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School of Information & Communication Technology

Trimester 2, 2018
Assignment - Planning Document
Project Management

The Assignment - Planning Document Project Management is worth 25% of

the total marks and is due on Friday 10 August.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts of
planning and project management that we have covered in this course, to a practical

Your task in brief:

• You are required to propose and design an information system for a business. The
business that you design the information system for is of your own choosing.
• The information system you propose should be of small to medium size/complexity.
• To design the proposed information system you will need to thoroughly analyse the
business and its requirements. Although the business is of your own choosing you
should design the system for an area that you have some interest/prior knowledge in;
or if you are already working you should consider an information system for the
company you work for. Familiarity with the business will make it easier to propose and
design a suitable information system.
• You cannot design the system for the same company that another student has
chosen, nor can you reproduce a design for an existing well-known company.
• You may work either as an individual or as a team of up to FOUR (4) people. If
you choose to work in a team, you must have worked with some of your team
members for at least TWO assessed workshop activities from Week 1 – Week 4
(unless you have been approved by the course convener).

Scenario and report requirements:

Imagine that you have been contracted by the company (or asked by the company you work
for) to develop an information system for AUD $50,000 (i.e., development cost). During
this part of the assignment, you will prepare a planning report, using the provided template,
for the proposed system.
Your planning report must (i) use the template provided on L@G under assessment menu (ii)
be no more than 3800 words and (iii) must address each of the following components:

(1) Identify the Problem – Provide a system vision document that outlines the problem
description, system capabilities, and the expected business benefits (maximum 500
words). (1+2+2=5 Marks)
(2) Quantify Project Approval Factors – Complete the following tasks (maximum 700
a) Provide a table with a breakdown of the estimated time for project completion.
(subsystems + functional requirements + iterations required + time
estimates=3+3+2+2=10 Marks)

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b) Provide a table with a summary of the development costs (remember that you
are given only AUD $50,000 as development cost) for the project and system.
You must identify the expense categories and justify them. (categories + amount +
justifications=2+1+2=5 Marks)
c) Provide a table with a summary of the estimated annual operating costs (use
Australian dollars). You must identify the expense categories and justify them.
(categories + amount + justifications=2+1+2=5 Marks)
(3) Undertake a cost/benefit analysis – Complete the following tasks (maximum 700
a) Describe the anticipated benefits from the deployment of the new system
(outline tangible and intangible benefits). (2 Marks)
b) Provide a table with a summary of estimated annual benefits. (2 Marks)
c) Conduct the cost-benefit analysis of the new system and calculate payback
period and return on investment (ROI). (Analysis/calculations + payback period +
ROI = 4 +1+1=6 Marks)
(4) Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis – Complete the following tasks (maximum
700 words):
a) Determine organisational risks and feasibility. (2 Marks)
b) Evaluate technological risks and feasibility. (2 Marks)
c) Assess resource risks and feasibility. (2 Marks)
d) Identify schedule risks and feasibility. (2 Marks)
(5) Establish the Project Environment – Complete the following tasks (maximum 700
a) Provide a table outlining information that will be captured during system
development, the tools and software that will be used to develop the system, and
outline who can update / view the information. Provide justifications for each
category. (Information Captured + Tools + Who Can update/view=2+2+1=5 Marks)
b) Describe the work environment. Provide justifications for each category.
(hardware +software + support staff=2+2+1=5 Marks)
c) Describe the processes and procedures that will be used. Provide justifications
for each category.
Control=2+2+2+2+2=10 Marks)
(6) Schedule the Work – Complete the following tasks (maximum 500 words):
a) Provide a work breakdown structure (WBS) for one (1) of the subsystems.
Identify the tasks, durations and predecessors. (2+2+2=6 Marks)
b) Provide a Gantt chart showing the WBS project activities timeline. You
must use Microsoft Project and provide a screen capture. Make sure that you
properly identify the critical path. (6+3=9 Marks)

Also Include a Time Log as an appendix to the report

You must also submit as an appendix to the report, a time log for all time spent on this
report. The time log does not contribute to the word count on the report. The time log
can be completed using a Google Doc or Excel Spreadsheet. It should clearly

How long each of you were working on this report, and when. If you were
working on the report together in the same location, indicate this clearly.
For each such interval recorded in the log, what particular section of the report
you were working on.

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If your group members are not doing their share of the work, and this cannot be
resolved, please contact the primary convener. We will act by adjusting marks if
somebody is not doing their share of work.

Marking Criteria. Please refer to the above specific questions, and address them in
your report. The mark weightings are as follows:

Planning Document Questions Max. word-limit Marks

Identify the Problem 1 500 5 (1.6%)
Quantify Project Approval Factors 2 700 20 (6.4%)
Undertake a cost/benefit analysis 3 700 10 (3.2%)
Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis 4 700 8 (2.6%)
Establish the Project Environment 5 700 20 (6.4%)
Schedule the Work 6 500 15(4.8%)
Total 3,800 78 (25%)

Mark deductions (after):

Demerit areas Marks
Not using the report template (1802ICT-Foundations of Systems Development -3%
Report Template.doc)
Not writing Report Title, Student name, Student Number, etc. at the first page -1%
Not writing the Executive Summary -1%
Not writing the Introduction section -1%
Exceeding the maximum word-limit - 2%
Not attaching time log (must be added in the Appendix section of the report) -2%


• Report Template: Students must use the report template, uploaded at the
Assessment page, to submit this Assignment. Information regarding mark distribution,
word-limit, etc. in the template file is for the whole assignment.
• Word-limit: The maximum word-limit will be strictly applied. The marker can deduct
marks for writing over this word-limit. So, make sure your answer to each question is
within the given word-limit. There is no maximum word-limit applicable for Title,
Executive Summary and Introduction sections.
• Start early & submit on-time: Avoid any pitfalls that may arise due to late start.
Thus, start your assignment as soon as possible to submit on-time. For late
submissions, the standard assessment submission policy will be applied (see the course
• Appendix: You may add an appendix and put screen shots of your calculations as
evidence for certain answers. Appendices do not contribute to the word count of the
• Reference: You may add a reference section and include any references, including
publications (literature, books, etc.), which you want to refer to support you answers.
• Consultation: You will have the opportunity to show your assignment draft to your
tutors in workshops/labs. A number of assignment consultation slots will be
organised; just follow the announcements from the course convenor.
• Contact: Please contact the course convenor if you have any issues or confusions.

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