited in
mediation of P-selectin expressing cells (Li, 2008) Enhancement of T cell adhesion on
subendothelial matrix is mediated by activated platelets through formation of platelet–T cell
conjugates and via ligations of P-selectin, CD40L and αIIbβ3 integrins (Li, 2008).
In progressed atherosclerotic plaque, T cells make up nearly 10% to 20% of the cell
population and assemble at sites which are prone to rupture and cause fatal thrombosis
(Hansson et al., 2002). Most of the T cells in atherosclerotic lesions is T helper (CD3+ and
CD4+) and T-cell antigen receptor positive (TCRβ+), which indicate a function of
recognition of antigens presented by macrophages or dendritic cells (Hansson et al., 2002).
They modulate cell mediated immunity through secretion of interferon (IFN-γ), IL-2, and IL-
22 (Hansson et al., 2002). IFN-γ inhibits smooth muscle cell new collagen synthesis, which is
essensial in supporting fibrous caps, thus weakens fibrous cap and promotes rupture-prone
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 87

plaque (Libby et al., 2010). Smooth muscle cells in the rupture-prone plaque express HLA-
DR which is susceptible to IFN-γ action (Libby & Aikawa, 2001). Furthermore, activated T
cells induce production of MMP and tissue factor, mediated by CD40-CD40L binding, which
enhances the thrombogenicity of the plaque lipid-rich core (Libby et al., 2010).

4. Activated platelet plays important role in coronary atherothrombosis

Arterial thrombosis is the acute complication that develops on the chronic atherosclerosis
lesion, i.e. atherothrombosis, and in the coronary artery it causes acute coronary syndromes,
during which blood flow through coronary segment is partially or totally obstructed.
Platelets are prominent constituents of the thrombi that occlude the lumen of arteries. In this
regard, atherothrombosis is a term that describes the combination of acute, a complication,
and chronic, a progression, events of arterial disease (Ruggeri, 2002). Platelets are involved
in both processes, through promoting plaque progression and participating in ruptured
plaque-driven thrombus formation (Ruggeri, 2002).
Inducing event of acute coronary syndrome is plaque rupture or erosion. Rupture of fibrous
cap lining the plaque is account for 60–65% of occlusive thrombi and erosion of endothelial
cells lining the plaque is responsible for the rest 35–40% (Dickson & Gottlieb, 2003). In the
rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaque, fibrous cap maintains protective role for the integrity
of the plaque and provides a barrier between the thrombogenic material in the necrotic core
and circulating blood components, mainly platelets and coagulation factors (Libby &
Aikawa, 2001). As plaque progressed, leukocyte-driven inflammation is heightened in the
intimal layer. Inflamed leukocytes can hinder biosynthesis of collagen from smooth muscle
cells and can themselves overexpress collagen-degrading proteinases which in turn give the
condition of the imbalance between collagen synthesis and degradation, thus weakening the
fibrous caps and lead to plaque rupture (Libby & Aikawa, 2001). Furthermore, leukocytes
participate in augmentation the production of the procoagulant factor, primarily tissue
factor, in plaque lesion and give rise to the high thrombogenicity of the plaque’s lipid core
(Libby et al., 2010). In addition to intrinsic factor within plaque, vessel lumen shear stress
contribution for rupture of the plaque is considerate as well, since lumen restricted-area
surrounding the plaque causes a local rising in blood flow velocity. Wall shear rate may
exceed considerably at the edge of a severe occlusion in a coronary artery. High shear stress
may specifically enhance platelet reactivity to matrix extra cellular of plaque (Ruggeri, 2002).
The main trigger for the formation of a thrombus is the loss of the endothelial cell barrier
and exposure of thrombogenic subendothelial extracellular matrix components with
circulating blood. The response of platelets to this event can be divided into three successive
but closely integrated phases: adhesion, activation and aggregation (Ruggeri, 2002). Several
indices of activated platelets in the circulating blood are increased in patients with coronary
artery disease and acute coronary syndromes, such as platelet surface molecule expression,
platelet-monocyte aggregates, platelet-neutrophil aggregates and soluble proteins releasing
upon platelet activation, mainly soluble CD40L (sCD40L) (Linden et al., 2007; Setianto et al.,

4.1 Platelet tethering and adhesion initiate atherothrombosis

Erosion or rupture of the plaque poses circulating platelets, some of them have already
activated, with highly thrombogenic extra cellular matrix components of the lipid core
88 Acute Coronary Syndromes

which contains several adhesive molecules such as collagen, von Willebrand factor, laminin,
fibronectin and thrombospondin (Andrews & Berndt, 2004). These molecules, once exposed,
provide ligands for various activated platelet surface receptors. Under low shear rate
condition, such as in vein and large artery flow, the molecules bind to platelet receptors are
collagen, fibronectin and laminin, whereas under higher shear rates, such as in small arteries
and atherosclerotic vessel, collagen and von Willebrand factor are principal molecules to
mediate platelet slackening, tethering and adhesion (Andrews & Berndt, 2004). The early
step of atherothrombosis is tethering of platelets to the surface of rupture plaque and is
accomplished through the interaction between platelet GPIbα and collagen-bound von
Willebrand factor (Ruggeri, 2002) and platelet GPVI and collagen (Andrews & Berndt, 2004).
GPIbα is the major ligand-binding subunit of GPIb-IX–V or von Willebrand factor receptor
and, in addition to binding site for von Willebrand factor, contains partially overlapping
binding sites for the leukocyte integrin Mac-1, α-thrombin, and P-selectin expressed on
activated platelets or activated endothelial cells (Andrews & Berndt, 2004). GPVI is a
collagen receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily that forms a complex with the FcR g-
chain at the cell surface in human and mouse platelets (Andrews & Berndt, 2004).
Von Willebrand factor, stored both by alpha granules of platelets or Weibel-Palade body of
endothelial cells, is an adhesive glycoprotein found in circulating blood or subendothelial
matrix (Andrews & Berndt, 2004). Circulating von Willebrand factor, which amount is much
higher than that in subendothelial matrix, can be immobilized in exposed collagen via
collagen binding site and become the substrate for platelet GP1bα (Massberg et al., 2003). In
addition to collagen-bound, circulating von Willebrand factor can also be immobilized by
forming the multimeric connection to matrix-bound, platelet-bound or subendothelial von
Willebrand factor (Ulrichts et al., 2005). Immobilized von Willebrand factor is capable to
catch circulating platelets via binding with platelet GPIbα (Andrews & Berndt, 2004).
Ligation of non-activated platelet GPIbα with collagen-bound von Willebrand factor is not
stable enough and is intended mainly to slow down platelets and maintain them in the
rupture site, where subsequently platelets will be activated through various receptors,
mainly integrin, and stable adhesion is formed.

Fig. 4. Plaque rupture exposes platelets to thrombogenic collagen which attract them to
adhere via platelet GPVI bind to collagen and GP1bα bind to collagen-bound von
Willebrand factor, initiate thrombus formation.
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 89

In addition to collagen-bound von Willebrand factor, collagen itself can capture non-
activated circulating platelets through platelet GPVI. However, GPVI has only a low affinity
for collagen which makes GPVI, same as GPIbα, incapable to mediate stable platelet
adhesion. Ligation of GPVI during the initial contact between platelets and subendothelial
collagen provides an activation signal through platelet integrins, αIIbβ3 and α2β1, which is
essential for subsequent stable platelet adhesion and aggregation (Gawaz, 2004). Although
not tightly adherent, this early adhesion of platelets is of adequate affinity to facilitate arrest
at high shear rate, leading ultimately to much more stable integrin-mediated adhesion
(Andrews & Berndt, 2004).

4.2 Platelet activation and aggregation enhance atherothrombosis

Platelet activation and aggregation are the ensuing steps that occur within minutes, marked
by the accumulation of platelets into the haemostatic thrombus (Ruggeri, 2002). Collagen-
bound von Willebrand factor and platelet GPIbα interaction convey signal activation of
platelet integrin αIIbβ3 to undergo conformational changes which are compulsory for firm,
irreversible platelet resting on the subendothelial matrix surface (Gawaz, 2004).
Conformational changes of αIIbβ3 enable an exposure of fibrinogen binding site which form
cross linking with αIIbβ3 on different platelets by fibrinogen bridge (Andrews & Berndt,
2004). Similarly, ligation of GPVI shifts platelet αIIbβ3 and α2β1 from a low to a high affinity
state and contributes to stable platelet adhesion (Gawaz, 2004). Until this step, stable
adhesion of platelets is promoted by irreversible binding of platelet αIIbβ3 to collagen-
bound von Willebrand factor and platelet α2β1 to uncoated collagen. The integrin-
dependent stable adhesion of platelets consequently leads to activation of adherent platelets.
Activated platelets are receptive to wide range of agonists or stimulants and adhesive
proteins. They express surface receptors, which, upon activation by agonists and adhesive
proteins, stimulate internal signaling pathways that lead to further platelet activation,
degranulation, and capacity enhancement to bind with other adhesive proteins or platelets.
Transmembran receptors are the main agonist-stimulated receptor families and greatly
activated during thrombus formation. The important platelet receptors in this class are
thrombin receptors (protease activation receptor (PAR-1 and PAR-4), ADP receptors (P2Y1,
and P2Y12) and integrins (mainly αIIbβ3) (Freedman, 2005).
Activation of platelets by thrombin through PAR-1 and PAR-4 receptors results in calcium
flux, platelet shape change, and stimulation of a variety of platelet-signaling pathways
(Freedman, 2005). Importantly, thrombin-PAR receptor interaction leads to activation of
integrin αIIbβ3 receptor complex through inside-out signalling (Freedman, 2005).
In non-activated platelets, αIIbβ3, the most abundant platelet integrins, has a very low
affinity for its ligands (Cosemans et al., 2008). However, platelet activation remarkably
increases the capacity of αIIbβ3 to attach to its ligands, particularly fibrinogen, fibrin,
fibronectin and von Willebrand factor (Cosemans et al., 2008). These soluble adhesive
proteins are immobilized and are attached to activated αIIbβ3 on the surface of activated
adherent platelets and become the substrate for more non-activated circulating platelet
recruitment and aggregation (Ruggeri, 2002). The interaction of circulating platelets with
adherent platelets carries on through activated αIIbβ3 cross linking between platelets
bridged by soluble fibrinogen, thus form the platelet aggregates (Gawaz, 2004). Platelet
activation increases the surface density of αIIbβ3, thus more soluble fibrinogen attach and
bridge other platelets, makes cross linking and allows continuing platelet aggregation and
90 Acute Coronary Syndromes

thrombus growth. The inhibiton of interaction of platelet αIIbβ3 - von Willebrand factor and
αIIbβ3 - fibrinogen by αIIbβ3 antagonists, i.e tirofiban, abciximab and eptifibatide, is of
potentially benefit in acute settings of coronary atherothrombosis, due to inhibition of
platelet aggregation, thrombus growth and stability.

Fig. 5. Adhesion and activation of platelets form stable plug via platelet αIIbβ3 bind to
collagen-bound von Willebrand factor and platelet α2β1 bind to collagen, thus stimulate
release of platelet surface receptors (blue dots) receptive to agonists and adhesive proteins.
In addition to integrin activation, several means of activation responses of platelets include:
mobilization of cytosolic calcium, secretion of ADP, shedding and secretion of CD40L,
released of tromboxane A2 (TxA2) and formation of pseudopods which support an effective
sealing of the denuded plaque area (Cosemans et al., 2008; Gawaz, 2004). ADP, secreted by
dense granules of activated platelets, stimulates platelets in autocrine loop through its
receptors, P2Y1 and P2Y12. P2Y1 activation mediates platelet shape change and initiates
platelet aggregation by mobilization of intracellular calcium (Andre et al., 2003). P2Y12
activation by ADP signal mediates inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and stabilizes platelet
aggregates as well as participates in the firm adhesion by activating αIIbβ3 (Andre et al.,
2003). Persistent signal to keep P2Y12 in active state is of paramount important to prevent
platelet disaggregation and to maintain αIIbβ3 in its active conformation (Cosemans et al.,
2008). In addition to autocrine loop, ADP also works in paracrine mechanism by stimulating
and recruiting non activated circulating platelets and inducing them to undergo aggregation
with adherent platelets (Gawaz, 2004). Antagonist for P2Y12, i.e ticlopidine and clopidogrel,
has already been widely used in acute coronary syndrome.
CD40L, expressed and released by activated platelets, binds to activated αIIbβ3 and
contributes in supporting platelet aggregate stability (Andre et al., 2002). Upon platelet
activation, the cytosolic CD40L protein is exocytosed to the platelet plasma membrane from
where it is also shed and release into circulation in soluble form, sCD40L (Andre et al., 2002).
These transmembran and soluble forms are detected to be elevated in patients with acute
coronary syndrome (Aukrust et al., 1999; Garlichs et al., 2001; Setianto et al., 2010). Both
transmembrane and soluble CD40L can form a cluster with platelet αIIbβ3 and lead to more
platelet activation and enhance thrombus formation and stabilization (Andre et al., 2002).
Plaque, Platelets, and Plug – The Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome 91

TxA2 is made from arachidonic acid and is secreted by activated adherent platelets. It
strengthen the activation process after the release into the extracellular space and create
platelet feedback activation by acting as autocrine and paracrine manner on its thromboxane
platelet receptor (Gawaz, 2004). TxA2 has a vasoconstricting activity and thus favors
formation of the thrombus by slowing down the blood flow (Gawaz, 2004). Aspirin induces
a complete and permanent inhibition of platelet TxA2 production through the inactivation
of cyclooxygenase. In addition to αIIbβ3-mediated stability, several other adhesion and
signaling receptors contribute to thrombus stability, such as PECAM-1, JAM-A, JAM-C,
ESAM, CD226, and Epf kinases/ephrins, which is enable the tight contact of one platelet
with receptors on adjacent platelets (Brass et al., 2005).

5. Conclusion
Platelet is a key maker for progression of atherosclerotic plaque. Its ability to interact with
activated endothelial cells and leukocytes, provide the milieu of inflammation and
thrombus-prone environment in atherosclerotic plaque. Platelet, with relatively similar
pattern, captures monocyte and lymphocyte and grants them the path to transmigrate into
atherosclerotic plaque. Platelet is a central player during coronary plaque rupture. It starts
and nurtures coronary thrombus formation and stabilization. Platelet-based therapeutic
modalities for atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndrome are still in progressed studies
with some of them yield beneficial effect while others inconclusive.

6. References
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Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute

Aortic Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and
Possible Therapeutic Options
Kazuhito Hirata1, Tomoya Hiratsuji2,
Minoru Wake1 and Hidemitsu Mototake3
1Okinawa Chubu Hospital, Division of Cardiology
2OkinawaHokubu Hospital,Division of Cardiology
3Okinawa Chubu Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery


1. Introduction
Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) and acute aortic dissection(AAD) are life-threatening
conditions which can be difficult to differentiate in the emergency room because of the
similarity of clinical presentations. In addition, ACS can be caused in AAD as a complication
of the dissecting process. Usual form of ACS is caused by an obstruction of the epicardial
coronary arteries, which is initiated with the rupture of an unstable atherosclerotic plaque
complicated with subsequent thrombus formation(Libby , 2001). On the other hand, ACS
secondary to AAD is caused by malperfusion of the coronary artery by an obstruction of the
orifice as a complication of the dissecting process. If AAD is compicated with ACS,
prognosis becomes worse and the treatment of choice may be totally different from usual
ACS. Medications and procedures which are usually used in cases of ordinary ACS, such as
Heparin, antiplatelets, thrombolytic agents and catheter interventions, may be harmful in
ACS secondary to AAD. So it is of great importance to make a correct diagnosis of ACS
secondary to AAD for better treatment and survival.

2. Acute coronary syndrome in patients with acute type A aortic dissection

2.1 Incidence
Incidence of coronary involvement in AAD has been reported to be 1.8-11.3%(Hirst, 1958 ;
Hagan, 2000 ; Kawahito, 2003 ; Neri, 2001 ; Spittel, 1993) . Incidence may vary according to
the different study population(autopsy, surgical patients or non-selected patients in the
emergency room). We recently evaluated the incidence of coronary malperfusion in 159
patients with type A AAD who presented to the emergency room within 12 hours from
the onset and found that 9.4 % had coronary malperfusion(Hirata, 2010). On the contrary,
the incidence of the AAD in ACS is not so frequent. In the large studies dealing with
prehospital thrombolysis, 0.3-0.33% of the patient was erroneously diagnosed as having
usual ACS who later proved to have AAD(Wilcox,1988 ; European Myocardial Infarction
Group, 1993).
100 Acute Coronary Syndromes

2.2 Mechanisms
There are four possible mechanisms for coronary malperfusion in AAD(Ashida, 2000 ;
Cambria, 1988; Massetti, 2003 ; Neri, 2001 ; Shapira, 1998,)
1. buldging of the dissected false lumen producing occlusion of the coronary artery orifice
(Figure 1 A).
2. a retrograde extension of the dissection into the coronary arterial wall resulting in
obstruction (Figure 1 B)
3. disruption or detachment of the coronary artery from the aortic root(Figure 1 C).
4. dynamic obstruction of the coronary orifice by flail intimal flap(Figure 1 D).

Fig. 1. Four possible mechanisms for coronary malperfusion in cases of acute type A aortic
dissection. Mechanisms A to D correspond to mechanisms 1) to 4) in the text. See text in
detail (modified from Neri E et al. Proximal aortic dissection with coronary artery
malperfusion. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001 ; 121 : 552-560 with permission).
Distribution of the each mechanism has not been well defined. In our
experience(Hirata,2010), among 10 patients in whom actual mechanism of coronary
malperfusion was identified during surgery, 5 patients had mechanism 1), 3 patients had
mechanism 2) , and 2 patients had mechanism 3). Identification of the mechanism for
coronary malperfusion is potentially important in relation to the therapeutic options
described later.

2.3 Clinical pictures and electrocardiographic changes

Compared with patients of AAD without ACS, those with ACS had more severe clinical
presentation as manifested with a higher incidence of cardiac tamponade and initial
shock vital signs(Hirata K, 2010). The prognosis was also worse(Kawahito,2003; Metha
2002). If the right coronary artery is involved, ST segment elevation in the inferior leads
Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute Aortic
Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and Possible Therapeutic Options 101

is seen. Simultaneous ST elevation in leads V1-V3 may be seen as a result of obstruction

of the conus branch or the right ventricular branch (Figure 2). If the left main trunk(LMT)
is involved, elevation of the ST segment in leads aVR and aVL with diffusse ST
depression in other leads(Figure 3), or ST elevation in V1-V6 and I, aVL are

Fig. 2. Twelve-lead ECGs obtained from a 56-year-old male with type A AAD. This patient
had shock (initial systolic blood pressure was 60mmHg), cardiac tamponade and mild aortic
regurgitation. An ECG showed sinus pause with ectopic atrial escape rhythm, marked ST
elevation in both inferior and precordial leads. This patient had disruption of the orifice of
right coronary artery but the orifice of left main trunk was intact. Simultaneous ST elevation
in inferior and anterior leads reflected involvement of the conus branch or right ventricular
branch due to obstruction of the orifice of the right coronary artery. A horizontal arrow
indicates 1 second and a vertical arrow indicates 1 mV (same in Figure 3). Reproduced with
permission(Hirata K et al. Electrocardiographic changes in patients with type A acute aortic
dissection. J Cardiol 2010;56:147-153).
102 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 3. Twelve-lead ECGs obtained from a 46-year-old female with type A AAD associated
with Marfan syndrome. Note that ST segment was elevated in leads aVR and aVL, and
diffuse severe ST depression was also seen. This patient had acute pulmonary edema due to
severe acute aortic valvular regurgitation. Initial systolic blood pressure was preserved
(120mmHg). A transesophageal echocardiogram showed flail intimal flap in the ascending
aorta. The dissection was extended beyond the orifice of the left main trunk. Bentall surgery
and coronary reconstruction were performed. Reproduced with permission(Hirata K et al.
Electrocardiographic changes in patients with type A acute aortic dissection. J Cardiol
We recently reported that acute electrocardiographic changes(either ST depression and or T
wave inversion) were rather common in patients with type A AAD even if there was no
involvement of the coronary artery(Table 1, Hirata 2010). Only 27% of the patients with type
A AAD had normal ECG. These observations were consistent with others(Hagan, 2000).
Those acute ECG changes were closely associated with initial shock state(BP<90mmHg) and
cardiac tamponade in our experience of 159 patients(Hirata K, 2010).
Pre-existing chronic coronary artery disease has been reported to coincide in some patients
with type A AAD. In the international registry of AAD, Hagan et al reported that, among
464 patients, 4.3% had previous history of bypass surgery and 7.7% had evidence of old
myocardial infarction(Hagan, 2000). Creswell et al. found that about one-third of the
patients showed one or more coronary artery lesions greater than 50% with a coronary
angiography (Creswell, 1995). At present, in type A AAD, the contribution of preexisting
chronic coronary disease on clinical presentation, acute ECG change and needs for
concomitant bypass surgery has not been well defined.
Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute Aortic
Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and Possible Therapeutic Options 103

Chronic ECG abnormalities such as left ventricular hypertrophy with or without strain
pattern, bundle branch block, etc. were also common in patients with type A AAD.

Acute change 79(49.7)

ST elevation (0.1mV) 13(8.2)
ST depression 54(34.0)
 0.1 mV and < 0.2 mV 28(17.6)
 0.2 mV and < 0.3 mV 18(11.3)
 0.3 mV 8(5.0)
T inversion 34(21.4)
AVB 3(1.9)
New Af 1(0.6)
PAC/PVC 5(3.1)
Sinus bradycardia 18(11.3)
Chronic change 58(36.5)
LVH with strain 15(9.4)
LVH voltage 17(10.7)
Q waves 6(3.8)
BBB 8(5.0)
Chronic Af 8(5.0)
Both acute and chronic 21(13.2)
Normal 43(27.0)
AVB: Atrioventricular block (second degree), Af: Atrial fibrillation, PAC: Premature Atrial
Contraction, PVC: Premature Ventricular Contraction, LVH: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, BBB :
Bundle Branch Block, Values are expressed as number(%). Reproduced with permission(Hirata K et al.
Electrocardiographic changes in patients with type A acute aortic dissection. J Cardiol 2010;56:147-153)
Table 1. ECG changes in type A AAD(n=159)

2.4 Differentiation between acute coronary syndrome secondary to acute type A

aortic dissection and usual form of acute coronary syndrome
Regardless of the difference of the mechanism, the results of coronary malperfusion is
myocardial ischemia in both usual form of ACS and ACS secondary to AAD. So it is
impossible to differentiate usual form of ACS from ACS secondary to AAD with
electrocardiographic findings. At present, differential diagnosis is dependent on the clinical
suspicion based on difference of clinical pictures, confirmed with imaging modalities such as a
CT scan and an echocardiogram. Shirakabe et al. tried to differentiate AAD and ACS using
scoring system utilizing clinical idexes obtainable in emergency room. Presence of back pain,
mediastinal widening on chest X-ray, aortic regurgitation and aortic dilatation(>30mm) were
closely associated with AAD(Shirakabe,2008). They found that AAD can be differentiated
from ACS at sensitivity of 93.1% and specificity of 77.6%, when more than 3 of the 4 features
were positive. We found that ECG change in AAD is closely associated with initial shock vital
sign(BP<90mmHg) and cardiac tamponade(Hirata, 2010). To perform a trans-thoracic
echocardiography at bedside in the emergency room appeared to be very important in ACS
104 Acute Coronary Syndromes

patients in whom underlying AAD is a possible cause of ACS. Those patients include abrupt
onset with back pain, shock vital signs, mediastinal widening(ratio of greater than 30%),
pericardial effusion, aortic regurgitation, and aortic root dilatation(>30mm). If there is a flail
intimal flap, the diagnosis of AAD can be made at bedside

3. Treatment options for acute coronary syndrome secondary to acute type A

aortic dissection
3.1 Surgery
If ACS secondary to AAD is erroneously diagnosed as usual form of ACS and received
thrombolysis or catheter interventions, those patients may have an increased risk of
developing harmful sequelae such as rupture of the aorta resulting in bleeding or cardiac
tamponade(Blankenship, 1989; Butler 1990; Eriksen, 1992; Kamp,1994; Melchior,1993).
Surgical treatment to improve coronary malperfusion and underlying dissecting process at
the same time is the most important and vital(Kawahito,2003; Neri,2001). Replacement of
the dissected ascending aorta(sometimes beyond the arch) with artificial vessel prosthesis is
necessary. If coronary involvement is seen, simultaneous bypass surgery or repair of the
involved coronary artery may be required. Especially, if coronary malperfusion is due to
mechanism 2) and 3), bypass surgery is mandatory(Figure 1 B and C). In mechanism 1),
decompression of the false lumen may be sufficient enough to restore coronary
perfusion(Figure 1A). In mechanism 4), removal of the flap with ascending aortic
replacement may be effective and bypass may not be necessary(Figure1 D). Needless to say,
aortic valve replacement is necessary, if the aortic valve regurgitation is severe.

3.2 Percutaneous catheter intervention

There have been several case reports of successful percutaneous catheter intervention (PCI)
for ACS secondary to AAD. Barabas et al. reported a case of intermittent obstruction of the
LMT in whom deployment of a stent in LMT was very effective to improve unstable
hemodynamic (Barabas,2000). The patient was later sent to surgery as a definitive treatment.
In their case, the diagnosis of ACS secondary to AAD was not made before the catheter
intervention. The presence of AAD was diagnosed during the procedure and unplanned
stenting was performed as an emergency bridge to surgery. Yunoki et al. reported a rare
case of type A AAD in whom the right coronary orifice obstruction resulted in acute inferior
and right ventricular myocardial infarction(Yunoki, 2010). Initially, the patient was sent for
catheter intervention as having an usual form of ACS. During the procedure, AAD was
diagnosed and the stent was deployed at the orifice of the right coronary artery. The patient
was carefully followed medically and at one year, a false lumen in the ascending aorta had
been resolved.

3.2.1 Report of a case

We recently experienced a case of ACS secondary to AAD in whom, emergency stenting in
the LMT was intentionally necessary. The patient was a 56-year-old female who presented
to the emergency room of Okinawa Hokubu Hospital complaining of chest pain. Initial
systolic blood pressure was 60 mmHg and heart rate was 80 beats per minutes. A chest X
ray showed mediastinal widening. A bedside echocardiography and a CT scan confirmed
type A AAD(Figure 4). ECG showed ST elevation in aVR, aVL and V5-6. The patient
Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute Aortic
Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and Possible Therapeutic Options 105

developed repetitive episodes of ventricular fibrillation requiring multiple cardioversion

and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The patient was intubated and was taken to the
catheterization laboratory. A percutaneous cardiopulmonary support equipment(PCPS) was
inserted and emergency catheter intervention was performed as a last resort, because the
hospital was not equipped for emergency cardiovascular surgery. A coronary angiography
showed obstruction of the LMT with a dissecting hematoma(Figure 5). A bare metal stent
was deployed at LMT. Shortly after, the patient’s hemodynamic condition improved and the
patient was transferred to Okinawa Chubu Hospital (with a support of PCPS). Emergency
surgery (CABG on LAD and ascending aortic replacement) was performed. At the time of
surgery, the surgeons noticed the ischemia of the small bowel and the part of the small
bowel was also resected. The patient’s condition improved temporarily, but unfortunately
the patient died of pan-peritonitis secondary to intestinal ischemia and necrosis. In this
particular patient, emergency left main stenting was the last resort in the situation of very
unstable hemodynamic condition and inaccessibility of on-site cardiac surgery.

Fig. 4. A: A CT scan image showing severe narrowing of the left main coronary artey
(between arrows)due to the extension of the dissecting hematoma. B: The ostium of the right
coronary artery was not obstructed. T : True lumen, F: False lumen.
106 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 5. Coronary angiograms before(A) and after(B) stenting the left main coronary artery.
Note the severe narrowing of the orifice of the left main coronary artery resulting in poor
visualization of both left anterior descending and circumflex artery. After stenting the left
main tract became wide open and TIMI 3 flow was restored in both left anterior descending
and circumflex arteries. A:Left anterior oblique view. B:Left anterior oblique and cranial

3.2.2 Current shortcomings of catheter intervention

Current shortcomings of PCI for ACS secondary to AAD include the followings:
1. Although PCI may be temporarily effective to improve coronary malperfusion, it has no
effects on the ongoing dissection process itself. So the surgical approach to the
dissecting process may be inevitably necessary
2. Medications used after PCI, such as antiplatelets or heparin, may result in increased risk
of bleeding, rupture or cardiac tamponade.
3. To insert and to advance the guiding catheter in the injured aortic lumen may result in
further injury of the aortic wall(sometimes, the true lumen is so shrunk and deformed).
In addition, the guiding catheter may be erroneously inserted into the false lumen
4. Intra-aortic balloon pumping may be contraindicated and the safety of PCPS is not
5. If the mechanism of coronary malperfusion is due to mechanism 3), to pass the
guidewire across the obstruction is impossible because there is no continuity of the wall
of the coronary artery(Figure 1 C).
6. If the malperfusion is due to mechanism 4), deploying a stent in the orifice is not
effective(Figure 1D).
So, at present, ACS secondary to AAD should be treated with surgery in most cases. PCI
may be effective in selected cases as a bridge to definitive surgery.
Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Acute Aortic
Dissection – Underlying Mechanisms and Possible Therapeutic Options 107

4. Conclusion
Recognition and appropriate management of ASC secondary to AAD is very important.
Because the mechanism of coronary malperfusion is totally different from usual ACS, the
treatment of choice is also very different. Making a correct diagnosis regarding underlying
dissection is very important.

5. Acknowledgment
We deeply express our thanks to Drs. Maeshiro, Henzan, Ie, Tengan, Yasumoto and Asato.
We also appreciate the hard work of all the past and current fellow doctors in the division of
cardiology, in Okinawa Hokubu and Chubu Hospital

6. References
Ashida K. (2000). A case of aortic dissection with transient ST-segment elevation due to
functional left main coronary arterial obstruction. Jpn Circ J ,64,130-4
Barabas M.(2000). Left Main Stenting-as a Bridge to Surgery- for Acute Type A Aortic
dissection and Anterior Myocardial Infarction. Catheter Cardiovasc Intervnt, 51, 74-
Blankenship J.(1989). Cardiovascular complications of thrombolytic therapy in patients with
a mistaken diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol, 15 ,1579-82.
Butler J.(1990). Streptokinase in acute aortic dissection. Br Med J 1990, 300, 517-9.
Creswell LL. (1995). Coronary artery disease in patients with type A aortic dissection. Ann
Thorac Surg , 59 ,585-90.
Eriksen UH(1992). Fatal haemostatic complications due to thrombolytic therapy in patients
falsely diagnosed as acute myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J ,13 , 840-3.
Hagen PG.(2000). The international registry of acute aortic dissection(IRAD) : New insight
into an old disease. JAMA, 283, 897-903.
Hirata K.(2010). Electrocardiographic changes in patients with type A acute aortic
dissection-incidence, patterns and underlying mechanisms in 159 cases. J Cardiol, 56
, 147-153.
Kamp TJ.(1994) Myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, and thrombolytic therapy Am Heart
J ,128, 1234-7.
Libby P.(2001). Current concept of the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes Circulation
, 104, 365-372
Maseetti M.(2003). Flap suffocation : An uncommon mechanism ofcoronary malperfusion in
acute type A dissection. J Thrac Cardiovasc Surg, 125, 6, 1548-1550.
Metha RH. (2002). Predicting death in patients with acute type A aortic dissection.
Circulation, 105, 200-2006
Melchior T.(1993) Aortic dissection in the thrombolyitic era : early recognition and optimal
management is a prerequisite for improved survival. Int J Cardiol 1993,42 , 1-6.
Neri E.(2001). Proximal aortic dissection with coronary malperfusion: presentation,
management and outcome. J Thrac Cardivasc Surg ,121, 552-60 .
Nikus KC.(2007). Acute total occlusion of left main coronary artery with emphasis on
electrocardiographic manifestations. Timely Top Med Cardiovasc Dis , 11 , E22.
108 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Shapira OM.(1998). Functional left main coronary artery obstruction due to aortic dissection.
Shirakabe A.(2008). Diagnostic score to differenciate acute aortic dissection in the emergency
room. Circ J, 72, 986-990.
Spittel PC.(1993). Clinical features and differential diagnosis of aortic dissection :experience
with 236 cases(1986 through 1990). Mayo Clin Proc. , 68 , 642-51.
The European Myocardial Infarction Project Group.(1993) Prehospital thrombolysis in
patients with suspectedacute myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med , 329 ,383-9.
Wilcox RG.(1988) Trial of tissue plasminogen activator for mortality reduction in acute
myocardial infarction. Anglo-Scandinavian Study of Early Thrombolysis(ASSET).
Lancet , 2 , 525-30.
Yunoki K.(2010). Stenting of right coronary ostial occlusion due to thrombosed type A aortic
dissection : One-year follow-up results. J Cardiol case , 1, e116-170.

Atypical Presentation in Patients with

Acute Coronary Syndrome
Hyun Kuk Kim and Myung Ho Jeong
The Heart Center of Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju,

1. Introduction
Chest pain has been reported as a cardinal clinical feature among the patients with acute
coronary syndrome (ACS). However, several patients exhibit the atypical or no symptom on
initial evaluation. Atypical symptom was defined as the absence of chest pain before or
during admission, and may have included gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms such as
dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort.
Patients who present without chest pain are frequently misdiagnosed, and less likely to
receive optimal treatment for ACS. Consequently, greater in-hospital morbidity, and
mortality are noted. Therefore, understanding the factor associated with atypical
presentations may help in the earlier detection and treatments in patients with ACS.
Prior to discussing the risk factor, clarifying the concept of symptom in patients with ACS is
needed to figure out this theme. In this manuscript, atypical presentation is used
interchangeably 1 or 1+2 in figure 1 according to each reference (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. Definition of atypical presentation; 1 or 1+2

110 Acute Coronary Syndromes

2. Definition of clinical presentation

2.1 Ischemic chest pain
There are several features that tend to distinguish ischemic chest pain from non-cardiac
 Quality – patients with ischemic pain often describe more as a discomfort than pain.
Typical pain is expressed by terms include squeezing, tightness, pressure, constriction,
strangling, burning, heavy weight on chest. It is not generally described as sharp, knife-
like, stabbing, and pins.
 Site – ischemic pain is a diffuse discomfort that may be difficult to localize. The
sensation is often located in the retro-sternal area but may be felt in the epigastrium,
back, arms, or jaw. Pain radiating to the upper extremities is highly suggestive of
ischemic pain.
 Onset – ischemic pain is described as having a crescendo pattern (wax and wane), and
is typically gradual in onset.
 Provocation and relieving factors – ischemic pain is usually developed by situations
such as exercise, emotional stress which increases cardiac oxygen demands. Chest pain
that is reproduced on respiration, coughing, position change, palpation is often
associated with not-ACS disease. Relief of pain after administration of nitroglycerin or
gastro-intestinal cocktails (GI cocktails; viscous lidocaine and antacid) could not
guarantee the cardiac or gastric origin pain.

2.2 Atypical chest pain and presentation

The following characteristics were considered as more non-ischemic chest discomfort.
 Sharp or knife like pain related to respiration, coughing
 Reproduced pain by movement or palpation
 Localized pain with one finger
 Radiating pain into the lower extremities or above the mandible
 Pain lasting for days or a few seconds
Atypical presentation was defined as the absence of chest pain before or during admission,
and may have included gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea, nausea,
vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. The prevalence of this presentation was 8.4% in the
Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE), 33% in the National Registry of
Myocardial Infarction 2 (NRMI-2) and the dominant symptoms in these patients were
dyspnea, nausea, syncope (Fig.2).

3. Clinical characteristics and prognosis with atypical symptom

In NRMI-2 report, patients with atypical presentation had a longer delay before hospital
seek (mean, 7.9 vs. 5.3 hours), were less likely to be diagnosed with a myocardial infarction
on admission (22% vs. 50%), and were less likely to be treated with optimal medical therapy
[aspirin (60% vs. 85%), β-blocker (28% vs. 48%), heparin (53% vs. 83%)] and to receive
thrombolytic therapy or primary percutaneous coronary intervention (25% vs. 74%).6 Its
results were similar with GRACE report. Not surprisingly, in-hospital mortality rates were
much higher in patients with atypical presentation in both registry data (NRMI-2, 23% vs.
9%; GRACE 13% vs. 4%). Moreover, in-hospital complications were developed more in
atypical presentation group.
Atypical Presentation in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 111

Fig. 2. Dominant symptom among patients with atypical presentation (Adopted from
Brieger D, et al. Chest. 2004;126: 461-9)

4. Risk factors of atypical presentation

In NRMI-2 registry, Variables such as older age, gender, race, and co-morbidities (diabetes,
stroke, heart failure) were considered as a risk factor for atypical symptom (Table.1), and
many studies have described the association of aging, gender, and diabetes mellitus.

Variables Odds Ratio (95% confidential interval)

Nonwhite 1.05 (1.03-1.07)

Women 1.06 (1.04-1.08)

Diabetes mellitus 1.21 (1.19-1.23)

Age (10-year interval) 1.28 (1.26-1.28)

Prior stroke 1.43 (1.40-1.47)

Prior heart failure 1.77 (1.74-1.81)

Table 1. Independent risk factor for atypical presentation (Adopted from Canto J.G, et al.
JAMA. 2000;283:3223-9)
112 Acute Coronary Syndromes

4.1 Women
Atypical presentation in ACS was observed more commonly in women than men in large
cohort studies (Table 2). Women with coronary heart disease are older by 10 years and
have more risk factors than men. It might be due to lack of early recognition and
There are several differences between men and women in presentation. Women were less
likely to have typical angina, rated their pain as more intense, used different words to
describe it (more burning, sharp), and reported more non-pain-related symptoms than
men. They experienced pain and other sensations in the neck area more frequently.
Another feature of chest pain in women is that angina being induced by rest, sleep,
mental stress instead of or addition to physical exertion. Psychosocial factors might also
affect symptom presentation and diagnostic approach in women. For example, a history
of anxiety disorders is associated with a lower probability of significant angiographic
disease among women with chest pain symptoms. As women underestimate their own
risk of coronary artery disease, diagnostic approach by physician could be altered less
aggressively than men. Compared with men, women are less likely to perform cardiac
monitoring, cardiac enzyme measurement, electrocardiogram, cardiac consultation,
admission to a coronary care unit, undergo less coronary angiography, angioplasty, and
bypass surgery.

Atypical symptom (%)

Study name Study years Sample size
Men Women

GRACE 1999-2002 20881 7.3 10.6

NRMI-2 1994-1998 434877 28.6 38.6

Alabama UA registry 1993-1999 4167 50.2 53.0

United kingdom 1995 2096 17.6 24.6

Worcester MI study 1986-1988 1360 18.0 23.0

Worcester MI study 1997-1999 2073 30.9 45.8

26 hospitals, CCU Israel 2000 2113 18.7 29.7

Croatia 1990-1995 1996 12.4 20.3

Olmsted County 1985-1992 2271 25.0 19.0

Cumulative 27.4 37.5

Table 2. Prevalence of atypical presentation in large cohort

Atypical Presentation in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 113

4.2 Diabetes mellitus

Some patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a blunted perception of ischemic chest pain,
which could result in atypical presentation. The suggested mechanisms of this phenomenon
are as follows; 1) autonomic neuropathy, 2) prolongation of the anginal perceptual
Sympathetic denervation diabetic patients have evidence of a significant reduction in MIBG
uptake, most likely on the basis of autonomic dysfunction. Furthermore, diabetic patients
with silent myocardial ischemia have evidence of a diffuse abnormality in
metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) uptake, suggesting that abnormalities in pain perception
may be linked to sympathetic denervation. Similar finding has also been observed with
positron emission tomography. Moreover, regional heterogeneity in sympathetic
denervation could result in potentially life-threatening myocardial electrical instability that
may lead to life-threatening arrhythmias.
Another mechanism of abnormal perception is prolongation of the angina perceptual
threshold during exercise. Anginal perceptual threshold (the time from onset of 0.1 mV of
ST segment depression to onset of angina during treadmill exercise) is prolonged in diabetic
patients with coronary artery disease. The permissive effect of a prolonged anginal
perceptual threshold on exercise capacity is undesirable as reflected by its correlation with
ischemia at peak exercise (r = 0.6, p less than 0.001): the longer the threshold, the greater the
exercise capacity and the more severe the ischemia.

4.3 Age and atypical presentation

Advanced age is an important predictor of atypical presentation and poor prognosis. Recent
study in Korea examined and compared the risk factor associated with atypical presentation
according to the age parameter. In this study, diabetes and hyperlipidemia significantly
predicted atypical symptom in relatively young (<70 years) age group. Otherwise, co-
morbid conditions such as stroke or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were the
positive predictors in relatively old age group (>70 years) (Table 3).

Younger (n=49) Older (n=41)

Adjust OR (95% CI) Adjust OR (95% CI)
Female gender 0.861 (0.576-1.769) 0.069 0.721 (0.780-2.599) 0.385
Hypertension 0.740 (0.712-1.875) 0.352 0.628 (0.780-2.599) 0.208
Diabetes 2.494 (1.108-4.014) 0.023 0.841 (0.416-1.515) 0.719
Hyperlipidemia 0.486 (0.285-0.828) 0.006 0.840 (0.438-1.611) 0.465
Co-morbidity 2.029 (0.889-4.633) 0.093 3.315 (1.357-8.729) 0.001
Smoking 0.595 (0.345-1.025) 0.061 0.575 (0.255-1.297) 0.157
ACS type 1.243 (0.675-1.235) 0.883 1.041 (0.744-1.417) 0.877
Constant 0.162 <0.001 0.258 0.001
Table 3. Predicting factors on atypical presentation in younger and older patients (Adopted
from Hwang S.Y, et al. J Korean Med Sci. 2009;24:789-94)

5. Conclusions
ACS patients with atypical presentation are under-diagnosed and under-treated high risk
group. Several clinical risk factors could be helpful in prediction of ACS in this group.
114 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Health care providers should have more concerns about the presence of ACS in patients
who have these risk factors.

6. References
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Exercise Training for Patients After Coronary

Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery
Ching Lan, Ssu-Yuan Chen and Jin-Shin Lai
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University
Hospital, and National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taipei,

1. Introduction
Patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who suffer persistent symptoms and reduced
quality of life while receiving medical therapy are considered for revascularization.1
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are
the most common methods of revascularization for symptomatic CAD. These two
interventions can reduce ischemic symptoms such as angina or dyspnea,2 thus improving
the ability to undertake physical training. Shorter length of hospitalization,3 earlier return to
work,4 and better life adaptation5 were reported in patients undergoing PCI. However, the
incidence rate of restenosis following PCI is higher than CABG,6 and PCI patients who
required further interventions outnumbered the patients who underwent CABG.7-8 A recent
meta-analysis study found that the mortality rate and the rate of revascularization were
significantly lower in the CABG group than the PCI group (9.9% vs 24.5%).9 In a subgroup
analysis, the 5-year mortality rate of DM patients was also lower in the CABG group.
In the era of drug-eluting stent (DES), the Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac
Surgery (SYNTAX) trial10 found that major adverse cardiovascular events rates at 12 months
were significantly higher in the PCI group (17.8% vs 12.4%), and the rate of
revascularization was lower in the CABG group (5.9% vs 13.5%), but stroke was
significantly higher in the CABG group (2.2% vs 0.6%). However, the application of new
surgical technique, such as off-pump CABG (OPCAB) may reduce the rate of stroke after
surgery. In general, CABG remains the method of choice in patients with left main disease,
multivessel disease, especially in diabetic patients, or patients with left ventricular
dysfunction, in the event of failure of PCI, and in-stent restenosis.11 Although the procedure
risk is higher for patients receiving CABG, the extent of revascularization is more
complete,12 and hence the potential of training is higher than patients with PCI. The
objective of this study is to review the effect of exercise training program in patients with

2. Principle of exercise training

Exercise is a major component for patients with CAD. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR)
usually beginning during hospitalization (phase I, inpatient), followed by a supervised
outpatient program lasting 3-6 months (phase II), and continuing in a lifetime
118 Acute Coronary Syndromes

maintenance stage in minimally supervised or unsupervised setting (phase III).

According to the recommendations of American College of Sports Medicine,13 patients
with CABG should perform aerobic exercise 3-5 times per week and 20-60 minutes for
each session, at the intensity of 40-80% of v O2peak. Strength training is suggested to
perform 2-3 times per week at the intensity of 40-50 % of maximal voluntary contraction
with 10-15 repetitions.
For the coronary patients, exercises with moderate intensity have been shown to improve
functional capacity, and it may provide greater safety during unsupervised training. Lower
intensity exercise training also increases the acceptance of exercise program, particularly
unfit and elderly patients. Therefore, some oriental conditioning exercises deserve more
attention because they are less intense, easily accessible, low cost and therefore suitable for
implementation in the community.

3. Benefits of exercise training

3.1 Cardiorespiratory fitness
Cardiac rehabilitation exercise training improves exercise capacity, without significant
complications or other adverse effects. Peak oxygen uptake is the best indicator for
cardiorespiratory fitness, and attaining a high v O2peak requires integration of high levels of
pulmonary, cardiovascular and neuromuscular function. In patient with CAD, the level of
v O2peak is also a good predictor for mortality rate. Kavanagh et al.14 reported exercise test
data for 12,169 male rehabilitation candidates, and found the most powerful predictor of
cardiac and all-cause mortality was v O2peak. Values of <15, 15 to 22, and >22 mL·kg-1·min-1
yielded respective hazard ratios of 1.00, 0.62, and 0.39 for cardiac deaths and 1.00, 0.66, and
0.45 for all-cause deaths. Additionally, the mortality rate might decrease 9% for each 1
mL·kg-1·min-1 increase of v O2peak.14 For patients with CABG, previous studies reported
10.5%-48.2% increase of v O2peak in outpatient CR, and the increase of absolute value was
1.9-6.6 mL·kg-1·min-1 (Table 1),15-32 depended on different exercise protocol and the initial
level of fitness.

Study Patients Intervention Outcomes

v O2peak between baseline and 8
Cycling: 21.4 vs 25.7 mL·kg-1·min-1
Cycle training (n=8): cycling (20.1%)
24 min, 3 times/wk for 8 wk HCT: 21.2 vs 23.6 mL·kg-1·min-1
Haennel et al15 24 men Hydraulic circuit training (11.3%)
(1991) 9-10 wk after CABG (HCT, n=8): 24 min circuit Cardiac output between baseline
training 3 times/wk for 8 wk and 8 wk:
Control (n=8) Cycling:14.3 vs 16.8 L·min-1
HCT: 13.1 vs 15.1 L·min-1
Maximal work load increased in
Rehabilitation group (n=93)
both groups, but the increase is
Engblom et al16 171 men 3- wk exercise followed by
greater in rehabilitation group
(1992) 2 mon after CABG 2-day refresher for 8 m
than in reference group 12 months
Reference group (n=78)
Exercise Training for Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery 119

Study Patients Intervention Outcomes

v O2peak between baseline and 1

Exercise group (n=22): Ex: 22.6 vs 24.5 mL·kg-1·min-1
walking 1 h twice daily for 1 (8.4%)
m, followed by 1 m of usual Control: 21.0 vs 23.7 mL·kg-1·min-1
Dubach et al17 42 men care (12.9%)
(1995) 1 mon after CABG Control group (n=20): usual v  O2peak between 1 mon and 2
care for 1 m, followed by mon:
walking 1 h twice daily for Ex: 24.5 vs 26.4 mL·kg-1·min-1
1m (7.8%)
Control: 23.7 vs 25.0 mL·kg-1·min-1

15 M, 2 F
6-8 wk aerobic training, v O2peak between baseline and 9
Daida et al18 3 times/wk, 40 min each mon:
53±3 y/o, 3 m after
(1996) time, 21.9 vs 27.4 mL·kg-1·min-1 (25.1%)
at RPE 12-13 ↑Exercise time, O2 pulse, peak HR

Strength increased by 18% in five

Circuit weight training
out of seven exercise in the CWT
26 Men group, (CWT, n=12):10 wks
Mariorana et al 19 group, but unchanged in the
60±8.5 y/o, CWT at 40-60% max.
(1997) control group
18 mon after CABG contraction
Control group (n=14)
v O2peak : no increase in both

Tai Chi group (n=9): 1-yr TC

v O2peak between baseline and 1
20 men training, 3.8 times/wk, 1 h
Lan et al20 TC : 26.2 vs 28.9 mL·kg-1·min-1
56.5±7.4 y/o each time, at 48-57% of HR
(1999) (10.3%)
5 mon after CABG reserve
Control: 26.0 vs 25.6 mL·kg-1·min-1
Control group (n=11)

v O2peak between baseline and 3

12-wk of walking program
CABG: 19.0 vs 21.0 mL·kg-1·min-1
Initial intensity at 50-60% of
31 subjects (10.5%)
Goodman et al21 v O2peak, then increase to 75- Ejection Fraction (EF):
53±1 y/o
(1999) 80% of v  O2peak, 5 times/wk, At 40% of v O : 60 vs 63%
8-10 wk after CABG 2peak
45-60 min each session for 3
At 70% of v  O2peak: 61 vs 64%
↑18% ischemic exercise calf blood

Exercise group (n=13): 30

v O2peak between 1 wk and 3 wk:
Ex: 13.1 vs 16.1 mL·kg-1·min-1
min bicycle exercise, twice
28 patients daily for 2 wk, intensity at
Takeyama22 Control:13.7 vs 14.8 mL·kg-1·min-1
(26M/2F) ventilatory threshold (VeT)
(2000) (8.0%)
1 wk after CABG Control group (n=15):
Peak CO between 1wk and 3 wk:
walking 200-500 meters for 2
Ex: 10.6 vs 13.4 L/min (26.4%)
Control:11.9 vs 12.0 L/min (0.1%)
120 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Study Patients Intervention Outcomes

v O2peak between 1 wk and 3 wk:
Ex: 13.7 vs 20.3 mL·kg-1·min-1
Exercise group (n=34): 30
57 patients (48.2%)
Adachi et al23 min exercise, twice daily for 2
(46 M/ 11F) Control:13.7 vs 14.3 mL·kg-1·min-1
(2001) wk, intensity at VeT
1 wk after CABG (4.4%)
Control group (n=23)
↑Ventilatory efficiency and
cardiac output in exercise group

Supervised Ex group: ↑23.7%

Supervised Ex (n=713): 2  O2peak ,
in v
Kodis et al24 1,042 patients times per wk, at 40-70% of ↑HDL-C, ↓LDL-C
(2001) 6-8 wk after CABG functional capacity for 6 m Home Ex group: ↑17.2%
Home Ex (n=329)  O2peak ,
in v

v O2peak between baseline and 3 m:

Ex: 19.8 vs 26.3 mL·kg-1·min-1
Aerobic exercise for 3 m, 3
20 men (32.8%)
Lan et al25 time/ wk, 30 min each
56.5±7.4 y/o v O2 at VeT between baseline and
(2002) session, at 51-59 % of
2 mon after CABG 3 m:
functional capacity
Ex: 11.9 vs 14.7 mL·kg-1·min-1

v O2peak between baseline and 3 m:

Virtual reality (VR, n=17)
VR: 17.7 vs 22.5 mL·kg-1·min-1
group: simulated exercise 2
Chuang et al26 32 patients (27.1%)
times per wk, 30 min for 3 m
(2005) 2-3 mon after CABG Non-VR: 15.1 vs 16.8 mL·kg-1·min-
Non-VR (n=15) group: 1 (11.3%)
exercise without simulation
↑v  O2 at VeT in both groups

v O2peak between baseline and 6 m:

42 patients Aerobic and resistance Ex: 15.1 vs 21.7 mL·kg-1·min-1
Sumide et al27
(40 M/ 2F) exercise for 6 m, 1-2 (43.7%)
61±8 y/o time/wk, 60 min each session ↑Peak torque in knee extensor/
flexor, and calf circumference

v O2peak between baseline and 4 wk:

AIT: 27.1 vs 30.4 mL·kg-1·min-1
Aerobic interval training (12.2%)
(AIT) MCT:26.2 vs 28.5 mL·kg-1·min-1
59 patients
Moholdt 28 Moderate continuous (8.8%)
AIT: 24M/ 4F
(2009) training (MCT) v O2peak between 4wk and 6 m:
4 wk in rehab center, then AIT: 30.4 vs 32.2 mL·kg-1·min-1
6- m home-based exercise (5.9%)
MCT:28.5 vs 29.5 mL·kg-1·min-1

v O2peak between baseline and 6 m:

Supervised CR program for 6 Ex: 14.2 vs 19.2 mL·kg-1·min-1
32 patients with
Onishi et al29 months, including aerobic (35.2%)
metabolic syndrome
(2009) exercise (60 min) and ↑peak torques of knee extensor
5-14 days after CABG
resistance training, at VeT (13.4%) and knee flexors (15.3%)
↓Triglyceride, LDL-C and CRP
Exercise Training for Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery 121

Study Patients Intervention Outcomes

Handgrip-induced increases in
HR, BP, and TPR were lower,
Ex group (n= 60), 6 wk
120 Men whereas SV and CO were higher
Bilinska et al30 aerobic training, 3 times/wk,
55±6 y/o (by 13% and 15%, respectively) in
(2010) at 70-80% HRmax
3 mon after CABG Ex group. A higher increase in NO
Control group (n=60)
level and a lower increase in
noradrenaline in Ex group.

Ex group (n=30): 12 wk Estimated exercise capacity and 6 min

Shabani et al31 aerobic exercise walking test increased in Ex group
60 women
(2010) Control group (n=30): usual Exercise duration time↑49.2% and rate
care pressure product↑10.3% in Ex group

MET between baseline and 6 m:

Hospital Ex group: aerobic
Hospital Ex: 4.5 vs 6.2 MET
Ex 30-50 min per session, 3
Smith et al32 times/wk, at 60-80% HR
196 patients Home Ex: 5.1 vs 6.4 MET (25.5%)
(2011) reserve for 6 m
Home-based exercise maintained
Home Ex group: walking in
higher physical capacity during 6 yrs
home 5 times per wk
follow up than hospital-based exercise

Table 1. Effect of Exercise Training to Functional Capacity in Patients with CABG

3.2 Muscular strength

Traditionally, CR program involving aerobic exercise training such as walking and
cycling is emphasized. However, muscular strength is important in vocational activities
and activities of daily living. Previous studies showed that moderate intensity resistance
exercise might significantly increase muscular strength for cardiac patients.33-34 It is
recommended that cardiac patient should start a low weight and perform one set of 10-15
repetitions using 8-10 different exercises. Some studies reported that resistance training
might increase aerobic power,15,33-34 but other study found that resistance training can
only improve muscular strength.19 Therefore, resistance training should be integrated into
an aerobic exercise program. Sumide et al27 reported a 6-month aerobic exercise and
resistance training program was beneficial to patients with CABG. After training, the
v O2peak and peak lower limb torques significantly increased, and the circumferences of
thigh and calf were also increased. In a recent study, Onishi et al.29 reported a 6-month
aerobic and resistance training program also improved v O2peak and isokinetic peak
torques of knee extensor and flexor in patients after CABG. It appears that a combined
aerobic and resistance training program significantly increased exercise tolerance and
lower limb muscle strength.

3.3 Cardiac function

Exercise training in healthy individuals may enhance physical capacity by both an increase
in cardiac output, a central mechanism, and a widening of the arteriovenous oxygen
difference, a peripheral mechanism. In patients with heart disease, previous studies
suggested the enhancement of v O2peak only relied on peripheral adaptations,35-37 however,
recent studies found the increase of v O2peak might be partially attributed to an elevation in
cardiac output.
122 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Nakai et al.38 reported the effects of exercise training on recovery of cardiac function in 115
patients after CABG. After training, stroke index increased significantly in the exercise
group, but not in the usual care group. Takeyama et al22 applied a 2-week bicycle program
to 13 patients with CABG, and they exercised 30-minute twice daily. The peak cardiac
output increased 22.9% from 10.6 L/min to 13.4 L/min, while the control group showed no
significant improvement. Adachi et al.23 assigned 34 patients with CABG to a 2-week
exercise program, and cardiac output during exercise at 20 watt and at peak exercise
significantly increased in the exercise group. In a recent study, Bilinska et al30 reported that
after 6 weeks of aerobic training at 70–80% of HRpeak, the stroke volume and cardiac output
were higher (by 13% and 15%, respectively) in trained patients compared with controls.
Goodman et al.21 has explored central and peripheral adaptations after exercise training in
31 patients with CABG. Patients underwent 12 weeks of exercise training consisting of
walking and jogging, at 75% to 80% v O2peak. The results showed a significant improvement
in v O2peak and an increase of the ejection fraction during submaximal exercise (60 ± 3% vs 63
± 2% at 40% v O2peak; 61 ± 3% vs 64 ± 3% at 70% v O2peak). Peak ischemic exercise calf blood
flow and vascular conductance were also increased. The result indicated that exercise
training in patients after CABG can elicit significant improvements in functional capacity
that, for the most part, are secondary to peripheral adaptations, with lesser contribution of
central adaptation.

3.4 Ventilatory efficiency

Shortness of breath is a major complaint when ventilation is accelerated during exercise.
Although exercise training may attenuate exertional dyspnea during exercise, whether
exercise training improves ventilatory efficiency in patients after CABG was not clear.
Adachi et al.23 reported the effects of exercise training on ventilatory response and cardiac
output during exercise in patients following CABG. The minute ventilation–carbon dioxide
output ( v E– v CO2) slope decreased from 38.9±8.1 to 35.1±6.7 in the exercise group, and
there was a correlation between improvement of the v E– v CO2 slope and peak cardiac
output in the exercise group. The results showed that short-term physical training after
CABG might improve ventilatory efficiency to exercise.

3.5 Lipid profile

Exercise training is not recommended as a sole intervention for lipid modification because
the inconsistent effect on lipid and lipoprotein levels. Optimal lipid management requires
dietary and pharmacologic management, in addition to CR exercise training.
Wosornu et al. 39 compared the effects of 6-month aerobic or strength exercise training after
CABG. Both groups showed a significant increase in physical capacity, but there were no
changes in lipoprotein levels. Brügemann et al.40 randomized 137 men who underwent an
coronary procedure (111 received CABG) to two types of CR, and blood lipid profile was
unaffected by exercise training. However, Kodis et al.24 conducted a retrospective review of
1,042 patients with CABG and found that exercise might induce beneficial changes to lipid
profile. Following 6 months of exercise training, the supervised exercise group had
significant lower cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol than the home-based group. Patients in
the supervised exercise group had significant improvements in triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol
and HDL-cholesterol, whereas the home-based group showed improvement in HDL-
cholesterol only. In a recent study, Onishi et al.29 also reported CR exercise training might
Exercise Training for Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery 123

improve LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol in CABG patients with metabolic syndrome.
Additionally, metabolic scoring defined by the number of the modified Adult Treatment
Panel criteria of the US National Cholesterol Education Program was significantly

3.6 Hemodynamic and neurohormonal response

In order to measure hemodynamic and neurohormonal response to static exercise, Bilinska
et al30 randomized 120 male patients to either 6 weeks of aerobic training at a 70–80% of the
HRpeak or to a control group. After 3 months of training, handgrip-induced increases in HR,
BP, and total peripheral resistance were lower, whereas stroke volume and cardiac output
were higher (by 13% and 15%, respectively) in trained patients compared with controls.
Moreover, a higher increase in nitric oxide level (46% vs 14%) and a lower increase in
noradrenaline (11% vs 20%) were observed in trained patients compared with controls. The
result showed that short-term dynamic training caused significant improvement of
hemodynamic and neurohormonal responses to static exercise.

3.7 Quality of life

Heather et al.40 recruited 249 patients on a waiting list for elective CABG and randomized
them into an intervention group and a control group. During the waiting period, the
training group exercised twice per week, with education and reinforcement. After surgery,
both groups participated in a CR program. Quality of life was measured by short-form 36
(SF-36) questionnaire during the waiting period, and patients in the intervention group
showed a significant increase in the scores of physical role, physical functioning, bodily pain
and composite physical summary score. The intervention group displayed better quality of
life than the control group, but mainly in physical component, and the improvement
continued up to 6 months after surgery.
In a recent study, Brügemann et al.41 randomized 137 men to one of two types of CR:
physical training plus information ('Fit' program) during 6 weeks or comprehensive CR
which, on top of the Fit-program, included weekly psycho-education sessions and relaxation
therapy ('Fit-Plus' program) for 8 weeks. The results showed that quality of life improved in
both treatment groups in the course of time up to 9 months after training, and there was no
difference between the two types of CR.

3.8 Graft patency, cardiac events and readmission

Nakai et al.38 reported the effects of exercise training on recovery of cardiac function and
graft patency in 115 patients after CABG. The patients were divided into Group I (n = 60)
with and Group II (n = 55) without a CR program. The rate of graft patency was 98% in
Group I and 80% in Group II. After training, the exercise stroke index increased significantly
in Group I, but not in Group II. The result suggested that physical exercise training should
be started as early as possible after CABG to improve graft patency and recovery of cardiac
Perk J et al.42 reported in a study including 49 CABG patients participating in a
comprehensive CR program and 98 matched patients receiving standard care. During the
first year after CABG, fewer study group patients were readmitted to hospital (14% vs 32%)
and on fewer occasions (1.1 vs 2.9). There were no differences in the rates of returning to
work (59% vs 64%). In a long-term follow-up, the study group patients rated their physical
124 Acute Coronary Syndromes

work capacity higher, and more patients had continued with regular physical training (66%
vs 46%). Hedbäck et al.43 reported in a study included 49 patients who underwent CABG
and were offered a CR program consisting of education in risk-factor control and a physical
training program. After 10 years of follow up, the study group had lower cardiac events
than in the control group (18.4% versus 34.7%). The number of readmissions to hospital (2.1
versus 3.5 per patient) and length of admissions (11 versus 26 days per patient) were
significantly lower in the study group. The result proved that a comprehensive CR program
after CABG will improve long-term prognosis and reduce the need for hospital care.
In a recent study, Plüss et al.44 randomized 224 patients with acute myocardial infarction or
undergoing CABG to expanded CR (a one-year stress management program, increased
physical training, staying at a 'patient hotel' for five days after the event, and cooking
sessions), or to standard CR. The number of cardiovascular events was reduced in the
expanded CR group compared with the standard CR (47.7% versus 60.2%). This was mainly
because of a reduction of myocardial infarctions in the expanded CR group. Days at hospital
for cardiovascular reasons were significantly reduced in patients who received expanded
CR (median 6 days) compared with standard CR (median 10 days). The result showed that
expanded CR reduces cardiovascular morbidity and days at hospital.

4. Tai Chi Chuan training

Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) is a popular Chinese conditioning exercise. The exercise intensity of
TCC was low to moderate, depends on its training style, posture and duration. Participants
can choose to perform a complete set of TC or selected movements according to their needs.
Previous research substantiates that TC enhances aerobic capacity, muscular strength,
endothelial function and psychological well-being. In addition, TC benefits to some
cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension and dyslipidemia. Recent studies also
prove that TC is safe and effective for patients with myocardial infarction, bypass surgery
and heart failure. Channer et al. 45 reported that the application of TCC for patients with
acute myocardial infarction was safe and showed benefits to blood pressure. There are
several reasons to recommend TCC as an exercise program for patients with CABG. First,
TCC did not need special facility or expensive equipment. Second, TCC is effective for
enhancing health fitness and improving cardiovascular risk factors. Third, TCC is low cost
and low technology, and can be easily implemented in the community. We have applied a
12-month TCC program to patients with CABG as a phase III cardiac rehabilitation
program.25 After training, the TCC group showed an increase of 10.3% in v O2peak and 11.9%
in peak work rate. Therefore, TC may be prescribed as an alternative exercise program for
selected patients with CABG.

5. Off-pump and minimally invasive CABG

Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) uses fewer resources than conventional
CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass (CABG-CPB). It was estimated that 20% of CABG
operations using OPCAB in western countries, but over 60% of isolated CABG have been
performed in Japan using the OPCAB technique. OPCAB grafting reduces the risk of
postoperative morbidity, length of hospital stay than conventional surgery with
cardiopulmonary bypass.
Exercise Training for Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery 125

In a recent study, Angelini et al.46 reported the graft patency 6-8 years after CABG was
similar between OPCAB and CABG-CPB, and the major adverse cardiovascular events or
death showed no difference between the two groups. The health-related quality of life was
similar between the OPCAB and CABG-CPB groups. In addition, with increasing expertise
and technology, minimally invasive and robotic techniques have been developed to enhance
post-operative recovery and patient satisfaction.47 However, there is no study compare the
effect of exercise training on conventional CABG and those new techniques, further study is
needed to evaluate the difference between conventional and new surgical techniques to the
outcomes in patients with CABG.

6. Conclusion
Short-term exercise training for patients with CABG showed benefits to cardiorespiratory
function, muscular strength, metabolic profile, cardiac function, ventilatory efficiency,
hemodynamic function and quality of life. Additionally, exercise training may improve graft
patency, reduce cardiac events and readmission rate. Thus, CR exercise training is an
important intervention and should be recommended to most of the patients after CABG.

7. References
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CABG. Int J Med Robot 2009;5:1-12.

Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute

Coronary Syndromes and Other Cardiovascular
Complications During Emergency High Risky
Noncardiac Surgery
Maria Milanova and Mikhail Matveev
University Hospital of Emergency Medicine,
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, BAS

1. Introduction
The cardiac risk (CR) in noncardiac surgery represents the probability of acute
cardiovascular conditions appearance, assessed as perioperative complications.
The most frequent perioperative complications are the acute manifestations of coronary or
noncoronary ischemia; acute or exacerbated chronic heart failure (CHF); acute rhythm and
conductive disorders; acute cardiac inflammatory processes; increased arterial blood
pressure or hypertensive crisis; cardiogenic shock and sudden cardiac death. These
conditions are either early signs, or represent a manifestation of progress or decompensation
of present cardiac diseases. Specific indication may be found in their origin, if it is explicitly
or implicitly associated with the present surgical disease or with a completed surgical
intervention, giving weight to the special features of the perioperative period [1].
The major surgical interventions, e.g. in the thoracic cavity and the upper abdominal cavity,
as well as the neurosurgical and the major orthopedic operations, are related to increased
CR. Previous myocardial infarction, unstable stenocardia and decompressed chronic cardiac
insufficiency are powerful predictors for the emergence of acute perioperative
cardiovascular complications (CVC) and mortality. The patients with such specified
pathologies need additional evaluation before major surgical intervention.
The cardiac postoperative morbidity and mortality are closely related to the basic surgical
disease and the corresponding intervention. Many scientific publications report on the high
number of complications, accompanying the major surgical abdominal and intrathoracic
interventions, emergency surgical interventions, surgery of malignant neoplasm, major
peripheral vascular manipulations [1, 2, 3].
The CR evaluation will not change the course and the result of the intervention in emergency
conditions, e.g. rupture of abdominal aortic aneurism, heavy trauma, perforations etc., but
may have influence upon the care during the early postoperative period. In emergency but
noncritical states (e.g. biliary obstruction), the evaluation may contribute to risk reduction
without influence upon the decision about the necessity of the intervention. In some cases, the
CR evaluation may influence the surgical intervention planning and the choice of less invasive
130 Acute Coronary Syndromes

intervention, e.g. the preference for peripheral arterial angioplasty before infrainguinal bypass,
even though the long-term result of the surgery may be altered. In other cases, the CR
assessment must support the decision for a given intervention, e.g. for removal of small
aneurisms from asymptomatic patients with carotidal stenosis, when the compromise is
between the expected life duration and the risk of the intervention.
Below are presented some practices for cardiac risk assessment in emergency noncardiac
surgery, including high risk one. Part of them are discussed on the basis of own studies over
the applicability of models for CP evaluation in groups of subjects, differentiated upon the
urgency, the severity of the surgical disease and intervention, with or without
cardiovascular and other concomitant nonsurgical diseases [4, 5, 6, 7].

2. Short review of preoperative cardiac risk assessment schemes in major

noncardiac surgery
2.1 General preoperative clinical assessment
The tentative general assessment of the cardiac perioperative risk may be completed on the
basis of factors with known contribution.

2.1.1 Risk in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD)

The perioperative mortality reaches 9.6% in case of IHD, otherwise it is just about 2.8% [8,
9]. Besides the hemodynamically induced complication, other manifestations like
thrombosis, coronary spasm, serious rhythm disorder, spontaneous psychogenic nocturnal
or preoperative complications, are also possible. The patients with IHD, subjected to major
noncardiac surgery, can be divided into 3 groups:
a. Patients with angina pectoris (АP).
The preoperative assessment of patients with angina, who will be subjected to major noncardiac
surgery (MNCS), has to clarify the following questions: stable or unstable angina; functional
class (FC); is the medicamentous treatment adequate; necessity of specific diagnostic tests.
Except for the surgery of abdominal aortic aneurism, the patients with I-II FC stable
stenocardia have the resources to bear the stress of MNCS, while this intervention presents
serious threats to patients with III-IV FC.
The patients with I-II FC stable AP are with increased risk of cardiac complications after
MNCS [10] (about 10 times higher relative risk compared to patients without IHD).
However, this tenfold increase corresponds to a relatively low risk of myocardial infarction
(MI), approximately of 4%, and of cardiac death, about 1-2% [8, 9]. FC is decisive in
predicting the risk level of patients with stenocardia. Those of them that succeed to reach
85% of the maximum cardiac frequency (even with appearance of ST-depression) have no
complications during surgery [11, 12]. Just the opposite, the presence of ST-depression and the
bad tolerance of physical stress identify the high-risk patients.
b. Patients with MI
The number of perioperative reinfarctions decreases with the improvement of the
anesthesiologic methods from 30% to 6% after survived MI during the last 3 months, and
from 15% to 2% after preceding MI during the preoperative 3-6 months.
The MI manifestation during intra- or early postoperative periods is often preceded by
prolonged or recidivistic ischemia. There are two important mechanisms in the context of
the perioperative MI:
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 131

1. Chronic imbalance between the need and the providing of blood stream that is clinically
manifested as stable IHD (due to coronary arteries’ stenosis, limiting the blood stream);
2. Rupture of coronary plaque with clinical manifestation of acute coronary syndrome
c. Patients with high risk of asymptomatic IHD.
Such are the patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) or peripheral vascular disease, when
either the ECG stress-test cannot be carried out, or the results obtained are not reliable.

2.1.2 Risk in patients with heart failure (HF)

The congestive heart failure (CHF) increases the risk of postoperative complications. Here, it
is important to clarify as far as possible, the HF etiology. For example, HF due to
hypertension runs a different risk, compared to HF due to IHD [13, 14].
Many general anesthetics cause direct myocardial depression. Very often, a large quantity of
liquids is infused during the perioperative period in MNCS and overburden the patients
with left ventricular dysfunction or HF. The risk of perioperative cardiogenic pulmonary
edema among subjects aged over 40 years, who have been subjected to MNCS, vary from
about 2%, if CHF anamnesis is absent, through about 6% for patients with preceding HF,
which is not present during physical and X-ray examinations, and reaches up to 16% with
persisting physical and X-ray data about pulmonary stagnation [8].
Large abdominal or thoracic surgery, which is followed by CHF that has not been identified
before the intervention, is usually associated with elderly patients with ECG abnormalities
or other cardiac symptoms [15].
The presence of CHF represents another risk factor for perioperative MI [16, 17, 18, 19].

2.1.3 Risk in patients with heart valvular disease

The patients with heart valvular disease, who have been subjected to MNCS, are subject to
an increased risk of cardiac complications, mostly because of their susceptibility for
development of CHF, hypo- and hypervolemia and cardiac arrhythmias in the perioperative
period [13]. About 20% of the patients with severe heart disease (II or higher FC) either
evolve new or complicate the present cardiac decompensation during the MNCS [15]. It is
accepted, that the subjects with aortic stenosis are the higher risk patients among these with
valvular cardiac disease, as they bear with difficulty hypo- and hypervolemia [20].
The patients with combined rheumatic mitral and aortic heart disease represent a
considerable group. Their risk during noncardiac intervention is high, because of their
limited resources and capabilities to support changes in pre- and afterloads.

2.1.4 Risk in patients with cardiac arrhythmias

The arrhythmias, either atrial or ventricular, are often related to IHD or CHF and specify
increased risk during MNCS. Although both arrhythmias are pointed out as independent risk
factors in the perioperative period [20, 21, 22], they probably have significance only as a
manifestation of serious heart disease, which itself increases the risk of CVC. In similar cases,
the arrhythmias correlate as a marker of cardiac suffering with ischemic and HF complications
and do not contribute additional risk during noncardiac surgery. According to Detsky et al and
Goldman et al, the prognosis in patients with arrhythmias, but without supporting cardiac
pathology, is usually good and the risk of intervention is very unlikely to be increased, although
the same authors determine the atrial fibrillation as an independent risk factor [20, 23].
132 Acute Coronary Syndromes

High risk of the supraventricular tachiarrhythmias progress subsists among elderly patients
subjected to pulmonary surgery, patients with subcrucial valvular stenosis and patients
with primary anamnesis of similar tachyarrhythmias [24].
Patients with anomalies in the conductive system as AV block, fascicular or bundle branch
block often have cardiac diseases. Many anesthetics suppress the cardiac contractility
and/or provoke peripheral vasodilatation. The anesthesia may give rise to further
depression of the automatism and, consequently, of the ventricular frequency in patients
with heart block. The complication of biphascicular block after MI may progress to a third
degree AV block, often accompanied by serious hemodynamic disorders [24, 25].
Patients with bundle branch blocks are not subject to increased risk of third degree AV block
progress in the perioperative period, although they may acquire it in a long-term context.
The presence of bundle branch block does not represent an independent predictor of heavy
postoperative cardiac complications if there is no evidence of other severe disease [15, 20].
According to the recommendations of the ACC/AHA the arrhythmias with high risk are as
followed [2]:
- high-degree AV block;
- symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias, combined with presence of cardiovascular
diseases (CVD);
- supraventricular arrhythmias at high and out-off-control heart rate (HR).

2.1.5 Arterial hypertension

Despite contemporary achievements in arterial hypertension (AH) diagnosis and
monitoring, a large percent of the subjects with AH remain without diagnosis or have been
inadequately treated. The patient arterial blood pressure (BP) may increase in a hospital
environment as a result of a stress. Prys Roberts et al, report higher perioperative BP
instability among subjects with high preoperative BP [26]. According to Goldman and
Caldera [8], the mean intraoperative BP, the necessity of infusion and adrenergic agents for
supporting the pressure during the intervention, as well as the progress of considerable
postoperative hypertension, practically are not influenced by the fact whether the
hypertension was not treated, inadequately treated or well monitored.
Several communications [15, 20, 23, 27] point out that patients with mild through moderate
hypertension can be subjected to anesthesia and intervention without high risk of CVC [8].
Other studies cite as evidence that patients with AH are subjected to higher risks of cardiac
complications during, or immediately after, MNCS, compared to normotensive subjects. The
reasons of the increased risk are due to IHD, left ventricular dysfunction, renal failure, or
other disorders commonly encountered among patients with AH [26]. The subjects with AH
have increased IHD and CHF risk and tendency towards most frequent manifestations of
silent myocardial ischemia during surgery [28].

2.1.6 Cardiomyopathies
The hypertrophic cardiomyopathy raises some specific problems. The reduction of the blood
volume, the decreased vascular system resistance and the increased venous volume can
reduce the left ventricular volume and increase the tendency towards obstruction of the left
ventricular output tract. In addition, the decreased pressure of the ventricular filling may
lead to considerable reduction of stroke volume, due to reduced compliance of the
hypertrophic ventricle.
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 133

2.1.7 Peripheral vascular diseases

They add certain perioperative risks, since they are often associated with accelerated
atherosclerosis and IHD [2].

2.1.8 Other risk factors Age
Advanced age is an independent risk factor for perioperative complications [2, 17, 18, 25],
not only because of the increased probability of coronary disease, but also because of the
senescent effect on the myocardium – decrease of the myocytes number. The mortality
caused by acute MI considerably increases with the age. The perioperative MI have higher
mortality among the elderly patients [29]. Sex
The women have lower cardiac risk except for present early climax or DM [2]. They have
lower frequency of IHD, and coronary disease is observed 10 years later, compared to men.
In the case of early climax and DM, the risk is equal to that of men at the same age.
Mortality, due to acute MI, is greater among women than men, and this difference is even
more evident with advancement of age and presence of DM. Diabetes mellitus
DM increases the probability of IHD appearance, but the myocardial ischemia is often silent.
DM frequently is considered as a risk factor for cardiac complications in the MNCS
perioperative period [17, 30, 31]. The chronic pulmopathies
The chronic pulmopathies present a high perioperative risk [32], which is dependent on the
severity of the pulmonary disease and the intervention duration.

2.1.9 Type of surgical intervention

The surgical risk represents a complex assessment, which includes the severity of the basic
surgical disease, the treatment method and the patient condition. In addition to the present
data about cardiovascular pathology that influences the prognosis, other basic surgical
factors can provoke exacerbation of present chronic cardiac diseases or appearance of
perioperative CVC. Their number is twice higher with infectious inflammation (sepsis) or
neoplastic disease [33].
The basic surgical disease is a leading factor for localization, size and duration of the
intervention, as well as for the conditions necessary for its performance [34]. The surgery of the
thoracic and abdominal aorta contributes the highest risk among the noncardiac interventions,
because of the accompanying problems with the water balance, bleeding and oxygenation. The
abdominal interventions take the second place in frequency of concomitant CVC, following
the thoracic ones [35]. The interventions of carotidal and peripheral vessels are also associated
with increased risk of cardiac complications. It is known, that up to 50% of patients
undergoing interventions of the peripheral arteries suffer MI in the next 2-3 years [36]. Surgical factors
Surgical factors, which influence the cardiac risk, are associated with the emergency, the
complication, the type and the duration of the intervention, as well as with the change of
134 Acute Coronary Syndromes

the body temperature, the loss of blood and the body liquids exchange. The intervention
emergency represents an issue of special importance. The survival rate increases twofold
with preoperative intensive cardiac care that is related to eventual delayed emergency
intervention, whenever that is possible [37]. Each surgery provokes a stress reaction, due
to tissue damages and is mediated by neuroendocrine factors that may lead to
tachycardia and hypertension. The perioperative stress reaction includes effusion of
catecholamine, provoked by the hemodynamic stress, vasospasm, reduced fibrinolitic
activity, activated trombocytes and extracoagulation. Coronary plaque rupture leads to
thromboses and subsequent vessel occlusion, which are important factors for the
occurrence perioperative ACS. The MI among patients with significant IHD may be a
result of a continuous imbalance between the available and the necessary myocardial
blood steam (in cases of tachycardia and increased myocardial contractility). Studies on
performed autopsies, demonstrate that half of the fatal MI have directly destroyed
plaque fissure, rupture or plaque bleeding. Although the specific patient factors are more
important for cardiac risk prediction than the surgical ones, the type of the surgical
intervention cannot be ignored. Type of the anesthesia
Recent studies indicate, that the operative period is more reliable than it was in the past,
mostly because of the careful monitoring of hemodynamics and respiration during the
anesthesia [20]. No data are available for determining some significant differences in the
severity of the cardiac complications due to the different anesthesia techniques. However,
the assessment of the type and the conditions of the anesthesia may have important
implications for the cardiac risk prognosis.

2.2 Indices and scales for cardiac risk evaluation and their applicability on cardiac
risk assessment in patients with emergency high risky noncardiac surgery
The preoperative assessment of cardiac risk during noncardiac surgery (specifically for
emergency surgery) is based on quantitative indices and rated scales. They were proposed
and introduced initially for assessment of the anesthesiology risk and consequently, for the
cardiac one [20, 23, 38, 39].
The synthesis of methods for preoperative cardiac risk assessment began intensively at the
end of the seventies, as a result of the communication by Goldman et al [17, 19, 20, 23, 40, 41,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46]. The methods and indices for the cardiac risk assessment can be
characterized as:
- common for CR [20, 25, 27, 42];
- specifically related to the risk of ischemic complications – underestimated by Goldman
et al, although it is the most dynamic and dangerous risk factor (RF) [17,19, 40, 41, 43,
44, 45, 46].
From another point of view, the methods and indices for cardiac risk assessment are:
- quantitative [20, 23, 27];
- qualitative [17, 19, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47].

2.2.1 Quantitative (point) indices

The CR index in noncardiac surgeries that was introduced by Goldman et al [20] represents
a point assessment and is still largely applied in practice. This index is derived over data of
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 135

patients with MNCS, such as aortic, pleural, intraoperational and intrathoracic

interventions. It includes 9 preoperative assessable indices with own quantitative
contribution to the amount, which determines the perioperative CVC risk. The risk is
distributed in 4 classes: I-st class (0 to 5 points) with live-threatening complications and
cardiac death of 0.9%; II-nd class (6 to 12 points) with 7% rate of such complications; III-rd
class (13 to 25 points) with 14% rate; IV-th class (26 and over points) with expected rate of
live-threatening complications and cardiac death of 77%. The indicator “Poor general
condition” includes the criteria: PO2 < 60; PCO2 > 50; K < 3; HCO3 < 20; BUN > 50; Creat >
3; elevated SGOT; chronic liver disease; bedridden.
Detsky et al [23] modified Goldman’s index on the basis of clinical evaluation and
monitoring of non-selected patients over 40 years old with MNCS. Within that index, the
timing of the previous MI is divided into less or more than 6 mounts ago, while the
influence of the stenocardia is specified according the adopted division as stable (with
differentiated classes) and unstable; the anamnesis of the pulmonary edema is also included.
It is accepted, that Goldman’s index is equally informative as the extended index of Detsky
et al [23], but the first does not include III and IV class stenocardia, while Detsky et al
introduced such corrections. The atrial fibrillation is included as RF too. Subsequent studies
establish its significance, whenever this cardiac disorder is currently manifested [53]. AH
was also evaluated at a later stage, but from the heart defects, only aortic stenosis is
The pivotal points of Goldman’s index are the presence of MI and HF. The index of Larsen et
al [27] includes metabolic deviations in parallel with CVD. Here the volume, the nature and,
especially, the surgical conditions (emergency or planned) are assessed in greater detail. On
the basis of that, Larsen et al managed to integrate the CR index with the type of surgical
intervention. The index of Larsen et al can reach a maximum value of 54 points – divided by
the level and actuality of HF and IHD, as well as other conditions.
In 1999, Lee et al [48] reevaluated the significance of some clinic risk factors, associated with
patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. The revised index sets 6 predictors of major
cardiac complications: high risk surgery, IHD, HF, cerebrovascular disease, type 1 DM and
renal insufficiency. The presence of 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the predictors sets the risk level of major
cardiac complications at 0.4%, 0.9%, 7% and 11%, respectively. The index of Lee et al has
better prognostic value than those of Goldman et al and Detsky et al, due to the smaller
number of variable risk factors. For the time being, the clinicians and the researchers accept
Lee’s index as the most applicable for prediction of the perioperative cardiac risk in
noncardiac surgery. However, the patients examined by Lee et al do not constitute a
representative population of patients undergoing noncardiac surgeries, since the thoracic,
the vessel and the orthopedic cases are over-represented.

2.2.2 Non-point scales for cardiac risk assessment

The scale of Kleinman [42] includes remoteness of MI, angina pectoris, valvular disease,
rhythm disorders, arterial hypertension, abnormal ECG, peripheral vascular diseases.
The scale of Eagle et al [47] includes age over 70 years, DM, angina pectoris, presence of
pathological Q-wave in ECG and ventricular extrasystoles. The presence of one RF
determines low risk, the presence of 2 to 3 – moderate risk, while more than 3 risk factors
leads to high risk assessment.
136 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Later on, diagrams and tables for risk assessment of ischemic complications [19, 41, 43], life-
threatening ischemic complications [17, 36, 44, 45], tachyarrhythmias [24], and
ventricular arrhythmias [49] were proposed. The scales and the statements about the
probability of ischemic complications comprise of several symptoms, derived from
clinical, laboratory, imaging, and electrophysiological examinations. Hopf and Tarnow
[41] propose intraoperative ECG monitoring, transesophageal echocardiography, which
is a semi-invasive and expensive method, cardio-kymography, radio-marked
erythrocytes and small gamma camera, as well as metabolic parameters. Lette et al [43]
reach the conclusion that the clinical parameters can not predict incoming ischemic
incidents. They accentuate on dipyridamole-thallium scintigraphy. Leppo [19] includes
ECG examinations, treadmill, stress-echocardiography with dobutamine or exercise,
thallium scintigraphy with test burden in the preoperative assessment. Symptomatic
angina, CHF, survived MI, ventricular extrasystoles, and age over 70 years, are also
taken into consideration.
Mangano et al [50] evaluate the significance of the following clinic symptoms, related to the
appearance of post-operative ischemic complications: 1) presence of left ventricular
hypertrophy in ECG; 2) remoteness of the arterial hypertension; 3) diabetes mellitus; 4)
manifested IHD; 5) HF needing the use of digoxine. According to the presence of the five
preoperative symptoms for postoperative ischemia, the probability of its perioperative
appearance is divided into 5 levels: without any symptom presence – 22%; presence of one
symptom – 31%; 46% with two symptoms; 70% with three; 77% with four symptoms.
Other studies of the same authors emphasize the significance of the following conditions,
contributing to unfavorable outcomes from ischemic complications [44, 45]:
1. intraoperative hypotension and tachycardia (the assessment of hypertension is
2. appearance of acute ischemic events in the postoperative period (acute MI), unstable
stenocarida or ECG ischemia. Note that CHF and ventricular tachycardia are not
associated with unfavorable outcomes;
3. instrumentally determined intra- and postoperative changes: appearance of ECG
ischemia (doubles the MI risk); increases of the endmost left camera diastolic pressure
that are accepted as evidence of ischemia - note that the mean pulmo-capillary pressure
and the diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure do not correlate with the incidents;
segmental disorder of the left camera wall assessed by transesophageal
echocardiography - that is accepted as the most sensitive predictor [51], although the
same authors specify later on, that transesophageal echocardiography weakly correlates
with postoperative complications;
4. the presence of AH, heavy limiting lung disease, creatinine clearance lower than 0.8
ml/s – factors independently associated with high risk of cardiac death [45]. The death
probability is 80% when two or more factors are present.
If the total rate of complications with all monitored patients is 12%, then 24% of those with
old MI or cardiomegaly have postoperative complications – cardiac death, acute MI,
ischemia. The rate of patients without the mentioned consequences is only 7% [52].
A standard for CR assessment during noncardiac surgeries [22, 53, 54] was adopted, on the
basis of the debates, concerning the applicability of the schemes and indices for CR
assessment and the ACC/AHA proposals [22, 53, 54]. According to it, CR is further divided
into three groups – high, moderate, and low, depending on the severity of the perioperative
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 137

CVC and the probability of a fatal outcome; the significance of the clinical predictors is
determined, as well as the volume and type of the surgery.
1. Risk, related to CVD:
a. high:
the unstable coronary syndromes – new MI and unstable stenocardia;
the decompensated HF;
the significant arrhythmias – high-degree AV block, symptomatic ventricular
arrhythmias accompanying cardiac disease, as well as supraventricular arrhythmias
with uncontrolled HR;
critical valvular cardiac lesion.
b. moderate:
stable stenocardia – I-II FC;
old MI or present pathological Q wave in ECG ;
compensated HF;
diabetes mellitus.
c. lower:
advanced in years;
ECG abnormalities;
non-sinus rhythm;
bad functional capacity;
past apoplexy;
uncontrolled arterial hypertension.
2. Risk, related to surgical intervention:
a. high:
emergency major interventions, specifically with elderly patients;
aortic and other major vessel interventions;
peripherally vessel surgeries;
extended surgeries, accompanied by loss of many liquids and blood .
b. moderate:
carotid endarteriectomy;
cranial and vertebral surgeries;
intraperitoneal and intrathoracic surgeries;
orthopedic surgeries;
prostate surgery.
c. lower:
endoscope procedures;
procedures on the body surface;
cataract and breast surgeries.
The ACC/AHA classification merits consist of classification of the risk categories, as well as
the consideration of the cardiac state and type of surgery. Are specified the rhythm
disorders, the low risk predictors and the pathological ECG findings.
There are several investigations and analyses on the applicability of the CR indices
evaluation [1, 11], including such on large number of patients [23]. Basic disadvantages of
indices are the high percent of false-positive conclusions [38] and the impossibility of
obtaining accurate diagnosis and assessment of the most serious and dynamic RF – the
ischemia, with pain or silent [9, 31, 45, 56]. The CR indices do not determine the appearance
138 Acute Coronary Syndromes

probability of acute ischemic incidents [9, 31, 57] and that is what significantly affects the
reliability of the cardiac death prognosis.
The point indices of Goldman et al and Larsen et al include the emergency and the operation
volume in the criteria set for the index calculation, but with the lowest possible weights: 4
and 3 with Goldman et al (in the assessment range from 3 through 11) and 3 and 3 with
Larsen et al (in the range from 3 through 12). The detailed analysis of the two schemes gives
a satisfactory answer to both the low discrimination coefficients (used for calculation of the
emergency and severity of the surgery with both models), and their unavoidable presence
among the criteria. Table 1.1 details systematically the required data.

Data for investigation of : Goldman et al Larsen et al

Total number of surgeries (TNS) 1001 2609

Total number of heavy cardiac complications including
cardiac death (HCC) 58 68

Emergency surgeries (ES) 197 605

Heavy cardiac complications (including cardiac death)
in emergency surgeries (HCCES) 31 38
Emergency surgeries /Total number of surgeries
19.7% 23.2%
Heavy cardiac complications in ES/Total number of
heavy cardiac complications (HCCES/HCC) 35.4% 56%

Exceeding index (EIES) 271% 241%

Major surgeries * (MNCS) 437 857

Heavy cardiac complications (including cardiac death)
in major noncardiac surgeries (HCCMS) 43 40
Major surgeries/Total number of surgeries (MS/TNS) 43.7% 32.8%
Heavy cardiac complications in major surgeries/ Total
number of heavy cardiac complications (HCCMS/HCC) 74.1% 58.8%

Exceeding index (EIMS) 170% 179%

* Major surgeries: aortic, pleural, intraperitoneal, intrathoracic.

Table 1.1. Exceeding indices for emergency and major noncardiac surgery
The proportion between the cardiac complication rates, accompanying the emergency and
major surgeries on the one hand, and the total cardiac complication rates for all patients on
the other, considerably exceeds the corresponding proportion between the emergency and
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 139

major intervention rates to the total number of interventions. We devoted special attention
to that fact, in our targeted study [5, 6] introducing the so called “Exceeding Indices.” The
Exceeding Index, applied to the emergency surgeries (EIES) expresses the quotient (in
percent) between the relative rate of the heavy cardiac complications (including cardiac
death) accompanying the emergency surgeries (HCCES), towards the total number of heavy
cardiac complications (HCC), and the relative rate of the emergency surgeries (ES) towards
the total number of surgeries (TNS):


Respectively, the Exceeding Index of the major surgeries (EIMS) expresses the quotient (in
percent) between the relative rate of the heavy cardiac complications (including cardiac
death) accompanying the major surgeries (HCCMS) towards the total number of heavy
cardiac complications (HCC), and the relative rate of the major surgeries (MS) towards the
total number of surgeries (TNS):


The emergency surgeries, representing about 1/5 of a relatively small group used with both
studies [5, 6], demonstrated a specific rate of cardiac complications that is 2.5-3 times higher
than the one, observed for the entire group. The same parameter for MNCS indicates an
increase of 1.5-2 times.
It is worth noting that the “Exceeding Indices” makes evident the practically total
coincidence between the results obtained by Goldman et al and Larsen et al about the
“weights” of the emergency and the intervention volume, despite some differences within
the constellations of the other criteria used by both point systems. The reason for the
mentioned emergency and major surgery “classification”, completed by both systems
becomes clear – on the one hand, they do not predominate over the total number of
interventions, i.e. they do not determine the nature of the used samples; on the other hand,
they bring considerable CVC risk in the perioperative period that can not be ignored by the
used statistical analysis.
The analysis of the results obtained, when applying both indices of CR assessment towards
the three specific patient groups, generally indicates a significant discrepancy between the
formally calculated assessments and the concretely recorded cardiac complications in the
perioperative period. There are certain possible hypotheses, offering reasons for the limited
applicability of the index models for CR evaluation under the emergency MNCS conditions:
1. The criteria with considerable contribution to the total risk assessment (point
assessment above the mean for a given criterion of the corresponding model) have a
relatively low rate and/or are weakly informative in emergency surgeries, while the
criteria with lower contribution (point assessment below the mean for a given criterion)
have a relatively high rate or are highly informative in emergency surgeries.
2. More important contribution to the cardiac risk evaluation in cases of emergency
MNCS have other criteria, which are not included in both models.
In our opinion, both hypotheses are realistically supported by the analysis performed. We
reiterate, that the emergency and the surgery severity (markedly demonstrated with the first
group of patients) dominate as cardiac risk predictors. However, these criteria are not direct
detectors of the heart status; they specify the surgical heart burdening, which is the reason for their
predominance in patients with cardiac diseases. The constellation parameters of both models are
140 Acute Coronary Syndromes

deficient in direct criteria for cardiac status evaluation; this fact is relevant to a greater extent
for Goldman’s model.
The relative advantages of Larsen’s model may be well explained by the adequately
introduced cardiac status criteria. The IHD assessment criterion includes: 1) MI presence
during the 3 last months (Goldberger et al specify 6 months); 2) older infarction or angina
pectoris (missing in Goldberger’s model). The data analysis shows that the second index,
even appreciated by 3 points only, is significantly more frequent, about 15% of the cases
with critical patient complications. At the same time, MI presence during the last 3 or 6
months (indices with high value, 10 and 11 in both models, respectively) is recorded with
one patient, who did not demonstrate perioperative complications. Our interpretation is that
the recent (and generally severe) cardiovascular incidents have no explicit contribution to
the risk evaluation, since they are subject to therapeutic monitoring. This is not the case with
patients with chronic and mild incidents and generally more distant in time CVD and their
complications. In emergency cases, the possibilities for correction are missing, that are
inherent to planed surgery, even when the complications are under- or decompensated.
Considerable contribution to the cardiac risk assessment in the model of Larsen et al, have
indices characterizing in aggregate the “heart failure” criterion. Within the investigated by
us patient group, with present or preceding pulmonary stagnation, heart failure is a
considerably more frequent postoperative CVC. The conclusion is highly valid among
patients with stagnations, confirmed by X-ray examination. In such cases, the corresponding
cardiac risk assessment increases by 12 points (at persistent pulmonary stagnation) or by 8
points (without stagnation but with preceding pulmonary edema).
Important for the correct cardiac risk evaluation are the cases, offering indices for combined
criteria, that are assessed by low point amounts from 2 to 4, such as preceding HF without
stagnation or edema; preceding IHD with or without old MI; diabetes; increased serum
creatinine. The combination of three of the mentioned indications, accompanying the
emergency abdominal surgeries (very common case in practice), leads to a risk increase in
the range of 12 through 50%.
Special comment is needed on diabetes, included as a indicator in Larsen’s model. In addition
to the specific complication, diabetes is associated with the IHD. Introduction of diabetes in
cardiac risk evaluation is appropriate, bearing in mind its frequency. It was encountered in
22.4% of the patients, examined by us. The percent of the heavy CVC in patients with diabetes
is 14.5. In comparison, it is 8 with patients with mild CVC complications.
The discussion on the applicability of the index models does not cover the problems related
to the adequate evaluation of the used criteria constellations for CR assessment in
emergency noncardiac surgery. Evidently, there are other criteria, which reliably predict
(directly or indirectly) the probability of cardiovascular incidents during the perioperative

3. Real and relative myocardial ischemia as a risk factor for appearance of

acute cardiac complications in emergency noncardiac surgery – Index for
cardiac risk assessment, through ST-depression in the preoperative ECG
Most well known studies indicate the manifested myocardial ischemia as a proven predictor
of perioperative cardiac incidents. Different investigations report preoperative ischemia
found in 28% through 32% [50, 58] of the examined cases; other refer to a value of up to 60%
[59]. The preoperative ischemia, established by Holter monitors, is a predictor of the
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 141

perioperative one [60]. When the preoperative ischemia is determined by two-days of ECG
monitoring, the perioperative complications are specified as 18%, 21% of them being cardiac
death, AMI, and unstable stenocardia; 35% are HF; 44% - ventricular tachycardia [9]. The
influence of the real and relative myocardial ischemia on perioperative CVC appearance is
evident. Therefore, it is useful to associate the CR evaluation with the ECG determined ST-
depression. The introduction of an index for CR assessment provides an understandable
and objective method for CVC risk determination in cases of preoperative ECG manifested
myocardial ischemia (MMI) during emergency noncardiac surgeries. This paragraph
presents a synthesis of the cardiac risk assessment index (CRI) for CVC prediction in the
postoperative period, based on ST-depression in preoperative ECG, as an expression of
real/relative myocardial ischemia.
Data obtained by monitoring the disease process within a group of 466 patients is used for
CRI synthesis. The patients have been emergency treated against acute abdominal surgical
diseases or abdominal traumas. The patient distribution within the investigated surgical
nosological groups (ING) is presented in increasing order of surgical disease (SD) severity in
Table 2.1.
The CRI synthesis is related to assessment and comparison of the CVC rate of patients with
and without MMI in the ING. CVC appeared in 169 (36.3%) of ING patients: 51 (64.5%) of
them with MMI and the remaining 118 (30.9%) – without MMI. The statistically significant
difference (р<0.001) shows that MMI is an important RF. This general evaluation of the MMI
influence on the patients in the postoperative period has to be specified for ING in
increasing order of their severity. Table 2.2 presents the CVC rate (in percent) found in ING
patients with and without MMI.
The frequency of CVC in patients without MMI marks the anticipated increasing trend in
accordance with the increased SD severity – from the low 5.5% among patients with acute
appendicitis, through the significant 33, 34, and 35% for patients with hernia, abdominal and
biliary-pancreatic diseases, to the high 54% related to acute states, provoked by pathologies
of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract.
The CVC rates in patients with MMI are obviously higher, but as a trend, they do not repeat the
monotonic CVC rate increase with SD deterioration of patients without MMI. A characteristic
peak may be observed in group B (77%); high rate in group E (71%); limited increase in С (62%)
and D (65%) groups. Group A remains with the most rare CVC cases (40%).
The statistically significant difference between the CVC rates in ING, among patients with
and without MMI, underlines the specificity of the two trends. Significant, even at different
levels, are the differences in groups A, B, C and D. The high level (р<0.005) in group B
corresponds to the highest recorded increase of the CVC rate, when comparing the results of
patients with and without MMI (from 33% to 77%). The differences in groups A and D
(р<0.005) are also derived with high significance, due to the considerable CVC percentage
among the MMI patients. At the same time, the difference in group E between the CVC rate
among patients with and without MMI is not significant.
The analysis of the trends in the CVC rates demonstrates the necessity of a detailed
discussion on the MMI influence as an ING risk factor.
The CVC are separated as lethal and nonlethal, depending on the recorded disease outcome.
Nonlethal CVC appeared in 136 (29.2%) patients of the investigated group: 38 (48.1%) of
them with and 98 (25.3%) without MMI. Lethal CVC were observed in 33 (7.1%) patients, 13
(16.5%) with and 20 (5.2%) without MMI.
142 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Surgical disease Code Number

Acute appendicitis A 102

acute phlegmonous appendicitis

acute gangrenous and perforated appendicitis

Complicated hernia B 92

Incarceration inguinal and ventral hernia without


Incarceration inguinal and ventral hernia with intestinal

necrosis or intestinal phlegmon

Gastro-duodenal C 84

Gastro-duodenal ulcer with perforation

Gastro-duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage

Gastro-duodenal ulcer with stenosis

Gastric neoplasia with perforation or hemorrhage

Hepatopancreatobiliary D 108

Acute or chronic exacerbated cholecystitis

Complicated cysts, tumors and abscess of liver

Mechanical icterus

Acute pancreatitis-with edema, necrotic pancreatitis or

absceding necrotizing pancreatitis

Intestinal E 80

Benignant ileus

Malignant ileus

Spontaneous intestinal perforation (including intestinal

diverticulum, ulcerative or necrotic colitis)

Colo-rectal neoplasia with perforation or hemorrhage

Mesenteric thrombosis

Inflammatory and neoplastic tumors of abdominal wall

Table 2.1. The patient distribution of the surgical nosological groups in increasing order of
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 143

Total number Number of Number of Number of Number of

of CVC to the lethal CVC to nonlethal lethal CVC to lethal to the Mean age of
Group of
number of the total CVC to the the number of number of the patients in
patients (in %) number of total number patients (in %) non-lethal the surgical
in the group CVC (in %) in of CVC (in %) in the group CVC (in %) in groups
accordingly patients in patients accordingly patients

With- With- With- With- With- With-

With With With With With With
out out out out out out
A 5,5 40 0 0 5,5 40 0 0 0 0 37 58
B 33 77 4 10 32 69 1 8 3 12 69 75
C 34 62 8 25 31 46 3 15 10 33 61 68
D 35 73 21 24 28 50 7 23 25 46 55 63
E 54 71 32 50 37 35 17 35 50 100 62 72

Table 2.2. CVC and age profiles in surgical groups

Lethal CVC were not recorded among patients in group A, either with or without MMI.
These complications among patients without MMI increase gradually, even weakly in
groups B (1%), C (3%) and D (7%), but considerably in group E (17%). The trend of the
lethal CVC rates among MMI patients is also increased, but highly expressed in the range
of severity groups: 8%, 15%, 23% and 35% in B, C, D and E, respectively. Except for group
A, there are significantly higher CVC rates among MMI patients, compared to these
without MMI (р<0.05). The nonlethal CVC rate in patients without MMI increases from
5.5% in group A to approximately equal levels in groups B (32%), C (31%) and D (28%),
but more expressively in group E (37%). This rate reaches the peak among MMI patients
in group B (69%), compared to the almost equal and lower rates in A (40%), С (46%) and
D (50%). The low rate (35%) of nonlethal CVC patients with MMI in group E is
impressive, and practically equal to the rate of patients without MMI. This is true also for
the many times higher CVC rate in group A among MMI patients, comparing to patients
without MMI (p<0.001). These data determine the high significance of the rate differences
in group A and the lack of such difference in group E. Nonlethal CVC were observed in
groups B and D as statistically significant more often with MMI patients than among
those without MMI, although the calculated significant level is lower (p<0.05). The
difference in group C is not significant.
The consequence of the differentiated analysis on the CVC rates with and without lethal
outcomes is that the above mentioned specificity of the rate trends of all CVC in patients
with MMI is totally determined by the rate trend of the low (nonlethal) complications. The
lethal complications rate in the MMI group follows the increasing trend from group A with
the low surgical severity to group E with the considerable severity of SD, but this trend is to
some extent higher in patients without MMI. Among the nonlethal CVC, the most
significant differences are in the groups A and B with low severity SD, while group A shows
the highest relative increase in complications (7.3 times). The increased value of 2.2 times in
group B is obtained with highest absolute percent of 69% of nonlethal complications among
MMI patients.
144 Acute Coronary Syndromes

The differentiated MMI evaluation as a risk factor, reveals its different contribution to the
critical complications structure (lethal and nonlethal) of ING patients with and without
MMI. Both ratios equal zero due to lack of lethal CVC in group A. In this group, with low
severity SD, MMI is a risk factor only in cases of mild complications.
In group B, despite the lesser level of significant difference (р<0.1), MMI stands out as a
factor emphasizing the CVC and their prognoses. In groups with increased severity SD (C
and D) this difference is p<0.05,which is convincing proof of the MMI importance for the
CVC structuring. The significance of the MMI contribution has its logical maximum
(р<0.001) with the CVC appearances and outcomes in group E, the group with considerable
surgical severity.
The results obtained, outlining the role of MMI as a risk factor of increased severity of CVC
rate in SD with increased severity, need specification of the factor, which underlines the
specifics of the nonlethal CVC rate trend among MMI patients, reflected also in the structure
of the total number of CVC.
The role of age as risk factor in CVC appearance and their complicated duration is known.
We will limit our scope to clarification of its specific contribution to the CVC structure in the
ING, thus evaluating the CVC risk among patients with and without MMI. The highest
mean age of such patients is recoded with the lowest level of significance in group B - 69
and 75 years, respectively, with the lowest level of significance of p<0,05. This expressed
high and near mean age in both types of patients in group B, may be well interpreted by the
SD nature – the complicated abdominal hernias. The age discrimination among patients
with and without MMI (37 and 58 years) is most expressed in group A, where the
significance level of difference is high: p<0.005. Practically the patients of this group are
clustered in two sets – young without MMI and elderly with MMI. Such clusters have
considerably nearer values in groups C, D and E (61 and 68 years, 55 and 63 years, 62 and 72
years, respectively) that determines the lower significance levels of difference. The mean age
of MMI patients in the very serious SD (group E) is relatively high (72 years) and come close
to that in group B.
The low surgical severity group A of MMI patients often contains nonlethal CVC; it is
characterized by a relatively high mean age. Such age, combined with MMI, determines the
frequency peak of the nonlethal CVC in group B, which also consists of relatively low
surgical severity SD. The lethal CVC are more frequent in group E, because of the
considerable surgical severity SD and the high mean age of the MMI group; the nonlethal
CVC rates among patients with and without MMI are equaled. In comparison to MMI, the
age has prevalent importance towards the appearance of nonlethal CVC, in the cases
discussed above.
The performed analysis and the results obtained allow quantitative assessment of the
increasing risk of CVC in patients with MMI in ING, taking into consideration the age
profile, expressed by indices synthesis: general – for prognosis of all CVC, and specific – for
the lethal CVC prognosis only. Based on the related to the SD groups content of Table 2.2:
1. relation between rates of all CVC in patients with and without MMI

2. mean ages of patients with and without MMI

Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 145

we can constitute a relation between the rates of all CVC in patients with and without MMI,
adjusted to the corresponding mean ages:

The last equation is the total, age-corrected CRI, which gives assessment of the MMI “net
contribution” to the increased risk of CVC appearance individually in each SD group, and is
relevant for a “conditional” patient whose age is equal to the mean age within the group.
The MMI assessment of a given patient is corrected by the ratio between his own age (PA)
and the mean age within the MMI group of SD:

This formula can be used for interval assessments of the general CRI in ING, according to
the recommended by the WHO age intervals for patient grouping – Table 2.3.
Analogously, one may assess the specific CRI, related to lethal CVC prediction by the equation

and its personalized value

where FLC+MMI and FLC-MMI are the presented in Table 2.3 lethal CVC rates of patients with
and without MMI.
Table 2.4 contains the age interval assessments (compliant with WHO recommendations) of
the specific CRI in the SD groups. The trend towards increasing the value of the index can
be clearly followed as a function of the severity of the SD.
The research conducted, leads to the following conclusions. The CVC prediction during
emergency surgeries is very important, due to the exceptionally high CVC rate – 45% in the
investigated patient groups. In its turn, the significantly higher CVC rate among patients with
MMI proves that it is an independent, important and leading risk factor. In this context, MMI
determines not only the probability of occurrence, but also the CVC severity: fully nonlethal
(group A); predominantly nonlethal (groups B, C, D); predominantly lethal (group E).
The rate trends of the nonlethal (low severity) and lethal (considerable severity)
complications among patients in the SD groups with and without MMI take into
consideration the age influence, since it can not be disregarded in risk factor evaluation.
Therefore, the MMI presence qualitatively determines the following, influenced by the age
CVC risks:
- group A (low surgical severity): rare and mild CVC in young patients, who dominate in
the group; relatively frequent, but mild CVC among the more elderly;
- group B (relatively low surgical severity): high rate of mild CVC due to the specific high
mean age;
- groups C and D (increased surgical severity): increased probability of mild CVC with
the age increase; increased probability of high severity CVC with the SD severity
- group E (considerable surgical severity): high probability of high severity CVC, due to
the specific high mean age; the risk of mild CVC is identical in patients with and
without MMI.
146 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Age > 18 - 40 41 -55 56 - 65 66 - 75 76 - 90 > 90

A 1,4 - 3,2 3,2 - 4,3 4,3 - 5,1 5,1 - 5,9 5,9 - 7,1 > 7,1

B 0,5 - 1,1 1,1 - 1,5 1,5 - 1,8 1,8 - 2,1 2,1 - 2,5 > 2,5

C 0,4 - 0,95 0,95 - 1,3 1,3 - 1,5 1,5 - 1,8 1,8 - 2,2 > 2,2

D 0,5 - 1,2 1,2 - 1,7 1,7 - 2,0 2,0 - 2,3 2,3 - 2,7 > 2,7

E 0,3 - 0,6 0,6 - 0,8 0,8 - 1,0 1,0 - 1,1 1,1 - 1,4 > 1,4

Table 2.3. Values of TCRI according to surgery groups and age intervals

Age > 18 - 40 41 -55 56 - 65 66 - 75 76 - 90 > 90

A 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0,06 - 0,13 0,13 - 0,18 0,18 - 0,22 0,22 - 0,25 0,25 - 0,30 > 0,30

C 0,13 - 0,31 0,31 - 0,43 0,43 - 0,50 0,50 - 0,59 0,59 - 0,73 > 0,73

D 0,22 - 0,53 0,53 - 0,75 0,75 - 0,88 0,88 - 1,01 1,01 - 1,19 > 1,19

E 0,30 - 0,60 0,60 - 0,80 0,80 - 1,00 1,00 - 1,10 1,10 - 1,40 > 1,40

Table 2.4. Values of LCRI according to surgery groups and age intervals

4. Extended quantitative schemes for risk evaluation of perioperative acute

coronary syndromes and other cardiovascular complications during
emergency high risky noncardiac surgery
The proposed, in the preceding paragraph, index for cardiac risk assessment based on the
ST-depression has to be interpreted as an express method, applied under the specific
conditions of emergency noncardiac surgery for prediction of acute CVC during the
postoperative period. The mentioned index is powerful, as it pays attention to manifested
myocardial ischemia, which is among the proven factors, determining the high cardiac risk
in patients with MNCS. This concept, combined with the conclusion about the limited
applicability of the known schemes for CR assessment under emergency MNCS conditions,
raises the actual problem related to the synthesis of extended schemes for risk evaluation
that offer a compromise between the requirement of highly significant assessment and its
achievement, based on available patient data. Below, we propose such schemes, synthesized
on the basis of real patient data undergoing emergency abdominal surgery.
The study uses data obtained by the same 466 patients with emergency treated acute
surgical abdominal diseases or traumas (see Table 2.1). The data from large sets of indicators
have been collected. The pilot investigation on the potential contributions of indicators that
may reliably characterize the CVC, resulted in the constellation shown in Table 3.1. The data
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 147

cover the three periods of the disease process: preoperative, intraoperative and
postoperative. Each indicator has its own structure of category-related or quantitative
values, appropriately coded to be processed through a multidimensional statistical
approach. We used discriminant analysis (DA) for the synthesis of rules, allowing
quantitative evaluation of the CVC risk appearance probability, during the intra- and
postoperative periods. The categorisation of individual patients to the CVC group with a
given CR level, or to the group without CVC, is performed by substituting the patient’s
indicators values in the linear discriminator. The patient belongs to the control group if the
discriminator value is below the limit. Such are the operated patients without perioperative
CVC, even only with transient CVD or abnormal values of some indicators related to the
cardiovascular system. Discriminator value above the limit classified the patient to the
corresponding risk level group. The hypothesis about CVC appearance with higher risk
level is verified by the next discrimination rule, which assesses the probability of higher risk
of CVC.

Age Diabetes mellitus

Surgical conditions Lung breathing
Volume of surgery Lung auscultatory
Duration of anesthesia Systolic blood pressure
Total duration of intubation Diastolic blood pressure
Intraoperative surgery complications Central venous pressure
Intraoperative CVC with low risk Heart rate
Intraoperative CVC with moderate risk Heart rhythm
Intraoperative CVC with high risk Heart auscultatory
Postoperative surgery complications Hemoglobin
Postoperative CVC with low risk Glucose
Postoperative CVC with moderate risk Urea
Postoperative CVC with high risk Creatinine
Cause of death, noncardiac Potassium
Cause of death, cardiac Enzymes - SGOT
Arterial hypertension, class Enzymes - SGPT
Ischemic heart disease X-ray lung
Myocardial infarction Exercise ECG
Arrhythmias Myocardial ischemia - preoperative
Heart failure Myocardial ischemia - intraoperative
Chronic pulmonary disease
Table 3.1. Used indicators
The level of discrimination significance depends on the patient numbers, correctly or
incorrectly assigned to the training groups. In our case, training groups are the control
patient group and the groups with specified CR level. The 446 operated persons are
distributed in training groups, which correspond almost totally to the ACC/AHA
classification of intra- and postoperative CVC [2, 20]. Two corrections are introduced, since
the analysis of the false positive and false negative errors in previous own research,
following strictly the ACC/AHA classification, showed the expedience of these corrections
in the specific practice with emergency noncardiac surgeries:
148 Acute Coronary Syndromes

- the transient hypotension of the intraoperative CVC scheme is re-classified from low
risk to moderate risk;
- the compensated HF of the postoperative CVC scheme is re-classified from high risk to
moderate risk; the decompensate HF is determined as a high risk complication.
According to these corrections, the patients are distributed in CVC groups with different CR
level, as it is shown in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3. The control group consists of 97 patients. The
intraoperative CVC groups are with: low risk – 42; moderate risk – 206; high risk – 41. The
postoperative CVC groups are: 1 with low risk; 201 with moderate risk; 40 with high risk (21
of them with, and 19 without cardiac death).
Further on, the procedure for optimum discriminator synthesis was applied on the
already differentiated patient groups. Tables 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 present the weighting
discrimination coefficients of the corresponding groups, within the models that determine
the appearance of the risk of: postoperative CVC, based on data from the preoperative
period; postoperative CVC based on the pre- and intraoperative data period;
intraoperative CVC based on data from the preoperative period. The lack of a weighting
coefficient for a given index in some columns means that the step procedure of the
discriminant analysis has rejected this index as non-contributing to the correct patient
distribution in the corresponding groups.

Level of Number of
Type of complication
risk patients
Short transient hypertension
Low Supraventricular extrasystoles 42
Ventricular extrasystoles
Transient hypotension
Unprovoced prolonged hypotension ( > 1 hour)
Prolonged hypertension ( > 1 hour)
Supraventricular arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation,
Moderate supraventricular tachycardia) 206
Increased heart rate ( > 120 bpm)
Sinus bradycardia
ECG manifestations of myocardial ischemia
Frequent ventricular extrasystoles
Hypotension during sudden heart failure
Ventricular extrasystoles class IV
Ventricular tachycardia
High 41
Acute myocardial infarction
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Cardiac arrest
Table 3.2. Intraoperative cardiovascular complications
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 149

Level of Number of
Type of complication
risk patients


Low Supraventricular extrasystoles 1

Ventricular extrasystoles


Supraventricular arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation,

supraventricular tachycardia)

Angina attack

Increased heart rate ( > 120 bpm)

Moderate 201
Sinus bradycardia

Ventricular extrasystoles class III

ECG manifestations of myocardial ischemia

Compensated heart failure NYHA-FC I - II

Decompensated heart failure, high NYHA-FC

Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema

High 40
Acute myocardial infarction

Cardiac arrest

Table 3.3. Postoperative cardiovascular complications

150 Acute Coronary Syndromes

CVC with CVC CVC CVC with
Indicators moderate with high with high moderate
death vs.
risk vs. risk vs. risk vs. risk vs.
control control cardiac CVC with
group group death high risk
Age 8.0
Arterial hypertension 10.5
Ischemic heart disease 2.5 15.0 14.0 6.5
Myocardial infarction 18.5 55.5
Arrhythmias 4.5
Heart failure 12.0 17.5 57.0 3.5
Chronic pulmonary disease 8.5
Diabetes mellitus 3.0 2.0 4.5
Lung breathing, preoperative 10.0
Lung auscultatory, preoperative
Systolic blood pressure, preoperative 0.5
Diastolic blood pressure,
Central venous pressure,
Heart rate, preoperative 19.5 6.5 6.0
Heart rhythm, preoperative
Heart auscultatory, preoperative 1.0 4.0 3.0
Hemoglobin, preoperative 3.0 18.0 11.0 7.0
Glucose, preoperative 3.5
Urea, preoperative
Creatinine, preoperative 13.5 43.5
Potassium, preoperative
Enzymes - SGOT, preoperative
Enzymes - SGPT, preoperative
X-ray lung, preoperative 27.5 3.5 16.0
Exercise ECG, preoperative
Myocardial ischemia - preoperative 40.5
Limit value for positive test: 40 30 60 35 30
Table 3.4. Quantitative models for postoperative CVC risk assessment according to
preoperative data
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 151

CVC with CVC with
CVC with Cardiac CVC with
moderate moderate
Indicators high risk death vs. high risk
risk vs. risk vs.
vs. control control vs. cardiac
control CVC with
group group death
group high risk
Surgical conditions
Volume of surgery 1.0 8.0
Duration of anesthesia 2.0
Intraoperative surgery complications 0.5 5.0
Intraoperative CVC with low risk 4.5 5.0 3.5
Intraoperative CVC with moderate risk 81.0 69.0 41.0
Intraoperative CVC with high risk 8.5 21.5 43.0 8.5
Arterial hypertension, class 2.0
Ischemic heart disease 3.5 5.5
Myocardial infarction 7.0
Heart failure 15.5
Chronic pulmonary disease 1.5
Diabetes mellitus 7.5 3.5
Lung breathing, preoperative
Lung breathing, intraoperative
Lung auscultatory, preoperative 1.5 1.5
Lung auscultatory, intraoperative 6.5
Systolic blood pressure, preoperative 0.5
Diastolic blood pressure, preoperative 0.5
Systolic blood pressure, intraoperative
Diastolic blood pressure, preoperative
Central venous pressure , preoperative 3.5 11.5
Central venous pressure, intraoperative 17.0 15.0
Heart rate, preoperative 1.0
Heart rate, intraoperative 9.0
Heart rhythm, preoperative
Heart rhythm, intraoperative 5.0
Heart auscultatory, preoperative 2.5
Hemoglobin 4.5
Creatinine 3.5 30.0
Enzymes - SGOT
Enzymes - SGPT
X-ray lung 2.5 12.5
ECG LVH 0.5 0.5
Myocardial ischemia - preoperative
Limit value for positive test: 20 20 55 65 25
Table 3.5. Quantitative models for postoperative CVC risk assessment according to pre- and
intraoperative data
152 Acute Coronary Syndromes

CVC with with high
with with
with low moderat risk vs.
Indicators moderat high
risk vs. e risk vs. CVC
e risk vs. risk vs.
control CVC with
control control
group with low moderate
group group
risk risk
Age 24.0 18.5 7.0 6.0
Arterial hypertension 22.0 6.5 2.5 9.5
Ischemic heart disease 5.5 3.0
Myocardial infarction 11.0 8.0 20.5
Arrhythmias 42.0 19.5
Heart failure 12.0 13.0 11.0
Chronic pulmonary disease 9.0 4.5
Diabetes mellitus
Lung breathing, preoperative 8.0 19.0 17.0
Lung auscultatory, preoperative 8.5
Systolic blood pressure,
Diastolic blood pressure, preoperative 7.5
Central venous pressure,
Heart rate, preoperative 23.5 15.5
Heart rhythm, preoperative
Heart auscultatory, preoperative 8.5
Hemoglobin, preoperative 2.5 20.5 25.5
Glucose, preoperative 6.0
Urea, preoperative
Creatinine, preoperative
Potassium, preoperative
Enzymes - SGOT, preoperative
Enzymes - SGPT, preoperative
X-ray lung, preoperative 1.0
Exercise ECG, preoperative 2.0
Myocardial ischemia - preoperative 12.5 14.5 45.0
Limit value for positive test: 90 80 40 60 30
Table 3.6. Quantitative models for intraoperative CVC risk assessment according to
preoperative data
Tables 3.7 and 3.8 show the results of correct and incorrect classification of patients, on the
basis of the used training groups, ranged according to the CVC risk. The greater informative
value of the combination of pre- and intreoperative data for prognosis of postoperative CVC
becomes obvious, and the more distinct significance for prognosis of each higher-risk level
of the post- and intraoperative CVC.
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 153

Table 3.7. Predictive value of models for evaluation of cardiovascular complications

154 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Table 3.8. Predictive value of models for evaluation of cardiovascular complications (in
patient groups with adjacent levels of cardiac risk)
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 155

Generally, the proposed models for risk assessment of acute CVC appearances, and of
incidents with patients undergoing emergency noncardiac interventions, manifest not only
high significance, but also point out:
- the importance of the intraoperative CVC (especially that with moderate risk) for
prognosis of all risk level postoperative CVC, based on preoperative and intraoperative
- the obtained discrimination between the groups with cardiac death and high risk
complications, which is impossible when directly using the ACC/AHA classification of
intra- and postoperative CVC;
- certain decrease of the discrimination importance of the preoperatively ECG detected
myocardial ischemia together with keeping its role in prognosticating the intraoperative
CVC with moderate and high risk, which are among the factors that determine the rate
and the severity of the postoperative CVC.

5. Cardiac risk reduction strategies

The topical risk assessment of perioperative cardiac incidents during noncardiac surgery,
attracts the attention of the specialists, and is the reason for permanent updating of the
practices leading to significant evaluation. It is sufficient to list the handbooks published by
competent professional societies, including the ESC Guidelines, issued in 2009, on
preoperative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac
surgery [61, 62, 63]. The final goal of these strategies for evaluating the cardiac risk and the
optimization of heart management during noncardiac surgery, based on this evaluation, is the
reduction of perioperative acute cardiac incidents. The strategies can be summarized, without
reiteration of the available algorithms, in following three directions.

5.1 Pharmacological strategy

Surgeries of patients with moderate and low FC and moderate CR can be performed by
inclusion of statins and low dose beta-blockers. ACE inhibitors are recommended to be
introduced before intervention on patients with LV dysfunction (EF less than 40%).
Continued use of beta-blockers is advised with patients having positive preoperative stress-
tests. The latest cardioprotection concepts recommend the use of cardio-selective beta-1-
blockers without internal simpatico-mimetic activity and long half-life time, e.g. bisopropol.
The statins induce coronary plaque stabilization. Multiple clinical investigations show the
positive effect of the perioperative use of statins.
The inhibition of ACE may prevent myocardial ischemia and LV dysfunction, therefore the
perioperative treatment with ACE inhibitors is expedient.
Aspirin is widely taken by patients with IHD, especially after intracoronary stent
implantation. The apprehension of perioperative hemorrhaging complications often leads to
suspension of the aspirin in the perioperative period. However, this is related to triplicate
the risk of heavy cardiac incidents. The aspirin admission has to be interrupted only if the
bleeding risk exceeds the cardiac benefit.

5.2 Noninvasive stress-tests

Patients with one or more cardiac risk factors are advised to be ECG monitored for changes
in the postoperative period. Noninvasive testing is recommended for patients with 3 or
156 Acute Coronary Syndromes

more risk factors. The last can be accomplished during each surgery, depending on the
change in the perioperative strategy – the intervention type and the anesthetic technique.
Patients without stress-induced moderate or heavy ischemia (orienting towards single- or
two-branch coronary disease) can continue with the planned intervention by inclusion of
statins and low dose beta-blockers. Individual approach is recommended for patients with
heavy stress-induced ischemia, after discussing the potential benefit of the advised surgery
in comparison with the bad prognosis. It is necessary to specify the effect of the
medicamentous therapy and/or coronary revascularization not only in the postoperative
plan, but also in a long-term plan.

5.3 Revascularization
When a life-threatening state, requiring surgical intervention, is combined with ACS, it is
advisable to give advantage to the surgery. However, a second stage necessities aggressive
medicamentous therapy and revascularization, according to the NSTEMI and STEMI-ACS
ACS without ST-elevations is interpreted as a high risk clinical state, requiring accurate
diagnosis, risk stratification and revascularization. That means that if no life-threatening
surgical state is present, advantage has to be given to the diagnosis and the appropriate
treatment of the unstable angina. The corner-stones of the treatment are the double
antiaggregating therapy, the beta-blocker and the revascularization.
The antiaggregation and the anticoagulations have to be carefully appreciated before
applying to patients with unstable AP and forthcoming surgery state, in order to avoid the
risk of subsequent enhanced bleeding. Most of the patients with unstable AP need
interventional revascularization and advantage must be given to metal stents, in order not
to delay the surgery more than three months.
The main goal of the prophylactic myocardial revascularization is the prevention of lethal
perioperative MI. As far as the revascularization may be only partially effective in treatment
of high risk stenosis, it cannot prevent the rupture of vulnerable plaque during the surgery
stress. This one is found at least in the half of the perioperative MI cases, and can explain the
lack of specificity in the stress-imaging methods for infarct-related coronary lesions
discovery. Patients with previous PCI can be with higher risk during or after noncardiac
surgery, especially in the cases of unplanned or emergency surgery that follow coronary
stent setting. The intervention duration and the specificity of the process (malignant tumor,
vascular aneurism, etc.) have to be adequately balanced against the risk of stent-provoked
thrombosis during the first year after the implantation of drug emitting stent. Careful
discussion is recommended in every individual case by a team, including a surgeon, an
anesthesiologist and a cardiologist.
Despite the specific strategies for risk reduction, the perioperative CR assessment gives an
opportunity for optimized control of all cardiovascular risk factors.

6. Index
ACC/AHA classification for CR assessment during noncardiac surgeries
acute cardiac inflammatory process
acute conductive disorders
Risk Evaluation of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes and
Other Cardiovascular Complications During Emergency High Risky Noncardiac Surgery 157

acute cardiovascular complications

acute heart failure
acute myocardial infarction
acute rhythm disorders
angina pectoris (АP)
arterial hypertension (AH)
cardiac arrhythmias
cardiac risk (CR)
cardiogenic shock
cardiovascular complications (CVC)
CR assessment in emergency noncardiac surgery
CR assessment schemes in major noncardiac surgery
CR reduction strategies
ECG manifested myocardial ischemia
emergency high risky noncardiac surgery
emergency major surgical interventions
exacerbated chronic heart failure
Exceeding Index of the Emergency Surgeries (EIES)
Exceeding Index of the Major Surgeries (EIMS)
extended quantitative schemes for CR evaluation
functional class (FC)
heart failure (HF)
heart valvular disease
hypertensive crisis
indices for CR evaluation
intraoperative CVC
investigated surgical nosological groups (ING)
ischemic heart disease (IHD)
major noncardiac surgery (MNCS)
major surgical interventions
manifested myocardial ischemia (MMI)
myocardial infarction (MI)
noncardiac surgery
noncoronary ischemia
158 Acute Coronary Syndromes

perioperative cardiovascular complications
perioperative CVC
peripheral vascular diseases
preoperative CVC
real and relative myocardial ischemia
scales for CR evaluation
ST-depression in the preoperative ECG
sudden cardiac death
surgical factors in CR
Total Index for CR assessment, through ST-depression in the preoperative ECG (TCRISD)
unstable stenocardia

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162 Acute Coronary Syndromes

[62] Van de Werf F, Bax J, Betriu A et al. Management of acute myocardial infarction in
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[63] ESC Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiac Risk Assessment and Perioperative Cardiac
Management in Non-Cardiac Surgery. European Heart Journal 2009; 30: 2769-812.

Early Evaluation of Cardiac Chest Pain –

Beyond History and Electrocardiograph
Ghulam Naroo and Aysha Nazir
Rashid Hospital, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

1. Overview
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) represents a continuous spectrum of disease including
Unstable Angina (UA), acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and acute
ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). In spite of major advances in prevention and
treatment, Acute Coronary Syndrome remains a leading cause of death as well as a major
cause of hospital admissions both within Europe and worldwide.[1-3]
Recent advances have allowed for early detection and disposition of patients with Acute
Coronary Syndrome. The first step in the management of patients with ACS is prompt
recognition. The diagnosis of ACS is largely based on the history, the electrocardiogram
(ECG) and changes in cardiac biomarkers. It is a universally acknowledged fact that history
remains the most essential tool in directing the need for further workup which includes
serial ECGs and measurement of cardiac biomarkers.

2. Diagnostic challenges
The ECG is an important diagnostic and risk stratification tool. Most patients who have
UA/NSTEMI have some ECG changes, although the ECG may be normal in 1% to 6% of
patients who have NSTEMI and in approximately 4% of patients who have UA.[4]ST
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is diagnosed by the symptoms and the
characteristic ST elevation on the ECG. The other two variants of ACS, non-ST elevation
myocardial infarction and unstable angina are differentiated from each other by the
presence of positive cardiac biomarker in the former and the treatment varies
Of the number of available markers and assays that detect myocardial necrosis, the cardiac
troponins T and I and the creatinine kinase–MB (CK-MB) isoform are the most commonly
used, with troponins gaining acceptance as the markers of choice in ACS. These have
achieved an important role in diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment pathways by virtue of
their high degree of sensitivity and specificity and their relative ease of use and
interpretation. However, troponins are detectable only 6 hours after myocardial injury and
are measurable for up to 2 weeks.
For a patient presenting with a suspected acute MI, the characteristics of the chest pain and
the ECG findings permit initial risk stratification. The gold standard in the care of a patient
164 Acute Coronary Syndromes

with cardiac chest pain is that an ECG and an abbreviated history and physical examination
be obtained within 10 minutes of patient arrival.[8]
The early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is however sometimes difficult due
to: [9]
1. Equivocal electrocardiogram (ECG) changes and other conditions with ECG changes
that mimic acute myocardial infarction. Atypical chest pains with many differentials
confuse to make a diagnosis.
2. Acute myocardial infarction patients without ST-segment elevation.
3. Delayed liberation and detection of cardiac markers of myocardial necrosis such as
troponin and creatine kinase (CK).
Cardiac troponin is frequently not detected until after 4-6 hours and in many cases, repeated
measurement is needed 8-12 hours after admission. The importance of early risk
stratification in the management of acute myocardial infarction is emphasized in the
American Heart Association task force guidelines.[10]Risk stratification is an important
objective in the evaluation of patients with ACS. The presence of positive biomarkers
indicates higher risk and worse prognosis.[11]
When initiating reperfusion therapy, door-to-needle time of less than or equal to 30 minutes
for initiation of fibrinolytic therapy and a door-to-balloon time of less than or equal to 90
minutes for percutaneous coronary perfusion is the standard of care.[12-14]Although, more
and more hospitals are meeting this benchmark, diagnosing and excluding ACS often poses
a diagnostic challenge to the clinicians.[15]A misdiagnosis may lead to considerable increase
in morbidity and mortality. An ideal marker which can predict the onset of the disease,
could aid in reducing the deaths due to ACS.

3. Cardiac biomarkers
Acute myocardial infarction refers to irreversible myocardial necrosis caused by an
imbalance between oxygen supply and demand. In 75% cases, plaque rupture or erosion
leading to thrombus formation are the causes of acute coronary syndromes. Early diagnosis
and subsequent reperfusion therapies within 4 to 6 hours of onset of symptoms can salvage
myocardium at risk. Therefore, optimal markers of myocardial necrosis need to be rapidly
detectable in blood.
Myocardial injury causes release into the extracellular space of intracellular constituents
including detectable levels of a variety of biologically active cytosolic and structural proteins
such as troponin, creatine kinase, myoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, etc.
Cardiac biomarkers have characteristic release and clearance kinetics. However, the time to
presentation and comorbidities that affect clearance may confound the interpretation of
biomarkers. Myoglobin is the earliest biochemical marker of myocardial cell damage, and it
is detectable in blood within 1 to 2 hours of myocyte damage. Blood levels of CK-MB may
be detectable in blood after 4 to 6 hours of myocardial ischemia. [16] Cardiac troponins are
elevated within 4 to 12 hours of symptom onset and remain elevated for 4 to 10 days. [17]
Based on these patterns of release and clearance, a diagnostic algorithm of serial biomarker
measurements has been developed. Serial sampling of multiple cardiac markers beginning
at the time of presentation is recommended currently. The sensitivity of serial
measurements of multiple markers nears 100%, whereas the sensitivity of a single
Early Evaluation of Cardiac Chest Pain – Beyond History and Electrocardiograph 165

measurement of any biomarker at the time of presentation is poor. The recommended time
between the first and second blood draw is 6 to 7 hours. [18] If cardiac marker levels are not
elevated but clinical suspicion remains high, a third set of markers should be drawn at 12 to
24 hours after presentation. [19] The markers currently used in this multimarker approach are
myoglobin, CKMB, and troponin.

3.1 Myoglobin
Myoglobin is a heme protein found in the cytoplasm of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells that
rises most rapidly after myocardial injury but is not cardiac-specific. [16] Myoglobin levels
are frequently elevated in patients who have renal failure, skeletal muscle injury, trauma,
and other diseases. Myoglobin is not used in most hospital laboratories.

3.2 Creatine kinase-MB isoform

CK-MB is an enzyme present primarily in cardiac muscle and active in energy
generation. CK-MB is released rapidly after myocardial injury and is more cardiac-
specific than myoglobin. However, CK-MB also comprises up to 5% of skeletal muscle
and can be elevated in noncardiac disease states. Before the use of troponin, CK-MB was
the gold standard for the biochemical diagnosis of AMI. CK-MB is released early during
AMI, and it plays an important role in defining infarct size, infarct expansion, and

3.3 Cardiac troponins

Cardiac troponins and tropomyosin form the thin filament component of the contractile
structure in striated muscle. Troponins are released into the blood stream following
irreversible ischemic myocardial cell injury and remain elevated for a prolonged time.
There is no clinical difference between TnT and TnI for diagnosing cardiac necrosis. There
are separate cardiac and skeletal isoforms of both TnI and TnT, allowing for the
development of highly cardiac-specific assays. [17, 21] Troponin assays can detect as little as
1 g of myocardial tissue necrosis, and even minute elevations in cardiac troponins have
been associated with myocardial necrosis and increased rate of short- and long-term
mortality. [19,22-24]
Cardiac troponins have been studied in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients who have
renal dysfunction. It is important that emergency physicians include the patient’s history
and physical examination when considering an elevated troponin level in patients who have
renal dysfunction. In patients in whom acute coronary syndrome is not suspected, renal
failure may be associated with chronic elevations of TnI and TnT, without evidence of acute
myocardial necrosis. However, an acute increase from baseline troponin levels may be
associated with increased mortality[25, 26]
Therefore, baseline troponin levels are helpful when differentiating between acute and
chronic elevations in cardiac troponins. Elevated levels of cardiac troponins in patients who
have renal dysfunction may be attributable to decreased renal clearance and increased
release from cytoplasm because of the loss of membrane integrity. TnT is of higher
molecular weight and is more commonly present in the free, unbound form in the
cytoplasm, potentially explaining why TnT is more frequently elevated than TnI. [25] A study
166 Acute Coronary Syndromes

of asymptomatic patients who had renal failure did not show TnI levels to be elevated in
this population. The previously noted false-positive TnI results in patients who have renal
failure were measured during acute disease states, including sepsis or pulmonary embolism,
which may independently cause elevated troponin levels. [27]
In symptomatic patients who have chest pain and renal dysfunction, elevated levels of
cardiac troponin predict patients at an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
In a study of 7033 patients who had suspected acute coronary syndromes, the elevated
levels of TnT were predictive of death or myocardial infarction across the spectrum of
creatinine clearance. [28]
Despite the value of cardiac troponin as a very sensitive marker for myocardial damage,
elevated troponin levels do not reflect the mechanism of damage and should not be used
alone to diagnose myocardial infarction. Troponin levels may be elevated in patients who
have myocarditis, pericarditis, decompensated heart failure, and septic shock. The use of
troponin measurements as a screening tool in patients whose conditions have a low
suspicion for ACS lowers the sensitivity and positive predictive value to 47% and 19%,
respectively. A high sensitive troponin could be available in future to turn out an ideal
biomarker for ACS. [29]

4. Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein

Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (h-FABP) has been researched since 1988, due to its
high potential as an early marker for myocardial infarction. It bears considerable
resemblance to myoglobin in terms of size, location within the cell, release and clearance
kinetics. It is a relatively low molecular mass cytoplasmic protein (15 kDa) available in
abundance in myocardial tissue. [30-32]It is important for myocardial homeostasis since 50 –
80% of the heart’s energy is provided by lipid oxidation and h-FABP ensures intracellular
transport of insoluble fatty acids. It is released from the heart during cell necrosis, it diffuses
much more rapidly than troponins through the interstitial space and appears in the
circulation as early as 90 minutes after the onset of symptoms, reaching its peak within 6
hours and clearing within 24 hours.
This combination of early h-FABP release after symptom onset, rapid kidney clearance from
the circulation and high cardiac specificity suggests great potential for its clinical use.[30-
32]Therefore,it can be derived that h-FABP may not only be of value in detecting myocardial

injury in the early hours of the insult but may also be ideal for the diagnosis of reinfarctions.
H-FABP has been found to be superior to troponins due to its higher sensitivity.[33, 34]A
recent study showed h-FABP had a sensitivity of 75.76% and a specificity of 96.97%
compared with 58.59% and 98.94% for cTnT and 68.69% and 97.54% for CK-MB in the initial
6 hours after the onset of chest pain. [35]Recent data also suggests h-FABP may provide some
prognostic information which appears superior to that of troponins. [36].

4.1 h-FABP in the pre-hospital setting

There is some evidence to suggest the utility of h-FABP in the pre-hospital
setting.[37]According to the literature, early assessment of H-FABP in patients presenting
with chest pain improves the diagnosis of an ongoing myocardial infarction. An h-FABP
self-testing kit can be helpful in the pre-hospital setting. Though an h-FABP testing kit (h-
Early Evaluation of Cardiac Chest Pain – Beyond History and Electrocardiograph 167

FABP Quanta) is used for the quantitative measurement, especially in next one hour of the
initial testing to see if there is a rise of titre. This kit is more useful in emergency
department/CCU and ICU setting. ConformitéEuropéenne (CE) certification approving it
for sale in the European Union member countries.

5. References
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Information, Evidence and Research Cluster (2004).The global burden of disease
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Cardiol. 2007 Jul 31;119(3):349-54. Epub 2006 Nov 13.

Coronary Bypass Grafting in Acute Coronary

Syndrome: Operative Approaches and
Secondary Prevention
Stephen J. Huddleston1 and Gregory Trachiotis2
1The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
2George Washington University and Veterans Affairs Medical Center
United States of America

1. Introduction
Many patients who present with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are candidates for
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Approximately 500,000 CABG operations are
performed each year in the United States, and many of these patients present with acute
coronary syndrome. In the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI) trial
comparing CABG and percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease, 64%
of the patients presented with unstable angina (Rosamond, Flegal et al. 2008). According to
2007 ACC/AHA guidelines (Anderson, Adams et al. 2007), left main stenosis greater than
50% and three-vessel coronary artery disease represent a class I indication for coronary
artery bypass grafting in patients with unstable angina or non-ST elevation myocardial
infarction. In addition, patients with 2-vessel coronary artery disease and either diabetes or
left ventricular dysfunction may benefit from coronary artery bypass grafting (Class II
recommendation). Regardless of the modality of revascularization, patients with acute
coronary syndrome benefit from antagonists of platelet activity such as aspirin and
clopidogrel since these agents reduce the risk of major adverse events. However, antiplatelet
agents also increase the risk of bleeding in patients who will ultimately proceed to coronary
artery bypass graft surgery. Usually the benefits of early initiation of antiplatelet therapy
outweigh the risks. The purpose of this review is to summarize current antiplatelet therapy
in acute coronary syndrome, with particular emphasis on patients who will undergo
coronary artery bypass, and the appropriate operative strategies will be discussed. We will
also review the current recommendations for secondary prevention after coronary artery
bypass grafting.

2. Antiplatelet therapy
Platelet activation and aggregation play a critical role in the pathogenesis of coronary
thrombosis, and antiplatelet therapy has become a central tenet of the treatment strategy in
acute coronary syndrome. Platelet aggregation and activation can be inhibited
pharmacologically at several points in the cascade leading up to platelet aggregation, and
several of these antiplatelet agents are commonly used perioperatively in the setting of acute
172 Acute Coronary Syndromes

coronary syndrome. Aspirin inhibits the formation of thromboxane A2 thereby preventing

glycoprotein (Gp) IIb/IIIa-mediated activation of platelets. Ticlodipine and clopidogrel
inhibit ADP release from platelets and thereby prevent Gp IIb/IIIa activation, and
eptifibatide blocks GpII B/IIIa-mediated platelet aggregation. The pharmacokinetics of
platelet inhibition and inactivation by each type of agent is of particular importance
regarding the timing of CABG because of the bleeding risk associated with antiplatelet
therapy. However, the timing of CABG in the setting of ACS is often flexible, with perhaps
less than 1% of patients with ACS requiring emergent CABG (Serebruany, Malinin et al.
2004), so much of the bleeding risk associated with antiplatelet therapy can often be
mitigated by waiting several days before CABG is performed.
Regardless of whether patients with ACS undergo percutaneous coronary intervention or
CABG, the overwhelming body of evidence supports the use of antiplatelet therapy in ACS. In
one large meta-analysis of studies of patients with ACS (Seshadri, Whitlow et al. 2002), the risk
of serious vascular events including non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke was reduced by
25%. Although aspirin was associated with a significantly reduced risk of major vascular
events, the adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-receptor antagonists ticlodipine and clopidogrel
were associated with an additional 10-12% risk reduction. In a direct comparison of aspirin
and clopidogrel in the randomized Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk for Ischemic
Events (CAPRIE) trial, clopidogrel was associated with an 8.7% relative reduction of risk of
ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death compared with aspirin, with no
signicant difference in the safety profiles of the two drugs (1996). Furthermore, the beneficial
effects of aspirin and clopidogrel in ACS are additive. In the Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to
prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) trial, unstable angina and non-ST elevation myocardial
infarction (NSTEMI), patients taking both clopidogrel and aspirin had less chance of cardiac
death, non-fatal MI, or stroke at 30 days and 1 year compared to those only taking aspirin
(Yusuf, Zhao et al. 2001). Taken together, these studies all confirm that antiplatelet therapy
with both aspirin and clopidogrel should be intitiated early in ACS.
In patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), clopidogrel in addition to
aspirin improves outcomes. In the Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction
(COMMIT) trial, clopidogrel in addition to aspirin was associated with a significant
decrease in the composite endpoint of death, reinfarction, or stroke compared to aspirin
alone (Sabatine, Cannon et al. 2005). The Clopidogrel as Adjunctive Reperfusion Therapy-
Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (CLARITY-TIMI) compared aspirin alone to
clopidogrel in addition to aspirin in patients with STEMI and demonstrated a 36% reduction
in relative risk of the early composite endpoint of occlusion of the infarct-related artery,
recurrent MI, or death, and there was a 20% relative risk reduction of the late composite
endpoint of death from cardiovascular cause, recurrent MI, or recurrent ischemia leading to
urgent revascularization (Sabatine, Cannon et al. 2005). Importantly, there was no increase
in bleeding complications in either the COMMIT or the CLARITY-TIMI trial. Based on such
compelling findings, the current AHA/ACC guidelines for patients with ACS recommend
that aspirin and clopidogrel be given as soon as possible (Anderson, Adams et al. 2007). The
typical loading dose for clopidogrel is 300mg or 600mg. Usually for patients undergoing
stent placement, 600mg of clopidogrel is given, while patients who are found to be
candidates for CABG are given 300mg of clopidogrel.
New ADP-receptor antagonist antiplatelet agents include prasugrel and ticagrelor. Both
decrease the relative risk of ischemic events when used with aspirin (Ebrahimi, Dyke et al.
Coronary Bypass Grafting in Acute Coronary
Syndrome: Operative Approaches and Secondary Prevention 173

2009; Wallentin, Becker et al. 2009). However, prasugrel is associated with increased risk of
bleeding complications, especially related to CABG. In contrast, ticagrelor was not
associated with increased risk of bleeding related to CABG.
Several clinical trials have examined the outcomes of patients with ACS who were treated
with antiplatelet therapy before undergoing CABG. In the CURE trial, patients who
proceeded to CABG after receiving clopidogrel as opposed to placebo had a decreased
relative risk of the composite endpoint of death, MI or stroke prior to CABG (RR 0.56 95% CI
0.29-1.08, absolute risk reduction 1.8%). As long as clopidogrel was stopped 5 days prior to
CABG there was no increase in risk of life-threatening bleeding. The CLARITY-TIMI trial
and the ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategy) trials
demonstrated similar improved outcomes without increased risk of bleeding in patients
who underwent CABG after being treated with clopidogrel (Ferraris, Ferraris et al. 2005).

3. Coronary artery bypass grafting and acute coronary syndrome

Using antiplatelet agents in patients with ACS raises the risk of bleeding in those patients
that undergo CABG, however several factors including the pharmacokinetic profile,
individual patient sensitivity to the agent, and timing of the surgery determine the exact risk
posed. Clinical trials are often difficult to compare because of varying classification of
bleeding complications leading to differing conclusions. The Aspirin Guideline Taskforce of
the Society of Thoracic Surgeons reviewed 21 studies examining the effect of preoperative
aspirin on bleeding after CABG (Ebrahimi, Dyke et al. 2009). The dose of aspirin varied
significantly between studies, so comparison of the findings is difficult. However, there
appears to be a small increase in chest tube drainage and blood loss and a small increase in
need for blood transfusion associated with preoperative aspirin, all of which may be dose
related. Nonetheless, the mortality benefit of aspirin preoperatively in ACS outweighs the
small risk of bleeding, leading to a class IIa recommendation to continue aspirin for
urgent/emergent CABG patients. Some studies have shown an increased risk of
perioperative bleeding in patients treated with both aspirin and ADP receptor antagonists
such as clopidogrel who proceed to CABG (Yende and Wunderink 2001; Hongo, Ley et al.
2002; Genoni, Tavakoli et al. 2003). Therefore, clopidogrel should be stopped for 5-7 days
before CABG when possible (ACC/AHA class I recommendation).
Because of the increased risk of bleeding after CABG in patients on dual antiplatelet
therapy, one strategy would be to wait until coronary anatomy is defined on coronary
angiography. However, this would delay antiplatelet therapy for all patients with a
decrement in the benefit for all patients, most of whom do not end up undergoing CABG.
The number of patients with ACS who proceed to CABG is probably between 7-14% (Bhatt,
Roe et al. 2004; Fox, Anderson et al. 2007), and salvage CABG after failed percutaneous
coronary intervention is relatively uncommon. The risk of bleeding after CABG, as well as
the risk of reoperation for bleeding, overall is fairly low. Thus, the vast majority of patients
will benefit from starting dual antiplatelet therapy early in ACS, and many patients would
be harmed by delaying therapy.

4. Operative strategies
Usually CABG can be delayed in ACS to allow ADP-receptor blockers to be metabolized
and excreted allowing platelet function to recover. If anticoagulation is critical, as is usually
174 Acute Coronary Syndromes

the case in ACS, short acting anticoagulants such as unfractionated heparin and Gp IIb/IIIa
inhibitors can be used up until shortly before going to the operative room. Patients with
ACS who have ongoing ischemia or are hemodynamically unstable and have received ADP-
receptor antagonists may benefit from bridge percutaneous coronary intervention or intra-
aortic balloon pump insertion. An algorithm for the management of patients with ACS that
undergo CABG is presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Algorithm or the management of patients with ACS and indications for CABG.
Patients with ACS who are stable are observed while ADP receptor blockers are held for 5
days prior to surgery to eliminate the increased risk of bleeding and mortality (Ferraris,
Ferraris et al. 2005; Ebrahimi, Dyke et al. 2009). Aspirin is continued up to the time of
surgery. If there is particular concern about the grade of coronary stenosis or evidence of
ongoing ischemia, the patient may be continued on unfractionated heparin and/or Gp
IIb/IIIa inhibitors up until the time of surgery. The bleeding time or platelet function time
can be used to assess platelet function and the bleeding risk preoperatively. This may be
useful in assessing bleeding risk and planning for CABG. The dose of clopidogrel may be
proportional to the risk of bleeding after CABG. In patients who receive the 600 mg loading
dose of clopidogrel, CABG should be delayed 5-7 days for the platelet function to recover.
However, in patients who received the lower 300 mg loading dose and are maintained on 75
mg per day of clopidogrel, CABG may be safely performed after holding clopidogrel for 1-3
days. A logical strategy is to administer 300mg of clopidogrel in addition to aspirin at the
Coronary Bypass Grafting in Acute Coronary
Syndrome: Operative Approaches and Secondary Prevention 175

time of presentation in patients with ACS. When coronary angiography is performed, an

additional 300mg of clopidogrel may be given if percutaneous coronary intervention is
performed, while in those that will undergo CABG, no additional clopidogrel is given and
low dose aspirin is continued.
In patients with ACS and high grade left main coronary artery stenosis or left main
equivalent who have received high dose clopidogrel or thrombolytics, insertion of an intra-
aortic balloon pump (IABP) will improve coronary perfusion and decrease cardiac demand
by afterload reduction. Preoperative IABP insertion in these situations provides
hemodynamic stability and reduces hospital mortality (Wiviott, Braunwald et al. 2007).
CABG may be performed on cardiopulmonary bypass with cardioplegic arrest or off-pump
(OPCAB). The advantages and disadvantages of OPCAB have been studied and reviewed
extensively, yet remain controversial (Moore, Pfister et al. 2005). OPCAB avoids full
heparinization and the systemic inflammatory response syndrome associated with
cardiopulmonary bypass. Early studies suggested that off-pump CABG is associated with
fewer adverse cardiovascular events and reduced early postoperative morbidity and
mortality (Rastan, Eckenstein et al. 2006; Magee, Alexander et al. 2008). However, more
recent data demonstrate a slightly higher rate of incomplete revascularization and a greater
need for subsequent revascularization, as well as slightly reduced long-term mortality
(Puskas, Kilgo et al. 2008). However, much of the outcome after OPCAB may be surgeon
and center dependent, and this should be taken into account when formulating operative
plans for patients with ACS undergoing CABG.

5. Secondary prevention
CABG for patients with ACS reduces angina, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction,
and improves long-term survival, particularly when the internal thoracic artery is grafted
to the left anterior descending artery (Anderson, Adams et al. 2007). However, secondary
prevention strategies are critical for the long-term benefit of revascularization to be
realized. Lifestyle modification such as diet modification, an exercise regimen, and
smoking cessation are necessary. Pharmacologic secondary prevention consisting of lipid-
lowering agents, antihypertensives (primarily with beta blockers), and antiplatelet
medications is also required to decrease the risk of progression of coronary artery disease
and graft occlusion. A strategy for antiplatelet therapy after CABG in patients with ACS is
presented in Figure 2. All patients should be continued on aspirin postoperatively to
reduce the risk of vein graft occlusion (ACC/AHA class I recommendation). This also
protects against the risk of future cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and peripheral
vascular ischemic events. In patients with ACS who have undergone coronary artery stent
placement, clopidogrel is required in addition to aspirin to reduce major cardiac events
(Muller, Buttner et al. 2000). In the CURE trial, patients with ACS treated with clopidogrel
in addition to aspirin had decreased cardiac events, stroke and hospitalizations at 1 year
regardless of whether they underwent PCI or CABG (Yusuf, Zhao et al. 2001). Therefore,
in our practice, patients with ACS who undergo on-pump CABG or OPCAB are treated
with 600mg aspirin suppository upon postoperative admission to the intensive care unit.
When they are extubated, clopidogrel 75mg daily is administered, in addition to aspirin
81mg daily. Dual antiplatelet therapy is continued in all patients with ACS for 9-12
176 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Fig. 2. Strategy for antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention of CAD after CABG.
All patients with a history of a cardiovascular event should be started on a beta blocker and
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (MHG –CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) for
secondary prevention of cardiovascular events unless otherwise contraindicated (1994;
Sacks, Pfeffer et al. 1996; 1998). Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors should be
initiated in all patients with CAD and a left ventrticular ejection fraction less than 40%,
diabetes, hypertension, or chronic kidney disease (Smith, Allen et al. 2006). ACE inhibitors
may be considered in lower risk patients with well-controlled risk factors. If ACE inhibitors
are not tolerated or are contraindicated, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) may be
considered. Patients with heart failure may also benefit from ARBs. Medication compliance
is required for successful secondary prevention and must be ensured to reap the benefits of

6. Conclusions
Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel imparts a clear benefit in major adverse
cardiovascular events and mortality after acute coronary syndrome. Although these agents
may pose additional bleeding risk in the small percentage of patients with ACS that proceed
to CABG, the risk is far outweighed by the benefits, and much of the bleeding can be
diminished by delaying CABG when possible. Short acting anticoagulants and IABP
insertion may temporize while allowing platelet function to recover after discontinuing
Coronary Bypass Grafting in Acute Coronary
Syndrome: Operative Approaches and Secondary Prevention 177

clopidogrel. Following bleeding times postoperatively can clarify the need for platelet
transfusion in the event of bleeding. OPCAB may have offer some benefits by avoiding full
heparinization and avoiding the inflammatory response associated with cardiopulmonary
bypass. Secondary prevention with antiplatelet therapy, beta blockade, lipid lowering
therapy, and ACE inhibitors or ARBs is critical to the long term success of revascularization.

7. References
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(1996). "A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of
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Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines for the
Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial
Infarction) developed in collaboration with the American College of Emergency
Physicians, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and the
Society of Thoracic Surgeons endorsed by the American Association of
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the Society for Academic
Emergency Medicine." J Am Coll Cardiol 50(7): e1-e157.
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results from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative." Jama 292(17): 2096-
Ebrahimi, R., C. Dyke, et al. (2009). "Outcomes following pre-operative clopidogrel
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Triage strategY) trial." J Am Coll Cardiol 53(21): 1965-72.
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revascularization (executive summary)." Ann Thorac Surg 79(4): 1454-61.
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Genoni, M., R. Tavakoli, et al. (2003). "Clopidogrel before urgent coronary artery bypass
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Magee, M. J., J. H. Alexander, et al. (2008). "Coronary artery bypass graft failure after on-
pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass: findings from PREVENT IV." Ann
Thorac Surg 85(2): 494-9; discussion 499-500.
Moore, G. J., A. Pfister, et al. (2005). "Outcomes for off-pump coronary artery bypass
grafting in high-risk groups: a historical perspective." Heart Surg Forum 8(1): E19-22.
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acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation." N Engl J Med 345(7): 494-

Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired

Autonomic Function in Patients with Acute
Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic
and Therapeutic Implication
Arman Postadzhiyan, Anna Tzontcheva and Bojidar Finkov
Medical University, Clinic of Cardiology, St. Anne University Hospital, Sofia,

1. Introduction
Atherosclerosis is increasingly considered as a low grade inflammatory response of the
arterial wall to a variety of stimuli [Fuster&Lewis, 1994; Libby, 2001]. It is accepted that
the adhesion of circulating leukocytes and monocytes to endothelial cells (EC) and
subsequent transendothelial migration are an important step in the initiation and the
development of atherosclerotic lesions [Hillis&Flapan, 1998; Jang, 1994]. This process is
mediated by receptors expressed on the surface of vascular EC – cell adhesion molecules
(CAM) under the action of an enhanced oxidative stress, lipopolysaccharide and
proinflammatory cytokines. Vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) and intercellular
adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) are two members of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily
that play important but different roles in the adhesion of blood cells to the vascular
endothelium. The significance of these molecules in the course of atherogenesis is
confirmed by their immunohistochemically established elevated expression in the
atherosclerotic plaques [Cybulsky&Gimbronejr, 1991; O’Brien et al., 1993] and by
experimental models proving a delayed lesion development in case of their absence
[Cybulsky et al., 2001].
Circulating forms of adhesion molecules that have been described are probably generated
by cleavage to a site close to membrane insertion. The amount of ICAM-1 released has been
demonstrated to be directly correlated with the surface expression of ICAM-1 in EC in
culture and a correlation between plasma VCAM-1 and VCAM-1 mRNA has been reported
in human atherosclerotic aorta [Leuwenberg et al., 1992; Pigott et al., 1992].
Levels of soluble cell adhesion molecules have been postulated to be useful risk predictor of
cardiovascular events in healthy populations and various settings of ischemic heart disease
[de Lemos et al., 2000; Hwang et al., 1997; Mulvihill et al., 2000, 2001; O’Malley et al., 2001;
Ridker et al., 1998]. Nonetheless, the pathologic role of different soluble adhesion molecules
in various stages of coronary artery disease is not fully defined.
Two electrocardiographic markers - ventricular arrhythmias (VA), [Bigger et al., 1981;
Farrell et al., 1991; Kostis et al., 1987] and impaired cardiac autonomic function, as indicated
by depressed heart rate variability (HRV), [Bigger at al., 1992; Farrell et all, 1991;
180 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Hartikainen et al., 1996; Kleiger et al., 1987; Lanza et al., 1998, 2006; La Rovere et al., 1998]
have been shown to predict mortality among patients recovering from acute myocardial
infarction (MI). However there are only limited data about the prognostic value of
depressed HRV in the whole spectrum of patients with ACS and few attempts to quantify
the exact value of soluble adhesion molecules and HRV in the cumulative risk assessment of
patients with ACS [Kennon et al., 2008; Lanza et al., 2006].
Previous studies have shown that statin treatment improve the prognosis in patients with
acute coronary syndromes [Kinlay et al., 2003; Ridker at al., 2005]. The reduction of clinical
events secondary to lipid lowering has traditionally been attributed to reduction of
cholesterol deposition and facilitation of cholesterol efflux from coronary plaques. However,
several studies have recently suggested that the beneficial effects of statins in atherosclerotic
disease may not be limited to the lipid-lowering effects of these drugs. Possible explanations
for the observed reduction of morbidity and mortality with statin use include improvement
of endothelial function, plaque stabilisation, and inhibition of the inflammatory response
associated with atherosclerosis [Liao 2003; Ray&Cannon, 2005]. In the last years an
antiarrhythmic effect of statins has been suggested and reported as a possible contributing
The aim of this study was:
1. To assess heart rate variability and soluble adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (intercellular
adhesion molecule-1) and VCAM-1 (vascular cells adhesion molecule-1) in patients
with coronary artery disease and healthy control and to evaluate the usefulness of the
markers of impaired autonomic function and endothelial activation as predictors of
adverse prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
2. The impact of early initiation of low and moderate-dose rosuvastatin treatment on
autonomic function and concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules during the first
12 weeks post ACS without ST segment elevation.

2. Methods
2.1 Study protocol
The study consisted of two phases. In the first phase two groups of patients with coronary
artery disease (acute coronary syndromes without ST segment elevation and stable angina
pectoris) and one control group of subjects were included for comparisons of soluble
levels of adhesion molecules and heart rate variability. Between December 2001 and July
2002, a total number of 136 patients were involved in the study. Patients were divided
into three groups according to the clinical diagnosis. The first group consisted of 75
patients with non-ST segment elevation ACS (unstable angina and non ST elevation
myocardial infarction). Unstable angina (UA) patients (n=57) had ischemic chest pain at
rest within the preceding 48 hours that had developed in the absence of an extracardiac
precipitating cause with either ST segment depression of >0.1 mV or T wave inversion in
two or more contiguous leads on the presenting 12 lead ECG. Patients with non ST
elevation myocardial infarction (n=18) had similar diagnostic criteria along with elevation
of serum creatine kinase, without the evolution of pathological q waves. The second
group consisted of 36 patients with stable angina pectoris (SAP) who had typical
exertional angina pectoris and positive stress test. Patients with angina at rest were
excluded from this group. The control group comprised of 25 healthy volunteers in the
same age of distribution, without angina symptoms and with normal physical
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 181

examination and stress test. Subjects with acute or chronic inflammatory diseases,
malignancies, renal insufficiency, and severe liver disease, on immunosuppressive and
antibiotic treatment were excluded from the study. Also excluded were patients with
acute ST elevation myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, and history of myocardial
infarction, surgical intervention or major trauma within the preceding month.
A six months follow-up of patients with ACS was assessed by regular clinical examination
for every month. Primary outcome was defined as cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial
infarction or recurrent hospital admission for severe unstable angina. After the 6-month
period of observation the study population was divided into two groups – with favorable
course of the disease and with occurrence of adverse coronary events.
In the second phase other 30 patients with ACS were allocated into two groups, and
received rosuvastatin 10 mg/day (n =16, mean age 57.25±2.2 years) or rosuvastatin 20
mg/day (n =14, mean age 57.64±3.1 years). The randomization was carried out by the
adaptive dynamic random allocation method irrespective of serum lipids levels. A follow-
up assessment of both HRV on ambulatory ECG monitoring and adhesion molecules levels
was performed during study period of 12 weeks. All patients were under treatment with the
same medications during the acute phase of the episode (aspirin, nitrates, beta blockers,
ACE inhibitors), according to the guidelines.

2.2 Biochemical analysis

Blood samples from ACS patients were collected after admission in the ICU prior to the
onset of the antiischemic and anticoagulant therapy with a closed Vacutainer system
(Beckton Dickinson, NJ, USA) and after 12 weeks for patients included into the second
phase of the study. In SAP group and in controls, blood samples were collected at the time
of clinical admission. The serum was separated after centrifugation at 3000 g for 10 min until
1 hour after taking the samples and sent in Department of Clinical Laboratory, Saint Anne
University hospital for analyses of creatine kinase, cholesterol and triglycerides levels as a
part of routine patient management. Two aliquots of the serum were centrally stored at -
80°C and sent in batches to the Department of Clinical Laboratory and Clinical
Immunology, Medical university, Sofia (for analyses of cTnT and hsCRP) and to the Section
of Molecular Immunology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (for analyses of VCAM-1
and ICAM-1). Determination of cTnT, hsCRP and soluble adhesion molecules levels was
performed at the end of the study period, blinded to patients’ histories and allocated
Quantitative detection of serum concentrations of sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 was performed
using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique employing a
commercially available assay kit (BenderMed Sysytems, Vienna, Austria). The intra- and
interassay coefficients of variation were 3.1%, 5.2% for VCAM-1 and 4.1%, 7.6% for ICAM-1
respectively. The levels of cardiac troponin T (cTnT) were determined by a third generation
troponin STAT electrochemiluminescent immunoassay on the ELECSYS 1010 (Roche
Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland) with the detection limit at 0.01 ng/ml and a total coefficient
of variation (CV) of 6% at 5.07 ng/ml and 9.3% CV at 0.10 ng/ml. High-sensitivity C-
reactive protein was measured with a CardioPhase hsCRP immunonephelometric assay
(Dade Behring Inc) on BN systems. The detection limit was 0.175 mg/l with a total CV of
7.6% at 0.41 mg/l.
182 Acute Coronary Syndromes

2.3 Holter monitoring

Patients underwent 24 h ECG Holter monitoring within 24 h of admission with two-channel
tape recorders and monitoring two bipolar chest leads. Cardiac autonomic function was
assessed by frequency-domain HRV analyses for the entire 24 hours. Frequency domain
HRV was assessed in the frequency range of 0 to 0.5 Hz by fast-Fourier transform spectral
analysis, with a spectral resolution of 0.0005 Hz. The amplitude of the following frequency-
domain HRV variables was obtained: very low frequency (0.0033 to 0.04 Hz), low frequency
(0.04 to 0.15 Hz), and high frequency (0.15 to 0.40 Hz). Further, the ratio of low to high
frequency was calculated.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Any quantitative parameters under investigation were presented as a mean value and
standart deviation. Any qualitative parameters under investigation were presented as a
number and percentage. Student’s t test or paired sample t-test was used to compare the
quantitative parameters in the groups with a normal distribution. Mann-Whitney’s or
Wilcoxon signed rank non-parametric analysis is applied to compare the quantitative
parameters of non-Gaussian distribution such as cTnT, hsCRP, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 and
parameters of HRV. Comparison of the categorical variables was performed by Pearson’s
x2test and Fisher’s test. Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to
estimate the potential of the variable tested to discriminate between patients with and
without cardiovascular events during follow-up. To identify variables as independent
predictors of CV events we calculated various multivariate Cox regression models with
stepwise adjustment for univariate predictors possibly confounding the examined variable.
Probability values of p<0,05 were considered statistically significant. All analyses were
performed with SPSS, 9.0 version for Windows.

3. Results
3.1 Markers of endothelial activation and impaired autonomic function in patients with
acute coronary syndromes – Potential prognostic implication
3.1.1 Characteristics of the study population
Table 1 demonstrates clinical characteristics and biochemical data of all study groups. There
were no significant differences among study groups regarding age, gender, family history
and smoking status. The patients with coronary artery disease (acute coronary syndromes
and stable angina) had significantly higher rates of hypertension and dyslipidaemia
compared with healthy control group. The presence of coronary risk factors was equal
among groups with acute coronary syndromes and stable angina pectoris. Eight of the
patients in the control group (32%) were on antihypertensive medications. The
corresponding number of patients on antihypertensive medications in ACS group was 48
(64%) and 21 (61%) in stable angina pectoris group. All soluble ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and
hsCRP significantly discriminated between patients with ACS and SAP (p=0.014, 0.05 and
0.025 respectively) and control subjects (p<0.001, 0.05 and 0.048). Soluble ICAM-1 and
hsCRP were also elevated in patients with SAP compared with control group whereas no
difference in sVCAM-1 was found (p<0.001, 0.05 and 0.4). In opposite, all the parameters of
the frequency domain HRV tented to be lower in patients with ACS compared with stable
angina and control group. In healthy subjects VLF, LF and HF were elevated, but LF/HF
ratio was lower in comparison with stable angina patients (p=0.006).
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 183

ACS Stable AP Control

Variable Р1 Р2 Р3
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Number 75 36 25
Age 57.8±8.8 57.8±8.7 1 55.6±9.2 0.3 0.4
Male gender 41 (54.7%) 15(41.7%) 0.2 12 (48%) 0.7 0.8
Family history 36 (48%) 15(41.7%) 0.5 11 (44%) 0.8 1
Hypertension 51 (68%) 27 (75%) 0.5 11 (44%) 0.05 0.01
Smoking 38 (50.7%) 14(38.9%) 0.31 11 (44%) 0.65 0.8
6.24±1.25 6.21±1.41 0.92 5.41±0.79 0.002 0.01
1.94±1.06 1.82±1.21 0.62 1.27±0.42 0.003 0.03
BMI>25 43 (57.3%) 26(72.2%) 0.15 12 (48%) 0.49 0.06
Preivious MI 19 (25.3%) 4 (11.1%) 0.13 0 (0%) 0.003 0.14
1447.3±52.9 1362.4±114.9 0.05 1318.6±78.4 0.05 0.419
465.5±15.9 387.2 ±29.2 0.014 108.6 ±14.7 <0.001 <0.001
hsCRP mg/l 15.5 ±3.95 2.33 ±0.39 0.025 1.45±0.24 0.048 0.05
VLF ms 101.4±9.3 195.2±45.3 0.003 213.9±45.1 <0.001 0,78
LF ms 71.1±8.05 187.6±46.7 <0.001 199.7±43.5 <0.001 0.85
HF ms 42.1±8.6 87±27.6 0.04 128.4±37.1 0.001 0.37
LF/HF ms 2.67±0.3 4.09±0.7 0.03 2.12±0.39 0.43 0.06
Р1 group 1 vs group 2
Р2 group 1 vs group 3
Р3 group 2 vs group 3
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study population

3.1.2 Baseline characteristics of patients with ACS according to clinical outcome

During the six month follow-up of the patients with acute coronary syndromes three
patients (4%) died suddenly, seventeen (22.7%) suffered a non-fatal myocardial infarction
and eight (10.7%) had recurrent UA, for a major adverse cardiovascular event rate of 37.3%.
The majority of ischemic events occurred within 30 days of the initial episode of non ST
elevation acute coronary syndrome – 16 (57.14%). Simultaneously, the risk of development
of non-fatal AMI and rehospitalization for recurrent UA remained significant even during a
longer period of observation as 12 (42,8%) of the subsequent complications occurred during
the period between the 30th day and the 6th month.
On Table 2 the demographic, clinical and laboratory data of the patients with major
cardiovascular events were compared with those of the patients with favorable outcome.
Both groups do not differ concerning the classical risk factors for the development of
ischemic heart disease such as age, gender, history of arterial hypertension, tobacco
smoking, obesity, familial history and indices of lipid profile. The patients have received
identical drug therapy including heparin (97,3%), acetysal (90,7%), β-blocker (73,3%), nitrate
(100%), ACE-inhibitor (48%) and diuretics (17,3%). The patients with subsequent
complications presented more often with Killip class over 1 (28,6% versus 8,5%, p=0,047)
184 Acute Coronary Syndromes

and with a significantly lower left ventricular ejection fraction on the echocardiographic
examination performed between day 3 and day 7 of the hospitalization (54,6% versus 60,4%,
p=0,003). Concentrations of sVCAM-1 (1488,75 ng/ml versus 1071,45 ng/ml, p<0,001),
sICAM-1 (516,7 vs 433,3 ng/ml, p=0,010), hsCRP (32.6 vs 5.31 mg/l, p=0.001) and cTnT (0,72
vs 0,115 ng/ml, p<0,001) at presentation were significantly raised in patients who went on
to have ischemic events during the six months of follow-up. None of the parameters of HRV
was significantly associated with the occurrence of the composite endpoint. Although the
prognostic information of frequency domain HRV indices was low, we found out that 2
variables – reduced LF (27±1.7 vs 65.1±10 ms, p=0.05) and LF/HF ratio (0.5±0.2 vs 2.94±0.4,
p=0.004) were significantly predictive of death, but no for other endpoints (Fig 1)

No event Event
n (%) n (%)
Number 47 28
Males 26 (55.3) 15 (53.6) 1
Age, y 57.36 ±8.2 58.6 ±10.1 0.559
Hypertension 34 (72.3) 17 (60.7) 0.318
Smoking 23 (48.9) 15 (53.6) 0.812
Previous MI 12 (25.5) 7 (25) 1
Family history 20 (42.6) 16 (57.1) 0.242
BMI>25 25 (53.2) 18 (64.3) 0.470
Kilip>1 4 (8.5) 8 (28.6) 0.047
Cholesterol mmol/l 6.30 ±1.22 6.13 ±1.31 0.581
Triglycerides mmol/l 2.07 ±1.19 1.70 ±0.75 0.145
Ejection fraction % 60.4 ±7.65 54.6 ±8.45 0.003
Тroponin Т ng/ml 0.115 ±0.01 0.72 ±0.16 <0.001
hsCRP mg/l 5.31 ±1.66 32.59 ±9.45 0.001
sVCAM-1 ng/ml 1071.5 ±54.08 1488.8 ±90.3 <0.001
sICAM-1 ng/ml 433.3 ±20.01 516.7 ±23.8 0.010
VLF ms 114.5±13.4 89.2±11.6 0.16
LF ms 73.7±12.2 65.2±10.1 0.62
HF ms 56.6±16.4 32.5±6.5 0.143
LF/HF ms 1.98±0.3 2.98±0.4 0.07

Table 2. Baseline characteristics of patients with and without cardiovascular events during
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 185

Fig. 1. LF and LF/HF in patients according to the prognosis during the study period
Table 3 presents the associations between soluble adhesion molecules, high sensitivity C-
reactive protein and troponin T in patients with ACS. There is a moderately strong positive
correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 (Spearman's r=0,205, p=0,028).
Levels of sICAM-1 showed a strong correlation with hsCRP. The correlation between
sVCAM-1 and hsCRP was r=0.144, p=0.11. In acute coronary syndromes levels of the
myocardial necrosis marker troponin T correlated highly significant with hsCRP (r=0.451,
p=0.001), but showed no interdependence with sVCAM-1 (r=0.106, p=0.383) and sICAM-1
(r=0.129, p=0.286).


sVCAM-1 r 1 0,205 0,144

p - 0,028 0,11

sICAM-1 r 0,205 1 0,438

p 0,028 - <0,001

hsCRP r 0,144 0,438 1

p 0,11 <0,001 -

cTnT r 0,106 0,129 0,451

p 0,383 0,286 <0,001

Table 3. Associations between soluble adhesion molecules, high sensitivity C-reactive

protein and troponin T
A nonsignificant inverse correlation was found between sVCAM-1 levels and all HRV
variables studied with the strongest association with low frequency amplitude. The
correlation coefficients of hsCRP and cTnT with HRV parameters were low and without
clinical significance. (table 4)
186 Acute Coronary Syndromes

hsCRP r 0,128 -0,02 0,16 -0,19
p 0,35 0,87 0,24 0,16
sVCAM-1 r -0,10 -0,24 -0,12 -0,06
p 0,46 0,08 0,41 0,67
sICAM-1 r -0,08 0,014 0,03 0,009
p 0,55 0,92 0,82 0,95
cTnT r 0,125 0,017 0,15 -0,07
p 0,36 0,9 0,27 0,57

Table 4. Associations between HRV and soluble adhesion molecules, high sensitivity C-
reactive protein and troponin T

3.1.3 Soluble adhesion molecules and cardiovascular events

The ROC analysis was performed to provide an index for assessment of the accuracy of the
variable investigated to discriminate between subjects with cardiovascular complications
and those without it. The data obtained from it demonstrate threshold concentrations of 0,01
ng/ml for cTnT (area under the curve 0,803, p=0,001), 4 mg/l for hsCRP (AUC 0,859,
p=0,001), 1153,4 ng/mL for sVCAM-1 (AUC 0,786, p=0,001) and 438 ng/mL for sICAM-1
(AUC 0,671, p=0,017) Fig 2.

1,0 1,0

0,8 0,8

0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 cTnT 0,2 ICAM-1
Reference Line Reference Line

0,0 0,0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
1 - Specificity 1 - Specificity

Variable AUC SE 95% Confidence Interval

CRP 0,859 0,045 0,770 0,948
cTnT 0,803 0,057 0,692 0,914
VCAM-1 0,786 0,059 0,669 0,902
ICAM-1 0,671 0,066 0,542 0,800
AUC – area under the curve, SE – standard error
Fig. 2. Receiver-operator characteristic curves of the investigated biomarkers as a test for
predicting major adverse coronary events in patients with acute coronary syndromes
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 187

A total of 37 patients (49.3%) had a concentration of sVCAM-1>1153.4 ng/ml and the ischemic
event rate for these patients was 78.6%. The remaining 38 patients had sVCAM-1
concentrations <1153.4 ng/ml and the ischemic event rate in this group was 21.4% (Pearson
x2= 15,28, p<0,001). As Figure 3 A shows the difference was mainly driven by an increased
rate of non-fatal myocardial infarction and rehospitalsation for unstable angina in the group of
patients with high sVCAM-1 levels. Although the incidence rate of the ischemic complications
in the patients with sICAM-1>438 ng/ ml was 66,7% while in the patients with subthreshold
concentration of this parameter it was only 33,3%, a statistically reliable difference was lacking
(Pearson x2=2,71,p<0,140, Figure 3 B). The sensitivity of a concentration of sVCAM-1>1153.4
ng/ml for predicting future ischemic events was 79%, with a specificity of 68%. The negative
predictive value was 84%. The sensitivity of sICAM-1>438 ng/ml for predicting a future
ischemic events was 66%, with a specificity of 53% and negative predicting value of 72%.

40 Clinical course
non event
30 infarction
Number of patients

unstable angina




1 1 2
<1153.4 >1153.4

VCAM-1 ng/ml


Number of patients


10 20


6 6

1 1

<438 >438

ICAM-1 ng/ml

Fig. 3. Cardiovascular events in patients according to concentration of sVCAM-1 (A) and
sICAM-1 (B)
188 Acute Coronary Syndromes

3.1.4 Multivariate risk stratification

In a multivariate analysis that included baseline characteristics and biochemical markers
(Table 5) sVCAM-1 remained an independent and powerful predictor of increased cardiac
risk at 6 months follow-up. The odds ratio associated with the highest value of sVCAM-1
was 4.62 (95% CI 1.8-11.4, p=0.0009) without adjustment and remained significantly elevated
after adjustment for Killip class and left ventricular ejection fraction in model 2 (RR 4.63, 1.8-
11.7, p=0.0012), troponin T in model 3 (RR 3.93, 1,5-10, p=0.04) and C-reactive protein in
model 4 (RR 2.22, 0.8-5.7, p=0.05) Figure 4.

Odds ratio 95% CI Р

Sex - Males 0.93 0.44 – 1.97 0.86
Age > 65 y 1.48 0.68 – 3.21 0.31
Hypertension 1.38 0.64 – 2.96 0.39
Smoking 1.11 0.52 – 2.34 0.77
BMI > 25 1.38 0.6 – 2.9 0.41
Hypercholesterolemia 1.11 0.45 – 2.76 0.80
Family history 1.58 0.7 – 3.34 0.23
Previous MI 1.00 0.42 – 2.37 0.98
ST depression > 0.5 mm 2.11 0.85 – 5.2 0.10
Killip > 1 2.73 1.19 – 6.22 0.016
EF < 50% 2.75 1.24 – 6.11 0.0125
IСАМ-1 > 438 ng/ml 1.81 1.82 – 4.04 0.15
VСАМ-1 > 1153.4 ng/ml 4.62 1.86 – 11.4 0.0009
hsСRP > 4 mg/l 9.85 3.39 – 28.5 <0.0001
cTnТ > 0.01 ng/ml 5.29 2.13 – 13.1 0.0003
Table 5. Univariate Cox proportional regression analyses

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3 3.8

Model 4 4.53

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Odds Ratio
CRP>4 mg/l cTnT>0.01 ng/ml Killip>1&EF<50% VCAM>1153.4 ng/ml

Fig. 4. Multivarate Cox regression models on VCAM-1 as predictor of major adverse

coronary events during 6 month follow-up
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 189

In order to assess the exact role of the increased soluble adhesion molecules levels we
analyzed the combined predictive value of these two molecules with that of the already
established prognostic indicators among ACS patients – troponin T and hs C-reactive
protein. Division of the patients into 4 groups based on their sCAM and cTnT levels
revealed that sVCAM-1 is an independent prognostic indicator of major adverse coronary
events during the six months follow-up. In the patients admitted to the ICU without any
detectable levels of the marker of cardiomyocyte necrosis (n=39) the incidence rate of the
ischemic events was 1,3% when combined with low levels of sVCAM-1 and 6,7% when
combined with sVCAM-1> 1153,4 ng/ml (Pearson χ2=6,03, p<0,024, Figure 5 A).
Simultaneously, the high sICAM-1 levels do not improve the prognostic value of troponin T
as there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence rate of the complications
in the patients with a negative cTnT test in dependence on the low or high sICAM-1 levels
(the incidence of the complications was 2,9% and 5,7%, respectively) (Figure 5 B).

Events %

10 6.7
5 6.7
1.3 cTnT<0.01


15 20
Events %

10 10
2.9 cTnT<0.01

Fig. 5. Incidence of cardiovascular events according to soluble VCAM-1 and cTnT levels (A)
and soluble ICAM-1 and cTnT levels (B)
190 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Furthermore, the predictive value of VCAM-1 was independent of systemic inflammation as

evidenced by C-reactive protein. High VCAM-1 serum levels indicated increased cardiac
risk both in patients with high CRP serum levels (25.3%% vs 6.7%, p=0.024) and in those
with low CRP serum levels (4% vs 1.3%, p=0.05), Figure 6.

Events %

20 25.3
10 6.7
5 4
1.3 hsCRP<4

Events %

1.4 4.3 hsCRP<4
sICAM<438 sICAM>438

Fig. 6. Incidence of cardiovascular events according to soluble VCAM-1 and hsCRP levels
(A) and soluble ICAM-1 and hsCRP levels (B)
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 191

3.2 Markers of endothelial activation and impaired autonomic function in patients with
acute coronary syndromes – Potential therapeutic implication
3.2.1 Characteristics of the study population
During the second phase of the study 30 patients with ACS were allocated into two groups,
and received rosuvastatin 10 mg/day (n =16, mean age 57.25±2.2 years) or rosuvastatin 20
mg/day (n =14, mean age 57.64±3.1 years) for 12 weeks. Baseline characteristics for each
group are presented in Table 6, showing no significant differences between the two
treatment groups. Furthermore, no significant differences in lipids, HRV and markers of
endothelial activation were observed at baseline.

Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin
Variable 10 mg 20 mg p
n=16 n=14

Age 57,25±2,22 57,64±3,1 0.34

Male gender 7 (23%) 9 (30%) 0.22

Hypertension 9 (30%) 9 (30%) 0.72

Smoking 7 (23.3%) 6 (20%) 0.62

Family history 5 (16.7%) 7 (23.3%) 0.46

cTnT 0,29±0.13 0,46±0,18 0.91

EF % 58,5±2,1 58,8±2,6 0.46

BMI 26,8±1 26,9±1 0.34

Cholesterol mmol/l 5,66±0,28 6,07±0,32 0.4

Tryglycerides mmol/l 1,76±0,17 1,93±0,25 0.6

HDL-C mmol/l 0,99±0,03 0,91±0,03 0.14

LDL-C mmol/l 3,86±0,29 4,27±0,28 0.3

sVCAM-1 ng/ml 1235(831.3-1476.3) 1327,4(1039.5-1989.7) 0.21

sICAM-1 ng/ml 476,8(424,3-516,8) 439,4(362,1-607,3) 0.92

VLF ms 97±18,7 90,7±16,7 0.80

LF ms 43,3±8,2 44,5±7,1 0.91

HF ms 19,8±5,8 20,9±6,7 0.89

LF/HF ms 3,34±0,5 3,58±0,5 0.77

Table 6. Baseline characteristics

192 Acute Coronary Syndromes

3.2.2 Effects of rosuvastatin on lipid profile and markers of endothelial and autonomic
The changes in lipid values from baseline to 12 weeks in the two treatment groups are
shown in Table 7.

Rosuvastatin 10 mg Rosuvastatin 20 mg
Baseline 3 months p Baseline 3 months p
5,66±0,28 4,49±0,18 <0.001 6,07±0,32 4,24±0,16 <0.001
1,76±0,17 1,3±0,13 <0.001 1,93±0,25 1,37±0,18 <0.001
HDL-C mmol/l 0,99±0,03 1,05±0,04 <0.001 0,91±0,03 1,06±0,03 <0.001
LDL-C mmol/l 3,86±0,29 2,67±0,2 <0.001 4,27±0,28 2,27±0,11 <0.001
Table 7. Effects of rosuvastatin on lipid profile
Serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol in patients decreased after
3 months of treatment with rosuvastatin. The decrease in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
was significantly larger in the more aggressively treated group (p<0.05 for all comparisons).

Rosuvastatin 10 mg Rosuvastatin 20 mg
Baseline 3 months p Baseline 3 months p
median ng/ml 1235 1120,2 962,4
25- and 75- (831.3- (839,7- 0.43 (603,4- 0,01
percentile 1476.3) 1341,2) 1570,3)
median ng/ml
476,8 385,5 439,4 324,7
25- and 75- 0,004 0.01
(424,3-516,8) (348,5-453,9) (362,1-607,3) (188,5-447,5)
VLF ms 97±18,7 99,5±16,5 0,8 90,7±16,7 113,3±20,5 0,35
LF ms 43,3±8,2 63,8±14,9 0,2 44,5±7,1 56,7±13,4 0,23
HF ms 19,8±5,8 37±11,6 0,23 20,9±6,7 42,2±7,2 0,009
LF/HF ms 3,34±0,5 2,87±0,5 0,31 3,58±0,5 1,73±0,2 0,003
Table 8. Effects of Rosuvastatin on Adhesion Molecules and HRV levels
After 3 months, patients in the 20 mg rosuvastatin group demonstrated a significant
decrease in serum levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 (Table 8, Figure 7 and 8). Also in the 10
mg-rosuvastin group, there was a significant decrease of sICAM-1 (Figure 9). However, no
changes in sVCAM-1 levels were observed in this group of patients (Table 8, Figure 10).
There were no significant differences in changes between the two treatment groups for
either soluble adhesion molecules levels, but for sICAM-1 we found out a trend towards
lower concentrations in the moderately treated group (p=0.07).
No correlations were found between changes in LDL-cholesterol over 12 weeks and changes
in s-ICAM-1 (r=0.198, p=0.29), sVCAM-1 (r=0.193, p=0.31) and HRV during the same period.
The Spearman’s correlation coefficients between hsCRP and sICAM-1 (r=0.059, p=0,7) and
sVCAM-1 (r=0.15, p=0,4) are low and not statistically significant.
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 193

8000,00 vcam_1

VCAM ng/ml




1 2 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
1 6 7 0 1 2 6 0 1 6 8 1 9 2 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 5 8 1 2 3 4

Case Number
Fig. 7. Intra-individual changes in levels of s-VCAM-1 in patients during the study.

1200,00 icam_1


ICAM ng/ml





1 2 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
1 6 7 0 1 2 6 0 1 6 8 1 9 2 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 5 8 1 2 3 4

Case Number

Fig. 8. Intra-individual changes in levels of s-ICAM-1 in patients during the study.

194 Acute Coronary Syndromes

10 mg 20 mg
1 000

Mean +- 2 SD




icam_1 icam_statin icam_1 icam_statin

Fig. 9. Mean changes ± 2 SD of sICAM-1 in the two rosuvastatin treated groups

10 mg 20 mg
6 000

4 000
Mean +- 2 SD

2 000

-2 000

vcam_1 vcam_statin vcam_1 vcam_statin

Fig. 10. Mean changes ± 2 SD of sVCAM-1 in the two rosuvastatin treated groups
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 195

In ACS group, a significant inverse correlation was observed between markers of

endothelial activation and HRV variables, with the strongest association being found for
sVCAM-1 and HF amplitude (r =−0.506, p= 0.004) and LF amplitude (r=-0,4, p=0.02). In
addition, sympathovagal balance was shifted to greater vagal predominance with 20 mg
rosuvastatin (increase of HF and decrease of low frequency/ high frequency ratio) when
compared to lower dose of 10 mg, p=0.05, Table 9.

vcam icam
1 1

1,000 ,193 ,198 ,049 ,029 ,130 -,098
Sig. (2-tailed) . ,308 ,294 ,804 ,882 ,509 ,620

Correlation -
,193 1,000 ,384(*) -,158 -,506 ,207
Coefficient ,423(*)
vcam 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,308 . ,036 ,405 ,020 ,004 ,273

,198 ,384(*) 1,000 ,089 -,144 -,234 ,210
icam 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,294 ,036 . ,654 ,465 ,231 ,284

,049 -,158 ,089 1,000 ,694 ,431(*) ,125
Spearman's Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) ,804 ,405 ,654 . ,000 ,017 ,511

Correlation -
,029 -,144 ,694 1,000 ,656 ,091
Coefficient ,423(*)
Sig. (2-tailed) ,882 ,020 ,465 ,000 . ,000 ,634

,130 -,506 -,234 ,431(*) ,656 1,000 -,649
Sig. (2-tailed) ,509 ,004 ,231 ,017 ,000 . ,000

-,098 ,207 ,210 ,125 ,091 -,649 1,000
Sig. (2-tailed) ,620 ,273 ,284 ,511 ,634 ,000 .

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 9. Associations between HRV and soluble adhesion molecules and LDL cholesterol
196 Acute Coronary Syndromes

4. Discussion
The measurement of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in prospective studies is based on the presence
of an inflammatory process in the artery wall which increases the expression of adhesion
molecules and on the hypothesis that the serum levels of these molecules reflect their
expression by the endothelial cells. In this study we had measured the two main
representatives of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily of CAM and found significantly
higher levels of both sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 in patients with ACS as compared with those
with SAP and healthy controls. Our finding that soluble adhesion molecules and especially
sVCAM-1 are strongly and independently predictive for future CV events in patient with
ACS extends previous observations describing the predictive value of inflammatory
markers on future cardiac events. However, whereas the causative role of C-reactive protein
in promoting the inflammatory component in development of plaque rupture remains
controversial, our data implicate a direct mediator of an inflammatory vessel wall process.
Several arguments support the hypothesis that sCAM may be more useful than other
markers of inflammation in predicting clinical outcome:
First, all sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 measured in our study are elevated in patients at risk for
future cardiovascular events. Second, sCAM levels did not correlate with cTnT, a specific
marker of cardiomyocyte necrosis and the most established prognostic marker in patients
with ACS. The risk related to the high sVCAM-1 concentrations is independent of the cTnT
that is evident from the increasing rate of complications in the groups with negative and
positive cTnT in dependence on sVCAM-1 levels. These data suggest that VCAM-1 release
actually precedes myocardial injury and that VCAM-1 elevation identifies patients with
unstable atherosclerotic plaque formation even before complete microvascular obstruction.
In contrast, we do not find any relationship between sICAM-1 and the risk of subsequent
events in the course of the follow-up and we do not read any enhanced incidence rate of
vascular events in the patients without laboratory evidence of a cardiomyocyte necrosis in
dependence on the levels of this parameter. Third, sVCAM-1 levels did not correlate with C-
reactive protein, a systemic marker of inflammation. Because hsCRP correlated with cTnT
levels elevated CRP serum levels most likely reflect both a robust vascular inflammatory
response and myocardial injury. The measurement of sVCAM-1 added to the predictive
value of hsCRP in determining the risk of future cardiovascular events. Even patients with
low hsCRP levels were found to be at significantly higher risk with elevated sVCAM-1
levels which suggest that endothelial activation and proteolytic cleavage of sCAM is a
primary event and is followed by release of other systemic mediators and acute phase
proteins such as C-reactive protein.
Prospective data of soluble adhesion molecules are sparse. The results of our study
correspond to the data published in the literature about the relationship between sCAM and
the risk of cardiovascular events and they find their explanation in some differences
between the two adhesion molecules studied. In the large prospective trials ARIC and PHS
of healthy individuals, sICAM-1, but not sVCAM-1 appears consistently related to incident
CAD [de Lemos et al., 2000; Hwang et al., 1997; Ridker et al., 1998]. ICAM-1 expression is
not only endothelial and ICAM-1 is constitutively expressed by a variety of cell types
including cells of the hematopoietic lineage and fibroblasts. sICAM-1 correlates with acute
phase reactants like CRP and provides similar predictive information to CRP in settings of
primary prevention [Blankenberg et al., 2003; Mulvihill et al., 2002; Ridker et al., 1998; 2000].
sICAM-1 therefore appears as a general marker of a proinflammatory status with little
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 197

prognostic information in patients with ACS after controlling the data for troponin T and C-
reactive protein (Figure 5 and 6). By contrast, VCAM-1 is not expressed in baseline
condition, but is rapidly induced by pro-atherosclerotic conditions in animal models and
humans [Cybulsky&Gimbronejr, 1991; O’Brien et al., 1993]. It seems that sVCAM-1
represents an appropriate marker of plaque burden or activity of a potential clinical
importance as a prognostic indicator under the conditions of secondary prevention rather
than in healthy individuals without endothelial dysfunction [Blankenberg et al., 2003;
Mulvihill et al., 2002]. A similar hypothesis is supported by the data proving the
independent predictive value of sVCAM-1 in the patients with angiographically proven
coronary artery disease [Blankenberg et al., 2001], with diabetes mellitus [Jager et al., 2000]
and with ACS [Mulvihill et al., 2001, 2002] as well as its absence in healthy individuals [de
Lemos et al., 2000].
The relationship between depressed HRV and mortality is difficult to ascertain as the
exact physiological mechanisms responsible for the various HRV components are still
incompletely known [Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North
American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1996; Tsuji et al., 1996]. Decreased
values of HRV variables, including LF, may reflect reduced vagal tone or predominant
sympathetic influence to the heart. The presence of frequent or complex non-sustained VA
in the context of sympathovagal imbalance can increase the susceptibility to fatal VA, in
particular during myocardial ischaemia [Kent et al., 1973; Lanza et al., 1998, 2006;
Schwartz et al.,1988]. On the other hand, VA and depressed HRV are unlikely to be
associated with the triggers of acute MI, as they were not predictive of non-fatal MI in
hospital or at six-month follow up.
Recent experimental findings have suggested that the nervous autonomic system can
significantly modulate inflammatory reactions [Wang et al., 2003]. In particular, vagal
stimulation has been shown to decrease inflammatory reactions in animals by inhibiting
tissue macrophage activation, an effect mediated by stimulation of the alpha-7 subunit of
the macrophage nicotine receptor by the vagal neurotransmitter acetylcholine, whereas
adrenergic activity has been reported to favor sympathectomy and towards inflammatory
reactions. Conversely, several products of inflammation have been shown to have potential
influence on nervous autonomic activity by central and/or peripheral mechanisms [Lanza et
al.,2006; Tracey,2002]. The low and no significant correlations between markers of
endothelial activation and HRV in the present study emphasize that neural influence
unlikely explained the observed predictive value of soluble adhesion molecules in patients
with ACS.
ACS is a diffuse process involving the entire coronary vasculature [Buffon et al., 2002].
Although mechanical revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention may address
the culprit lesion, recurrent events may reflect disease progression or instability elsewhere
in the vascular tree. Stabilization of vulnerable plaques or modulation of the so-called
vulnerable patient is becoming recognized as an important target for systemic therapy
[Libby&Aikawa 2003; Naghavi et al., 2003a, 2003b]. The rapid pleiotropic effects of statins
on inflammation, endothelial function, and coagulation are likely to be particularly
beneficial in patients with ACS in whom these systems are deranged.
Inhibition of HMG CoA reductase by statins inhibits cholesterol synthesis and isoprenoid
production. This results in reduced prenylation of small G-proteins such as Rho and, in turn,
NF-κB activation. By inhibiting HMG CoA reductase, statins can prevent the biosynthesis of
198 Acute Coronary Syndromes

isoprenoids such as farnesyl pyrophosphate and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. Inhibition

of Rho geranylgeranylation by statins can reduce leukocyte adhesion and fibronolytic
activity [Rasmussen et al., 2003; Yoshida et al.,2001]. A recent report suggests additional
mechanism which is independent of mevalonate production - statins bind to a novel
allosteric site within the ß2-integrin leukocyte function–associated antigen–1 (LFA- 1),
preventing binding to the counterreceptor on the endothelial surface (ICAM-1) [Weitz-
Schmidt et al., 2001].
In addition, statins can induce endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) accumulation in
endothelial cells, an effect dependent on the inhibition of Rho geranylgeranylation, reduce
the activation of monocyte/macrophage system, the cytotoxicity of T-lymphocytes and the
balance between Th-1/Th-2 subclass. Hence, statins modify the immune response in ACS
via reductions in inflammatory cell number, adhesion, and activation at potentially
vulnerable sites along the wall [Liao, 2002; Libby&Aikawa 2003].
In animal models HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have been shown to reduce renal
sympathetic nerve traffic [Pliquett et al., 2003]. To date, the underlying mechanism by which
statins reduce sympathetic outflow has not been elucidated. An effect on central nitric oxide
(NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, as well as regulation of the AT1-receptor
expression, have been proposed as possible explanations [Gao et al., 2005; Gomes et al.,
2010; Hirooka et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2001].
Contradictory results have been published about the effect of statins on sICAM-1 and
sVCAM-1 plasma/serum concentrations in patients with various clinical manifestation of
ischemic heart disease. In a number of small population studies, different authors have
noted that treatment with statins diminished sICAM-1 concentrations in subjects with
hypercholesterolemia or CHD [Ascer et al., 2004; Patti et al., 2006]. However, Wiklund et
al., 2002 observed a small and inconsistent effect of simvastatin and atorvastatin treatment
in hypercholesterolemic patients. Furthermore, Jilma et al., 2003, demonstrated that
atorvastatin, simvastatin, or pravastatin did not modify sICAM-1 concentrations after 3
months of treatment in subjects with moderate hypercholesterolemia. Blanco-Colio et al.
2007, investigate the effect of 10-, 20-, 40- and 80 mg Atorvastatin on sICAM-1 and MCP-1
levels in 2117 patients with CHD in Achieve Cholesterol Targets Fast with Atorvastatin
Stratified Titration Trial and didn’t found statistically significant differences between the
various doses used. Although atorvastatin had a weak effect on sICAM-1 concentrations
in the whole population [-2.2 % change (95% confidence interval -3.8 to -0.6%); P =.006], in
the highest quartile all doses of atorvastatin diminished sICAM-1 plasma levels by more
than 10% in subjects at high cardiovascular risk, indicating that atorvastatin has a greater
effect in subjects with higher systemic inflammation. In the large PROVE-IT TIMI 22
study Ray et al. 2006 didn’t found significant difference between intensive (80 mg
Atorvastatin) and standart (40 mg Pravastatin) regiment on sICAM-1 levels at 30 days.
However, when considered the relation among statin therapy, sICAM-1 levels, and
clinical outcomes, the authors found that the risk of adverse events for patients with a
sICAM-1 level >231 ng/ml appeared more marked among those allocated to standard
dose statin therapy (each odds ratio >2.1). The observed pattern raises the hypothesis that
the risk associated with sICAM-1 may be attenuated by treatment with intensive statin
therapy (each odds ratio <1.5).
In this study we have analyzed the effect of two rosuvastatin regimens on sICAM-1 and
sVCAM-1 concentration in patients with high risk ACS defined by the levels of soluble
Markers of Endothelial Activation and Impaired Autonomic Function in Patients
with Acute Coronary Syndromes – Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Implication 199

adhesion molecules. We observed that the treatment with rosuvastatin diminish both
markers of endothelial activation during 12 week follow-up. We found out a trend towards
lower concentrations of sICAM-1 in patients randomized to 20 mg Rosuvastatin, in addition
to the previously observed significant lowering of low-density lipoprotein and C-reactive
protein. There was no correlation between sCAMs and low-density lipoprotein and hsCRP
at month 3 and the effect of rosuvastatin on soluble CAMs did not appear to be explained by
changes in lipids or inflammatory markers.
However, standart statin therapy did not significantly alter sVCAM-1 levels at 3 months.
The present observations with sVCAM-1 are analogous to the observations with aspirin
and clopidogrel in which each drug decreases the risk of adverse clinical events in
subjects with high CRP levels but do not decrease CRP significantly [Chew et al., 2001;
Kennon et al., 2001; Ridker et al., 1997]. A potential mechanistic explanation for our
clinical observations is, that among subjects with increased endothelial activation, a more
potent statin regimen could bind to lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 on
inflammatory cells to a greater extent, thus interfering with downstream effects of
increased endothelial activation rather than decreasing endothelial activation itself. This
hypothesis raises the possibility that novel therapeutic strategies that target inhibition of
adhesion molecules may be of benefit in ACS, as has been demonstrated in animal
models and in patients with inflammatory bowel disease [Gill et al., 2005; Van Assche et
al., 2005].
An interesting finding was the observed beneficial effect of more intense statin regiment
on some parameters of autonomic function. During the study period we found out a
significant increase of high frequency component with represents the parasympathetic
contribution to the spectrum, whereas low frequency remained unchanged. As a result,
the LF/HF ratio, measure of autonomic balance was reduced significantly in patients
received 20 mg Rosuvastatin. The results of the correlation analysis clearly suggest that
some of the beneficial effects of more potent statin dose may be driven by the effect on
endothelial and autonomic function [Lanza et al., 2006; Patti et al., 2006]. Supports for this
hypothesis are the results of the meta-analysis of Patti et al, who found that high-dose
statin pretreatment before percutaneous coronary intervention leads to a significant
reduction in periprocedural myocardial infarction and 30-day adverse events. It is
noteworthy that the effect is most pronounced, but is not limited in patients with elevated
markers of inflammatory activity [Patti et al., 2011]. Our findings must be confirmed by
larger studies. It may contribute to the achievement of specific treatment goals for each
patient with proper drug selection and dose titration in high risk patients such as those
with elevated markers of endothelial activation and depressed HRV.

5. Conclusions
In patients with ACS, soluble adhesion molecules are independent predictors of subsequent
MACE and reduced HRV of medium-term mortality, suggesting that markers of endothelial
activation and impaired autonomic function should be taken into account in the risk
stratification of these patients.
Our findings support the hypothesis that statins decrease endothelial injury and activation
in patients with acute coronary syndromes. In addition we found that more aggressive
regiment with early initiation of 20 mg Rosuvastatin significantly decreases sICAM-1 levels
200 Acute Coronary Syndromes

and better preserve parasympathetically mediated variable of HRV. Future studies are
required to elucidate the optimal dose of statin treatment in patients with ACS and high
levels of markers of inflammatory and endothelial activation or impaired autonomic

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Acute Coronary Syndrome from

Angioscopic Viewpoint
Yasunori Ueda
Osaka Police Hospital, Osaka,

1. Introduction
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), i.e. acute myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina,
is a life threatening disease, and its treatment after onset has greatly improved; however, we
are not satisfied with the long-term outcome of the patients with ACS. Furthermore, we
cannot adequately prevent the onset of ACS, although we know many risk factors of ACS,
e.g. diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and smoking.
As plaque disruption and thrombosis is known as the major cause of ACS, many
investigations to identify vulnerable plaques that are prone to disrupt have been performed
but failed to identify high-risk lesions of future ACS event. Major reason for this failure may
be that disruption of plaques does not always cause ACS and probably very few percentages
of disrupted plaques may actually cause ACS. In order to know adequately about the
mechanisms for the onset of ACS and to prevent it effectively, we have to clarify those
missing factors that are essential for the disrupted plaques to cause ACS.
In this chapter, we would like to elucidate and discuss on the known and unknown
mechanisms for the onset of ACS from the angioscopic point of view.

2. Culprit lesions of acute coronary syndrome

The culprit lesions of ACS1, 2 have disrupted yellow plaque and thrombus in >90% of cases.
The surface of the yellow plaques is irregular and has the adhesion of white or mixed
thrombus. The plaque is defined as ruptured3, 4 if the protrusion of yellow necrotic core is
observed; otherwise, it is defined as eroded (or non-ruptured). Thrombus2 directly adhering
to the plaque surface is usually white, and it becomes reddish when blood flow is disturbed
by massive white thrombus and the fibrin network captures many red blood cells in it, i.e.
mixed or red thrombus. In the same way, thrombus becomes yellow when the fibrin
network of white thrombus contains protruded necrotic core, i.e. yellow thrombus.
After reperfusion therapy1 or coronary intervention with balloon or stent, the culprit lesion
of ACS gradually loses its thrombogenicity. In the patients with acute MI, 64% of patients
still have thrombus at their culprit lesion at one month after reperfusion, while it becomes as
low as 5% at 6 months. The prevalence of thrombus at one month is higher in the patients
with diabetic patients than in the non-diabetic patients (78% vs. 45%), suggesting that the
healing process of disrupted plaque is deteriorated in the diabetic patients.
206 Acute Coronary Syndromes

As >90% of ACS patients have disrupted yellow plaque in their culprit lesions, both
ruptured and eroded plaques, which are detected in about 70% and 30% of cases,
respectively, by pathologic studies, should be detected as yellow plaques5. We have recently
revealed4 that both ruptured and non-ruptured yellow plaques detected by angioscopy have
similar atherosclerotic characteristics including thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) when
examined by VH-IVUS (Figure 1).

3. Detection of vulnerable plaques by angioscopy

Because the majority of ACS culprit lesions have disrupted yellow plaques, yellow plaques
should be the vulnerable plaques that are prone to disrupt. Yellow plaques are classified
into 3 grades6 according to its yellow color intensity: grade 1, slight yellow; grade 2, yellow;
and grade 3, intensive yellow (Figure 2). We have revealed that yellow plaques of higher
yellow color grade have the higher incidence of having thrombus on it, i.e. higher incidence
of disruption, suggesting that those plaques are more vulnerable. Furthermore, the yellow
plaques of higher yellow color grade have the higher incidence of positive remodeling and
the thinner fibrous cap7, which supports the idea that those yellow plaques are more
Although we have experienced >5,000 cases of angioscopic examinations and found huge
number of yellow plaques, it was quite rare that the plaque caused ACS shortly after the
examination. However, the prospective follow-up of the angioscopically examined patients
have revealed8 that patients with more than 2 yellow plaques per vessel have the higher
incidence of ACS event than the patients with 1 or no yellow plaque per vessel during the
mean follow-up interval of 4.8 years. Formation of yellow plaques occurs equally in the
culprit and non-culprit vessels of MI as it is regarded pan-coronary process of
atherosclerosis progression9 (Figure 3). Therefore, the patients who have many yellow
plaques in their coronary arteries are regarded as vulnerable patients. Judging from the
results of this and other angioscopic studies, the probability of each yellow plaque to disrupt
and to cause ACS may be estimated5 as 25%/year and 0.3-1%/year, respectively.

4. Silent plaque disruption and missing factors for the onset of acute
coronary syndrome
Disrupted yellow plaques are sometimes found in the asymptomatic patients or in the non-
culprit segments of ACS patients, which are called silent plaque disruptions10, 11. Factors
required for the disrupted plaques to cause symptomatic ACS are unknown, which is an
important but unsolved issue for clarifying the mechanism of ACS onset. However,
thrombogenic potential of blood, thrombogenic potential of necrotic core that would be
exposed to blood by plaque rupture, underlying stenosis or stenosis caused by the
protrusion of necrotic core at the site of plaque rupture, and/or vasoconstriction may play a
role for the onset of ACS after the disruption of vulnerable plaques12. Investigations to
clarify the contributions of these or other factors have not been reported adequately.
Although the thrombogenicity of blood, i.e. vulnerable blood, has been regarded one of
important factors, reports on this issue are limited. We have recently reported13 that
originally defined parameter of blood thrombogenicity (blood vulnerability index) is
significantly and extremely higher in the patients with acute MI than in the patients with
stable coronary heart disease.
Acute Coronary Syndrome from Angioscopic Viewpoint 207

Most of ACS culprit lesions have disrupted yellow plaque, which is classified into ruptured or non-
ruptured yellow plaque by angioscopy. Non-rupture would include small rupture and erosion of
pathologic classifications. Both of ruptured and non-ruptured yellow plaques have similar
atherosclerotic characteristics by VH-IVUS. (From reference #4)
Fig. 1. Culprit lesions of ACS
208 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Yellow plaques are classified into 3 grades according to these standard colors: grade 1, slight yellow; grade 2,
yellow; and grade 3, intensive yellow. Grade 0 indicates white color. Yellow plaques of the higher grade are
regarded more vulnerable as they have higher frequency of plaque disruption. (From reference #6)
Fig. 2. Classification of yellow plaques according to their color

The yellow plaque at the culprit lesion is disrupted having thrombus on it. There are multiple yellow
plaques in the non-culprit segments both in culprit and non-culprit vessels. The formation of yellow
plaques is regarded pan-coronary process. (From reference #9)
Fig. 3. Coronary arteries in acute MI patients
Acute Coronary Syndrome from Angioscopic Viewpoint 209

5. Stent thrombosis and atherosclerosis

Bare metal stent (BMS) is gradually covered by neointima and the coverage is usually
completed by 3-6 months after implantation14. Neointima at 3-6 months is generally white
and its surface is smooth; and stent is not seen buried under neointima. Yellow plaques
under stent are also covered and buried under the neointima. Neointima becomes thinner
and rather transparent at about 3 years again15, although its surface is smooth and
thrombus is not detected on its surface. Therefore, the implantation of BMS stabilizes the
vulnerable plaques by the formation of thick fibrous neointima over the plaques, which is
called sealing effect of BMS. It takes about 10 years for the formation of vulnerable
plaques in the fibrous healthy neointima over BMS leading to its disruption and onset of
ACS. Very late stent thrombosis (VLST) in the BMS is indeed quite rare especially within a
few years after implantation.
On the other hand, neointima formation over drug-eluting stent (DES) is generally very
poor16, 17; and stent is usually seen through very thin neointima or partly uncovered in the
majority of cases (Figure 4). The incidence of thrombus at the stented lesion is
significantly higher in the 1st generation DES (Cypher and Taxus DES) than in BMS.
Furthermore, the stented lesions become yellow after Cypher DES implantation17, 18,
suggesting that DES promotes progression of atherosclerosis (Figure 5). However,
Endeavor DES is known to have larger late loss but have as good neointima formation as
observed in BMS; and thrombus is rarely detected in this DES. Although the angioscopic
findings on the newer DES has not been fully clarified, Xience V and Nobori DES appear
to have as thin neointima as 1st generation DES but have lower incidence of thrombus
than 1st generation DES.
The mechanisms for the onset of VLST have not been fully clarified; however, uncovered
stent strut, uncovered disrupted plaque, new disruption of uncovered yellow plaque, and
new disruption of newly formed yellow plaque may be the probable thrombogenic
sources19 that can cause VLST. After BMS and Endeavor DES implantation, thick and
white fibrous neointima completely covers stent and plaques; and the incidence of VLST
is known to be very low. However, as the neointima over Xience V and Nobori DES is thin
and may not reduce the risk of new yellow plaque disruption, we should be careful about
the incidence of VLST after the implantation of these stents. From the angioscopic point of
view, Endeavor DES would be the safest DES among the DES examined by angioscopy.
BMS that has not developed restenosis would be the best condition that should be
achieved by newly developed DES in the future, i.e. complete coverage by rather thick
white smooth neointima.

6. Regression of vulnerable plaques by statin treatment

Statin treatment is known to reduce both plaque volume evaluated by IVUS and yellow
color evaluated by angioscopy20, 21. However, it has not been clarified which of plaque
volume and plaque color is more directly associated with the risk of plaque disruption or
the risk of ACS. According to the results of TWINS study20, yellow color of plaques
regressed significantly from baseline to 28 weeks but did not change thereafter until 80
weeks under atorvastatin treatment; on the other hand, plaque volume decreased gradually
but significantly from baseline to 28 weeks and to 80 weeks. Early effect of statin treatment
to reduce the risk of ACS might be reflected by the early regression of yellow color.
210 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Various conditions of neointima coverage are observed at 1-year follow-up after DES implantation. A:
White and good (grade 2) neointima coverage is observed without thrombus formation. B: Thin (grade 1)
neointima coverage is observed without thrombus formation; and the vessel wall under stent is white. C:
Thin (grade 1) neointima coverage is observed without thrombus formation; however, the vessel wall
under stent is yellow. D: Neointima coverage grade is partly 1 and partly 2. Both of vessel wall under
stent and neointima over stent are yellow. Yellow atherosclerotic neointima is often observed after Cypher
stent implantation but never after BMS implantation. E: Uncovered stent strut is observed on the yellow
disrupted plaque. Thrombus is detected on the yellow plaque and on the stent strut. (From reference #17)
Fig. 4. Angioscopic appearance of DES implanted lesions at follow-up
Acute Coronary Syndrome from Angioscopic Viewpoint 211

Cypher stent was implanted on a white vessel wall (A). However, at 1-year follow-up (B), neointima that
covered the stent was yellow, suggesting the early formation of atherosclerosis in the neointima. Yellow
arrow indicates where the stent was implanted. Red arrow indicates the stent strut. (From reference #17)
Fig. 5. Rapid progression of atherosclerosis in the neointima after DES implantation

7. Investigation of missing factors and hypothesis on the mechanisms of

ACS onset
According to the results of PROSPECT trial22, in addition to the presence of TCFA, large
plaque burden and narrow minimum lumen area were the risk of future coronary event.
Although ACS is known to occur from angiographically mild to moderate stenosis, findings
in PROSPECT trial may be consistent with this. Underlying stenosis that can be detected
only by IVUS and large plaque burden that may cause abrupt progression of stenosis on
rupturing may be important for the onset of ACS. Presence of relatively severe stenosis
might be essential for the formation of occlusive thrombus at the disrupted plaque. The
larger necrotic core might possibly have the higher thrombogenicity; however, there are
very few investigations on the difference of necrotic core thrombogenicity. Vasoconstriction
has been speculated to play an important role, although no investigation has ever
demonstrated its contribution to the onset of ACS. We have reported13 that blood
thrombogenicity (blood vulnerability index) is significantly and extremely higher in the
patients with acute MI than in the patients with stable coronary heart disease. This high
blood thrombogenicity might be either a cause or a result of ACS. However, none of stable
coronary heart disease patients including those who had silent plaque disruption had that
high blood vulnerability index. Therefore, silent plaque disruption will never result in the
extreme increase of blood vulnerability index. Furthermore, ACS patients who were taking
dual antiplatelet therapy also had high blood vulnerability index, suggesting that dual
antiplatelet therapy was not adequately effective to prevent this increase of blood
vulnerability index and thus failed to prevent the onset of ACS.
212 Acute Coronary Syndromes

Process of positive feedback and cyclic flow variation might play an important role for the
onset of ACS: i.e. a plaque disruption causes thrombus formation that increases
thrombogenicity of blood and more thrombus would be formed; if the occlusive thrombus is
formed, it may cause cyclic flow variation depending on the severity of stenosis and the
amount of thrombus formed, which may further increase the thrombogenicity of blood; and
the thrombus may finally occlude the artery. In this process, the amount of thrombus must
be influenced by the thrombogenicity of both blood and exposed necrotic core; and the
severity of stenosis would be determined by the underlying stenosis, the stenosis increased
by the protrusion of necrotic core on plaque rupturing, and the stenosis caused by
vasoconstriction that may be induced by thrombus formation.
It is well known that silent plaque disruption is frequently detected in the patients with
ACS23, suggesting that plaque disruption and/or thrombogenesis is generally promoted in
ACS patients (Figure 6). Blood thrombogenicity would be increased in ACS patients as
mentioned above. Another idea is that coronary vessels generally have inflammation in ACS
patients, i.e. coronary flu syndrome, which might possibly be the initiation mechanism of
These mechanisms should be examined more intensively by clinical and basic
investigations; and blocking some of these steps may be able to prevent the onset of ACS.

In a patient with acute MI (culprit lesion at red arrow), a silent plaque disruption (at yellow arrow) was
detected. The healing process of silently disrupted yellow plaque was observed as the regression of
yellow color intensity and the disappearance of thrombus by 6 months. (From reference #23)
Fig. 6. Silent plaque disruption and its healing in the non-culprit segments in acute MI
Acute Coronary Syndrome from Angioscopic Viewpoint 213

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