Diversity of Living Organisms - Plant Kingdom

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Diversity of Living Organisms : Plant Kingdom

1.Select the wrong statement: [NEET 2013]

[A] Isogametes are similar in structure, function and behaviour
[B] Anisogametes differ either in structure, function or behaviour
[C] In oomycetes female gamete is smaller and motile, while male gamete is larger and nonmotile
[D] Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and anisogamy and fucus shows oogamy
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2.Read the following statements (A-E) and answer the question which follows them [NEET 2013]
(A) In liverworts, mosses, and ferns gametophytes are free-living
(B) Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous
(C) Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Volvox and Albugo is oogamous
(D) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses
(E) Both, Pinus and Marchantia are dioecious
How many of the above statements are correct?
[A] One
[B] Two
[C] Three
[D] Four
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3.Choose the correct statement :
[A] Apophysis is the basal fertile part of the capsule in Funaria
[B] Apophysis is the apical sterile part of the microsporophyll in Cycas
[C] Apospory is the development of sporophyte from vegetative' cells of the gametophyte
[D] Apogamy is the development of gametophyte from the vegetative cells of the sporophyte
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4.Match items in Column I with those in Column II

Column I Column II

(A) Peritrichous flagellation (J) Ginkgo

(B) Living fossil (K) Macrocystes

(C) Rhizophore (L) Escherichia coli

(D) Smallest flowering plant (M) Selaginella

(E) Largest Perennial alga (N) Wolffia

Select the correct answer with the following

[A] A – L, B – J, C – M, D – N, E – K
[B] A – K, B – J, C – L, D – M, E – N
[C] A – J, B – K, C – N, D – L, E – K
[D] A – N, B – L, C – K, D – N, E – J
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5.Which one pair of examples will correctly represent the grouping Spermatophyta according to one
of the schemes of classifying plants:
[A] Acacia, Sugarcane
[B] Pinus, Cycas
[C] Rhizopus, Triticum
[D] Ginkgo, Pisum
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6.Haploid brown, hairlike, delicate unicellular outgrowths are:
[A] Root hairs of Gymnosperms
[B] Paraphyses of mosses
[C] Root modules of Pulses
[D] Rhizoids of fern plants
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7.Which one of the following in Spirogyra is different based on its nucleus?
[A] Zygospore
[B] Azygospore
[C] Aplanospore
[D] Akinete
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8.Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched while the remaining three are correct?
[A] Bryophyllum – Leaf buds
[B] Agave – Bulbils
[C] Penicillium – Conidia
[D] Water hyacinth – Runner
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9.Nostoc fixes dinitrogen in symbiotic association with the following :
I. Alnus
II. Gunnera
III. Anthoceros
IV. Casuarina
The correct combination is :
[A] I and II
[B] II and III
[C] I and III
[D] I and IV
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10.Which of the following taxa shows zooidogamous oogamy?
(I) Spirogyra
(II) Funaria
(III) Pteris
(IV) Cycas
The correct answer is :
[A] I, II, III
[B] I, III, IV
[C] I, II, IV
11.Comparable to angiosperms, which of the following algae exhibits diplontic life cycle?
[A] Spirogyra
[B] Ectocarpus
[C] Polysiphonia
[D] Fucus
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12.Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes is found in [NEET 2013]
[A] Chlamydomonas
[B] Spirogyra
[C] Volvox
[D] Fucus
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13.Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside vegetative part of [NEET 2013]
[A] Pinus
[B] Cycas
[C] Equisetum
[D] Psilotum
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14.Megasporangium is equivalent to [NEET 2013]
[A] Embryo sac
[B] Fruit
[C] Nucellus
[D] Ovule
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15.Two adjacent filaments of Spirogyra affinis each 10 cells participating in reproduction. How many
new Spirogyra plants are produced during sexual reproduction?
[A] 5
[B] 10
[C] 20
[D] 40
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16.Spore dissemination in some liverworts is aided by :
[A] Indusium
[B] Elaters
[C] Peristome teeth
[D] Calyptra
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17.Identify the alga known for a biological activity called bioluminescence.
[A] Spirogyra
[B] Noctiluca
[C] Cyclotella
[D] Chlorella
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18.Which of the following groups of algae do not have eukaryotic organization?
[A] Blue green algae
[B] Green algae
[C] Golden brown algae
[D] Red algae
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Assertion: Red algae contribute in producing coral reefs.
Reason: Some red algae secrete and deposit calcium carbonate over their walls.
[A] Both the Assertion and the Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
[B] Both the Assertion and the Reason are true but the Reason is not a correct explanation of
[C] Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
[D] Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
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20.Algae have cell wall made up of
[A] Hemicellulose, pectins and proteins
[B] Cellulose, galactans and mannans
[C] Cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins
[D] Pectins, cellulose and proteins
21.Mosses and ferns are found in moist and shady places because both :
[A] depend for their nutrition on micro-organisms which can survive only at low temperature
[B] do not need sunlight for photosynthesis
[C] require presence of water for fertilization
[D] cannot compete with sun-loving plants
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22.In gymnosperms, the pollen chamber represents:
[A] A cavity in the ovule in which pollen grains are stored after pollination
[B] A cell in the pollen grain in which the sperms are formed
[C] The microsporangium in which pollen grains develop
[D] An opening in the megagametophyte through which the pollen tube approaches the egg
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23.If you are asked to classify the various algae into distinct groups, which of the following
characters you should choose?
[A] Nature of stored food materials in the cell
[B] Types of pigments present in the cell
[C] Chemical composition of the cell wall
[D] Structural organization of thallus
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24.Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra is an advanced feature because it shows:
[A] Morphologically different sex organs
[B] Same size of motile sex organs
[C] Different size of motile sex organs
[D] Physiologically differentiated sex organs
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25.In the prothallus of a vascular cryptogam, the antherozoids and eggs mature at different times. As
a result:
[A] There is high degree of sterility
[B] There is no change in success rate of fertilization
[C] Self fertilization is prevented
[D] One can conclude that the plant is apomictic
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26.Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having:
[A] Cambium
[B] Vessels
[C] Seeds
[D] Motile Sperms
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27.In which of the following, all listed genera belong to the same class of algae
[A] Porphyra, Ectocarpus, Ulothrix
[B] Volvox, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas
[C] Chara, Fucus, Polysiphonia
[D] Sargassum, Laminaria, Gracillaria
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28.In a moss the sporophyte
[A] Arises from a spore produced from the gametophyte
[B] produces gametes that given rise to the gametophyte
[C] is partially parasitic on the gametophyte
[D] Manufactures food for itself, as well as for the gametophyte
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29.Which one of the following is a correct statement?
[A] Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are present in pteridophytes.
[B] Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes.
[C] Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy stage.
[D] In gymnosperms female gametophyte is free-living.
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30.Which one of the following is a correct statement?
[A] Fronds are found in Bryophytes.
[B] Heterocysts are found in Nostoc.
[C] Diatoms produce basidiospores.
[D] Multiciliated sperms are found in Angiosperms.
31.Flagellated male gametes are present in all the three of which one of the following sets?
[A] Zygnema, Saprolegnia and Hydrilla
[B] Anthoceros, Funaria and Spirogyra
[C] Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas
[D] Fucus, Marsilea and Calotropis
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32.Conifers differ from grasses in the
[A] Absence of pollen tubes
[B] Lack of xylem tracheids
[C] Production of seeds from ovules
[D] Formation of endosperm before fertilization
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33.Vessels are found in:
[A] All angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophyta
[B] Most of the angiosperm and few gymnosperms
[C] All angiosperms and some gymnosperm
[D] All pteridophyta
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34.External fertilization occurs in majority of
[A] Algae
[B] Fungi
[C] Liverworts
[D] Mosses
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35.Moss peat is used as a packing material for sending flowers and live plants to distant places
[A] It is easily available
[B] It is hygroscopic
[C] It reduces transpiration
[D] It serves as a disinfectant
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36.Vascular cryptogams are
[A] Fungi
[B] Pteridophytes
[C] Gymnosperms
[D] Bryophytes
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37.In a monoecious plant
[A] Male and female sex organs are on the same individual
[B] Male and female gametes are of two morphologically distinct types
[C] Male and female sex organs are on different individuals
[D] All the stamens are fused to form one unit
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38.Select one of the following pairs of important features distinguishing Gnetum from Cycas and
Pinus and showing affinities with angiosperms:
[A] Presence of vessel elements and absence of archegonia
[B] Absence of resin duct and leaf venation
[C] Embryo development and apical meristem
[D] Perianth and two integuments
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39.Which one of the following plants is monoecious?
[A] Pinus
[B] Marchantia
[C] Papaya
[D] Cycas
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40.Male and female gametophytes are independent and free-living in
[A] Castor
[B] Mustard
[C] Sphagnum
[D] Pinus
41.Iodine is found in
[A] Spirogyra
[B] Laminaria
[C] Polysiphonia
[D] Chlorella
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42.Chlorenchyma is found in:
[A] Spore capsule of a moss
[B] Mycelium of a green mould such as Aspergillus
[C] Cytoplasm of Chlorella
[D] Pollen tube of Pinus
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43.Floridian starch is found in
[A] Phaeophyceae
[B] Chlorophyceae
[C] Rhodophyceae
[D] Cyanophyceae
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44.Which of the followings plant material is an efficient water imbibant?
[A] Agar
[B] Cellulose
[C] Lignin
[D] Pectin
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45.In which one of the followings largest gametophyte is found?
[A] Angiosperm
[B] Cycas
[C] Nephrolepis
[D] Polytrichum
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46.Which one of the following has haplontic life cycle?
[A] Wheat
[B] Funaria
[C] Polytrichum
[D] Ustilago
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47.Which one of the following is a vascular cryptogram?
[A] Cedrus
[B] Equisetum
[C] Ginkgo
[D] Marchantia
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48.Which of the following plants is used extensively for the study of photosynthesis?
[A] Amaranthus
[B] Asparagus
[C] Chlorella
[D] Sunflower
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49.Which of the following species propagates through leaf-tip?
[A] Funaria
[B] Walking fern
[C] Moss
[D] Marchantia
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50.Which of the following is harvested commercially to produce agar?
[A] Brown algae
[B] Blue-green algae
[C] Green algae
[D] Red algae
51.Which of the followings is haploid in Funaria?
[A] Seta
[B] Protonema
[C] Columella
[D] Capsule
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52.Which one helps in spore dispersal in moss?
[A] Peristome teeth
[B] Operculum
[C] Columella
[D] None of these
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53.Which of the following is often referred to as "pond scum"?
[A] Anabaena
[B] Spirogyra
[C] Ulothrix
[D] Nostoc
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54.Which of the following plant group produces spores and embryo but Lacks vascular tissue and
[A] Bryophyta
[B] Rhodophyta
[C] Pteridophyta
[D] Phaeophyta
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55.Which of the following plant groups is called amphibians?
[A] Tracheophyta
[B] Bryophyta
[C] Pteridophyta
[D] Thallophyta
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56.Which of the following plant species you would select for the production of bioethanol?
[A] Jatropha
[B] Brassica
[C] Zea mays
[D] Pongamia
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57.Which of the following has largest gametophyte?
[A] Pinus
[B] Oryza
[C] Funaria
[D] Selaginella
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58.Which of the following is a living fossil?
[A] Spirogyra
[B] Cycas
[C] Moss
[D] Saccharomyces
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59.Which of the following is commonly called as 'pond scum'?
[A] Nostoc
[B] Ulothrix
[C] Spirogyra
[D] Anabaena
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60.Which of the following is haploid in the life-cycle of Funaria?
[A] Embryo
[B] Peristome teeth
[C] Protonema
[D] Sporophyte
61.Transgenic plants are the ones
[A] Grown in artificial medium after hybridization in the field
[B] Produced by a somatic embryo in artificial medium
[C] Generated by introducing foreign DNA in to a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell
[D] Produced after protoplast fusion in artificial medium
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62.Trumpet hyphae of certain brown algae are similar to
[A] Sieve tubes
[B] Tracheids
[C] Tracheae
[D] Companion cells
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63.Which cells within the microsporangia undergo meiosis and produce microspores.
[A] Zygotic cells
[B] Spore mother cells
[C] Archegonial cells
[D] Antheridial cells
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64.The nonvascular plants whose gametophytes are larger than their sporophytes are
[A] Fungi
[B] Pteridophytes
[C] Algae
[D] Bryophytes
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65.The seedless vascular plants whose sporophytes are larger than their small and independent
gametophytes are
[A] Pteridophytes
[B] Angiosperms
[C] Gymnosperms
[D] None of these
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66.The sporophytes are heterosporous in
[A] Selaginella
[B] Nephrolepis
[C] Marchantia
[D] Polytrichum
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67.The term prothallus refers to
[A] a plant body not differentiated into root, stem and leaves
[B] reduced sporophyte
[C] a stage before thallus formation
[D] reduced gametophyte
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68.The term 'vascular cryptogams' is used for
[A] Bryophyta
[B] Pteridophyta
[C] Angiosperms
[D] Gymnosperms
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69.The unicellular green algae that undergo both asexual and sexual reproduction are
[A] Chlamydomonas
[B] Selaginella
[C] Pinus
[D] Dryopteris
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70.The walking fern is so named because
[A] it is dispersed through the agency of walking animals
[B] it propagates vegetatively by its shoot tips
[C] its spores are able to walk
[D] it knows how to walk by itself
71.Spores of Funaria on germination give rise to
[A] Antheridium
[B] Bud
[C] Protonema
[D] Archegonium
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72.The discovery of gibberellins is related with one of the following
[A] Blast disease of rice
[B] Rust disease of wheat
[C] ‘Bakanae’ disease of rice
[D] Early blight disease of potato
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73.The female reproductive structure of small, nonvascular plants that produces a single egg by
mitosis is
[A] Archegonium
[B] Antheridium
[C] Gemmae cup
[D] Sporangiophore
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74.The gametophyte is not an independent, free-living generation in
[A] Pinus
[B] Polytrichum
[C] Adiantum
[D] Marchantia
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75.The ladder-like structure found in Spirogyra is due to
[A] Scalariform conjugation
[B] Lateral conjugation
[C] Direct conjugation
[D] Asexual reproduction
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76.Sieve tubes and companion cells are absent in
[A] Mango
[B] Pea
[C] Angiosperms
[D] Pteridophyta
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77.Pollination in pine trees is facilitated by
[A] Animals
[B] Water
[C] Wind
[D] All of the above
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78.Pyrenoids are characteristically found in the chloroplasts of
[A] Angiosperms
[B] Pteridophytes
[C] Fungi
[D] Algae
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79.Pyrenoids are made of
[A] proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath
[B] core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath
[C] core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein
[D] core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath
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80.Ribbon shaped chloroplasts occur in
[A] Ulothrix
[B] Spirogyra
[C] Chlamydomonas
[D] Riccia
81.Sago is obtained from
[A] Angiosperms
[B] Cycas
[C] Pinus
[D] Green algae
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82.Mannitol is the stored food in
[A] Gracillaria
[B] Chara
[C] Porphyra
[D] Fucus
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83.Meiosis occurs in the zygote of
[A] Dryopteris
[B] Chlamydomonas
[C] Funaria
[D] Puccinia
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84.Moss spore germinate to form
[A] Protonema
[B] Leafy gametophyte
[C] Leafy sporophyte
[D] Prothallus
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85.Nonvascular plants are called
[A] Bryophytes
[B] Fungi
[C] Algae
[D] Gymnosperms
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86.Pinus differs from mango in having
[A] Tree habit
[B] Green leaves
[C] Ovules not enclosed in ovary
[D] Wood
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87.Maiden hair, an oriental tree is also often called
[A] Ginkgo
[B] Thuja
[C] Araucaria
[D] Pinus
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88.Peristomial teeth help in
[A] Reproduction
[B] Dispersal of spores
[C] Nutrition
[D] Protection
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89.Juvenile stage of moss is
[A] Prothallus
[B] Capsule
[C] Protonema
[D] All of these
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90.Largest ovule is found in
[A] Cycas
[B] Jackfruit
[C] Pinus
[D] Mangifera
91.Indusium is found in
[A] Selaginella
[B] Pinus
[C] Pteris
[D] Cycas
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92.In pteridophytes the xylem mainly consists of
[A] Sclereids
[B] Tracheids
[C] Vessels
[D] All of these
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93.In Spirogyra sexual reproduction takes place by
[A] Somatogamy
[B] Fragmentation
[C] Conjugation
[D] None of the above
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94.In which of the following groups would you place a plant which produces seeds but lacks flowers?
[A] Fungi
[B] Pteridophytes
[C] Bryophytes
[D] Gymnosperms
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95.Gymnosperm seeds are naked due to lack of
[A] Nucellus
[B] Perianth
[C] Pericarp
[D] Integuments
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96.In a flower, ______ generally consist of two pollen sacs.
[A] Sepal
[B] Anthers
[C] Filament
[D] Ovary
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97.In a flower, which terminal structure is part of a stamen?
[A] Anther
[B] Ovary
[C] Stigma
[D] Style
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98.In a flowering plants megaspore undergoes mitosis and develops into a
[A] Anther
[B] Seed
[C] Ovary
[D] Sepal
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99.In a seed plant the microspore gives rise to the
[A] Pollen grain
[B] Egg
[C] Female gametophyte
[D] Sporophyte
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100.In a seed-bearing plant the megaspore develops/grows into
[A] Male gametophyte
[B] Female gametophyte
[C] Pollen grain
[D] None of these
101.In gymnosperms, the ovule is naked because
[A] Ovary wall is absent
[B] Integuments are absent
[C] Perianth is absent
[D] Nucellus is absent
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102.Gymnosperms produce neither flower nor fruit because they do not possess
[A] Embryo
[B] Ovary
[C] Ovule
[D] Seed
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103.In moss stomata appears on
[A] Capsule
[B] Leaves
[C] Stem
[D] All of these
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104.Fern plant is
[A] Haploid sporophyte
[B] Diploid gametophyte
[C] Diploid sporophyte
[D] Haploid gametophyte
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105.Gymnosperms are
[A] Flowering plants
[B] Seed bearing plants
[C] Seedless flowering plants
[D] Fruit bearing seed plants
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106.Fern gametophyte is nutritionally
[A] Chemoautotroph
[B] Parasite
[C] Sporophyte
[D] Photoautotroph
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107.Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes the gametophytes of vascular plants tend to
[A] Smaller and to have smaller sex organs
[B] Smaller but to have larger sex organs
[C] Larger but to have smaller sex organs
[D] Larger and to have larger sex organs
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108.Consider the following four statements whether they are correct or wrong?
(a) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses
(b) Salvinia is heterosporous
(c) The life-cycle in all seed bearing plants is diplontic
(d) In Pinus male and female cones are borne on different trees
The two wrong statements together are
[A] Statements (b) and (c)
[B] Statements (a) and (b)
[C] Statements (a) and (c)
[D] Statements (a) and (d)
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109.Corn and beans are often cited as representative examples of ______, respectively.
[A] Ferns and mosses
[B] Cycads and conifers
[C] Monocots and dicots
[D] Whisk ferns and horsetails
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110.Archegonium is absent in
[A] Thallophyta
[B] Pteridophyta
[C] Bryophyta
[D] Gymnosperms
111.Chlorenchyma develops in
[A] Mycelium of a green mold such as Aspergillus
[B] Cytoplasm of Chlorella
[C] Capsule of a moss
[D] Pollen tube of Pinus
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112.Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is
[A] Collar-shaped
[B] Cup-shaped
[C] Stellate-shaped
[D] Spiral
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113.Chloroplast of Ulothrix is
[A] Ribbon shaped and spirally coiled
[B] Laminate
[C] Stellate
[D] Girdle shaped
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114.After fertilization the zygote of a seed plant becomes
[A] Fruit
[B] Embryo
[C] Seed
[D] Ovule
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115.A pine seed has cotyledons and tissue from the ______.
[A] Male gametophyte
[B] Female gametophyte
[C] Megasporangium
[D] pollen grain
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116.A prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing symbiont found in
[A] Pisum
[B] Alnus
[C] Cycas
[D] Cicer
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117.Algae having oil as reserve food belongs to
[A] Xanthophyceae
[B] Rhodophyceae
[C] Chlorophyceae
[D] Phaeophyceae
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118.Antheridia and Archegonia are sex organs of
[A] Moss
[B] Mucor
[C] Spirogyra
[D] Puccinia
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119.Archegoniophore is found in
[A] Funaria
[B] Marchantia
[C] Chara
[D] Adiantum
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120.A fresh water green alga, rich in protein is
[A] Ulothrix
[B] Chlorella
[C] Chlamydomonas
[D] Spirogyra

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