Universidad Nacional Del Callao Centro de Idiomas "Ciunac" Practice 3 Basic 5 Open Mind UNIT 1-2

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FULL NAME:………………………………………………… DATE: …………….. Score

TEACHER’S NAME:………………………………………………………………...

I. LISTENING (40 points)

A. Listen to Track 01 and complete the text with the correct word in the box. (14 p.)

valuable issues stay grew variety

born natives comes certain
sociable through each extremely watch

OK, class. You all were …………… near the end of the 20th Century, so you are part of the
generation called the Millennials. In general, ………………. generation has …………………
characteristics. The main characteristic of Millennials is that you ………………….. up with
technology, so you are what we call “technology …………………”. You tend to be multicultural
and interested in global ………………, and you are connected to people all around the world
……………… social networks.
Millennials are …………………… self-confident. You feel that your opinions are
……………………., and you want to participate in decisions in your job. Most Millennials want
to get a ………………… of work experience, so you usually don’t ……………… in one job for a
long time. Because Millennials are very ………………………., many of you prefer working in
groups or teams. But …………………. out, Millennials! Here ………………….. the post-
Millennial generation – people born after the year 2000!

B. Listen to Track 8 and complete the dialogue with the correct words in the box. (11 p.)

dull awesome view writer fascinating

kind world about looking interesting sideways
MEG: Hey, Lauren. I want to tell you about this ……………………… book I’m reading
right now. It’s amazing! I think you would really enjoy it.
LAUREN: What is it? I’m ………………. for a new book to read right now.
MEG: Well, here’s a good one for you. It’s called The Art of Looking ……………… by
Alan Fletcher. It’s one of the most ……………………. books I’ve read all year. I
think he’s a really good …………………...
LAUREN: Oh, yeah, I already know …………….. that book. Do you really like it? I read it
last year. But I thought it was pretty ………………... Actually, I didn’t finish it.
MEG: Really? I think it’s great. It’s making me look at the …………………. differently,
you know, think about things from different points of ……………….
LAUREN: Well, I suppose some of the ideas were quite ………………….., but it’s not the
…………………. of book I usually read. I thought it was pretty strange. I prefer
good stories like mysteries or romance!

C. Listen to Track 9 and order the five opinions (15 p.)

1. good / Sun / Brown / book / but / as / wasn’t / thought / Cecile / it / I / Dancers / as / the / was /
by / OK

2. 25 / me / I / first / the / interest / It / read / didn’t / only / pages / just


3. exciting / lot / enjoyed / Girl / it / Yes, / was / The / than / a / I / It / more / Flower

4. better / thought / excellent / book / It / was / it / I / first / was / her / than


5. novels / I / nonfiction / really / prefer / don’t / stories / like / I / and


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